The Huron Signal, 1883-12-28, Page 1n VII T t ki NTY NEWS
111WelfelelleTH YKkR.t •
dell.18 NUMBER :Me
61.50 L YEAR IN ADVAMIllas
- - •
Ye ivied rentsesseets Tells Week.
Nut John Vienne.
Note, -Jobe Verve,. QIII &GER & LEWIS, BA RRISTERS,ehleVII6111•106 Ye. takln motes.
epee -Peter Adamson. S.J Godericb. An' faith he'll preat
eilete. n Card -Alex. esuaders. L. 911.14eEk, JA J. A. Mostepe. I •
Floseittleiets -Jonas Vick.
Oard-Thos. MoGillicaldy. . ptit itir,41""644 tn..
-111101,4 IV' "ii Ask for the -Solid Comfort" or "Olivetti,'
- -
• • dreg. u i ler • r kr SEWS beaded,.
....e OlLsejtiot :del seuere sei1 Meet Eletleeleh cigar.
Dentistry. to a reds of Merest.
NEWS ABOUT HOME. 11. Holmes and family of Thedford,
are st the "old folks," un East•st., for
the Christmas season.
Alcs. Roe* is how for the holiday&
He had a long journey from his place, of
residence in the States.
Lices*Witrattriti atilt
the People's Column.
kgrocIsn-ALW.DrifG DOOR -
LEY tease co west-st. The 'weer
lievvvelltarary =Peril end PeVial
tat al et this seas
‘.K oast W &eel i• • Commiesid Roe
erefteseaAmes ee tildeddee. IOW
A g:11
PlAttiO *It BALE--
Outaves ; sue &dLd Coal
feternalre mid memo Enquire
Tbe esiimaert timear et the
trireme, te Me las
reiertimplesh Jrgemey sand
a.m. Zama Attansow. Bea.
to give
• County
I have
ie right,
ire nem -
or tract
Toddy of
7. of On -
half of
e fourth
M orrbi.
of laid.
he Court
-k, noon.
r. Huron.
et street
meet sit
sing sub
we, wish
screi. no
nw under
n niece
as out the
tet abler
ICT, &a
at., Oak
of dos Wed Rkilog of
will be beet in
Home, Goderice. ea Wednesday.
ISSe, at lee • Mock p.m. tor the par -
nee spEsb re912;rioll:
Mecum: Sod fer
the ensale4=sted beelmes.
NOT/CZ t ' W.
The anailia a tes ceetestell MIN&
will be held ea 1101111e5
Nfirlr, .raiggersitey. tar, Idle INA es SIM .0.' Mlas reseorte, of Woodbines,
Resget.. MIA ANIMA within vat.... rods aed seem
Sodencie J. T. ellirrosAU= in
Caul"' HOLT & CAMZROIff,
aseeseich aallimingl‘weet. 11.43:Sti* S.
liolthre.Goom. . Me
likagleaea , ,17111.
le OTYCZ DIMIREEY ofkrirs fuer
....• tipple:sies will be made to die lesigiser
Its next set 01 Pariesseset. the
authorise the S Covert se Jui
Uwe emeniblrofstairevides ef Oureene. et
tannin°. to admt hen Robseess Maw et
elie Twee of Goderieb. le the Comm et t
rote lawistedenetillasoiteMe es s
Hotter epos hie the etemiel ra-
tion, prescribed Lew Ille.
Dated/at Godsrloh, 1,
Nov.. 11th.1883. 1 MPS
Jae Saunders k Bon waste lee bushels ot
dill &Pelee (two bandred) Mee end Joky, be
Lizin now and Jany 13tb. ISM. They pay 1 Voting for school trustee will take
'place on 1Yedneaday next in St. David's
Thetorearo flocking Mete for the hoildaes. and 81 Patrick's ward,
isms, of thesis are 411111Ing smelts pope-
hietapher O. Rebus. scree eig Mr. Abraham Smith returns! before
ilwares. no pleases Outshine& He is still suffering (rota
Onse ev the year Me ketoe-
tante se sell Wish to return drake to my "DM adrectio. of the ankle -
tor 'hat, pair001410is , of A Christmas tree will be furnished
Iirrwills7Dis= 7" .°"""r7 "W with te for the children of St.
rt pr. want • itrudans ashlar% or cord 0 .11 8. S. this afternoon.
will hem comelet Year awn Jou*** Geo. Hudson returned from Wiarton
at R. Bellowei studio. corner st
asd Qat squirm where sesisest. et speed the Chrieitmas holidays with his
era be gives Mersey inateftes. aunt, Kra. Charles Ferguson.
Are=iteay hied leanness et will Elide
Hattie Price left yesterday for Belle -
ma eau ea the eteemet market prim Tied to pursue her musical studies, and
=rm.. siss,„."11=ssis.411 141 8-0:422•1% at 8' .*pec ep to be away six months.
Wads Deem Mestere te the town Trot) W. Savage. of Buffalo, and
e I/tauten aut wish • family, are spendin4the holidays here,
0=00,1118:IL goests of Capt. oGregor.
their Seed fle Miss Ada Fisher has returned from
"In" nr. it= 1. "tella=r: Aline College, St. Thome& to spend the
daring tee tan mid
erode holidays on the old homestead.s.
The remains of the late Miss Maggie
Cline. were taken to Stratford for inter-
ment on Christmas Eve.
mitt: pass= r a I I t
Ile est se Mrs. Garin Struthers spent Christmas
mem at Exeter with her scoon•law, Harry
e glean Refeen.
Mee to see rem este= Cowan. et -editor of the R•Viectur.
Jahn McGillivray preached in Knox
Covina ow lienos t By virtu ot • Writ ot loseleme et glibber
ot Her Melestre County Coen st the tauftty
TO_ _ten : _ f Fled Perim LIMON me ?„:41.110,11114 1. leek eet Folir
Mem Is litimm tee elleemeher. ea 'berth on Sunday evening. He nude a
good impression npun his hearers.
of Middiesee end to me detected sad deh •
James Reid. returned 1 n,m Buffalo,
ed int the Leeds sad Tema:1mM at JO N
Id NWARRINO. at tee Pillt id RIC traiorttelratorrow= m0000tpon led by his friend, Samuel Glen,
aic *1001.04
l lifiiIrr, et/e. inuinseltkee:diaseldty of 4iiseke. dreedftg emt w0.osese as
die above rimed defendeet..i meal jr.ra......wklTh.... . ...4 et ssek
imartaAnzetive, is oat to the feel give Mem A ma *nee assae-
irtit---Twe acres sineme UMW Mellen.'
et t=si a parroralatairdire. le the South
ocmotersice of Me Toweekip sit Oligie. Wu. MoLoso is bore for tho
Erbill,`"age county or Hiroo, troowu sr wilder.
• W. Holiness is spending Christman, in
elect o sat for the *tithe Soutb aasgeosof meld farm
Secretary. wait
and the TownisZie;not tellsanalertile theU0ounraety
Peed. si rods. and :teed' back
year. Mb*, Itedeses. sallteneeteree h•Vg • r. the
1-.7 (ATACAMA 60 1060 &If. IMO OUS0111410 et
shingles -Ne 1 pine. Nos. 1 end cedar.
A bargain ts purchasers. JOSEPH KIDD,
International milt west**, Goderieh. 1.010-tf
- ' will psy the kitting peen in Oash ter
eDsta at tele market. Wore hems in trent et
•-°"' the masktg. • ••
W. eeronAC11.
Z TO DEBTOR,Roloyrtays eus
bereb given that all perdes indebted to
rood by Mee or book actieuut are
the the same at once and there-
coUeetion. 1 mem butte
itsomrra Ism
be seer an ea
nese AB
Tor Sale or to Let.
▪ cottage oa Anglesea .treet, Goderich.
containing 8 r ents and Wel. woodshed. tome
and a good stocked vete *boleti fruit
Will be sold lt • bean. ANA, to
'HYSLOP, on the preuilms, before December
1st. 11117-3t.
• tbe 'Own Goderich. For pavtleulars
Barristers. Goderich. 19I7 -4t
DEN for side. The above property is
within one mesa the market muerte being
part of lot 3. concession 1. Goderich township,
containing II acres of rood garden ironed.
It has on it s good frame house and barn with
other consenienose. Good orchard of fted
frnit. AWy 10 8. WOODOOCK. Estete
Agent. Hamilton street. 1•16-3m.
Lot tio. 5, in the Bayfield con. toweisblp
of Goderioh, 85 .,ores, di to 80 sores cleared and
free from stumps -Mimeo well timbered. has
frontage on Barfield river and on the Clinton
rose, and adjoIes the incorporsted village of
Hayfield. For terms -further particulers and
.-onditions of sale apply to LEITH, KING -
STONE ARMOUR. Solicitors. le King
*treed West Toronto. Or to John Mimi
Hotel keeper, Beetled, 1
gib flIPAbitern or shame rod: disace of
Leeds ead a
=tem format:eat sai ,odieehineatahue=
Rouse, la the Tows oe monism , on SATUR-
CEMBER, IS* at tbe bear of Twelve of dem
elect. nese.
Roneux eraeoris,
fliortiro Glos.
September Idle Mt 190ee1
Mre. Jessup returned from Bay City
hot wook.
.1. 1. Proudfoot, 01 Dakota, is home
on a visit.
Major Crane is keeping up his stock of
aboien birds.
Sandford Stokes was able to take his
Sheriff, Huron.
Cin" os
Kiss Kate aware arrived. hoeh !from
oe Frida
biltoos attack again.
Godsend town council wil
this (Friday) evening. - -
C. A. Humber is in Peterbore. He
will rennin in January.
Patrick Carroll, of Seaforth, Vent
Christmas day in town.
Miss Aggie Dickson, of Exeter, arrived
Oppodte Bailers Hotel, Hamilton street, God-
home on Saturday hut.
erich 170.-n Mrs. Whitney, of Seaforth, is the
DR. McLEA.N, PHYSICIAN, SUR- guest of Goderich friend.
AL/ G1CON, Coroner kc. Office and residence Mrs. W. T. Welsh is spending the -
Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Christmas holidays st Buffalo,
Street. 1751.
T • B. if EfITELT, 111E.D.,U. WEAR, Burgoon, Aeoeneheur, etc, W.
42.8.., Ontario. Or -.This Square, 1 dsz
Mem of Wilson'? Drug Store. up stairs.
easterly tia acres of block lettered -0'," in
tee 7th Copmesion of the Township ial cot -
borne. About 860? 90 acres are cleared. The
growing timber consists of maple. beech
end elm. A frame house. a burgs frame born
and 'table are on the premises. Fenotii good.
Only four miles from Opderich by • good
BRECKENRIDGE, Goderich, or to SSA
vel road. roc particulars apply to .1 78
MORTON. Solleitore. Godorlob. 1
ABLE Mime house on South street is
Inc rent by tbe subscriber. It comities eight
rooms. In addlden to kitchen, peony and bed-
room. and Is leseeeeesd 01 Reconvenience
in the shape of rod ostler, sine Mt wat-
er. woodshetle, Two-Sfthe acre of
land are adJoineeg the home. epee which are
number of brig fruit tress. Terms rear
amble. Apply to ONO. MGM ARON, Gofer
rich. Held
W. IAN, SU e.GEON, ice, Graduate of Tor
oats Univerdty. Licentiate ot the Royal Col-
l*. of Persistent*. London, llegkeed. do., Ike.,
X. C. P. 8., Goterio. Ofilce and residence
beautiful brick residence occupied by
Mr Rine, and formerty (-recopied by Mr. B.
Meleotneon, at the heed of Newest. street.
Pomeseion gives in Odeber. For particulars
apply to the owser, J. BRJECKCNRIDOS.
NOV'S*** street node -4W ISM
•.1 TIONI Aid
. wow. Poierlok.
treparleftee is
with le a perm to
melt le say at
. 0.S5501047 etteediell to.
Omen Aswetessese UMW
6-1-• elan. Surgeon and Accoucher. Graduate
of Toronto UaMerslty. Otliceoppoeite ('amer
-on it Cameron's Bank. Lucknow. 11 not In
°63o.. enquire at the Bonk. 1762-7.
Payalciens, Surgeons. Accoudiers,
Aloe at Dr. Shaanon's residence, sear the
grol Goderieh. O. C. 811•NNON, J. C. BAMIL-
TOS 1761.
to J,S,47=
St. David's Ward.
At the request of • number of electors
I have allowed myself to be nominated tor the
position of Sehool Trustee for St David's
treed. and I trust thet the electors will see et
togive me their hearty support If elected 1
will give every endeavor to advance the edu-
cational interests of thei ward. at the School
Board. I remain your Obt. Servant,
Goderieh, Nov. Mb, MM. 1923-1t
*, TIDY* llbores. baw•
Ie. sr seat irt .
vi W. IA?, A170170r11 !OR
del Illerest. les encoded
*,,Il et • ceentr Al res• err tot
Sebool Trustee
St. Patrick's Ward.
Having been waited upon by a delegation of
electors 01 1111! mud. and requested to stand as
a candidate for !school trustee for At. Patrick's
ward. 1 Consider it my ditty to do so. I
lave long taken • due interest In matters
educational. sod, if will do toy twos
to faithfully work In tee Intenet a tee rate-
payers and the rising gAnArst.1011. I regret
dist tee alae at my disposal will sot permit
me to visit at the election parsimony. but I
trust that all will severe ten settee se • 160610i-
tation of their votes and infineftee. I aut.
Yours Trete
Mrs. Lucius Carey is spending Christ-
mas with her sons in Winnipeg.
Patrick Carroll and family have re.
moved to St. David's street, town.
Mr. and Mn. Graeme Cameron are
spending their holidays in Toronto.
John Robertson, B.A., ate his Christ-
mas turkey under the parental roof.
Miss Stron then has accepted* situation
as teacher in the public school, Hay.
1). McDonald, of Goderieh, Cleric of
the Crown for the County of Huron, at•
tended the tonerel of his father, the late
Wnald McDonald, Stanley, which took
pace on Tuesday. Tho deceased gentle-
man was oue of the pioneers of that
township,and died full of years and hon-
ors at the ripe old age of 87 years and 11
A pleasing entertainment is promised
all who will attend Knox church this
evening. The scholars of the Sunday
*hoot will offer a good programme, of
recitations, dialogues, solos, choruses,
etc. A collection will be taken up, to
pay for Sunday sohool periodicals.
Young and old will doubtless throng
Knox church to -night.
The report of Phtl. Reeves, death was
untrue. The old gentleman is still alive,
with the prospect of being about soon.
The relatives of the sick man naturally
felt palmed at the report of his demise.
The rumor prorated at the time we went
to pre* last week, and hence its appear-
ance in print. Lord Brougham one
read his own obituary notice.
H. S. McLean, Late principal of Luck -
now Public School, has been engaged as
an assistant in the Clinton High School.
Salary WO. Before leaving Lucknow
he was presented with an address and a
copy of Chamber's Encyclopedia by n
number of members of St. Andrew's
Church, Inc which he has long acted as
precentor. Mr. McLean was ono of the
applicants for the position of teacher of
Goderich Model School.
Christmas was celebrated at St.
George's church by divine service in the
to spethe holidays at meriting. The church was neatly deem,
ed his borne.
missids strsnbei who has for som. ated with evergreens, and the following
years past taught aPhoebe-st emusic was beautifully rendered : -
t chos,'
Vaarrit-o. A. Macfarron in A.
Toronto, is home for the holidays. Tit DWII-fitegiall In A.
Capt. jiimem panimu hiss ceturnsa, icuysitial Dirs.;-Jackson in 1.
'He reports that terrible storms were en- Aterigtesefe•AriZiaanr1 Ailiiianare,:' Isaiah LX. 1.9.3,
countered on Teske Erie by his crew. By Geo..1. Eivey.
HTIAT48:-”christuni_kwalte" tune ateciewe,
R W. McKenzie returned from the -Adeste Fideles." "Hark the Herald Angela
North-west on Friday. He looks rugged Silgr Mewitelevehte
Muir bit season's work on the prairie W. R. Miller, who for a nuniber of
farni. years principal of Goderich model
Miss Mary Roberson, late teacher of school, has been appointed general agent
Zprioh, will attend the Normal School of the North Amerman Auuranee cum -
after the holidays, which she is spending piny. Mr. Miller has been an efficient
at home teacher, and we expect that h. will bring
leek Prost gerrynxiindsiecl a number the same steady purpose and painstaking
°riser storekeepers -we the display ot spirit into his new sailing We are
Mistime goods in- thei;r--.erindows ot. sopnrgoto loschool, but trust thlit in his new
se his services as head of our
on 006mi-A _Epic libr4x.A). T. yin profusion he will be as successful as itt
ReStiARy night: .
theold. Mr. Miller will be • therunetly
las" os Tt1164daY44 Ihateldir faila on vet; ble ageat.
New Years day, but will meet on Wed-
nasday 2nd of Jan.
S. Chilton, American Consul at this port,
Capt. A. Sheppard, of the propeller the other day showed us a relic of the
Northeiner, returned home for the win- great Sootch poet. Mr. 'Chilton's father
ter last week. me Northerner is win- was a personal friend of Roberts, the en-
tering at Ogdensburg. graver, who helped to illustrate the
The Saturday nighttrain brought three poets books, and from him received the
coaches of "Christmas visitors" along the pair of sleeve•buttons so long worn by
line of the Buffalo & Lake Huron. Goole- the bard, and which had been given to
rich had its full share. Roberta, by Bums. Mr. -Chilton, who is
Miss Came Chilton, who has been himself a graceful poet, treasures the pair
attending Loretta Convent school, of quaint sleeve buttons as a valuable re -
Guelph, returned to her home here for lic of Scotland's favorite poet.
the Christmas holidays. Caeurruas CROSS. -Notwithstanding
Miss Ralph's S. S. class last week pro- the very stormy weather on Friday even-
sented her with a pretty album. Miss ing last, there was a good attendance at
Ralph is about to remove to s wheel in the M. E. Church S. S. Christmas cross
the northern part of the county. entertainment. The affair opened with
a gathering in the basement, when •
A large rariety of plain and fancy
number of dialogues, recitations, etc.,
visiting cards, suitable fur New Year
interspersed with music, were given.
gifts, printed neatly and cheaply at THC
The programme was nicely rendered, and
SIGNAL office. Call and see them.
well reeeived. The audience tants ad-
journed to the main body of the church,
where the Christmas croas, covered by
evergreens, and laden with choice gifts
for young and old, was presented. The
effeet was pretty. The entertainment
will be long remembered by the children
of the M. E. Sunday school.
Loftus Dancey, barrister, of Seatorth,
Knox church S. S, entertainment to -
I ate his Chriumae dinner under the old
night ought to be largely patronized. roof t...
ree. We understand that Mr.
John Doyle, son of Jam* Doy)e, is
home again, taking in the holiday Bea-
Mr. and Mrs, Crassweller, of Picker.
ing are spending the Christmas relation
D. K. McGillivray, of Glengarry, was
the guest of Rev. A. McGillivray last
week. •
Mr. and Mrs. R.. Miller of Manchester
are spending their Xmas. vacation in
Miss Ada Jenkins, teacher, is enjoying
her holidays at home on Waterloo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rattenbury, of
Clinton, spent Sunday with relatives
in town.
Mr. and Mn. W. J. Whitley, of Chi-
cago, are visiting friends in and around
J. R. Moore, teacher, and family, 01
&Mord, are spending the holidays in
$50,000 TO LOAN AT 43 PER
are prepared to deal mewl steps, met- mg -
al& Mat reedy. so
es Ilreideee ben osoortt.
A•07 t5
CA0..NINA a c.idaRow.
Ammo tee Mr Tereeielt=treese""M.
Moore reemssess, Wee & CA11111100 baTO
Zee= ge 41IX 4111 Ards to lees
ebrIerlek ow a. OIL Met/
Semi. 0ibson, of Waterloo county, is
the guest of his father, Capt. Gibson,
Herm road.
Neil M. Richardson and Miss Kate
Richardson, of Morris, are visiting
friends in town. petual motion yet, yet his revolving
Dr. Ryerson, oculist and &twist, will skate stand in W. R. McKenzie's windpw
be at Stratford nu, Saturday, geth inae , is a thing of attraction to young and old.
t* eossultatine. Bob. has a faculty of making an attrac-
The Ilereare. have, bought the nye window that few hardware clerks
farm on the Bay= road lately owned
by S. tieurnsiller. exhibit
Miss Lit Me(lr.gor. daughter of
The peptls of Miss Carneroa's R. S.
dim remartty promoted her with a neat
littie writing desk.
John Sawyer of Melton, spent Christ. trampt upon her. cutting her hood.
Dancey hes a good practice in Seaforth.
MajorDan Allan, of Toronto, spent
Christmas with the "old folks at home."
The Major is as genial as ever, and is
thoroughly posted on Provincial affairs
Mr. A. Miller, merchant, of Jefferson
ave., Detroit, accompanied by his
wire and brother-in-law, Mr. Abe Mor-
rison, are spending the holidays with
Goderich-relat i res.
Mui. Kate Dutton, of Stratford, after
a visit to Goderich of about six week's
duration, returned home on Friday.
The clear, bracing air of Goderich was
much enjoyed by her.
Donald McGillivray, M.A., classiest
master at Brantford collegiate institute,
anived an Wednesday last to spend New
Years with the old folks at home His
brother Neil returned home the day be-
fore, from Cooksville.
WCDDIFO CARDA.-We would intiMlitif
to those who intend investing in Hy-
men's bonds that we have received a
stock of tine wedding cards and invite-
ticns, with nr without gilt edges. We
will print them cheaply at Tea SIOIIAL
Bob. Wilkinson hasn't discovered per -
Wilder M regor, a harrow escape
from serious injury on Saturday. While
riding nn sleigh on Hamilton street,
she slip of, and • passing horse
gold hues niters actittz, alongside of
which is an illuminated border 14 inches
in Width,8 feet higb,with paesion dowers,
painted, the whole rooting on a nett
brown byte with a decoratiug rife darker
pattern The harmony of colors and
manipulation would bashed exoeL
The whole design is elegant, and pleasing
to the cyu, the execution being well
worthy of the conception. W.e congratu-
late the congregation on securing the
services of Mr. Clucas,who has added en
much to the slopes rano, et their beautiful
John Clarke. aged 36 years, was
rought to Goderich on Friday from
Wingham from whence he been sent
down a charge of vagrancy Tne
poor wretch was unfit to travel, mut
died the following day in gaol. Coroner
McLean held an inquest on the body on
Saturday, and the jury brought. iu a
verdict to the edltot that the deceased
cisme te his ueath from cerebral congee-
thin, due to alcoholic stimulants and
exposure. The jury also condemned the
action, of the magistrates who sent hica
to gaol in. so weak a condition in such
inclement weather, and without any
medical assistance. The constable and
the gaol authorities were kind in their
treatment of the unfortunate MAIL -
A roil pleasing entertainment wound
up the sirsininatton of St. Andrew's ward
school on Friday afternoon last. A
number of reaitations, readings. songs, .
choruses, etc., teens given by the pupils
in good style. Mies 111-3Kenaie, senior
teacher, presided at the organ. A large
number of ladies were present, notwith-
standing the inclement weather. At the
close the exatnination, addresses wens
delivered by. John Batter and T. IrIc(iiil-
licuddy. The opeakers paid deserved
compliments to bliss McKenzie aid Mise
Ralph fur their splendid handlingof the
children during the year. Some exceed-
ingly pretty gifts were given the tame-
ers by their affectionate scholars. A.
number of the scholars aasembled at the
station on Saturday to bid a taunt fare-
well to bliss MoKenzie.
Tho litaynes. Sun speaking oh the
Reform victory in West Simone so
"Amid the general rejoicing overlbe
victory we must not forget to give ue
credit -to the gentlemen front otherrid-
ingswho rendered us auch valuable assist-
ance Amongst these special -niention
must be made cf C. Seager, Esq., Bar-
rister, of Ooderioh, who introduced
something like system into the organisa-
tion of Nott.awase.", the battle Field of
the riding, and who mut indefatigable in
his exertions to bring tont the Liberal
vote until the close of the poll ; and J.
D. Campbell, Esq., of Vankleek Hill,
"the 'smooth hoedman," whose coming
excited so much alarm in the Tory
breast. Besides these gentloinen, the
West Simeosi Liberals are also iodebted
to Masers. Awrey, M.PP., W. T. R,
Preston. J. A. Proctor, D. D. Hay,
Ex-M.PP., Joseph Tait, Peter Ityan
and Hulh O'Lsary for valuable assist-
snails, brighter and better than ever;
the cover alone with its delicate tinted
background lad its dish of gracefully
arranged flowers, would entitle to a
permanent place in every home. The
book contains throe beautiful colored
plates, is fall of illuatrations, printed on
the best of paper. and is filled with just
*uch information as is required by the
gardener, the farmer, those growing
plants, and every one needing seeds or
plants. The price, only ton oents, tan
be deducted from the first order sent for
goods All parties any way interested
in this subject should send at once to
James Vick. Rochester, N. Y., (pr the
Floral Guide.
Ma in 1.41r5t "t his gmtsrlbsif burse Fortunately only s scalp wound was
agein. "Pahliee." made.
8. P. Han, the high school, 14, " K. Williams, who hos Inc so Fong
esturtkay for chime. b" 11'"^Q" bead a position in the Bask Conneeres
in the Plionsix dry. 'al Goderioh, hu, we are pleased to leans,
Attire. Whitely. of Distrait, Open t boos appointed lneal agent, in room of
the Christmas howlers at MS boom. Hon. A. M. Roos, whn retired when he
Owderich Township. was soiled to the Treasurership (4 On -
Mr Jamieson late of India, and tooth taro Mr. Williams has heel a geed
a a aka . alSel we have every
Archie Mackay the talented young
city *elicitor of &worsen, Man., is in
town on a visit. He believes the greet
Northwest is fell of posstbilitim, and is
of opinion that great future lies before Their mutton was fat, on(h their beef wee
it. He ea s the coldest snaps he ex- among the.cheicest offered. They In&do
an excelliseut show of tat spesio‘ end bet
turkeys, and their lid eonpriaed
prize suck. Some trash venison wee
also oaforso3. The entire display was of
a nos* tempting kind, and very favor-
able otertmente were made upon the. en
A eplendel display by son 'flown detelle
During the past week our butchers
have been showing some excellent etude.
The beef and muttdn on exhibition boa
been remarkably good, and such a dee-
play of trig geese, turkeys, etc., was nev-
er before rowle. We append a brdef
description of -the exhibit made bp our
butchers in their shops for Chretmas
made a good show of fat meats, age. , an
he is generally on the lookout fee fleet -
class stock.
stock of Christmas meats was 1.1anione
which were a very tine Symillee bred
two year old heifer, weighing 1,200 lbs.,
taking lst prize at the Chrenntas‘show,
fed and raised by Gordon Young, Col-
born.; a fine thorouglaired Durhamh.if.r,
heifer, fed by Mr. McBriale,.Ceirlow, and
a two year old steer, fed;by the same ;. a
fine four year old c tsr, fed by Joseph
Govier, Mullett ;' a c-:• weighing 1,000
lbs., fed by Gordon Ypung, and three
irst-clasa sheep, fed• by Mr. ilathitY.
Mullett, two of them taking ted and
3rd prizes at the Chgnktpor
aa sht. Mr.
Andrews' stock of beef was casef tho
finest yet shown. in Goderich.
This young firm made a ropotatioli 1%1
dealers in prune meats by their display.
perienced during the past two years was
when he arrived at Stratford on Christ-
mas and found he waa too lata to make
Goderich by train that evening. There
was an attraction at the end of the line,
and failing to int there. he felt as it
ice -water had been poured down his eollent quality a their chmarms show.
back. We can sympathise with Mr
o . I
Mackay, for n several railroads we have ;• •
had similar a:puniness, and -and -the $ 16414fTirk te be • Ilerher se Ernes"
days were very add, too, if we can .0- The following letter from the Deputy
member right. I Minister of Marine fully septum% iteelf
D.0011.ATIN(1 hire utlf ul Otlswa, 14th Pee. lO188.1.piece of art decorating has been somplet• - Sl, --L have to ackeowledge receipt of
ed this week in 784. George:a church your letter of the 18th cost , addressed
The decoration is deo* on gotic panel to the Minister ed ltanno, transmitting
measuring 8 feet by It fes& The re -dar-
ing and illumination ere exquisite The
mullion is filled in elsedleal brown, with
hoodor asp of 1044 grey, hacked with
o petition from the County Commit of
Huron. praytng that Government wilt
build and maintain • life-saving station
at (Indnrich harbor, and in rely 1 have
• border of dark Ian red The to inforni 7" that it le prat* le • life-
nen eoneaittai as emblem (4 the Trinity, saving station may be established at god -
(in irnt) MS a armee enlored ground pricli 1*011*03.
Ilekenteath a wreath of olive leaves I am,
Your obdt. esteem
JAIM1111 SELAILL. ARCHITECT, boo 4641. Ie.
J janonson.nna et, ona, basking *sport's's
01 a.. bees h from hie Rase renown ill believe die intorooto thea
employers, Indiie this week the hI the span -Mi is in erimenn illuminated
an se , awk will resume .,.t eefUterine'', t The Apostle s Creed is written in Chureli
'44 wort
imortof H Eloortla 'roost. h- hands
tett oe, meant ‘...lnrect ground wit'.
WK. Niro,
Dopy Minister Marin& elle