HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 8THE HU 1tO N .,IGN AL, r'1tIDAY DEC. 21, 1868. Alt • 5heppardten. Carlow. Miss hong and blies Lily Murrish visited Dunlop last week, and were the ; guests vf Mrs. James Jewel. to Goderich, which tipped the ' Plig b t 43 lbs , hut it can't beat his our teachers, Messrs. McClung and Niehaus'', are making pteparations for holding a Christmas tree and literary entertainment in the school house OD Christmaf eve. A very pleasant 'time is Gordlon Young has purchased the tifty acre lot owned by Charles Collison in the 1st conotresiou of West Wawalloali for 111821, mak. Tlioi ekes Mr. Young a 150 acre farm in a block. It is said te he an excellent term *as given in the township hall un Friday , of Mr. Strang and Miss Jones, teachers gramerie consisted of readingt, recitations and dialogues, iaterspersed with music, led jiy Mr. Foote, of Goderich. On the whIle, the pieces were well rendered, showing the great interest and trouble which had been taken iu their prepara- tion. A large number of the smaller pupils took an active part M the execu- tion of the programme. blasters Joseph Coates, Albert Ferguson and John Pre- cious, and Misses Ruby Robertsun,Josie Jones, Letitia Edward and Annie Cottle did their respective parts remarkably well. At the cline the pupils presented Mr. Strang with a large, handsome Bible, acconipaoied ,with the following Da• is TZACHER,—We, the pupils of your departure fmin amongst us, cannot allow yuu to sever your connection with us without some toksn of our apprecia- tion and the regard in which you are held by us. We have always found you a patient and painstaking Mealier, kind• ly, but firmly reproving our faults, and encouraging us by word and example, in the practice of good works. We learn with deep regret of your resignation here, but we hope that in your new field of Efforta are being put forth to organize a lodge of the Royal Templars of Tem- perance, at Grant's corners, 12th con. Ashfield, by the young men of the vicin- ity. This siep is a highly conmiendable one, end we blips it will meet with the very best of goomme. Temperance lodges are exoellent echoola for tree g the young in temperance principles ; and they aid in no MAO degree in hastening the time when that evil which is the bane of our nation and race shall be banished eur land. TEA -MEETING.- -A teanicetang in aid of parsonage fund sod Sunday school, was held here on the evening of Monday, Dec. 17th. After a splendid tea at the Orange hall, the gathering adjourned to the church, where addresses were deliv- ered by Rev. Messrs. Caswell, of Dun- gannon and Cusford, of Lucknew, and S. Yates, of Goderich. A reading was also given by Mr. McKibbon and • nscitation by Mc. Thos. Henderson. During the lamp ; Pulsar Sallow*, Bible ; Miss Magvie Coats. 1 knives and fora*: Miss Nellie Green, vase : Miss Mary Strung, due. egg cups. Mr. Authors, Black indulged 114 some sword exercise last Tuesday eirning. Ilia opponent Was • nimble. active youth. like Anthony him- self. but he had no weapon with which to &- lthe affray. Mr. C. Brown, who is agent for all kinds of machinery, is having an implement house erected on his property. Messrs- Ed and Nat C•swell are home on • Mr. W. McArthur, of P.O. store. exctes a consignment of oysters on Saturday Do Milo be ready for Christmas. There was • imam and faahionable fathering of the elite ot DLLogrannon at the Methodist, Lhurch on Wednesday evening Mat. The w- est/doe was the marriege ot Mr. Roben Hie - cocks, of Chicago. and Hr. W. !fickle. of New Mexico. N :Y.. tu the Mimes Minnie and Met- tle Caswell. respectively. daughters of Rev. J. Caswell, of this place. Mae Clara Berry. of Luuknow, presided at the organ. and played a wedding march as the prooession moved up the church aisle. The ceremony was perforui- ed by the brides' father. assisted by the Heti. Mr. Fisher. The bridesmaids were Ilies Kate CaewelL Mins Jacques and Mite 'Wood'''. and the groomsmen were Messrs. Zd. mad Nat. Caswell and Hsrry Bickle. The bridesmaids were dressed in cream and tbe arida" in cai- dinal silk. The bridegrooms were deemed in the orthodox black coat. etc. Ths brides were the recipients of a number of valuable pree- sets, of which the following. list gives • few : Silver eake basket. Mrs. Gundy ; sett silver knives and forks. J. M. Roberts, silver pickle stand, B. J. Crawford ; Silver castor end butter cooler. brothers of the brides; butter cooler. H. Blekle ; set china, Mrs. A. Pentland ; photo frames, Mrs. Roberts ; _napkin emit etra. Fisher ; napkin ring. H. Sickle; toilet Nett, Miss Minhie Hiscocks ; pickle dishes, W. Ma - cocks ; bread plates, Mrs. Chambers • Japan- ese cabinet, W. Berry ; perfume buld'er, Miss Clara Berry, etc.. etc. labor you may meet with as great success evening a number of excellent solos, choruses and duetts were sung by the in you have done with us. We beg members of the North street Methodist therefore,that you will accept this Bible, church choir, of Goderich, under the leadership of Mr. 8 P. Halls. The chair was occupied by Mr. Hetherington, the 8. S. superintendent. After clearing off the parsonage debt, a surplus of $17.00 was tomato be left in aid of the Saga school. a We have a little eleighing at last, 'Flier° is a grand chance for a good sheetnaker here. Messrs Farrow and Smith are biayin tip the Sit pork in this vicinity,and ship - pink it to Hamilton. We lose our old storekeeper H. D. fill/lterford at Now Years, and R. D. Cameron, our old teachereskes his place. We wish him success. Both parents' and c.hildrIfi seem to be well satisfied with our new toacher,G. M. Itie public school camped yesterday There will he an annual school meeting Rev. T..Ashley of the 9th Con. has lest two children through diphtheria. Remember the tes-ineetiag in luck_ not for its intrinsic value, but as a small token of our esteem, and as a mnmento uf the many happy and profitable hours we have spent together. Wishing you a merry Xmas and a happy New Year. We remain yuur affectionate pupil• Monne Baser, ETTA POTTER. Signed on behalf Of the school. Rev. J. Turnbull is conducting a series J. Cummings, the well-known archi- tect, is plying his trade in Ashtield just now. Our sick committee were on the hop last week administ.sring their compounds, but the tonic is the favorite remedy by a large majurity. The jovial face of Mr. Mellahon,fore- Man of the Intern&tional salt works, Ito test the length, and depth and width I of the racks that are on the caravans of sleighs daily hauling wood to the works. A number of the members of Londes- their Auburn brethren hue Monday evening. The visit will be returned A tea meeting in connection with the Methodist church will be held on Chriit- We had a complete change of minis- ters in the churches here on Sabbath laat. Rev. Mr. Davy preached in the Methodist church ; Rev. Mcgoeh, Wing - ham, in the Church of England ; and Rev. Mr, McLean, Blyth, in the Pres- byterian. The missionary services in the two former tveie well attended. A case in which a number of our vil- lagers are interested collies up for hear - lag at Smith's Hill to -day Friday). A Goderich cattle buyer is charged with feat driving over the Manchester bridge. A large tudience assembled in. the Methodist church on Thursday evening of last week, to how Rev. D. Morrimon lecture on Martin Luther. Rev. A. E. Smith, pastor, occupied the chair. The lecture was a very interesting one and much appreciated by those who heard it. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered the rev. gentleman. The church choir rendered some very fine music during the evening ; in fact we think they never did better. Clotterialt Township. The examination of S. S. No. 6, Gode- rich township, took place on Thursday under the direction ot the teacher, J. Regan, assisted by T. Henderson, of ber of visitors was present, including the trustee*, who eepressed themselves as highly pleased with the progress of the school. The school and grounds presented • neat appearance. as the trus- tees have recently been making great improvements. And they have also shown their appreciation of their teach- er, Mr. Regan, by re-engssing hen for the ensuing year. Easements:qr. — The examination of School Section Nr. 1. Goderich town- ship, T. Henderson, teacher. was held last Friday. The following teachers were present and assisted in conducting the examination, Mixers. Regan, Ho- gexth, and Henderson brother of the teacher. The class exercises were pleas - and tea sot ; Mrs. Geo. Moms. eet dish- I tine., as in tha r he is leaving. ingly inters with singing and reci- tations. Ateovu7dsixty visiters attended es • Mvvrs' Pritchar& JILP•ne" pitch"' ; I The board then adjourned. County nosed of Examiners. A regular meeting of the board was held in the County Clerk's office ; pre- sent, Messrs. Miller, Malloch, Halls, and Gregory. On motion ef Messrs, Malloch and Gregory, it was resolved that 60 per cent. of the aggregate marks o! the pro - Ila Mesaseliss. 1,0e her dews. the Puts 884 tlIF; Lay her down, the it.eek end owly, Underneath She sod. lu her spirit. rube of sweetness, She hita gone to God. te their silent. MI revemtrepi. Twined around their mem; lissome -like, her prelate anocatthei. sought thee, Mary. Mother. bending Low in gain or Ices. rawest flowers shell mown above her, Sweelmt-thruatedi birds shell hover ger her place of reel , While her body's gcest, immortal, From be_yosid 14e heavenly portal, shine* among the bleat ! RAT PORTAGE. COLBORNE BROTHER ARE GIVING GREAT BkligAINS Tbe Leas lifottaaated sit 1111100,01111. WINNIPZG, Dec. 17. --The most dims- trous conflagration that has yet visited Rat Portsege occurred there last night. About half -past eleven o'clock • tire broke out in the general store of Baker & The dames were fought heroic- ally, but the wind fret') the south very quickly blew them into the adjoining and although every exertion wee made bv the people, they saw that the side of the atreet up as far as Second street must go. The following am the buildings burned, commencing on the south end uf the west side of Main-st.:— try office occupied by James Weidman, fruit store ; Baker & Co., general store , Ki general store ; Meyers & Lill, Woodbine Hotel ; Kobold lima, butchers ; Mc- Dougall, shoes ; Thompson & Palmier, MeCsi thy's new building on the corner of Second street ; and J. K. Brydon's law office in the Masonic H dl building, up -stairs. TI a total loss will foot up to $100,000 or more. The goods, furniture, and fixings tam a third-class profession& eertihcate. in the different shops which were got out Mr. Miller submitted his reit ort of the have been terriblydarnaged. The denies examinations in the 'model schools. It subsided about three o'clock this morn - was receival and tiled. ing. This is the fourth extensive con- • Moved by Mr. Gregory, secmuded by dagration that has occurred in this town Mr. Halls, that Messrs. McKinley, within as many months. The gap made Struthers, Caldwell, Dunbar, Holmes, by the fire last night extends nearly two Hawkins, and Johnston be granted con hundred yards, being the portion of the tificates for three years ; the Miases. Mc- town moat thickly and compactly built Connell, Caseaday, and Messrs. Ross, upon and occupied by the principal beta - McKnight and Shaw for one year, pro- nese establishments. Probably 75 people vided they pass the professional exacts- will be rendered homeless. It is rarely ination. Carried. indeed that a community of 600 or 700 Moved by Mr. Halls, seconded by 11r. is visited with much a adamity, and this Gregory, that the board, having consid- id surely one in which an appeal for eren Mr. D. Cantelon's application, re- assistance to our sister towns and vil- use to grant an extension of certificates laFes in both Ontario and Manitoba can to those who have not attended the pro- with justice be made. The sufferers fessional examinations. Carried• here have nothing to fall back upon, no Moved by Mr. Halls,:peconded by Mr. resources whatever further than thebusi- Gregory, that the secretary be instructed nem they were each depending upon. to forward a copy of the. following reao- With the fire they hare lost everything. lution to Mr. Archibald Dewar. The origin of the fire is attributed to the Ladies Jackets, Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Colborne Brothers. $66. week at home 83.00 outfit free. Pay absolutely sure. No risk. t'apital not required. Reader if you want butane= at which person.. of either rex. young or old. can make great pay all the time they work. with absolute certainty. Write for tuu particuiars to IL liakkgrr ce Co.. Portland, Maine. 1921 - Resolved, that we, the amembiad mem- explosion of a lamp in the baker shop. Lestrarn. bers of the County Board of Education, Drawee, who killed Maloney at Rat — - Huron, desire tv express our heartfelt Portage last opting, and was senteneed B. Lawrason, an old member of Lee- sympathy with our respected co-worker, to seven years in the penitentiary, corn - burn lodge, was present at its last session Archibald Dewar, Esq., in his affliction, mated suicide in his cell at Stony Moun- and was welcomed by old friends. I caused in some measures no doubt by SICKNIIAS.—We are very sorry to learn the arduous duties of his office. For the past twelve and a half years we have sat side by side with him. deliberating over the educational matters connected with the public school interests in the eounty, and we have always found hiin a wise and considerate councillor, one having the welfare of the education fully at heart, always' desirous to promote the interests of the teachers; a true scholarly gentleman, and a genial and sympathiz- ing friend. '1Ve therefore very much re- gret that through his affliction he hes h.,..en compelled to resign his position as Inspector, and trust that his life inay be long spared, so that at the meetings of the Board ive mey still have his valueble and efficient asaistance and judicious council and that Oa our ifficellrelation- ship. always so cordial l • maid, may still continue in the greeet harmony. The Board then adjeurned to meet at C!inton on Saturday, at which time and place they again assembled. On motion it was resolved that certifi- cates be issued on the 311d Dec., to these who pasted the prefessienal °elimina- tions, and who are of the required a ,e. The secretary was instructed te ask the sanction of the Minister of Eilucatien for the extension of Ole certificates of the candidates above named. Moved by Mr. Mallech seconded by Mr. Greeory, that on account of Meta Ferguson's severe illness during the pro- fessional exaniinations, lviessrs. Miller and Halls be requested to examine her in Goderich, and if she pass a successful examination a certificate be issued to her Ma-eil by Mr. Halls, seconded by Mr. Gregory, that hereafter renewals of cer- tificates may be granted for ene year only to those who shall leave taken the non professional second, and that in no case shall a renewal be granted unless they shall have again taken the non -profess - lone' examinatiiin. --Carried. The fellowine resolution was unani- niously adopted The members of this hoard under- standing that %V. R. Miller, F.sq., con- teruplates retiring from the pmfession of teaching, take leasere in bearing testi- that William McManus, Lake Shore, is very lcw at present. We hope soon to hear of his speedy recovery. OYSTER SUPPER. —The members ef Leeburn temperance lodge intend to have an oyster supper on Friday evening,2Ist inst. A zood time may be expected. The snowfall of Saturday night brought out the sleighs on Sunday,and the jingle of the sleighbells mingling with the call of the kirkaaell made a sweet tin•inatiu- lation. PROGRESSING. — G. H. Clutton has been laid up for a few weeks by a cut foot, but his friends have not forgotten him, and he has ieceived =thy visitors, not a few wh have been of the fair sex. tainment in connection with the Leeburn Sabbath school will be held on Monday erening, 24th inst. The programme will consist of an address by the pastor, Rev. J. A Turnbull, B.A., dialogues, recita- tions, music, etc. A silver collection will be taken up in aid of the Sabbath school. All are cordially inyited kto come HYMENEAL—One of those pleasing oc- currences which happen oezasionally, took place on Wednesday last, at the residenee of Mr. Robert Sallows. The event was the marriage of his daughter, Sara, to Iss.ac Coats, of Colborne. John Coats, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman, and Miss Tottie Land, of London, performed the duties of brides- maid. The bride was arrayed in a green silk, trimmed with passamenterie and Spanish lace. The bridesmaid wore an ottoman corded, garnet silk. The cere- mony was performed by Rev. Mr. Prit- chard, of Auburn, at 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon, in the presence of • large num- ber of relatives and acquaintances, sup per being served at 6 o'clock. The even- ing was a happy one to all present, the. young folks present enjoying themselves in dancing and other amusements. Many kind wishes were exprecsed for the fu- ture of the newly wedded pair. The , niony to the e cient services rendered bride wee the recipient of many valuable I by him se principal .1 the model school, presents, a lllll ng which were --Mr and , and sincerely hepe that the same swami Mrs. Robert Sallows, combined dinner I will attend his elf die in his new emirs - to express their interest in education, Buchanan, silver pclie cruet . Mrs incite the penile, and encourage tem Smith. set glassware ; Mrs. Omen glass teacher. Sons* thirty prises, one ew y , . , • . riot otana , mum majolica pitch- Ali parties getting their sale Inds pristroi at which wee contributed by G. Sheppard, or Hrs. H. Reed, iodet set ; Hun An. :tilt testae:pw,21-tetts felinotiee inserted is of Gederich. were awarded to the success - fel competitors At the close of the ex- amination short addressed were deliver- ed 'ay llor Messrs. Turnbull and Math - awls, the voiding teachers, and ("them all complimentary to the school mod highly eulogistic of Mr Henderson, aao is evidently endea' oreig t.; do hie ditty, end im eminently aunceseful in his efforts, as evidencod by the ready and internment mowers given to tam vitrioue quotations 1.1014, Raymund, envie*, at Van airs 11 Norma, butter knife John tudgmeni of the oourt below Int 21000 Ko„Iiniu'vedosilk.,„„ liginonel's woolen mill. niinforlh, '01 re. Morris earring knife and fork Mrs darner* Jetties Bolter broker against (Aimee the steleseilli sail fell. Morris. 'au napain rings Miss Anialis ing pleintirs photetreeb 'he rogues !line, ea, ... turning from les work 'thee, two weeks Jompli Morrie ?stile Dougall ' Detective Fah., ..1Montrao. for pier ,,Ilthr:fler:;:ew°71 iiteak ..4 los ribs and so OW" Coats (roil basket Mies Elise ‘‘'statii. gallery nf the pollee department it Chi wned .n. 1,.oiseit that he alt.O s 10. days seed receive/ M Bogie embrotdered egg, The motet deeided there wee Wor „ 4 kw .1 1)11 lOOlfee ribs piereed his lungs en lin II.. Hit. jowl'', steed Mrs heals 1,1 the melon ef the dmeetive . Imam auction astes. mi. &dimes, set ormerve dishes . Mts. ehosee dish ; Mrs Meson, half dozen glass pickle dishes . Mies Mary Casio, ir vases . Mies Annie Hetherington, yeas' , Mies Maggie Het herinIton, coley, I n the militia list • special mark is to Wheat, frail,• but, 111 Oaderleh Mortgage sale of valuable town pro- rty in Clinton, at the Central hotel, by David Dickinson, auctioneer, at 2 o eksh AT THE CASH STORE tool'ea.4°"1 G. II OLD CANNEO FRUITS 00 FISH, Fresh aad Smoked ater Mak la mama. A tall amortswe trial Made of Noah - BOTTOM PRICES, ICE eRISANN IN SEASON. CONSISTINO OF etc, made to order. DINNER SETS, Plain & Figured. TOILET SETS, Plain lk Figurei. E. linfdtahlr5 )CHINA SETS, 30 Different Pat- terns to Choose from—$5 imam GLASS SETS. FANCY PITCHERS. INGER The Grocer, has Thousands of Dol- lars Worth of Crockery that.inuit be sold, and will be sold at tain this evening by hanging himself. 1 SEWING II1CHINE. He accomplished his purpose by means of his musponders. He was locked up at six o'clock, and found dead half an lame It is said that Mr:Chaplain will mail the recent personal charges made in the press against Sir Charles Tupper the greund of a demand for his removal from the Cabinet. Messrs. Henry Merrick, W. J. Park- hill and E. F. Clerke had an interview with Sir John Macdenald in reference to die Orange Incorporation bill on Sat urday. Says the St. Cathaiines Journal :— The old colored lady, Soj, ornee Teeth, who died iu Michigan a few da,vs ago at the advanced illei of 101 ye:tree-did not at all compere with Mrs. fitylor, who re- Mdes ;in the Heinaton road, a few miles west of this city. Mis. Taylor is now in her 107th year, and is still healthy. In her appearance she weuld be placed in the sixtya. Ner have tee effects of a proloiseed life shown any marks on her excellent memery er general habits. I so. -"By &thorough knowledge of the natu- ral laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition. and by a 'tweed' applivation ot the tine properties of well- selmted Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with • delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious uee of such artielesof diet that • conetitutioa may be gradually built up nntil strong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping. ourselves well fortifleirl with pure lel blood and • properly nourished frame." 1 'Mil ter' Ser”ice Uazelte.- Made simply with boiling 0 water or milk. Sold only in Packets and Tins um. and lb.). hy Grocers. labelled London Eng. - Haring been eppoInted ageoi of the &bee! machine. begs to solicit the usual public pat- rotermnitges., and will supply machines on liberal Try the (leiinte Sing' er, Residence : Victoria atreet, near tho NI. E. Gioderich. Dec. 13. 11183. 1921 :111 JOE SAUNDERS & SON, >- 0 cc C/) 0 cn cc 1114118111. In Ooderich. on the 18th inst., the 'site of In Colborne, on the 9th inpt.. the wife of Mr. At the residence of the bride's father by the sou. of Stanford, to Susie. eldest daughter of John Achime. Req.. of Ooderich. e ocuterish, cm Wednesday, by the Rev. 3. Aelifield to Annie Correll of the same piece. on Wednesday motniruy at the North et.. Methodist Church, by the pastor, the Rev T. M. Campbell, Thomas H., son of Sheriff Perry. of Woodstock, to Hattie. Awagtiter of the late Thomas A, ott revs. Esq.. all of itoderioh. 110111110. 11111, Robert Mishap. et esememmet, seed 33 years In Mieeedota. Man.. es llosday. November 170i. the Wowed wit, of 0 W Member, Revoker of C. IL Hagabor. Ootiertetti agog et Agents for 11110Clary's Famous 0 0 -n 0 ROYAL BASE BURNERS Coal & Wood Cooking Stoves Stove fit ing attended to by experienced work men on shortest notice. Second hand stoves Taken in Exchange 'The Cheapmt House Under e Sun.' West street. next to Poet Office. Gatwick Sept. 10 1891. $50,000 TO LOAN AT 6 PER THR TORONTO OZNERAL TRUSTS Coif aro prepared to loan massy at 6 per met.. pay. able bon yearly, ea TERMS TO SCIT BORROWERS, on first -clam farm meurity. Apply to Goessucn. Dec to, INS cheese dish . Mies Kara Bogie. niter C•nillanit. HOLT CAMICII10,1 here 1111100•At of 'private hada to loan sp.ore miss Tim, Land. tidy mt.. who served in the rebellion of IR37-8, in oats. ip Anal+ C 31 ea a farm see-ari- ft * *swan, toilm mom Mier Mory the Rod River expedition. and in the PvIa.• heels tie i e. bush so Amato for Ike Toroatoirealianoral mete Ogy: be attached to the names of the officers M•:.ktip him!! doh Mra. T &Bows, half risen silver 0 Se 0 101 11) iv 116 1 110 El ie. china co and saucer . rmd Potatoes 0 bush nest Ha 'son Otedialeb. 001 4 11113 1911-11 ;sere sit meta for poetess. and MOW.* ?rocs costly Wee et geode wh win help tee so more money right swat Wm &stylising else In this world AIL nf either rucroed from diet hoer The breed raid tIng These Goods Most be Mold for Caeh or Farm Produce. co ivth. And 6.et a Bargain.. MY' STOCK OF GROCERIES is complete, and Rd 00.,ap as the Cheapest in Town. I Have Just Received a Large Lot of and as Tea. is on the rise I sal bound to give my Castomers the benefit of 0. Call anti Inspect my Goods—No Trouble to Show them, whether you buy or not. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. To WIT • • Fieri issued of Her Majesty's County court of the CO of Huron, and to me directed and dell nalnat the Lands and Tenements of LIAM GREY sad ARTHUR CARTEL° at the suit ef EDWARD TINDALL. 1 have wised and taken la Execution ail the right. title and interest, and equity of redemption Of WILLIAM ORIelf. *be of the above nam- ed defers tants in aad to that portion or tract of lend lying and being in the Township of COwnty of Huron and Province of On- ronoesseou of the salt1 ilownShip of Morrie. and containing one hundred acres of land. more or km which lands and tenements I shall offer fer sale. at my office. la the Court House, _in the Town ot Oodertch, oat FRILek the TWRNTY-rIRST day of DRCIMEIR R. M. at the hoar of twelve of the dock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sherlit Huron. Sheriff's Ogee. Ooderich, Rept. MA. ISM. 1110111 -td WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING DECIDED BARGAINS 1111 REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF OODERIc H A Corner Lot Me. f* on Wert street twee to the Square, 31•10.011. 3. Lot If& near the Park, very pleasant st sauna, with 41411, Of hake. comprising sub staatiaLly bath 11 'tory brick house. wial & Three and a half kite mostly an acre). OP Zeal street- with brick roundrr. now libder nest at 0101.06 • year. 111.41166.011. 4. Lot on hank of River. near t hr natio, These properties aro peony worth nisch more money but must be mild to clam out Ea (Mato. sad are tharrfore ilead at the abet Wee, Apply to MEAGER A. LEWIS. Sarin ten, Ooderno (404.414.4b 144141 44414 Okti 1.14111 it earpostofe' 'treat,' rind mason's wort