HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 7A
S1G:\ �L. X'lt1DAY, DEC. 21, 1883
Fashion's Fancies. VENTRILOQUISTS.
Multi are small. An laterveRfur bbfervsw Miss One of
13biak hoe is miry tashwttabl ( Their Nater-TIMtr Menagemi1n R:-
I seas. •
"Pull bask" el-irta are no h. ler sot.
Gray in e)1 sheds* grows in f .shionable
weambinatioa costumes mimeo in high
fasbfooaple favor.
t Brocaded stefli ere in &wand fur long
c.oalie, long dblan4vtlltea
Fancy feaddiriof all kinds adorn hats
fur demi-toilet and buainese wear.
Brides' and bridesmaids dresses have
sleeves that are drawn on over the kid
1 loves.
Fine, lou¢, elastic nohow , gloves are
taking the Aloe of limed silt gloves for
genial weer.
CMdidnen's cloaks of dark velvet sod
cel f ini ably triampi t with light
{tray Iamb akin. -
Far dancing the short skirt lade riyueur,
none but dowagers wearing the trained
dowses at balls.
Skirts of dresses should be narrow
when Were ars "litany flounces or super-
imposed draperies.
Oafish tips in panache are the favor-
ite trimmings for Henri I1, and Henri
III, and Girondin hats.
Girls in their teens wear the sailor hat
of felt,- with a broad ribbon tie around it
with a bow, and floating ends in the back.
There are no absolute rules in fashion
as Ilooaterly ; people nowadays Lllow
their own individual fancy within contain
Children will wear wool hose this sea-
son, stud in shades darker than the dress,
rather than the pale-ooloured or black
silk home of the summer.
Innime-Sievee are of undressed kid,
in anis, gide tints, and rota to the elbow
or to the shoulder. With the very long
gloves no sleeves are worn.
The large protruding' cap'te is the
shapemost generally adopted by women
of Widen this winter, on all occasions
when the Fsnchon is not admissible.
Little micas not yet in their teens
wear the pole or old-fashioned "calash."
These are in telt, with soft velvet crowns,
in full velvet, plush or Ottoman silk.
The straight, high dog collar is affect-
ed b) ladies with lung slender throats.
These dog collars are generally of dark
velvet, stiff, with gold, silver, steel or
pearl embroidery.
The latest brides' dresses are trained
and trammed with puffing around the bot-
tom over a simulated skirt of brooatle.
Thepf the upper skirt showing.
The mires* a is fringed with light sprays
of owns blossoms.
Lilltie girls' dresses fur indoors are no
ioniser white muslin or linen, but of
whits er bright colored wool, cut with
low .gears Refute, white are filled with
shirred or pleated yokes of white pale
blue, pink or amber satin, while the
sleeves are made long, and of the wool
wi ich forms the costume.
The astir ggifvof ventrik)gnienotbuugh
dating b- kto the remotest antiquity,
efd suppo.,d to have its origin *Wears
the ancient Hebrews, Ceuaanites and
Egyptians, a`d pieeticed to a consider-
able extent at the present time, is a
Mystery to the general puMio, and is
this weak the topic of eonsder.'de d t.
(suasion, as Kr. Albert O. Duncan, one
of the most of the fops awes ft 1
uses now prsdtieing it, has been evitl1.�
nightly exhibitions of his gift at the PM*
Theatre during the past seek.
The term ventriloquism hu its derive -
t oi from the Latin words veno', the
abdomens, and loqui, to speak ; it origin-
ated from the practice of witebes, who
were s ippnse'1 1.1 Atte a good or evil
Spirit within them. .;it It was eum-
wonly used among the Israelite and
Egyptians tae following from the nine-
teenth chapter of Leviticus will serve as
evidence :-••Regard nut them t!:..t have
familiar spirits, neither seek after wiz-
ards to be defiled bythem." In this
settee, as iu several oters referred to in
the Bible, the term "having a familiar
spirit" signifies in the original Hebrew
"speaking from, the els omen." For
many years it was suppose) that in order
to become a successful ventriloquist it is
necessary that • peculiar formation of
the larynx be possessed. Thinking that
perhaps the public would be benefited
or intcr,i„a with an ezplanatiou of the
mystic gift, a reporter called upon Mr.
Duncan yesterday, and the first question
put to him was .whether it was possible
for any person to acquire the art.
"It is an utter impossibility, relied
the ventriloquist, "to aoquire • know-
ledge of it out of the numerous books
published on the subject. To tell you
the truth iu all my career, though not •
very long one, I have never met a book -
made ventriloquist. I have looked over
several of the works un the subject, but
instead of being an a:.sistance they were
positive detriments and only tended to
confuse me,"
"Then, according to your theory, ven-
trtlo. uum is a gift and nut an art V'
"That's it exactly. I have had a large
nurnoer of people call upon me and re-
quest me to give them lessons, but unless
they are naturally adapted for it, any
degree of learning will -rot do them any
• 'hat do you mean by being natural-
ly adapted I Are your vocal organs dif-
ferent from the `weal run ?"
"No ; I have had my vocal organs ex-
amined by • number of physicians, and
they failed to discover any malforma-
Then where doss the peculiarity ex-
ist T"
"In the muscles of the stomach. My
ventriloquial voles is entirely governed
by them. I suppose there are a great
many' people possessing the same gift,
but after discovering it find out that con-
siderable practioe is necessary to become
proficient in it."
Ibis areas. "How did you disoover:that you pos-
Objection is taken to the drum-beatiiM aesemt the;;ift al
� "When •small boy I was in the habit
and fife -playing indulged in by the sal- of imitating animals of all sorts. One
ration army. Objection is also taken to
the clam of drum sad to the manner 10
which it is beaten. This objection is
sprtsinly well taken -but the drum is
Inc beat the army's got The drummer
puts so much enthusiasm into his pleas-
ure that he should either change his
drum or his vocation. At the same time
it is possible that if the drum was beat-
ing a thundering accompaniment to 'Rise
Sons of William' or 'Boyne Water' that
many who now object to the racket
would be agreeably pleased with the
uproar. The drum as a national weapon
and solo instrument has been inisundcr
stood. Stall we, for the sake of the 11114 est ±
temporary inconvenience of a half-hour ''Well. 3••u see I use my throat and
serenade, relentlessly crush out the bud mouth for the pitch and tone of the
ding musical aspiration of the free-for-all voice, ala.. for consonant sounds ; and I
drummer ? Out on such tyranny ! Are regulate the distance, where I want the
we a nation ? Is this progress i Are a ( voice to sound, by contracting the mus -
people who have calmly stood three 1 cies of the stomach. If I want the voice
sessions in one week of the town council to sound apparently at some distance I
to bo irritated by a teatime cadeuza ..r move the muscles at the base of the
two on the drum basso ? While wo await , stomach ; the lower I go the further the
voice sounds ; and if I wish it to sound
nearer I contract the muscles of the top
of t he stomach ,and w ith constant practice
I am enabled to regulate sounds insten-
clay a n:an heard ne and mid that the
once soo:kl to come from a different
direction. He called mea ventriloquist,
but I hadn't the slightest idea what he
meant by the term until I grow up to be
quite a 1aree boy, when I became oon-
actuuo of my ability of throwing my
voice a herevtr I elbow I first appear-
ed at church sociable* sad other enter-
tainments, and with ounstant practice I
was won enabled tb adopt.
-How is it that in uttering conso-
nauth„yuu do not move your lips in the
a rush of correspondence in reply t.. the
above interrogation it would be as well
for the bandmaster of the salvation
army to put in use a new dream head or
stretch the present lead over a now bar-
rel. Anything, be it only in the direc-
tion of progress. -[Lindsay Post.
.few /Ate Ire Faaetleas Weakened ray ors
same. Debility and Dlaslpallea.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or side, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the f net function
and insure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price.
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent fur f:o,le-
rich. 3m :
tzassfeal Edneatilis.
'Dv you not think that American in-
stitutions are progressive r inquire./ a
Boston girl 01 an eminent E-tglish tourist
on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad.
'Indeed I do,' was the hearty reply.
'The oles+iest education of even your
railroad brakemen makes them far super-
ior to the common guards of cur English
'What do you meau by the classical
education of our hrskemet T inquired
the Boston girl, with no small show of
urn -wise.
'Why, I notice they open the car door
and call emit the eases of the stations in
an animates bylawI I era familiar with
seven dtARMlespeigea, bet your
Amerime Wakeman are tare a gulf of learn-
ing ensowsk M sur most eminent
e clhelese Thar salaries mat aortae')
be esetlls.ea, rad their ePeditioe rest
and emdmthe blw-(Tes* Shillings.
M a
e adaww t nMe'Yai
t# Arke s
L sIr MIN flay sore,
set, Wes es broils Miss slew
t t Wave, sad fes a wags b96 M
"How sismt the crying that ventrilo-
quist. usually die stain. early age r
"Owing t.. the great strain upon the
stomach. It u of course necessary to
take the best of care, for you know the
stomach is a very delicate organ ; but
with propet`zcare and temperate habits
there is nu danger whatever from over-
"Did you inherit your gift from your
parents ?"
"No, indeed; they aro both deaf mutes;
but I have often thought that I possess-
ed the voices of both combined, my
natural tone and the voice in my atom
"Did you ever take any,. advantage of
your gifts for your own personal amuse-
ment t"
"Oh, yes, quite frequently You see
I pass considerable of my time travelling
upon the railroad. When the trip grows
monotonous and we have no more sub
jects to discuss or yarns to spin, I, by
special request of the other members of
the proceed to have some fun
with the conductor. You know that
dt,s are out allowed on some of the
Posed. unless the fare is collected for
them. As soon sea I see the conductor
enter our ear, I began to imitate the
barking of a very healthy dog and throw
the voice ender one of the seats The
oondector immediately institute asmaroh
for the esaine, ,tad I tell yon we get any
amount of fen out of the operator. As
soon as the eoodootot requests the pas-
. wgers---a lady seoM generally --to move
for the purpose of discovering the dog.
I threw the voice in another direction ;
and only last week I seta oondtscbr al•
must wild with lege hunting after tit.
* apposed dog trove seat to sea with the
sesi.taseer of the scoter and other m-
,you ever meet with any that
` a r'
• "Not t very long ago 1 .tool uppo�n� a
street warner sad wiWh•d two pails*
Mopeds/stew the right to die
r waneh i dispute,
they were gala pale to use
ism fur the eabe 811 a lark i threw ray
rouse t.0Mt p sloe of the disputants,
law We worth awl web M* stall eh.
wiser man au inferoal liar. The ether
tellowawtdu t see it in that light, .td
yols.ahimeld hare seen toe fun. I,
this bees up tor quite t. while, Wade
themes/I wadi othset • harsh tams, and
when they came to blows I put an apol-
ogy Leto the mneesh us sem, and thus the
affair ended.
"Once iu • street oar," ,u,:atiuued M .
Duncan, "I had a great deal of spurt et
the expense of • blushing young damsel.
The car was u •t crowded but the seats
were all ocan; i • I, and among the pewee -
gore was • young and pretty girl wearing
a heavy lined cloak. I began imitating
the soused of a squealing baby, as if em -
mating front ender her oivak, attracting
the attention of every passenger to the
lady, and mystifying her completely.
She moved about in an uneasy sort of
manner, the cries of the child grow loud-
er and louder, the eyes of all the mason
gers were turned toward her, until in a
tit of desperation she unbuttoned her
cloak for the sake of proving that she had
no child c,00stld there. I then threw
my voice under the seat, and an old gen-
tleman, touched with pity and contempt
for the young mother, crawled under the
seat un his hands and knees and
looked for it. The pesaengers were all
mystified, for I kept the squeeiing up
until I left the car.''
Frim the Vinyard of Blakey M.11, a. O.
1»s -asses.
1. No man would be lived alone.
2. Where should th3 angels lodge but
with Lot 1 The house of holy men are
full of those heavenly spirits, when they
know not. They pitch their tent in ours
and visit us when we see not ; and when
we feel not, protect us. It is the honor
of God's saints to be attended by angels.
3. if my heart be early seasoned with
His presence, it will savot of him all day
4. The proud than hath no God ; the
envious man hath no neighbor; the angry
man hath not himself.
b. So venomous is sin, especially when
it lights among God's people, that one
drachm of it is able to infect the whole
mass of Lrael.
6. The prophets of God go upon lnany
a thankless errand. He is no messenger
of God that either knows or fears the
faces of men.
7. It it the het improvement of our
wit, to Desk out the aptet furtherance for
our souls.
8. Giving is sow iug ; the largerseedin4,
the greater crop ; giving to the poor 15
veneration to God ; the greater bank, the
more interest. Who can fear to be too
wealthy 1
9. So then this living legacy of Z.oche-
us is free. "I give, present "I do
give ;„ jus"my goods ;" large, "half
fit, "to the poor.' either
is he more bountiful in his gifts,
than in his restitution : "11 I
have taken aught from any man by false
accusation, I restore it fourfold."
10. Simon will bo ever the leper and
Matthew the publican. How carefully
should we avoid those actions which may
ever stain w.
1L Our Saviour never sinned for any
man's make, though for our sake he was
sociable, that he might keep us from sin-
12. It is the truest wisdom that helps
forward our salvation.
13. God will one day wring from the
conscience of wicked men their own in-
dictment ; they have not more carefully
hid their .in than they shall one day
freely proclaim their own shame.
14. Sweetuessof c..mpetfation is &great
help toward the gond entertainment of
an admonition • roughness and rigor
many times harden those hearts which
meekness would bare melted to repent-
ance. Whether we sue, or convince, or
reprove, little good is gotten by bitter-
15. While we are under the law, ee
du not so keep it, as when we are de-
livered from 11 ; our Christian freedom is
more than our servitude.
16. Tho title of all converters swilling
17. God loves at once familiarity and
fear ; familiarity iu oar conversation and
fear in hu commands.
18. Prayer without 'neans is a mockery
of (;od. Then only oan we pray with
hope when we have done our best.
19. Malice in commonly hereditary
and runs in the blood, and as we used
to say of rummet, the older it is, the
20. Wickedness hath but a time ; the
punishment of wickedness is beyond all
Yu. feat, Pueitivu and Pleausanent are
the cur.• elfeuted by Dr. Vats Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief iu all oras of Kid-
ney Uts.ase is obtained sd:ara few dews.
Jou flat your Dru i.t goose you Dr1
Ven burro', Kidner Cure Sold bp J.
t\ dawn iludench ..0
Au Oasisiu the desert to eau brightst
light to the waudenng Arab than s bottle
of Dr. vi Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the l...:. lunate *offerer frons ICL
Di►... it is • perfect, positive actin
per .....,out curet Bold by J. Wilson
tied, ,ch
Te the Medical rroter.aen, and 511 wtem
at may fences.
Phosphatiue, or Nerve 1'..ui, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientifis
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Maas., ours Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but limp,
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to an:wince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. LUWDEN &
Co., sole agents for the Dominion,
115 Front Street East Toronto.
As time Mosta eat winter vanish uuiier
the calorie influence of the sun's rays,
SO does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflatn
mation Attie Kidneys, leave the body
upon the Idininistration of Dr. Van Bu
ren's Kidney C'tre. Sold by J. Wilson,
John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc.
Gregor's Speee'_y Cure for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price asked for it. I am a commercial
man, and travel continually, and would
no more think of leaving home without
bottle of MvGret;or's Speedy Cute in my
valise than I would of leaving my tfam
at home and going on foot." Free trial
bottles at G. Rhynas drug store. Regu-
lar size 50 cia. and $1. a
Every Thursday Prom Portland.
Beery Saturday from Halifax
Ta! Saorrw"r Sae Rovrs,To AND FROM
Winter .flrracngements.
SAZMAIAN, from PoirrLawn. Nov. 29th,
HALIFAX, Dec. lat.
HALIFAX, eo. ath.
HALIJAX. Dec. 1Sth.
HALIFAX. Dec. fend.
PARISIAN from PORTLAND, Dec. 27th,
HALIFAX. Dec. 2etb.
PERUVIAN, from Poertsen. Jan. 3rd,
HALIFAX. Jan. 12111.
SARDINIAN. from PoRn.AxD. Jan. 17th.
HALIFAX, Jan. 19th.
Passengers wishing to embark at Portland
will laaveOoderich,on rneedays,at 12 o'clock.
The last train via Halifax with the Mans
and Passengers leaves Goderich every 1Wed-
neaday, at 15 o'clock.
]'repaid certificate lashed at greatly reduced
rates to persons wishing to bring their friends
out from the Old Country,
For Tickets and all information. apply to
Ticket Agent,
tuckler's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Pile, Chilblains,
Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded. 25c.
per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.
Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, writes :-
During the Last eight years I have used
almost every medicine recommended for
Biliousness, but found nothing equal to
Carson's Bitten. If you suffer try itj
Price 50 Dents.
Thousands bear witness to the posi-
tive curative powers of the GREAT Gsa-
NUN INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal workflow, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise frost self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, (sally se iia
in consumption, insanity and • preses-
ture grate. Sold by all druggists, or
will be sent free on receipt of 11L00 per
box, or six Foxes for N. Address F. J.
Cwzita , Toledo, (*log mole agent for
the United States. film ler sire Jar
and testimonials of goliinwew. ileo.
Rhynas. (i -Aerie". See
Why suffer front narrow" pwtertiems
when you can bey s ptuweed eau at
Wilsons ./rug store. (1)
Nabi* Dewar*
For any Tedi seefals
McGva er's issdy Cure
that we set psuuue ; ease of tlhisi we
fess w"ss it /M /take or assumed'
of lniieti swag bet !s amid
!wand Haslbet hem Ka
ups, Qat. tie glee trial
babas free td met, .., that you ,gaunt
be demised by p11Msetsq �a worthies, ar-
bet haw Its raNtrek . buying
Tt'1l WOW and Rouen 1,.'. w1e, vrr��
at 0, obi ISM a iss�t'ttan Mil
Ooderich, Nov. 22nd. 1883.
It paper's Maga e
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cal and biographies 1 papers: shame. stories by
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When no time is sp.eIAed, 11 will be under
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StreetoN bee.
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HARPER I RR0'r •KRA. New Port.
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hey pea • week In Veer awn
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n. er .,ni •1 not u*'wi W.
y..5 •re... ' we. are nlaklaf
Ia dies smite ex gra as men, AM 1
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,.m•i..... t. 'A1t1 yea ase* *Data
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Nov. 1st, 1883, 1915-
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A week , lade at home by the in
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ed. We will start you. Men, wo
men, boys and girl winded very
where to work for us. Now is the time. You
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PHOENIX JAL OO'Y, ut 1. .i: o. h:,.,plaudi
Yate bred 1750.
HARTFORD INC). t'tYY, of Ham.,.''., sumo
glstablislitd tele.
14Mtaken In Om elms a drat -class (Il . es s
ein rase by BORACR HORTON.
is also ♦ i«•r fur the
Teiwosr,w. .
Mosey to Lona ea tint -class wrlty, em
7 to s per Cent- HORACE HORTON.
coder'^h Sept. 10. 1880.
--Theasa dsotgravt•s
aro annually robbed
of their viotims, tires
prolonged, hepplrsees
and health restored
by the use of the great
which pos.tvely and permanent y care* bit -
poteaey te.used by excesses of ani kind 1
seminal Weakness, and all dioceses that no -
low as 0 see tactice of Self -Abuse, ss loss of en-
ergy, lose of memory, universal lassitude.
Pale In the book, dimness of vision. prema-
ture old age, and many other diseases that
lead to Mean it) or consumption ar.d a prema-
ture grave.
Send for circulars with testimonials free by
nail. 7'he 1\1114:OR.ATOR is sold at ei per
box, or six boxes for $5, by all druggists, or
will be sent free my mall. securely sealed, on
receipt or price. by addressing
F..1. CFIENF.Y. liturgist ,
187 Summit St., Toledo, Ohio
Out•. Rorty t'-.
Sole .\gent for Goderich
l , ,iitr are always on the look
"rat for eleances to Increase
their earn nga,and h. time be
come weal./ t those who do
no improve their oppwrtun
ides remain in 1.overt! . \Wc' otfea• a gees
chance to make moue%. We want '.110t1, wo-
men, 54.!-,, and g rim. t., work for us in the.r
own la atities. Ac.!. Ter stn do the work pro-
perlyfrom the first -turf. The business will
pay more than trn t 0 r, otdmarl wages. Ex-
pensive twilit furni-I 1 fro v. No One who en -
stages hallo make moneo rapidly. 1'ou can
gevote your whole time to the work, or only
your spare moments. Full information and
all that is necessary sent free. Address STIR
sox ap Co. Portland. Maine.
$600.06 Rewe.
We viill pay the above reward for ni case
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Sill: Headache,
Indigestion, C'une' pr ?ion -or ( oetiveness we
cannot cure with M -ts Vegetable Liver Pills,
when the directions are stn.:1 i complied with.
They are purely Vegetable.atable. and never
er fall to
eontaltiin:z101Pills. 15 cents. Forasals by all
Drnggiele. Beware ui counterfeits and imita-
tions. Thr gamine manufactured only by
JOHN C. %VEST & C' . "The P111 Makers,
FA and G.1 King . t. haat. Toronto. Ont. Free
Mal package *eat by anal prdpaid on recent
of • 3 cent stamp.
For Sale at WILSON'S PRI'e: *TOME.
Health is Wealth!
Mani, a guaranteed specific for ItystWa, Dia
einem. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Nftraigia
Headache, Nervous Prostration canted bye
etas of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Men-
tal Depression. softening of the Wain. result
lattta neanity and leading to misery, decay
and death. Premature Old Age, Barrenness,
Loss of Power in tither sex, involuntary Losses
and Spertnatorncorn. emus.d by over-exertion
of the brain, welt -abuse or over -indulgence.
One box -.vlll cure recent cases. Each box con
tains one month's meatment. One dollars box
or six boxes for ff/t dollars : sent by mall pre
paid on receipt of price. We guarantee six
boxes to cure any case. With each order re-
ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with
flvedollarn. we null send the purchaser our
written guarantee to refund the money if the
treatmeht does not effect a cum. Guarantees
issued only by JAM W.11 WILS8II sole author-
ized agent trr,Qodcricb, Ont. JOHN C WEST
A C0.. sole proprietors. Torot.to Ont.
DR's 44E88
/end *very epee les of disease arising frons
T. MILBURN & CO. P ° z t,a
Are pleasent t . take. l'ontsiu their own
Pargative. Is s safe. sure, and effectual
deetrwyer '.f were in Children or Adults.
Thi ��esfcili� A(I\'cElliScr
FOR 1884.
With the advent of 1884 Tug Wcwr&RN An
In new and improved form, with new type.
printed from stereotype plates, on a new web -
feeding press of the latest deslpn. While its
several pnpnlar "Departments .rill be cxm-
tinuetl, more vigor will h. obeert'able through-
out. Only al per annum. Balmier of 1883
free to new awbmrlAere.
"PORTRAIT GALLERY."- Our preminm
for 111M is a handsomely -printed Book of Por-
ortraits, with illuminated cover, containing the
following chromolithographs, In five colon.
vis : Her Mgteaty Queen Victoria : His Excel-
lency the Gnv,rnor-I;ensra 11Margnfs of l.ans-
downt)l Ito -lion. \W, E. Oladatnne; Hon. 1td-
ward Risks : Sir John A. Mardonsld : Hon.
Oliver Mowat : lion. Atex_ )laekenxie : and
Chester A. Arthur. President of t'. S. An
*teapot and attract i .' ornament Inc the par-
lor7ablr. ISlsc of retch portrait. s r 11 nebes.)
A bingrsphlcai sketch of ea,:1. ',montage -
written by onemiuent ('snarl int. 15MAO even.
Price only ler. extra. or RLN in ail,
sir If preferred, subscribers mey have a
choleeof-Hosts Arco HrALnt" or "CHASE',
Moires"- two well-known former premiums
-In hoard cover. on payment of Ile. addition-
al. or 01.18 In all. Only one pr. rniwrn al-
TMs DAILY AnvEaTtsrR• containing the
rnmpiete midnight .teapatehea. Is mailed for
foyer annum, or 81.2.5 for three months.
lintel circulation rack week of limits' Aso
WxgKLT Anrla'rmsut. over (,e5 eeples.
N Agents wanted ever) where. Fifty
valuable prises to the mast •uoe,ashal club -
getters. Rend post card for parties Wars. Re-
gistered Ieltersc•me at our risk. Address"
xtx,V, T
$1000 FORFEIT The Signal's Clubbing Ofer.
tlav INV?
f }t wm•ee. to f15 super
- _
M��/i►e R1L aid TNa \\'
Haineft firs ,,; sverle wW be rltalMd to say 1
eaMs we 4°1
ur Nt. iMs, sea
e •