HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 6Without the dour let sorrow lie,
(, s
ittsTmAA CHImEB. I And if fur cold it hap to die,
1 . We'll bury it ea a Christie pie,
And ever more be merry.
Gems of Poesy on the G —{Old
Day. d/eol.
t see retry tt Rer• sad 1 tele sown. l'marl.
base Their Meath& of baser.
1 heard the bells on Christmas .fry
Their old, t+wilier ccrols play ;
And mild and sweet
The words repeat
Of pea. on earth, good -will to men !
And thuught how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Chriatendum
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of petite on earth, goad -will to loon !
The ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolving from night to day,
A voice, a chive,
A chant subligte,
Of peace on earth, good -will to mei !
And all the Denson earth shall ring
On Chrihtteas day, uu Christmas day ;
And all the bells un earth shall ring
On Christmas day in the mornng
Midnight scarcely passed and over,
Drawing to thisholy muro,
Very early, very early,
Christ was born.
Sing out with bliss, his none is this,
As was foretold in days of old
By Gabriel.
$Usabesk Ana ama.
We felt in the lonesome midnight,
As we sat by the silent dead,
What a light on the path going downward
The feet of the rtgbohteous shed •
When we thought w with faith unabrink-
She came to the Jordan's side,
And taking the hand of the thivlour.
Went up on the heavenly side.
Nowell : Nowell ! in this halls, I Thus passed home in the 40th year of
Make merry 1 praye nowe all* ;
On that chylds may we calle.
Christ was bleb on Christmas day,
Wreathe the holly, twine the bay. •
To Thee then, 0 Jesus,
This day of Thy birth,
Bs glory and honor through heaven and
earth ;
True Godhead Incarnate, Oweipotont
Nord ;
0 come, let us hasten.
To worship the Lord.
The dote draws near the birth of Christ;
The moon is hid, the night is chill ;
The Christmas bells from hill to hill
Answer each other in the mist
This is the month, and this the happy
Wherein the Son of Heaven's eternal
Of wedded staid and virgin mother born,
Our great redemption from above aid
Sweet the Christmas bells are rutging,
Sweet the clear young voices singing,
• For the Child is King !
Earth looks like a child in white,
Crowned with frosty jewels bright,
4' For His welcoming.
see It is the Christmas time ;
Add up and down, 'twixt heaven and
In glorious grief and solemn mirth,
Tho shining angels climb,
—[Mrs. Mulock Craik.
Be merry all, be merry all,
With holly dress the festive lull •
Prepare the song, the feat, the ball,
To welcome merry Christmas.
Sew le Tresis Week tLaap.
Always breathe throagb the otee,ksup-
in the mouth caused as meek aspessiable
Walk cod at erect, seems* in the open
air, keep the skiu scrupulously oleaa,and
take liascyard's Pectoral Salaam for
coughs, colds and bronchial troubles. 2
her age, Elisabeth Ann, beloved wife of
Bro. William Aloin, on the 27th October.
Sister Aloin was the' daughter of John
and Elizabeth Treble, who, like Zacha-
rias and Elisabeth of New Testament
fame, were "both righteous," having
been converted to God in their youth
amongst the Wesleyan Methodist in Eng-
land, and subsequently uniting with the
Bible Christians in the township of Col-
borne, Ontario, where the subject of this
sketch was born.
Possessed a gentle and amiable (iepo-
sitson, Elizabeth Ann early manifested
an interest in spiritual things, attending,
with her parents, the social as well as the
public means of grace, but it was not till
her 16th year that she experienced that
change which enabled her to cry, Abba
Father. This blessed experience wasre-
ceived during a gracious revival ir. the
Colborne circuit, under the united labors
of the late Father Green and Bro. H. J.
Nott, mach of the fruit of which still re-
mains. From this time forward Sister
Aloin was an exemplary Christian, and
devoted her energies in body and mind
to the cause of Christ. She was married
to Wm. Aloin ate•ut 13 years ago, and
our brother now mourns the absence of a
ktrue helpmeet, °yet he sorrows not as
those withont hope, but speaks of the
sustaining power of that grace which
fitted his beloved partner for the skies,
end the anticipation of a happy re -union
by-and-by. By the death of out dear
sister six little ones are, in their years
of helplessness, deprived of that greatest
of earthly boons, a pious mother, but
that mother committed them with the
fullest confidence to the care of that
Friend who ne'er betrayed a trust. Seven
years of the married life of the deceased
were burdened with the incessant care of
an afflicted child, whose condition de-
manded the most vigilant attention both
day and night, and this told heavily up•
on her constitution ; yet when the little
sufferer was called away about 15 months
ago, so far from feeling a sense of re-
lief, the mother mourned as only moth-
ers can mourn, but when she received
the message to follow her child to the
better land, she magnified the wisdom
and goodness which had removed the lit-
tle one first.
Sister Allin's line's was not of lung
duration, but her sufferings were sevsre.
For some three or four weeks she had
been feeling worse than usual, but still'
kept around till within about two weeks
of her death, when getting advice of a
physician he pronounced it chronic in-
tiammation of the liver, kidneys, ate.
Other doctors were called in 'and all that
medical skill could do, but the blow
might not be warded off. flhen it be-
came evident that sho must die she felt
no fear, but calmly commended herself
and those loved ones whom she must
leave behind to the All Father. I visit-
ed her about a week before her death
and found her rejoicing in the God ot
her salvation. J said to her, "Did you
feel no alarm when you first thought you
should die 1" "Oh, no !" she said, "1
had not a fear." For two or three days
previous to her death she was in a semi -
unconscious state, but continued to pray.
Having taken leave of her husband and
friends, and bidden them meet her in
heaven, she seemed only waiting till the
Master should come. Her remains were
taken to Zion church, where the writer
addressed those who had come to pay
their last tribute to departed worth upon
the conflicting desires of the Christian,
Phil. i. 23, after which she was followed
to the Colborne cemetery by a large
number of sorrowing friends. Besides
her husband and children she leaves an
aged mother, several brothers and sister,
and a large circle of friends, who feel the
poorer fur her removal from eath. But
remembering that it is but a little while,
may they patiently submit and faithful
ly labor, and an all meet her in the Fath-
er's house above. T. J. Saaxxa.
Tae riremeer awl ills Ewa Times.
Sir John Macdonald weir wise in bring-
ing on the Dummwu elections so long
before the time. It would not be as
easy a matter to carry the country aow.
The outlook Ls anything but favorable,
wages ars being reduced, the oust of liv-
ing is high, and there is not much pro-
mise of as improved state of affairs set -
tis in. But all therm thiags make little
difference to Sir John, now that he is
safe back in power for another parlia-
mentary term. His majorityts quite
large enough to enable him to e good
many votes and still have suieient togo
on with. He showed great judgment in
taking time by the forelock. —Toronto
Telegram (Ind.)
His place of birth a solemn angel tells
To simple shepherds keeping watch by
night ;
They gladly thither haste, and by a quire
Of squadron'd angels, hear His carol
Oh 1 lovely voice of the sky
Which hymned the Saviours birth,
Are ye not singing still on high,
Yo that sang, "peace on earth?"
To us yet speak the strains
Wherewith, in time gone by,
Ye blessed the Syrian swains,
0 ! curers of the sky !
—[Mrs. liemans.
The happy Christmas. comes once more,
The Heavenly Guest is at the door ;
The blessed words the shepherds thrill
The joyous tidings : please, goodwill !
—[From the Danish.
How bright thy lowly manger beams !
Down earth's dark tale its glory streams,
The splendour of thy natal night
Shines through all time in deathless light.
—[St. Ambrose, shy Franck.
Wherefore from His throne exalted,
Came He on this earth to dwell ;t
All his pomp, an humble manger,
All His court, a narrow cell ;
"From that world to bring to thin,
Peace, which of all earthly Wiesen
Ie the brightest, purest bless.
—[Violante Do Ceo.
Let us 'der, since He was poor,
Turn the needy from our door—
Poverty is holy ;
For His sake at Christmastide, rt
Gladly we will all provide
For the poor and lowly.
"It is the calm and solemn night ;
A thousand bells ring out, and throw
Their joyous peals abroad and smite
The darkness -charmed and holy now !
The night that erat no name had worn,
To it a happy name is given ;
For in that stable lay, new born,
The peacefulPrince ofearthandheaven,
n the solemn midnight,
('enturies ago !"
--[Alfred Dommett.
"Re this, grod friends, our carol still,
Be peace on earth, to peace on earth,
To men of gentle will."
[ Thackersy.
Christmas, the jdlous periodof the year
Now with bright holly all the temple
With laurel green and sacred mistletoe.
t 1 thou whose glorious and contracted
Wrapt in night's mantle, stole into a
manger ;
Since my dark soul and brutish, is Thy
To man, of all beasts be not Than a
Medi Altura t
Quo very valua'ille featureufDr. Low's' Extensive Prerlaises and Splendid Neff Stock.
Fleastat Wrenn Flprop is, that it is high, •
li agredsbie to take, and all vowelise of ' o cob
worms, tape worm included, Cali be safe-
ly expelled by it, without recourse to
harsh sod sickening drugs • l,c . .
Wren rots, Foiavis Co., N. 0.
Gears —I desire to *sprees to you my
thanks for your wonderfnl Hop Bitters.
1 was troubled with dyspepsia for Ave
years previous to owumencmng the use of
your Hop Bitters, wane aix months ago.
y cure hu been wonderful. I am pa -
tor of the First Methodist church of this
place, and my whole congregation an
testify to the great virtues of your bit-
Ilras's blwtd Liabl.lag
Needs no advert isms when open intro-
duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds
of others by doing all and inure than re-
presented fur Neuralgia, To othaehe,
Headache, etc. It removes any pain
instantly quick as ttaah. Try it and you
will ss it is well named Fluid Lightndig.
Get a 2b cent bottle at G. Rhyne' drug
store. b
carpi /ref.
Any reader troubled with Dyspe ,
Custiveness, Headache, Liver Cnanp rut
etc., should call at Geo. Rhynes' drug
store and secure a free trial bottle of
McGregor's Speedy Cure at once which
will convince you of the merits of the
wediciue, It cures permanently where
all other medicines hate failed. As a
blood puritier it has no equal. Remam-
ber, it costa nothing to try it. Regular
size, fifty cents and nae dollar. a
Very respectfully,
Env. EI. rssmHl ,
A Lift savl m Preseas.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson,
saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con-
sumption, which caused him to procure
a largo bottle, thatcompletely cured him,
when Doctors, change of climate and
everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles at J.
Wilssn'e drug store. Urge size $1. (1).
Nciregers speedy tare.
Froin the many remarkable curs
wrought by using McGregor. Speedy
Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Consti-
pation and Affection of the Liver, and
from immense sale of it without any ad-
vertising, we have concluded to place it
extensively on the market, so that those
who suffer may have s perfoct cure. Go
to G. Rhynas drug •store and get a trial
bottle freo, or the regular size at 50 cents
and $1. a
Thousands are being cured of Catarrh
every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that
he doctors had given up and said could
not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold
Mee rryabetaas en des•.
Mrs. Helen Pharvis, No. 331 Dayton
St., Chicago, Ill., is now is her sixty-
eighth year, and Magas that she has suf-
fered with Consumption fur about ten
years, was treated by nine physicians,all
of them pronouncing her case hopeless.
She had given up all hope of over recov-
ering. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption completely
cured her. Doubting ones, please drop
her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Cali
sat J. Wilsons drug store and get a free
trial bottle. (1)
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
mouials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren'. Kidney Cure, then boy a bhti,le
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing puns. Your Druggest can tell you
all about it. Sold lay J Wilson Gosiench
Hamilton • Street, Goderich.
A good assortment of Kitchen. Hied room, Dtaitte Ituow andhl'arlor )'*rattfresuch as Ta Washh aadz
Wer, Chats N
hair, Date Cad wood seated), Cupboards. Bed -.reads. Attreit.ee.
Lounges, Sofas. What -Huta. Looking Olae,ses.
N. H --A oompletc assot•atwt of Collin and Shrouds always on bead' also Hearse& tor hire
at reaaoaable tete . v
Picture seaming a.peoLlty.—A call solicited, 1141
The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, Sc.,
and other nauseous, griping Cathartics
is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute
is found in Dr. Carson's Bitten, which
act as a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea. All druggists_ sell it.
50 cents a bottle
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug store. (2b)
An Answer Wanted.
Can any one bring tis a case of Kidney
or ver Complaint that Electric Bitten
will not speedily cure 1 We say they
cannot, as thougsude of uses already
permanently cured and who ere daily re -
by George Rhynas, sole agent for Godo armor*nditig Electric Sitters, will prove.
rich. 3m I Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Week Back,
or any urinary complaint quickly' cured.
They purify the blood, regulate the bqw-
els, and seri directly on the disealed
parts, Every bottle guaranteed. For
sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson.,
• --[Rerbert.
' The heart must ring thy ChristMu
Thy inward altars ries .
its faint end hope thy centuries.
And its .,berliam a praise "
Ilow shall we es,.•erst• the day
%Viten God appeat'sd In mortal slay,
Phe Mark el worldly .coin
When the atolianrel • heavenly lays,
41411,114th0 R.d.tn.r's praise.
Attu h&Isfl salvation'. Hurn
kraaeb Fiald Webtslag
Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minute's application
removes all pain and will prove the great
value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 25
,pents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug
store. • b
A rasetytte lareke.
W. H. Howard, of Geneva, N. Y.,
suffered with palsy and general debility,
and spent • small fortune in advertised
remedies, without avail, until he tried
Burdock Bloed Bitters, It purified and
revitalized the blood, caused it to circu-
late freely, and prickly restored him to
health. 2
Some parties have in the past been in
the habit of trotting theirs horses over
the brtdge,which action is rather danger-
ous aa the bridge is not considered safe ;
besides the statuses state that such ac-
tions are nolawfel. One of the cattle
dealers from Goderseh has on more than
one occasion been guilty of disregarding
the law in this respect, and Ihoagh fre-
quently warned against doing so persist-
ed the other day in offending again. The
result is that be will have to interview
the dispensers of the law
west Mwardlee.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
y who will prwdue. * asses of Liver,
Kittery or lltomeoh complaint that Else -
trill Batten will not speedily sun Bring
thorn aloin`. it will ons! pre nothing for
the medicine If it fails to cure, and you
will be well r•wsrdpd for your trouble
tummies All Blood diseases. Bilfotu-
ttnss, Jsundlee. Censlpetion, and gene
mil debility ere pliably fund Mattel*,
tl'on guaranteed of Man retand td
!'nee oral, Mly anti par lwssj ►M
sale ty J W flee,,/ rill
s 0
Now that there is a reliable retredy for
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been remuvee.
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path
It was never known to fail. Sold by J
Wilson. 2m
A ittartllag Dlseewery.
Wm. of Huron, Dak., writes
that his wife had been troubled with
acute Bronchitis for litany years, end that
ali remedies tried ,ave no permanent re
lief, until he precured a bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery fur Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, which had a magical
effect, and produced a permanent cure.
It is guaranteed to cure all diseases of
Throat, Lungs or Bronchial Tubes.
Trial bottles free et .1. Wilson's drug
store. Large size $1.00. (5)
reamfie. sod Sketches
Call at Get.. Rhynas' drug store and
get a package of McGregor & Parks's
Carbolic Cerate. it iscompcsed of Vase-
line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has
never failed to remove Pimples, iBlotches
Ulcerated Sores. Rough Skin. It cures
when all others fad. Try it. b
Harper's Weekly.
Harper's Weekly stands at the head of
American illaatrated weeklyjournals. By Iia
unpartisan position In politcs. Its admirable
illustrations. Its carefully chorea aerials• abort
stories. sketch.s, and poems. contributed oy
the foremost artists and authors of the day. it
carries instruction and entertainment to thou-
sands of American homes.
t it will alwari be the aim of the publishers to
make Harper a Weekly the moat popular and
**trek -tire family newspaper In the world. and,
la the pureuanasof this design, In present a
constant improvement In all thowe restores
which have gained for It the ennf twnew, sym-
pathy, and support of Its large army of read-
ver Tear t
One Year 1011 "tmbM*.. 10 le
1'naMg. Ave to aix .wbee,1,err in the UM .
ed Staten •r Unmade
part Rheas eared.
Ars you troubied with Walt Rheum,
Rough Skin, l'ingries or C:u:t.er ;gores ;
if so, goo at ouco tis taco. lthi nal Dreg
Stora mud get a package -,t McGregor t4
Park•'s Car' a Cerate. P. iso 25 tents.
It was nevernowti to fall. b
The volume..,f the weekly begin with the
first Number for Jannae7 of mob year. R-htte
no time Is mentlon.d It will be nada
that the sube.rrth.r wishes to entwm.mee
with Ilia w
Mamba neat attar t►. t.lpt of
ho Ian Fear Annual Volumes of fine s
errly. In neat e)ntb Mndl .111 b...at by
man. nosier!. paid lir bye free n/ .t•
pen.rrpen.lded lb. freght nee not *seeped
oils donor per voltmeei, for r m per emerge.
t' h case for aleph volum. .ultahle to
il. ▪ ng will be yet try mail post paid no re•
• of $I 05 walt
mett•nee. 14.01dd tw inert. to
blotto) tWrier or lush, M *told }N.ase
,y goes net nod In
rn�y r A/(a s/
1)500 w14*n rt i", ....pre se e'f.. n Haran ft
N 'WHOM IfA'Waft a NM) Iltgtta %.w Vest
5 ua `ill e=,Plaeevery.
Physician's are often startled b. re-
markable discoveries. Thu feet that Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
and all Throat and Tung diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
to die, is startling theist to realize their
sense of duty, and examine into the
mems .4 this wonderful dtecovery, re-
sultin•l, in hundred+ of our beat Phpsi-
ciat.s using it in their p•actice. Trial
bottles free at .f. %t'hron's Druv Store.
Rc. i!ar rias tl 1.).). (4)
s T CtT&1
i s
s �4::CCBT
IOdNL u.
as: COLDS.
e••a` •`SII•,
\\I/�• Iwo • = �: 1� 14-`_ Skid •
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Irl ` �iski {r ~,' ��t►� ,? yy�', /4/ i 1 ,.,iig.w 4.
,:a.. 7 ' L: eats Ilr...� SPA' .. ks:
going the Crest Central 1.1n,e, affords to travelers. by reason of ha unrivaled SS
graphical position, the shortest and haat route between the East. Northeast MN
Methheast.-and this Moot Northwest and Southwest.
It V Iltaratiy and,gtrlctly true. that its o)enecttons ars all W the prinotpalSa•a
of road between the Atlantic and the PaMno.
SIr. we main Zine snit branches it esachee ChktagO, .lolled, Psorat Ottsws.
I.a Snitd, aaneeso, Moine sad ick Island, In /IR 1or1, Davenport, t■uM
Washington. Keokuk, Knoavllte, Oskaloosa. fairffel I, Osa MWnes, West LlbI,tir.
Iowa Che. AtatWa, MOOR, AudtMtt. Hartel, outart• Seater and Oounou S*Mfla.
in tows 1 Oattatln. 1'rewtow. OaaeprOn and Kansas City. In Missouri. and LMvn-
worta and AsW11Ma M KsiMM% Md ilei hundred, W ewes, Pitagate and "Vim
inteem% take. Teal !t ,1 ,1'�.
aaR t0 travelers .0 the advawfaSes Coad •omiorts
sift badges, piston Depots at all oown•.Nnss SOlnts,
Panlitkorr t. Tiikta. •osapos•0 oaf OOMMO0101/s, MILL VOiTILATILO. KIR.
HEATED, ftSSELT WIROLIBTaltTO bid 1L*OANT DAT 00l10H[S t a tin* et tow
latest designed and tsandaows".t PALA00 MWIMMO CART. and DIIdINO OASIS
n1at Cee aoknowlSdged by Weal an.: swops. 50 be the SHIEST RUN UPON ANY
. ROAD HN INC 0051111TRr, awe )n whbh superior moil* are relied to travelers at
the low rate of S(VMNTY-Ply a LINTS SAM.
TNRMS TRAINS mak wed s•t0Mn ONS0A00 and th MISSOURI 01110.,
TWO TRAMS iamb err bowmen OIl1CAQO and NINA 11 and ST. P40,
ala tM f.w.W.e
NO. 1.
No. 2.
No. S.
(lame u man nfsettired by theor at
Fiwt.naty Hoop l'ompaul.
0,... l coir e it t.p.la Israel, I hroeg4o
ten/ t ngfand ru().ti
se.. lts!,
An ria, Ureses 1111416.0
Maemfaetund 1. ('.Cala ta) b
The Huron SooP Co'y
e.,. SOAi, SOAP. 50A1,
tla4MMh. ripe 11, IM It!
A New and area Liao, via Seneca anis Kankakee, has radiantly boon opened,
4.105••w Ngwgsls tsstre, Rionenond, C.ncinnatl, MdtaopoRU and La travois%
and paunch Rtwwe, M Pet, MlnnespNS and Intermediateol
A11 T1,Iyas1, Paseeagers eared On Fast taareas Trains.
For more desa4ed trim. tee Mao* and folder,. which may be obta inod. as
won as Tideess, at all prissawai Twines 004o.. in the United States and Canada, tx M
R. R. CASLS, t. 8T. JOHN,
t„p♦Pres%• O..'t Nana. ,, Con'! T'k't • Peas'r Ag't
Sick if,sdseh, and relieve all the troubles incl
dr.t to a bilious state of the system, .i ch a. Dir
sines., Nausea, Drowdne.., DIKre a after seeinngg
Pain I. Melbas die.. While their most remuk•
abWrsuceW has bees shows Is caring
Beadaehe, yet Carter's Little LIT" Pf Is arc equally
valuable In Constipation, curia; and preventing
this anneytag complaint, while tkey also correct
all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the flew
and ngatate the bowels. Ives K they may cured
Ache they would bealmoetprlcel ss to these who
erg -r from We d1.trassiag camplslnt; bat forts-
✓ atdy their redeem dose not end here, and them
who once try them w4114.4 these little pills rata
able to se matey ways that they will trot be wilting
to do without them. But afar all sick head
Is the bane of so maty lives Matas, is when we
make our great boast. Oar pills can 1t wear
Alters do mot.
Carter's Little Liver Pill. are very small ane
very easy to take. Pee pr two pills makes dose.
They are strictly v.gef.M• and de sot grips or
perge, bat by then gentle active pleas all who
ase them. fn vials at to cents; a,. fot$t. Said
by draggises everywhere, or seat by mall
Now York OIC.
fir, -
AM Si +••e BEST
points to Iowa, >>,. ,
liebruks.Kt hltas.•'•' 14
•, few Lezteo, Arises, r
Mu and Tessa
MIT ..d
raw to ltR. Jamb,
Trask. Deaf
Net Dallas, Det.
C H I C .& ale CO
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tralwenal- ��j► stawssett see et- Past
tr ethaeaaes to nationally reputed u
be tat asst esalss*e -' s r tn. Oros
named V travel, for *' Usee
so dew. or trevet,
All essa.ruo.. weds
Ie L
Tisane •to
Ot1.br. ni Line On
ml. Res ear..
Os U.&
0. Afl., fait arta, ate M
PION sr afire.Absbd, won wises*,.,':
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Deal pq �
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