HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 5• 4;* . 4 1 t r 1 5 8 8 �0 it !2 I8 13 15 l3 grief nth g kg •tta r, weal Pro - 1 by dis- r;fer ands mks - f it who keep , un- just after of all .8. It men Id to ellin8 rents. an be- ,droe 92'2- --e- Sale 2"-Sale lar of n es to in the 'nblk :-n of [883 Iaa- •t y{r- I Ikm� r►� rot seed moo holt reter debt sae sad or is 1. ;we pa 184. ;too (4 • 1'11, HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 14, i 3 O'DONNELL'S ILA( The Marie ct Carey. Hanged. As E gt1K reset .. !iydat tbe•Ing ee Wise w•.ve•y -ass HNtler la ins trees A. • LONDON, Dec. lb— °'Donnn staiu- tt�appin treat firmness eeldemaanoer,' and u Hotly prepornal f M meet 1>t fate. e regards i a martyr. His brother vlailedhim t►jjaEtermw and re- mained testily =imam At parting O'- Donnell ah•rk hiser uy the hand and exclatiurd, "(.'ubd bye, old fallow, keep up your spirits Yid due t be down- cast because ut we. LONDON, Lec. 16- rho police leaving d.ty tat the prison this evening report that-O'Dfanl a sootiness as firm as • rock. `verybody is meth impressed With his nem O'Doeoed u fully pre - red to meet his fete, but has remarked that his death will be avenged on Eng- land. O'Donnell yesterday. for the first time 'eines he killed Carey, practically admit- ted he was an Invincible. The admin sfion was made to hu brother, and was divulged by the latter. After leaving O'Donnell bee evening, his brother made this statement :—"Fur fear that ally - thing might happen to him between now- , and Monday, my brother sent for me, and asked me to put beton hie friends his Wt statement. He intends upou the assillbld to say the following words :—"I NNW Janes Carey, the informer. I am shirt sorry for killing him, and I never hose been. Not only that, but all of Leaden's wealth would not buy me, or indent, ase to sive anyone away." O'DOBAI*LL .4'IOJD. }ID 1 FOR CHRISTMAS! !New Mantle Oloths A Great Bargain at Fur the Very Choicest Selection of Fancy (Coot!,, &e for S PRESENTS`� c. oETLoR &cos. „o,HURONBOOK DEP( Colored Velveteens 3IBIE 3IM X* 3E° AL NIL 31Cio"S GIFT BOOKS, I AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SHELL GOODS, BIBLES. DESKS, WIRE GOODS, PHOTO ALBUMS I LADIESS' COMPANIONS [VASES, TOILET SETS TOYS IN ENDLESS QARIETY —AND AT ALL PRICi9.-- - XMAS CARDS 1 XMAS CARDS 1 THE CHOICEST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. 1'I will be happy to see all my old friends, and all their frionds between this and Christmas. LONDON, Dee. 17.—O'Donnell was baa{ed this morning within the precincts of this Prison. The black flag was • at four minutes past 8. There an exceedingly large crowd out - the walls, and those that were pres- sesmed possessed with a stolid in- to the result. Arrangements !tad been perfected for repressing any hostile demonstrations, but .11 passed off quietly. His brother was among the crowd. Mases will be said at 8 o clock in the various Catholic churches for the »pose of O'Do nell's soul. O'Donnell felt comforted yesterday because of hear ing that the unexpended balance of the Americas funds subscribed for his de- fense wt►eld be divided among his wife trod dependent mations He said he died for Ireland, and would die like • brae man. Loxnow, Dec. 17. --O'Donnell was no- tified at 7:30 a.m. to make ready. He was perfectly resigned, and expressed great sorrow for his outburst of temper in the dock at the conclusion of the trial. He said be had felt the greatest animosi- ty for the witnesses who appeared against hire, but that hail now disappear- ed. After the communion was adminis- tered to the condemned man, RINDS, THE HANGMAbr, entered the cell, and O'Donnell admit- ted to the operation of pinioning with • smile and without a murmur. The pro- nasion then moved toward the seag.ki. U'Dennell walled with great firmness R Tad without the tissistanoe of the w rrd- ers."who stood close •found him. H• declined assistance in ueendiag the steps of the scaffold. Father Fleming was by his side, and repeated tbo service of the church fur the dying and held 1 crucifix before O'Donnell's gate. The prisoner then took his place on the drop under the rope, the slack of which was hold up ov- er his head by • piece of thread. He was perfectly calm and looked amend uneonoarnedly. Bions was self-possess- ed and fitted the noose around the 'tuck of the eomdemned nun exactly as hies- wood tanwood used to 8t it. He pulled the loner u the neighboring clocks were striking eight. O'Donnell fell eight feet and the rope hardly quivered. According to the surgeon, DEATH WAt INSTANTANIIOts, One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at Cost Price. SI3E1==5ARZ7_ Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1883. 1917 -`it H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., 02312.ANTI901 R_ New Imports for the Fall Trade. WE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Express. The Goods may he returned if not satisfactory and money refunded. Parties desiring to make Personal Inspection,and purchasing to the amount of 330.00, we pay Return rare. ''All Orders for Samples or Goods receive protnpt and careful attention. We Sell Retail et 777-1-a.olesale gives_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. I NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS ALL WOOL FOULS CLOTHS.' HANDSOME CHECKS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK & COL'D CASHMERES SILKS BLACK GROS GRAIN. OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED SATINS. COLORED SILKS. VELVETS LYONS VELVETS. BROCADED VELVETS. COLORED VELVETS' VELVETEENS. IN BROWN. BLUE, SLATE AND STRAWBERRY. AT • J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. - - Christmas Opening EVERYBODY WANTED. CHAS. A. NAIRN has mucic pleasure in announcing to the Public that he has now open for inspection the FINEST ASSORTMENT of China, Crockery, tiia-w:,r• ,. ld Fancy Gt' ills, ever opened out in one season in Goderich. and will be pleased to have everyone cell and sen them, whether t1. v •:l arra ; II, it. Yours respe:tfully, A Full Line of Cashmere Hose, Cloves and Underwear. OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST PILE. Cottons, Flannels and Blankets at Mill Prices. •H Tr. BRETHOUR 4- CO., Bra n t f'orff . lir.nttont, Oct. 4th, 1883. 11111 - then being scarcely any musoalar move- ment of the hailing form. The streets in the vicinity of Newgate were packod with people(st,, bet the crowd was quiet and orderly. The Irish element was not con- spioious. As the moment forthe execu- tion approached the crowd swayed up against the prison wall. The police, however, moved rapidly through the aaultitude and cleared the roadway. The clouds began to break as the hour of eight approached, and when the black flag was run up it was distinct4isdispiay- td against the rising stn. Theta was no demonstration when the flag was hoist- ed, although suppressed excitement marked many faces. O DONNBLL S BROTHER occupied • donrwey opposite,the prison in view of the flagstaff uPellifsbich hie eyes were riveted. Re wept bitterly and was an object of deepest interest sad tpniosity. The crowd pawed so d *pen him drat the polies had to interfere for his protection. When the black be was hoisted her moved his bat and remised some monist, appear- entiT relying, his teems workleg pain- fully. lie autyed on the suit seine time after the eoteeuti» and to the people who inrgered arsenal be mid, in a hoarse voice, "My poor Brother, he has died as bravely es man ever died." This nes received with cries of "Yea." He tlftD d..rbed aad the crowd dispersed. The by hung for an hour when it was cart down an& removed for tbliIw eset. .*pe POINIAL ttwaanv. L.,wuorr, Dec. 11.—An Inquest upon the body.of O'Donnell was held this sAet „ Tfie tare flew a eget ea'ws- tliosf the heed was toile lintslhee best triton!' - The t9weal r .o 111.4 tlgipr ifr+ Seer Tom,- T parMilott 1 told a lar - tb4ls Weiser there was to to done or rid ease. The British alt equanly the re - 0, rerntaewt, , ite There I n eo fellers, the etrtaw -e>t st.Pnosy roe the $W of the British Illtifintrintent Pow* wtrNe. !mole was Imaged on tee.Aav t• .430.10 KNIGHT'S FORA -SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO i►OOR14 EAST 01r P.0 AYER'8 air Vigor CHAS A.'NAIRN. N.B.—Store will be open during the geek until 5:30 p.m. XMAS GOODS—XMAS GOODS AT THE ]MEDICAL 1--1A.1-41.,- J int ALL_Just open, a fresh consignuiont of those beautiful Prussian restores, w,th the gloom and freshness of youth, faded or gray hair to a tatural, rich brown eller, or deep bleak, u mar be desired. By ata nee light or ref hair nay be darkened, thin hair thtekeaed, and beldame often, though not always, eared It Cheeks fining of the lair, and stimulates a weak and elekly growth to vigor. It preventsand covet acne and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Ladies' Herr Deeeettor, the Vtooa L unequalled; tt contains neither ell nor dye, renders the hair soft, glossy, rid taken in m psarasoe, and imparts a dentate, agreeable, ad lasting perfume. Not c.#. fit Nth* wrlles from Kirby. O. My11, ices : '• Last fall ray hair commenced- tt oat. and In a abort time 1 became nearly ba I need part of a bottle ofoAf y hair, HAtit VtOOot�ad, anew mopped owth. 1 have fallingeow a full bead inz; s new vigorously, 1 and am convinced that but rowing rheel o s preparation i should haveblen for thereof T� proper entirely bald.' J. W. ttoww o, er of the McArrAo f moms . S� �• OOR im •.f it fatal agnwn expetime.. Ito use promote. the cath of sew lair, d task- It ak�sry affanl. � wwnat•T 1 le taw ase— oaf fandrntlo• ear tailed to gM wed* matta""°a' F. ,eon. vasa AIa t ecce net pr.p•� for her. 1 speak DRESS GOODS AN D • CHRISTMAS CARDS. DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS Dried Grasses and Everlasting Flowers bre ll •fiat writes from slum ply Mk Art>Ye 1tYa In Boquets and Hanging Baskets. A Choice Lot of Hyacinths and other Flower Bulbs (sortie of them just in bud in Hyacinth. Glasses), very suitable for Xmas Presents. Alto it full line of Fancy and Csef ul TOILET ARTICLES AND REQUISITES. Choice Perfumery of all kinds, Bottled or in Bulk. Fancy Perfume Bottles, etc., etc. The Leading Millinery Establishment of the County. ssai. tiewhat, sok st. �ssow who , ems to L» w�.e.e tits pans." trans U Wei et•, GOODS I XMAS GOODS XMAS GOODS XMAS GOODS XMAS GOODS XMAS GOODS i XMAS • AT CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN'k MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. TICE PEOPLNZ':.S STORE., COR. Kfl tTaRN 1ST REM' AND'tH&r1SQUARE, OODERICH. Suits Xade to Order. Pit Guaranteed. z S-u.it for $12_50_ Z6 Suits for 1.8 shoats fox 16 r.' f Deni, li 'kosher 1'0U .I'Vant to Buy or Not READY-MADE OV ERCOA.TS, 85 TO S12. H_ R1DI EY_ JAR, A. McINTOSH'B OI.D STAND. Goderich, Orr. 4. 1883. The Chicago House, C ODERICH. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, tit IresilQ.. Measles kes/r+M M singlet s_mt)meni.ls w' the 1110* et Avgire SA& V=111000 bat • trial M eeavlasm Mee nt r .f its vlara led le saner•• 3LDDIoAL $ALL C -0D E RICI3- pa/.W aT Do. J. 0. ATN & Co,,•t.awcll, Moos. Owt+y an a.oi/ia FNC AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS G -RAH AM, MILLINER, G0DERICH. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles ate Carefully Studie'' An Inspection is Respectfully Invited. PLUSHES, BIRDS, VELVETS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, The Largest and Best Assorted Stock in the County to Choose Froni, at JQHN A. NAFTEL•, Cheap I s rdware Emporium. Mioliday C-i-oods_ =mac PeeeI.tes. LACES Miss 177ilkiason's, - Chicago House. CUTLERY. Special Lines. CARVERS & FORKS, New Styles, CARVERS & FORKS, French Cook, CARVERS & FORKS, dame. BREAD PLATES & KNIVES, POCKET KNIVES k RAZORS, Excellent Value. BUTTER DIAIiF,S k KNIVES. SILVER CRUET STANDS, PLATED KNIVES, FORKS k SPOONS NEVADA SILVER FORKS & APOONS the game throughout CH11AR8I11 8 SETS OF THB.U, k CHILDREN'ff KNIYE$ or FORKS ACME SKATES awls.' SLEIGHS. &e. Ike. liar Oodertcb. Nov. 8th, 185.1. 1916- 1883---AXES---1883. Welland Valc, aNAotgti Welland Vale, Burrells, -1 Burrells, and tlae and the Simpson- A. r'. f iX f. . Simpson Axe. FULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS MAN'-FACT1'RED HV R. H. SM ITH &CO. Successor to J. FLiNT. MAPLE LEIF LIACB, a Heald Quarters for Steel Barb Fence Wire CATTLE CHAINS AN1) ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. ',TOME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. R. W. McKENZIES 02-173.4h. JP 1EAlgDWLA. BToMtB. UOPRT HOT -ME SQLA H t adenrie t hv. r tet 1lOI)KRICH ONTARtIii