HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 4e
FBIDA Y , PEC. 21m, 1883.
'FRE HURON SIGNAL, FRIA\ , DE('. 41, 1$.4.3
ink Tory, whoae only qualification for
the p.eitiun consisted in the fact that he
had been a defeated oiu baste, and was
on iudelatiiahle Tory ward politician.
THE CONSPIRATOR MUST C10 We know William Joseph Russell Holmes
well, aid we know n•)thing Ruud of him
Irrour 1.st True we referred to the pgirt olitically. He has always bea eoliti-
infamous conduct of the moribund cal moldier, and were it not fur that
(,,oVnty Council of Hurun fur 1883 in
want my dtremor-
er,issiuj the county tremor-
er, Hon. A. M. Reiss without *aura, so
that a wornout Tory political hank
could be hoisted into position in his
stead. A few additional remarks on the
subject may not be amiss this week, and Candidate, la 1370 s:ut had always been
a ,
1801'. If, ou the other hand, as we trust ;.tf..i HCaurt Con. r,.tivu c ousen
will be the cake, Old Huron is true t flu,. %tsalel h,r want of a „iodide",
her beet ioter.eta, and the strong j,.
form elemeet of the atenty seems l,r, di. Colaihis.. oa Plume, of iirussule, is
Bounty council its propos » es. also t -b
usr the llseves5$ . Mr. Drewe
titin, then the major'=sat look pets ass soaks mews 'Miss for lei+rrmuli than
be disgraceful eel of their 'red any village oeesoillor we eve• knew. All
the liw ofaeriuee,asdig/sr.slikethe he needs la a'lean shave and a petticoat
k/tters u►d is pass fur a r igular "old woman.' Mc-
Cracken will dura this gabby little fellow
to January.
foot he would have been &Lie ere this to ` _ of the rookie,* tris
have built ups medical practice that wot::**-; the n whom they would fain
have enabled hila to live cones ,ably sppoi4 .
without patting forward .s a claim fur Let thu p,htical jobbers be taught
the treasurersh 4, of Rin.tn the fact that "Honesty is the beet policy." If
that `..e j.ld suffered- and bled as a Tury they won't take to is naturally, cone -item
them of the truth of the adage by hard
keuets at the polls.
for that resent we return to the sehject.
The nomination of Hun. A. M. Ross
for West Huron is not so far back that
those who bad the privilege of listening
to the address which h3 then gave will
have forgotten the tenor of his remarks
eu that day. Defining his poaitson
and stating his intentions on that oc-
casion, he said that, although there was
a seeluns party hack. of course, we
are willing to admit that William Jueeph
Russell Holmes had much to fear of late
years front the incumitio of clever, well-
educated medical men, —young then who
had taken Canadian rod British degrees
(which, by the way, Holmes to our
knowledge has not rejoiced iii)—and as
his rating, in a professional sense, did
no reason why the holding of the two
nut extend higher than that of a gsaduate
offices—the County Treasurership:and
the :Provincial., Treasurership -- could
not be rnaintaintained by one man, yet
he had no intention of holding both posi-
tions, rut would relinquish his cid office
at the close of his term, s, that a suc-
cessor could be appointed in his stead.
This he purposed doing of his own voli-
tion, although one of hu predecessors
in the office of Provincial Treasurer,Hon.
S. C. Wood had continued to act in the
capacity of treasurer of Victoria during
his incumbency of the higher position.
These words were uttered in the pre-
sence of all who attended the nomin-
ation—the President of Goderich Lib -
Con. Association be:ng amongst the num-
from Nashville, Tenn.. anterior to 1867,
and had not since been improved upon
by the holder, his present action in en-
•leavoring to galvanize a moribund coun-
cil to do a reckless, disgraceful and un-
lawful act, must have been foried upon
him by the fact that abler and more pro-
ficient medical men were crowding so
closely upon him, that William Joseph
Russell Holmes "must go," and reek
a livelihood outside of his chosen pro-
And now, a word or two on other
points of the case. We contend the dy-
ing council of 1883 had no right to pitch-
fork into office a creature of its own, who,
in all probability, would not be appror
ber. ed of by their successors in the council
Such being the case, and the intention of 1884. Let us place an instance : Sup -
of the county treasurer. in the matter of pose the town council of Goderich, or.
placing hie resigration, being knnwn,the
usual courtesy extended to any retiring
officer, of being allowed to send in his
resignation at any time before the ex-
piration of his term should have been
accorded to him. But such a course wu
not adopted by the majority of the
County Council, an the treasurer of
Huron. who had served the county faith-
fnlly for about a quarter of a century,was
summarily diarissed at the beck of a
Our rooster still crow& The Liberals
of Ontario on Friday last met their op-
ponents in four parliamentary contests,
and the result was that victory perched
upon the banners of three of the 1te(urm
In the fourth constituency, Cardwell,
the old member, Hammell (Tory), suc-
ceeded in being elected by a ruduesl
In West Simeon, a stern battlo was
fought, but our friends in that riding
succeeded in resisting the encroachments
of the curruptionists, who had gone in
to do dirty work, headed by "Gum
Swamp" Anderson. We congratulate
West Simeoe on the. result.
But of all the political contests fought
in Ontario in many a long year, the elec-
tion in West Middlesex wu the most
keenly contested. A dead set had been
made on the constituency by the bribery
brigade led by Hon. John Carling, "Big
Push" Wilkinson, Roddy Pringle, Dick
Purcell, Craigia Boyd, and • host of other
corruptionata. In addition to the
"brigade," the constituency was hooded
in fact, of any municipali'y, had a Pre= with stumpers along the range extending
form majority at its beck this -year, :ind between SL Johns, N. H., (Sir Leonard's
were fearful of having .L minority at the locality. and Windsor, Ont., (the old
council board in 1883; and suppose, un- home of the redoubtable Major Lewis).
der these circumstances, they took upon Then there were Charlie Maclntesh,
M.P.fur the leader of the the:nscices to dismiss, without cause, orOttawa,
Len -
complaint the clerk or other functionary nos brigade, Tom Cowan, of Galt,
of the council, who meditated sending in the Grit Rsg-baby-N. P. -everything by
his resignation at the end of his preeeut turns and nothing long -Tory, together
$2.o1DO t $1.50.
A rials Tani by /M rabtllabera IhNena•
rill oat, for te.tar to Ivrea,.
Tee Conservatives are already beKtu-
ning to dart some of their claim* for
that gigantic Saud, the "iudiotal policyi"
Mr. Meredith in nee of Lis recent peblie
addresses recently made the following
back -down . —"They sey that the prom-
ise was made that the national policy
would prevent hard times. Such • prom'
ase as that would have beau an insane
one to stake, and had it been made the
people would hare been insane to believe
it." Many of the Tury etunup-speakers
node that promise.
WC a to happy to anaemic* that our
sut,s:rl i1i'u listieu$essrl in a moat
encouraging sun durjug tins past
semoa. It it et
e y growing, and s •
will soon have doubled the number of
subsorilwts wit started with iu 1880.
our automaton oar She whole ars of
an excelleut, paying elsss. There rte
auate, huirerer, who have neglected to
pay up their subsesi$ion fur 1883. It
may have beat wore iaat1eutwm. If
Ito, thio uotlee will be suflblent to bring
them in before Jauua.y, 1884, and pay
up at the regular rate of $1.60. ,
If, however, they fail to step up to
the publishers' desk and deposit their
$1.60, the sow of $2.00 per annum will
be charged iu every wee, and the mo•i.ey
collected by our solicitors.
This us not a threat.
doesn't pay. It is merely a business
auuouucumeut, which will remiud dere-
lict subscribers of their duty, and bring
the professional "dead head" subscriber
to time.
This notice is meant for all who owe
n We must have what is coming to
us. If you may up promptly you will
oblige us ; if not, we will oblige you.
Tbe $..lrl rrieel meaeoe..
The -tatltatauesealu) c •udi-
dales ea , bare baso w ri(* .0 the pro, -
f ftp a ami 4el in ,,h,ty t.
uortentelif loam lies 'eh
Cooly, Z
Tug majority of Hon. Mr. Murat in
the Laval House* variously given. The
ministers claim to knew that on a vote
given by the parties as they now stand,
they would haves Majority of 15. Since
West Middlesex election (the Black Fri-
day of the Tories) the opposition have
not counted Mr. Mowat's probably
majority on a division. The indepen-
dent newspapers put it at Reformers 50,
Conservatives 37 ; Majority for the
Goyernment 13. That is a snug majority
as it is big enough for all practical pur-
term of office, so that the council of 1884 with Clark M PP. for West Toronto,
would be forestalled in the appointment Ferguson M.PP. fur Welland, and a
reckless band of conspirators who found of an official for 1884. In such an event, galaxy of other equally radiant stars.
they bad a majority at their back upon we ask, would not our Tury friends con- In West Middlesex, however, as in
whom they could depend. demo, in unmeasured terms, the die- many well fuught battles, right was en -
To -day there dwell in the county of graceful and unlawful act. Yet the user- ; tabled to triumph over might, and on
Huron four well -thrashed Tory condi- patron of pbwer by a dying council is the evening of the 14th victory perched
datea for parliamentary honors. Their what has been done in this instance, and ' apes the Liberal banner foriboth condi-
names are William Joseph Russell a rascally attempt has been made by the dates—Hon. G. W. Roes, fur the Legia-
Holmee, Thea. E. Hayes, 1'atriet'Kelly desperate gang of tricksters and their , Iature, and D. M. Cameron for the
and Frederick W. Joh:ston: "the two tools to steal a county office in the inter House of Common
first named have been defeated in East est of a Tory wire -puller who wapts a • The following is the result of the day's
Huron, and the two latter Aare been on billet. - ' work in the three eosatithencies :
the losing side in West Huron: The But the nefarious scheme shall not ! WESTwIDDLtaRx.
East Huron victims, when they heard wcrk, and if the people of Huron be'Hon. G. W. Ross (Liberal' elected to
that Hon. A. M. Roti had determined true to themselves at the January slec- i the Legislature by a majority of 156.
to relinquieh'lthe county treasurership, tions a number of the municipal ho -A- D. ML Cameron (Ilberal) elected to
at once,after the fashion of defeated Tory
tmndidatee, e. org1,t the p sitiou,and,when-
tbe Dtcetn.lot :111 Ming of the County
Council 1 ehl. t Goderich to
lams who so recently forgot that decency the 'House of Commons by • 'majority
and respect should always be extended of 33.
to a tried and trusted public servant,will r'ARewstar
be relegated to private life. If Huron
Th rest euileg
THs el. otions in Middlsez are over,and
the Tory newspapers are endeavoring to
forget that Jemos Weekes, of Carado°,
ever existed. James is now recuperat-
ing at Detroit, having decamped when
the warrant for hie arrest for perjury
was taken out by Mr. Rowland. Weeksa
did a f•adish thing when he unbosoinud
himself to the Reform aonmittee, but he
utile a for worn deal when he hearken-
ed to the dulcet tones of the rascals who
induced him to add perjury to his other
crimes and misdemeanors. His experi-
ence of the "envelope" system has cer-
tainly been anything but a pleasant one.
MsasDrru met his Tel-el-kebuc at
Middlesex on Friday last All through
the campaign he made the issues per-
sonal one between himself and Mowat,
and said, he would accept the verdict of
the people as oof endoation or cun
m -
denatioo. The verdict has been an
unmistakeable condemnation of his pol-
icy of hostility bathe interests of Ontario.nn
It is to be hoped he will now act con-
sistently with his professions ooerning
the verdict, and acknowledge that
Mowat has been endorsed by the people
of West Middlesex, while the policy of
William Ralph Meredith has been cos-
Sour of the Tory oounty papers don't
like the idea of Mr. D. McGillicuddy be -
Te "•w$ $
sede" SIecrabers.
Subscribers residing outside of the
aunty of Huron wilt notnative TimSlower. fur 1884 unless paid* Ott fop" ro
advance. Those in Msnttuba -or. the
United States intending Ds/renew should
send their subscription along at once.
We cannot guarantee back numbers to
those who may be late in renewing.
Hammen (Tory) elected to ()Merle ing selected to do public service on the
place their clainir. In Tory caucus it county, with a Reform majority of over Lagislature by a majority of 43. platform daring elections. Well, we are
was settled that the hong-headed, eonniv- b00 votes, is willing to allow a desperate WE.T sntCOE. sorry for the jaundiced Tory scribes, but
in 'cute, cunning, scheming Brussels ' Philos (Liberal) elected to Legislature we would take this opportunity to stato
g, gang to insult its pubic servants, to
~medical eau should he the Tory noel- i usurp the powers of their successors, and of Ontario by a majority of 39. that there is a good field for intelligent
nee, and ll:e conspirators waited for the I to become the holetcrere up of played -out The result has been a gain of two on a speakers on the Tory platfortn at
resignation of the county treasurer.. politicians who': to feed at the public division to the L,,cal &dministrstion, the present time, and we would like
I"' ans seepublic
the fallacy of the to see the figure some of our local Tury
But the Treasurer had no intention ..f I crib, en th we a -e much mistake. in the
meta. o our poop e.
Let the watchword he raised in evert ASCBM'alaPR in Michigan writes to
municipality where a Reform inajetrity us too the effect that tints/ are dull in the
exists that henceforth ne (11.u -ter is
r lumber region this winter. Wages are
to be shown to the enemy, but that the I „r, from $12 to $20 per monih for the
battle at the municipal election/ must be beat urea bring paid.
fought out on strict party lines. Thu is
not our doing, but has been forced upon THE Stratford Herald (Tory) toes the
us by the rascally tactics of our oppon- mark, and delivers itself of the fullow-
ents. We have hitherto deprecated the iag trneism regarding the Ontario Pre -
introduction of party politics into muni-
cipal contests, but now the gage of bat-
tle hu been thrown down by our oppon-
ents, and we hasten to take it up. Our
Tory friends in the council hare ".hied
the castor into the ring," and if they are
"knocked out in the first round" at the
January election, they will have no
cause to complaim.
and goes far to prov
resigning at the December meeting, and I f l Mail's cry that "Mowat must go."
upon enquiry by a committee appointed
to wait upon him by the impatient
Tories, it was found that the hon. gentle-
man intended to finish his fiscal year,and
would place in the hands of the auditors
of 1884, to be appointed at the January
meeting, his books and vouchers, eimul-
tanously with the placing of his resigna-
tion in the hands of the clerk of the
county. When it was found that the
treasurer had determined upon a differ-
ent line of action from that which suited
the conspintore:and their friends, there
was a Icud howl of rage and dismay, and
it was determined that Hon. A. M. Roes
should be summarily dismissed, be the
consequences what they might. To ease
the consciences of those of the rank and
file among the councillors who had corn -
'The action of the dying council of 1883
Auctions about summarily dismissing • in the high-handed dismissal of Hon. A.
tried and faithful servant without cause, M. Roo from the treasurership was un-
it was asserted by the tricksters that the lawful. Fortunately the conspirators
treasurer had stated en nomination day dropped into a trap after all. The mo -
that he would resign at the December tion which was carried by tie majority
in effect that the treasurer's books be
handed over to the auditors on the 2n4
of January, 1884. cannot be carried out
if the integrity of the section appointing
auditors be preserved. The duties of
that given above, but, on the contrary' i the auditors for 1883 are not carried
as recently as Nur. 30, had said :
meeting; and thus did the scheming gen-
try ads lying to their other unrighteous
methods of taking advantage meanly .,f
a political opp•onent. Even the Par had
failed to mat e s.• absurd a statement as
"There is some prospect of a fight for the
County Trsasurerehip. to be re.•ated by (oI.
51.aa. That (gentleman. we understand. will
sot resign rata the new council meets. as he
expeteoses a desire to hold office until the end
of the floral year. Feb. Itt. 1554. Mr. Adauneos.
['minty Clerk. bas filled an application. end
Mr. Thorns E. Hays. of McKlllot.. and 111x.
Holme& •f Drussela sra elan to the field. The
pollsleat rowiplestee of the seas rooms
reser*. wrtldoubt sweet sawetwattre."
over to the year 1884, and the auditors
can have no authority to aozept the
books and do special auditing unless t'..ey
have been re•appninted by a regularly
drafted by-law duly passed. The audi-
tors f.or 1804 will not be appointed until
the third week in January, and c.n that
assesat the 2nd of January will be too
early for them to take charge of the
But honest work and square dealing hooka So. you ser. then is* fly in the
eonspiat.ors' ointment after all.
was not to doe licked for from a mapeity The duty of the next county council
led by Kelly ani Johnston, two defunct b plain. his to ignore the action of the
politicians, who kad been relegated to
the cold shade by the man who now moribund council of 1883, and to lake
stood in the way of the fulfilment of open tleosrlves the lawfs% appointoent
attar wishes The count! council of ..1 the onnnty treasurer. If the Tories
SOW a Tory mij ,nty of nine, and as , &l• thew take nrity i in n the neactioat the mat-
111ssh a nate d parties 11 not obtain ter sod 'tly eunatitote Mr. Holum
b lhe. psi) wf 1884, it was droteld
by the ilielbend r»e1 if lie robe a hold the aunty tr.arrnr, eu the. be w111 net
getaillipe nae the edges of eoiinty b4 hewing the ogles by the fraud per.
apSte•1.0^• nett/Nod lir the :c•ttntt• irtelteoere
toasty coast mead General sesames of Ike
confreres would cut We make this
statement, and we dofy contradiction,
that there is not -to -day in the oounty of
Huron a solitary Tory editor who could
discuss intelligently the issues of the day
for the short space of half an hour.
F o•r
(1<i.iie'e tOJ
our WI laesi..a.t.• .011
li 470
evadldelf, Ma3ti.i ii . . '•438
Halse, )Guy J . • •
McKinley. Ri t t ... ...43U
MoCu•nlc1l, $,ra.
- 428
Strelbtrt, J. c _ 4)1
Smith ' rte c
Walker, So.t,:ii J ... 418
Andersab, pltld M - . - • .. 438
Bean, 'Benjamin 411
Bescroft, u a -
Bolton. Frank ..
Blair, Frederick
Camp'"•f1, Go-".oe
Donau. Wm. S... •
,'rend, tQ'i'Tiam
Far. w. Jueei,h
Huron, Henry
Hawkius, Thor .. ..... ..-• 447
Ilarrisou, !JinianF - 463
Hackett. tem. A 420
Hamlin, R ... ..... ... ... 444
Irwin, Arthur .. 441
McPherson, Jahn 0 .. .427
McLeod, John A 461
McKay, John ... 412
Morrish, Jose, N . 407
Pollock, (ieerse A .
\Vala..n, J.miea .401
Worsen. Alersuder erre . 43r1Y
Wood D n .uu .. . • • • g38 '
Boyd, Euima A 441
Crowsky, Minute ....360
Des', Lute erre. 484
Dunbar, Sarah 391
Elder, Grace N • • • • 416
Hawkins, Kate 405
Hilbert, Martha J.... .........444
Holman, Mary L ..... . .
3icKay. Lizzie
Row, Jeanie \f
llutchart. Thee R
►ati D
o Tel4WuOkt >U'w'y
This court was upend on Tuesday last
boy His Honor Judge Toms. The follow-.
lug were sworn in se the
Tboa.McLaughlin, Wroxeter, foreman;
Wm. Bryan, Howick ; Richard Urighast,
Hullett ; Geo. Brower, Morris ; Jas Con,
Goderich ; Samnel Cole, Hdiitifl.. Jahn
Hazlewood, Usb,rne ; Jsatios .l soy.
Zurich ; Timothy Ryan, Me ,Nuhn
Redmond,*awanosh; David Rat, Wing -
ham ; Chas. Spooner, Clinton; Jacob
Wi aon,Colborne ; Richard Walters, Clot -
borne ; Jas. Wells, Colborne.
Judge Tums very briefly referred to
the calendar, which be said was likely to
cause the jury but little work, after
which the court adjourned until 10 a.m.,
Wednesday, there being no business
Court opened. at 10 a.m., on the case
of Cronyn vs. Ford,an action on a prom -
Sauey note. Mr. Dickinacn for plff.;
deft not represented by counsel. Ver-
dict for plff. for $237.63.
McIntosh et al ve. Cooper et al — An
action on a promissory note. M. C.
Cameron for pit ; deft. not repressoted
by oosnae!. Verdietfor pit by jury for
$322.10; immediate execution granted.
McLain vs. Collins—An action for
non-delivery of sheep. Darrow & Proud -
foot for pig. ; Mr. Cameron and Mr.
Ooodeve for deft Jndgtnent for pig
for $76, besides the sum of $60 paid into
court, with fall County Court ousts
Lloyd v& Tichbourne — Action for
goods sold. Cameron, Holt & Cameron
for plif ; Garrow & Proudfuot fur deft.
Verdict for plff.
Court then adjourned until until 10
a. in. Thursday.
Court opened pursuant to adjourn-
ment. The grand pity handed in the
as their
rfiaa&R r11 CNT.
We, the Grand Juror of the Sovereign
Lady the Queen, beg leave to report that
re have examined the jail, and have
found confined therein 11 males and 3
females -1 male awaiting trial, 1 male
insane, 2 for threats, and 7 are in as
vagrants, all under sentence. Inthe jail
we found everything clean and in good
order,'and the prisoner' seem well satisfi-
ed with their treatment. We would re-
commend that a place of refuge suitable
for the poor be provided for this county.
We would also recommend that Mr.
Burgess, now lying sick with a sore leg
be removed to the hospital, as the jail is
not a fit piece for him. We take the
liberty of thanking Mr. Lewis, and also
Mr. Addison, for the courteous manner
in which they assisted us in our duties.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Taos. MrLAt'oHLIR, foreman.
Grand .bury Room, Dec. 13, 1883.
THe Evening C+onudian, of Toronto,
gives us the following send off :—"The
Humor( Sweet, has sent a special corres-
pondent nut to the Hawaiar. Islands to
mier's position :—"His victories in Sim- write up that country. Perhaps the able
coe and Middlesex will enable Mr. editor had en ulterior object in view in
Mowat to prolong his existence."
"WHAT is Time 1',asked the London
Free Press in a learned editorial on the
morning after the election. “Time,"
dear Free'Prean, is something your party
failed to come to the morning after the
West Middlesex election. You were
hopelessly knocked out in two rounds.
F. C. Roosts has evidently been
coached by our own F. W. J., se he is
out with his postal cards for the reeve -
ship of Brussels for 1884. It is well
known that Mr. Rogers sat at thecuanty
council hoard of 1883 under the most
questionable circumstances, being actu-
ally "counted in by a most extraordin-
ary manipulation of the ballot& Mr.
McCracken ia coseed.d t, be away ahese
of the old reeve in the race fo r the obi
and will win by • length- this thee.
was a neck sheaf last year, but misruled
I s this time the editor d the Mad
meat he heertily etch of his "Doi Pap
and Slugger" staff. The Tend*WOs rs
ialf Nears is the latest pap he int l
silly phrase in the teeth of tette editor of
the lending organ, and rube it in m the
following manner :—"And now the Mailw
admits that Mr. Moat's 'private char -
actor is irreproachable,' Then we nip-
ping,he is only a'IKull Pip and a'Slug-
ger' M a kind of a Pieliwicktan sense, as
it were. 1e it possible that the Nal has
a lingering sense .if shots* yet serviettes 1
Or has the soli -onion bees of With
thin *toed home tthe seer, of abuse with*
h hhittlavishedlavishednpnn the t tnsfi,io mime.
try defeat. Its wan pneT*.w r'
doing so, and like his brother journal-
ists, Nick Davin and Harry Smallpieee,
she may now be rewarded with a vice-o•n-
tlship. We are .onvinced he would
leak well in a cocked hat, a paper Dollar,
a sword, and a pair of spurs." 'We
would not :object to the position of Ha-
waian consul, but we would prefer our
trusty ulster during the holiday season
to the airy uniform which our contempo-
rary would heroes bedecked with. -- [En.
"Bio Puss" Wilkinson, who has figur-
ed so notoriously in the election contests
ie Muskoka and Algoma, and latterly in
West Middlesex, is a -peculiar specimen
of the fentu political leech. For the past
fifteen menthe he has been a Dominion
valuator, but u soon as a contest for a
seat in ilia Legislature was started, the
redoubtable "frig Push" would leave
Ottawa sod his valuation,and at node 1»-
take hint a
to the scene of conflict in the
interest of the Tury party. As a politi-
cal aid he has been eminently unsuccess-
ful, and we are of opinion that hence-
his airtime will be dim{ 'need with
M by Sir John llaodonald. Sir Lennard
Tilley. Hon. John 011,1i1W. Charles Mac-
Intosh M.P.. Ruddy Pringle. and the
other aids also proved failures They are
sow casting around to indeev,or to fin -1
out who killed the albetnost
Tine rascals ninnies the Guelph i•,t
tory an Pacing prneeoutrol The Ina hc.
magistrate has fisted the s rcr.tary 090
and kens, and it Boll Woke as it Morphy
and his ts.ss 1y sehsoe onset go An
lessons, atnosut of money bag been
?tweeted by the origitsatura of ih• 1. f -
Dickinaot. vs. Duncan—An action for
dismissal trent service. Mesar. Camer-
on & Dewey for plff.: Ostrow & Proud -
foot for def.. On application of plff.,
case was adjourned until June sessions ;
oust of the day to be paid by plff., ne
cane will be dismissed.
McDermaid vs. Towers — Action foe
unlawful dismissal. H. M. Hall for plff.;
Mr. Hodge for deft. Verdict by eon•
sent for plff. for 025, each to pay his
own mists.
Itt the Queen vs. Philip Reeve, mali-
cious injury to property. A verdict of
not guilty was entered.
The Queen n. Allan J. McDonnell,
for assault upon Wm. J. Browning, in
the village of Exeter, was traversed un-
til the June seasione, 104. -
INrraan of *mat "goinet," Mourns
tAe Qlsebee premier, has gone. He hoe
been appniseed tar • jeigeship, ant his
Oabllwet has Rose to piens. Hon. Mr. lI
Rene has bees called upon in form a new Go Cabinet
way of
... 428
Cb'u .li, Witt J 437
Clark, (leery .. ... 429
Cornyn,John H -.. •467
firer, Robert 398
H ouant:, Chas .. ... 387
Johnston, Daniel + ... 431
Latta, Samuel
Lomb, Webster I).....
McGowan, James
Musgrove, George
Muldrew, John A OS
MoGregor, John 470
McGregor. Duncan 440
McKay, Win 464
Ross;" Wm 441
Roes, Roderick .. 422
Swan, Robert I 397
Shaw, John W 448
StanburyBeojamin ....383
Stewart, Rtobert 425
Taylor, Stephen...... .... 413
Wanless, James 409
On Saturday last, after • rather brief
ttlnets, Dr. A. A. Riddell, of Toronto,
died at itis tate residence, corner cif
and George streets, at the age of
The doctor was an old and w
citizen of Toronto. After f• • ` fee
some time the calling of a printer, le
studied medieioe. Afterwards he went
to Mexico, when he practiced his pre-
fessios,wnd pawl through mast' thrill-
ing adventures in the revolutions by
which at that time the amstry was dis-
turbed. Dr. Riddell was a coroner:for
the enunty of York.
Over 40 tons' of poultry in the hands
of Boston dealers soured during Thanks-
giving week, and three-quarters of it
was purchased for canning hooses, who
claim that although it world not keep
fur maty hours, and was therefore un-
saleable in the retail market, it was jut
as good as the dryest and freshest after
being treated to a seleratus bath.
Swanted for Time Lives of all
the prestdesta of the V. S. It
le alt. Larges. Handsomest
sad best book ever sold to
ler than twice our price. The f stest selling
book la Amerism Issuiesse profits to agents
All intelligent people want it Anyone can be-
come a succeasTl agent. Terme tree. Addrew
H ALLar a Boos Co.. Porthole. Maine. 192%
Coder and by virus Of the Power of Sale
contained in • Mo dated the deb day of
February. 19ee, made by Richard T. Haynes to
the vendors, default Daring been made in the
payment thereof. there will be sold by Public
Auction. at the
British Kedionpe Motel, in the Ton -pi of
(>'Inderidt, on
THURSDAY, DEC'R 20th, is83
at 11 o'clock noon,
The West part of Lot No. M smutting_
East side of the Lake head. is the
Division of the Township of Qel tboras. su-
tatning Apure*, more or lass. A betck cottl/r,
with tame stere and dwelling. lure and ars
ere on the pretn►ess.-
Also. under and by virtue of a Powsr 01 laic
contained InMoat a dated the !Nth Wmdecember. 11, made by Mary Hrineieyal
John Windier. ertgnee to the Teodoro*
halt ha, big been made In 1 thetest
will he told by Poetic Auat the We
time and place.
The Feast half of the West halt of Lot Huh
er Five. in the Third Concession of the TWO
ship of Ashfield (pastern Mvt.tssk esstalaiet
fifty acres. more or less. Than 15 s Mid
fame dwelling house with Bora and awed
outbuildings on the premises.
and w111 be made known on day of Sale. Ora
aDpllcstion to the underslgse4 griielters.
Tenders' Selietteee. I.as41s
Auctioneer. O oderich.
Dated Norember 110.111Rt. 11155
The above sate is postpowed eatll
at th
Trodape /solo, IAboar . t?wsi J.swety. IIS"sad wee
PARKS dk "Pc M•
{read. .uIIri taw
H. fit. BAL ,
Awe 10111ee44.
Ingersoll, Dee 17. .- This morning
About 8 o'clock 4 man names Carinii,
t„oroonly Irnown as "tailor Jack," wsa
found under the steps el dutherlends &
Swum' carriage shops with his fonds,
feet and face Badly fooled, and a brittle
1 which bad bad whiskeeyy with him He
1 had evWettli Leen Iyln j In the Kdd ell
nu.hl, .rid trhen found weft nneDnscton.
Re .1.e.t ahem' awn hones ohm words
you ever
rotAg feel
sett•itN a051,1at
rig she nal.
Herr s
tffeelan. Send 19 m
tar pastiaaa
Mak a
001 die.
1! y"a is ellisa tfiislettlalssl la " den Mg
}our //
atilt. TM
tobob no asso
yam, ire t wad
was WO
A sang
w td
w tl