HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 22 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY DEC. 21, 1883. HURON'S DISGRACE. The Respectable Prose Denounce the Trt+.er'e Shaane- All jidsal The Weer" esekei& ��1 ser Milked**Mishmowld As will be seen by the procew'ings o`. the Cotaaty Council of Huron, which we publish in this issue, that body, by the casting vote of the Warden, dismissed the Cuuety Treasurer and appointed another in his stead. This, it will be adwitted by all, is a very rave proceed- ing, and otne which should not be taken except under very extraordinary circum- stances. Now, do the circumstances of thecaw justify this action 7 As no reason for it is given in the resolution passed by the Council, in order to a pro- per understanding of the procetd ng, it will be necessary for us to recite the cir- cumstances which led to the very ex- traordinary and exceptional conduct of the Council. As is generally known Mr. Ross, the gentleman so summarily dealt with, accepted the position of Pro- vincial Treasurer, and. occupied the dual positions f Provincial Treasurer and Tr.asure,Jor the county of Huron. This was his sole and only offence w far as se are aware. It was not even charged, it dare not be charged, that he had in the eliehtest particular neglected an or the This, however, would not wit the politi- cal wire pullers, because if Mr. Roes wero permitted to resign ou hie own soo- cord, they cou:d not have an opporturt ity to Clap him iu the law and result him. Seals cuadnort, we are sure, will out be c,adaxa d *justified by the riylit thinking people of may party. The merits of tie appointment, we have no space to Owes* this week. Tkeeti, t+,tplther with . the danger of the mode of making the aftp,lutment, will form subjects, fur another article. Cutler, for the 'performance of which he is employed and paid by the county. On the contrary, none can deny that for the past twenty-four years he has served the county faithfully, efficiently, and to the entire satisfaction of all. At least, dur- ing that long period, not one single com- plaint has ever been made against him in Council, or in any other public man- ner. More than this, it is susceptible of easy proof, that tiy•his superior care and skill as a financier he has un different occasions saved to the comity thousands of dollars, which many a less skilled official could not have dune. This is a fact which has been admitted in open Council orer and over again, and is sp well known to every person that it is scarcely necessary to mention it. Surely, therefore, this is a record which is not only creditable to him as an official, but should entitle him to at least common courtesy and decent treatment at the hands of those whom he had so faithfully served. Has he received this frnin the c ounty oouncil of Huron 7 We let their own minutes speak for them. This re- cord shows that the council, iu its dying hours, and without a moment's notice, at one stroke and by one motion, dis- rnisaed an old, faithful and well tried pubic servant against whom ne accusa- tion rated, by appointing an untried and inexperienced man in his stead, and, as if to add insult to injury, they appoint a committee from their number to receive the books from the auditors and hand them over to the new official when he is • prepared to receive them. They did not even give him an opportunity to resign. A more diabolical:outrage was never per- petrated by a deliberative body. Had Mr. Ross been a defaulter, or even an embezzler, instead of an honest and faithful official, he could not hare been treated in a more summary or disre- spectful matu,cr. We here aai+l that the toady fwtrnsible reason for this eztreordinaiy proceeding is that Mr. Roes holds the dual positions of Provincial and County Treasurer. This is true, but there aro other reasons which do not af•pear on the surface. One of these is, that Mr. Ross i5 an active , politician. He is a Reform representa- tive, in Parliament and a member of a Reform Government. The two. ring- leaders in this movement were at differ- ent times opponents of his for the repre- sentation of West Huron in the Local Legislature, and each suffered an ignom- inious defeat at the hands of the elector- ate, while Mr. Roes triumphed and con- tinues to grow in public favor. To some people revenge is sweet, and still smart• mg under their defeat these two rejected politicians conspire to do clandestinely what they dare not do openly, namely, insult the man who had caused their dis- comfiture by defeating them at the polls in a fair and open fight. Taking advan- tage o,1 the circurn.tance that in the coun- cil of the preseut year a majority of the members are politically opposed to the object of their hate and envy, these worthies called a caucus of the Conserva- tive members of the council, and by spe- cious reasoning cajoled them into com- mitting an act which, from the character of the men, we know many of them must, in their hearts, have despised themselves for doing. The whole proceeding was discussed and arranged in a caucus of Conservative members of council held outside, and was only brought before the council as a matter of form to be ratified. To all in• tents and purposes, the act waa as surely agreed upon, and as certain of being ac- complished before the Conservative cau- cus closed as it was when Actually ratified by the council. So that the manner in which the act was conceived w,a as dis- graceful as the act itself. 11 things have come to that pass in the county council of Huron, that the public business must be discussed and virtually decided in a private caucus composed of the members who belong to the dominant political party for the time being, then we fancy there are a good nlsny wt o will agree with w in saying that the usufulnosa of onr county council is not only gone. but that it is s dangerous institution. If our (leant' Council`s aro to be used as tools sami ly to advance the interests and grat- ify the spleen .1 lug -rolling politicians, and reward the favontes of any political party irrespective of their gia•lificationa, then the snorter they are blotted out of .existence the hotter. We do rot my, nor do we wish it to be understood, that Mr. Ross desired to continue to sit in both positions, s1 - though there s no legal nor.mortel roes ,n why he should not do se, if he stele peeper!) attend te the duties of butt. But, we un.Ierslatsd from his letter to the Cnurrol that he simply desired to fie permuted to resign decently, and in the prol,er manner Te. he could not do note he had his Nedra &edited, and the books could rot !tis' *edited until the close of the year, and ot►nsequeatly the earlirot elate at whish he . onld properly Twine weul•; '•o th. .t u.apof, nalni*Ili 1,... t meite -te, POLITICAL ECHOES. ■eredtah's Nesaee. Mr. Meredith, it seems. threatens to bring Mr. Pardee before the bar of the House when the Local Legislature meets. The bar of the House is suppued to be something terrible, but in order to re- move all misapprehension it would be well for Mr. Meredith to specify with particular bur he means, He is such a mild mannered man, and Mr. Pardee is so truly ,mod, that it is more than likely that Mr. Meredith 'neaps to ask !Ir. Pardee to accompany hits to the refresh- ment room when the legislature is con- vened. But if this be the case, why should the leader of the Opposition be- come so excited over the matter and make such's fuse about it?—[Toronto Telegram. Ne.. It Rad Temper? `Raising aleft his arm' says the Lon- don Free Press, 'Mr. Meredith turned John Butterworth, aged 3, at Horn towards Mr. Pardee.' But this 1t not the titst time that Mr. Meredith made a castle, Ont., drank from the spout of • Le 1 of himself by 'raising aloft his ar.n.' outh and hroat oftsolng that badlye died shortly to rt afterwards. What say the Tortes N This v It has always been uuderetood that I the Prince of Wales was in financial' straits. Some time ago an agitation was set on foot in England with the object of freeing his royal highness from debt. He -vas said tube over head sad ears in debt, and the Queen refused to Dome to his assistance, notwithstanding that the prince has been fur years discharging sound duties which rightly belonged M the Queen, and notwithstanding, alsn that the Queen is one of the richest we - mea in the world. It appear* however that the prinoe is a landowner in the Western states, an that he has just sent out an agent to make an extenatt a land purchases. Of course this amici be done without money, Tho question therefore arises, if the prince is •o, great- ly involved, where does the ':nonny to buy land come from f Another question that may be asked is, what does the prin.e want of land in the Western States? It is hardly likely that he in- tends to become a farmer, and much less likely that he intends to resign li . claim to the throne and become au American citizen. The nkat moot -The meow. 'I se 1 more Burdock Blood Bitten than I du any other preparation in at„c(c,' said B. Jackes, druggist, Toronto,. if the reader will ask any druggist iii the city he will get a similar answer to his query—a proof that it u the most 'emu lar medicine for the blood, liver and kid- ney -s known. '2 It is un record that Mr. Meredith, in his ung-,rernable anger, 'raised aloft Itis arm,' on a certain occasion to strike his superior officer, and as a conaequence had to submit to the disgrace of being dis- missed from Her Majesty's service. When Mr. Meredith loses his head, his arm goes up, and then comes repentance and the humiliation of having to undergo ,unishment for his ungentlemanly be- ht{Sarnia Observer. 1kg *lamina "ewtrawee• The Tory press are now endeavoring. tc explain away the defeat of the Bribery Brigade in Algoma. It hu taken them three months to concoct the story, and dish it up in presentable shape. It ap- pears that the woods and rocks were bristling with Tory voter", but by some strange fatuity they were carried in gangs to the wrong place, or were left tossing about on strange waters in Government tugs until it was too late to nng in their ballots. But the organs fail to make it clear where this large crop of voters came from, or how it was that in one polling place which they were lucky enough to reach, a Conservative majority of 85 was manufactured out of a voters' list con- taining only 40 name.. --[Sarnia Observ- er. Mowat Went Ge. The rumors about Mr. Mowat, which are appearing in some of the Conserva- tive organs, the chief organ particularly, are, at any rate, amusing. It is said that he contemplates deserting his colleagues and returning to the bench. The fact that the appointments to th3 bench. are in the hands of Sir John Macdonald of course makes no difference. It would be quite as reasonable to ask people to believe that Si: John Macdonald intend- ed throwing up politics in disgust and going back to law, or that Sir Charles Tupper contemplated opening a grocery store. T) a present is an a e of surprises and transformations, bit it has in store nu sneh surprises as these. We judge that the Conservative case is not as good es its organs try to make it out to'be, nr they would not resort to such feebly feeb- Iv foolish tricks to mislead the people.— [To: onto Telegram. • . A '•Temperaate" atatesmaa. In this Johnston we have a fair speci- men of the typical Tory candidate whose electioneering devices consist of bribery, betting, whiskey, personation and ',hasp poopraation. This is the sort c f person, too, be it noted, whom the great appos- tle of temperance and purity, Sir ramuel L Tilley, has gone to assist on the stump and otherwise. But the man who could preach teetotalism and wish success to a brewery, advocate prohibition and sup- port • bill to authorize liquor -selling m places where it is now disallowed, pre- side over meetings for extending temper- ance representation and advocate the election of a saloon keeper, talk big at the Dominion Alliance and oppose the return cf its brightest, most able repre.- ent.atire,—a man who can do all these things is certainly not likely to be treat ed with much respect. And this is the record of Sir S. L. Tilley. The annals of public life in Canada will be searched in vain for such another record of double-faced deceit, whining hypocrisy, mean tervivereation and suheerviency f. r the one object of holding nn to office. — [Ottawa Free Press. t'.fllvattag the Memory. One, while travelling. is constantly el - forded signal illustrations of memory training. A conductor only glances cur- sorily at the countenances of the passen- gersin perhaps • dozen car coaches as he passes through collecting tickets and (ants. Aud yet so successfully does he carry these countenances in hie memory; that • at mister is immeJietely resotwieed when appearing '•n the tram. The dusky dour keeper at the entrance of a d,tourg hall us a largo tint class hotel takes your hat as you pas in for your meal, and d •- posits it on the rack. There may be several hundred others going and coming end yet you aro sure to receive the right hat as you file out. Nested at the san,e table then may be four er fire • there, and all of you etre to the negr., waiter A RematrkabNt\ea►e. .mhn,d orient for fifty. sixty or more Mrs Mary A i►ailey,of Tunkhanneek. dishes, enough to centime the ordinary Pa. ,was afflicted for six years with Asth white man a brain. And yet the lowly ma and Bronchitis, doing which time black, who maybe was liberated by Pre- the heat physietana acid give no rel'ef. *teens Lincoln a pr oclsn stion,and scarce Her life was despaired of, until in Inst fy now Karim/ how to reset brings all the t),'tober elle procured a bottle of Dt different articles o.1 f e,d as toll. There Kings Now Ilieceeery, sol, .0 to medico ie no cotfus,n of orders Et ery one ,t relief .•as telt, sod hl' continuo,/ its use the guests .t the table lima pl.hc«i before for a short time she wan completely cur him the precise ,lubes he ordered. if ' ed. gaining in flesh NO Ihte in a few by practice. the uoto,t„red ewe. can ae- montha. quare such remerksble proleieney In the Free Trial llo,l'MA of this certain cure set of memnrteteg. hew readily may oth• of all Throat *nd Lune nemeses at .ler Are aiMnnthen what .het chorea to tern *Ogee, • lee,. tat a"e•• Ii• /t.lrs fin 4', A WeU illseeeeed TrIMte. The Mae a Te1MTate. Io Japau much nay be toad from the arrangemeut of it woman's hair. That of my friend. the teacher, told that she was • widow stet nater meant to marry a,gaaa , The age and sea of • baby some bektwwu by the tett at the back of the sack, ur the rat, around the crown, or the bunch left in (root while all the rest is &hawed. A girl of eight er niu, has her hair suede unto a bow on the back and wound round with red Drape, whsle the front i• shaved bare sod haws dangle at the sides. A young lady come* hers high iu [root and arranges it as a butterfly en the hack of her head, plumaged with gold or silver curd and gay hairpins of gilt ball& bonne very stylish young ladies prefer to have their lair back resemble a half open fen instead of a buttertty. A married woman mast keep the waterfall "tyle, while • widow who a williug to think of rmstrimony wears her hair tied and twist- ed around a low shell hairpin placed hotizoatally accross the back of the head. But s hen a widow resolves never to change her name again she cuts off her hair ahert on the neck and combs it back without any parting. Clot, tLE."z. -.k name well known fn onnection with the Hair henewer,which esto,ree grey hair to its natural a,l,w by esu weeks use. Sold at 60 cents, per (� ,ttle by Janiee Wilson. 2m They all tell the sante dory. W. Thompson, jeweler, Delhi, suffered for year from Dyspepsia, got no relief until he used Dr. Carson's Sumach I yes. He says it was just the tnedi:,ne I need- ed. It has cured me. The Meet• -.a Thing •a steese4 Is lir,.;,; a Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia ieadache, Toothache, etc. It does not blister or discolor the skin ; require but one application to banish all pain magic- ally agio-ally without using any greasy liniment or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo. Rhynas. druggist. h One of our best citizens would say to the public that he has tried Hall's Ca- ta'rlt Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. Price 1'5 cents per bottle. Sold by Geo. Rhynes, Ale agent for (lode - rich 3m : Sir Richard Cartwright, of all the Liberals who have fought the invading force et Government hacks, will be en- titled to honor. He has done a yeo- man's service, and he has proven that he has die personal power, and influence of which the more rabid and bitter of his opponents have (in their minds) depriv- ed him. He has not bees met in a man- ly way by his detractors. They would nut face him in Napanee, they dare not with in' •iiscuss the questions of the day, beta lie has the satsfcti4 on of know- ing that TKs exposure of their r ck- and trafficing has had its good effects. He has whipped the enemy badly in Lennox, and he will whip it again when bejgoes to South Huron shortly for elec- tion. Hu star is certainly in the ascan: dant.—[Kingston Whig. A healthy bi-dy is indispensable to a vigorous a:.c.tl. A bilious and dyspeptic man whose blood drags sluggishly in his veins, can neither think clearly nor act wisely. Ayer's Pills will stir up the layer, excite the stomach and bowels to activity, open the pores of the syateni, renovate the blood, and restore a healthy tenement for the mind. If ,Elates. HUGH UNLOP, Fashionable Tailor, • WEST S''REic2,, Hari the Finest AAteortlnei t of (h>,ode'.f„rY;D Weitr ko hoose Nom. IT TOL' WART A Nobby Suit ata Reasonable Price, CALL UY HTTG-H D U NLOP. We have made arrangements to club Tee SIGNAL with city papers at the rates Riven below:— Signal and Daily World ....$3.50 ” Weekly Globe........ 2.25 Mail • 2.25 " Advertiser2.25. A Rlesalog to all MaakI d. In these times when our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know ,chat to procure that will certainly cure you If you are bilious, blood out of order, liver inactive, -or general .debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will euro you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle of James Wilson. [2:1 Ileasu's Field Lightning. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia quick as flash, relieves any pain instantly, iL cheapest and quickest application know to Why suffer with Toothache, Neur.alui.. Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Scar tics., Sore Throat or Acute Pains of arc kind when you can go to Geo. Rhyne*. drug store and get a perfect and instan- taneous cure for 25 cents. Ask for Kram's Fluid Lightning. b A Wide twakebrwaty J. Wilson is always alive to Ito te si- nes., and spares no pains.to sinre the best of ever* article in his line. He has secured the agency fur thooslebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known for Con- sumption, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Threat and Langs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free. Regular size 11.00. 3' "Why ehnuld amen whose blo,ea is warm within Sit lie hu grandaire cut in alabaster la Or let his heart/row rusty, *cant and thin. Whet "Cleo Alien eiterwea will make g. row the faster. For ale by J. *A- eon 2m ''i had been for eight months unahie to wort, and felt se though I wo•nld M lief lir as live, thmcgh Dvapepw.ia mod lndigestien. I weighed at the time sof getting • bottle of MuGreger s Spool, Cure 130 11i& ; need 3 mottles, and w err weigh 1115 it's. and never wa, better is in may life. It was McGregor '• tapealy Cure that br,u.ht me around. ” So says N alum Fell, Hamilton. Go to fi. Bhp naa drier store and get a free trial bottle or the regular size for fifty cents end oeo dollar. a BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Estahlishet :Shim Store in Town, In Endless variety, to suit the moat fastidious and th most economic buyer MY WINTER STOCK Is now comp and I take pleasure in informing my customers that at no pre 'iota time have I had such a No household should be .,onsidered complete without a bottle of Dr. `an Buren's Kidney (lire is in the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, rinanently an promptly cure all forms of kidne es. Sold by J. Wi'son 2m A REWARD—Of one doseu "Tluaee- RY"- to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "TLAR&TRT," the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Pat.. Ask your druggest or address. C'ODERICH Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price n n it a* a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. PL A .NING MILL ESTABLISHED 1155. Bachanan,Lawson 9 Robinson as A NCYACTU&alta or Sash, Doors & Blinds DIALICRA IN ALL RINDS 07 Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Wilkes material of every description: ' WOK FURNITURE A SPEWULTi. /WAR Orders promptly attended to. Ooleeteh, Ash. Ib$J. 11102.1y Eyc,. Ear .azul Throat. CUSTOM W ORR of every grade atill receives my prompt and careful attention, and•wi l be madeu1 in the most approved style* by first-class workmen, and of the very best material obtainable. DR. RYERSON; so. Chmech atrret. Tesw*tw feel.. L. R. C. P.. L. R. C. S. K., Lecturer on the Lye. Kar and Turoy. Trinity Medical Col- lege, Tomato. and Summar to the nerver Eye sad Kar Infirm try. late Cliuical Assistant Royal Ophthalrnit Hnapital• Mooreelda• and (Mistral London Throat .ad Ear liospital• may he cowuhett a' THE W/ND30.q HOTEL SrRA='JFORD, Oa Last Saturday of Every loath. .u,•:th.t.'t. 1198 - Rey. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. 1'. Wilds, well-known eft, missionary In New York, and brother otos late eminent Judge Wilds, of the measaehw. setts Supreme Court, writes as follows t "78 R. 54/A St. New York May 16, 1182 Moan's. J. c. triad Co., Gent *men : Last winter rwas troubled with a most nneom- fortabie itching humor atfectlar more especially my limbs, which Itched so intolerably at night, and burned so Intensely, that 1 could 'carroty bear any clothing over them. I was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh and catarrhaleoogb my appetite was poor, and my system a goal desi run down. Knowing the value of Aran's BAasArA- aILL*, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use In former yeah, 1 began taking 1t for the above-named disorders. My appetite improved almost from the Ant dose. After • short thee the reverend itcbingwere allayed, and all signs of irrltatdouof tbe shindies red. Sty eatarrb and cough were also oared bythe sante mesas, and my general health greatly Improved, email It 1s now eseellent. 1 feel • hundred per gent stronger, and I attribute these results to the VIM of the AAaaa►AmiLLA, obit* 1 recommend wit► all coaldeeee sa the best blood medicine Over devised. t took 1t in smell ,teres three Ones a day, and seed, la alt gess than two bottles. j Mt.e. these facts u hoping service, ping tb.tr /twuaatlnm may do pent]. Tours reepeetfa ty. Z. P. WILD.." The above lastasee is bet one of the many eoe. 1&asuy ea.Ing to our mottos, widish prove the per. Asn sdsptaMnty of Aves'a 4seerearLLA to M can of all Messer adds( from eH'srsor Ise povertsb.4 61.x..1. +not A lir .atetwel vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla elemese. enriches, and seeemases* the bread, arises the oaks el ahs ssusash W Nage, sad otersy esrbhm for wine le resist sale's,. sums She animas of all s.. ,Wsee Dismns, Snip- teens ry .tiend eJ rt• dem, liken soffena Cledsves, General li.s.(dp, and all oiasorisry rewlrlag how poor or eorrspted blond and a low stem .f the system rlsrAaIT MC Dr. J. C. Ayer L Co., Cowell, Mess. $r 14 t7 ail Draggirta, volas g1, sia bottle* for AL AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS Seat Purgative Medicine — ,or. constipation, iw•1 stir. Ilemdaehe a&/ all Nfllo.s n herd etevywlrete. Always tellable. Da ENING-- CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians ;Prescriptions a' Svecialty. ) GEORGE RHY'NAs, EAKMB BLOCK TSE BQIIARB. BOOTS&SHOE =)orCirernirIC t 'W'eciedup Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summar Goods at close figures, we are determine to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTTO esi'Pleaae call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. eiN-Remember tho place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. ali-Custom work will receive our special attention. joir-None but the best of material used and first -clans workmen employed. ;ter -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderach, March 9 1182. DOWNING & W E D D U F 2 N F' R 0 T AGA2N' ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : CLOTHING, /WA LARGE ASSORTMENT, THE LATEST DESIONS.'TJ WA FINS ASSORTMENT ENDLESS VARIKTY,FURNISHIN-G GOODS srALL THE LATEST STYLES, ' AND EVERY SIZEVb HATS, CALL PATTSRNSgI(AND A FIT N GOOD U RANT STYLE. OR NO PALE.11iCLOjII NEW G-oQIDS, NEW PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. REMICO�TEZ7_ PHILO NOBLE MERCHANT TAILOR, - Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderich --IANI tt-iLL FI'itNISH OR MAKE CPt— Gents' Clothing in F; ;hiouable Styles at Lowest Prices. IN IMAM* ITrstahsnrg. rt7TTsei A artcIALT'T. rt;Elrp7 FIT f.E*RA.Trp. OMMILMs rESRrlLT AFFIRM. T. arra Tea t PHILO NOBLIII, RAmnirowirramarr. OODIRICH. Ari Designs iu!1 Papers. Now le the titer. It you wish one or two nice rooms at home. to tion Bwttrr's room paper 11e has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Bawer* l eaten, see et prtres less than very much Inferinyl goods. Call sad sem them tbey are the boat velvets town, and sweat besold. Thi i�IP�11 *mg i� ell) P31prr1Js aHd Fulmos, A'I' I3ITa`LE�.E{,•N Ji FR A P aigt ohm then . t%- that ed r 1, Dim the ♦ hare care and paid on 1 kis star off. B sect frig) 5001 ' Nry It ,I luck It'll your ..N to b. pie i y al fours had pars the 1 Arm way 'V H him, and .T 1111. you strai c 1 he 'T used time stati see i wail ye g' 'L gat i try Al Mar moi bolo B dfs ,, diff. O&M E' mon the lel T" koo in II atte fore he 1 avd woe able wor A he c tau If y not doll do 1 at S lone frac wor Infl, app to •tell the to E the dim fist •set hat 1 ant ass glo Ise he vs, sob tq� W. dr Pv' be w1 tw as e fel V 1