HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-21, Page 11 . .lt ; f sari ee a a la t Alto• JLirA. i' test• 4 e ' rf1. HIRTY.FIFTH YE AR. t '•VUUOLE NUMBER :1051. i. GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1883. f KoGILUNJp DY BROS. PvbWwlassi' $L* A YEAR IN ADVANCE. nee A egreis.sse■ta gifts Week. G ,Id -8t mso. At Co. A Pr.0 -True it Co. Ins- H. Hallett 411. Co. i:rnt s-- Hallett Book Co. H.,liday Goods -Joh A. N.I.sA Wanted to oe Ka Bltt�a Peatpo9estent pf r1s14-Pwrke* lard.*, . Dentistry. NICHOLSON, LENS, SURGEON • Destl.t. Ore sad residence. West •3 re.t three doors below Bank•ot Montreal, Uooddcrich 1751 She People's Qolumn. { 'g(EY FOUND -A FOLDING DOOR • KEY found on Westst. The owner •t., have it by proving propertyand paying for advertisement Apply at thMice. I 1 Elv.NERAL SERVANT WAVY/0)- 1_1 Goa! Wages to a Competent Girl. Ref - errata's required. Apply at this Office. 191et1 A COTTAGE PIANO FOR RSSAydLE- titove hCann bye wellll reoo®mesfed. Enquire at thin+ office. 19111.* OTICE ! The annual meeUag of the Colborne Bnaeb Agricultural Society, will be held at Smith's RM. >o Thursday. January 10th, 1881. at One o'rtcek p. a . to receive the Antal Report. elect officers sad directors tot the ensuing year. and other business. JO>s Vemcoe, !Secretary. 1922* '� I HINGLES.-FOR SALE AT PRICES ►J favorable to the buyer. two carloads of shingies-No. 1 Mae. and Nos. 1 and 2 cedar. A bargain to purchasers JOSEPH KIDD International salt woorka. Goderich. 191. tW riTEACHER WANTED -OWING TQ LL the failure of Mr. Doff, to accept ate po- sition of teacher of S. 8. No,towtrMp ef, C,lb[roe. &D., we ars obliged to advertise for stouter teacher. Personal p M*tb prehrsed. Apply to WM. BLAKE, r 1 0.HIM TEACHER WANTED FOR SCHtX L beetles No. 7, Township of Colborne:17o orale teacher referred. Apply..tat! expected, Dt AVID BAER.Hlme. 18111 1910* ,, 1 iATS, OATS -THE SUBSCRIBER J will lay the hlgbeet pith is Cast for vats at the market. There souse in front of the market. W. E. ORACIL Goderich, Ile Nov.. IIB2. blti-las. XOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE 18 hereb given that all parties indebted to the tele ed M mote or book account are eery set a at osoe and there by save an enf I mean bed - wens. ABYAMA S 1111* - Legal. Q-EAAGGER. LEWIS, BARRISTERS, b. C. liktoz 1. JR. J. A. Monroe. I5. N. LltIVIL 1107- . 47: HAYES, SOLICITOR its, 110 Oaloe corner of Use square and West stmt, ("oder' oh, over Butler's bookstore. mosey to lend a1 lowest rates of Interest. G ARRO Wig* PROUsD, L OOT, B A R OodetiW*. J. T. t;*5oow. W. Piouwd 1 S CIAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, `Li Barrett -ens, 3o3oderlch and W �� M. C. Cameron, ln Chancery. �QQ 11.0 Y. Hol M. O. Cameron, Ooderich. W. Y id* cat's l 'ogbem, 1781. '%2?,ir CZ If3HSlTmYOIVEN THAT `�{ atIVit 'ably of .. be made ot �e bI,eeggin.► rmbly of the Province of O.tatl0. at eissdo., ter ea act of Parliament to trativiriat the ihmsome Court of Judicature for Upton* admitRobert/ea Miller, of te Tbwn of Dederick, in the County of Hu - Deter stethst. M therein as a Sta- tions upon less ng owns exami tions prescribed the rales of the Law 8m obey. J. T. DARROW. Solicitor. Dated at Godericb, _ Nem„ Ush,1116. 1917* SHERIFFS SALE OF LANDS. CovM'rtr or Htfnoi tt By virtue of a Writ of ro wire: I Fled Ferias, Issued oat of Her MiJesty's County Court of the County of Middlesex. and to me directed and deliver- ednot the Lands and Tenements of JOHN $ W 1tRINO, at the reit of RICHARD Ft, OLE,I have seised and taken in Execu- tlow the right, Ude, interest and equity of ppition a the above named defendant W1IAINRFARRING, in and to the fol- ��g toed, and presstses, v19: -Two acres ljakornr. ng a part of xw the in the hip th of the of the Township of In Coney of !heron, knows as ImperW Mills Property, of Woodkas. .lad Minato within eighteen rods and eta her of the tooth Kart angle of said said two acres Waving • frontage on the can lyse, betwesa the township of i; shoes,. abd the Township of Blanabard. In the County of Perth, of sixteen rods, and extending bank tete full width of sixteen rods a distance of twenty rode. witch Lando and Tenements I shall otter for 11 at my office, in the Court Roue", In the Town of Goderlch on SATUR- DAY. THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, in . et the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon, ROBERT GIBBONS, SherliK IHarem. Sheriff's Office, Sodegith. 1 September 19atr 1881 ; 41111901 - Strayeb Animals. `tiTRAYED STEERS -CAME ON 13 the premises of MR. GEORGE BROPHY, lot 23rd. con. 7. West Wawanoeb, on or •boat she first of September. The owner Is request- ed to prove proper[ pay expenses, and Wee them away. G. BROPEY. 1917-0. For Sale or to Let. l.'uit SALE OR TO LET. -A FRAME 1 cottage on Anglesey street Godorlck. containing rooms and hall, woodshed. pomp " and a good garden. stocked with choice fruit Will be sold at a b• in. Aly to MR8. HYSLOP, on the premises, before Deoember let. 1917-3t. FOR SALE -LOT NLYVIBER 425 IN Motown of Gederlok. For particulars aDply a CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON. daellsssts Ood.riob. 1917-1t SMALL FARM OR MARKET GAR- DE` for sole. The above property Is within ono mile of the market square, being part of lot :t conoession 1. Goderich township. iofraining 21 acres of good garden ground. It has on it • good frame house and barn with other conveniences. hood orchard of grafted fruit. Apply to Z. WOODCOCK, Real Esau Agent. lfatlaitan street. 111*.. VALUAV - BLE FARM FOR SALE Lot No. 6, In the hayfield con. township of Goderich. 86 scree, 40 to 50 acres cleared and tree from stumps -Waste well timbered, has frontage on Hayfield river and on the Clinton road and adjoins the incorporated village of Hayfield. For terms -further pertic» Fan and conditions of sale apply to LEITH. KING - STONE t ARMOUR, Solicitors. 18 King street West Toronto. Or to John M Hotel keeper, Bayileld, 1M►t1 JReaical. T B. WHITELY, M.D., O.M., PRY- [! . 8ICIAN, Surgeon. Aeoeueh.ur, etc., M. C.P.S., Ontario. t)moe-The! 8gttare, 2 door, East of WILon's Drug Store. up stain. 190pt McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- GR . IAN. SURGEON, to.. Graduate of Tor- onto oronto University. Lieettlate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, Loudon. England, to., pc.. M• C. P. 8., Ontario. Office and residence Oppo.Ne Bailey's Hetet Hamilton street, Dod- gier* FARM FOR SALE -BEING THE easterly 130 acres of block lettered "11'," 1n the Iib Concession of the Township of Col- borne About 85 or 90 acres are cleared. The growing timber consists of maple. beech and elm. A frame house, a large frame barn and sable are on the premises. Fences Only four miles from tliioderieh by t • gte- vet rose. Vey ppssreulers appy JOHN BRECKKNRIDOF.. Ooderich, or to SiCAOER t MORTON. Solicitors. Geist -lob. 18M DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OEON, Coroner &e. Omce and resldence Dream Street wooed door west of Victoria Street. 1751. NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A a ldel's amang ye. takla notes, A n' faith he'll prune TOWN TOPI03. Ask for the "'Solid Comfort- or "011vette" Ooderich cigar. Jas. Maunders t Bon wants lee boatels of call apples. owe bundredl sour anduicy, be- tween now and Jany 15th, 1881. They, pay esah. Mr. Hail will sell to -morrow *Saturday, find inst.,) at 1.30 Mr. White's furniture and effects in the rooms over Messrs. Downing t Wed - due's. "Christmas is coming" is a favorite expres- sion news -days : but Have you been to O. B. Robe:mei oto gallery toLave ysurpldure takes, r is ahead all other holiday rimes• You have possibly heard something dearth. ed as being as -men as • red waggon." Now, Sa1Mws the pbo has got his photdown finer than that. and his risotto Tenss, to life." CAu. AND 8.. the electric oven Booking stove. It does baking and ro.ding better than ordinary stoves, with lees fuel. Jost re- ceived. Crown Jewels coal stoves, the finest yet. 0. N. DAv18. The change in the weather during the past week. has made It imperative on several of our residents to place their linen dusters on the drydock, and put on instead Pridham's superior utters and overcoats. Farmers and others having sheepskins, hides fid furs of anykind to dispose of. will find • y oaah sae at the highest market price, upon delivering them to 9. 8. Cooper, at S. Stoane's store. Hamilton -stn Goderich. Duringa heated election contest such as West Mddlesex has just passed though, there U always an anxiety to know which party will head the poll. In Goderlch, W. L. Hor- ton always tithes the lead as the dispenser of list class family wines and liquors. YOUR FACTO FOR nes PEOPLE -111 That G. N. Davis. has the largest stock of stoves in the county of Huron. 12) also the largest as- sortment of stoves. 13) and Mr. W. S. Web ster is one of the best workmen to set them up. 111 and will sell cheaper than the ebeap- eat. 1917-ny The holiday sale goes on at Sunders' variety store, and schools and churches are taking advantage of the special prices to se- cure their supplies, everyhody welcome! everybody served ! large show room, attentive clerks, and low prices. The Cheapest House Under the Sun. RzAD To is -Just received a tine assortment of Richter's month organs. A large assort- ment of useful articles for cbfldren's pree- ests, from 5 cents upwards, • very fine line of albums. workboxes. satchels. photo frames, velvet frames. Cinemas framed ; 22 by 28 in.. only 111.25. Wax candles for Christmas trees. O. C. Rosso -moo, Fast -et, opposite Price's. C. N. Davis is back from Chicago. The face of the eorler now Iighteth u Ernie Malcomson is home for the winter. To -day (Friday)is the shortest day in the year. Jame Wiggins has returned from the season's fishing. Alfred Green and familyteturned from Dakota this week. Rev. J. W. Sutton, of London, was in town this week. Capt. Wm. Robinson has returned to town for the winter. J. A. Naftel is advertising hardware suitable fur the holidays. The M. E. church Christmas cross will be presented this evening. Miss Nellie Green will 'Tend the hull- LALi G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI . clan. Surgeon and Aocoucher, Graduate of Toronto University. Office opposite ('am. r -on t Cameron's Bank, Lacknow, if not in omo•. enquire at the Bank. 1762-7. DRS. SHANNON Sr HAMILTON, 1LJ Paydelens Surgeons. A000ucbers, &c. office at Dr. Shannon's residence, neer the [Rol Goderlah. ti. C. SHANNON,. J. C. HA1111- TON 1751. HOUSE TO RENT -A COMFORT - ♦BLE frame house on Mouth street Is for rent by the subscriber. It contains eight rooms. In addttioa to kitchen. poetry and bed- room. and te possessed of every oo.ve.l sCe in the aheppee of good oeller, hard and soft wat- er, weodabeds, te. Two-iftlts of en spore d law% are adolnl the honer. open whleb are a •upmber d trait ter Terms ream oaaWs Apply a EO. M.KAHON. Dede- rick. ede rick. 1913-64 POR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT A beautiful brlek residence occupied b Mr. Rice. and torn.erly recopied by Mr. 8. M•loomson, et the herd of eweste street Possession given In October. For parttoulare apply to the owner, J. RRF.CKENRIDOE, Newgate street fande-tub. 11103. Loans *Riinsurance. Q+i00,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO t CAMRItO`( HOLT t CAMERON. Code -Joh. 1759. MONEY TO LEND. -PRIVATE funds -on freehold asourity. Apply to Geo. Swanson. Goderich. 1878-6m. Q�50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 501)1 on good.Ferht or first-class Town Propert7 •t E per oent. Andy a R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND. ---A LARGE amount of Private Fonda for investment �t !.went rates on first-class Mortgagee. Apply a OARROW t PROUDFOOT. days with her sister, Mrs. atse Benmiller correspendeace and other interesting stents have been crowded out. • Mrs. Charles Manning; of Exeter, is the quest of her mother, Mr.. Render - 500. The wedding of yesterday was the second ot'twelve on the cards for the season. Beedle's Pleasure Party caused lots of laughter in Victoria hall on Friday even- ing last. W. S. McGregor has been in tcwn this week pushing the claims of the royal (readers Miss Annie Doyle, daugbter of James 1 Doyle, has returned from her visit at 1 Saginaw. Venue, the evening star, is now on the boards in the western horizon early in the evening. Di o R. 8. Chilton was called by telegraph to Washington on Tuesday last to attend at the bedside of her sis- ter, who had been taken seriously ill. Miss Minnie Seegmiller, who is going S 1 t, Toronto, was last week presented with a neat autograph album by her class in Knox church 8. S. She was a popular I 1 to.cEer. Those whet want to get married before a Lent will be Interested to know that Ash a Wednesday occurs on February 27th, and that Iter Sunday falls on April titb, 1884. � e F. Jordan returned on Friday evening • from his trip to the Rockies. He brought with him a mmnber of curiosities from i that region, and was delighted with his entire trip. MASONIC CONCERT. -The feast of St. John the Evangelist will tot• celebrsted by the Masonic fraternity on Thursday nest, by a concert in Vict••ria Hill. For s particulars see tills. The London ddee time informs us that Rev. Jas. Sieveright, of Prince Albert Presbyterian Mesion, N. W. T., former- ly of Goderich, preached on both occas tins un Sunday in the Kirit Street Pres- byterian resbyterian Church. His subject in the morning was "The word of Christ," sed n the evening, "God a great King," both sermons were edifying and much ppreciated !oy the large audience in ttendauce. Last Wednesday the Rev. ertlemau delivered a moat interesting ecture on his mission work in the North- west. On Sunday afternoon he address - 1 the Sabbath School on the subject of ' Temperance. " At the H. 8. L Society's semi•mor,th- y meeting last Friday the folluwiug ex- cellent programme was presented :- Sulo, Mr. Medd ; reading, Miss F. Wil- iatus ; dialogue, Misses M. Miller, A. Waddell tud K. Ball ; reading, Miss F. R'illi•m■ 1 Debate -Resolved, "That team has done more f..r the humus raoe Miss' Oliver, who teaches ut Knox church S. S., was last week presented by her class with a,handsonte photograph album. The "boys" have had an excel- lent teacher and evidently appreciate her. Loft. Daacey, barrister, of Seafrrth, spent a oouple of days in town last week He reports South Huron as solid fur Cartwright, and says that the coming member has met with a most tlatteriu reception. Lovers of juvenile gattorings should make a note of Knox church S. S. enter- tainmer.t, which will be held in the church fie Fnday evening next, Dec. 28th. A eolleeti.n will be taken up for the literature had of the school, han the printing press." For the affir- mative, ers•fu! show. The follownig i.+ iative, Messrs. Pentland and Swausr.n ; I TRE PRIZE 1.1.+T. esgative, Messrs. Hugarth and Allen. pat ox or steer, W. McLean, 'les and The chairman, Mr. Strang, decided in 3d Robe McLean ; tat pow or heifer, S. aver the affirmative. Solo, Miss Sic- Andrews !raised hy Gordon Young), 2d Dermot[; reeding, Mia Chilton ; do. • Wm McLean, 3d R.,bt. McLean ;fat Miss a dgin. ; duet, Miss Caldwell and I owe or wether. dressed, John Cumming, Mr. Henderson. 21 .fid 3kf S. Andiewe ; ht hog, dreas- WEST Mlutx,aegx BaNJt-Er. - Ti.e ad, Fat and 2d ti. Andrews, 3d Rvbt. XLub.' says :-Tltu Reformers of West McLeeti ; fat goose, 7. Crrroll, ?d Mb - Middlesex have resolved to tender a ban- ert Phipps, 3d Then. Fear ; fee duck, Huet nett Friday night at the McAlpine Joseph Gooier, 2d Thee. Fear, 3d Robe. ouse, Glencoe, to the Hon.G.W Rosa, McLean ; fat chicken, John Geiser, 2d Minister of Education, and D. M. Came- Thos. Fear, 3d Wm. tfwattlel t ; Itt tur- on, the member -elect fur West Middle- key, John Govier, 24.1 and 3.1 Thos. Fear; ex for the House of Commons. Among table butter, not less :hen 50 lbs, 1st lee invited guests are the Hon. Edward and 2d John Govier,`3o) Htwry Hayden ; Blake, Hon. Mex. Mackenzie, Hon. BEEF AND POULTRY. Ti. 4 brl.1ma. nil taller rad Peullro9l ew A eery res. The Cbrisutaa show of fat cattle, poul- try, .to., held yesterday, was a mos creditable display. The number of en- tries this year amounted td 116, being ahead of any .previous show. The cattle were guild, and there taro more head shown than usual. The porkers were nut .0 plentiful, but some fat animals hung before the public gaze. The heav- iest hog weighed 449 lin. It would be hard to beat the turkeys and geese Tho heaviest turkey brought down the scale at 24i It:s ; and the largest goose was just I lbs. behind. The quantity of fowl shown was exceedingly large. The batter was well spoken of by the judges, all of whom are practical dealers in that article.• We congratulate the West Huron Agrinsltural Society on its sun n t T f r s J. T /Mitchell, edam of the Blyth lie• view, wean) town one day during the week He looks considerably "pulled down" by his recent severe siege of ill- ness, but we aspect him to improve rapid- ly now that he is upon his feet again. Wm. Craig, formerly of the Maitland House, ``as, bought the "Woodbine Hotel" fr* n Currie Bros. who forabout fou. yea,"eve carried un the business io Goderich. Mr. Craig will net enter upon possession until about the begin- ning of February. A public wedding was held in the North Anon. Mat h.sdist taborets on Wed- nesday, which was witnessed by a large number of people. The coutractidg parties were -Air. T. 'Perry, the well known express agent, and Miss Hattie Andrews, both of Guderich. At the tat meeting of tire Huron Photographic Association, held in Sea - forth last week, it was decided to .all a general meeting of photograhers of the Province at Toronto on the 24th of Jan - next, fur the purpose of forming a Pro- vincial association, and fur other busi- ness. Q20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND RiV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B.--Borroweracan obtain money In one da if title is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN "TON Barristers. Ike.. Ooderok. 1751 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident insurance Agent. Representing gret.IassCom penes. Also agent f the CANADA Ltvs HTooK INsrwAxcn Co. Mast te lend on Mortgage, either to Tows a Property. in an way to sthe borrow •r. tKoo-/nostaln) nit Kars. block Godertcb gilEAGER & LEW1S, Orro.rrg MAx- Tne'. HOTrND T,LENpDlr.ate many sums to suit parties wanting loans, et very ufw rate.. 1907- Amotbee tate Disaster. Poar AaTeva, Ont , Dec. 17. --The Auctioneer trig echnon.,. Mary Ann Hulbert, which was TORN KNOX, OiIISRAI. AUC- ' TIONREII and 1 •114 ♦ateator. Gnderieb, Oat Raving had onerabis expsrlenee to Ibe sertloneerins trade- he is In a position to dimharw, with thorough .atlehctloe ell mon tngssteee eatrn.ted to him. o14... left st Martha's Regel. fie sent by swill to NE adjUl Q�ertrb P. 0.. ewe/MIT attended t.. iCI1101. County Anetleseer. W M! TAN1e8 PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER, el iiiL.Lewsheit ..sensor te J. C. Currie, A •etdoweer. Ogleshis : Wilk Aka.�'.1bst vesa.e my e orders at taheemet. •iA8. CE. Avsttoasmr. tell TAKEN BAILET, LICENSED ACC - TICS ERR for the Comity of Herne. hey. fE teorEA the list le sow prepared to attend to 'Mem for A•ettssteerlag. Onion lett at 's Hetwl Oodorteb. or ..wt by mail, n praptly attended to. 1 W BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR EA. no Ornatg of *Helen; Pelee •t•.wded `1I ally port of the +none+ .!Areca erd. in ei we1et 1' Harry Meyer is running for Mayo of 'Vingham, against the present incum- bent Mayor McKilbeon. Mrs. Henderatie spent a few days in Clinton last week with her son, J. Mc- Cullough, the bicyzlist. Rev. Fr. Wetter* offoiated at Hullett on Sunday last. Miss Mullen is organ- ist at Hullett R, C Church. r David Mills. Hon. T. B Parolee, Messrs. Juhn Charlton, _►I.P., W, Paterson, M. P., D. MoCraney, M. PP , James Arm- atrong, M P , J"hn Waters, M. PP., Dr. Caacadan, SI. PP. Archie Taylor, - of Toronto ; and D. McGillicuddy,ol God.- rich. - John Campbell, charged with stealing $185 from the person of Wnt. McCaig, was on Saturday last brought beton) Judge Doyle The Crown Attorney prosecuted, and G. N. Lewis defended the prisoner. The evidence was too cir- cumstantial to secure a conviction, and tke prisoner was discharged. Bishop Carman preached two powerful sermons in the M. E. Church on Sunday. His discourse in the morning is said to have been an admirable deliverance on Christian truth and man's duty. On Monday he lectured on the "Work and Winch of Women." His lecture was ex- ceedingly well received by the audience. GODZfICH A. F. *AND A. 111. --At the last communication of Maitland Lodge No. 33 A. F. and A. M., the following were elected officers for the ensuing year :-Bro. F. F. Lswronce, W. M.; Bro. Jas Robinson, S. W.; Bro. W. H. Murrey, J. W.; Bro. Rev. J. Walters, Chap.; Bro. 8 Sloane, Treas..; Bro. H. W. Ball, Sec'y. being towed to Michipicoten by the steamer Kinenrtline, fnnndere4 off St. Ignites Island on Friday night. The Olbert earried a crew of five, in adds• tiion to fifteen laborers, all of whoa YAM down with the vessel. The Kin• .meaine arrived st Pays Platt at 2 o'clock fl.tierday moruing, and reported that a Morifie *form came on very suddenly. The steamer's officers held nn to the vessel as long as they p•tesibly could, but !.ally deeded to met her once to save themaslvea, the vessel being full of water sod in a sinking enndition. A few to - Dents after they parted the Hulbert was seen to give a terrible lurch and gt.down with ail on hoard. Thom r.n the Aaiun - or were nnsble to render any sssisante er attempt a reseww, nn seenunt of the horrieene and the heavy seas rennin* at The number of candidates writing for entrance to the Ooderich High School is 80 ; 52 are girls and 28 boys. Mies Lizzie Cattle left for Haysville on Thersday last to spend the Christmas tide with her friends at HAysville. Miss Jones, the guest of Misses Hincks, Rosegarland Cottage,left for her home at Detroit on Saturday last. The harbor was frozen over during the night of the 114th. (%a would not advim anyone to risk themselves upon it yet. Mrs. P. F. Walker will spend the Chnstmae time with hor neice, Mra. P. Hayes, Ishpeming, Lake Superior, Mioh- igfan. Godwin Campatgne, lawyer, t mealy of Goderich,died in Windsor on Sunday, at the ar of 3A The funeral took piece Isere on Wednesday. Commander Cheyue'a ii:ustrated lec- tures on the North Pole and Egypt, given iu Knox church on Thursday and Friday last, were not so largely patron- ized as they deserved. The managers did not advertise the affair in the news- papers, and the usual pulpit notices were omitted. The c,nsequenee was that. as with all other entertain: neats insuthei- entty advertised, it did not pay. The view. were splendid, and the lecturer gave much interesting information dur- ing his lecture.. We would like the Commander to come again with'hiaexcel• lent views. . A comic company in Vic- toria hall thinned the attendance un the last night. 'blue diamond., on which nrerepreeented esI the dif*arent implements -id torture lased . Tee Jastsaoa-Amuse. Wedding. at t$ cruciliaiiin. The figure of Christ crucitl.d is of ivory of exrguisite work - crock hitter not lees than 10 its, R. Carroll, h4 and 3d John <:uvier. JU Do3 e1►, CAME, arc. -James EP,: ita,.u, Gibbons, Hugh Girvin. Burma SND PovtrwT. -J. 14. Col- borne, Got. Old, J. t`. Detior. • v. .Aieartitie sift frees hest.. Roe. FY. Watters, of St. Peter..., hu received from M. C. Cameron, lil.1'., an exquisite and tal.uble gif being a eruoi- is amt[ chalice, procured? at Tivoli', Iraly, by Monseigneur T. Kirby, bishop .f Tita, and sent from hie -reside -nee, the Irish college of historical note. and spe- ci. Uy blessed by His Holiness, Pipe Leo XIII, for the recipient, Rev. Fr. Watters. The rift waseensigued to M. C. Cameron, M.P., through the aieency of Messrs. Hanaly & C xJoan kern 11.nne. The crucifix is of ebony, artistteally in- laid with Mosaic work in cardinal and On Tuesday, the llth inst., Rev. W. S. Jamieson, formerly of Goderich, was united in wedlock to Susie, eldest daughter of John Acheson, of this town. The ceremony was performed at the resi- dence of the bride's farther by Rev. T. M. Campbell. The bridesmaids were Miss Lizzie Acheson awl Miss Maggie Sneyd. The bride wore a beautiful cardinal satin, and the bridesmaids were in ecrue nun's veiling, with canlinal satin leagues. Among the presents were a piano, a bale of carpet, and some valuable silver. The happy pair left the sante day on their wedding tour. The following address was also presented to to the bride, before the clergymen had Inde the twain'one :- To MIs', SUSIE Aoxagoe -The officers and teachers of the North street Metho- dist Sunday School, Goderich, desire, on this the eve of your deperturefrom them to assume other relationship, to express to you the high appreciation in which they -have held your labors in thecapaci• ties of a teacher and primary superinten- dent in the Sunday School, as well ss their high personal regard for you asone whom they have long esteemed for holi- ness of Christian character, for faithful labor in the vineyard of the Master, and for sterling worth. Rest assured, dear frien], that though we may bo separ•ited that our thoughts will often follow you, and as we view the place so often uccu- lea SfowAT "SATE." pied by you in the service of the sono- The result of the pulling yeete•nl+y is tuary, fond memory will bring back encturagieg to Mr. Mowat. He held vivid recollections of you, and we shall picture to our minds you and yours In your new home In order that the tie between us may not h� entirely severed, and that you may have something to re- terrible blow 1.. Mr Mowat. R W., may call to you memorine of ether days, he judge of Mr Mowat's chsruoes by the pleased to accept the accompanying bar result yesterday, it ,s safe t.. assure, that ket and nng., es tokens that lovinit he will not ''go" for while yet He is hearts mourning your departure, yet safe foe the first session, wmy-.ay -{To rejoicing that yon are shout to enter on ronto Telegram. a mora exa.ghees of e M,...180W.tT wet.:. veer" o t service, will lt.s•* till hold you thto deiter'• re• Mr Mo rat is thus strengthron.wi hy membrance. t sur earnest desire ,s that ; yesterday He gain. a seat. and gets your new sphere may hs .mete fly „es, an•d Irt u+ hep. •n!e minium essed bt ou, roug•e tiers I „t o.d.taatton. a my who tight to prove mblode. of liyfe youthat maythhe nhohtyI1 eftthl wed I „f value in the home sml ,.f use to the with all the graces of the H-.ty spirit, eaten.* it is true he is deprived of the and that when called h. exchtng. ehia v.te.4 his hte minister of education. world f.r a heart, it ntay taw yours to but it r• most likely that be will have hate a sett net; the Thorne ho bask for the support of s reformer in Mr *'rooks ever in the sunshine of ot.rral love st••,1 befur• tit, aeisinn it hail •es er lin "The warmest tete on earth is still 1.,. that on the while we inchneto the belie[ perfect when 'tit given belt the+.. A that Mower will not go, this ..sneers st purer clime .1.ve, where perfect t.earts least \V. should say that the dinette& in perfect 1,,. unites end th,. -is on thewill have a sepente H. A. Jemeson, the well-known grain buyer, cf Stratford, spent * few days in town during the week. Wo are not in a position to any that lie will take up his residence in town ; his intentions, we understand. ere rather to take in the near future from our midst one of our most popular young ladies. Stratford is to be congratulated upon the prospect. Lacrvaa.-The Rev. John V. Smith, of London, will deliver the first of a series of lectures, in the Methodist ohnroh, North stn, un Thursday reit the 47th inst. The lest. ecture well commence at 7:30 o'clock. The London papers prise this lecture of Mr. Smith on "Bridges,' speaking of it as one of the most istructive end interesting given in the city. Gonsatco Kwto*T. TEMPLAR. Th. following are the officers of 8t Elmo Pre.•eptery of Knights Templar for the current term :-E. Sir Knight.JoeiBeck, °residing Principal. Goderich ; Sir Knight M. R Granter. Con., Seafortti ; Sir Knight F. F. Lawrence, Marshall, Goderich ; Sir Knight A. Worthington, M. D., Chapp , Clinton ; Sir Knight M. I Nicholson, Treas. , G.o.terich ; Sir Knight A. McD Allan, Registrar, Goderiah Sir Knight A. Taylor. M. D., Sob -Kar - *hall. G,derrch Electees easels not exceeding 15 !roes will be inserted in Tea Sunset d.ri the municipal campaign for Ill 'em along, ye oandtdates Mrs. Fletcher, who for a number of years carried on a private school in l)dm nob, left nn Saturday for Toronto. where she will in future reside. Phil Reeves, the street car man Ma- li pedlar, whom shibbnl.th 'All fee ten eenb" we. a familiar rete to many of nor seeders, diad thio week, after the time. Rots were loaded with sup- I painful illness Hs had s "heap oy plies from PorI Arthur and ,'ottslgnad trouble, as he hilneelf espress.d it, dur to railway •-^nl►aetern Ai \tirl,n„e.,ee ,nv the hast year or ter manahip, the crown od- thorns being par- ticularly tine. The cent_•[ of the cross surrounding the need, is ornamented with rays representing the holo of glory. The base of the crucitis is serna„u,.ted at the top by two angels seatid at either corner. In the centre u a gin shield, on which the "Ecce Memo" is represented. Around the bottom. of the base is repro- Isenterl in gilt the Via Cowie, mid is supported by lion's claws of gold. On the top of the .Ion is a scroll with the letters 1. N. R. 1 The camera of the crucifix ere handsomely finished with gold. The chalice is of gold, and is about 1} foot high The Ita+e has a wreath of leaves encircling it, among which heads of angels new interspersed, and above these stand the figures of Abraham, Moses and Aaron, the pillars of the Mosaic law. The centre of the chalice is &imposed •d pillars, in which a statuette of the Madonna veranda, sur- mounted be the cep, on which "Our Lord's Supper" is beautifully represent- ed in the chasing. WEST II DDLIISEX. Vara taesrpee.ames Prosaism the ■es.tt erthe oertlssa- The following is whet the independent press say of the late election one of the three seats before, and now he hob•is two. 11 Mr. Roes had been beaten, atter heel/Milli( a mernher of the Administrati .n, it would have boon a An exchange says if people will only r•sser.her that real gas (rots a stove ie heavier time the atmosphere, and settles to eke floor instead of rising to the roiling, they may be able tr. understand Mot no protection N ffer.d agatn.t Ice abets by lowenne the upper sashes of Windows The gat from the Sear. awl eta ''lame rncrmw until it rises high enough to suffocate persona ly Ing in bed, notteithetandmv the wind'• openings *bore than level illistoat Ing es. is lighter. and will tlerwoe throute. tower.. 11.111. 'h.• .J,.v eMven d,.uro t.. twain {Toror.be World R tIotuaare i 00 p9. r 1., .-y Tarn1As San Arrtn rt•,v We rteiiml , .seat MAMMA BMt)8. that the Re loam Ashley •-f Lonearille, a+lerteh, Dec 10. IMI • lead suffered sad affliction this week in r" -"" the death ' •e. t their c..il+iren Iron A ebnak wm stolen from the 11n,r of as Jtphth 1 is ssid this dreadful din Orangeville dry -geode house last week, ease ,. ,..rl l.r.raleut le several ',vita .d Slid in a ample of days after wan ,.ter*' M. t.,wnal.,p (Luck now Menten! ed, done up in a pares! 8he•t.psrd, the employment agent, who About 48,000,000 whiniest. eggs here recently decamped fn,ro Toroeto, meow been obtained the searo . for the !treed ' cad 1I'2Ol1 from the Dominion Government wish fish hatchery, wh u • . 1 *'. A'0 1*.t te.,nndet pretence • f 'Indoor .wt. 81'c! '... that las' yes• d , , . • •