HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-14, Page 6THE .H U HON 1816N AL, FRIDA l DEC. i4, ! SW Qthe Poet s ILorner • •Brest lees . " rhere's a eons in the air. 'There's a sur In the alt> there's • mother's deep I•rsy er Aud a baby's low cy. And the Star reins its tlre, while the Cowl/tut For theeanger of Bethlehem cradles a till ng. There's • tumult of jof O'er the wonderful birth. For the l'irgia's sweet boy • is the Lund of the earth. Aye, the star tains its tire, and the beautiful sing. For the manger of Reehlebom cradles a King. In the light of the star, • Lie the gee inipeared ; And that anus trout afar Hasewepto'er the world, Every heart is aflame, and the beautiful sing. In the homes of the nations that Jesus is King - \Ve rejoice in the light. And we echo the song That comes down through the night From the heavenly throng. Aye. we shout to the lovely evangel they bring, And we gr et in His cradle our Saviour and King, -1J. G. Holland. ear I.U.eare. -- Neter a Joy do we casae but we for that joy are the gladder. Never a heart do we grieve but we for the grieving are sadder. Nater • slander so File se the lips of the will- ing rehearser ; And . urses. though long. loud and deep. come home to abide with the curter. Ile who doth give of his best, of that pest is the certainest user ; And he who withholds Ands himself of his gaiuing the pitiful loser. The flowers that are strewn for the dead bloom first in the heart of the living ; And this is the truest of truths that the best ora gift le the giving Household Hints. A little breakfast bacon fried to a crisp and served with beefsteak is . very palatable. Potato ribbon is a new and dainty dish. Choose good, large, sound pota- toes, pare and lay in cold water for an hour. Then take • sharp knife and pare round and round in one continuousstrip. Fry carefully in hot lard and serve on a flat dish. A nice way to cook chicken is to `smother' it, as the Marylanders say. Get a plump chicken, in the first place, and cut it up. Put in a baking pan with `a little flour and water. When almost done cover with drawn butter and leave in the sun for ten minutes. Serve hot. froof,ED BY FLATTINJRY A rimming Uric same Wirral Werke well wish ware ■es The Detroit Free i'resa says that he is a young man with a thorough under- standing of the beeline traitaagr huluau nature. He dresses well, carries an extra cigar, and he drops in and presents a d to the effect that he is engaged in rn vaasing fur an embryo work to be sen as 'The Encyclopedia of States.' guise Y -e -s, but I I don't care to sub- scribe,' replied the citizen. 'Oh, but I don't want you to. The book will be sold on its merits. I am calling upon a few of the most emi- nent— Here he makes a pause to allow the shot to strike, and then continues : ---'citizens of Detroit — the most eminent and prominent citizens of De- troit to secure brief sketches of their lives.' 'Ah !' says the other as he begins to melt. 'We desire to take five of l the most prominent citizens of this county. In the sketches we desire to show how thev have risen from poor boys to great and honored men.' [Here occurs another pause to allow the victim to tickle himself.] 'You were the first of the fire select- ed,' chips in the young man. 'My mis- sion is to secure your photograph in order to make a steel engraving. In the course of ten days I will be followed by the gentleman who writes the biogra- phies. Have you a photograph 1' 'Well—ah—I think so.' 'We want one which does full justice. The engravings coat us $55 each. This we pay out of our own pockets, but are compelled to nuke a charge of $5 each for the tint paper and the reference in the index. Let's see. What does the initial of your middle name stand for 1' It invarably stands for a $5 bill, and the young man leaves behind him such a pleasant impression that the victim keeps grinning for two weeks. At the end of that time he becomes suspicious, and in the couse of a month he becomes a dan- gerous man to society. -- Pimples mod stitches Call at Geo. Paynes' drug store and get a package of McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It iscompcsed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It curea when all others fail. Try it. b The following is a good receipe for macaroons : — Pound and blanch six ounches of sweet almonds, adds a pound of powdered sugar, the beaten whites of two eggs, one tablesponrful of brandy, two ounces of rice flour. Mix well to- gether and drop in small quantities on a sheet of thick paper, making li.tle rcnnd bakes. Bake in a moderate o%nt until a leght fawn color. These il:gredients will make a large quantity, and they are • delicious dish for Supday evening tea Turkey stuffed with oysters in a very rich and palatable dish. For s large turkey two dozen oysters. Afterremev- ing the heart chop finely and pound to a paste. Mix with five ounces of fine bread crumbs, an ounce of butter, a lit- tle pepper, salt chopped parsley and the greeted and of half a lemon. Mix well together, and then mix in one egg, and a little oyster liquid if desirable. Fill the turkey and sew up tightly. A very cheap and ' nice jelly can be made as follows :—Take two teaspoon - fulls of gelatine and put in a pint of water ; squeeze in the juice of two le- mons ; when it comes to a boil try if a teaspoonful will hardeu ; then pour into a glass mould. The mould should be rubbed with :t little white of an egg to keep the fele from sticking. To take of the none 1 Wring a cloth out of hot water, wra . , ,out the mould and turn it upside doe •i .n a dish ; hold it so for two or dlr. c .ionionts, thon raise the, mould and ;he jelly will remain firm on the dish, - . --e Stewed apples may be trade into a very pretty dish. Cut the apples in halves and carefully peel them, leaving a thin bar of the peel across the centre. Place con downward in a shallow pan of boiling water. When they are tender, carefully remove to a glass dish,without breaking. Let the syrup come to a boil, sweeten, and thicken with a little gela- tine ; flavor with lemon or vanilla, and when about to jell, pour over she apples; set away to cool. Before putting it on the table, beat up the whites of two eggs and two teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar, and spread on the top. The little trouble required to stake this dish will be amply repaid. The Electoral tete. The president and vice-president are elected by electors chosen by the people, and not by popular vote. When it is said that Garfield received so many votes in a state it is meant that the largest vote cast for any of the electors who voted for him aggregated that number, The electors can vote for whom they please. Ail the republican electors from Illinois at the last presidents( election could have toted for Hancock had they seen fit, or any of them could have done ego. The party had nothing to depend un but the honor of the electora iiaaala of Thea eatery. airatml• PleSd sAgbtalas, Cures Tootheehe W Neuralgia quick as I flash, relieves any pain tustsntly, the cheapest and quickest application katuwn. Why suffer with Tcothaehe, Neuralgia Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Senn; ties, Sure Throat or Acute Pains of any kind when you ern go to GMs. Rhynes drug store and get a perfect and instan- taneous cure for 25 cents Ask fur Kram's Fluid Lightning. b A 1141Nralty Overcome. it is often very difficult to get children to take medicine, and especia117 Worm remedies, which they often require. Dr. Low's Pheasant Worm Syrup is sot only agreeable to take, but a safe and certaiu cure for all varieties of worms, including tape worms, that produce serious jliatur- bance with children or adults. 2 A Care freers. Sores. ate. The finest healingcouipouud under the sun is McGregor & Parke's Carbclic Cer- ate. There is no sore but will suoeumb to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes- tering*, etc. Price 25 cents at G. Rhy nas' drug 'tote. h Simply miraculous is all I can say of the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure in my case. Au elderly lady writes this from Antigonish, N. S., who had suffered from pains ,in the back for twenty years. Sold by J. Wilson Gode- rich, 7m Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, w� :— During the last eight years I have used almost every medicine recommended for Biliousness, but found nothing equal to Carson's Bitten. If you suffer try it Price 50 cents a ehlaa'. Angles rare. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance, or money refunded 25c. per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly. Robert Hale, seven fest six inches. Born at Somerton, England, in 1820,and often called the 'Norfolk Giant.' Died 1862. Francis Sheridan, an Irishtnsn, seven feet eight inches ; weight, twenty-two stone ; girth of chest, fifty eight inches. Died 1870. Bradley, seven feet eight inches at death. Born at Market Wheaton in Yorkshire, England. His right hand is preserved in the museum of the college of Surgeons. 1798-1820. Joseph Brice, seven feet eight incher. At the alae of twenty-six years he was exhibited in London, 1862-5. His hand could span fifteen and a half inches, Born at Ramonchamp, in the Vosges, France, 1840 Was sometimes called Anak. John Busby, of Darfield, seven feet nine incites. His brother was about the same height. Captain Bates,of Kentucky, seven feet eleven and one-half inches. 'Exhibited In London, 1871. Gilly, a Swede, eight feet. Exhibited u a show early in the nineteenth cen- tury. Charlemange, nearly eight feet. He could squeeze together three horse shoes at once in his hands' J. Toiler of Nova Scotia, eight feet. Died 1819. Chang -Woo -Gro, of Tychou, Chinese giant, eight feet two inches. Exhibited in London, 1866-67, and again in 1880. J. H. Reichart, of Friedburg,Sweden, eight feet three igches. His father and mother were giants. Charles O'Brien,of ,Byrne, Irish giant, eight feet four inches. His skeleton is preserved in the museum of the College of Surgeons, 1761.1873. Patrick, his brother, was eight feet seven inches Letishkin. Russian giant, eight feet seven inches ; drum-majcr of the Impe- rial Guards. Be (.reit(( What Tee Res. The best medical authorities declare that worms in the human system are often induced byeating too freely of un- cooked fruit antoo much meat, cheese etc Whatever may M the cause, Free- man's Worm Powders are speedy and safe to cure ; they destroy the worths, and contain their own cathartic to expel t hem. 2 l'rry Tilt porta Dvergrrie. Poverty with perfect health is rather to beehoeen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of • dollar bottle of For w atw er Hi•tre Thonaands are be•ng cured of Catarrh •yery rear with Halls Catarrh Cure, than hei dootnrs had given up and said eosM not be eared. 75 cents a bottle. Sold by George R.hyn•• .o1. ager/ for (lode rich ^t •••edea Steward For any Testimonials recommending McGregor, • Speedy Cure for Dvspepaia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Headache,etc., that are nut genuine ; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles away, but from persons in and around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial bottles free of cost, so that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given free at 0, Rhynas' drug store. a A Wide .awake Druggist - J. Wilson is always alive to his buai- neas, and spares no pains to secure the best of every article in his line. He has secured the agency for the celebrated Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, the only certain cure known tor Con- sumption, Coughs, Colla, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs. Sold on a positive guarantee. Thal bottles free. Regular size $1.00. i3' A Geer Pifer The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderfnl growth of the six Great States. The book is beautifully printed, and numerous en gratings of high merit adorn its pages Any otie sending their name and address with two three -cent postage stamps Will receive • copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. 5t Knave's Fluid Ligbtaleg Is the only instantaneous relief frrr Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing a few drope briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for week., but one minute's application removee all pain and will prove the great value of Krsm's Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynas' drug store. h Now that there is a reliable ren edy for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaint* have been removed. For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Sena's Kidney Can award all pastae for having thus removed • hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to fail. hold by J Wilson. 2s a Illlseeea1 lie MI M.akied. is thew times when our newspapers are flooded with patent anedictne adver- liaementa, it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure you If you are bilious, blond out of order, liver inactive, er teneral debilitated, there is nothing is the world that will cure yea so quickly se Eleetrie Bitter. They are • blessing to all mankind, and Mn be had fir only fifty eenta a bottle of James Wilson 1884. Harper's Weekly. ILLUBTI .&TIt:D. rased Free Any reader troubled with Dyspeppssi1ar, Coetiveneu, Headache, Liver Coins t I etc., should call at Geo Rhyne' drug store and secure a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits of the medicine, It cores permanently where all other aeedigiues have failed. Ad • blood purifier iq has no equal. Restea- ber, it costa te4hing to try it. Regular size, fifty cents and ogre dollar. a Never tare t P- H you are suffering with low and duo pressed spirits, has r f appetite, geeeral debility, disordered blood, weak oonati- tution, headache, or any disease of • bil- ious nature, by all meets procure a but -0 tle of Eleotnc Bitters. You will be sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will follow ; you a ill be inspired with new life; strength mid activity will return ; pain and misery will prase, And hence- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Biter. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [6] Harper'a Weekly stands at the had of American illustrated weekly Journals. By Us unpartisan position in politica. its admirable illustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day. it carries instruction and entertainment to thou- sands of American homes. It will always be the slot of the publishers to make Harper a Wecktp the most popular and attractive family newspaper is the world, and. in the pursuance of this design to present a constant Improvement in an those features which have gained for it the conA lance. sym- pathy. anal support of its large army of read- ers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. XIse rayskdaas •atdee. Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No. 331 Dayton 6t., Chicago, 111., is now in her silty eighth year, and states that she has suf- fered with Consumption for about ten years, was treated by nine physicians,all of them pronouncing her case hopeless. She bad given up all hope of over r.00v- ering. Seven bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptions oompletely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug store and get a free trial bottle. (1) Seeing is believing. Read the testi moniala in the pamphlet on Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy bottle and relieve yourself of all those distress- ing (sins. Your Druggest an tell you all about it. Sold byJ \VilsonGodenoh 2m The use of Pills, Salts,Caator Oil, &c., and other nauseous, griping Cathartics is unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute is found in Dr. Carson's Bittern, which ace as a Cathartic without griping or causing nausea. All druggists sell it 50 cents $ bottle. All Nervous Debility cured by the use of Dr. E. C. West's Nerve and Brain Treatment. See advertisement elsewhere Sold at Wilson's drug store. (2b) Per Tear : HARPER'S WEEKLY 3t 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE t u0 IIAItPEItS BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 51 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQ. LIBR..R.Y. One Year II! Number*, 10 00 Postage Free to all aubncrebers in the Unit- ed States or Canada The volumes of the weekly began with the Area Number for January of each year. When no time 1s mentioned, 0 will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number neat after the receipt of order. The last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Freddy, In p.lsent �tagepaid. or by express. free of ex- peeselprovided the freight does not exceed (Medullar per volume). for r 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid. on re- ceipt or el CO each. Remittances should be made by Post-Ofnee Money Order or Draft. to avoid chance of Ira. Newspapers are not to ropy this advertiser meat without the express order of Renege & BROTngne. Address. HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. 1884_ llarper'sYolll1Peop1e *. Alawee Wasted. Can any one bring us a lase of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will nut speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily re commending ,Electric Bitten, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or testy urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bow- els, and act) directly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1j: AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY --II PARES. Suited to &eye sad larls orreries ala to ala• lees Were of Age. Vol. V. commences November 6, 1883. HaargRa Youeo Peort.tIs the beet week- ly for children In America --Bow aware•• Christie' 4deoratr AU teat the artist a skill can accomplish in the we, of 111s.tration hes been dose, and the beet talent of the country has rontribntM to tag test. -New Baotard Journal of Erl.wa- Nea. Beres is Ns sport aeN there is nothing that can yard with It. -Hartford Keentwp Past TEERMB. ■sa:Ma'iT•rso rg•rta.. •t w. Per Tear, rootage Prepaid. i !Jingle Numbers, rive Cents 'soh. Speelmea copy sent on receipt of Three CANtVole,mea of Nnry.e'. Poeay People toy IMI. 1Mt and inks, handenin 1y beard Is We - prepaid. on receipt of $3 tae each C•iee for each volume, imitable for bindls.. w111 be wet by mall. postpaid Sts receipt et N cents each. Remlttaaeee shesld be matte M Pon (leis Metier Order sr Drat. w .raid abase• ce lyse. parr cot rine to /els sAwrtie•• mast without fag •Torres order of Roma t BI eT as.. 11♦RPIN • P5(YT WRM. New Part daft Wheals: Cased. Are you troubled with Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Geo. Rhynas' Drug Store and get a kage of McGrigor & rarke's Carbolic Cerate. Price Scants. It was never known to fail. b Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. r t>• 13 .11 Ft -tit CABINET - MAKER 1 ND UNDERTAKE!; Hamilton Street, Gcdeiicb. A blas, Chairs their, assortment and wood seatedi. CupbDialoards. l e •adRoom s, Ma art, atter suck as Lounges, elafss, WhM.7Iuts, looking Ola.•... N. 11. A complete red 'ment of Coffins and Shrouds always on tun(, also Hearer fpr litre at reaaouable rate . A Startttag .(seaway. Physician's are often startled b; re- markable discoveries.. The fact that Dr: Kiug • New Discovery tear Gona*Mptioa and all Throat said f.wag diseases isdhtly curing rstients that they have given up to die, Is startling them to realise -their settee of duty, mai examine into the merits .rt this wo.uderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds of our best PlIpsi7 clans u.iinr it in their ►radix. Trial bottles free at J. Wilson it Dross &ors. Regular si.. $l.01. f4) Picture Framing • specialty.— A cell solicited Ii01 x �1 r Iyllirl �'" col r. Ns Pramoutiar cliERRar �� Lam! AOR TiEtE cURE O F 1rOiy��OOvsU�IIOL01 1"... O"tile 'the NN� JrNS ' W-BRAYLEt 5 'PROPHIETOR• MONTREAL. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. 2 SWISS 80AP No. 1 SWISS SOAP No. 2. SWISS SOAP No.3. Flame as manntaetwred b Ibe groat Keonomy Soap O•eipasy. of ZURICH. SWITZERLAND whorl*,trade eit..da largely theca(►. out Leese& (rasps. (enaanl. Arable. Gresw sad Italy. blenutaotersd la Maeda only by The Huron $�oopCo y t1sD'MI O SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. tiedeelch. MPs. If. tell. ISM O 8 MAN WHO 10 UNACQUAINTED WITH Twig 01OCRAPHY THIS COUNTRY. VALI IRS NY IXAMININC THIS MAP, TIME THC 6. CHICACO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y, metes the Crest Central Line, affords to travetees, by reason of Its unrivaled See- graphloal position, the shortest and best route Payment the Ia$T, Northeast ant Southeast, and the West, Northwest end Southwest. It le literally and strictly true, that Its connections are all of the prinolpal linea of road between the Atlantic and the Paiflo. My Its main line and branches It reaches Chicago. ,lolls!, Peoria. Ottawa, La Salle, Oenes•o. Monne and Rook Island, In Illtnols ( Davenport. Muscatine. Washington, Keokuk, Knoxville, Oskaloosa, Fairfield, Ree Moines, West Liberty, Iowa Ctty, Atlantic. Avoca, Audubon, Harlan. Outhrle Center and Council Bluffs. In Iowa i Gallatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas CIO, In Mlsseurl, and Leaven- worth ■'.d Atonteon to Kansas, and the hundreds of PUP, villages and towns Intermediate. The "GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As tt la tanrlIlarte *ailed. otters to travelers alt tis advantages sod alernierla Incident to • smooth track, safe bridges. Union Depots at OR Oanha0SMtt Mhtss. Fast Stereos Trains, composed of 0050500010110. WILL YRMTiLA ROe WELL HEATED, /WILY UPHOLST'RED end CLAMANT DAY COACHES 1 :s NM Were MOST MAONWICEMT NORTON Rseues eo COME CARR e+er built l PULi.MAIS I latest dNghted and bendsorrr5e1 PbLAOE SLIIPINO OARS. and DINil 0 that areaS opt. th prima ant. peto be e PROW RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN TNt OOVi 'TRlr and M wrier re whh importer mesh acarved to Vampire at • tem oo rats at $EVINTT-/1VI EMITS RAWN. TRIM! TRAINS ease Bray between O1NOA00 and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS Men wary between ONIOA00 mad MINNEAPOLI*, and ST. PAUL. eta the famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A Mew and DNeot Line. via $•grecs and Kankakee, has •wester beset opened. between Newport News. RlohmOnd, CacIn'att. Indianapolis and La Payette end Council SWAN et. Paul. Minneapolis and Intermedate pointe. All T'browan PaeaaaSers carried on Fast tepee's Trailer ✓ /011 s T Tickets. priories, Tor* essence btl1 t inth e United it,wale's annab d Canada. 0, a 1/1,04171/1,1/1,04170114isere• Oa. 1 Massager. Den'I T'k't I Pain'? R. R. CARLE, IE. ST. JOHN CHICAGO. +__ ARTEaS EVER PILLS. SMOKE CURE Birk Rradachs and relieve all the troubles inci- dent to•bilious state ofthe system, suchasDiz- ziness, Nausea. Droweinese, Distress after eating. Pain in the Side, * m Ike. While their moat rerrk able success has been shown in curing SICK Roadarhe,yet i'arter'.Llttle Liver Pillaare venally valuable in C'on.tipstjon, caring and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stimmlate the liver iced ',enlace the bowels. Ives it they only cured HEAD Ache they would be almost priceless to those who sett -r from this dlstrsseiag ocmplal•t; cwt torte- aat sl y their peeress dors mot and here, and these who ones try them will and these little pills ve te- abie is ao missy ways th.t they wel sot be willing to do without them. But afar alt sick bad ACHE Is the bane of so seamy lives Dalliers is where we make our grate boast. Qat piOs care It while others do sot Carter's Little 1,Ivw Ms are very nss11 cud very easy to take. Oar pr two pill makes does. They are strictly vegetable sad de sot gripe or peep. bet b their gentle action plasm all who aro teem. la vials at 25 oats; eve for IN. Sold by druggists everywhere, er seat by wiL CARTES MEDICINE CO., Phar York Olty. TWIN -NAVY THEM IV: PLUG nGREAT " URtING'f0� OUTE• 1 PRINCIPAL+LINT laoDU: line tto ret. Joseph. 1erWApAa..allts.fYdomoues.,rlIts�a-olt'Tl:ST. amcgs*rwtT endow. TopekDeal- sok Dallas.0.1• leasaT•zss. o Ci C:, Gil- CO Ront. hu no saprler for Albert Lea, bilott.apgs sad e1. Pool lr.tlesany reputed se t + tee SCsr . Ufa KANSAS C=ITY Trier Ostrom via to Omabrssad Us• swat r•.Mw Me tr. S. Ceara. %- Try It. sad yes Ida fad aerate. • bunny. leased or • M wardea Ohaaaeves,-aftw fair trial, wish we MOO M Mees etreetee. Year meso, er911 be estiosise. ea was Isis by hem h T. J. POTTS& Prc1vsl L051U. Ir Ms Awe: 4 Doe? Nt..nc... der leas ale. Chleege.lit. cakes.. III SO. 111•.1 Canadian Poo. Ag t, Toreno, Onf B. Joatrirow, Ticket Agent, flndereh