HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-14, Page 50 t 7 Id eg ley of w, w, as e, of re - he de sd ut fir to .a n - de f n; las D. r; h, el - le id [0- ; `4% Midweek he has Tenioid his farm, we are glad to learn that u4t stunned 1st Deputy Reeve has no intim*, .1 of leas ane the.luwIssbip. He last reek pur• chased the bones and Yoe rare of land belonging to J. P. Sullivan. situate be- tween this place an 'Literati. This will Kits "Joe' as sit u tunity of k r his hood in I yy gardening, e whilehe will be able to rest from the more laborious work of fart life. Mr. GOi$n is as exceUsnt neighbor, and lie to stay Docs and grow Krayu oltg hie fr ods in the township of A1d. LIIb xa. ' I iulrlxittox.—The public •aamiaa- tion of $. & No. 6, Colborne will take place on Friday 21st instant, oomm•oc- ioii at 1 p.m, There will be an eoter- tairm fit in eomneotion with the sllatei nation. The pardons and friends of education arssoidially invalid to attend. lips -Tbe beams •i Mr, Fulford had a very narrow wap• heat bang burned one daylast week. Bow the are otigi• 1s test known. The ataount of den d. is ososiderable. llase Hodgins , &remand again after his hong illnssa, We bops he may soon attain to his usual strength and vigor. A concert will he given by the pupils 8. 8 No. 3, s 'wheel), this Friday evening. A large attendwee and a good s time are expected, e Iawrence O'Fay left for California one day last wort. If•• will be greatly mimed in this section of country, for he was always regarded as es good and ex- psditio.. woelunaa in his usual line of bosiasss sadp general satisfaction to all who employn d him. May success, and(a largo turtus* be his lot in the ,vest., _. ®t'. l1111P!..26! D. Cowan, jr., bas bought the black- smith shop in this village from Peter Bayne, and intends starting business in it about the hat of January. We learn that :Mr. Bayne has leased a shop in Kincardine, land intends removing there ehritly. El HAI C00041. --GRATEFUL Mal CONTotm uw.-"By a thorough Knowledge of the natu- ral laws which govern the operations of diet solos and nutrition, and by a careful api lication of the fine proposes of well- telt eted (.1ocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables watt a delicately savoured beverage which save us many heavy doctors' bills. Itis the judicious use of such artieleset diet a 000Wtntlon may be oany built up t mit *ram enough to Ppbty_4xary diem*. Hundreds inaladIseVie wver ta.n Seating around t pubmay escape many fatal .ban bF teepraR ourselves well fortified with ,L'J Ales(fliiEb.rrig eo P 1 pure blood and • proper) nourished frame.--fel(beo is,Hbyoopsshiooni . Eng." Cbomw. Getter** maetets. • Qonsatca. Dec. 18, 1881. Wheat, (Fan) 8%usb...........:l 00 Wheat, fit= • N • ,b ..... , .. 100 Flour. bras( ................. .6 00 •bei .‘...... ....: 0Eerier10 .•bosh....•.... Potatoes • bash saw .......... 060 Ica ...................... 7 d3 a 1899 Shams, • cwt................... 090 •cwt •70 cwt .................... e0 wood. 3 50 tildes... 6 be It 1y 1y It 1. rd re a- se Ih 5- t; It to r, t - e N a 0 • •10 •14 • a 81 u • 0 72 ▪ 0 4466 • 9se ao90 ID 1of 0 6r " 170 s00 e0 MORTGAGE SALE. Under Ind by virtue of the Power of Sale contained las ][ dated the 6th day of February, 1880. made Richard T. Haynes to the Vendors, default harts, been made In the payment thereof, there will be sold by Public Auction, at the British Sxalesny. Hotel, in ds Tow* of (iodsrich, on THURSDAY, DEC'R 20th, 11383 at 19 o'clock loses, The West port of lot Nb. 16. abuttln on the East side of the Lake Road, ln_ 90 Western Division of the Townl hip of rne, eon- tainlntt 1101601.11. more or loss. A ok cottage with frame ars and dwelling. bans and shed are on the premises. Also, wader and byvirtue of s Power of Sale contained dna 8 tee the !6111 day of December. 1878, made Maty Brindley and John Brindley, aesielied to the Vendors, de- tault having been made in payment thereof. will be sold by Public Auction, at the same timeTheod place. est half of the West halt el Lot Numb- er Flys. In the Third Concession of the Town- s MI of T,., uldmo a or es . Tit r, is • smog r •aa.. movebo fs lase.. Theta to a .mall out baflding the pr•o lies. with aero and weal nuts L[B*#RA4 led will be trade knouts bn.da'y_t Pale, or on septicauon re We uwd.r4laaed iron, PARK/ & PQRDOM, Venders' Solicitors, London 13. W. BALL, . • Aecttormer, Godesteb. r Dated November 111t11, 1381, 1920.1a JAS SAO D Q >- 0 cc 0 u_ co U 0 & SON, *gems ter ltsC1ar7's /arrows K "In 1867 I took a severe eocoolld,,,witch siesta= atter µdght without sleep The gar no r up. 1 tried Avea's C=xaat rscrosuv IAA► > relievedmy llamsrp7Wooed uoed steep, sod afforded me Bythe rat the eostIaoed w et W YscToaAi. a meet eta esu efeetied. 1 am sow fix Tows old, 41e and hearty sad sm satbbd roar OassaT Pscro.et.savedme. HOLAcs Fasaand.=ii' CPBockisjham, Vt., July 10. Ley. , Crewe. -A =ether's Tribute. Tf "Wbtle in the easewy list whiter my n1W D three hree years old. ld, we Oaken en 111 w 1 1 • It gore Iffkbywoseeld ggede fro weeAvonsX Guano PacroLt, • bolds of w11* was d- o ways bept to the boost. This was trio. is wan and frequent doses mad to our Asaght In le MU as bluetits litn little patted was ear dm C Ily. The dnetor said time the Camay PacroaA& t had Saeed my darles's fife. Can you wonder M our pentads t S1aeereiv yaps, 1111tr w gsgelt v." M 1t0 West aphis at, New Yat, Nay 1s, ler. 0 " 1 have used AYta's Curium PECTOUA . r q V ily far sewn %) years. sad de amt hesitate to new It diA die mom for some D• colds we have ower tried. A. J. CRASS LatECrygsl, Mbn., Mardi 1.. ter. PUh NU ltON SIGNAL, FRIDAI , DEC. 14, 16.3. HO I FOR CHRISTMAS For the Very Choicest Selection of Fancy Goods, &e. for gm_A-s PRESENtSILWA GO TO THE HURON BOOK DEPOT HE31E'13'.AIL RMO' M GIFT BOOKS, iikUTOGRAPH ALBUMS,SHELL GOODS, BIBLES, DESKS, WIRE GOODS, PHU fO ALBUMS LADIES' COMPANIONS i VASES, TOILET. SETS TOYS IN ENDLESS' VARIETY -r- Al1D AT ALL MUMS.— XMAS CARDS 1 --XMAS CARD'S 1 THE CHOICEST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. !WI will be happy to see all my old friends, and all their friends between this and Christmas. One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at Cost Price. C- _ Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1883. 1917-8t H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., New Im orts forthep Fall Trade. W !AYE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TILE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Express The Goods may be returned if not eatisfactory and money refunded Parties desiring to make Personal Inspection, and parchiring to the amount of $30.00, we pay Return Fare. , All Orders for Samples or (}coda receive prompt and careful attention. We Sell Retold sat 'VCTZZol@$glee Prices_ OUR MILLINERY -& MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. ' 1 NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS,, SILKS VEL VETS ALL .WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. I BLACK GROS GRAIN. LYONS VELVETS. HANDSOME CIiECKS. I OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED VELVETS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. 1 BROCADED SATINS, COLORED VELVETS.' BLACK & COL'D CASHMERES COLORED SILKS. VELVETEENS. i' Y►te A Full Lane of Cashmere Hose, C#1oveei 'and Underwear. OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST ,PIT -M. Cottons; Flannels and Blankets at Mill Prices. H. W. BRETHOUR 4- CO., Brantford. Brantford. Oct. 4th, 13811.' 00 TO KNI.GHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.O 1310.17 AYER'S Cherry Pectoral.: No other aesepleints are so lasldiows latbs& as- taek se thaw affecting the threat and lane t sen le waded with b7 the myatty et[ saaierma The ordinary sough or eold, reewolsg p••b•a Item a trans or enooasdous swears, is analogs the teglantrtg of a Seal .I knees. Aran's Mow Factual t hu wee peeves ata *aeon is a free years' light with throat and lane dieemem rig should be takes in all eases without% delay. A Terrible C. Carts. " le m rd for eight years from artsekltft an • steels ring man7wmedlee wilt no sewer, I ens weed h7 tie ten of liras C prrie*t. .lrosar■ satter." aybaba, Iver... Agoil 1,1680. ROYAL BASE BURNERS ---Awn DTns.---- Deal tt mood Ceokiig Stoves Move Ittfi attawdwd to by erperieseed work- less se shortest W lee. deoesd-1tdui gloves Takeo Is Et base. 'The Cheapest Howe Under • Son." West *eat, Net to Pest °adaAsh. Sept. !b 1M I eeesot r praise tN AT's Baia pier.Ua . vias as 1 ds that bet air ten .se 1 spews raiN bave dyed tiara 1 *names. E. aatosos." lraiswbe. Tessa, April !, ier No pace of as .dl►easa et the taring ar laws Web stIY`swot be greedy relieved Wee new of A VTd'a Csgast Poeseaah sad n ata dw+s mora wbes tie dinars le 11p $r. beyond Ms eabledetf 1bedielsea. vsssaa.e at Or. J. 0. Ayer & a., Lowell, Mw. ,isle by N1 Avon iota A XMAS GOODS—MAS GOODS AT TI ME3 IQ,AL HALL_ Jan peel a fruit eoaalgnmeat of those beautiful Prussian Dried Grasses and Everlasting Flowers In Boquets and Hanging Baskets. A Choice Lot of Hyacinths and other Flower Bulbs (some cf them just in bud in Hyacinth Glasses), very suitable for Xmas Presents. Aha a hill nue Ot rancy and Useful TOILET ARTICLES AND REQUISITES. Choice Perfumery of all kinds, Bottled or in Bulk. Fancy Perfume Bottles, etc., etc. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, 2 D2DlL » r_T. sacil»RIOF3. FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS- G-R.A13.Ar, MILLINER, CODERICH. MY FALL AND. WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied. 42. Inspection is Respectfully X viteda JOHN A. NAFTEL • Cheap Hardware Emporium. CROSS CZTT SAWS Maple Leaf, Champion and Tuttle Tooth. SONE MAN CROSS CUT SAWS Warnook's Celebrated Solid -Eye Axes Cattle Chalon and Cow Ties Best White,Lead and Nixed Paints in the Market. gir PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWESTin Specially Low to the CAan IN HAND Customer. N. R—Produce taken in exchange garTRY b(g • 'New Mantle Clothe A Great Bargain at J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Colored Velveteens IN BROWN, BLUE, (SLATE AND STRAWBERRY, AT • J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. Christmas Opening EVERYBODY WANTED. . CHAS. A. NAIRN has much pleasure in announcing to the Public that he has now open for inspection the FINEST AssoRTMENT of China, Crockery, Glassware and Fancy Goods, ever opened out in one season in Go•lurich, and will he to have everyone call and see them, whether they intend to purchase or not. 'tours respectfully, CHAS A. NAIRN. N.B.—Store will be open during the week until S:30 p.ut. DRESS GOODS AN D CHRISTMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS XMAS XMAS XMAS XMAS XMAS CARDCARDS. S CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. CARDS. AT • MRS. C. H. GIRVIN'S MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. v THE PEOPLE'S STORE, COR KINGSTON STREET AND THE SQUARE, OODERICII. Suits Made to Order. Fit Gtu.aranteed. $a. Suits for $12_SC_ i Suits for 1-1 18 Suite for 1G See Thenz, Whether You Want to Buy or Not READY-MADE OVERCOATS, $5 TO 1812. • • W_ H_ RiDLEY_ G oe eriob. Oct. 4. 1883. JAS. A. IdcIN7'08H'8 OLD STAND. The Chicago House, C-ODERICH. The Leading Millinery Establishment of the County. PL[ SHES, I BIRDS, VELVETS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, LACES The largest and Beet Assorted Stock in the County to Choose From, at Mise Wikiasoa's, - Chicago House. oodertcb. Nov. 8th,12.. 1916- 1883—AXES--1883. Welland Vale, Burrells, and the Simpson Axe. . of qx O• Welland Vale, Burrells, and the Simpson Axe. PULL LINE OP CROSS -CUT SANS 1fANCFACTCRKD Hr i• f' R.H.SMITH&CO. ; Or ' etteoewssr to J. FLINT. . -ALIO- t • Lad Quarters for Steel Sorb Peace Wire CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. larCOME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. R. W. MCKENZIE'S CMS 313.416.1" iiABDWA R STORIO, COURT HOUSE SQUARE llODERI('H. ONTARIf Oederteb, OM. 4, Ira