HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-14, Page 44 I eel 4 A THE HURON SIGNAL 1s pabltehed every ?riday Morning, by !re (atusocuuv Bao•.. at their Otace. North off the *gurret GODERICH. ONTARIO. had is despatched to all parte of the surround country by the e•rlteet melts and orales. aft general a4mtrloa it bw a larger circa!, ion than any ether uew$p$Ier to this part of the country. 4 as ecu or the raciest, newsiest and now reliable journals fa Ostarto poeseeaina. s, It dues, the eeer/eiaaeassatfals and beteg In addition tow above, a tteel.efas. tautly and greet& paper–it 1, therefore • most desirable advertising etedoses. Tnaua.--II.M la edemas, passage pyablL►en; $Lib tt pW before xis m..ta enforced. 0 lcl t 50 paid. rh nil wall be strictly 'I' U E RU RON"81G1NAL YYRIAY. DEC. 14. 18e3. its Wt is • ■troug ouudeotietiuu of the tactics adopted by the peroses sa- jurity of the Huron C ,unty Council of 1883, There te only one curse open- for our friends now. They have a majority of totes behind them to the county. Briny thew oat. Already the Tories have sett tbe word all along the line. Sleet them on their own ground, and rout them. Men .f Huru:t, you can do it Rebuke this latest and meanest Tory Budge on the 7th of January. RAMS OF ADVERTmrwe.- LIMN mots pe ,g LESSON IN "SHAKING." lee for tint insertion : three coats per line for eacbsubeegusntl•aeruoa. Yearly. Imo yewrty The sealer editor K Tee 8Io•leL has Joined and quarterly contracts at ted wed rates. the penes' brigade la Wert Mld leasz this mei wiamir T\f.--R-e bate a go&trst„lion wean- Ho will be able to practically illustrate the meatier of shaking voter. by the hand. - (The &Soder telt Star. If Mr. McGillicuddy were anxious to Meru the art of "shaking" voters by the band, he could find nu better school than Weer Mtdale :a (except Leone:,) and no better teacher than Richardson, the cheese mea, unlose it woall be the Nt.tr's A I.OVTB-VPTIBLE TRi('E. idol, A. H. Rue, of Nepanee. It was THE desperate deal of Friday, when the Tory party ..f West Middlesex which Cul. Roes was abruptly dierniesed ea if he spent $6,OJ0 is corrupting the elector were a defaulter from the position of by the "envelope" and "hand -shaking" ooanty treasurer, which he bau se bon- process last year. No wonder the mem- orably filled for • quarter of a century, bar -elect telegraphed his victory in the shows to what depth party rancour and single word "Shake." Chancellor;Boyd partisan bhindneee have carried the Con- in rebuking the Tory candidate, alluded wervatives of this County. A more con- to "the extremely lavish and recktees ex- temptible track is not on recorl. A mon- penditareof money,and betting on • larg. band council, the fingers of the clock scale," "used as a systematic resew of pointing towards the last hour of its I corruption.- Justine Cameron, former- existenoe, it dismisses • servant who has ly leader of the Ontario opposition, was lung and faithfully served the atunty, forced to admit that "nearly every ob- and appoints a creature of its own who cannot enter up..n the office until the aoeeseurs of those who appointed him have base elected. The fact that the vote was a tie, and had to be decided by the voice of the warden, adds to the meanness of the dismissal. Not! Siegle word of complaint had been made before the council against C,L Boss's adminis- tration of the of l e. There was nothing said against him, except, perhaps, thaf he has teen so worthy a treasurer as to be called to enter upon *higher grade of treasury work. Asthere wasnocomplaint, neither was there magnanimity enough in that slender majority fur praise. A shred of decency would have constrain- ed any but the meat bitter partizans to part with so faithful an official with at least s resolution alluding to his long and satisfactory services ; but there was none of it. Conceived in party villainy and brought forth in brazen impudence, there was no Conservative who voted "Yes," for the scheme man enough to propose such a resolution. - The exotaw that 0u1. Rees had 'tittieliir- ed bis intention of resigning at this late council meeting was a false one. It was coined to enable the controlling party in the ooanail to sews its own ends. No quattered on the Riding, hay. been al- one really expected Col. Rom to retire petitioner in that case. There was no luded to in the Reform pleas and by until the fugal year had closed, and he need of such an act. There are a couple Liberal speakers on the platform as Dor• could hand over his books to the council of struggling lawyers in town who pull ruptionists of the most dangerous and then elected to receive hie annual state- the wires for the Conservative party. degraded .tripe. As an offset to that, meat. In suchen event a new treasur- The Star is simply their registering ma- I such men as Hon, T. B. Pardee, John art properly appointed, could have enter- chine. Such masters ; such a servant Charlton, M. P., your very truly, and a ed with honor up et his duties three weeks number of other who bear an equally later than au the nun who was so nar- .4 BRIBER TRAPPED. clean political record when et home, are rowly and se q'testion•ble appointed to Tits Liberal rooms are situated in the branded as being of a class "steeped to succeed the d:smissed treasurer. The same block as the Tory headquarters in the pips in corruption." But there is • incontinent haste of the ultra Tories to Strathroy, and on Saturday a young man vast difference between the two seta of hated Weekes, vice-president of . the men. The Muakoka gang have been Caradue Conservative Association, after weighed in the election court balance and receiving twenty 15 bills in aa eatelope found wanting. The judges who tried from a man who was to be "unknown" the contested election case in connection with that county, specially stated that jobbing department In connection, sad weeverng the moat oetoptete out -fit end beet facilities tar turning out work in Godarich,are prepared to do business In that line at prices abet menet be beaten, and of • Quality that cannot be untamed. -Teras Cash FRIDAY, DEC. 14ra, 1883. WEST MTDDLISIIX Mw Sas Mastic wages -- as •rE seised at - weeps by the Tode. le Yeassea site aad1.& - reverser .robe Siestas wee tls.esMakdhsi .f sae "*.II^ nerarts. Vdltor:al Correep.,udence. Strathroy, Dec. 11. The political light iu Ween- Middlesex is at its height. All over the riding the most determined efforts ars being made by the Liberals to repel the bribery brigade, which bas Dome down upon the constituency like a plague of locusts. I have beau id many politieai contests, but, I never yet saw one is whish so deliberate an attempt was made by the Tory party to warp public opinion by corrupt means se !in the present instance. Men like William Ralph Meredith, who aforetime rejoiced iu an honorable re- cord, have got down from their pinnacle of respectahility, and are now side by side, and cheek by jowl, with such oharacteriess election tools as Roddy Pringle, Big Push Wilkinson, Dtok Purcell, and others of that ilk. The Tory oorruptiocista aro thicker than the proverbial "hair on a dog,” and it will not be for want of unscrupulous men, or yet lack of bribery funds, that West Middlesex will not go Tory. But it will not do so on this occasion, mark my words. The readers of Tae Sweet who have come across the Mail, and have given any attention to its utterances, may have been led to imagine that -the constituency was likely to be lost to the Liberals for both the Commons and the Legislature. Such a calamity is net on the card this time, despite the corrupt means restarted to by the 'fortes. The oorruptionista believe that the consti- tuency is • venal one, but, althouith at a at a few poiatts there are men who Low- ed the knee to Baal on the 27th of February last, and relinquished their convictions for tete time being, yet, in many itutences these men have again as- serted their manhood, and are endeavor- ing by faithful and earnest work to Snake amends for the false steps made by them at the previous election: Since my arrival in the constituency, I have been in the township. of Metcalfe, Ekfrid, and Caradoc, and in the town of Strathroy and the villages of Napier, Ap- pin, Wendig'o and Mount Brydgee, and from personal observation I am assured of the success of Hon. G. W. Rosa and Mr. D. M. Cameron on the evening of the 14th, unless the "bar'!" of money at tirtsaaataaee will the etlnstkttltlesy Jist1 A bad reourd ou Fridley tsest. I rest is the belief, and 1 speak f hereof I how, that oil the 14th inat., i1 will be my pri- rileoe and pride to h by wire to icy friends in Huron that Weet Middlesex has honored herself by electting Hon. (l. W. Roos to the Provincial Legisla- ture, and Mr. D. M. Cameron to the Huuse of Commons. So mote it be. 1). Me'G. Ir is announced that the writ has been jectionable act on the statute had been committed." The Chancellor closed his judgment by the remarkable phrase that the respondent had "escaped disqualifi- oetioa by the skin of his teeth." Nest Middlesex certainly is the spot where the :art of "hand-.hakino'• is reduced to a soience--by the Tories. Bat Mr. McGillisteldy does not travel Op that ticket. Hi has been delivering a series of addresses on public affairs, at the selieitation of leading men of his party. He carries no moray fu. canvass- ing purpcsea. He is no corruptionist. He has taked an active part in nine par- liamentary elections, and not the first word of any corrupt or unlawful act has been breathed against him. The silly innuendo in the Star lecher- acteristio of the author. A limp poli- tician, a man with but little respect for his associates, he judges others by his own standard. He takes advantage of an absent rival to make a contemptible insinuation. We could retort by saying that even the friends of the editor of the Star cannot depend upon him. Some of them accuse him of haring his hands "greased" to let the West Huron peti- tion slip through.. \Ve don't believe that Reform money was offered to the issued fur South Huron, and that the numioation will be held on the 27th inst. This will cake the seat a ilio. holiday gift for Sir Richard Cartwright. Ne Tury has a shadow of a chance of defeating the ea-Fitunce Minister. Thins is no tnutb in the aratels.at •I. by the Muif that Hun. Mr. Mowat has ''surnulered" wt the Boundary question No agreement luta yet been anus to, and the ue.lou/tori. still pend- ing are ouutidented. The !foil is tight - lag a desperate ttune, end *ill stop at nothing to acoomplirh its aids. Mr. Mowat but the confidence and the sup- port of the majority of the purple of Delano. Oouterr Couto:u.tos Waia, on Friday afternoon, mumbled in hu usual incaher- eut style en the subjoin of the ouuaty poor house. tie accused the editor of • local paper of misrepresenting Hawick, "Who is he 1' asked • fellow councillor, iu anxious suspense, as the orator of the north, paused to take breath. Then ,.c- currod • must drawatic scute. Fasten - lug his eyes opus the editor of the Star, who sat to the speakers right and in full view of the .U11Ctl, 11dr. Weir raised his arm aloft (after the manner of Mr. Mere- dith at the Wont Middlesex numivation) and then pointing at the pale -faced edi- tor, h. sternly exclaimed, "There's the roar." There was hardly • dry eye in the roma -fur laughter. The editor looked ns scared as Mr. Pude. at Mount Brydges.— • piey 'et ihthilytt .i int oaaren here alit saloon 1.1 n , ty Itvv. R. Davey, "f i'l ie. Oil roti., at cl„es of service mt aid of mien us. 'Che annual ,u•rsiuuery uteetiug oil ate held ..0 Wed uawley eveutttg fulluwt it; el which ad dresses wall be detit•er.ltbv Rm. D... and T. Stubbs, of loco reben.ugh. Abe Temperance me.tinpl he on Friday evening last was on scctljnt the unfavorable .tate of the outdo an weather, nut se well atteed.d as it would Mitre otl.erwise been. lite aJdraes b. Rev. Mr. Tdrob•dl e..s CIIIt4,114011y a; preeiatc.t, and ,t !o••trty cite of thank. tendered that ' "otle n sea. Tho ser • unpin w:.. used f.•r the first time .t th • meetings. Taa .War is still harping upon Sir Richard Cartwright as a Jonah. We have rad a little about Jonah, and we learn that be cause out triumphantly in the end. Now that he is even at the walls of the parliamentary Nineveh there u a trembling among the unrighteous rulers. Ws learn by • despatch from Lennox that ne recount is to be &eked in that county, it being understood that three- fourths of the rejected ballots were ream- ed for the Liberal candidate. Mr. Alli- son will likely be permitted to set in the House undisturbed. It was • noble victory, that pf our friends in Lennox. Soma of the school trustees feel sore because we said they evidently secured their teachers as they bought their wood -the lowest tender taken. We meant what we said, and intended it not for all, bat the majority of the board. One trustee has declared that he would ac- cept an offer for the position of principal of the model school, if the applicant only asked $100 year ! Another said that he began et the bottom offer and worked up ! If that is not buying teachers like cord -wood, what else can it be / What wouderful economy ! Hort., Mn. PAanas seems to be a favorite tartlet for Tory abuse just now. The other day Mr. Meredith struck tragic attitude, and warned the Com- mioner of Crown Lands of some terrible retribution in store fort him ; but we fancy that it will all fizzle Mut just like the election protest against the talented member for Lambton We all know that Mr. Pardee was accused of committing the disposal of the corruptiontsts is larg- some awful acts of corruption during his er than a hogshead. The Tory- papers election, but when the matter came Be- are in • terrible rage becalms such men fore the court, the judge, after hearing as Big Push Wilkinson, Roddy Pringle, the evidence, dismissed the case, and Dick Purcell, McLean and the rest of the complimented the hon. gentleman upon Muskoka brigade who are at present his exceedingly pure election. seise upon the office, revealed that lust lot place which rules that party, and shows, too, how little confidence they had in being able to secure a majority in the council of 1984 to carry otrt their partizan schemes. The county council c.f 18434 will not thank :the old council :for thrusting an official upon them, who entered upon his office (as Dr. Holmes will, if he eaten at alp) after they had been elected. The new council will very properly say, we, and not the dying council of 1883 for us, will ap,,oint whom we please to so im- portant an office as that of county trea- surer; and doubtless that council will ex- press its retret at the mean treatment of him who fur some 25 years so ably served his county with honor to himself and benefit to it. It ought to reseut the in- solent dismissal of ther treasurer by re- fusing to adept the person of the schem- er who plotted tho whole disreputable affair. Huron is a solid Reform county, and a straight party vote should send at least six of a mijorily to the county council. But owtug to the Liberala being adverse to introducing party politics into muni- cipal slice, and the C.,nservatives al- ways working to amours • totjority, we have n it for sena years had our normal msj city et the Council board, and the Toriei hive bit t r t.l ill/ it t .:,tit them- selves. For Ore.? ye ars pot, the Con- servatives hoe el/.to 1 a it'Anlm of their own p,liti:.al stri,o•, as 1 the c,.n nitteet have been intnipili'.1 i:t t!ae putty tn- terests. Su glaring his this oae marl treatment been, that on Friday in triune Messrs. Hoban i and Britten, Conservatives with indepenlout leanings, introduced a mo- tion regretting that party politics were introduced into the comity council, and urging the app,tintmeot of the warden en other than p,o!itictl grounds. The motion was dealarel out of order, but thew gentleman surae lovely showed their disapprove! of putty bitterness and partisan revenge by rutin,z attune the disgraceful dismisosl ..t the treasurer. In this they were assisted by two other Conservatives, Messrs Hennings and Clare, thus turning a t'on.er, ative ens verity co' v ,.it., n eye he mot. to him, went to the "Liberal -Conserva- tive rooms" for further iestrtictions. Shields, Pringle, "(Juni Swamp" Ander- By mistake he entered the "Liberal.' son, "Big Push" Wilkinson, C'.srove rooms, and upon being asked if he had and the rest, had made an organized at - received any money, he pulled out the en- tempt to corrupt and debauch the con- stituency. The record of these men, as .it forth by Mr. Justice Pattenion, in his Judgment, would briog the blush of shame to any of the persona named, were they men who made any pretensions to honor, or integrity. But they grin and bear it, and glory in their shame. They could not change their tactics and run an honest election, any more than the ieapard could change its spots, or the Ethiopian his skin. It has been my opportunity to watch these men clotlely, and I am free to admit that I fully be- lieve that the last state of this gang in West Middlesex would be worse than the first in Muskoka, were it not for the fact that the electors of the riding are less renal and on that account less liable to heed the "voice of the charmers, charming never w wisely." They are the wase unadulterated political corrup- tionists, and despite the futile efforts of the Tory press to make their character radiant and bright, and clean, aud pure, a large majority of the people of West Middlesex continue to abide by the old democrtic axiom, "Once a nigger, al- ways a nigger," so far as each and every individual member of the Muskoka gaog, is concerned. On Saturday last a case of bribery by the envelope system was unearthed in the matter of a young man named Weeks, of Carado,c. The full particu- lar, as published, are truo in every par- ticular, as young Weeks, (who was present at the Mount Brydges meeting which i attendel on Monday ui.ht), acknowledged the corn, but pleaded that he must have been "under the in• i fluence of liquor at the time. And as velope containing the $100, ani showed the bank notes. The Reformers were astonished, but did not let the scoun- drel know of his mistake. They told him that last year the Johnston bank bunt, as receipts had not been given of money taken (for canvassing purposes, and the unsuspecting briber at once signed a receipt as follows : Received $103 from r\. Johnston's committee. (Signed,) Jaws Was:Ea. Thi blunder made by Week.. reveals a repetition of the system of ' wholesale bribery adopted by Johnston last year. All honest men will be pleased to learn that the revelation has been made pub• hc, although learned by accident. The Tory wirepuller. in West Middle- sex, are dumfounded. One said : "I would give $3300 of my own money, if I would disprove the story, but I can't." Charlie McIntosh said : "It'sa bad job, but we must make the best of it. Treat it as • practical joke." The London Free Press shamelessly supports the bribery crew, and has no condemnation for Weekes for accepting tl a $1110, but condemns the Liberals for hatuntno to lam, when he thought he was talking to Conservatives. The wicked- ness of the affair, from a Tory stand- point, is, not that • man accepted money to c.rrupt his neighbors with, but that the Liberals, through his indiscretion, learned the facta from his own lips, saw the money tw.nty$bbills !,and then ex- posed Weekes and the whole transec ten. It is not the sinning that troubles the West Middlesex Tory ; it is the being found , ut and expio.d. Tea Tory county councillors ere now following up their caucus scheme. The reeve • f Ooderich is already in the field, by postal card. His platform is cunning - It mole o 'Just h' R• J , Zsap;auaoa. Mrs. Wright, of Fleahertun, was vast; ing in this village last week. Rey. Mr. Cerrta's brother, free* L • 1 dun, was visiting here last week. D. E. Munro and wife wore visitor; friends in Manchester beat week. Dr. McKay hr.e purchuw l a tine par rot front Crane.: bird store in 0 •deric`i. Mrs. D. S. Muyto has gone out a visit to friends in Misherton and owe Sound. Ten double leaded articles in the Moot about West Middlesex and the •'dowu- fall" of the Mowst administration, leads the Toronto Tskyraw, an independent journal, to make the foliowiug shrewd observations : "The Conservative organ is making a great outcry about Mr. Mowat. It says he is doomed. A lead- er may be doomed with a majority of $ dosen at his back, but it certainly does not look like it. If Mr. Mowat is doom- ed with a donut of • majority, in what twat of • fix is Mr. Meredith with that ratty in the minority 1 It must be kept in mind that the Reformers carried en the geverumeut after Sendfield Mac- donald's fall with • majority of only seven. A majority of seven is asegood as a majority of seventeen, If they all stick." Ws understand th)►t the Tories,after a county caucus, hays passed the word all along the line to run the municipal elec- tions in the interest of that party, and Ott a desperate effort will be made to a 'n return a majority uf county coun- cillors who will be servile to the trio of tricksters who arranged the county trea- sury deal. The position f .rced upon us is not of our own choosing, but we accept it. We hope the town of Clinton and the staunch Reform townships of South Huron will do their duty at the forth- coming election. The dastardly treat- ment pf Col. Roos should be roesnted by the Liberals of Huron. The time for shilly-shallying with the Tories is past. Wm take the liberty of printing the following extract from • private letter from Mr. D. McGillicuddy. who has been delivering addresses in the Liberal interest in West Middlesex. The letter was not intended for publication, bat on that account it will be all the more in- teresting, as a candid opinion expressed in the confidence of close friendship : "The Liberal party is conducting a campaign, that exceeds in clean work anything 1 have oven seen. So far, I have not seen a speaker for worker on the Reform side take a glass of liquor, and I have been at IStathroy, Yager's, Na- pier (on nomination day), Appin, Wen- digo, and thence back to Strathroy. There is an earnestness about the Re- formers fighting here that I never saw before, which reminds me very forcibly of what history gives us of the manner of the Covenanters in days of old. There is no levity or inactivity -all appears to be work, work, work." Ora verdant friend, the editor of the Goma Enterprise, is given to fibbing. He says that THE Slnrtat hal a long editorial the week before last in support of the statement that the Reformers cannot beat Sir John A. Macdotrald. Our article was just the other way. Th. Liberal party is going to upset the ono rupt administration at Ottawa, and that at an early day. Sir John A Macdon- ala's death was not predicted by us as going to occur next year. We hope he may long be spared, in order to hare merle time to repent of his polities! crimes. His death, of course, would enbtt- hasten the collapse of the Tory party. The Good Templar" purchased a hand - But whether he lives or dies, Maodon. some new organ fur use in their meet- eldisu is doomed to an early fall at 'ogee (mm R. yl' (Seen i•1 I]Iyth, last week. Ottawa. We firmly believe that the Tory party, now so apparently ancon in Missionaryl services will be held in the Church of l.n.tsnd nn Sabbath evening place, will not continue in power for the Rev, Mr. McCosh, of Wingh•m officiat- ing. The Christmas exaasirtstiou in oonn.e- tiee with the pollee sobad will be held on Friday the 21st Met. The' pupils will rive • pehlie entertainment in the ssltnnl hoose in the ereoing. A missionary sermon will (D. V. i M Mis■i••nary services were couductsd ui the English church last Sabbath by Rev. Mr. Craig, of Clinton, The pulpit of the Methodist church was occupied bylir. Anderson, of St. Heleus, un Sunay last. Fox hunting ea favorite pastime with tour young men at present, but the foxes seen tat be perfectly safe so far, Mrs. Carrie has gone to visit friends in London, As this lady has been ill for some time put, it is to be hoped that the trip will completely restore he health. Ono of those happy t•cca•iota which put everybody in good humor, occurred at the house of nue of our neighboring farmers, Wm. Mallough, last Tuesday evening. The event was the marriage of his daughter Itst.ecce, to Ben. McClure, of Luckuow, Charles Hoed, of Locknow, ufciatieg as groomsman, while Miss Martha MabI•,ugh, sister of the bride, charmingly discharged the duties of bridesmaid. The ceremony was perforat- ed by Rev. Mr. Cameron, of Lucknow, at eighto'clock in the evening, in the presence of r largo gathering of friends and relatives. After supper all enj.yed themselves with games, etc., until about 12 o'clocs, when the newly wedded pair drove tt, God.rich, and took train to spend a few weeks visiting the principal cities and other places of interest in On- tario and neighboring states. The bride was the recipient of valuable presents, of which the following list gives a few :- Silver butter cooler, by A. Stewart ; lamp and butter knife, Miss Davidson ; do., B. Mallough ; set of glassware, Miu R. Davidson ; sett of china dishes, D. Malleugh ; cheese dish, Mrs. Grier ; cruet, Mrs. C. Hood'; table cover, Mrs. B. Mallough ; pickle and celery dish, Joseph Mallough ; toilet sett, Jas. Mal - lough ; albutn, John Mallongh ; table cover, Mies /denary ; butter cooter and card, Miss McMath ; tea tray, Miss Mc- Dermaid ; album, Mrs. Isaac McClure ; thermometer, Wm. McClure ; take di Miss Mallough; lace apron, Mw S. I tl. lough ; pair of vases, Mrs. Cam water pitcher, John Smith. "Put a beggar on horseback, and he will ride to the devil," is • well know proverb, and n no instance has it oome truer than in the nae of Martin J. Grif- fin, the editor of the Toronto Mail. He has been persistently assailing Hon. G. W. Ross fur not being a university man, and more now it turns out that the 'Mail editor never graduated at • university. This should put him out of court as an educational authority, on hie own show- ing. For a inan who was educated at the expense of the parish, Martin J. Griffin puta on lofty airs. It is no dis- grace to have been poor, but it is down- right impudence for a man of his calibre to make so great a pretence of literary and social superiority. There is an air of shoddy about Mr. Griffin which so thorough • ad cannot fully disguise. THE Tory papers, oor own local sheet among them, are insinuating that there was • "trade" in connection with the re- tirement of John McMillan in South Huron. The Mitchell Adoral• hints that $6000 were paid that gentleman fcr resigning. Such charges are false and cruet Mr. McMillan is too honest a man to be bought. He is above the need of money as a bribe, and were he starving he would not sell himself. There is not one of these Tury writers, now slandering the late member, but who could he bought with money, and they judge Reformers by their own standard. Then is not a Tory editor is Western Ontario whit has • reputation tor probity that can equal that of honest John McMillan. So little is the editor of the Star held in estimation by those whose dirty work he does, that his own political friends have declared to Re- former that they believe be was bought with Gri; money to act as he did in con- nection with the West Hur6n election case. If the editor is free from guilt of this charge, and we have good reasons for believing that he is, how does he like the idea of imputing false motives to public men. Belfast The roads are badly cut up and almost impassable. The pupils of Belfast school have re- ceived a foot ball from Seafortlp, and are going to exchange 'fout-hall' for 'shia- Mies Maggi. Rutherford, assistant teacher here, steps nut at the end of this year, giving plat. to Wm. Hackett, who has been attending the Godertch Model School. Revival services are being carried on in Hackett." Methodist church, west of this place, by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton. When is the Poet Office going to be moved to Belfast 1 A tea -muting will be held in Hack- ett's church on (.nristross ereoing. with Weeks, su with other. Many full parliamentary term. The whirlwind hare been tempted, mid Berne may have I of • overs. public opinion which will fallen by the way, but taken all in all j.weep the corrupt administration at Ot- I have an abiding faith in the integrity , tot from power is now moving onward. of the people of West Middle." as a The party will be a wonn wreck after it wit ' • an. 1 1 i...` *wired that under nn ' strike thein Lisburn. LITELtaY CONTIST. — This contest closed in the temperance hall on Friday evening last. The judges, A. Cowan. A. H. Clutton and J. Hogarth quietly informed the leaden as agreed on, that Suter Ellen Horton's side was victorion. Their best programmes were the third and last. The opposite side were excellent in the fourth and last program- mes. The winners, after their first pro- gramme, formed an ambulanceoommittee and brought in the ail of an organ,which strange to say like some of the contes- tants got hoarse and out of tune, and but for the skill of the Dunlop architect, who was also in the hands of the ambu- lance,. its nonappeeranoe, at their lest programme, would have lessened the number of points for the winning side, as they only attempted three soogs with- out its aid after the first night. To the fair captains who led the opposing sides credit belongs, as in storm and clear weather they marshalled their hosts to battle with the pluck of the heroines of mythology. Their last order, and per- haps the most popular one, is for all the contestants to "prerere for oyster.' on the evening of the 21st inst. Your cor- respondent will let you know all about that festive season. SI WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE MASES, TOILET SETTS, COMM, HAIN, TOOTH 00 NAIL UNUSNES. ENGLISH AND FRENCH PERFUMES. . Stock Complete. FRU re taw .1 Sr GENUINE �T 1 11 GSR SEWING MACHINE. CHAS. PRETTY, Haring hems eppoteted agent d the •bore rasa•hlo., begs to solicit the usual public pat- ronage. and will sn;.ply machines on liberal term.. I Try • the Genuine Singer, Reenlenc. VIMnru street, near the M. I. t'h•reh, tloderlrh Qederieh. flee. le Iasi INI•Am tl