HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-14, Page 2Rib wl THE HURON SIG NAL,► FRIAY, DEC. 14, 1883. CROSSING THE LINE. A Olanoe at the New Zealander*. ra rrtesltlee Garlb- a allow Cies-- %alive etatemees. live, our own Correspondent. From Honolulu to the Samoan or Navigator's Islands, • distance of nearly twenty five hundred miles, nothing of importance occurred to relieve the lengthy monotony. When a fresh breeze sprang up, with heroic fortitude we would find ourselves still pacing the deck 'with lesser weight but not with lesser woe.' On the third night after leaving the harbor, we CROSSED THE eoutrOR. No particular shock was felt ; our vessel frairtlea for the Aim0k of vessel/. The , general paratus of teriilQy different of fro that of median ht eged trasuing the body pea -head American towns ri fusty thoeaed popelatioYa Auckland, the thought of ip-V. -Win- kle suggests itself, for in many thinp, we noticed, in our short visit, nue colonist appear to be a half center? be hind the ulnae. They lack the bowman ash so characteristic in the American. Y\'e were not even accosted by the busi- ness }mall boy, with "Shine, sir 1" "Morning Herald, sir r or any of the familiar solicitations sr peculiar to Young America. The vehicles seen were of AN ANTIQUATED TYPE. The two wheeled carts here answer the purpose of our American wagon ; there are generally four or five horses hitched one in front of another, and in no case under • penalty of ten shillings is the deicer justified in riding in hie cart. The agricultural resources of the country are good bath the climate and soil be - A. Ole sees Analysed. T.. an know the aid 'fes aof IIRpenee, bat lure you over toad what it le meant for i The four -and -teen p birds Mon' seat Windy -tarsi )- T. bottom of the pie is the tentid.1 whae the top onset los the sky that oneseirshwe K The opea- ing of the pie is the day -dawn, when the birds begin to sing, and surely such a sight is 6t for a king. The king, who is represented M sitting in his parlor counting out his moseyt the sun, while the gold pieces that slip through his fingers as he counts them are the golden sunshine. The queen, who sits in the dark kitch- en, is the moue, and the honey, with which she regale. herself, is the moon- light. The industrious maid, who is in the garden at wurk before the king—the sun —has risen, is dey-dawn, and the clothes she hangs out are the clouds, while the bid, who so tneriscally Gads the sung by se 'nipping o[ bee no,' is the hour of sun- set. so we have the whole day, if not didn't tumble from bow to stern like as I Ing admirably adapted for raising every in a nutshell, to a pre. aspen leaf ; nor were we (scored with an fruit, flower and edible grown in Great interview wtth that ancient celebrity, Britain. The islands are as rich in Neptsne, with his trident and briny miuersls as any of the Australian colo- mt ae of sea-nymphs,—toe cumin"' and otos Lot year nearly 300,000 ounce, the nodes and the aunts of Oceanus—all of gold were turned out, valued at five of whom we read so much of in our one-half millious of dollars. Its climate oothiul literary researches (in Captain is superior to Great Britten, and there t s novel . Nu ; we with most is nothing but its isolated position to of oar fellow passengers were `calory' hinder it from becoming equal to the sweetly slumbering on' regardless of Mother country as the historian has Neptune and Jupiter, and the whole rn hesied. The 4laoria Moweris or ftatee+etty of gods and goddesses. About nate es are « ght hundred miles south of the equat- or w. sighted C3 A FINE RACE 01 PEOPLE. Captain Cook in 1777 spent some months THE aAYOtN ISLANDS, trying to impmve the condition of these and hates • (Beam Consul to land, we and describes them as aavolcanica people, es ie, drew along aide. one of these. They are the people, sense of the word. of apparent volcanic origin, and near the were almost totally unacquainted °oast an densely wooded. They num- mechanical arts, their skill being limit - bei is all some eight or nine, two of sol to the making of spears and other skid' are forty [Hiles in length. The rude instruments of war, tabristies poweletiou numbers about thirty five fishing nets, wearing coarse dodoes thousand, three thousand cif these being from fibres of native flax, and making Kai ak= and Germans, the remainder rude ornaments for the adornment of satires. Or. nearing what appeared to their persons and huts. The one ab- be • native village —• collection of grass 'robing idea of the race was war. While bo.... &ascii • f canoes pulled cut to to crown all, cannibalism was the uni- beard oar vessel, each containing from versal practice of the race. To -day they one to thirtyof the islanders, nearly hold an entirely different position. As node, and alkeepiug up an incessant regards intelligence and appearance they chatterusg. Each had some articles for are in many inatances nut far be average sale, shells, grass fans, war clubs (after European. They are now on good arms the fashion of the one Jack the Giant- with the colonise, but like our Ameri- killer handed mode's of their boats, and can Indians, often break eut and cruelly venous tropical fruits, the manutactured murder, and destroy everything before articles showing an artistic skill almost thein. At one .time they numbered incredible to so rude a people. They are nearly 120,000, but to -day they consist stout well built, muscular fellows, of sixteen tribes numbering about 35, - OF AN EXACT COPPER COLOR. 000, Six of the members of the Impale Their hair is thickly matted and of a nye assembly are natives. Two goosti- reddish yellowish brownish black (for tuencies have the sole privilege of send - want of a more expressive term.) These ing:esex4 mats are so thick that they make an ex- ' NATIVES as YRNsaaa. ireizA cellent repository for the natives tooth The race is doing away with the barber - brush, lead pencil, pipe, small spears, sus custom of tstooiag their persons, walking stick or any other extras he and it is only the old men and women wishes to carry about with him. The that an now boast of having their face strange color and the thick matting is carved punctured and frizzled with caused by a toilette peculiar to the every conceivable design. There are natives of many of th1South Sea islands. now some sixty native schools in exiat- A thick paste is made from powdered ence, ander government auspices, with shells, the hair is done up in this paste, an attendance of nearly thousand chil- and after a number of days it is dren. We were greatly amused by the CLEANED AND FR.ZZE! people trying to induce us to stay in nut quite the samo as our Canadian friz— their colony instead of going to Austra- and the toilet is complete. They are lia. There seemed to be quite an im- very fund of anything showy, and were migration rivalry between the colonies, particularly desirous of possessing them- but we tore ourselves away, and as_ the selves of any old Gnat off clothing offered shades of evening stole over us we steam - for barter by the sailors or passengers. ed out of the harbor and shaped our One became the happy possessor of a course once more for "Sidney ECove.", couple of colored handkerchiefs which so greatly delighted, him that he showed his ability to shake the 'light fantastic' to our amulement. Another got a large blue necktie, and was shown how to wear it by a sailor, who put it on wrong side out. He cast many ADMIRING GLANCES AT BIS FINERY Mew es Tem weak image. Q± Always breathe through the aus ,keep - the mottle aimed as muck ..possible HUGH DUNLOP Valk yd w tweet, noon..._ poo n-_ open oi air, keep the /kin asmapeleusl ...:Fashis Q take HaR7ted'/ iMe l Balsams fns. d x soughs, colds tad brAs/6W eruubloa. fl onablTailor) WEST s'r E i'T, Has the Finest Assortment of Goodie for Fall Wear to Choose Fr..., IF YOU WANT UoelirsaeV* tweeds were. '!rola the. many remarkable Burse wrought by using Mdlregor'e Speedy Cure for llyspe , Indigestion, nstl- ppaation and Aon it the Liver, and from immense salts of it without any ad. vent.ing, we hare concluded to plain it extensively on the market, so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Gu CALL (i to G. Rhynes drug store and get a trial bottle fon, or the regular nu •t 60 sesta and Al. A Nobby Suit at a Iteasonable Price, Gr -Far T .1••JO Sanwa; moment. ?rank Spink,Wiltos A.dr.e,Toronto, POW time 040 remised • lead injury by an seeident on the G. T. R. The severe emissions were reska healed by UM ase of Hd' arvars GEsw OL 2 dwells saMs aratamaa Two Eget os Woo waw talkies el their enereiry. lay esiaalws mass www be the May D1wwer ' said Mw Deaeserlwst 'ile lee Med_' was Me tie. 'Te/ ; and Nina baa tans a hiss time 010. 'Of Bann ; and lila Mag ?4 .er tom /ming verset, woon't is Te► 'Tows else 1 tbewe t- M sssnteie were dimest from yaw Tliey meld lave noon ever ink tea toy, kin dim essdsdil M went for a biewei s steam MINN sable ptlmrs, *RA *We the wet they sits, and deal pose forgot if. 1 railing sweet. tailed for as &mummies fesaily. O►, dear r --(Merehant Travel - tidied r\e■seeds All over the land are suing into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Diroovery for Con- sumption. Their wtl(wked fur recovery by the timely use of this great life Sav- ing remedy, causes. them to go nearly wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively Cure severe coughs, colds, as- thma, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness, leas of voice, or any affection of the t and lungs. Trial bottles free at hates W ilsto's drug store. Large sir. $1.00. (21 Or. A Paralytic senor. W. H. Howard, of Geneva, N. Y., suffered with palsy and general debility, and spent a smell fortune in advertised remedies, without avail, until he tried) Burdock Blood Bitters, It purified and as it dangled in solitary splendor in his revitalized the blood, caused it to circu- bare breast. A big fellow whose mouth late freely, and 1nickly restored him to and general appearance were horribly health, 2 suggestive of the fate Robinson Crusoe s man Friday's ' escaped. succeeded in getting possession of an old blue jacket in exchange for a native head dress, a war -club and some shells, and immedi- ately a number of the tars surrounded the would -be -clothed to tit him. The jacket came far short of being a world - too wide, but one pulled it down behind while another jerked it up at the collar, another in snip's style fitted him about the waist, but all had some hand in pre. perl), adjusting it, the grinning purchas- er enjoying the metamorphose as much as the crowd surroundirg him. But we were obliged to part with our visitors, and as they clinic(' down the rope holder one with A NECETIE,ANU IIREACrf .'LOTH as his only articles of dress, another s youth's drat, a third a pair of gentle- man's unmentionables of doubtful age and cut, a fourth a superannuated straw hat. none of which could be 'measured by its intrinsic worth' (as the presenta- tlnn addresses generally put it), we thought et a comic picture we have seen representing a tire at a fourth rate hoard ing house, where the boarders ere mak• ing their escape each with a shirt e.11sr, a walk rig -stick or an umbrella, intt all in their dithabillt. When crostini/ the 180 degree of loo,titutu ALLOWEI. 1 otV T.• .:.IP Rt' J A LYe Nevins Pr'eees t. Mr. 11. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.,, saved his Ills by • ,ample Trial Bottle or Der. jug's New Discovery, for Con- sumption, which seemed him to procure a lugs bottle, that completely cared him, wort Demers, cheep of dictate and eserytbbse else bad failed, Asthma, Deeenbl`s, Roaeeeeese. Severe Coughs, and as Throat and Inst disos.es, it is wlemsbsi to ewe. Tr& Rattles at J. wibree's dear .tore. L.rgs ass 81. (1)• Aamacasaaa. Mas. Jaa. 14. 1880. I lase been very stet over two ream. They all gave sins Spq as pest cure. I tried the most skillful physicians, bat they did not reach thea wrest part. The loop sad heart would MI up every night and distress use, and sq threat was very. bad. I told my.bild ss I never should die in pesos until I tried Hop Bitter& 1 have taken two bottles. They have helped me veru much indeed. lam now well. There was a lot .f Dick folks here who have seen h..w they helped me, and they used i..eua cud are cured, and feel as thankful as I do that there is so valu- able a medicine made. Mas. Jou• G. C(saisu. . A Remarkable Escape. Mn. Mary A. Daile7,of Tunkhannock, Pa.,was athicted for six years with Asth- ma and Bronchitis, during which time the but physicians could give no relief. Her life was despaired of, until in last October she procured • bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, when immediate relief was felt, and:by continuing its use for a short time she was completely cur- ed, gaining in flesh 50 lbs. in a few months. Free Trial Bottles of this certain cure of alt Throat and Lung Diseases at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store. Large Bottles $1.00. (4) Goderich Township. Holmesville, Dec. 3d, 1883. Council mot to -day pursuant to ad- ournment. The members all present. Amities of last meeting read and passed. Moved by 3. Cox, seconded by J. Bea- com, that by -lays Nos. 7 and 8, of pres- ent year now read be passed—Carried. T. Jewett was refunded $1.10, differ- ence in assessment. R. Marshall was refunded $1 dog tax. The following ac- counts were paid, viz : is. Cox, gravel, $34.88; J. Imrie, stationery, 86.45; .Ino. McDonald, ontlet for water, $2; Wm. McCabe, one year 1 oard of W.. Dunn, indigent, $52; H. Murphy, gravel, 16th con., 88; S. Plummer, gravel, 16th con., 81.60: A. May, use of scraper, 50 cents; W. Curry, use of scraper and digging ditch, 82.25; J. Trewartha, gravel, 9th con., $3.20; J. McCartney, gravel, Mait- land con., $4.80; R. Elliott, gravel, 4th con., 832.48; W. Bell, gravel, !7.20; Jas McDonald, gravel, $24 32; R. Johnston, gravel, 4th cou., 88.96; Thos. Beatty, gravel, 82; R. McCulloch, gravel, $8; Mrs, Collins, for six months board of W. Collins and J. Miller, indigents, $75; R. Bray, indigent, $10; J. Miller, for clothing, 88; clerk, one years' post- age. 812 38; "tor nice, pr nting, $6.08; A. Knox, repairing culvert, $'2; A. Knox, nee ed hall, $50; treasurer, silary, If'i5; clerk, ..eery. 8100; councillors for servi- ces one year. $20 each. Council ad- journe' to tenet again per statute. Jaw. PATTON, clerk. unreck.m't.l an•i 1 .N •'rr. W.• nalittett Saturday, and nf•er Friday (-emir Sun- day. thus having a week o.r seven conse- cutive days includ sit two td nd acs. The twentieth day brought tea in sight of a number of the islands along she cote •', New Zealand. raising these, we ei,t••re.l Rsngitoto channel and Waiteweta h•lr- ixrr, nn the south shore of which is the chief city of New 7.ealsrel. Aeeklaed has, with its suburbs, • popolatios of forts thousand It is nioely situated cm an isthmus sit miles wide, washed ow the cast end woof ley the eeeatt. The Dern -est -id int laedrerja le dotted with war -in re e"nee, mil prnsesees that Mend- ing of bind end sea, height and lowland, hill and dale, that Mtnhotee ear Notch to the beauty of Satursi scenery. it ascots to be every traveller's /driest to And some ernw,wasding position where he ens nc.rl.reb that surroundings. Anekla\d, like H•onoolul i, has such • MMPAs. An ett;ie't neat,., called M .ides, Res hehutd the cit, , almut a mile distant, and from the crater of this an exeellent view an 1* obtained. TSR rostrum! OT Art ELAND for commercial purposes; is very gelid, a fen• h•rh.•r. with numerous wharves en'/ BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Established:Shooe Store *Town. In Endless variety, WILSO N'S Dgiu PrescpiionSto. to suit the most fastidious and th most ecouomic buyer MY WiNTER STOCK Is now (*.ample e. and I take pleasure in infurwing my customers that at no pre vious time have I had such a Warner's nate ('u e, Pan Burea's Kilos Care, Cams* Ca\ Care, ('tasslss Hair Renewer. Crowfoot Indian Betters, Warner's Nervine, Yinea New Discovery, Fowler's Extract of 'Strawberry. TO NERVILINE, the new Pain Remedy— rtal bottles, lee. DIAMOND DYES, THE IN THE WORLD. IOC_ PiCR_ PACgbG _ 4:3 -C37D 2ZCS PLANING MILL A Flak M.ry. 'You're in an ice boil"-emarked the oyster to the crab as ho gazed st him in the refrigerator. 'Yes ; and pretty soon you'll be in a nice box stew,' answered the crab. ' You needn't be so crabbed about it, suggested the clam. 'What makes you so clamorous 1' ask- ed the lobster. 'Wait till you get boiling coed, and you'll turn red, too,' remarked the eel. 'You're too oftiahus. It takes a good eel to make me mad,' said the smelt. 'I shad think so, but when our friend here gets on his muscle,' remarked the porgy. And then the proprietor of the restau- rant came along end told them not to be so shellfish, and asked : 'Are you going to be fried this even- ing 1' and when they answered, 'Not this Friday,' he snuffed and said : 'Good fried, eh 1' 1 '•t moms, FoitayTw Co., N. C. QIV'ra—i degite to express toou my thank• for ,soar w.,nderfol Hop Bitten. 1 was ten .'..lent ntth dyspepsia for five years pre. Its to commencing the use of pier Hoop Moore. tome air months ago. Illy erre has b -e. wonderful. I am pas- ter of the First Mlethtdrst church of this plate, and nay whole congregation eau testify to the greet virtues of your bit- tertl. Very respectfully, Rev. H. FERMIS.. ANY. OF THE M(1PT FItl:Qt'FNT 11K. Ml I.T" of depraved not ritinn. canoed hl lir ton end tmperfeet assimilation of fond the nn.igh 1'er^'ions I hie AIeteors the nfsrm.nrpc p.'. eiwt doe. lent to amt. aloe for repairing banding rip th.• Mune^•, .loons not aondeb the. ink n. •n,1 di.rgrres insnffest rhem•elvea, the genera the neon. time tw•eomtnl( unpaired. SiIgg and perman rat ,,ore mt i frolu mhe thee AlivdIvo •ppnretne and Yr •1 nn, whl.•h 1' effected to Ito. tt'h,i,e meas s nw, pyn l'mnh.ixr ot ,,ItyricallM•" 1,oites and maker andpertftee • •ly p that Intones great freshness of vine and refer ., ,.,,,,,tI. ,,,, hr t.rn.wnrin.nulrltlen These are Solid Fae14. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refundea. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] ''I had been for eight months unable to work, and felt as though I would u lief die es lire, through Dyspepsia and Indigestion. 1 weighed at the time of getting a bottle of MoGregor's Speedy Cure 130 tbs.; used 3 bottles, and new weigh 165 lbs. and never was better in in my life. It was McGregor's Speedy Cure that brought me around." So says William Fell, Hamilton. Go to 0. Rhy- me drug store and get a free trial bottle or the regular size for fifty cents and one dollar. • "Why should amen osmose bhevit is warm within Sit ke his gmndsire cut in alabaster'y Or let his hair grow rusty, sant and thin. When "CINOALeensakotwEa willmaks ?.low the fairer. For sale by J. Wit- ano 2m ESTABLISHED 1855. Large & Varied Stoc As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Prioe un it is • positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. Buchanan,Lawson a Robinson MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors & Blinds DEALERS IN ALL RINDS OF Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every description. SCHOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. tarAU Orders promptly attender to. Oodenich, Aug. 2, 1881. 1932-1y Eye, Ear -and Throat. DR. RYERSON, CUSTOM W ORR of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made u}, in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, and of the very best material obtainable. _ D0 VTN N0 -- 3H. Chore\ Street, Tomato, Oat., L. It, C. P., L. R. C. S. E.. Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Far Infirmary late Clinical As/natant Royal Ophthalmic hospital Moorfelda, and Central London Throat and F.ar Hospital. may be consulted at THE WINDSOR HOTEL BTRgTF'ORD, CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent always kept on hand (Physicians tPreecripiions a'Soecialty.) Qin Last Saturday of Bury Tooth. Jane Sth. 1883. 1AI8- AYER'S sarsaparilla GEORGE REY1 'A/!, BLAKE'S BLOCK. THE SQUARE] BOOTS&S 1 =i4CDWsiislig dot "CTTec1d.1.110 Beg t. announce to the Public that theyhave opened busineu in the above Stod in the store lately occupied by Horace ewton. Having purchased a large an well assorted stock of Spring and Sumner Goods at close figure*, we are determine to give the Pnblic the benefit. MU SALES & Sh1 L PROFITS WILL BE OUR ETD 'Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. firirRemember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. Asi-Custom work will receive our special attention. -None but the best of material used and first-class workmen employed. 'Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich. March 9 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U F = N F' R O T .A.3 -I .= sures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Rheeraatle Gout, Gemral Debility, Catarrtk, and all disorder', eased by • then and impoverished, or corrupted, etwtdttis of tba blood; expelling the blond -poisons from the system, snriehing had renewing the blood, and restoring iia vital- izing power. During a long period of unparalleled useful- ness, ATta'S *A5APAaILLA loam proven 111 perfect adaptation to the rare of an diseases originating In pnnr blood and • weakened vitality. It 1s a highly rose•.trated extract of maro4 partlla and other blood -purifying roans. combined with iodide of Pe.sed.s sed Irma, and is the safest, moat reliable, and most economical blood.purieer and blood -food that eau be used. Inflammatory Rheumatism Caned. " 1N nen RA•aAraart.t.A has eared me of the Inflammatory Rheumatism, with cable\ I bave suffered for mor years. W. Y. 1/uoaa." Durham, Ia., harsh 2, 1e52. " Fight yeah agn r lades attack d wee owe flora on serer• that 1 noW MSS MOWS from the bed, or dress, wit)N., t help. i tried emend remedies without mush if any rettef, until 1 feok Area's Ra ".I A, 4v the nue of two bottles of whteh 1 we. eomptetely eared. 1 boos sot been troubled with this E\eatst&mt elem. Have void large cusatISM et year raetafaatLLA, and 1t still retains 14wonderfnl pO fMJ The tally notable cares It has .tleetee *5 Bmf wince me abet It is the best blood "Sr offered te the public. L. Rlvar wt., Backlsnd, Mw., May I 1aa1{bom IMi 1 rwas so wast frost I et .M sot wait whose the eagles 'of • friend. 1 eoat sesmsi t\kflat ATm f111t lt sad bellast as ell i*5 Isis. 1 iIMOet eviA sew for asS 4 me to s&PeaMir the Me wait Jamie l riA111." ES tet artl Et.. Fee Tort, Juts mom itta. Avyw'a RAIMATARILLA owes Males• allot dl Ilernfwlese Osmosed_. S► Mena. Aiesweienr u ntiee. wewith Orme, Tineees. sad _._ U __I slake NON Hamm abs Meet et all Smilelrn, M Makin nos ibe same et Mos bowel% MRS MOM enemy se/ tilossibens the w►aIi MOM rR[►Aa*D .1 Dr. J. 0. Ayer A Co., L Ns*, MN.. 5s5 M all itvwefflsts. pens 8t. mlti beillee. M W.M Rewarded. A lib..ral reward will he psi 1 to any party who will produce a rasa of Liver, Kidney or fttomueh complaint Mat line. trio Bitters will n w speedily eu-e. Being them along, it wi'l emit ytei no'hing ft r the rn.dieine if it fats to cure, and pie wi11 he well reworded foe your trontsl. beagles. All Blood diMMINI.. B11tn(w nes*. Jaundice. O•on•tinetinn, a'rd gene. p1 debility vie ti tirkty towed. e'at►afor. Boo ono( tuteeor 'annoy r.un,le.l P.'ioe only fifty cents ,"•r bottle F,,r wile by .1 t'ul..m fn Fel ABRAHLLM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : WA LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND CLOTHING, THE LATEST DES1GNa WA FINE ASSORT N ENDLESS VARiETY,FURNISHING GOO HA 'TS, WALL THE LATEST STYLES. AND APVIT GUARAKTCED PALE.ZICAND EVERY 8 WALL PATTEHNSIMADE UIN GOOD RTYLF,. OR NO / L NEW GOODS, NEW PRiC! CHEAP FOR CASH. RE M O -VE D. PHIZ,O NOBZ ME1 ,O E ANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, God --IAND WiLL FURNISH OR MAKE un— Bents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lost 5. LARM rerril.11ir. r risG A SPECIALTY. PIRFIRT m OiiARA *ROM PROMPTLY ATTE!tNE1 TO, NOTE TSR AO0SEM I PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON -STREET, 1GODREICH. Ari Pezins • los Wlill Pllpc Now le the time. it see wish else or two oleo roosts at borne. to see Pntler'. ' o^ He ha• over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest De Reentifal colors. and at primates' than eery winch Inferior goods. Call and •e' El areas beet vain• in town. and mint ba send. The f,atcst Spring Razar Paterps aod Fa 1311-711_41E JI FR A s all tun her you if y But you epee el dy. him out poli ORM and Ste wall Bel to!. ad t be ate tar sea 1tel Ail thi on -col go eel the Th ao. if I not shi tin dy '1'h At wi y0 sol aid 00 etc se Pa bs r,s' to nae „y1 wi th th gc fo w 0 tl tl tl 8 n a t a