HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 811lli'J ifUN/1i AJ1RI\ AL, FB,IA 1 . DEC. t , Da/110R X Mae, rate of tlheppwrdton, has been enrolled on the staff „f the smithy, Jbraititbit t n , 90 e.irsold, las the guest ,f ID. Cummings aid week. Mr. Dean has beeu w resident of Ashtield for about 40 years, hilt is hale for his years yet. Gsrbrsiel. •liOi , GuuuLe. - Our townsmen, it. 1). Morris and Johu Reid, of Carlow, have returned Prow Ruffle, having suc- cessfully disposed of their first cargo of turkeys in that city. They intend to go shortly to the bison city with a load of cluckeos. We have luta of pour wheat in the county to fatten our poultry with, and this verdure of the Colborne boys deserves success. A look et the morality of OW,ID. and vicinity, and a oomparisuo w what it was a few months ago, might not be uniutereditty. Lest Sabbath semi a.s were oundwowd iu connection wit► all three cul rwfatiope bon It fry- .tuently ooeurs that we Sieve servtoes twice a Sabbatk in wine a the churches. There are two Sabbath Schools, both doiug good murk, and with good attend - :roe. Cottage prayer meetings have been started to ounueetiou with the '.11ethodiats church work. All the forte going circt utstatioe together with the effusions which appear from time to time from the graphic pen pf the Stur'a Dun- gannon correspondent on goodlwstiners, &c., should greatly increase the morali- ty, religion and general gr.od conduct of our people. 0000rn.. Mr. Snider, of Waterloo, is visiting friends here. On WVedneaday of last woek,the Water Lilv, one of the ferry boats at Union- ville, broke away from her moorings and drifted down the river about three miles, when she capsized and sunk, stern fore- most, in about ten feet 0 water. E. Baer had a narrow escape front be- ing Iluug fro048lhe leak 0 the barn be- longing to N. Beer recently. He was hoisting shingles, when the trestle work to which the block and turtle was attach- ed broke, and s bundle of shingles which he was swinging, went to the ground, nearly taking him with it. Goderich Township. Tho young man Glazier, heart recently by a log, is recovering rapidly. Thus. Mason will hereafter work the farm on tho base line, now occupied by his father. John Medlard,of this township, leaves in a couple of weeka for Australia, w'tich piece he purposes making his future home. Mia& Hays, of the 16th con., who some time ago had a tumor remora from her person, returned from London last week, who re she had had a secuud one cut out. Mr,. S. Barr, of the 16th, was taken seriously ill last Thursday, and remained in a comatose condition for some time, her frienda fearing that she would not recover, but we are pleased to hear Aho is now much better.—(New Era. The council met at Finlay's school house, on the 16th November. AU the members present. The minutes of Wt meeting were read and signed. Com- munication from D. Johnstou and others relative to wire fence un the teat side of lot 6, Con. 2; from W. Mallough, refus- ing 30 oenta a rod for putting up wire fens on uorth side 4 lot 12, con. t, and proposing to leave it to mutual agree- ment or arbitration, laid over until next meeting. From Mrs. Deerfield, asking for relief. Moved by Mr. Clare, second- ed by Mr. Griffin, that the following ac- counts be paid : R. Hasty, underdrain on R R. 3 and 4, con. 6, $2; W. Moran, culvert on S. R. 3 and 4, apd fining, $4; T. Ford, gradin on 10 and 11 con., W. D., $16.50; M. Shackeltun, underdrain S. R. 3 and 4, $b; R Hamilton, work on boundary, Ashfield and Huron, lot 9, W.D., $4; also covering culvert near Amberlyj, and- culvert near Loshaleh school .house, and repairing road $9; D. Campbell, drawing bridge out of take. $10; A. Sutherland. gravelling on boun• dary, Ashfield and Huron, let 2, E.D., $2fS; K. McKenzie, culvert and grading road, lot 4, mon. 12, E.D., $21.50; A. Hackett, repairing culvert, aide road, 9 and 10, con. 10, and underdrain S. R. 9 and 10, con. 11, $10; F. Scott, re- pairing culvert lot 4, con. 10, W. D., $3.50; W. McDonald, cedar lumber for bridge N. G. R near Lecknow $5.94; R. Webster. drawing lumber and oover- ing bridge N. G. R. and spikes, $2.50. Moved by Mr. Whitley, seconded by Amberley, It bocemea our painful duty this week to chronicle the demise of Miss Grace Munro, eldest daughter of Neil Munro, an old and respected resident. Death, that inexorable messenger, snatched her away in the bloom of youth from those near and dear to her by the ties of rela- tionship and friendship. About two years ago she contracted that baneful disease, consumption, which balled the beat medical skill and domestic treat- ment, and terminated in her death on Thursday morning, 29th ult. Deceased was a young lady of more than ordinary intelligence, unassuming habits and en- dearing qualities. During her painful and protracted illness, she manifested exemplary patience and Christian forti- tude,and calmly fell asleep with a prayer on her lips, to be released from her suf- fering and taken home to dwell with Him whom she trusted and loved. Roderick McKenzie is home from Du- luth. Miss Maggie McKenzize is visiting friends in Wingham this week. Dan. Campbell, 4 Amberley, is col- lecting all the lumber along the beach that has recently drifted ashore, and which was the cargo 4 the d'chooner Ontario, that was wrecked near Pine Point. Dan. Sullivan, son of John Sullivan, met with a ver}' painful accident one day last week. \t bile oiling the machine, his left hand was accidentally caught in the gearing, and before he could extri- cate it the back of the hand was badly torn, but luckily there were no bones in-- jured. Medical skill was procured and the wounded hand dressed. His many friends will be glad to learn that the wound is now progressing favorably. On Tuesday last Mr. Lane resivned his position as teacher in this school sec - section. We understand that he intends going into the mercantile business in Lanesville, about the 1st of January. Mr. Lane has taught for several years in this section, and has been very success- ful, having given good satisfaction to all interested in school affairs, and we hope that he may be equally successful in his new occupation. We believe the great- est boon we can wish for him is that he may never be troubled with the mercan- tile "blues." Dungannon - Mrs. Blair, mother of Mre. D. E. Munro, is at present visiting at Dungen- non. Rev. Mr. preached in Sunday last. The Sabbath School in connection with the Presbyterian church here, is to be continued durinv the coming winter months. John Fitz has moved fsnrn Mr. Acar's house, Albert St. to J. M. Roberts house, Main St. The trustees of our dublic schools bate secured the services of Miss Jennie Dish- er u teacher for the junior department. Mr. Denoon, of Lsnesville, having leased the store on the Clendenning es- tate, has been moving goods in during the past week. he ex to hare kis Pnchard, of Manchester. the Orange Hall here on OOIINTT NNW&. Called Rena ..v flee** tteaaars The Bluetale (iranet after halt a de- cade's existent, hu susle tri ed. bbite and partridges are plentiful to the uwnabiq of Mnrriitl. Nina ..Muy Ouveuiuck, of bio ►(lop, will Week its &spited Nu. 4, Stapley, at 8300 s year. John Hooey boughs th! farai oa the Behu.•re road, 1INwiot, )ate- ly, for $4,410. Andrew Lees and family, of- Morris, have removed to Kansan where they will make their home for a while. Mrs. P. Linnett died vet) soddenly at her home near Belmore this week. It is supposed that hraot disease was the trouble. While out &hooting lately, Crockett Willitts, of Wroxeter, fell and injured one of his limbs badly,elthougk sot dan- geroualy. COLBORNE BROTHERS David Moffat, one of Ttlrnbeiry's pioneers, died at his residence near Jamestown last Sunday uight. His re- mains were interred in Bluevale on'l'uee- day. There is very tittle excitement over the spproaching municipal eleetiuus iu Howick. With the exception of Mr. Weir, who talks of retiring, the coun- cillors all seem willing to serve again. W., A. Edwards, 4 Fordwick, whose back was injured a couple of month& age by driving under a partly fallen tree, has so far recovered as to be able to look after his business again. George Moffat, of Turnberry, has re- ceived letters from friends in the Old Country intimatin that a fortune of three hundred and thirty thousand pounds ;tirling, by heirship, awaits him, and he is taking the necessary steps to establish his claim. The Body of Elliot Beater Felted. On Thursday morning of last week Jas. A. Macpherson brought a telegram into the Reporter office, received by him from H. R. Stewart, at Inverhuron, which stated that a body, supposed to be that of Elliot Hunter, had been found at Fisherman's Bay, about four miles north of Inverhuron. Mr. Higgins. a brother- in-law of the deceased, was informed,and Mr. Griffin, that the fol wing account, he in company with Levi Lindsay at once by paid, R. Dauglaas, ditching on S. L. drove up, and after viewing the remains 3 and 4, con. 4, $7.98; M. Russell, ditching on con. 3, $3.40; F. Russell, protection fence, con. 2, 123.50; John T• • ARE ---- GIVING GREAT BARGAINS lack, cedar posts for do., $2; A. Reid, ditching on S. R. 6 and 7, con. 2, $20; MORTGAGE SALE . Mr. Pentland, underdraiu across road en SVeduesday evening 4 last week - con. 2, $2: W. Holland, repairing hill while sitting in the hotel, he heard that [Teter and by virtue of frac Power of Sale con.2, $2; E. Misner, stringer on bride a body had been found at m the an s contained Ina Mortgage da'ed the eth day ot le S. R. 3 and 4. con. 4, 114; d railing on Bay a few days before. From the de- I ebb arse.. tt . 11)det y t csee misdr the bridge, $8.25; M. Leigh, planking bridge scnption the thought struck him that it payment thereof, then win be notal by Public S. R. 3 and 4, con. 4, $10; R Hogan, ivy that of Elliot Hunter, and he at once I Auction, at the building bridge on con. 4, $lb; N. Mor- wired the news to Kincardine. , British Eechwtaggee Hotel, ie the Town 'I rich, lumber for culvert S. R 3 and 4,1 The body was found about one Sun- i (ialarirb, on ie 1, $3.73; G. Burrows, building cul- dred and fifty feet from the water's edge, THiJRSDAY, DEUR 80th, 1883 vert S. R. 3 and 4, con. 1, $3.68. Nev. and had evidently been cast by the at 111 o clod noon. ed by Mr. McMurchy. 'seconded by Mr. violence of the late storm over a ridge .rhe West partof Lot NO. t0. souttin on the Whitley, that the following accounts be which lies about one hundred feet from gast aide of the Lake Road, in the It'estere id - M. Austin, repairing culvert L R the water. Both arms were off at the Di inn, al the Township of Colborne. non- ' elbows, but strange to say, verylittle of taming macre*.more or less. A brief cottage 11; H. McLeod, repairing culvert Ire g y with frame store and dwelling, barn and eked 12 and 13, 95 centa ; S. Brown, 43 rods the flesh had become detached from the are the leen. body. His boots, stockings, • portion Also, under and by virtue of a Power of Sale ditching S. R. 12 and 13, $10,75; John oncontained in a Mortgage dated the nth day of Matheson, planking culvert S. R. 9 and of his drawers from the ankles to the December. 1878 made by Mary Drindley and 10, $5.50; do new culvert S. R. 6 and 7, boot tops, and the neckband of his shirt d thereof. $12 ; do filling bog S. R. 6 and 7, $19; were on. Public Auction, tb sayer M. McKelly, underdrain S. R. 9 and 10, Some years ago the deceased had cat $2; T. Ford, repairing culvert S. R. 3 his great toe and a portion off the tee and 4, $7. Moved by Mr. Griffin, sec- next the smallest one with an axe. The ed by Mr. Whitley, that the following scar on the former and the hes of the latter was at once noticed on removing the boots. The neckband of the shirt was indentitied by Mrs. Hunter, and Mr. H. ckin, who made the boots for deceas- ed recognized his work. But strangest of all the features of deceased were ao little changed that Roht. Hunter, a dro- ther, was positive as to the identity as 'von as he looked upon his face. On Saturday the funeral tcok place and was largely attended. The pall- bearers were : Alex. l:,.rdou, Alex. Donnelly, Jno. West, Alex. McLean, John Anderson, Robt. Donnelly. Rev, Mr. &arrow c nducted the funeral ser - IN �r 1 A new Jawrs& of Liters►are, Point lutes.. Edited by Cn. *LVs G. O. EMS IEfe. PtInaleH In Vital T$vlsu• r •T $3 00 Pax ANNUM. This first Mae of TSUI Walk will ay;.o u Mona lter I i .F- N • will impost ,v • et v ss the dltnr- .�at{ tlastes wbie waist w striae of a oeRorled flame and wet rets t tI Andy tan,. Ladies Jackets, Jacket Cloths, Ulster Cloths, Overcoati ngs, And Tweeds. were satisfied that the body was that of Mr. Hunter. 543111,„',001 .sips It was learned from Mr. Stewart, who was on a hunting excursion in the neigh- borhood of Inverhuron at that time, that Colborne Brothers. eoofal a h Christmas Opening EVERYBODY WANTED. Mr. Uoldwto mita will I}s a buter. Mr.) FaweeM, ea Ambitious Woman; "A ONWmas oY 1.1's ' a n .tet Ad. en O .1 of other • lour "Down onra4rl- dn. J. N. e'*8i•. ase ,irl- K ,A n ars - eta ooatrlttutes s i al ISsw 1l'ork aunty, tt rr.. 01 &t W will ahattla CHAS. A. NAIRN has much pleasure in announcing to the Public that he has now open for inspection the FINEST AsS0RTMKNT of China, Crockery, Glassware and Fancy Goods, ever opened out in one season in (Joderich, and will be pleased to have everyone tall and see thetas, whether they intend to purchase or not. Yours respectfully. CHAS A. NAIRN. N.B.—$tore will bas open during the week until 8:30 p.nl. accounts be paid : D. Izzend, repairing culvert L. R., $8; T. O'Connor, repair- ing culvert on Gth con., $4; J. Dalton, gravelling, $12; T. Crouk, culvert and grading at McDonald's creek, $40: T. Sullivan, 35 rods wire fence, $10.80; R. Farrish, plank, $10.48; R. Treleaven, plank, $3; do dog tax, $1; J. Saunders, gravel, $5.25. Moved by Mr. Clare, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that D. Quin be refunded $5.25, charges for statute labor, the work having been done ; J. Shea do, $4.50; A. Ross do. $3; S. Phil- lipe do, $6. Moved by Mr. McMurchy, seconded by Mr. Griffin, that J. Dunn be refunded $1 dog tax. By-law pr„_ J vices. riding polling places aid appointing de- THE Dtesa'rtt puty returning officers, was read and which caused the loss of the life of Ellie t passed. Moved by Mr. McMurcby, seconded by Mr. Whitley, that the coun- cil adjourn to meet at same place De- cember 22d, 1883. JOHN Comes, clerk. was the owner of the h..at which found - THE J. N. CARTER. &red. He left the Fishing Islands on the day proceeding, with a cargo of about *GU Ashore—A Big Less N the CNlraegra seventy-five packages of tish, and reach - who Agreed se Take Ber wet. ed Southampton in the evening. On the following morning he put out for Kinar dine. The boat was run in to Baidednre to reef the sail, and afterwards proceed- ed on her course. When off Inverhuron the boat capsized. and not one of het crew was saved. Matthew Watt saw two men clinging to thecapsized boat, but on account of the gale of wind which was blowing at the time could render no is- sistance.' He ran his vessel to South- aniptom and gave the alarm. A tug boat was despatched to the spot, but nothing could be found but portions of the cergu and net b.�xes.—[Kincardine Reporter. Hunter and the ere nI his boat, com- prising Robt. Mclnt.oeh, of Kincardine Alf. Joann, of Pert Elgin, and William Cable, of Canton, Obin. happe.•• d un the 11th of November, 1882. Mr. Heater After the explosion of the Erie Belle, Messrs. N. & W. Dyment, owners of the Carter, let a contract to R. T. Walker and John Gentles, to take off their vessel and deliver it at the Detroit dry dock. The Dcminion Government were applied to for a permit to allow the employment of an American tug and consent was at once given. The powerful tug Champion of Detroit, arrived hero on Friday. O■ Saturday morning the water was too rcugh to place a steam pump on board the Carter. On Sunday work was com- mended and the pumps got to work about eleven o'clock. During the first half hour the water was lowered in the hold ten inches, but after that one about an inch an hour was gained by the pumps. A pull was tried by the tug, but the nine•inch hawser was altogether too light for the work, the tag being able to snap it without workin; to half its capa- city. Wort was stopped on Sunday evening and has not since been renewed. The expense so far in connection with endeavoring to get the Carter off amounts to over 1112,000. Whether the wrecking tog Champion will be paid in full for whet many holds to be simply toying with the work yet remains to be even. On Monday the deck of the Carter was discovered to be on fire. It was put out before the dames herd gained much headway. A portion of the forward deck and bulwarks were harried through. The stook in shape this we* . He has weer I tirs originated from the femme' to con- ed tete services of Walter Molloy as &ales• I neotwng.itb the pump,, and lanae have scan• beta+ smouldering for many hours Mr. McArthur, of the pos(oMee store, I [Kincardine Reporter. has opened out his Christmas spode. He has • really timedie:l:] of Christmas cards, and f Oof+Oi at estopiekingly toys allay low pries.. On Seedy last Rev. James Carrie !preached the fettered esrm.wa of the late Mn. Free.es Roberts. r.lkt of the late W B Roberts, sad mother ref J M. Rgbet'te of this village a.esl.. Ade.. AIt �twtes 10 60 swt a raw lasyps fwrsN Is aWM �elp t. eke tea et eaM M efiM of vairob r Winter*. pgety Is , M tlip SSN1 hoptbr Da,ld Dleriaeoft, t e1 f oleeb p rat , eta lstuvdey, Des. , 1869 iedereN L,tets. OODaarcn. Dec. e. 1013. Wheat, 1 tall i is bush fill 0,11.0111$1.1 s • 41 10 1 • hes►. ...... 1 M to 1 16 Ow°' , . blab .. ........... a w i Gert Barley. • .............. M Potatoes •►mak Nw .......... e M Har •telt ...................... • N Heiser. • b.. 1e {' a i dos. laapaefidl...... t 11 I n gr.! •cwt................... :41., I N nowt ,, OM • cwt....».............. M " 1 e gales...... ... s " 1 N ls.. 1 fe $50,04 c vIAAN AT d PSA THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CO'T a▪ ble her ywiy oe money at 1 per Dent.. tray. TZRM* TO 8CIT BORROWSRB, ea ftrs•elses farm esenrlty. Apply to CAMIRON. NOL & CAN N. 1st ass$i ter the Tomer{ se 11014 k �ttw y.�. e ▪ Ili s Sita sersi wilts rams M Isa/I 0e4erma. Om. 4. tell 1011 If John Brindley, assigned to the Vendors, de- fault having been made in payment will be sold by u is uc on, ate time and place. The East half of the West half of Lot Numb- er Five. to the Third Concession of the Town- ship of Ashfield IEastern Divlslonl, containing fifty acres. more or less. There is a small frame dwelling house with barn and usual outbuildings on the premien'. TER. MS LIBERAL. and will bi made kuown on day of Sale. or on application to the undersigned Solicitors, PARKE & PURDOM, Tendon' Solicitors. London . H. W. BALL, Auctioneer, Go3erte. I Dated November 116th, 1883. 192411t JAMES SAUNDERS & SON, J >- 0 cc 0 LL cc 0 0 r. --AT THE --- Geo ea tire igiattookIL write .w- t le Contribeton 1st prose sad ' rse may ed for from 1[iYer p� Daaid wpeoD, .s ecbette, Jia& Cbatli Oe•t. PPS Wm. Wesson. is Blake Crofton. tui��((esoar Adam. oLean. J. Nenter-Duwar. 1t. W. Pblppe. And yeasty ether w here of sate. C. ■LAcaE1T 1U111 5. rambles,. 5 Jordan 8t., TOROS 10 CASH STARE G. H.OLD 1E384_ llarpos YoIlli Poopis The Grocer, has Thousands of Dol- lars Worth of Crockery that must be sold, and will be sold at BOTTOM PRICES, CONSI9TINO OF DINNER SETS, Plain & Figured. TOILET SETS, Plain & Figured. CHINA SETS, 30 Different Pat- terns to Choose frons—$5 up. LAMPS. GLASS SETS. FANCY PITCHERS. CRUET STANDS. &c., &c., &c. These Goods Must be Sold for Cash or Farm Produce. Agents for Meflaq'r ramose ROYAL BASE BURNERS —Alen arnan— Coal & Wood Cooking Stores Stove fitting attended to by experienced work• is.. on shortest Deuce. Seeend-hand Stoves Taken In Exchange. `The Cheapest Howe Ceder the San. west street, matt to Peet mew. (iederte h, Sept. 10. Ile. WS OFFSR THY FOLLOWING DECIDED BARGAINS re REAL ESTATE iN TEs TOWN OF OODSRICH. lose so 1. A C1 no1•at Ne. > , ea West street, otssLlte Les.rt11< e. very ttieaesst sp. sWN,�f�ttMteeaatlt w sent w 'let . the Mattes. MAL These &taetWiy MAMM► aa serer, ea . maw Stader Ila 4.1.2 ZM �'1l ems.• llAGUR a LIWII, Drwt t..% Ilefiarlah. ue./arieb. kept. 06th. ter (0*r COMA nd Get ra Bargain. MY STOCK t, GROCERIES is complete, and as Cheap as the Cheapest in Town. I Have Just Received a Large Lot of TEA, Nd as Tea is on the rise i am bound to give my Customers the benefit of 11. Call and Inspect my Goods --No Trouble to Show them, whether you buy or not. G. 0. OLD, the Grocer. Oodertcb. Nov. 13th. 141. et • Writ lamed oM AR ILLUSTRATED 1112111--14 PAILS. Salted Is Bays • 4 Ghia of Crena M= Ur Mx. teen Teases elf Aar. Vol. V. commences November 6,-1S8:,. Weerse's Youeo Peoria is the best week - lyow►tWert Asseca.ufhevesfeen Ch • (eAL that the artiste tarl—& skIil eat seesmpWb In the tow e[ Mnetostion has been dose. end the beet toast plate country contributed to Journal its tett.—New Newland qJ Mora Hon Boston le ire special field there Is nothlau that stn be compared with it. - Hartford Evee(np Post. •TEEt, WEB _ B.asrut'.verso rc.rLlr.l- !jl M. Per Tear, rootage Corse. 1 Single Numbers, Flve Cents each. Specimen copy sent on receipt of Three The voluawof I yer's 1 asap Proms for lel. 111th &ad 101, basawmrly bound fn mu mints& Cloth. win he sant by mail. poster', prepaid, os reoelpt of pp e0 each. Cloth Cure for each release, Deltoid* for bindles. will be sent by saai, postpaid, ea reeetyt of 50 cents Rentittanees should be sees by Poet-Otiecc Mosey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of tont N spo}rre ere not to this advertise meat Intend the exprear order of Htaws t $ Bitorxnts. Address. HARPER 4• BROTHKIts. New York. 1884. Harper's Weekly. ZLLiTL1TRbT1s4=1. Harper's Week!, stand. at the heed of American illustrated weeklyJournals. B sa unpartin position in politcs. its Adie Illustra•ions, itscarefull) chosen serials. storm, sketches, and poems, co the foremost artists and authors •' e • , it carries instruction and enta tallieneat to sands of American homes. It will always be the atm of the publishers to D ake Harper a Weekly the most poplar sad attractive family newspaper in ties would, and. In the pursuance of this dnag", to prevent constant Improvement In all those feature,. which have gained for 1t the coati Jenne, syn pithy. and support of its Targe army of read WS. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. P er Teer1 HARPER'S WEEKLY e1 00 HARPKR'S MAO.t7LNg . . 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PBOPLE....... 1 5) HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQ. LIBRARY, One Year 152 Number,( 10 03 Postage Fru to all subscribers in the Erni'- ed States or ('c nada The volumes of the weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned. it w111 be understood that the enbecriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Four Aenual Volumes of Harper.. Weekly, In neat cloth binding. will be sent by mail, postage paid, or_ by express. free of ex penile (pprroovided the freight does not exceed one e. Cloth ter for etc volume. volr ume, 00 per mor binding, w111 be sent by mall. postpaid, on re- oelppt of 51 00 each. Remittances sulid be trade byPost-Office Money Order or Draft. to avold ance of loss. New erre not to r'o'py this edeertia wend teftbort the express order of Haran is Bnorness Address, HARPER it BROTHER* .:ew York. 1884. IIalrper's Bazar. ZL1.1:78TRALT11370_ arper't rVat the moatAril Gant asdein exist sIt iui of faith Remo* o*1 oouM,f. rye pst*u are the mast e041440;;fe Hattan w▪ e worth ownan, ttntm aka eat. r•: Pee Veer HARM= BAZAR ' NACU/. 101 remesego. le litkerfel.nt 114. LIBRARY, efiezr4rince=.1. esherribero Ike Una Mg as el twelve et 1110111ffl OI1110>Iff; D'ent's 1. albs. Mena. OLAILL, A/OHITIOT Ise. jj�tttasses eL. �assswes e • es- ro