HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 6TUE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, DEU. z, 18b3. the Poet's ttof'ne1'. Pegs„ Wilms ase aewspagevs organs that gentlesnaa play my boy. o sower the taste of the day. my buy, Whatever, it be. They alt os the key. And pips to hdl concert away. tar boy. News from alt countries Buddhism, my boy, xdverttsements, ramie, and rhymes. 011 boy. Silted up with ail sorts Of eying reports. .and published at regular times, soy boy Articles able and wlse. my boy - At least In the editor's eyes, my boy And logic so MIA& That new understand 10 what in the world it applies my boy. statistics. resection, reviews, my boy, 1.it tie scraps to instruct and amuse, soy boy; And lengthy debate Upon matters of state, }'or wise -heeded folks to peruse. my boy. The funds as fey were end are, my boy. The quibbles and quirks of the bar. my boy. And every week A clever critique On some theatrical star. my iso: . The age of Jupiter's moons, my boy. 'rhe steaUng..f somebody's spoons. my boy' The state of the crops, The style of the tops, And the wit of the public buffbotss. my boy. LiMs of all physical ills, my boy, Banished by somebody's pilo, spy boy. Till you ask with surprise Why any one dies. Or what's the disorder that kills, my boy. Who dm got married. and to whom. my boy. Who were cut off in their bloom, by boy. Who las had birth On this sorrow -seine 1 earth, And who totters Last to the tomb. my boy. The price of cattle and grain. my boy. Direction to dig and to drain, my boy. Bat'twoitld lake me too long To tell you in song A quarter of all they contain, my boy. to VS 111 ramie Seek To Yew. You have a father 1 Yo 1u have a mother 1 You lure them. Hut once in a while you grow impatient, and the meanness wreaksitasil u wnuoent fat t er and •otter, perhaps, and they suffer the punishment of a cruse word called up by another's annoyance. The hard Word is spoke°. It may be regretted, furgliven and forgot, bet it cin never be recal ed. Father and mother will sigh and forgive, but— Some day it will come back to you, Yesterday, !maybe, $ little one ran up to you smilingly, and with the innocent, heaven -born confidence of childhood, clapped its little hands, that would not harm a Qy, in your face. The childish action delighted its author, but it annoy- ed you. Yoe were busy and reproved the little one. Two pearly tears stead in her great blue eyes, her lips faltered, and she turned away from you. The era of childhood, with its happy, fleeting hours, will erase the unkind word,but— Some day it will come back to you. A beggar stands at your door. The rain is dashing ie tornagts thruugh the black atmosphere of the night, and the sharp vivid lightning, only iatensify by their violent contrast the **fulness of the darkness, The beggar's plea for shelter is punctuated by the blast that howls forth its anger, and you turn your brother off, This will come back to you wine day. If you aro impatient, testy, ill-humor- ed, spiteful, malicious, cowardly and mean, your whole life will be a constant reckoning with evil actions whose enor- mity is only equalled by the increasing wickedness of the future; and an unaton- ed past is always the precursor of a mon reprehensible future. A bad heart is a boomerang of passions, whose evil c mse- quences always fall on the head of their luckless author. On the other hand, all good deeds work in • similar way. with the rules that govern promises and con- clusions, causes and effects ; if either good or bad, the result will be in con- formity with the nature of the deed. Your had deeds and your g..o,J deeds are juries that sit upon the destiny of your life and decide the verdict of happiness or despair. Some day they will come Lack to you • xw sIr 1 I eMOM Waylay mite.' As the three of us node out from Wat- erproof, La, on horseback, we overtook a citizen jogging along as if at peace with all the world. No introductions were needed, and presently we were chatting sway on the most familiar terms. After awhile, and when about aiz !riles from the town, we met a men on horseback who had a shot gun lying across his lap Ind a revolver on his kip. 'Morning, gents,' he said as we drew rein. 'How far is it to town 7' 'Six miles,' answered our stranger. 'And mooght you be acquainted in Waterproof 1' 'A few.' 'Monght you knew a chap as ie named C hilvers--Judge Chilver 7' 'Wall, I've seen him around.' 'Likely to he thar' now r 'I should soy so.' 'That's all—good bye ' We watched him out of sight, and then one of the men said to the strang- er : 'That chap had a wicked look.' `Oh he is un the shout he is.' 'Is he going to shoot,Chilvers 7' 'He thinks he is, but he won't.' 'Because I'm Chilver* myself. Permit ire to introduce myself.' 'And why didn't you tell him who you was and see what he wanted ?' 'That would have brought 011 the shooting aad 5411110 of you would have been hit,' he answered. 'I rather sus- pect he's a chap from up country about thirty miles who's brother I shot in a little fracas last year. If it's the man, he's a terrible poor shot, and if one of them ar' hosses of your'n should get hit, you'd have to pay all damages.' 'But won't he waylay you on your way back 7' `No, sir : I shall waylay him !' That evening,an hour after our return,. the judge led his limping horse into town, and when asked what the trouble was, he replied : 'It's enough to disgust every decent man. That fellow had five square shots. at me, and yet he must go and put a bullet into an animal worth $200 !' How the other party carne out we didn't inquire. The judge didn t act like a man who would answer leading questions until he knew whether the horse coliild he saved'. Murder, with s big .1. It is painful to barn from the Mail that Mr. Mowat, having committed every other crime in the calendar, is now arousinv excited ruffians for the too pro- bable end of Murder—not simply murder of the ordinary kind, hut Murder with a capital M. Mr. Mowat has heretofore suc- ceeded in passing himself off as apeacea- bly-dispoosedcitizen, butes the organ is on his track it is evident that his game is n . Why he should want to hire excit- ed ruffians to commit Murder (with a capital M) is not .114110 clear, although the contemplated cringe :appears to have some connection with Rat Portage, a place ,of which • e have all heard before. Mr. Mowat does tint look. like a blood- thirsty man, and it was only the other day that he was visited Ly a deputation of ladies. who little rc;aoned the risk they ran hot sometimes the tneekest- looking ince lire the worst, and there is no knowing what Mr. Mowat may have in his mind. Whatescr he does, it is to be hoped that he will not blow the Mail man's brains out with a egnirt-gnn.— [Telegram. The Ealuee of Trade. Qr.s.1es1eat iveats, Nu son-eno ntoun— No scorn— noon— Nu dawn—Lo dusk— No proper time of day — No sky—no earthly view— No distance looking blue— No roads—no stR'erta-- No t'uther side the *ray— No end to any row— ' No indication where the crescents go— No tops to any steeples— No recognition of familiar people— No courtesies for showing em— No knowing 'em— No travellers at all -- No locomotion— No inkling by the way - Nu motion -- No go' by land or ocean— No mail—no poet— Nu news from any foreign coast — No park—no ring— No afternoon gentility— No company—no nobility— No mirth—no cheerfulness— No healthful ease— No comfortable feel in any No shade—no shine— No butterfiies—no- No fruite--no flowers - No leaves—to birds— No-examen. --(Thomas Inflammation. coughs, catarrhs and pneumonia, resulting from colds, may he cured by Ayers Cherry Pectoral. It allays the inflammation, removes the irritation and soreness, soothes the or- gans, and restores the sufferer ty health. meutber— Hood WZLSO N's 1scpiiou Din Sim.� Werneereeare C Vanua I' Cure, lisiFe Ota Clnie iso.. Indian Bitten, Warner's Nervine. Ki..'s New Discovery. Fowler's Extract of Strawberry. Aril Tr NERVILIN E. the new Pain Remedy— DIAMOND DYES, THE - BEST IN THE WORLD. "OUTFITS sea CA1tADA."—While in London Dr, Froiland, on one of the principal streets, saw a Bard upon which were the words, "Indispensable outfits for Canada." Mr. Froiland was,cf course interested in the announcement, and in- quired as to what the outfits were. And what was his discovery 1 That the said outfits consisted of whole sides of leather the belief 01 some of the west Londoners being that Canadians, to keep themeel- res warm, had to encase themselves in leather, and the thicker the better.— [Kingston Whig. When Sir Richard Cartwright was Minister of Finance we heard a great deal about the country being impoverish- ed fuse the balance of trade was against us, that is because our imports exceeded our exports. A similar state of affairs had existed in England for many years sod that country wasceitain- ly not growing poorer. As the Peter - born Revietc, a firm believer in Sir Leon- ard Tilley, points out, there are other things to be taken into consideration than merely the grow amount of exports and imports, such as the natural increase in value of property in the country, the amount paid for transport to vessels owned in the country and the interest re- ceived for loans outside the country. In dealing with the state of affairs in Sir Richatd Cartwright's time his opponents did not take any of these things into oonsideratioa. They claimed that if they were on the treasury benches they would soon restore the balance of trade, that is, reduce the imports and increase the ex- ports till they balanced. Let us see if they hare done so. In the year ending 30th June, 1878, the last year the Mackenzie Government was in power, the adverse balar.ce was $13,658,000, while for the year ending 30th June, 1883, the returns for which have recently been published, the bal- ance against us was $33,987,000. Now if the county was going to the dogs in 1878, when the balance against us was only thirteen and a half millions, what must ire its c.ondNion in 1883 when the balance is nearly thirty-five millions 1 Perhaps Sir Leonard w ill be good enough to explain when Parliament meets. — (Brockville Recorder. A Geed Oe- rbras. Children are not often tortured nowa- days with Aloes, Brimstone, Treacle and the tnanv n.ureous remedies of the olden times. Freeman's Worm Powders are, pleasant to take, contain their own pur- gative, and safely and effectually remove all ordinary species of worms afflicting childrep or adults. 2 100- P3111‘_ PA03CA(11.113. 0.0DElRI032C PLANING MILL i ATABL1rrIIRD Iath. Buohann,Laweon I Rahiusn MA1+ Ural:I't'naRa or Sash, Doors & Blinds DEALERA 174 M.A. I(L&OS 0► Lumber, Lath, Shingles and balloters esu,urial et every description. =OK FUUITU$$E A SPEORTT SWAB Orden promptly attended to. Goderfeb, Aug. 2. 166t. t9etily Thousands say lie. T. W. Aitkins, Girard, Kao., erites: '1 never hesita'e to recommend your Electric Bitten to my costumers, they &jive eutiro satisfactt,n and are rapid sellers.' Electric Bitters are the purest and best medicine known. and will posi- tively cure Kidney and Liver complaints Purify the blood and regulate the bowels No family can afford to be without them They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at 50 eta. s bottle by J. Wtlsuu. • [3] Everybody E.! Eel Read this carefully. 1f you nor auy friend are suffering from any kind of pain internal, local or external, try Poison's Nerviline, the sure pop pain cure. Ner- t•iline is one of the most elegapt combin- ations ever offered to the public fur the relief of pain. Pleasant to take, power- ful in effect, sure in results, and cheap because the strongest, purest, and most certain pain remedy in the world. You can telt this great remedy by going to James Wilson's drug store and buying a 10 cent sample bottle. Try it at once. CTNOAtgsE. - A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer,which vstores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wilson. 2m One of our best citizens would say to the }public that he loss tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. Prig 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Geo. Rhino, s ►le agent for (lode - rich 3m : Simply miraculous is all I can say of the efFad of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Core in my ease. An elderly lady write, this fro:! .tutigonish, N. 5., who had weft -nod from pains in t!ie back for A DIaeelty Overcame. , tools)' yoara S„!,; by .1. %fil+o i. Gods I: is often very dilated. too `et children to take medicine, and eapseially Worm remedies, which they often require. Dr. Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup is nee tasty agreeable to take, t,ut a safe and certain cure for all vat ieties of worms, including tape worn!, that produce serious dialog any without emir,: nny grime,' umment hence with children oK adults 2 r,.r tarrying your leaf in a laoultice for I weeks. Try alb cent bottle from Geo. A Wide tw.k.$ tsISM1- Skyline. dreeiriat. h .1. Wilson is always afire to his bust - news, and spares no pains to secure the best of'eery Arttele in hi. lire. He hes urktr.•• orale* *slue. secured the gurney for the celebrated Dr. The greatest tite'iwal wonder of the King's New Di'.e'reri for Co.nsutnptlow. world. \Varranted to sl.modily muni the only certain cu' • known for Con- i Burns, lirul.es,C'uts,l loon, Salt Rheum, sumptIn►l, Coughs, Colds. Hos,s.nlee, Fever Home, ('.enders. Piles, (7hUblairw, Asthma, Hay Fever Bronchitis, or any *Awns, letter, Chap,•e.l Hands, and all sfheti•.n of the Throat and Lunss. NNW Akin Frtiptitms, gumtaotred to cute in oe a Itn.itlre gnarant.e. Trial bottles every instance, or money refunded lib. (iso Regular sits $1 (If1. 3 • per hoot For eel. le 1 Wilson. ly allotenaeksss Three on tee•rd lis Kraft's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia Ie, Toothache, etc. It does not Meier or diertl.or the skin ; require but else application to banish All pram mimic - Club Ates. 'Ve have made srrangements to club THE SIGNAL with city papers at the rates given below :— Signal and Daily World .... .... $3. b0 Weekly Globe 2.25 r, t• • ir_:, „ nz " Advertiser... 225 A■ EdiNr1 Tribute. ' Theron P. Keator,editor of Ft. Wayne Ind., Qa:ette,,.writea : 'For the put five years I have always used Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs of most severe character, as well as tor those bf a milder type. It never fails to effect a speedy cure, My friends to whom I have re- commended it speak of it in same high terms. Having been cured by it of every cough I have had for five years, I con- stder it the only reliable and sure cure for coughs, colds, etc.' Call at Wilson's Drug Store and get a Free Trial Bottle. Large size $1.00. (2) 188-1. Harper's Bahr. ILLVSTRdT�D- HUGH DUNLOP r Fashionable Tailor ST STREET, Has the Finest Assortment of Goods for Fall Wear to Choose Froth IF YOU WANT A Nobby suit at a Reasonable Price, ('ALL U\ HIGH DL ND0P_ Jiarper's Basan is at once the metro bril- liant and useful Household Journal ie exist. ecce. Itis the acknowledged arWk r of taa4r Ion in this i.sntry. ItsShalom plane are the newest and most stylish ; and its psittern ■upplements and economic enggestloas alone are worth easy times the cost of subscrip- tion. Its illustrations of art seedlework are from the best sources. Its literary and arils tic merits are of the highest order. Its stories. poems. and essays are by the ant American and European authors. Its choice art pic- tures io-tures would 911 portfolios, and its humorous cuts are the most amusing to be found la say journal in America. . hu•t of brilliant novel- ties art proinisettfor 1864. How ro Ga'r Sica.—Expose yourself day and night, eat too much without ex- ercise, work too herd without rest, doc- tor all the time, take all the vile nost- rums advertised, and then you will want to know How TO Ger WELL.—Which 1. an- swered in three words—Take Hop Bit- ters.. Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, writes:— During the bast eight years I have used almost every medicine recommended for Biliousness, hut found nothing equal to Carson's Bitters. If you suffer try it Price 50 cents. Lass mad Gain. CHAPTER II. "Malden. Mass., Feb, 1, 1390. Oentlemon - I suffered with attacks of siek headache." Neuralgia, femile trouble, for year} in the most terrible and excruciating man- ner. No medicine or doctor could give me relief or cure until I used Hop Bit- ters. 'The first bottle Nearly cured me ; The second made me as well and strong as when a child. 'And I have been so to thi+ day.' My husband was an invalid for twenty years with a serious 'Kidney, lirer and urinary complain'. 'Pronounced by Boston's best physi- cians— 'Incurable !' Seven bottles of your hitters cured him, and I know of the 'Lives of eight persons In my neighborhood that haoe been steed by your bitter.. And many amore are lain, thtm with groat benefit. 'They almost Do miracles !' 1.n Mrs. E D. Slack. DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER .. t, Laathu Uudeflaor, Ila+ on band wow the LANWWT !TOCK of First - Class Furniture 1w the ('oSety ed N� I wNe}} gtsrrha.e for coma, slit lass wr1*ror..l* sr any one. 1 np,•r Tapestry upwards. Whatnots, t apo Bow Dock Chain, frim 211 ews0y eking else Ia Use basin AT 'f li ss (}LD 8TA N D Vr/110 0 Between the Post01114110R Bmltf Of Mewfnal t1.•1 150 tee+ BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldeet Establshtd:Shoe Store in Town, In Endless Variety. t4- suit the moat fastidious and th most economic buyer MY WINTER STOCK Is now nomple'a'. and I take pleasure in intornoing my customers that at no pre vioua Lime have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price u tot it is s positive fret that no suck value in foot wear cau be gut elsewhere. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year: HARPER'S BAZAR- (u 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 400 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE ..... 4 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN Sri LIBRARY. One Year 412 Numbers. 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers is the Uait ed Slates or Canada. The Volumes of the Bomar begin with the first, Number for January of each year. When no time L mentioned, tt will be tnisenteed that the subscriber wishes to °°alae°es with the number next after the receipt of order. The last roar Annual volumes of Harper's Roser, in neat cloth Medias, will be sent b' mall, postage paid, or by express, free of ex- pense 1provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per ytolume , for 117 00 per vol,t►me. Cloth Cases Tor each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re- ceiptof N OD each. Remittances should be made by Post --Mace Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Netaapape re are not to ropy this advertise- ment without the repress outer of HARPER At BROTHER,. Address. HARPER & (BROTHERS. New York. Eye, Ear sued Throat. DR. RYERSON 317, ('kwrek street. *sweetie. 41111.. L. It. C. P., L. 11. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical Col- anndd Kar 10rm ry.and nlatento CUOlcae ltAssistaercer nt Royal Oeathalmic ilospital, Moordelds, and CeRtr*I London Throat and Mar Hospital, may be ooasahed a• THE WINDSOR HOTEL STRgTF'ORD, lb Last Saturday of EvEry Monti. June 5th. 1t.S.3. 139& 2 so; eerilog 141 '111031.4d :etallgaaa 111 lq Ptog •s iiQ 'Hemel ',o3 +it .why '0 f 'Jb .1.1- •aswelp 101) »sod 4.101 pov'gl5ntuts poi.lnnaanoa eft M 1ommmm. Imo 'automata pools lseds•ga 9141 llgaa.dmoow h 11 'gtivll• {swallows 1 puv rip io 00,1 -4puoo p.lduaoo 0o psetplaodmt int tool; DnPow ees.aslp 141 Dun 'Amiga 710•.09 41111,13 'moo apwwawgl1 '•I11t1AnoN 'mr,sessnsgw rain* LIIpseds ps1 'eoa.407 t114A 541 suoglleeits put iaauea 'radio OA 11111101;11211 pin OA MISS -40 OM Io a0fla1 9111 '•114115+ pet roi,inalpr eiluedest. S4.19Ad •'SRaetp Ioot9 Inv 0n; cremes meso -91navm • 11 /04/5500 , uI.t slat loon° • moos* Iraq ganga vt7tawavtwvR .,each7 to velem 'SJty1 teed .q* Stump 'm. 0 9.114 1 'e•Iper•e1 09141° tocol /NW Pail 01 Dell 1*1q p021 'MOM"' gots. LIMA 'MUM 107 floosies loaning 'maim „ :7W51 '! 011rr9IIJa'•X•..' '.a,eayaou 30 Torg .Ak '8 'P70 111 mow no 50 44$14A saol>t-tt.a •'LL cry umiak amp* o Loafs pet ways liana RN ., bel 'AM •{V JO neo em qL1110Ise 'el -rledwaee',me[e' era iwomMe I$i..sp em errs os sw;yTSSes w, oases td eves mos cow 'IMO gJJOA me,i 'leers* ewe ,ins et Pr *PGA 'd P•'Z 'sell et i wed. sent t Imam*'e5g( wei7 in pawn; saw pM••ogwf ss ,1esd itY mut 'Newer 'twe,I asy ' 01Ainse Sit •avian,° tura! S�W.M11 Li sJao w s.iopmq•in Jeer soy i 'P•+•a 1 L gimeIa+•e•J pies ir ►.n.. t me warm aril tw+1 trims eta tt{a 'senses seam *SIM ALOE ..•, 1 na49pV* 30'rtnIVZygvg 1eI Ripe l°_ewllnatwr I•sbll t 417 /.••S •q1 pee •pe-_, prmf amass Apes OM& w m asi, SI. is w noels same meg ypoe qua P9pasrl ma 1 age wiser smog '.used 111177.1V0+ag y» sr.0 ,w.•11 miseegp'ge3sses A N as eserd'ee • gee 14 sass pe. ye•sgwn mm{asaa•s to wrest Ili sasses 'perms errs sescrlise s pre seesaw. 'ease el IM ate sem ese51Ls •q1 1511 11 '•o.elgse m stewed Pevell tVasaod 1•tWe n+M *'passe •s9 "wee Is•el-e Ag petal°.es essq saw( Aims 15aa Mime v'rrtuvive.vg •, WE a V 'wont Irene 1106111111 pee Lome • ne paint.sa pile 'peg 1nA •d .met imp alga m,e'9wm mem ens Si wow •Rn w 91951 9MNq we M 1tw»J loony •R1 sin 'um e01 J.'*.gion+u Pse '. 'ee51weq *awe oaseemag, Nniessaine sessee1M -.twess E . '.t.t. .. l...same .+•,loose• est new CUSTOM W ORK f everygrade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made u}. in the moat approved styles by first -claw workmen, rod of the very beet material obtainable. D C3 -QCT" N I N G -- CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians ;Prescriptions a;SDecialty. ) GEORGE RICTICAS, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUAREI TS'&SHOE =o 777 -odd -Lip tleg t. announce to the Public that they hare opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine to give the Public the-benetit. QUIOM SALRS & SILL PROFITS WILL BE OUR !LOTTO pi -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. ,!:!Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. fie -Custom work will receive our special attention. par -None but the beat of material used and first -clam workmen employed. per -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice Goderich, March 9 1 882. DOWNING & W E D D U F S N F' R O Zai T AC- .rE'i2N AElRAHLLM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : CT OlIIl11CIv /WA LARGE ASSORTMENT, L 1II1NG- AND THE LATEST DESIONS.13 STA 1plji7E 7.IIPgT,ct1LE.1e VARIETY.FURNISHING GOODS HATS, MALL THE LATEST STYLES, AND EVERY SIEEIM AZfALL PATTERNS iT(OOD STYLE. AND A IN OUARAN .KD OR NO 1 ALE.111%CLOTHS NEW C -ODDS, NEW PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. TALK ABOUT FRUIT. CHAS. A. NAIRN HAS THE FINEST BRAND OF CANNED PEACHES IN THE MARKET, AND HiS CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN ARE DELICIOUS. - TRIAL WILL CONVINCE_ OODERICH, ONTARIO COURT ROOFS SQUARE. Ari kips ill Wall Papers. Now is the time, 11 vee \rte* NNW ton nt.v mmol 51 ham.. tr. se. 1'tit irrl roam paper Be has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs B.a.tifwl seisss, and al peleesIee. thsn 'wry no.R•a inferior geode. Call sad moo them tbey ars th• loot ,sine 1n tows• and meet besot The La1t SpMng Bazaar Pais aid Fashions,' Arr Envy' .EWO.