HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 5U r- e e t, ie ,n n 1' [e le re r- a- th to to it m 0 11- ;► w of tl- or he of ne d. r- ill be In • td a 11. ks .. a n - by bP at .le red at to lel ad >le �h- a. ut in J. r: • 0'1)0Nn i.L'leu y.r- ..-. .2 The Murderer of Cain y to , • Hamed, ,cIuS ---"—i t W a ttk.wSee by r.eS00 — The rrls.r. ea iedsperare G'.adera. Lt'e4ue, Dec. I.—The trial of O'Dew- nell to the !murder tf Carey concluded t a scene t�hiolt will never b»o� elr by those wla. witnessed it. It ended in 0 Donnell beteg condemned to death, • result expected 1•y few out- sithtai his ono moonset. The..idattes was praetinaly a repeti- tion of that given at the preliiitnary ex- amination. Mr. Russell preseut.d the prisoner's side of the doxy to the jury with gnat drawn, power. He bed, however, but poor -ground to work de, as the defence could only muster one witness, the evi- dence of whom availed little to shake that of those to the crowu. Mr. Rus- sell spoke Per hums, earnestly entreat- ing the jug to otws* smite Base dimple sioa*Rsly area without bias. He was fob lowed by Attonts -General Ames for the government. Ha said that no mat - tor •� .� t;4Y'sArta NAD !MIN, ani no matter'whefher people believed he deserved kb tate. the jury had only to consider whether the primmer wilfully murdered Carey or not. The testimony left no doubt whatever, but diet such was the can O'Donnell did mit put in the plea -of self-defence until ter had toe stilted his solicitor ur Port Elizabeth. The fact of the prisoner's wife or anis- tress not being called by the defence went far to show the weakness of this line of oft! deform 711e , rfat meats of the prison at Pett Slissbelh before the magistrate there were to direct contra- diction of tho evidence offered. The prisoner shot Carey deliberately and openly, in accordance with his idea that it was • praiseworthy amt. History was full of such ,nen. The Attorney -general concluded by asking the jury te pro- neut,ce upon oke facts of this ease with., out ivaa The judge's charge followed, and was directly against the prisoner. He s pope slightiogly of the evidence of young CArwy,as he was over'eharp and greatly interested in a,eiutr his father avet.ged. The fact that o'DOIAILL sear Caitiff the day after making the threat to do so told very hard against the prisoner. Theitry retired at 7 p.m.Whenn the jury first retired, O'Donnell stood up in the dock and looked shout with sweat composure. The jury first re- turned to ask it a man who had a deal- ] weapon in his bead, and another thought that he was about to use it against him, and shoot the former, would it be masalaqghSsr ur reader 1 The judge repli.dtt •imid,hw. naftlter; but, be asked, where was the evidence of any tet done by Carey which iodeced O'IL,gg&lt to think that Carey meant to s m, and when the �fory re- tired e- tiit d Mr. Relllivaft eiproaMQ a doubt eel yar tlbathtlr tle judge lune mot ten a ,itrg dttMctiurt /o this tmindsof'tjllrl9jwry by Itis question. Judge Defttia1n kid Mr. Sullivan if he could suggest where such evidence was 1 When the jury re- turpcdAhalsepond time they est ed the jddge the meaning of "tnalic! afore- thought," which the judueesrefully ex- plained. The jury again retired and re- turned in four minutes with • verdict of "wilful murder." Jade Denman asked O'Donnell if ho had aaythieg to say why Denten. of death should not be pronounced on hiss. O'Donnell maintained n dogged silence and sentence of death was parsed upon him amidst breathless silence. The date of .his exeoutiuu was fixed Foss Taft 17TH INOT. Tilo. ID/leanernow wanted . to apeek, The Adt{te, hewevet,ordered his removal, The police seized him, when O'Donnell held up his richt hand, with hie Isogon extended, and shouted, 'Three cheers for ()Id Ireberd (Jood-hye to the United States. To hell with the British and the British Crown. It's a plot made up by the Crown." Tha prisoner shouting, cursing, and straggling was then forcibly removed by the polio. amid the most fearful confuaiou. This action of O'Don- nell anted the greatest excitement and surprise, as be had previously zained the sympathy of tiro audience by his good behavior. l'HE HURON X11;NA1,. FM/AI, DEC. 7.I. 3. 5 1WOR New Mantla-tJlotbs A Iareat Bargain at >f"' f j• ecpri.06 Very Choicest Selection of fancy Goods, &e. for RESENTS GIFT J. C. DETLOR & CO'S. g�As Colored Velveteens GO TO THE HURON BOOK DEPOT ---- —• 3IBIC 3E, JP' .4116. 31C0 BOOKS. Th--r'"j'' 0 I AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SHELL GOODS, BIBLES, DESKS, WIRE GOODS, PHOTO ALBUMS I LADIES' COMPANIONS I VASES, TOILET SETS TOYS -IST ENDLESS VARIETY AND AT ALL PRICFS.— XMAS CARDS 1 XMAS CARDS 1 THE CHOICFST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. trI will be happy to see all my old friends, and all their friends between this and Christmas. One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at Cost Price. 61-=0_ .Goderith, Nov. 15th, 1883. 1917-8t H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., RR.A.NTFIORR_ New Imports for the Fall Trade. WE NAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Esprei. if not satisfactory and money refunded. Parties desiring to make Personal Inspection, and purchasing to the amount of 1,30.00, we pay Return Fare. All Orders for Samples or Goods receive prompt and careful attention. The Goods may be returned We Sell Retail at Wholesale Prices_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. 1 NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS ALL WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. I HANDSOME CHECKS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK & OOL'D CASHMERES SILKS BLACK GROS GRAIN. OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED SATINS. - COLORED SILKS. • VELVETS ..LYONS VELVETS. BROCADED VELVETS. COLORED VELVETS. VELVETEENS. A Full. Line of Cashmere Hose, Gloves and Underwear. OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST PILE. t ottonp, Flannels and Blankets at Mil Prices. H. W. BRETJIO UR 4' CO., Brantford. Arra TH. 9AIQLNCa. On leaving the dock last night O'Don- nell was guarded by a strong eechrt and walked with a firm,,unhesitating step to the oell for condemned pawkier'. He was intensely excited, but maintained an air of defianoe and enntinoed to anathe- matise fiawd and the English people and laws. To -day he convened freely 'with the warden and expressed no sur- prise at the verdict, although he °untesm- ed the jury's hesitation inspired him with tom helm that ha might *escape the ex- trrpiialty, He 44111 maintains that Mb fmno/ent of murder. All ilii O'- Donnell displayed extreme iediterence end bore a jaunty air. He does not seem to despair of a respite, and says friends outbide will move leaven and earth to obtain hie release 'rhe prison- er will probably remain in Newgate, where he will be henged prohsbiv oe December 17th. Armpk. promotions here been taken to pr rant hie sesces. Two warders remain with him day and night. r The head master of the Markdele, county Grey, public school, only gets 111126 a year. The adios towel have bees out up at antiof', and sold to the lowest bidder. Brantford, Oet. Iib. 1Il<3. 1911 - f GO TO KNIGHT'S TOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYF. TWO DOORS EART OF P.fl tttlPls . �IALL'� HAIR Vegetable Sicilian RENEWER was the Grit preparation perfectly adapted wears diseases of the scalp, and the Gut saoeessful re- storer of faded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and y..thfnl beauty. It has had many imitators, bat none have so fully met all the re. quiremente needful for the proper treatment of the hair and esalp. HatI's HAIR Rz<awxa has steadily grown to favor, and reread Its fame and asefure... to every quarter of the `lobe. Its un- paralleled anemia can be attributed to but one canoe: the ent,r, Jstt1sienf of its promisee. The proprlston laveAtm been snrprieed at the reOMpt of orders from remote ossuaries, where they had Drew mads staffer% folie lntrodsetba. The use for a +ort thee ed HALL'. HAIR Rxxgw=a wonderfully Improves the appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all ha. porno& ewes all humor:, fever, and darter, and them p ev.ate bstdasa. It susalates the weakened `lands, sad swain thea to rah for- ward a new and vigorous growth. The etUats of this artlele are not transient, like these et slue belle pr.psratUas.bat resale a long Coate. vita sabres Its use a aattsr at .es.o-r- BUCKINGHAM'S DYE rues TIER WHISKERS WWI dreg* tam tread to • natural brews, of bark es desired. It almlaa • pra..a• taut Mat will not week away. Cisaelrtla. d •eagle pganuon, It m a ppesdwtMedtme.Me' PlIPAIIInt K E. P. HALL A 00.,141111mb R.A. %sld er.a Posies le nasraee. PDX ALL TIM FORM M di rera:end Ayoes $ rrs.parIllS. 14 ail forge $1, Ne .se., FAMILY RECIPES z t.. a 8 IN BROWN, BLUE, SLATE AND STRAWBERRY AT J. C. DETLOR 8s cO'S. DRESS GOODS AND CHRISTMAS CARDS. DEBB GOODS XMAS CARDS. ESS C�OGD9IgMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. DRESS GOODS XMAS CARDS. AT MRS. C.- H. GIRVIN'S MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. '11IIE PEOPLE'S STORE, COR. KINGSTON STREET AND THE Sqt tfF.. Ctlrn'1' (I1. Suits Made to Order. Fit Guarantee& Suits for $1.2_ C.; Z6 Suits for IS Suits for 16 See Them, Whether You Want to Buy or'Not READY-MADE OVERCOATS, $5 TO S12. W_ H_ RIP LEY_ JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AgeORTMEltT OF 1.4 :=1 JAS. A. McINTOSH'S OLD STANI). Ooderich. Oo t, 1. 1883. Fresh Flower Bulbs for Winter Culture The Chicago House, INC I';DiN(i HYACINTHS, TULIPS, CROCUSES, SNOW DROPS AND NAR- CISSUS, ALL COLORS. Also, Hyacinthe Glasses and Fancy Flower Pots. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, MHIDZOAL st w r.r,�OrDBRIOH- a'ODERZCE-i. The Leading Millinery Establishment of the County. PLUSHES, BI lolls, VELVETS, - PLUMES, RIBBONS, , LACES The Lirrest and Best Assorted Stock in the County to Choose Front, at FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS GRAM AM, MILLINER, GODERICH. MY PALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied Xiss 'W"il ineo e, - Chicago House. An Inspection is Respectfully Invited. Goderlch. Nov. Rah. 1883. 1918- E TM OVED_ PH ILO 1\1-0131.1, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderlch --)AND WiLL }'CRNiSII Olt MAKE - r Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices, et Malta varmarsecIt. CIT1TYti A arStIALTT. rEIt16lT FIT t.t 1111 t\TIED. off *mix r*e11rnar AMIDE, TO. \DTE TUE ADDEruta , PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON -STREET, GODERICR. 1883—AXES---1883. Welland Vale, oAoigti Welland Vale, Burrells,Burrell's, and the and the Sim son 1Xf.\ Simtson Axe. PULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS MANUFACTUiRED BY R. H. SM ITH &CO. g0001••010 .1. FLINT. -a1.110- JOHN A. NAFTEL �MU LEAF LANCE. f s..,7 Quarters forll�eel Barb COVE MAN CROSS CUT 'r nnwn� ' ' ee4 Quarters Steel Barb Fence Wiry Cheap Hardware Emporium. . CROSS 0 LTT S. A WS CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. Maple Leaf. Champion and Tuttle Tooth. v urCOME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. SONE CROSS CUT SAW S� W's Chlabr_Ma B°12:141 Axes R W MCKENZ1E'S Cattle Chain% and Cow Ties Best White Leah and Mixed Painta in • • the Market. p'PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Specially Lew to the CASH ili HUM (i,Moe'er. 14 B.—Prodsce tater in exchange I7TRY YE 01111[11.41.3° Fi.i►RDWLIRNI STOR]D, COURT HOUSE 14441 'ARE OMartsll, pus I. MS I 1(►DERICH. 1►NTARiO