HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 3Tun ant) Ftncy.
Whipple, the essayist, defines poetry
as "the pretest of geniusagainat t to real-
ity of life." When the poet gets kicked
out of the editor's sanctum It is the pre-
test of the reality of life against getoiu..
'Wife. Irby do yuu open the window !
We have only ten degree. of heat in the
room.' 'Yea, that's so ; and in the open
air it's four dovess. Now, I'll let these
in, and then it wall be fourteen, and
quit. comfortable here.'
A physician said jocosely to a police-
man one evening. 'I always feel safe
when I see a policeman in the evening,
for there was no danger about.' 'Yee,
safer than I feel when 1 have a dnotor
about,' was the bright retort.
During the thick fug the other even-
ing Gum Gom took a poor blind man by
the band and led him to his door. Tell-
ing the story to a friend on the following
day he cried :- 'It is terrihle to be blind
in such a fog !'
A lady's boudoir isa powder magazine.
Preparatory to an exhibition into the
tory heart of the oniony, she has a little
brush and then raises her colon.
'!Io, sir,' said Fogg, 'I never knew
Brown to mislead or deceive anybody in
his life. Nu, air ; fact is, he couldn't.
Nobody would Wli.v. anything he ever
A Brooklyn eolored man who was hav-
ing an affidavit prepared for hien to ;wear
too, was asked by the notary how he spell-
ed his name, 'Nebber mind the spellin',
Of jams pot it down.'
'You ought to be in our room now,'
said Amy ; 'we have a teacher that rales
the roost,' 'Well,' replied the high
eekool girl, 'I'd be ashamed of myself ;
you should say, 'Iro.erne the horizontal
perch on which the fowl reposes,' not
roles the roost.'
It is estimated that the number of
ladies who cannot pass • mirror without
glancing into it averages about twelve to
every dosen.T
'See here,' said a fault -Ending hus-
band. 'we most have things arranged in
this teams .•o that we shall knew just
when everything is kep.:.' 'With all
my heart,' sweetly answered his wife,
"and let us begin with your late hour,
my love. I should dearly love to know
where they are kept.' Ho lets things
run on as usual.
gvidenoe-'Pro,, my good man,' said
a judge to an Irishman. who wail a wit-
neeom a trial ;'what did pus between
you and the prisoner r 'Oh, then. platy
vour lordship,' laid Pat, 'sure I sees
Phallus atop of the wall. 'Paddy 1' says
• be. 'What 1' tidos I. 'Here,' says he.
'Where " msys I. ' Whisbt " says he.
'Hash r save I. And tliat's all, plass
your lordship.'
At a party the ether night a young
man got a girl into a corner and began
whispering to her. It was very weari-
some to her, and just u she was about to
faint she startled the enmpen± by thede-
'pairing shriek of 'a girl over -bored !'
find this brought immediate relief.
Younv man, remember that whet yuu
'L marry you not only get a wife but a
mother•in-law. Yet we dnn't see why
you need he afraid of the latter, as long
as she rmais what she will oe v'hen
you vet her -a mother-in•lsw. But if
she should prove a mother outlaw that
would be another thing.
tth.i : '1 can't see whet WI' lid can
see in that ungainly, awkward Nptsin
Henvitree.' Madge ; 'My dear. it's be-
coming pet'fently absurd. Only think,
the Qardener told the conk Yesterday
that he hoped the captain would stay for
another fortnieht, for poritively there
was no neeereity to roll the gravel walks
'hale they kept perpetually promeHed-
ing rap and down.
krasa'■ Fluid . gig
Is the only instantaneous .eiief for Neu-
ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub-
bing a few drops briskly is all that is
needed. No taking nauseous medicines
for weeks, but one minute's application
removes all pain and will prove the greet
value of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 2h
sesta per bottle at George Rhynas' drug
store. b
i +
Now that there is a reliable retredy for
kidney troubles. half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been removed.
For this let all he thankful, and to Dr.
Van Boren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
wondered fatal disease from our peth
It was never known to fail. Sold by J
Wilsun. 2m
Household }tints.
LOAF C'A[t.-flue eup of bitter, ora
cope of sugar, four ettKs, two cups uf
flour, one teespx,uful of cream of tar-
ter, tend one-half teaspoonful of soda dis-
solved 1n Seita -third of a cupful of sweet
11,111 Nat the cream of -tartar with the
flour. Flavor with nutmeg. Currants
or nisitu may be added if liked.
Dann Arris CARL -Two teacupfuls
of dried apples, waked over night and
chopped tine ; stew them in two cupfuls
of molasses (or sirup) until well cooked.
Then take two eggs, one cup butter, one
cup sugar, one of wee cream, a little
salt, two teaspoonfuls of soda. three
cups of flour ; stir wine flour with the
fruit bolero mixing with the rest ; spices
to suit the taste ; the more the better.
This melte. an expellee! coke. .
SILtay; Cela - Beat o•ie half cup 41
butter and one sad uue-half cup of
powdered sugar toother ; one teaspo sin-
ful of baking powder sifted Into twe cups
of flour ; throe fourths oupof sweet wills;
the whites of four eggs buten to a cream;
flavor with lemon ; bake In an evenly
heated oven.
-Many farmers' wives and daughter.
have au instinctive sense .of beauty in
regard to the adornment of their home.,
yet feel that their iuoome is tuo limited
to do anything. But if they hook around
for what nature will freely supply, they
will be surprised at the tranetonsti, n
which can be easily wrought in rooms
that before seemed dull and plain.
Ferns gathered in summer, and leaves in
autumn, reseed, and pinned on the wall
in irregular sprays, beginning at the
cornice, look ver? graceful. Let white
tarletou,costinpf eighteen or twenty tents
a yard, be cut in strips about hell $ yard
wide and tacked over patriot and sitting
room windows for lumbrequins. On
these pin sumo brilliant autumn leaves
scattered here and there carelessly, with
perhaps • border of ferns, and you will
be astonished at the fair -like appesrano0
presented. I remember gathering great
quantities of ferns while one summer at
a New England rural home, and the
satirical remark of the farmer, that "he
wished he could turf .11 the Philadel-
phia ladies loose into 611 field and have
them pull up all the 'brakes.' " But
even this practical man was impressed
by the arrangement above described. -
[American Agriculturist
Ca&ImTYAs GIFTS. - SCooksrloxa.-
Christmas is wain* ! with its demand
for pretty fancy articles suitable for
Christmas gifts ; and a few suggestions
as to new styles of art needlework may
be acceptable to those haying a numher
of friend. to provide for. A nice pres-
ent for a housekeeper is a set of half a
dozen doylies of small trait uaptiva
The latest fashion is to turn down one
(Oster of the linen squares and work
upon it an orange, or other fruit, vary -
iv.; the designs on each. Embroidered
aprons are now very fashionable for
home wear,. and may be made of satin,
linen, pongee, or muslin, and decora'ed
with silk, wools, or crewels, as the
material suggests. A very tasteful apron
for a young lady is one of pure white
pongee worked with dainty 'knots of
siuleta the waistband and strings beings
of delicate lavender ribbon. We have
seen thein of ecru, tied with starlet, the
front der orated with enmieal looking
honey -bees, and the motto, in outline
stitch, "How doth the little busy ,bee
improve math shining hour !" There are
for everting aprons. A new feature of
art needlework is tying small worsted or
plush balls, which are sold by the dozen..
There are flattened un cue aide, and
sen , 1 on in groups of three, a shadow
being worked beneath each, and when
mixed with artistically shaded leaves,
are very effective. One thing always to
bo remembered ut embroidery, as well
as in painting, u to decide at fist on
which aide of your bunch or spray the
light shall fall, and work oocordinely,
the shades grade gradually melting into
each other, from the deep..t to those
which are almost white. -[American
A Ukesani to all Dank led.
In these times when our newspapers
are flooded with, patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilins, blood out of order,
liver inactive, or ceneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
erre you so quickly as Electric .Bitten.
They ars a blessing to all mankind, and
can be had for only fifty cents a battle
of James Wilson. [2:1
teas' Life for rn•Mlo.s Weakrwed sy Des
ease. Debility art D6•lpatlen.
The Great German invigorator is the
only .peoifik for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, furgetfulneos,
pun in the hack or Rules, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Gent German
)!.mealy w i l restore the inat 1uoctivav
and wenn health and happtrees. $1.00
per box, ass boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt oA pries.
postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo,
Oh..., vol. rout for United Stat.. Cir-
cular* and testimonials sent free. Sold
hy Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gode-
✓ ▪ . 3m
t Run N a Drug Ma'r'y
Nee yr was sot•h a rweh male for any
Dery Puree as is now M .1. W'ilaon's for a
Trial Pottle of iir King's New Disonv
cry for y'.insumptbn, Coughs and C ld..
A persons *ReetHl with Asthma, Rron-
uhitia. Hoesee.se, nevem Coughs or any
&ReMeon of the Test or Lungs. 'sin get
a Trial B,.t11e of this great remedy free,
1.y enllinw at ahem Dr m Store. RAM -
MY OF "FRHAliffa.: _�
Salaries ....lved bg rat Wereers, livetin
allelrtelt., Rte.
'How are they poid 1' was ssk:d a
museum aauager.
'I'll read you a i.0 salaries we pay from
the books,' said ileo Kh L Fur in-
stance, there i•. Charles Tripp, the arm-
less man, and Eli Bowen, the legless
man. They have doebled up now and
travel together, assisting one another.
They gat $125 per week and expenses.
Lizzie Sturgeon, the armless girl, who
plays the piano with her toes, gets 175
per week.'
'How about giants 1'
Welt, Bator and Sew, the Nero
Snoods giant and grannies, will receive
from us $500 • week and all espouses.
They have retired from Hie show busi-
ness and own a farm near MensAeld, 0.,
where they live, but we have coaxed
thein to oome on here. Plain, every-
day gisa'a wan be had from $80 to $90
per wooer. Chang, the Chinese giant,
and Cheetah, the Chines. dwarf, are
paired this seaseou and get 5500 per
'Are giants jealous of one another Y'
'Generally they are. They baokcap
one another and usually delis the larg-
est size for themselves. I once heard
one of theui sayhe weld lick salt from
Ohang's head, et he was wrong.'
'The Wild Man of Borneo got $125
per week, and the Siberian Hermit gets
$50 a week. He claims to have been
banished to the wilds of Siberw.
Here's his picture. Tomes looking
citizen, ain't he t Major Atom and
his uncle, Admiral Dot, the dwarfs, re-
ceive $150 per week. The seven long-
haired sisters are cheap at $300 a week.
We give Herr Hoag, the elastic-skinued
Milli $175 per week and the expenses of
himseH and servant; IIS is a daisy. He
can take the ad of his pose sad pull it
out a foot, and when he We go of it it
snaps bank into its Then he can
toyer his Ewe with the skin of his chest.'
We have a contract with Barnum for
the Botocodns-five men and a woman.
One of the party died recently in this
country. They cut holes in their lips and
insert blocks of wood as ornaments. Bar-
num's thirteen Australians bring $250
per week and all expenses,'
'How are bearded ladies Y'
'Well, bearded ladies with good beards
bring $150 per week. Myrtle Corbin,
the four -legged girl, brings $300 per
week. Shelive* in the North Carolina
mountains with her 1kt *, and the old
man is too shiftiest 'td'tsti her 00 the
road. She would atsw'bik ,gooey for
him, hut he has to tie eamudd too bard to
get her, and he is !fable to lair's ahr-w
at any moment.'
Wh Shuman curodty gets the mont
mono, I
'Millie Christine, the double headed
girl. She gets $100 per day and the
expenses of herself and three servants.
She is a good one to do business with,
too, and always keeps her. contracts
to • the letter. She won't play Son-
d.eys, though. The add with four
arms and four lees gets $1100's weds. We
are to give Blind Toni POO per week,
and jt will be butt, time he has ever
showed fere lee than bfic. admission.
'I suppose some of these 'freaks' made
a good deal out of the salarof their photo-
graphs 1'
•W.11, I should say they did. Some
of them make more than their salaries.
The greatest pisture-seller is Mrs. Tom
Thumb. She had Beide a few contracts
before her husband's death end is now
Oiling them. She will be seen here in
December, and then goes to her home
on the Hodson to live Wo give her
*550 per week, and she will not show
Sunday. Shu sells her pictures just es
fast as she can make change.'
'What are tire -eaters quoted at 7'
'0, from 515 to $30 per week. The
rooster that dances ria red-hot iron has
the call. bet I don't faney his Set.'
'Is there any call for Uirwssian wo-
men 1
'Nobe at all,' Mid Mr. Kohl. Tinian
sum ladies are a drug, and the market
for them is gfetted. They are too fresh,
and have tun much to say to the young,
men in the audience.'
'Haw about the trained -bind men l'
'Well, the men with canaries get $50
a week, but those who have the paro-
quests, macaws and larger birds receive
only from $18 to $25 per week.'-{Chi-
csgo Tribune.
A LUe Saving !wisest.
Mr. M. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kin.,
eared his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con-
sumption, which caused him to procure
a largo bottle, thstotewpletely eared him,
when Doctors, ys, change of climate and
everything else had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Severe Coughs,
and all Throat and Lung diseases, it is
guaranteed to Sure. Trial Bottles at J.
Wiladn's drug store. Larne size $1. (1).
"I had been for eight monthi unable
to work, and felt as though I would as
lief die as live, through Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. I weighed at the time of
getting a bottle of M.Gregor's Speedy
Cbre 130 tbs.; used 3 bottles, and now
weigh 165 Its. and never was better in
in my life. It was MoGregor's Speedy
Cure that brought me around." So says
William Fell, Hamilton. Go to G. Rhy-
h .
ne.' drug store and get n free trial bottle
or the regular size for fifty cents and one
dollar. a
*ever Cave Op.
If you are suffering with low and de-
spirits, loos of appetite. general
ability, disordered blood weak ennsti-
tution. headache, or any disease of • bil-
ious nature, by ell means procure a bot-
tle of Eleetric Bitter. You will he sur-
prised to we the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will he inspired with new
life; strength and activity will stern ;
pain and misery will cease, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Bisters. Sold at fifty eenta a
boWe by J. Wilson. (61
Perfect, Posltine'and Pleawaeeat taw
**sures effected by Ur. \ ot. Wtren'e
Kidney Cure. Relief in all eases of Kid-
ney Disease to obtuaed a/:er• few dews,
Bee that yuer Druggist gives you Dr)
Van Beren's KIdaey Oto. Redd hp J.
Nilson Goderich Sao l
An Oasis in the desert is ui. briKitter
light to C. d wsmderiag Arab than • bottle
of Dr. \ . Buror'e Kidney Cure is to
the 111..: ..ul:ate sufferer from Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
(iedench 911
To Ilse Seediest rreles•sra, mad all whesn
0 may eraser.
Phusphatine, or Nerve two, a Pierre
Orate Element based upon Soientifie
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mass., eutee YuLuoIl-
ary Consumption, Siolt Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is nut • Medecine.
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poison, Opiates,
Ntrcotics, and no Stimulant., but lump,
ly the Phosphatic and Gartrio Elemeuts
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficiont to oonvines. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. LuwuRN &
Cort sole agents for the Dominion,
55 Front Street East Torotito.
As the toots ut winter vanish under
the caloric Guinean:* of the son's rays,
w does Bright's Diasesu, Dropsy, stone
intim Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflalu
elation of the Kfdneygs, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Vail Bu
rev's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson.
Joh. R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Mc-
Gregor's Speet_y Cure for Dyspepsia aril
Indigestion is oheap et fifty times the
price asked for if. i am a commercial
urates. and'tnvel continually, and would
rad more think of leaving home without*
bottle of MoGregors Rpeedy Cure in. umy
valise than I would of leaving my team
at home and going on foot." Fres trial
bottles at G. Rhyne' drug stere. Regu-
lar side 50 eta. and $1. a
tile* rbysle4ase 10wei/oe...
Mrs Helen l'huvis, No. 331 Dayton
St., Chime., iII., is now in her Pity.
eighth pew, and states that .be has sof
loved with Consumpunn for shout ten
yeses, was treated by nine physicmans,all
at thorn prowotuctne her ease hopeless.
Rho had gives up all bops uf ever rooter.
goring Seem bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Cnn.nmptinn completely
cored her. Dahtiog noes, please drep
her • postal and satisfy younelres Call
at J Wileen s drug Non and get a free
trial brittle. (1)
it's a rand vont,'remarked • native
of Fifshire to Dr. Aanalib.n. at Niag-
ara, as he surveyed the grattdenr of that
setipendna stersel
Every Thursday From Portland.
Every Saturday from Halifax
What • Rea* Ca. De.
A baby can wear out a dollar pair of
kid shoes in twenty-four hours. It can
keep ita father busy advertising in the
newspapers for • nurse. it can oocappy]
both sides of the largest sized bed simul-
taneously. It riot make the author of
iia being's wash bills foot up top a week
and not bo feeling at all well. It can
lcrowd to suffocation the smoking ear of a
railroad train with indignant passengers
between two stations. It can cause its
father to be insulted by every second-
class boarding-house keeper in the city,
who 'never takes children.it can make
an old bachelor in the room adjoining
use language that,tf uttered on the street,
would get him into the penitentiary for
two years. It can, in ten minutes, drive
a man frantically from his home and
cause him to seek theenmpanionship of a
h000enotiwe bickering off steam. -(Philadel-
phia call.
Winter' Arran elitents.
8ARMA fir9m roRTr.AlIb. Nov. 90th.
SARDINIAN Iran Poi rt.ASD, Dec. 6th,
HAL[ Deo. BW.
CIRCAAS[ aces Potstmann, Deo. 13th,
[HALT Atli. Dee. lStts. .
POLYNESIAN from PpireLAND, flee. !0th.
HALIFAX, 1)oc. Ttnd." '
PARISIAN, from Powraas4 Dec. 27th,
HALIFAX. Ivor. Al b.
PiCRUS IAN. iron I'owtt.Allu, Jaa.
HALIF.kX Jnn. Mb.BARNATiA1Cr}rem Po,wruoto, Jan. 13.1 ,
KALIF.% Jaa. mit.
SARDINIAN, from PoireLiri., Jas. 17th.
HALIFAX. Jan. 1901.
Rsesied Tbensasida
All over the land ars going into eeutsey
over Dr. Kirin. New Diewovery for Con-
sumption. Their unlocked for teem ry
by the tamely neo of this great life Rav-
ing remedy, musette them to go swirly
wild in its praise it is guaranteed to
positively cure seven roughs. adds, as -
'h. a, hay fever, bronchitis, bestrewing,
loss of voice, or any effecting.' et the
throat and lungs. Trial hottleu fres at
James Wilson's drug store. large Mae
$1.00 (2:)
Passengers wishing to embark at Portland
will Inane Ooderieb, on Tuesday, at 12 o'clock.
The last train via HaM4,x with the Malls
and Passengers leaves Oudcrlkh every Wed-
nesday, at It o'clock.
Prepakl certificate Issued at greatly redo.wi
rates to persons wtehlag to Wag their friend -
old from tae Old ('eunctrryy
Par 'tickets gad *11 Isforntaticn, apply to
ARMSTRONG.Ticket Agent.
Oederls , Nov. find. Mtn.
C4 P1TA - ilii,ms1� 000.
BURPLu8, • - N, IM.
Goderich BrlfjYlch.
D. GLASS - - • Jfunigger ,
Allows Interest en deposits. Drafts, lett'.
of credit and olroular notes Issued, ppea61ab
la all Mite of the world. 17.
V Paw up Capita:, - *6,090,UQO.
Rest, - - *1,400,000.
President - Nu:'. IVM McMASTER
General Manager, -W. s.....u44.0
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROBS, - . - - Max.oeat.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on s
the principal Towns and Cities In Canada
Great Britain and the United States, bough
and sold.
Advanoesto Farmers on Sults, with oneo
more endorsers, without mortgage. 17.1
Harper'. Magazine
A few days son a young fellow named
Drake who has been managing the Brimseels billiard room, got into some shares
%ion loth Geo. Armstrong shout making
change and to, make his statements more
grpltett h• ,crew a revolver and threat.•
e•i Arm/to-mg a life. it a reported that
the young man has ".lid ; if net he
shetlld be taught a leen he will never
Best Family Dapper is Canada.
Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-eight
volume with the December Number. It {ste
most popular Illa•truted periodiosl In Ameri-
ca and England, always fully abreast of the
times in Its treatment of subjects of current
social and industrial interest, and always ad-
vancing ice standard of literary, artistic, and
rnechanloalexodlence. Among Its attractions
for 1884 Ire: a new serlat novel by Wn.atar
BLact. illustrated by Aassv -a new novel by
E. P. Ron, illustrated papers by Orono"( and
Dtil.raw descriptive Illustrated_ papers bf"
genOi 14. HoVuR7'N, FRANK D. MILLET, t
H. FAswnatr. and others; important Motorl-
eal and blographb.l papers • short stories by
W. D. Howt:Lt.s,CHAItLRa i�seng. Ac,
-- -8 PA(.iFJL$.-
Contains all the Newt.
Special Market Department.
Capital Story Always�'ItunnttruKral Department.
ingenious Puzzle column.
Funny 1 1 41110 )1 kuu.
Itis Just the Thins for the Famiy.
R'$crtd 01.00, and the paper will be forward-
ed to you to January 1st. 1886.
3 11, 000 IN PREMIUMS
T'ir Tear
One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00
Postage Prre to all subscribers in the Unit-
ed States or Canada.
The most liberal inducements ever offered
in Canada to parties getting up clubs for the
N'gRKLY FRaa Pintas. Send for frenulum
.tom RCATR seri to 1st January, lams, for
•ilk Address :
Loadoe, Ont.
Nov. lar, 1.883. 1914-
Chryetafl & Black.
The Tolima' of the Magazine begin with the
Numbers for June and Damon boo of each year.
Whew no Hine is specified. It will he under-
stood that the snhsrriber wishes to begin with
the current Nnmher
The last Eight volumes of Harper's Maga
sine. In neat cloth binding,will- be sent by
mall. postp.Id, oe motet of 3 "0 per vol s,
(:krth Caere, for Moiling. 80 cenb
weed postpaid.
index to f Inrprr's Mnontinr, Alphabetical.
Aualytkeal, and Vilma led, for Volumes 1 toga,
ladnetve, hum Jnne, lank, to June. IMn, one
est./on, (loth N m,
Remlt.anaw should br made by Port -r Moe
Money Order .re Draft to avMd chance of loss
Neseepcpe . are nor fe ropy (Acs mi'rerHsr-
own/ raaowr vee cryerl Serer er H •R rex t
1D Add
not. life la "weepiest ey.
dare before you ,1
«.mottling mighty amt sob
Ilene los,. behind to easterner
time. DOS a week in y sen
town DI misfit fees. No riot. Kverytkts.
naw (aplml not r�e(.eoulr"d. N. will hat'eMu
op everythiaw. /astir are makln forts,*
yap make so meek at=ret bola and
t orb ;:t' rim Neat.�• If y�~�ia a'1
•• umlaut to It HsiL ST
New IBOILSRs and SALT PANS manufac
tnr•.lion shortest notice.
All kinds of Repairing executed under the
per.onal euDorvildon of the Proprietors who
Plac%iccl V, . ; At cn.
P. O. Bos NI 178111
k creek , lade at home 1'y the in
trice•. Best business Len- be
fore the public. Capita not need
etl. We will start yon. Men, n•o
men, boys and girls wanted vary
Aber,. to work fur os. Now is the time. You
can work in spare time, or rice your whole
time to the business. No other business will
pay you nearly so well. No one can tail to
make enormous pay, by engaging at once.
Costly outfit .ed terns free. Moneyy made
fast. easily, and honorably. Address TRVL se
Co.. Augusta. Maine.
■RMSH Aar. CrYY, Tomeio Iut.ui.al .
PHLKIAnaX INS. CO'Y, of LORD**Zutl&ad)-
HARTFORD INV. CO'V. of Haarrvay. "Sao
�tboRWathe aveamt.-:lamOeces at
ike lowest rates by IIORACZ H RTON•
no uadertl�-ued 1s also A leer for the
Tongow ro.
Mo si 14 Lou on Oe - Clonre mtdenwuurlty, otil
Under -11 Sept. it 1180.
--Thousands of graves
•re minuall rubbed
W their vlet1ns,live•
'Iroionged. happiness
rad health restored
L; :be use ofthe groat
which poalrt%ely and permanent y canvass'.
�rretl��ary teausrd by escessse of say kt.,4,)
aesalaal Wesksee. and all diseases that (01.
low as a sequence of Sell -Abuse, as kw. uf git-
bas of memory, aolversal lassltu4e,
n In the back, dimness of vision, prema-
ure old age• and many other diseases flat
load to Insanity or consumption and a pro ma-
ture grave.
Send for circulars with tcetilnoelate M by
mall. The I!YICmuATmR 1s sold at Il a r
box, or six boxes fur $s by all druggists, or
will be sent tree my matt securely sealed. on
receipt of price, b addressin
F. J. C JINKY, Druggist.
101 g.
Summit St., Toledo. Ohio)
Sole Agent for Ooderlcb
DRi NE88
r.: i'.i?ELAS,
And every species of dilator arlsinc f1�ro*twn
disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. dilatorST
T. MILBURN & CO., °rufklet yO
w•0plr ate oho at s cn the look
one for ,Latices to increase
their earnings and it, time be
come weallby ; those who do
„no 'upro%e their opportun
(ties n.osln in poverty. W',- ntret a {roes
chance to wake mosey. We want men. wo-
men. b.I* andirls to work for us In the.r
.own laaiitics. Anyone can do the work pro-
perly frost the drat sisal Pl.e bodice. w I11
pay more than ten times ordinary wages. kx-
peensive note, furnished free. Nu one 5Lo en -
doges fails .o make money rapidly. You Sou
gevote your whole time to the work. or unly
all thatour isneccestery sent tree. Address (Dotiation and
woo d• CO. Portland. Moine.
$600.00 11e1773rd.
We will pay the above reward fur any' case of
Weer Coanplaiut, Dy.pcpa[a, Mikk 11eade. he,
Indigestion, C'oastlpMbn t•r CtstiTetote we
ounut cure with West's Vege tidily Lit er Pills,
when the directions are strictly tomldicd a 111.
Th. y are purely Vein -rabic, and meter fall 10
Kitt militia. lull. Su «1 (0.1td. Large Boxes,
cnntain'ng 311 Pills. Thi vents. For sale )o an
nrugg.bte.• Ileware of touuterfells and India.
tions. The genuine manufactured may by
Joins C. w1(M-r b: e'l• "The Pill Mali rs.
81 and 13 King i t; East. Toronto, Oat. Free
trial package sent by mai prepale on receipt
of a 3 cent sump.
ver Sale al W ILI II'a RIGID ars..
Health ie Wealth
51000 P02TZIT
Drs. Z. C. Wear's Neave AND BRAIN Timor
MENT. n uw,ranteell epccllle for'Hysirria, INA
sinew, ('oolulslona. kits. NervQua Neuralgia
!lends, I,c, Ncrvot:- Prostration t au.td b}} 11e
nee of alcohol or tulmcco. W'uke(utnese, men-
tal Depression. Softcr..ing of the Rrain.'caul%
login inreults and head's, to mierry, decay
and ,'ruff, 1 rrnature ' ! Ave, narr'v.nen.
las,. o' 1'owcrineither rr.• lnvoluutar I ousel
and bperoaturrheea. caus:d by oter-exertion
of the',rein, self-abuse or over•ineitlgcnce.
Onc box will cure recent cases. b:achbox trod
tains one month', treatment. On •dollars Dot
or six l:ocee for five dollars: sel.t by mall pre
bmid on reocip of price. tt"c guarani, c sit
oxes to t•nre any (•,tee. With each ate rr re -
refired by us for sir boxes, aucotnpal.led with
Ate dollars, v c %% 111 send the purchaser our
w-rltto n gnarantce to refund the mousy 1t the
ternlm.Lt dcce not effect a cure. (:,.nrantees
looted only hy JANra vs IL*ta* Kir anthor-
laed agent for Galerich, tint. JOHN (' WEST
S CO., sole proprietors. Toronto Ont.
Haring the tamest eneMeas s In 11s suer
WRY ever all Wien. ase atter tboesseds e!
fades of eke peso Som liras.') outgo.
ears we e.,ea
514 m, ear feel )1W IOWA In aN14-
lag to torten Ono Thne•aad Drama for teal
of •nee a.odds. awv throat. IaAeIf
tila eeeu•wmptlnn liea IM
t1. s�y,t� o.•eob. and all d
rfuueat •ad Is* . except %Mkwia, ler
whit -11_0w nal/ claim relief thatwe ran't onr�
with s ( negb fit rnp, when taken oew,d
leg to HeellMMRa
. .ple beta. sM and
aes; tarp bottles one dollar flre•l..
wrappers Mly la bluff etude h all A
or sent
.ser.es ow renal Ic".
C. WKS I (]CL, It and W CO 'repel
Iwnnt^ Orit.,0�rh ,A *• J a u at OSA
Ars pleasant to take. Contain their own
'urgative. Is a safe, sun, and effectual
Isstreyer .f worms in Children or Adalta
The \sio Advaliscr
FOR 1884.
WVlth the advent of 1aM Tits WmiTKH" An-
t•AHTreaH AND W MANLY l.IHIRA5, will appear
In new and Improved form, with new type,
pprinted' front stereotype plater, on a new web -
feeding press of the latest design. While Its
severe' popular "Departments will 1. cno-
tlaued, more vigor will be observable through-
out. Only 1011 per annum. Ralanrr of 18.1
fret to mate subscribers.
"PORTRAIT (1Ai.:.ERY.'- Our preminm
for 11111 1* a hendsamely-printed Rook of Poes
traits, with tiluminated cover, containing the
following chmmo-lithographs, In five colon.
vlr : Her Mairely Queen Victoria; Ills Excel-
lency the Oovernnr-General IMarquls of Lan.-
downel • Rt -Hon. W. K. Gladstone; Hon. Ed-
ward Make; Sir John A. Macdonald ; Hon.
Oliver Mowat ; Hon. Ales. Mackenzie ; and
.Cheater A. Arthur, President of 1', S. An
elegant and attractive ornament for the pine
for table. (Sise of each portrait. exit Inches-)
A biographical sketch of each pci'aol '-
written h an eminent Canadian- ;salmi Given.
Price, only lee extra, or 101.10 In all.
fir if preferred, ,ntwrrlben may hare a
chnloeo Hors AND HEALTH' or -CHAMOIS
RELlrrl' two well-known former premiums
to board rover. on payment .d Nr. addition-
al. or 51.11 In all. Otity one pan"/west al-
Tor DA1rY ADvrnrlarn. containing 'the
enmplete mldalght Ar•pmtehes, Is mailed for
to_per annum. roe 31.1* for three mouth.
rut.' ,•ireelatlon each week of DAILY AND
Wit... 1 t AD, awrlelut, 0Ter *'.#W) metes.
tf Agents wanted everywhere. Fifty
ralwhle priors to the most sereraaful club -
getters. Pend post raid fur particulars. Re-
oiN..n'd letters POMP at our risk. Adeirees--
aDYrt'ressa reinTtssi s•w,
Lowtw)w. Crier.
ThE Signal's Clubbing Offer.
The 11101111. and Tern WIITAww Anvil*
naves will a slated to any adamve a tram now
to January 10, 11111, ea re"Mi4 of nnly DLO.
Ifellher of Tits AnvatirlsERa popular pre•
ninm• is ratnlrve.i. the •dltte wai amount fOr
mono mese he enclosed, as above, with fall
partu•talanM to whirh 1. wanted AAdm..
1111•4111W1111 SOT mss...
Maws AI nice (Itder,ch, Out.
t loderlelt. OM. N 1sw. MD.
I *pita' regal Pro, IslatM sr eVal
•.1 owlet' 'ei