HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 213dords of 'lis tonti~'t I uola will .It, a make suceres wtltiA I rudeut people full. We cannot Ioepom., Moroi askew lie, *yDiu petty motive.,. The twee of distrust will tend to e1tiie Kubeh tuspiratiou. H..nusty of coup ..e.: .,runt n .t be held u ev,detroe of ability Neat to love, sympathy is the divinest pasoon of the human h' ort. It is no vanity fot a wan to pride him- self on what he has honestly got and prudently uses. Idols ge. its Meas ; 111:1 the potato, which, cut in pieces, reprud•ices itself its • multiplied To endesvu.• to w rk upon the vulgar with fine sense is like attempting to hew a block of marble with a razor. There is an unfortunate disposition in a man to attend much more to the faults of his companions which offend htm,than to their perfections which please him. Eavy's memory is nothing but a row of hooks to hang up grudges on. A turn jacket is soon mended, but hard wands b•uise the heart of • child. Wo judge ourselves by w!rat we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done. When a man has no mind of his own he can always find a woman who can give him a piece of hers. As water runs down from the swelling hills, and flows together in the lowly vale, so grace flow. not but into humble :marts. There is no mall so great as not to have some littleness more predominant than all his greatness. The love that has no form of expres- sion may be very deep and true, but it is practically useless. It was Christ'sinani- festatiun of his love that made it valu- able to us. All goof things of this world are no further stood than as they are of use ; and, whatever we may heap up to give to others, we enjoy only as much as we can use, and no more. We ask for long lite, but 'tis deep life, or grand movements that signify. Let the measure of time be spiritual, not mechanical. Leave nothing that is necessary in any matter undone—we rate ability in then by what they finish, not by what they Fttempt. Pleasure is a weak tie of friendship.; those who toil together are stronger friends than those who play. He that is choice of his time will also be choice of his company and choice of hiy actions. The man who threatens loudly the world is always ridiculous ; for the world can easily go on without him, and, in a short time, will cease to miss him. Don't waste life in doubts and fears ; spend yourself on the work now before you, well allured that the right perform- ance of this :tour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or a: as that follow it. TOO LIFE -LIKE. And ate Makes ■p ■is Mild Not to Take t&NYer Cocktail. 'You must excuse me, gentlemen, for I cannot drink anything,' said a man who was Known to the entire town as a drunkard. 'This is the first time you ever refused a drink,' said en acquaintance. 'The other day you were hustling around after a cocktail, and in fact you even asked me to set 'em up.' 'That's very true, but I am a vary dif- ferent man now.' 'Preachers had a hold of you ?' 'No, sir, ny one has said anything to me.' 'Well, what has eauted the reforma- tion 1' I Ii tell you After leaving you the other dxy, I kept on hustlingfor a cock- tail, as you term it, until 1 'net a party of friends. %Vhen I left tnem I was about half drunk. I would not have stopped at this, but my friends had to hurry sway to catch a train. To a man of my temperament, a half drunk is a miserable condition, for the desire for more is so strong that he forgets his self- respect in his efforts to get mere to drink. Failing at the saloons, I remembered that there was a half pint of a hiskey at home, which had been purchased for medicinal purposes. Just before reach- ing the gate, I heard voices in the garden and looking over the fence I saw my lit- tle son and daughter playing. 'No, you be ma,' said the boy, 'and I'll he pa. Now you sit here and I'll come in drank. Wait now till I fill my bottle.' He took a bottle which be ran away and filled with water. Pretty soon he returned and entering the play -house, nodded idiotically at the little girl and sat down without saying anything. Then the girl looked up from her work, and said : "James, why will you do this way P "' Whizaer way V he replied. " 'Getting drunk.' " 'Who's drunk ?' "'You are, and you promised when the baby died that you wouldn't drink any more. The children are almost rag. ged,and we haven't anything to eat hard- ly, but you still throw your money away. Don't you know yiu are breaking my heart?' 'I hurried away. The acting was too life -like. i could think of nothing dur- ing the da but those little children playing in the garden, and I vowed that I would never take another drink, and i will not, so help me God.' As A•lesed Clergyman. Rev. Wm. Stout an English clergyman of Warton, was for s3 years a terrible sufferer with 14eroofulntis Abscess, which the Mat medical skill failed to cures The internal and exterhal use of Bur dock Blood Bitten cured him, and for snarly three years he remained hale end hearty 2 In the history of medicines nn props ration has received such universal coma mendatieu for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent ours It effects in kid say diseases. ea Dr Van Barren's Kinney Cars its action in these distressing eemplaints Is simply wonderful odd by J W Ikvtn 9m 21,1444• nXr I Art•w•ca/�Iwt ^' bur. -afar the le • 'Time s a etesseared portion of infix* duration,' A menuhd portion Winton the immeasurable past and future. Fru measuring this portion w• way adept any standard we pleas It has been found must couveutunt to use the time notation of the earth ou its axis .s the standard of reference in all cases. Let • telosoope be pointed to • star, and thou clamped in position, and the time noted when the star crosses a wire in the cen- tre of the field ; the interyal occupied by the earth rotating upon its axis, before the same star again Drosses the wire, is called a siderial day, and is divided in- to twenty-four hours. This is the as- tronomical standard. For civil ppurpose.a it is more convenient to use solar time. But the sun is not a fixed point in the neaveas ; he travels round the entire circle of 360 degrees in 365 days, or very nearly one degree in every day, and as une'degree is equal tumour trusntha,it will take the earth four minutes to overtake the sun after it has passed the star in siderial time. This is known as appar- ent solar time. But, from causes which I must not now stop to explain, the mo- tion of the sun Di NOT UNIFORM. The elements of the irregularity hare been grouped together, and tablas pre- pared which are known as 'the equation of time.' The time given by thew tables is sometimes added to and some- times taken from, apparent solar time, and we then get the 'mean solar time, by which our day is regulated. A meridian may be defined as an imaginary line passing through both the celestial poles, the zenith and the nadir ; the plane of this great circle must therefore pass through the observer's place and the earth's centre. From this it is manifest thrt every place on the earth must have its own meridian, and it is noon by ap- parent solar time when the sun crosses the medium of that place. The earth rotates from west to east, and conse- quently the meridian of Montreal will pass beneath the sun about half an hour earlier than the meridian of Toronto, while places west of T: runto will be later in the spine proms atom. Hence we have been accustomed to speak of 'Montreal time,' 'Toronto' and 'Chicago time.' THE NEO STANDARD TINS ,imply proposes to adopt the mean solar time of the 75th meridian for general use in all places lying between 67i de- grees and 824 degrees of west longitude, and thus avoid the confusion arising from !the use of the metidian lines of different places. The central meridian line of this district. ti, e., the 75th, crosses the St. Lawrence a few miles west of Cornwall, and passes northward east of Ottawa. On this line the new standard will make no change ; to the east of this line, noon will be given a little earlier, and west of the lino later than the general local time. It will make almost no wnsible differ- ence to our social life, while it will great- ly facilitate our movements in travelling and in many other ways. We *peaks Maf Experience. R. N. Wheeler, of Everton, some six years ago was attacked with a severe form of inflammation of the lunge, leav- ing him with • severe cough. He speaks highly of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, which cured him, the complaint not hav- ing troubled him since. '2 The funds for the statue of Robert Tannahill, which was recently unveiled at Paisley, were obtained from open-air concerts given in Gleniffer Braes during several past summers. At these con- certs the songs of Tannahill were sung exclusively. They all tell the same story. W. Thompson, jeweler, Delhi, suffered for years from Dyspepsia, got no relief until he used Dr. Carson's Stomach Bates. He says it was just the medicine I need- ed. It has cured me. A REWARD—Of one'4ozeu "Teassa- RY" to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "T*ABERRY, ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Batt.. Ask your druggeat or address. Thousands bear witness to the poen tire curative powers of the GREAT GER- MAN INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a prema- ture grave Sold by all druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of 11.00 per box, or six loxes for 15. Address F. J. Casimir, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and testimonials of genuine curia. Geo. Mynas, Goderich. 3m Why suffer from nervous prodrations when you can buy a guaranteed euro at Wilsons drug store. (1) No household should be onnsidere I complete without a bottle of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Pure is ir, the closet. It is the only remedy that will positively, per,nanently and promptly cure all forms of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson 2m A Neese Mas..ve That is daily briaring joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King's new Discovery for Consutap. tion, Cooghs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loa of V„see. Tteklesg bra the Throat, Pate in Sid. and Chest, or any dilemma of the Throat and Imam $ positive ears. Guaranteed. Trial Bot- tles free at J. W ilsen s Drug Stove. Lap else $L00. (ti) Tl.. Ili reeled Se .Iles f.poured • ism preparation of carbolic mcld, vaedise • and oersta smiled McGregev R Poke's Carisotto Oeste. It will ours any sore, eut, berm or Weise when all miler Rhyme fail Cell et G Rhye tl store, and Ret a package. 25 nests tar: it onset b flays Dryden "She knows her seat, sad Own roe rant and swear. Can drew you to her with a soul. Asir.'' Bet it must be beautiful hair to It.N such power and beautiful hair osn be sneered by the use of Hswswsa Sold at aOtlr N TIPUill Sts THE HURON SIGN AL, letilDA \ DEC. '. 1r48' @Dales aad sastlaa The abating suint is now in full blast. This is the usual form in which the information tetstive to skating is onnteyea. A pertinent ieuquiret might ask why the turd bleat, suggesting great heat truss ares or fieinace akin be used in sionnesllua, no abetter ho Iterate, with so ould • substance as ice. It is not ptubable that the yuestioo wall ever raised before ; but auueipat tog enquires it way be as well to give the subjects lit• tie thought—as little as possible. Deep- er research mytht reveal a more proba- ble origin fur the term, but haaty con- sideration leads to the belief that the ex elamatinn of mingled surprise and re- gret which breaks Girth (nen the skater, who sits dews on the ice with more sud- detnes than grace, is wholy respwruble for the strange combination. In these days of 'Acme' and other patent skates, when the work ,f fastening straps 'is no longer necessary, because the straps nu longer exist, the pastime of skating is not as attractive to the average young man—or young woman --aa it was in former years. In the good old time the attentive escort would patient) wrestle with the straps belonging to the lady's skate, and try to hind up her foot after the ,manner of the Chinese parent until the loo on which he knelt would melt with sympathy to such intense devotion. In truth the young men un those occas- ions were strapping fellows in more than one respect, but, alas, with the intro- duction of the patent skate such oppor- tunities for the display of gallantry and small feet hayvu peawd away. There is no exercise in which grace of movement or figure can be better displayed than in skating. Fancy skat- ers especially have the power to com- mand the admiration of spectators, and a favorite feat of the skilled skater is to cut on the ice all the figures from one to nine. Inexperienced skaters, who for the fir.t time have climbed on a pair of skater have been known to succeed in cutting a figure on the ice. Of sours the figure was their own and without rising to ascertain they have generally f ,lt at the time that it was a cipher. But then the pleasure derived from skating is so great that ocxsional tumbles aro thoueht very little of, and instances could be related where persons who in felling attempted to take a 'header' through the ice did not give the toss or anything else a thought for many mom- ents afte_wards. But when they manage to struggle to their feet again they feel like a man who awakes after a little dis- sipation on the night previous. Skating Carnivals are, and always have been, very popular in Canada. The fancy costumes which aro worn on such occasions are provocative of a good deal of innocent amusement. Occasionally a skater will attend a carnival disguised in Liquor. but such persons are always im- mediately recognized. There are others who find it necessary to go disguised as gentlemen but where this attempt is made the representation is seldom a complete one. THE WORLD OVER. Experiments are in progress in Ohio for turning palmetto. leaves into paper for news print. It was the materiaused fur Bank of England notes with such secrecy for years, Texas man hu been sentenced to 99 n in the penitentiary. The judge would have made it an even hundred, but did'nt want to be hard un the fel- low for his hot offence. The deepest sea -sounding ever made, says the Scientific American, was made ir the Pacific ocean• near the entrance to Behring'. sea. Bottom was struck at 4,655 fathoms. The cast was made from the United states training ship Tuscaro- ra. The shallowest water in the middle of the Atlantic, 731 fathom3, shows the subsidence of mountains 10,556 feet. Somebody put a small inud turtle, about the size of a silver dollar, in a bed at a New Jersey hctel, and the stranger who was assigned to that r,o)1u, un pre- paring to retire, caught sight of it. He at once resumed his clothes, remarking : "I expected to havea pretty lively night of ir, but if they are as big as that I don't propose to get in with 'ens.” kraut's Fluid Lightning. Cures Toothache and Neuralgia qui.k as flash, re Teves any phis instantly, the cheapest and quickest application known. Why suffer with Toothache, Neuralgia Headache, Rheumatism, Lumbago, facia tics, Sore Throat or Acute Pains of any kind when you can go to Geo. Mynas' drug store and get a perfect and instan- taneous cure for 25 cents. Ask fur Kram's Fluid Lightning. b "Why should amen whose blood is warm within Sit ke his grandame cut in alabaster 1t Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. • . Whew "ClaGALvir RRrxwxR wlllmake g. row the faster. F',r rale by J. Wil- son 2m rtasplea red tl.te\es Call at Gen. Rh nes' drug store and Ret a package of McGregor & Parke. Carbolic Cemte it is compcsed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples; Blotches Ulcerated Sore., Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. b Wen Rewarded. A libneal reward will be paid to any party who will produce • case of liver, Kidney er Stomach complaint that Elec- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring Meas along, it will cost you nothing for the medicine if it falls to cure, and you will he well rewarded for your trouble beeidea All Blood diseases, Bilious- se1a, Jaundice. Constipation, and gene- ra) debility are quickly cured. Satafae. tics gesranteed or money refunded Prise only fifty Dents per bottle. For sale by J Wtlarm. 15- ORSAT NU SR OI CASES RUM t. Ow easy ofMed sed bas blisbed 0111 dor. � r. tnmtM Measwettt of A1.s et thpare ler e 1 a oe..er.Gat.ri.l•r o snalerl"sof noon.. s' It d ..a p. U d as lW ap 4 • es. Int ort atlafie aft a [lure seers stied• Iw t>te vl ee r of • sweats y sew �s It teal f sew muck aset tittles If k ease et sceptre Imetaled tailel� Tia I U inatedlataly e yu ef Male erve.Isvtaersi ar .ars sad 'h.o. Atlee Twenty Tears A. Lough, of Alpena, Michigau, was afflicted ter twenty years with dyspepsia and general debility. All treatment fail- ed twill he uisd Bsrdoct Blood Bitten, which gave him speedy and permaneut soda(. 2 PITY Tus Toni Dv*rsrlic. —Poverty with perfect heath lth is rather to beohusew than riches aad dyeppeepsis. Try the amino effect of • doUayiuttle of Fou NTA IN CS HIALTU. Cared tree. Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia, Oustiveueu, Headaohe, Liver Complaint etc., should call at Gen. Rhyne.' drug store and secure a free tris/ bottle ..f McGregur's Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits of the medicine. It cores permanently where all other medicines have failed. As a blood purifier it has no equal. Remem- ber, it costs nothing to try it. Regular size, fifty cents and ems dollar. a A Si..d angry The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Great States. The book IA beautifully printed, and numerous en graving; of high merit adorn its pages Any one sending their name and address with two three -cent pustaae stamps Will receive a copy by return nail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Paasenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. St A Cave a?r Cats, Sams. fate. The fined healing compound under the sun is McGregor & Parke's CarbclicCer- ate. There is no sore but will succumb to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invaluable dressing frir scalds, tee- tering., etc. Price 25 cents et G. Rhy nag' drug store. is These are aelM wares. The hest blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Coustipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunded. Sold at fifty cents s bottle by J. Wilson. [4] Aa Answer Wasted. Can any our bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily cure 1 We say they cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently cured and who are daily re commending Electric Bitters, will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the hoer- eti, and act- directly on the ditea'ed parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by J. Wilson. [1]: salt Sheaf's Cured. Are you troubled with eh!t Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples re. C,ap:.er &a'u.; if so, go at Duce to Guo. P.hv ,-t, Dty(g Shire and get a package -it . L t.iregor A Parkes Carbolic Cerate. - Price 25 cents. It wan toe ver Inuits( u to fait. L A *Winn . g [ eefery. Physician's are often startled ee- markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and i.ung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, is startling them to realize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits rat this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundreds ..f oar best Phpsi- cians using it in their p.actice. Trial bottles free at .1. Wilson** Drug- Store. Regular n17.0 11.0 ). ' (4) br.WILSON' AtizMpNARY caiLERILT ' CO ��TMIS aad all L >be;1trLAINTBand 'i`+s_rPERSONS f•_ R the �i;iotd Staro j CONSUMPTIOV • _ s W'BRAYLE4' { ' Pa.oPRIL'T01 e I MONTREAL. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SWISS BOAP No. 1. SWISS SOAP No. 2. 8W188 80Ap No. 3. Same u maaetao•tered by Ow pe hereto,, nose Comae/it.07w ZURICH. S*ITZERUND, r b.r. ``rad. rti.ppd. la,,p.ty .Amort. 0111 RnRMa4 rresee (torment', Airdrie. timer. see IWy. Man.la.tere4 In ( semis Defy by 1 Theo0n11:11RxoIK.o'y 'e SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. $Op, .st.rlr.b lops Is. I1* lab , O or ooralro Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. indxrupvisr, CABINET • MAKER ND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Ocdericb. A good rcKitchen, i Dining Parlor al6tad&Weschatrs''haiamnt el1 and wood eeatedlCupboerds, licdeteada. Matti -rax, Waais Loungra, Sores, tVbat-Notr, Looking Olasees. N. li-A complete moot 'mon! of Cahill sad IRtruuAs alw sys et bai.d• also Hearses for Dire al reseunable rate • Picture Prowling s specialty.—A can lalj.Med. au SY EXAMINISSO THIS MAP. THAT THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND PACIFIC R'Y, Centrat Line, sword* to trarolerS, by reason we its unrivaled ipso - g r▪ aphical poutiow. the shortest and best routs between the !amt. Northeast aor Southeast. and the W00% Northwest and Southwest. It Is literally and strictly true. that Its ecmninstions are all of the principal tines of road between the Atlantic and the Pa•rifici. Sy Its main line and benne/tea roasilise Chicago, Joliet. Peoria. Ottawa. tows City. Atlantic. Mesa. Assdubon, Harlan. Cothrie Center and OCittileti In Iowa Ciallatla. Trenton. Chuviiera• mnrd (Lomas City. la mresoort. and Leaven- worth and Atehisars Kaisesse, and me hundreds ef cielas. *Mop and towns interrnedlate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," i* It fainittarn maw offers to travelers an the advantage/a sone etatiforte modem to • smooth track. sass bridges, Union Depots at elf emosseeekso potelto. Fast Express Trains. eomposed of SOMNIOCKNIS. WILL MINTILATUD. WIN.L MOST MACIIIIFICEIIT HORTON AlICLINING CHAIR OARS ewer buiit • POILLMAN'S latest designed and handown•et PALACE SI -WINO CARL arid IMMO OARS that are acknowledged by pram ant: people to be the FINEST MAN UPON ANY ROAD IN THIt COUNTRY. and In wfv'eh superior metals are revved ner wanoters at the kry rate of BOVINITY -FIVE CENTS EACH. TIMMS TRAINS each way between CHICA00 and th• INISSODWil RIVER. TWO TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and IMINNIAPOIJS alost ST. PAUL. Ha Me famous ALBERT LEA ROUTE. A fiew and Direct Line. via Seneca and Kankakee. has recently bean owed. an• d council eines. It. Paul. Minneapolis and intermediate points. Ail Through Passengers carried on Fest Expreos Trains.. For more detailed Information, sec Ma ps a nd Folders, which mny bac tualused. evil as Tickets, at all prison pill Ticket Offices In the United States and Etartann. ar al CHICACO. as 411 ent test Wel room air zoom who for t safe ing the ing day in a Pre bra his Pfol stir iag to, ed sai • the eb yol lai et be tiv wl wl re a 1 1 sinal Sick Wunsch, sad yellers all the trotthkr. incl. ' dent to A billoss 'taw ot the • stem, such as Dia - Amens, Noma. Dromietee, after Pain is the Ilde, ie. While their most =- aide maroon has been shown in curing SICK IiesdeebsyetCatter'sLittle Liver Pills are equally rideable la Ceedipanos„ coma and preventleg this anarryIagemmphint. chile tbriailltio correct all Camden a Unt stomach, When le Cis lire, sod agnate the bowels. Ives if they only curcd HEAD A Ole Caey would be almost priceless to those who" suff,T from this dIstresnag complidat; bet fella - mu ray their goodness does uot end here, and team who onry try them will tad these littie pills valu- able In se lousy ways that they wM not be wallas to do without Cum But after all net head ACHE Is VIE, bane of se many lives that here Is where we make our pest bead. Osr pills este It will - others do not. Cartees Little LITer Pills are vsry small *MI very easy to take. Oa* fp two makes doe& They are, strictly instable and do not gHlte sr poor, hut by their pestle action please WI whoa nes theme. la vials at 25 cents: live for SI. SW by desulets everywhere, et met by oda CARTER X.EDICENE 00., Novi York Olt,. ' CREPT 4 -* UREINGTON ,ROUTE Awl sit MOW Is Iowa, Ery lienee, Adams. aid Texas treiveraii- bt UM MIN Waren. in rtregil fir ell Mame et Meryl. restos. • tor Ansi% sod ilt. ran. reputed MI KANSAS CITY All delnewettoo• made Thies' vim Osishimisid MUM el Mem the 1.1 Commis relief se me• iifiliattei. Yew 14•51,01 b• esAindol Pap • II, Gibbose*. 111. ir/t °seediest Nal. t, Toros*, OM