HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-12-07, Page 1C4*(41 /iti ;414ilti .14 .4. rAtIRTIC•PIrTH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER 31/1 ry OT c 0 1J NTY VEWS DEMOB. ONT., FRIDAY:DECEMBER 7, 1883. :AO GENERAL INTEWGEN j MeGILLICW;DDY BROS. Poettilleits 111.60 A EAR IN ADVANCW. Sim Alverlisidneats Vials Week. New Mantle Clirtts-1. C. Dotter de CJ. 01j,IMMir A. Nair*. (Hein/Urt v. I tr;ii•ii tra Sims. The Week - I ttt it toi is la. Cann for Sala -IL W. Colborne CJ. )..1 M ‘;11; -1 IL 11;Danagh. Shingles f, )4,3111 Teacher Wsitfi I.- Win. i! A.3. Mortgase Sale -..'art." P trdom. Oeseral SISCVAIIt ‘V.ultui Oelos. Brandi* Found--Stax•i. 011oe. Dentistry. ltir NICHOLSON, LD S, SURGEON tk• Demist, and residence. West Strestrates dour. beliw !link ist Montreal. Oak 1752 She People's Column. ilEszem, seavANr WANTED - '3 Good Wages to a Competent Girl. Ref - enemas req aired. Apply sI WI °Mc*. Mott 10tRACELET FOUND -Oe rite BANK, 13 sear th• Flagstaff and Galion, • Gold Bracelet set with pearls. The owner can have by proving Property and paying expenees. AP y at this Office. 1230- A COTTAGE PIANO FOR SALE - Chesp-ite Octaves; also a splendid C.tal Steams Can be well reoommended. laquire at thls offloe. 1910M LIHINGLES.--FOR SALE AT einem favorable to the bluer. two car4sa4s of shingles -No. 1 pine. and Nos. 1 and 1 cedar. A baggain to purchasers JOSEPH KIDD. International salt woorks,Dederich. 1930-tf TEACHER WANTED -OWING TO 1- the failure of Mr. Duff. to accept the po- sition of teacher of S. B. No. 4 township of Colborne. E.D.. we are obliged to sdverttse for soother teacher. Personal applications preferred. Apply to W. BLAKE. Benmiller P. o. 1111.142 THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF 1. Colborne will meet in the Tp. hall on the Legal. - NEWS ABOUT HOME. LI EWER & LEWIS, NARRISYERS, 0,3 q111110.7ch. • s. 4490I. ie. Pe if. Ulna J. A. MORTON. 1907- D 0. HAY*, SOLICITOR &a., -Ld Oale• corner of tlto square and West WM, @la iarieh‘ over Butler's bookstore. money tolend at lowest rates of interest. CIARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR V-71' Elfirrlettid, Attorneys. Sol/snore, eto Oodeetch. J. T. °arrow. W. Proudtoot. HS CAMERON, HOLT &ALIMERON, Barristers, Solicitors to Mincery. Ste. 3oderLoh and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, Q C.; P. Holt. M. G. Cameron. Goderich. W, Macon". Wingtiam. IML V UTICE ISHIIREBY GIVEN THAT -N application will be made to the LeStala- tire aseembly of the Province of Ontario, nt its uext session. for an act of Parliament, to authorize the Supreme Court of .Judicature for Ontario, to admit John Robertson Miller, of the Town of Goderich. In the County of Hu- ron. iewetudeet, to practice therein as a So- licitor upon his pausing the usual exited ea - time prescribed by the rules of the Law So- ciety, J. T. OARROW. Solicitor. Dated at Goderiet, Nev.. ilth,18811. 1917.41t "A cetera imam ea tattle' Dotes. An' faith he'll prow its" TOWN TOMOS. Ask for the "dolid Comfort" or "Oliveto," Goderich cigar. 0! 1 C IJ It A Y's Z 10 get your overshoes *zed at Mines. the shoemakers, Kinesten-al. kie hes &leo • stook of felt boots, to he sold cheaper than the cheapest. Some people make their Christmas cake weeks ahead. and keep it treat by 11:1111.RI • little pure bready with the batter. For such • purpose W. L. Morton's liquor can't be ex- celled. There are no dudes of native growth in Godes-lab. but the best dressed young nice in town ere generally found to be patrons of r. & A. PRIDHAN. the fashionable tailors. Crakes's block. Ooderick. G. II. Robson, the pbotorrapher. has just re- ceived a very fine lot of fancy tests for cabinet pictures; also. some beautify' easel frames. He keeps constantly on band 8 x 10 frames of different styles. Call and examine. R. W. McKenzie has received • stock of quadruple plated silver ware. wesisting of oruet standscake baskets. pickle stands,!e., dee., which be will sell cheaper than they ow be had elsewhere in tows. Cell endow them. 'There is considerable difference of opinion se to whether this is going to be • cold winter or not atter alllint public opinion is unani- mous in declaring that liszzows, flee photo. grapheeknows how to tarn out good pictures. of all sizes. FOUR FACTS TORTHR PLO/MR-Ili That G. N. Davis, has the largest stock of MOTO. In the county of Huron. 1 1 Ise the lames' a•- eoristent of stoves. 130 Ind lir. W. S. Web- ster is one of the best workmen to set them up. nd will sell cheaper titan the cheap- est. 1117-ny G. C. Robertmon, East street, is giving great bargains in furniture. Bedsteads, $1.,S, up; lounged', I* up; ottoman frames. IMes, op ; a large stock of looking Mews. l5c.. up. A larva stook of all kinds of picture traluca Pic- ture framing at bottom prices. Alt kinds of wreath names made to order. All Made et @wahine done. Christmas card* and albums. "Breeches there ft man. with Goal so dead, Who never to himself bath said," Saunders eft Son. are the cheapest men 1 ever srIERTIPFS SALE OF LANDS. borirry or Wei= t ay virtue a a Writ of TO WIT: f Fieri Fscias, issued out of Her Majesty's Cennty Court of the County of Middlesex, and 16 me direoted and deliver- ed against the Lands and Tenements of JOHN, MAINWARR1NG. at the Ault of RICHARD MOGUL. 1 have seized and taken in Exec u - Moo all the right, title. interest. and equity of redemption of_the above named defendant. JOHN MAINWARRING, In and to the f1- lowing lands and premises, viz :-Two acres of land. beteg apart et lot twelve, in the dot.th East boundary concession of the Township cie, dealt with. Cabernet. in the County of Huron, known as If Ruch there be, go mark him well. the Imperial Mills Property. of Woodham. A dismal story he will tell," nd situate within eighteen rods and seven Of high prices ohareed by other dealers. chew of tbe South East angle of said farm mandate el- don have the largest stock of boll- s. said owe acres haring a frontage on the day goods in wee, ahead of any previous dis- own line, between the township of Usborne Play. The Cheapest Heim Under the lima. nd the Township of Blenshard. in the County f Petth,of sirteen rods, end extending back The County Ccuincillor now parades full width of sixteen rods a distance of the Square. enty rode. which Innis and Tenements I enter Me /Waist iny urn le the Court We regret to learn of the illness of Meet the Town_ of Godertc on 'MTV ItMrs Fletcer. - AY, E TWE'"crY-NINTH AOD- of cl, h EMB 1583, at YFE the hour waive of the Phil. Reeves, the stationery man, is - ROBERT GIBBONS. quite ill again. talk, woe. * %emir, Huron. Mrs. Geo. Black has returned from a berifre Office. Gorlesich, t visit to London. September 19th. 1843. 1 19710 -td Marwood Weatherald is home again ANI IMO.. Keni. III NO .our cla IV .cu. ..W.. an or the despatch of blueness. AM partieehoid- ti ng aoceimts evilest said maeloipality will 1. dews forward them to the uncle ed on or 1 "More the 12th Deeember. J. H. Me NAG H a 12M- 'be 0 bali evireskin clerk. 4 ' t TEACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL , A Section No. 7. Township of Colborne. Fee ROAD teneherpreferred. A.pplv. suiting sem' DAVID BAER. Holmesville P.O. C iNtO":11.to 0. 1881. 1.919-31 c rl ATE., OATS -THE SUBSCRIBER 1-/ will pay the hItatrtat:ein Cash for Nets at the market. e in front of s ,be marker. W. E. GRACE. Goderlch, 21st Nov.. leek 111118.3m. KTOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE HS 1.1 hereby givea that all parties indebted to the unitersigned by pot. or book account are 0 requested tq settle the same at commend there- ( I bust- 1 by MVP an Onforced oellection. mean nosh ABRAHAM dieUTH. 1882- 1 _ _ Strave6 Animals. , I QTPAYED STEERS - CAME ON t m... tnettutiempliseet W1..0E0111115 BROPHY. 4 lot Mrd. con. ,, West Witwanosit. on or about the first oe *Meer. The owner is request- ' ad to prove _Merhexpenses, and take them sway. . B.R 1917 -it. I ..... - Treffileibkto Let. ...,,,_,.. .........0. EARS! FOR SALE -BEING ROUTH gort et let 7, h north pert et lot 8. ind .. Bay1144 Rim& mataintag about 474 Wm. 10 SonS? which are ander cultivation. There is • lox house, good barn end shed, small orchard and cerden, and iti neer-free thendPirTut4bLe. Wiet4 ER tv aett- J.t.6 FIRST-CLAS3 BLACKSMITH & .. V7AGGON SHOP tor Side or m Dent. In the Village of Kintall, sixteen miles from tioderich and seventeen from Kincardine. A Possession good hdhse on tbe premises. ode. fee to Timmediaielt, JPar41••Mr• apply ZTIR BAYNE. on the peessWintatt 0. f POR SALE OR TO LET. -A &ME r 41: memo on. ASSIGNS street. .rich, 'epetakzA8 rooms abil hall, woo- . pump 7 d a edisirade: sleeked wr c mitrillig: itC8L0e, on the pr=, beic;1 mbar et. . 17-31. •• iriniVttai.18 _TAIT PrflitBER 425 IN Pflebical. B. WHITELY:11.D., C.M., P. SWUM. Surgeon. Accoucheur, etc., M. .P.S., Ontario. offine-The Square. 2 doors ast of Wilson's Dem, Store, up stairs. Met ItteDONAag, M. PHYSIC- . 'AN. SURGEON, &c., Graduate of Tor- nio University. Licectiete of the Royal Col- ige London, Engtand. ace., fol., . C. P. S. Ontario. Office and residence poette Baileys Hotel, Hamilton street. God - rich 1795-0m R.. MoLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner &o. 0580. and mitten's° Brume Street, second. door west of Victoria twee. 1751. la G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI 1.1. clan. Surgeon and Aoncher, Graduate f Toronto University. opposite Caner & Cameron's Bank, sow. 11 not in face. enquire at the Bank. 1709-7. 11811. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Prelim& Stripes, Aecouchers. &e. Aloe Dr. ehansetes residence. near the %rot Goderich. G. C. SHANNON. J. C. HAMIL- TON 17515 Auctioneering TORN K(OX, GlilkERAL Ont. Having lied considerable expert's -met ITOSTelt and Lend tirentater. °oder( the auctioneertng trade. he is In a position discharge with thorough satisfaction ell coin - missions entrusted to bloc Order's lett at Martin's Hetet, or sent by mall to my acid O...Hq.ch P. 0_ carefully attended to. JO 6.,HIJ•. catty Aeueter. 1587 -sse TANIES PRENliklk AUCTION ERR, 5.1 and Appraiser. suoowsof to J. C. Cure*, Use People's .Auctioneer. Mee: With Alla. Mel). Anne. Leave orders at this office orst eppard's Book Store tn my abeence. JAB. RENTICIL. Auctioneer. MIMS C the town •f illoderiefiti_ roe_ pott trutars i? ly bo CAMIMON, MOLT * CAMERON, 1 Goderkb.. 11117-4t MALL FARM OR MARKET GAR- f t L., DEN ter sale. The above peeperty is . vithin me nine of the market square. being ` pert et let k_essiesesten 1. omierich tOWTIIIbIP, 41 eetateing 11 sores et good geed/Jr:med. 1 14s on ft a good frame hoed* aa4 rn with .. mionsittenees. Om* eteltard matted Apply to E. WOODCOCK, M .fti Estate Amt. limaUtm street. Milfellne. - - ( IiirALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - to v Lot No. 5. in the Hayfield eon. if Gederich. 56 aorta MI Se 50 serbeelearedwntS 'res timbered. has from stiessiss-haleime well 'roma,* en Barfield river and on the Clinton , toed, ised adjoins the incorporated village of : Barfield. For terms further ministate?' 4W needitiess et este apply to LE1TiL Ellin WrOtilk__* Aft1101/n. feettettere. 18 KIM „Weet Weet Termini. Of ee Jebel Ilifin Hotel keeper. Rayed& I41 FARM FOR BALE-BZING TRI bores Moo* "r.••111 Heeesetee fil tee rir4irtof the Tist= .1 IVol berm 116 Mears& TM Above ore. san. we timber of smagtiebtsrb riveird= A. biome beton a Ores the races 0004. sae mama ave ea ....., __ omy tour 7. tom ei"."-01,vbvi ;wed. re mirtie .11rEN !Dolt t - .ot It et Itrotit. aolioltora thelejirt. times TO RENT A COMPORT - A 1 Mune loose IWO ABLE tie t he It -swat neeli.i panMe 'amoebae. kite. r1eerae sowttn o eu= :1t=rEnlzreet..=. = .. weeds. Two -atter ca an ewe •Ir 8 Igorepee wbbilli Mis a st ta I A a air CZ Vil IfiliV R BALI OS TO *NWT. -THAT semi Wee reetima• etemem4 y tesenesed Vey Me . an. la rwrie. REA 5 Norves.-The lectures advertised in Vidal will take the affirmative, mid! effeCtive. Field's *onto singing ems a laid weeks paper to be given by Consume- Messrs. Lewis and Rom the uegative. change from tient of the-Aanerimeseheol, 1 der Cheyne on the 13 & 14 inat will net The meetings are open only to eienthen and brought out the applause ‘,4 the be delivered under the auspices el the of the enciety, and those desirous of be- "gods.- Mr. BouLards bass melee is Mechanics' Institute, he having failed to coming members. Due notice will be , affil powerful and ricb, and. the- "old fide' his arrangements with the com- mittee. Se. (lianas's Cuenca --The Rev. James Carrie, once a missionary in the great North-west. will preach in this ohorch on Sunday morning anti evening, in aid of foreign and domestic missions. Ulstereens are now in fashion for gentlemen, as the proprietor of an hotel not a thousand miles frorn Goderich was recently seen promenading with • very becoming one on. He looked a dandy, too. George Old, the grocer, is about to snake a change in his business, b7 adding staple lines of dry goods to his stock. He is brat going to reduce his stook of crockery ware and groceries by sales at imttoin figures. The Rev. Dr. Meacham, returned mis- *ions! y of Japan, will address a meeting, uuder the auspices of the Wotnen's Mis- sionary Society, in the lecture room of the North street Methodist church, on Saturday evening next, the 8th inst., at 7:30 o'clock. Judge Armour has decided, in a case sent from Guelph, that a municipality has the power jo pass a by-law providing that each (owner or tenant must clean the the sidewalk of snow in front of his peendaes. Citizens hare heretofore im- agined that municipelities had not this right. "Alt EvstnNu WITH TU. Poers."- The young peoples' assosiatiun of the North Si. Methodist church will give "An Evening with the Ps eits," on Tuesday given of any "open meetings ' the seciety may decide to hold. The °filters oi the society are :-President, W. F. Foot ; 1st vice-president, Wei. Proudfout ; 2nd vice-president, Z. G. B. Duttout ; treas- urer, E. N. Lewis; secretary, J. M. T Hit MEN OF" 'agx Best; councillors, H. I. Strang, 54,, R. G. Reynolds, C. C. Roas. A Calberlag ar She Wil,,..,. 5 •ar00 man tzusteal rumba many, new. atlnatrers here. The entertainment math** whole wee a decided) success We how they will come this way again. On Friday evening the usual semi- monthly entertainment of the H. S. L. S. took place, when the following program was presented : Solo, Miss M. Miller : Reading, Miss Struthers ; Recitation, Miss M. Catnpbell; Reading, Mr. Ander- sen ; Duet, Misses Thompson and Walk- er; Question Drawer, Mr. Strang ; Reci- tation, Mies Cameron ; Reading, Mr. Beecroft ; Recitation, Miss K. Bell ; Reading, Mr. Erwin ; Solo, Mist N. Tighe. The handsome Shetland pony owned by Miss Polley, died on Sunday lest. was a well-known animal about town. Fur years the rapid gait of the diminutive animal as it dashed around ..rt Morse. Interestieg, thionints- eenees. The letter tif Thus. 1):.yaltit poblishos: itt 'I'Hz Sweat. last.wook, cowed a sen- sation among the surviecra..of the militia regiments which marched, to. the front under arnta.to crush out the rebellion of 1837. The letter was likens tocsin, only it called the old hires to . fight their battles over again, not w4h.powder and shot, but with memory and tnugue. The old veterans reworded with a promptness. which showe.that patriotism has not died out in their. breasts, and that though old they ansstill willing to accept government land/bider° they peas- . eti over to the tnaju-S1v. There is a the Square with a couple ot occupants in charte,about prize ineoey whioh gives in the phaeton was attractive. The Ct.st. touch.of nature which make,' the veterinary who.zamin.d the pony as to whole worldkin. the cause of death said it was one of the The.itakaring wjuka.11.817 reprammta_ fattest horses he had ever seen. Tha tive one. Grit and Tory, rich and poor, little creature was a great favorite with the vigorous and the- de,:reptc, the gar - the Misses Polley, and was a valuable rulous and the sile3t -there they were, animal. in reunion after 45.yeari. We publish elsewhere the prospectus Sheriff Gibbous ncenpied thsr chair, of The Week, the new high-class paper to his sturdy frame zed keen eye giving lit - be published weekly in Toronto, to fill tilt indication of decay of physical or the held of the Bystander and the aid mental ler. He graphically- tiescrib- his erpeneocos an the famous. inexch to Sarnia, and thaeld Nilotic* present who had been out ia. '37 wertami up. as the Sheriff told hi. interesting atery. When the speaker showed his "arms," a sort of cross bet ween,a,dagger and tibia, George Cox, of Ondierach township, enthusias- tically braudiahed a imadon trowel, thinned at the sides, which, be carried during those croulalows times. Thos. larcld, C. Girvin, Peter Green, (who was wounded in 140T), Hugh Mc - Math, and J. Elliott, atao.geve their ex- perience., Mr. Mcblatilt Wenches' into a stirring verse of poetse ea the event. R. Radcliffe, as the son id a Colonel of '37, gave a brief address, and read n let- ter from his father dilating Oise money for capturing a ship, abed a notorious rebel. The following oecauettee was appoint- ed to present the 'Massie of the }overt.- ment before the tiougacia and the govern- ment : P. Adazu.son. Judge Toms and; R. Radciitfe. Sergeant-Majoe Rowers, of Wawantab, who fired the first shot at Fort Henry, was present, with a medal on hie booed. Votes of thanks were passed to *mare. Gilptn, Kydd and Sheriff Gibber... A lame number sif spectators Iiitoriese- ed the gnelserima. Nation. It has an able and an exper- next commencing at 7.30 (J'clack, in the fenced editor, and a strong corps of con - lecture room. Some of the best 'elec. tributors, including Goldwin Smith, J. I tions from the standard poets will be C. Dent, Mr, Houston, Jphn Reade and rendered in .ongs,reading, and recitation. many others. It. advent will be looked Admission 10 cents. for with muoh interest, and it will no The managers ot Knox church have doubt command a wide circle of readers re laced the old wood stoves, with an '• mproved Boynton furnace" for coal, of the largest size. It was purchased from Jas. Saunders st Son, and set up under the supervision of Alex. Saunders of that firm, Jas. McVicar Poing the brick work. The managers are well pleased with the change. The Kincardine fishermen have all re- years ago, and with the exception of turned from the ialanus safe and sound. some time epentin the northwest this summer, bee resided here ever since, Fred. Rurnball, of thia town, comes next having been born in this county nearly fifty yearn ago. Both are, physically, in the prime of life, end hid fair to reside here for many years yet." hum the North-west. The Ontario has not yet been taken off the beach at Pine Point. Eugineer Looney is now on his old route front Stratford to Sarnia. Capt. Murray McGregor and Capt. Trutt:ugh ere home for the season. AMER BAILIY, LICENSED ACC- T1102114for tne Comity of Huron. bar- ium le& nirizirvered to attwd an rs or *tett . Order. Mft t Beikey's Hotel. God. or sent by roanpUy attended to. W. BALL, AUOTION&ER FOR . the Oman: of Hatt*. &deo attaadiod P. O. or the County. Address °Mies to Loans en* 30surance. Wm. Campbell has succeeded George Johuston in the insurance business. Dr. McMicking was confined to the house laat week, by an attack of gout. Rev. Dr. Ure and Rev; T. M. Camp- bell changed pulpits on Sunday morning last. Miss Sawyers, of Malton, has return- ed home from a yisit to friends in Gods - at once.A well conducted paper of this kind will receive liberal support. OLD REMIDEPITO. -Th Clinton New Eru says: "Wm. Gibbing', of the Huron road, olefins the honor of being she oldest actual resident sif the county of Boron. He was the first boy born in the Huron tract, which event occurred over fifty We regret that Murdock McDonald was very unfortunate. Dnring the terrible storm some two weeks no,110fishshanty, nets and a number of ps.cl'ages of fish,. to the value of $500, were swept away. His fish boat was also damned. A her- ring boat belonging to Thos. McGaw was considerably damaged. --(Reporter. Miss Lowe' will play the organ in Knox church on Sunday morning. She is a candidate for the position of organ- ist, just vacated by Miss Seegmiller. The latter young lady is about to go to Toronto to study portrait painting in oil, under one of the best 'Canadian artiste. Miss Seegindler has talents as an artist and musician which do het, credit, and of which her townsfolk should feel rich. 1 proud. We regret to learn that E. R. Watson, 1 The Listowel Banner says: Mr. Goe- the painter, is down with an attack of nolly, who was recently appointed Math- ematical Master of the High School, is Mrs, James Struthers, of Teeswater, giving the highest satisfaction to the kaa been spending a week with friends Beard and all who are interested in the in tow"work of education. The pupils also are 0. Hs rriann intends preparing the plowed with the new teacher, and their rink fee the skating semen ne early as progress has been especially marked since possible. Mr. Cennolly's appointment." Mr. Oonnolly is doing precisely ai his friends here anticipated. 500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO °AMMON MOLT &CAMERON. Mode leta. 110. ONEY TO TRIVATZ otune"lsairettl, "sir"' NaLt7 R. McBrine has relented beet Port Arthur, and reports bossiness Releriithing at that porL Thera arts a big rash for Saap•L ad- vertising cards di Tied*, Cast. It pays to advertise. • We are /Mimed to learn tiptt Mrs. Mary Bird, tontlor pi/. Bird, * T. R., i. improvlII--- We tr. siwry to 4r11 that Sandford Stokes illness has 4v51ngsed int• • case of typhoid fever. Christmas is coming, and C. 41. Nairn, the grater, is making a big bid for pat- ronage in fruits, Me. Mrs. 31.11. Rees hos been spending n few days at Winghsm, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Meyer:. Captains Finn end Mavor had a big laid of fish this season, bet were unfor- teuate in losing 0164 nets. Adam Bird, of Brampton, who was visiting his brother, James Bird, of the G. T. R, hes returned home. , has County $11411,060 PRIVATIC ?UNDO TO LEND et Illisairertt. Aserr titirratrillTri. 1711 u -o wrf TO LID. -4 L A Si G Z of Ira: Tends tes• Inmetmeet le‘IFIASabirattra _ Asp17 g00.01/0 WV PRnIV A'MNIMTc O =ND oneaaTem ale IsoeEdertgep coeeraernt Si41nlyAt7.7= 31 rrrsrt. kr MeSerieh. uocuers flRI MARIN*, airal •thst Inetrarezji:geati. =TV& Mire =skit &Ors Cia al lead ne Mormese, d ttrtaal iss4,141%,1 WI= QUM* & LIW* Orreetes Kea- lij runs rtnreert Mar" Is oar ferns to forum snug* Mac at yew IOW MIRO Dr. W. J. Whoa, nit - boom a choe aftenaant apes. Commillote daring the week? 1/, McGillicuddy left on edneaday for West MIddleset, to dents, addresses nn -behalf of the Liberal candidates T40,601••• oa Tuesday. Rhyne. Mr. .'.4 51,.. Wm. left for mother arnompanimi them es fat as De- troit. BISMOP CARMAN. -Thi. well-known psachar will occupy the pulpit of the M. E. church on Sunday, ben. 16th, at morning and evening services. On Mon- day evening he will deliver a lecture en- titled "Work and Worth of Women." Wel know, of no Canadian platform speaker who can exceed Bishop Carmen fur clearness of thought and vigor of ex- pression. His lectoree are arson; the best we 107e heard. The entertainment (an evening with the poets), to be given in the North Street Methodist church on Tuesday evening next, promises to be XXX. On the prograname we notice the names of Mrs. Thos. Detlor. the Misses Halm, Har ries, Ellard, Stneeth, Weston, Price and Trueman, and Messrs. H. I. Strang, E Duncan, T. McGillicuddy, F. Bond, (concertina soio) and A.. Saunders, Prof. D.Peudry and A. B. Henderson will give an instrumental duett Mr. Hen- derson will all. go down "A Hundred Fathoms Deep.' Don't forget the date. Admission only ten cents. RUNAWAY. -While Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Shaw were returning from church on Sunday morning, the latter had occa- sion to call at a house nn the way, and had left the phaeton but a short time when the ponies started off suddenly flinging Mr. Shaw out, but happily with- out injury. The team ran off at their highest areed, and were checked by running against a small tree. In the sudden shock, the vehicle owes com- pletely overturned, and the pole broken. Mr. T. McLean, loosened the frightened animals from the rig. The ponies were not much the worse of their runaway. MVISIONAILY AJINIVISA•IY. - Our Methodist friends on North street are preparing for a 'resod m: .ionary cele- bration on Sunday and V. Ataday next. On Sunday morning Rev. 14. M. Meacham, D. D., of Japan, will give an account of his mission work in that coun- try, and Rev. 0. H. German will give his experience in the North -wet field in the evening. On Wednesday evening a platform meeting will be held, to be addressed by Rave. Jamas Gray, of Clin- ton, and George Richardson, of Stret- ford. Th. collections at all these ser- vices' will be in aid of the mission fund. Scwooz HOARD. -T11070 were eleven THE LATE MRS. HARRIET DYETT.- The decease of this venerable lady oc- curred on Saturday morning, December lit, at the age of 73 years. She was sister of the late Charles Widder. and for many years was a resident of ("oder- rich. Her remains were taken to Hamil- ton on Saturday, and interred in the cemetery there on Sunday afternoon. Geo C. Robertson, undertaker, acoom- ponied the remains to the city from this station. oandsdates for the position of principal The Calgary Afraid says M. C. Cam- (of Goderich model school. The board .ion, req., *P. for West Huron, who evidently went shout the task of secur- has been making • tour through the ing • teacher as they would buy their North-west, arrived in Calgary on Wed. cordwood -the lowest tender taken. The needay night. This is Mr. Cameron's rheeepost teacher proved to be • young third visit to the Territories. During man named T. Kirkeonnell, of Tiverton, his may he endeavored to beeorne se- of & how Timms' experience issolier.and 'minted with the needs of the peones'', none in model work. H. asked only arid we anticipate great good to follow, WO, and was accepted. The arrunie- es Mr. Cameron will pleas the matter be meat fell through, and the board hi?. lams tee Howse in a clear and loguol manfallen hack upon th• second eltotoe, at Mr. $700 a year, Allan Embury, of Break - Duller& -The first regular meeting of vine, lat:olase A, who is well recommend. the Goiania Lit•rary and Debating Bo- as* was liald in the rooms on Meter - day rorsaista isat. There was • good at- tendees*, wad sem* iodise graced tho siostig theAr promos. The ',ab- lest Salad was ''Rasolesd-Thai ram solfrao• is desirable flys slime- d., woo sostai•od by Meagre Toot sad Dwaine. aad Meows. Peoedfuot and D. 111•Oilltendsty WWI the negative A fter a careful esimetiog lip, the ehasessaio, dos IL I. Strwag iisrattiod Irma() ty to th• eillemative The remeetl reviler moment snow The manipellatioa of 111. hells try The 401. 1, the Cass ehmetee Seeder wai be Wit 10" th• wwwoo. on &our& , Mies Hiffert was particularly fine The 1114001 sweseistantesit has Iwo Said for the Oh Past, at • p. The submit einem if of Mies Tome Hanle° was it- IPtidity, Dow lath. Itplaisdill pro- debate is "II ill Illsolved that anemia- tal, and she at ones booms • fates**. Mr• le now beteg arrows* for. is to Ow United States world As Immo. Thi is" and pommels. woee well widor s not* of tbs dal* dotal to NM& Messrs. Repaid& sad "The Shin toe Fire" being mpeeielly Cant TOWN FATaftlitt Moore orates potato er tkoi bPsk Meeting. The town council inet en, WrbilliTo the Mayor in the chair. The minutes of previews meeting were read and approved. The treasurer's report for the month of Ootober showed a balance on hand 01 $507.92; street inspector's report show- ing an expenditure since last report of $121.89, was recoved and filed. The sexton's report showing seven in- terments and one removal forthe month, and recommending the division of part of section No. 6 into lots, was referred to Cetnetety committee. A circular from the Ottawa Sanitary committee, was referred to Board of Health. The sum of $100 WWI greeted to the Mechanic's Institute. Petitions from Jimi. Brown and Mrs. Hilliard for remission of tales was laid over for future oonsidorotion. The following were referred to Fineman committee : -John F. Bates $L1; John Hillier $13.75; Mrs. John Kitchell $6.75; Geo. Grant $1040; Hoene Sul - CAL $7.88; W. J. C. Nate' $2.10; Gordon $8; Ed. Graham $12.58; and Ji McNair $2 50. Councillor Elliott's gm port of $18.85, relief for Norember wog, received and filed. The Finance committee recommeo4ed the payment of the following aterionta Geo. Grant $1.8.50; W. J. C. Naito; $11,66; Williams st• Murray $192,1'4E1, Climes $100; W. Acheeon 75 eetato ; J. MoCalluni $1, The by law appeinting the 1,44, polling places and the same return: 4y .filasers ss last year, was react throe 'nee" and passed. The council then adjourne4,to nett toi, Wednesday evening. The council met again .to Ws Inlay evening, and duicuseed emitters of retest. A Lsrge number of cams came up, sad M. 0. Osaaaron, i& r., returned from his North -Mit trip cm $MmaMay. He kooks*a if the besets, sir of the prairies agreed with him. The Poet Arthur Herald understands that Captain Antismog, has leased the Port Arthur betel. anti will in future be wo owattorod =woos the atlases 4 that *Arta, tows. Mew R. rt. Oneeens and Andres is& foe ?carnet° nes Tuesday, wh••• they mkt thoir hosts for the Voters. Mr. coassias haring removed to that atty. sad "Men op badness •3. His szotattnont appears to giro bettor aat sown all around. Four virY re.". en1""1191"1".." maje "P"11 persons applied for the poeiti.in of teeelt- eMie them hY "6' "Itinfv"Pe'd 4'1141 sr el fit. David's ward echool. Kiss illie).rethwitig to the "cornet t wood dam( stormy weather, 11 woo madam to mor- alism 20 ends the eorperation, to distribute to the poor at oath Desseeks, thus baying mem to the meshed Mevoi ter Nickelson ssoonSol hy Butler, that this council asemoiroliae Caldwell was aocepted at • es.lary'of “50 a yasr. TIM A LL•4111Altlalta. old time (smiles appeared in Voiotia Hall nn Twoulay evening, sad fully suetained Mane roputston as player, on the Reiss bells itt. airs were beautifully rencler• this Dye -nein Government to build mai "di and r1/18111/30•17 r••••'sd b the null- ometain s life saving *skim at the Ham hot of Hefei* it04415 A menional setting forth the nocuously of such a station woe read and adopted by the assume', to be inceeduidely for warded to Ottawa The outwit thee adjourned