HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 14e;
-- — —
Hhe Poet's Horner.
**The Last a:laae."
"No, tha ' k you, not any to -night, boys, forme
1 have iAf_unk my last class. 1 have had dry
last spree ;
Vim Way laugh in n) face, you relay sneer if
you will,
Ilut I've taken the pledge. and I'll keep it ur-
, to
1 au laid In the churchyard and sleep 'swath
the grass.
And your sneers cannot move tire- I've drunk
my last glass. •
"Ju,t look at my face ; 1 ant thirty to -day :
It is wrinkled and hollow, my hair has turned
And the light of my eye, that once brilliantly
shone, '
.and the bloom of my cheek, both ere s anisb-
' ed and gone.
1 am young, but the furrows of sorrow and
Are stamped on a brow once with inure. slice
"Ere manhood its seal on my forehead had set
(And 1 think of the past with undying regrtv',
I was honored and loved by the good and the
Nor sorrow nor shame nor dishonor 1 knew ;
But the tempter approached me. I yielded and
And drank of the dark, damming poison of
"Since then 1 have trod in the pathway of via.
And bartered my soul to the demon of gin:
Have squandered my manhood in riotous glee,
%%-tile my parents, heart -broken, abandoned
by mc,
Have gone to the grave, filled w:t t sorrow
and shame,
With a sigh fur the wretch that dishonored
their name.
curse oa the glass' never more shall
my lip
Of that fatal, soul -burning beverage sip ;
Too long has the tend in my bosom held away,
!Henceforth and forever I spurn him away.
Ani never again shall the death dealing
di aught
He me. from this hour. w.tb God's Wessels,
be queered.
'moo. groo41-n:e:tt,
fur me :
1 hare drunk my last
last spree:
You may laugh in my face. you tnay sneer if
you will,
But I've taken the pledge, and I'll keep it un
am Isla in tite churchyard and sleep'neath
the grasp.
And Your sneers cannot more me --I've drunk
mg loaf glass.
The False Prophet Slays Ten
Thousand gyptaiaa.
Races rayls mad Nine Other .Ni.•\ Rio
eery Amami; she Alam -- Tt)e Kbetlln
Ad. lord to Abaad.. the I.*daa.
Cairo, Noy. 22.- Hicks Pashas artily
has been destroyed by the forces of the
Faisq Prophet 'lbs ghtfng ooatinued
from Ithe 3d to tie 15th cost., and result-
ed in the complete annihilation of the
Egyptians. It is stated that a Ecropsan
artist is the only person that eicaped.
El Mehdi's forces are estimated at 200,
000 Caen and include Dervisches, Be-
d..uius, Mulattoes and regulars. The
battle °collared near El Obeid. EI
Mehei first sent forward Dervisches de-
claring they would vanquish the enemy
by divine aid, but subsequently the
regulars joined the attack and the en-
gagement became general. Hicks Pasha's
army, early in the battle, was divided
int() two bodies, but subsequently re-
unitod and formed a square, which the
forces of the False Prophet broke after
three days desperate tightiug Hicks
Pasha had 25,000 men. There were ten
British utticera. O'Donovan of the Lon-
don Daily N'ru's and an artist emu -
'meted with the Graphic accompanied
him. It is understood that Sir. Evelyn
Baring has advised the Egyptian govern-
ment to adaulon Soudan and establish a
strong frontier line from Khartoum to
the Red see. It is reported that orders
for the evacuation of Egypt by the Brit-
ish have been countermanded, and they
will remain to fight El Mehdis forces.
An extra detachment of British troops
will probably be sent for at once. Let -
tors written by military correspondents
show that Hicks Pasha had only about
10,000 men. Three thousand were to
be detailed to keep up the line of cont.
manication. The False Prophet had
twenty thousand, although in a pronuu-
cia.nonto issued by Shieks in September
it was claimed that he had two hundred
thousand, that they had Remington guns
and rockets, which they had taken from
the Turks, but that the Prophet had fur -
bidden their use, as only spears and
swords were to be used by his fighting
1 t:.a:.k you, : o liquor
glass, I hay.- toad my
rte. acd Lars. N', Rattenbarl C'rlrhratr
;kelt Seth It eddies tnultrrsarY.
Toronto, Nov. 21. 1833.
Married by. Inc this day, by special license
under the hand and seal of the Loutenant-
Governor. WtIIiatn Itattenbury, of the town-
vhip of Toronto, sad Sarah Townsend, of the
township of Chinguacoast, ill- the presence of
these witnesses. -
I'R'rea Finouaos,
ly persist is weakening the small British ti
furce in Egypt. The Nile valley is uuw,
it says, open to victorious belittles. There
is nothing to prevent garrisons and
'sttons at advanced posts from yin
t' the temptations of El Mandi.
laid will hold Gladstone and hie
leagues arswersble if bv further errors in
iudgment Egypt is allowed to relapse
into anarchy.
The Egyptian Government favors •
ing a strung force to Khartoum.
Minister of the Presbyterian Church,.
The above is a copy of the r..lrriage
certificate of Mr. and Mrs. Wu.. Rat-
tenkury, of Clinton, Who, as ah..wn by
it, were married 50 years ago last Wed-
nesday, the golden, .wedding being cele-
brated by a grand reunion of the family,
at their residence here, children, grand
and great grand children being present.
The name "f Rattenbury has been
familiar in this section of the county for
the last years, the old gentleman first
coming into the Huron tract in 1835.
Ile lauded in this country in 1831, first
working at his ..trade of blacksmith in
Little York, now known as Toronto, and
in the following year moved to this
county. The journey, which can now be
done in a fewlhours, took eight days,
and was attended by a great dual ot
hardship, such as people now have no
ides white: er of. Fvr the last twenty
miles of the journey it was Mee istilde to
ride in a waggon, and Mrs. Rattenbary
was "bilged to walk, carrying dither
:trots her first-born,. now Mre, Thomas
Rance. For the tirst year of his resi-
dence here lie Worked the fare[ now
owned by the A'verys, and subsequently
moved to Go.lerich, wham he lived for
8 years, being superintendent fie the Ca-
nada rr the new pier.
•'ubul t I
Company part t
C ,n
nada I
During his residence on the farm he Was
called away to een•ve itis country durint
the rebellion of 1837, anti the duties .tf
fares life devolved on MeiLaltonbury.
In 1844 he moved to this ' ice, which
was then kuuwn as\'andoi rm s corner,
and has r(.sided hero ever re :e. He was
the one who gave this place : ,v oamc of
• Clinton, in honor of Lord Clinton, wilt in
he worked for in the old country. :1t
•the time of his moving here the place
consisted .of one 'hotel, one store, and
one or twe shanties, the balance of the
which wild
•'r'• solid bush,1I1
a s
- l
animals roamed at their own sweet will.
Oohing all the time of the wonderful
changes since then, the old couple have
retrained ill our midst, enjoying good
health, and the celebration of their gol-
den wed•linu is an event long to he re-
membered. .Members of the fancily from
London, Liman, Blyth and other places,
were in attendance, and over fifty of the.
family sat down to supper.
A large and beautiful collection of
presents were showered nn the good old
e puple, who have jointly fought the blit
tle of life for fifty long years --a period
which very few couple have pleasure of
(bring. (Inc of the curiosities shown to
the as•entbly was a white counterpane,
p.eaentAd to Mrs. Rattenbury on her
wedding day, And which has been in use
ever 'ince, and still in gond condition.
Broth are ytt Active, hale and hearty, and
hid fair to .:.joy life for a long time yet.
11'e aro sure their many Merida join as
in wiehilig then[ man! years more of un-
broken conjugal foliaty.-{New Ers, -
amyls, than a rale of •treses.
Auburn (N. Y.) Despatch : - Mervin
("Batavia") tavia") Thompson, the champion
Canadian wrestler, gave an out -door ex-
hibition of his great strength near the
Central Hudson freight -house last even-
ing between the hours of 5 and 6 o'clock.
The Sunday De*putih stated that be
would pull against say team sof Horses in
the city or county, and would give $100
to the owner of the team if the horses
succeeded in pulling hitn from the lad- size, fifty touts and ouu dollar. a
der. Yesterday the Canadian athlete
made arrangements with B. F. Webster. I A good Offer
The latter is engaged in the truck ard The Chioag'., Burlington & Quincy
express business, and is the owner of Railroad Company has just issued an
several large and strosig teams. live illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the
o'clock was the hour appointed, and the Continent," describing the wonderful
yard in front of the above-tneutioned growth of the six Great States. The book
treight-house was the place agreed upon is beautifully printed, and numerous ep
by the interested parties. When the graving, .'f high merit-
adorn its pages
hair arrived quite a large crowd was in Any one sending their name and address
attendance, many of them expecting to with two three -cent postage stamps
■se the ratan pulled in twain when he Will receive a copy by return mail, by
attempted to resist the strength of two applying to Perceval Lowell, General
of Mr. Webster's large hones. Ptsseu;er Agent, Chicago Illiuuis. 5t
Within a few minutes Thompson made '
his appearance, and quickly removed his .t ware rr cats, sem. Etc.
coat, vest and.hat, A harness, greatly 'r!,e finest healing c.rmp'nind under the
resembling a pair of shoulder braces,only sun is McGregor & Parke's Carbolic Cer-
a great deal stronger, was thrown over ate. There is no sore but will succumb
his shoulders and around his waist, with to its wonderful heeling properties. It
two large straps left dangling from the is au invaluable dressing for scalds, fes -
small of his back. Then, lying face terttiga, etc. Price 25 cents at O. Rhy
diwnwaida upon the ladder, fixed in a nal• drug stole. b
horizontal position, securely lashed to a
These are email l'nrt •.
telegraph pole, he grasped a round of
the ladder with both hands and placed The beat blood l.uritier and system re -
his feet firmly against another Hat round gulstur ever placed within the reach of
at the foot of the ladder. A team was suffering humiintty, truly is Electric Bit -
hi ched to these straps. and then corn- err. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness
monced the tug of war. The :large pair Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys,
or horses etraned and tugged, but in ur any disease of the urinary (organs, or
men. Among Hicks Pasha's troops was vain The ratan could not be pulled from whoever requires au appetizer, tonic or
the first regiment ()f Pasha'Egyptitn infantry, his position. After making three or four wild stimulant, will always find Electric
the t men, tunnerly r'a.,:uanded by Arabi
futile attempts, this team was removed Bitters the beat and only certain cure
and u heavy'pair of sorrels attached to known.. They art surely and quickly,
Pasha, but then under the command of t' a man They, like their predecessors, every bottle guaranteed to give entire
English officers. Capt. Health, an could snake no impression, and the man satisfaction or money refunder., cold at
Austrian who formerly commanded a of muscle did not exhibit the slightest fifty rents s bottle bv J. Wilson.' [4]
L'hlaa regiment, was Hicks; princi pal sign of weakeniug. Finally one of the -_ _ _ _ ___
drill officer. employees of Mr. Webster took the aid-atiltOberon Cared.
It is believed the correspondent u t e mals by their heads and they again es-
,lir trouhled -with Salt Rheum,
London (1 raph ic, who accompanied Hicks sty 1 their well-trained muscle, This y >
was killed. Rough Skin, I imples or Canker Sores ;
Official accounts state that Hicks time the large events to which the I
whifHetrees were attached snapped in if so, go at 'once to Geo. Rhynas' Drug
Pasha had 10,500 min. twain like a pipeetem. This settled the Stora and get a package of McGregor &
TIte engagement resulted in the mss- Parke's Carbolic eerie is. Price '25 cents.
acre of the ccmmauder, with Cul. Far- contest. The crowd in attendance were 1 It was [lever known to fail, b
well satisfied that the boast of the siner I A Mantilla DIscovery. •
either, chief of the staff, five English er had hemi made good, and cheered line,
£$.. iwwsy ieass.
A. Lough, of Alpena, Michigan, was
alBietwi fur twenty years with dyspepsia
and general debility. All treatment fail-
ed until he tried Burdock Blond Bitters,
which gave him speedy and permanent
PITY TRS rout DYerarrie. -Poverty
with perfect health is rather to boatmen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
,sa&gio effect of a dollar b..ttle of Ferrous
tared Mere.
Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint
etc.. should call at thee. Rhynas' drug
store and secure a free trial bottle of
McGregor's Speedy Cure at 01100 which
will convince you of the merits of the
medicine, It cures permanently where
all other medicines have failed. As a
blood purifier it has no equal. Remem-
ber, tt costa nothing to try it. Regular
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
*A.14.1:tlf ,
H.►IDllton bast, Godericb.
A good assortment of Intakes. lied -roost, Diems Reese and11'srior Weee
b uraitare each u Ta
bit*, Chairs chair, oche and wood seatedi. Ourtineede. Bed -steads, Mattres. Nash -sum&
Lounges, Solar,
hat -Nuts, Looking leerier.
• N. B. -A complete asset 'meet of Comns sad 8hfuuds always on hare' also tiro roes tot bite
at reasonable rate .
Picture Flaunting a specialty.-- A tell e,ilie.tt d-
utticers, two German otticers,O'Donovan,
I TS1 ,
heartily. Pkvsician'a are often startled b. -e-
war correspondent.; Villiers, artist ; and
markable discoveries. The fact that Dr.
Hicks tried to advance 230 miles through
and ten thousand Etryptuan soldiers. '' 1'i.. should amara whose liana is wane ' Kings New Discovery ior Consumption
within 5,n and all Throat and Lune diseases is tlaily
a hostile region, his only supplies being
biscuits. Thera beim no communicationq Sit ke hisgrandsire cutin alabaster?/ curing patients that they have gi,en up
open, the soldiers became alarmed. The O `� hears 'C>tva►tEse BEvltts Et t wi lmathin.
kn i die, u startling [Ilam to realize their
sense of duty, and exantit:u lie,' the
heat was intense, and the camels died ow the faster. For sale by J..1i'il- merits t thin tvoudenfta tbs:'• er}'. re
dbye a. For water the army was � ��that suiting in 1rt..••.r - ? . •f .a" 1• I hesi-
ent on the surface pools, The , ciaos using it i:i t':,ir . Trial
enemy had swept the country bare of strttsar aaffrate, - I betties free ,tr ;f. \','::.r,n's ti'e,rr.
arm the o � ,
of Victory were followed h trews of tha c ,.
disaster. y Mowat ami his colleagues in reference to i N TH:1T CONDI l'ION OF 1 HE
women suff-ave. The Goveriinent re- 1 Instep' known ss "t.ec'la'p." whether 'be
The European who eseapetl is illicr of .ars: Hx.xa have 6. rn c'ihaua:etl by itiasipa-
tu be O'Donovan or Frank Villier of cetved the 'leputation curdialiy, and . i ,rt and bad habits: ur b) pretracted gonia+
the London (:rrp!+ic. answered them frankly. • Mr. Mowat 1 exertion brain wort and over -work. Dr
Capt. Huestou, who was with Hicks'
forces and escaped in the disguise iii a
dervisch, says on his way from the bat-
tle field ho counted 150 survivors wound-
ed. Among these Mal a European 'artist
named Powers
Khartoum, Nov. 20. -The most trust-
worthy sheik, in the service of the
government who arrived at Deuen yester-
day report 11,040 men, including Hicks
Psalm, the governor general and his
entire stat]', were annihilated in a detile
at Ka•itgare, whether they were led by
a treacherous guide on the morning of
Nov. 1. Hicks and his entire :Holy
utarci:ed from Milbar. The guide led
then[ to a rocky wooded defile, whieli
was without water and where a:l ant-
busea,le had been prepared by the rebels
who w•cro armed w.th rifles and artillery.
t his guns.
wits unable t
u use
three days -the ermy, warn by thirst, de-
fended itself, but on the fourth day it
was annihilated to a man.
Col. Costlegan, ah, was with Hicks
Pasha, his sent a telegram from Khar-
tount to heneral '•Voo1,, commander of
fire British troops, confirming the reports
of the disaster. He says the whole
country has riser. The Egyptian Govern -
nu ret has asked Baker Pasha to send
1,000 gendarmes from Suakinl to Help
to clear the desert, hut Baker refused,
thinking that the troops were roiu'red
', E
• t. It
is •
in Upper i Turkey
has offered to send twenty thousand
troops to re-establish Muuvlinan author-
ity in' the Seu,an. Intense excitement
prevails everywhere in Egypt. The
country is not safe above the second
cataract of the Nile. The Khedive has
ordered the evacuation of military posts
of the Blue and N%•hite Nile. Troops
will be massed at Sennaar and Kharteum
Three principal officers at Khartoum
have been ordered to consult and adopt
defensive treasures. If necessary Sen.
near is to be abandoned, and troops ate
to be massed at Kharto . All recog-
nize the necessity of iinmediately re -
firming the road between Mnakim and
cattle. Nothing had been heard of the Noe observe that lir. Beattie, Mrs. neA"7•i' siza ?it t) .
- by utai,, world until : vis `I p wen and others waited epee
Mr. ,
to t slreN GMptawa-
lt'•v. Win. Stout en English clerglase
••1 Wtart,•n, was for s3 years a terihie
sufferer with rkrofulons Absents whisk
the beat r,ndical .L ill failed to eon.
The internal and es ter hal use of Ber-
dock lthreeflatters rem ined hal* and
him, and for
uea►ly three y 4
A ftmwAlts-Of one down "Tutees -
•f' to any own eandi.tt4.the best four line
rhyme, .on "TttaREET, the remarkable
little ,tors for el- • Teeth and Path Ask
Iran est ',darer.
called the attention of the deputation to 1
the tact that women .were Authorized to
vote on money by-laws, in 'ch•Aol elec-
tions and in other mutters. and then did
not, to any great extet:t, avail them-
selves of the privilege. Mr. llowat said
such a radical change was not l.keiy to
be trade until it was detnaity a 1. He
called attention to the fact that he had
introduced the first ateasure in reference
to the rights of wn•uen to hall a-t•ar.tte
,property ; that he hal extended the
principle When he again returned to
office. and that if be saw that woolen
generally demanded the :ralichise. it waa
nut at all probable that it would 'uo with-
held. But such a measure was of a re-
volutionary character, and should be
based upon the wishes o1 those whose
erivileaes it waa intended to extend.
iHe declared he would real w:.er the in-
' what
. o arc mid.
also t leas
tervicw with 1 ,
had been said upon the v csiuion.-(L m-
dou Advertiser.
Power, the European artist with Hicks
Pashas expedition, telegraphs (nee
Khartoum that the first attack by the
Egyptians was successful. It was not
until the enemy was believed to be mated
that Hicks accepted the guidance of the
emissary of El Mandi, who led the army
into the waterier defile where it was an-
TM Linder :t-etr• says the Khedive
meet surrender the idea of peeringan
aggressive Haulier with E1 Mehdi t
galas of maga* 1n Central Atria ie not
worth the emit peneniery stet et terrible
risk to banes invoked. The Peat
drank with ameopmrl et Woe *velar
of the arida fi
in solid le M w thdeM
Rapt at min ae
stye from this
Eg pat The Pok I,1,,,
4.k williiery poetise acme mo WOO Me
Prophet'. promise. The THINS sweet
1',elievo lledetnne will wtlfnlly sod Wed -
Now that there is a reliable remedy for
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been removed.
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all
praise for having thus re 'ed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path
It was never known too fail. tiold by J
Wilson '2m
lies. J. McPhee, Appin. erne- :-
During the last eight years I hate sed
almost every medicine recommended for
Biliouancev, but found nothing equal t"
Carson's (titters. 1f you sutler try it
Price 50 cents.
Flaspk'a avid •Ivtebrs
Call at Geo. Rhymes' drug store and
get a package "f McGregor & Parke's
Carbolic Cerate. it i. c ntpcsed of Vase-
line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has
never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches
Ulcerated Stores, Rough Skin. It cures
when all others fail. Try it. b
WbeelersCuutpound EAlia ot r'itcaphatetand
Calisaya 1e of ex'.r;u'trdinary efficacy. 'the
nervous sy-stemfeola its sustaining- power im-
mediately, and that depression of t-pirlts
welch so pros rates and kine, i; rcm,ttcd, and
emelt c ty and siier.y of mit d results. ,11 is
testy utarvcltou'to wrtnese the rapidity non
oetta:hty with which Phosphates suppiv the
wast..f tissues and restore s delay to all the
Organs of the testy. they arethe t nly mcdl-
c:nal agents known to ecicnee that at the
stele time modify earl cuntrul dis.a.edset 1on,
and furnish material for bu.lding rp Pone,
mus 1- and nr. te.
Thousands bear witness to the poi•
tire cerative powers of the GREAT Gsa-
WAW Iwvesotama, the only remedy that
has proved itself • specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all disieates that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brie, finally ending
in oon.umption, insanity and a warm -
tare grave. Sold by all druggists, a
will be sent free on reoeipt ni $1.00 per
bot, or six loxes for 86. Address T. J.
Colmer, Toledo, Ohio, time agent for
the United States. Seed for eirenlar
and testimonial. of genuine cure. free.
Rhyne*. Galeria. dui
Saye 1)rydSS
"Rhe kaows her man. and when yrs. rant
sod *weer.
Cse drew yes to her with • aerie hair."
Mit it rem be boateilel hair to have
web pewee ; sad be aatttel hair eta be
Neural by the w' et OlxoAlaga Has
li eanni a sold at bO ilia ray J Wilton
3eing the Croat Central Line, affords to t-srelore, by reason of Its unrivaled Seo'-
graohieal position, the shortest and bust r ut, bstwoen the East. Northeast au
Southeast, and trio West, Northwest an] Southwest.
tt I; literally and stricter true, that Its oOnnectlons are all Of the principal lines
of road between the Atlantic and the Paelfic.
By Its main line and branches It reaoltos Clsloa$0, Joliet. Peoria. Ottawa.
1.a Salle, Ceneseo, Mol;ne and Rook island, In Illinois t Davenport, Musoatino,
Washington. Keokuk, Knosrllle, Oshaloose, Fairfield, Otos Moines, Wwt Meet/.
Iowa City, Atlantlo, Armes, Audubon, Harlan, Outhrle Center and OOuno* •1rAs,
In Iowa 1 Callatin, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Mlseourl, and Leaven-
worth a'ed Atchison in Kansas, and the hundreds of tittles, villages and towns
Intermediate. Tae
i•.till' '
Poimp-KARI' 1:
elitra COLDS. ASTgMg 11
R v
�NCHITIS and all L
the Mr .peedSta a of
As it he familiarly called, Offers to travelers RN the advantages and comforts
Incident to a smooth traok, safe bridges, Union Depots at an connecting points.
Fast Express Trains, comeoeed of COMMOOIOtta, WELL VENTILATED. WELL
latest desir ncd and handsonn'st P %ACE SLEEPING CARS, and DIMINO OARS
that are ncknowledgod by press ane_ people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY
ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. and In wh'ch superior meals are revved to travelers at
the low rate of SEVENTY -FIN, c LENTS EACH.
TWO TRAINS each, way between CKICACO and MINNEAPOLIS and ST. PAUL,
via the famous
No. I.
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No. 3.
rani w ssaaetse•taned IF the
MasaAAssed M amt. easy by
A New and Direct Llas, via Senses and Knnkskee, has recently Wen opened,
between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati. Indienapolls and La Payette,
end Council Blurts, St. Paul, Minneapolis and intermediate points.
All Through Passengers carried on Fast Express Trains.
For more detailed information, see Maps and Folders, which maybe obtained, es
well as Tickets, at all principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada, Or d
'VI,s-Pres't 11 Oen'I Manager, Cen'17•k't i Paas'r AS't
!VER e411A
sick A. wieder and relieve all the trg;++'t:. i::cf-
d- t to a bilious state of the 'Tatem, sash a. 1)4-
1nn-.s, N•u arik, Drowsiness, Distress sloe ,.Zn
I'n'n ct the Bide, dr. While their most r, a:' r��
able success hes been shown is caring
Ilefulache,y. C rt
valuable In
Cotwtlpatkia, cerlsR and wet/riding
this annoying complalat, wbile they also cornet
all di.nnlers of the stomach• sttmnlate the Hoer
sad n ldt'se the bowels. Even if they only cured
Ache Wry would bealmost prleeh•.lo those who
sof, r front this distresdng Complaint; bnt fortu-
nately their goodness does not end here, sod i Incs
who once try them will and these little pills , Al u -
able fa so many ways that they "Minot he willing
to du without them. But after all sick hied
1s the Mme Of tee assay lives that here Is whirr" we
make oar goat boast Our pills cur- 0 weal.
others do not
Carter's Little Liter Pi11s are very small co
very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not Cepa or
y'arge. bat bytheir gentle action pleas all who
use them. In . Isis at 15 oxata: ave Tor til. Sold
by druggists everywhere, or mat by mail.
Her York City.
y •� Tee tlRORTE$T, QCICESST an4
And alit ) wlteT I1N to N. Joseph,
psoas In Iowa. *'>> teNsste at.
Sebr.aks.Mtrsart,eaa: sss►IMIIUGAI-
sas, Sew tisszIeo, A,tw.r �h� i.v.r,al.
aha ase Tessa
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— - IMns bee se s.,ewar for A:hrtt
fslv.rssl• -- Mlaae. mII. Ned to. Pani.
% �s • eeray •+purrs as
be We elesededMeta se 1 tee Sent
Manned In ire r eik beim!. Cir
all dame e, nweet L C I
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Oa II. 1. W
The Huron Soo CO
ndnrleh. slept. It IMI! lel
Oeaeawvss 1 -After fit* 1r4N, with we
relief or ewe sArsted. rive money will
M ruMlMd.
(lei , by
1. I P01111
Inn I, per
At Ett.
OA.. low Apr.
'• a .. 111
I s 1, t S.
Canadita-Paa,. Ag t,
Torose, Ont
Oro. It. Jouwerol1,
Tiebet Agent. Oodereh