HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 13rut HtJI;u►\ SIGNAL, FRiUAI, NOV. :o. 1z1-. MAIRDEURS Fes. i A Darlag and er.owla Duca for Liberty. . awes eft wise. gm .t Ike Mae}. gaga Ib4011114thaellieggsdrAnd Phipps, If *MID ee" MOOS 01111111Wleh ti..$. 14 twit. Bora 'L1. -r-Thant was twuo► exeitenient mused in Sandwich last eras- ing *hen it became kora that Green- wt..',the ooid.an.d murderer, Phipps, the wile murderer, and anntber viewer had .."Sped from the jail. Greenwood • and Phipps were in the Saha ward aid be' ams etiolate, but ahem reeked diel nut converse and generally sat apart. In the room were a number of prisoners, ineiwtityl one named Steers, onnvieted at the last sashes and sen/Sneed to two menthe' imprisonment for stealing oats. Ntdl.0 g unusual oeoirred L the ward during the day. Greenwood oesupied his meal place m the ward with his head tied in a handkerohjst, complaining of headache, said twitting. P ippe who had been quite a well-behaved prisonm .ins* bis biaresratioe appeared in his usual spino', cad occupied his time in wading novels. The remaining pwo�ese behaved in their usual manner, tbo . as wbssqusnt developments showed, evidently knew of the attempt that was to be made to get out by Greenwood and Phipps Ysslsrda7 afternoon when their mese were 1>eoutrt to Greenwood and �they iii000000TTT them without paying , and .when the jail octan left SAT BOWS TO TAT. The turnkey and his assistant went into the corridor to get the dishes at 4.44 o'clock and did net go in again intlll 6.46 o'clock. A bailiff of the Central Prison, Toronto, called at the jail in the after- noon to get two prisoner sentenced to that inatitutioe, sad at the last mention. d hour the turnkey went in to Ret the two oat. They were eonfined.in a separ- ate ward from Greenwood and Phipps, and )..t as the iron door leading into the coned,* was o�the pitmen in the (atter ward that ' Greenwood, Philp" and Steers diad enaped. The nee. fell on the onions like a thunder- bolt. They lost no time in getting into the yard outside, het could find no trates of the down birds, who, they toned, had seeded a fourteen foot wall surrounding the building, mid. disap- peered in the darting,. Investigation showed that oos of the ban of a window looking into the yard had been out, and an opening grade /spiciest to let one mea out at a time. Tb. bunks in the Dells are of frame and a ler( was found to have been wrseched off one of them. A blanket and "best had been torn into mid the hg tied in seek a manner that it woulda nun in getting from frthe wood the yard to m ?or Or TES WALL The thing was cleverly dote. The fact that than was ort o assistance was shown by tbs whole manner in which the escape was carried out. A boat was fond to be miseiag soon after the ase was reported. The owner had given no on permission to takeit and the fact was soon established that the prisoners had croual the river in it. They rowed amuse to Springwell, Detroit, where they were seen in a saloon. The three enter- ed together and Bled for a drink.. A mem who happened to be in the place r.co soid -Greenwood with whom he had been well acquainted, and spoke to him. tiv*snwood was sur - memand said, "Do you know o which the former replied that he did. Greenwood then told him to keep his mouth shut, and with Phipps and Steen went out and started toward the city, which was TES LAM' aaatr OF THale The priories in tale wardillwd that both Greenwded and Phipps bad pistols and knives, and threatened their lives if they opened their mouths. The prison- er are still at large. When the Secap* was announced it was currently reported that Harding., who was oonvicted with Greenwood, hid aleo "soaped, but this proved to be false. Harding" had been ' ,panted from Greenwood sines their arrest. He heard the shouts of the pris- oner" that his companion had Id, and became very restive, although be said A Lep reward will be offered by Sheriff Mennen for the recapture of the prisoners. Greenwood is a heavily built man, about six feet high. Phipps is a man of smaller built and had s red mous- tache with thin whiskers of resent growth. The Detroit police believe the petnen utilised the opportunity while ii rprin; Wells to take a train at the junction. The execution of Greenwood g�oodd llerdinge was est for Dec. 12. 'Phipps' trial was ooatiesed at the assizes oat' Jun. nest oo spplioaiioo by the del teem Hardtnp was in a separate ward to Greenwood. Er'rien C000A.--GRATSTUL Ann COtiPOar- oro.-' Hy a thM.ttgh kn.windge of tbe luau - rel laws which govern the Teatime of dfau•tioa std nui1Urn sod by a oareful aai�p►ttcsdon of the line properties of well- eslwted C000s. Mr. Epp has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may oats ne many heavy doctor.' bills. Itis b the Iodiotone nee of meth articles of diet tbat a constitution may be tndoafy b• t ap antil strong eooeeb to rater eery tee eaoy to disease. H.ndrede of pakette maladies are floating around m read to attack wherever there 1. a weak �p0011aa �. We my escape teeny • fatal shaft by r<r.lirno ourselves well fortified with pore lMissoodd sad a property nourished franc." -(`trim Hereto, lunette. -Made simppl1y web boiling water or milk. Sold cal 1e Paekele and Ties (Ib. wad Ib.1, b' ably labelled- I�a• Errs t tie., Homo.pathle Chemists. 1101 FOIA CURISTMAS! I BEE J. Ca DETLOR & C'OS Ellaok sand Colored For the Very OEoieest Selection of Fancy Goole, &c. fo • APRESENTSm&siVEL ETE E N S Imported Direct from England. 00 TO TRE HURON BOOK DEPOT nibs NI 3IM 3p. wir Joe See Their h rted gages & tee • •• 7. C. R CO_ Uodaeleb, Ore. S4. l� GIFT BOOKS, +AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, SHELL GOODS, BIBLES, DESKS, WIRE GOODS, PHOTO ALBUMS LADIES' COMPANIONS 1 VASES, TOILET SETS TOYS IN ENDLESS VARIETY --AND AT ALL PRICES.-- - XMAS CARDS 1 XMAS CARDS 1 THE CHOICEST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. IlarI will be happy to see all my old friends, and all their friends between this and Christmas. One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at Cost Price. GP0_ SH�PPAR?�_ Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1883. 1917-8t . H. W. BRETHOUR & CO., 81‘1A-2TTFO22D. New Imports for the Fall Trade. WE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Standing Samples and Goode by Mail or Express. The Goods way be returned if not satisfactory and money refunded. Parties desiri:izg"to make Personal Inspection, and purchasing to the ainount of $.30.00, we pay Return Fare. ds All Orders for Samples or Gooreceive prompt and, careful attention. We Sell Retail at 7J71::Lolesale Prices_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS' • . SILKS VELVETS ALL WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK GROS GRAIN. LYONS VELVETS. HANDSOME CHECKS OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED VELVETS. TWILLED FOULS CLOTHS. BROCADED SATINS. COLORED VELVETS. BLACK 8s COLD CASHMERES 0 COLORED SILKS. VELVETEENS. .A. Full Line of Cashmere Hose, G -loves and Underwear. , OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST PILE. Cottons, Flannels and Blankets at Mill Priced. H. W. BRETHO URS' CO., Brantford. Brea tford, Oot. std• yak. 11111 - DANIEL GORDON, CABINETMAKER it n Leading Undertaker, Has as head tow the LARGEST sTSN'a of First - Class Furniture la rhoCo.nty ad as 1 cow p trebees for cash, soul rem lie under oM by w ease 1 Satin Ta C.rpt Leans, ho MN t�wsMs. �Iltrtago. rood. fro- SLJS sp. Hew' Reck Chairs, from /tie op and wrier - *bin .1.s la the alae ere104tl06. AT THE OLi) STAND mamma the Peet MM.. a Bask of 1Is.t,esL ')M. ISth. talk 1110 GO TO KNIGIIT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAS OF P.O. 111(.17 AYERIS PILLS. A large properties of the disarms whish eases h uman suffering moult from derenpmeat of the stomal, bowels, sad Bier.' ATas'a CATa.*rat PILL. act directly spoil Mese oroaes,'and are especially designed to etre the diseases caused by their derangement, (neleding O.ststlpatls.. IM1geetNn, Dyer smote. Headache. D7sew eery, and a host of other absents, for all a< wW eh they are a safe, sure, prompt, and plosion* remedy. The ostensive see of these PILLS by eminent pbydulaas In regular practice, slows unmistakably the emtimatba la whish they are bald by the medical profession. Thew Per are eoeapoanded of vegetable sob- n ooses tynoose. only, and are.bsofateiy tree from ealomd or any oilier tnjur ons tagredleat. A Asfferer frogs Feriae,e writes s Ana's Pini are invaluable to me, and are s eoaataat oompanton. 1 Savo been a severe . Were. from H.adaebe, and your Ptt u are rho onlytela 1 could look io for roltef. One 4051 wai eni4.ry move mtowels and fro. my ►ere from pairs. Tie emptier most sleotty. and the easiest physio 1 have war found. It is a pleasure to me to speak 1n their prelim, and I always do ss when 000asloe�dbn. W. L. PAott,, of W. L�ag� a Bra" tranklle aR, pyelmond, ns., Joe S ltl0 " I have esed'Area's Pru la aab.rlea In. Maness as reeomesended by you, and have never kaolin then to fall to aeoomplisb the flashed re salt. W. sesstastly keep them on Mad pacet, oh: home. and l familylthem n a Mari81t►EPSIA reliable modbino. !O J DTe wq aro Inval.ablw J. T. Ii&rtt.." lfeata, Tessa, Joni 17, iMi Tye Ray. falcon D. &towow., [rem Ad/sM. p(M., says' " loryeraeo years=have M tbs am n 'm dluIasss ate.. demi twI` akt.nnioa.Afars hPrue. LlL �ays en"J �.uQ Imre vastly Improved my petrel thse,. l Avon 'a rye Prue memos 117egalset- ti of the bowels, s lsslass lis sppetM mad digestion, sad by titter prem. and t..w.rr settee PS toes and .*w M las eases ph Msa1 eeencmy. rsarApe ST Dr. J. O. Ayer & Oe., Lowell, Mass. Sell by as DregglsW. FAMILY RECIPES ACCURATELY DISPENSED. JUST RECEIVED A LARGE ASSORTMENT of 0 cTI 0 r Fresh Plower Bulbs for Winter Culture IN( (TIDING HYACINTHS, TtTLIPS, CROCUSES, SNOW DROPS AND NA CISSUS, ALL COLORS Also, Hyacinthe Glasses and Fancy Flower Pots. R- F. JORDAN, Chemist and Draggist, THE PEOPLE'S •STORE, CO &. KINOSTaN STREET AND THE SQUARE, OODERICH. • Suits Mao to Order. Fit Guaranteed. sn.-1 Fonts fox $12_50- 2.6 suits for 1.-1 IS Suits for 1.0 See Them, 11-'het/ser Von Want to Buy or Not READY-MADE OVERCOATS, $5 TO $12. W_ H_ R1DI Ooderich. Oct. 4, 1811. JAS. A. MciNTOSH'tt 01.1) STAND. The Chicago House; GF-0IDERIOH. The Leading Millinery Establishment Vi the County. PLUSHES, I BIRDS, VELVETS, PLUMES, RIBBONS, LACES The Largest sod Beat Assorted Stock in the County to Chu..- From, at Miss Wilkinson's,Chicago Holness Godertcb. Nov. 8th, 1881 1916- �'$IL0 J 0i3LD, �df7RGHANT TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderlch -►AND WILL FURNISH OR MAKE UPI -- Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest ,Prices. FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS GRA. U Ate, MILLINER, G 0DERICH. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied. An Inspection is Respectfully invited. as TEARS r1PERIECE. COTERIE A Srat7ALTi. PERFECT FIT a.LARASTtlP. ORDERS PREUPTLT ATTaw1R0R TE. SETE TRE Animism; r PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON -STREET, GODERICH. 1883--SES---1883. JOHN A. NAFTEL, septi- Ayor's Sarsaparilla. s.nut the Molest a Cheap Hardware Emporium. ROSS CTrT SAWS Maple Leaf. Champion and Tuttle Tooth. irONE MAN CROSS CUT SAWS 17 araooke Celebrated SolidAzle 'E71 - Welland • Vale, • IsAD!4 Burrell's, and the, Simpson Axe. Welland Vale, Burrell's, and the Simyison fixe. PULL LINE OF CROSS -CUT SAWS AIM Cattle Chaim. ad Cow Tire. Best White Lead and Mixed Paints in MANUFACTURED BY R.H.SMITH&CO. r• 11HPLE LEIF LINCE,- oo S.eseor to J. FLINT. Headquarters for:Steel Barb Pence Wire CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. R. W. MCKENZ1E'S 033213.A.12321. & DW.AREI STORNI, COURT HOUSE SQUARE, - GODERICH, ONTARIO. Goderloh, Oct. 4, 11L1. a cQ li C! d iiiE -ra ,M 4fa 1'l •' far PRICES AS LOW A8 THE LOWEBT� 0 Specially Low to the CANN is Haan Onsienner. N. 8.-P1edw+ taken in exObur'. TRY ML 1 at AM9. M./wwrenwiee 1117; M Mat stop lea tests leaNay mad .n.M M.. - Sold by ail ltvea}sYa S1, No *0*01.s tar ci=z M En=wtm= (�7 mama A FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN F 8 1 pi; .04 a A C/1 rie" i ,. •