HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 9;-;P t f' t: f : , / . 1 I. elf 1 1 11. i ' ° -1 / ill.. '.1 11 I i' ''4i/►M' y« t • i' t'HIRTY-FI TII YEAR 1 WHOLE NUMBER 1e1h , Blew Advmareae. a Tate Week. Teacher Wanted --David Baer. The Alleghenian* -J. M. Boelard. Cottage Piano for Sale- This OMee. Sort ant Wanted- Mrs. A. M. Polley. Defy log Mare ter Salo -John Russell Blaokselth Shop fer BaM-Peter Bayne. Dentistry. Legal. SZAOER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, God.rloh. C. Suess. Js. J. A. MORTON. L N. Lewis. t907 - RC. RATES, SOLICITOR &e., OtSoe cerise of the square and West money to lead at 'lowest rates of interest. 1 *trot, t.oierioh over Buters bookstore. ! NLLOHOL$IOLi, •L. D. ft, SURGEON St rest trait.uro w Ha•[t irrtrl, God.fl 178E She People's Column. `SERVANT WANTZD-A SUITABLE 1J Servant Girl will get a good situation and 7 °TICE ISHERIf.BY0IVEN THAT 1,1rh lig by applylog to lie. Alf tPOL application will be made to the Leglala- qro moombly of the Province of Ontario, at its seat sesoloe. foram act of Parliament, to at.thosise the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, to admit John Robertson Muter, ot the u- ron.Town ot law student, practice thiu the heereinvof as a So- 1loftor upon his passing the weal examl na- tions pre.'-rlbed by the rules et the Law So- ciety J. T. ((ARROW. Solicitor. Dated at Goderich. l Nov., Ilth, 11183. r 191741 (4ARROW t PROUDFOO'f, BAR tet--`` Rxtrka1f. Attorneys, Solicitors. eto Garariah. J. T. germ le. W. Preudloot. 116 GODERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER*, 188 NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A oblel's among ye. takin not. s. An' faith he'll prent it." TOWN TOPICS. Ask for the "S•811d Comfort" or "Olivette" Goderlob cigar. Christmas is coming. and a neatly framed cabinet photo of yourself L a tit present for the holiday season. Pbot i ra hs, with or without frames, et Robson's studio. 0. C. Robertson. Fast St., has • latae assort- ment of Christmas *aids, beautiful In design CAMEROx HOLT CAMERON, and low la pries. lie hj wt reoet ved • large assortment of .hotoe gooes. cheaper than 9aerhgeta Solicitors to Chanoery, &a ever. 3udarbh and Winyyham. M. C. Camwoa, Q,There M than or C. P. Holt• M. G. Cameron, Ooderich. W. is some oonsdtu.nclei 1 oattublic tlmDut Wteuah•r . mg there b.ochange In the opinion that I.. Horton supplies the best value In wines and Il- quors. A COTTAGE PIANO FOR SALE - id Coal Sfove. C be well recommended. Enquie at onto. KKK oo. DRIVING MARE FOR SALE- -THE tadaeigned has for sale his well known damn. aware, 8 years old. well broke to double ad Moak harass& JOHN RUSSELL. Car- low P.O... Oat. Visit ►TEACHER WANTED FOR SCHOOL JL Section No. 7. Township et Colborne. Fe- male imacheripreferred. Apply. Mating solar' expert AVID SAE R.Hota ale P.O. OTICK-THE COUNCIL OF THE a- ton of the County of Herrn will meet la Court House. la the Town of Gode- rich. on the Iib December. next. AU accounts against the Council must be sent In Wore the first session of the second day of nutrias. fstt ADAMSON, OTIo. Clerk. ' 17th,19180 STATUTES OF 4- Cauda. Vie, Mt. Vol. 1 1M are sow ready for dbtrtbntto s at the Alm of the Clerk of the Pssoe, Oedericb. to Justices of the Palace and others entitled to same. IRA LEW1 , CIMtof the Peace. Omc..of the Clerk of the Pease, Goderieh, Nov. Th -d. 130. 191 -2t MATS, OATS -THE J will pay the highest Oats at the market. Store ter c►arket. Goderich. T1et Nov.. 1883. SUBSCRIBER price to boost. n t: a tt et W. E. GRACE. 1919-3m. A.X"OTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS hereby given that all parties Indebted to the undetsIined by note or bock aeeount are re. ;nested to settle the she at oeoe and there- by herrby eatc an enforced ccUeetim. I mean busi- er'ABRAHAM SMITH. Itt Strayeb _Animals. Burns wrote. '•a mans a man tot a that, but as is Dues pest. so In the present day, it you are dressed even In Bodden grey. you want • good At. F. R A. Prldham can take your measure to • dot. The best way todo,is W does you please. For people will ll tank you know. And the talk of the town Just now Ie, that Sel- louts, the photographer. 4 doing excellent work la hie studio. comer of the quare and the saerkit Foos Fac -re roams PsOrts-111 That G. N. Davis, has the largest stook ot Moves in the county of Huron. 1 1 leo the largest ss- •oktmeat of stoves. l31 fad Mr. W. SWeb- ster edster is one of the best workmen to set them up. lit nd will sell cheaper than the cheap- est. 1017-ar 0. C. Robertson, East SAMAIA;15IA-FrTOSIL in furniture. Hedme.ds. t.75 up ; SHERIFF'S'SALE OF LANDS. p. nam"' .. a Klik ur; . trege etisek at s. iso.. ftp. A Corers. or $uses I By virtue of a Writ of large steak of all tremeo Plo- To WV : , Flom Facie. Issued out tin.. netnYg Y bottom All kinds of of Her MsJ,satp's Comity l'osrt es the Countywreads Ae0s. made to ander. All al of Mlvidleees. and to me directed and fell ver - Re repairing doe.. Christmas cards and V • ed argg a[1net :be !rads cad Tenements of JOHN Re makes boots and oboes to order 11.1 3i'ARRING a rho eutt of till HARD Seery kind. both d bIe and stylish. )' OGLE, I have setaed cad taker: in Ezeou- t,on all the right. title, interest. and ey-,ity of JOEL MAINWARRINO, in and to the fol- Sight up to the mark every time. low lands and premises, viz :-Two _coos Insures • fit or no sale. of lar being apart of lot twelve, in the South lever wants* caatomer to take what dont 'u•'. Fist boundary concession of the Township a Every day helms be found Usborne. lu the County or Huron. known as Sitting at hi. work on Kingston street. ! the imperial Mills Property, of Wocdbam, Read the initial letters dowswattds I and situate within ei biome rods wet seven said two acres having anurge on the Town line, between the township of u.bortte Geo. B. Johnston is off to Texas. a and the Township of Itiashard in the County ot Perth, of sixteen rods. and extending batch the full width of Mete. s rode a distance of twenty rods, widish Lard' and Tenemeats I shall offer for Sale. at my office. In the Court HIn the Town of Goderich, on SL SATUR- DAT. THE TENTY-NINTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, 1183, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. review tion o the above named Jenndaat. a Pio interior stock meed in aytbing. Rubbers and overshoes repaliad. You should call and see him. inches of the South Fest an 1e of said farm County council Mesta next week. ROBERT GIBBON$, Sheriff', Goier4b, s Sheriff, Huron. ffept nb. 19• h. 1883. 1905 -td LtTRAYEL STEERS ...CAMS ON , - < the preswbwof M. 0E0190 E DMOPAV toott sled. u 7. West Waw•noeh. on or about: .be Set of September. The owner is request- ed to Gppate n take them away. G. BRbP3Y. 1p17.4 For Sale or to Let; f1RST-CL.t88 BLACKSMITH & oVAGOON SHOP fora tie or to hent, in ttie :Mate of Kitson. Cumin muss from Uederic b tied seventeen from Kincardine. A good house on the premises. Possession ttiv- en immediately. for particulars apply to PETEM MAYNE. on the premiseslatall R SALT OR TO LET. -A FRAME cottageAcetones street. Godericb, sS rd'sas and hall, woodshed, pump aadsc• $ ioMgarden. stocked with choice fruit. Will be sold at • bargain. Apply to MRS. IleeboP, on tb: premises, before December let. 19170. FOR SALE -LOT NUMBER 425 IN the town of Goderich. For particulars apply W CAMERON. HOLT st CAMERON, Barristers, Oodericb. 111741 ``Z MALL FARM OR MARKET OAR- tJ DEN for sole. The shore prop"rty 4 within one mile of the mark44t quare, being part of let 3, ooseessio. 1, Gaesrlch township, containing 11 autres of good garden ground. It has on It a geed frame house and barn with other convents'... Oood orchard of grafted fruit. Apply to Z. WOODCOCK. Real Estate Agent, Ha*Uteo street. i116 -&n. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE - Lot No. 8, is tbaBayaeld ;on. township At j .8 etM. M tient. M O 88. Tes olesred and t, res strays weld Utshered, bas fon rontage sit ~ ns the vac Yid m village 01 condltt elf sYee ale seen iNG-G- STONE i ARMOI,R. King street WIN TQprun t.. Or to Jolts Hotel kotr, BayOetd. - FARM FOR SALE -BEING THE e 130.oreu of block lettered "w," in 17 the 7th ton of the Township d Col- boroe. About ID or 90 acres are cleared. The growing thither house.onsists ot barge Ip barn each and elm. A me hoose, a twee and stable are on the premises.Fencesgoed. Only tour miles from Ooderich bya good ggrr- -- zZed _rook forpp particulars applyto JOHN BRECKENRIDGE. Goderlob, or to MEAGER ` MORTON, Sollcltom. Godorlch. ISIS HOUSE TO RENT -A COMFORT- ABLE frame house o. South street is ttgr gosh enbeorlher. It costalas - tae Els Y «possessed s•q 1M a Ywo•SRhs of am oars Of the • .•••a"atm hosirldolli ars esable. Apply d0 ' ITA= i•rr • DOR SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT 1" bra.Utd trick widon-:.ocepied by Rios, asst tame/0 _oegwief y Mr. S. street. 7 $50 m LOAX AT 6 PER CENT. TIDE I TORONTO GZNERAL TRUSTS CO'T 4 dMp hl reset A at S pet omit.. p0,. y, N 3 lealcal. Mrs. Ca . Mallough, of Dungannon, visiting irienCs in town. Peter Fox jr., Ea' returned from W mrton. Rico's salt block u laying in an im- lot of coal memo . Mrs. Scott returned to her home at Dundas last week. Mn. Stewart and children left for To- ronto on Thumb. 7. Miss 'Lille Bowers, of Lucknow, is visiting friends in town. JB. WHITELY, M.D. C.M., PRY - . $1(,'IAN. 8*rgeon. Acro hear. Ste.. M. C.P.B.. Oatarlo. Office -The mars, $ doors East of trusses Deng Sore. up Nan'& 19031 TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERS, •a lretcleas tae* .se.rlty 1 pply (a CAMPION. trot. t gall ti.• _ SE" Amer M the Tenet* GR McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC - . iAN. PCROEON, kc., Graduate of Tor- Oath or Ooro Lsstveratty. Licentiate of the Sorel Col- 1e e of Physicians, London, Esdaad, /cc.. Ica. M. C. P. [Bi (letarI . Odoe and residence Opposite Railey's Hotel. Hamilton street, - DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OZON, Coroner &o. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria Street. 1761. have Gs1 lN, 0et.4. - 1911-u HG. MACK D, .M. D. PHYMI . cian. Surgeon and Aoeoncber. Graduate of Toronto C.niverslt Omceoppoelte Comer -on & Cameron's 1 . Laclmow. It not in oMoe, enquire a the Bank. 170-y. I IRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, 11 Paysletan& Surgeons, Aoeouchers, to oSloe a I)r. Shannon's residence, near the Krol Goderich. 0. C. Bn.NNor. J. C. HAMIL- TON 1711. Auctioneering TOHN KNOB GENERAL /VC- • TIONEER and' Lend Valuator. Godo Ont. Having had considerable experien in the auctlooeering trade. he isitn • petition to discharge with thorough satisfaction 511 com- missions entrusted to him. Orders left at Martin's Hotel. or sent by mall to my addtr ss,, Goderich P. 0.. carefully attended to. JOHN KNOX. County Auctioneer. 188741 TAMES PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER, and Appraiser. successor to J. C. Currie, the People'sAuctioneer. Offloe: With Alex. MeD. ALeave orders at this oSlce or at Sheppard's Boo* Store in my absence. JAS. PRENTICE. Auctioneer. 1911 JAMES BAILEY, LICENSED AUC - Cr for the County of Huron, hav- ing entered the list, is now prepared to attend to aU ordersfor Aectlo.eerins. Orders lett at Halley's Hotel, Goderich, or fent by mall, peomptar attended to. 199e - HW BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR . the County of Heron. Sales atte•ded t part t the County. Address orders te Goderkh P.O. Ugh Loans anb insurance. e500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'P CAMERON HOLT&CAMERON, • 17611. M0NZT TO LEND. - PRIVATE feeds- o. freehold security. y W nes. Swes.ea. G.dwlch. IMam u ng Me. and Mrs. Case Allen have return- ed from their wedding trip. Miss Hattie Black left on the morning train on Thursday for Detroit. Miss Lottie Holme* has 'mon seriously indisposed during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rhynes, intend leaving next week for Tennessee. Abraham Smith returned on Monday from his trip to the United State& Wo are glad to learn that Donald Strachan is able to be around again. Mr. Harry, of Colborne, well-known among our townspeople, is very low. Miss Annie Doyle, of the Park House, has returned from a pleasant visit to Sar- nia. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Ure, left on Wed- nesday on a short visit to friends in To- ronto. Will Yates has returned from Toronto, finding that his situation there did not suit him. Miss Telliej{., the favorite alto singer in St Peter's church shoir, has gone to Windsor. Mr& W. Sutith, East street, paid a visit last week to her daeghter, Mrs. J. Kobertwm, of Clinton. Mean. M. C. Cameron, M.P., F. Jordan, and Cs ley Hamilton were at Moose Jaw, N. W. 'f'., last week. A. Kirkbride went to Henson last week to repair pipes for the salt well company, in that flourishing town. Mr. Wood, tenor singer, of Toront. , kindly sang Jacquin's "OSalutaris" at et. Peter's on Sunday evening last. *50,000 PRIVATE FUNDI TO LEND 1117 on good Farm or errackes Tows Psi aty 't S per asst. Moab, to R. R ADCLIPTI , 1181 OMIT TO LZND. -.A LABOR 01 1Pir _ rsa 45 ter rte - t Apply MAW0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO TO LIJD Senn IF sond*sad Tows Owiewetamtewp la - MO aewMM. Rev. Fr. Lotz, of Windsor, entered upon his mission at St. Peter's on the 17th inat Fr. Lots, is a talented musi- cian. Rev. J. A. Turnbull, on Sunday even - isle in Knox March, continued his series of addresses nn "The Woman of Sam- Look nut for the distribution of adver- tising cards on Tuesday next, from 12 to 12:30, at this office. A funny assort- ment. Mabel McKenzie, a little daughter of T. McKenzie, Bruck street, is recovering from a seven attack of inttantmation of the lung& Capt. Edwards, we are sorry to Imre, Yes boon ootsined to the house for some time from an attack of rheumatism and Bright's disease. Miss Tones, yoeugeat daughter of T.ewsg, of Colborne townehiy, has been dee Resit of the Misses McKay, during the week. The last two numbers of Picturesque Canada bice In the Huron met. Th. viler,i the 'Park, and the Lighthouse, Goossialsi ate very/Wad. The oeirjoet am.. Wall.r's serosas Osorgetilay seen last wee hmeataf." ere wee • hegb Ittfillio v. F. Footer -."st.^.Inite Sic 's igeelation,, ist of Knot ediis mot a c341* W S the 'b1 itie reiesatlon of lxiesleadEesgesWss• Mia whit y hes loses isuressd et Sl. George'•, and he Ins no i055etsea of seting another position at premed We regret to learn of the indisposition of Mho McKenzie, teacher of StDavid's ward school She was unable to teach on Tseeday and W edaesday. The propeller Manistee went down in the gale of the 18th between Apostle Island and Ontagou, in lake Superior. She had on board a crew of about 25. Sandford Stokes has been laid up for a week or two by • violent cold, which settled upon the lunge and kidneys. At one time he was very low, but he is now on the mend. It is reported that Jaoob Amann, nephew of the late Rev. Fr. Schneider, and sen of M. Amann, one of our old time settlen,died some time age in Brit- ish Columbia. Robt. McNair, of Goderich, is one of the best foot ball players of Knox Col- lege team. His play in the match with the' Vanity boys is favorably commented upon by the Torontobapers. The body of Malcolm Heale, the youth who was lest on the schooner Explorer, was found near Tobermoray on the 9th into The remains are to be brought to Maitland cemetery for Interment. Mr. John White has recently received intelligence of the madden death of hie sister, Mrs. Matheson, while on a visit at the horse of a relative, Mr. Richard White of the "Gazette," Montreal. George McMullen was one of the orew or the barge Sir T. C. Van8traubenzie, wrecked on Lake Superior during one of the heavy gales last week. The oold was very severe. All hands were saved. Can IT Bz So i -The Toronto Morning News says :-"Ip every county town a 'court house ring,' secure in office, snubs the people, and becomes the aris- tocracy of the town." Just think of it ! Constable Reid returned from King- ston last Friday, whither he had been in charge of White, who was sentenced recently to four years in the penitentiary for stabbing Brahman, of the Maitland hotel We understand that W. B. Dickson, who.haa reoently passed his examination, intends opening a law office in Brussels at an early date. Mr. Dickson promises to be very successful in his pretension and we welcome him to our town. - [Brus.ols Poet. A singing class has been started in town, under the tutelage of W. F. Foot, organist of St. George's church. The clam wtll meet in 81. George's thumb Sunday achool house every Monday evening. Some of ins best young men are members of the clan. The schooner St. Clair arrived from the fishing islands nn Saturday morning having as 1 cargo two thousand (2000) packages of fish. The cargo was unload- ed the same day and the greater part stored in Lee's warehouse. The schoon- er is noir in her winter quarters here. Maas and vesper' were celebrated at St. Peters nn Sunday last by Rev. Fr. Lots, who preached a very beautiful and touching sermon after vesper. on the power and efficacy of the charity of which St. Paul sneaks. At high mass a very powerful sermon was preached by Rev. Fr. Watters from Exodus 22nd chapter, ,n "R"stttution. ' STnaY CATTLg.-Parties having stray cattle about their premises should adver- tise them at once. Nothing can he col- lected for the keep until they are adver- tised. This is the season of the year when every farther should look after and take care of any cattle about him, wheth- er they ho his or not. If you have any stray animals, or have lost any advertise them in Ton S1oNAt. The Acta Vietoriana, the organ of the students of Victoria University,Cobourg, has some spicy personals amongst its local matter. It thus refers to a former pupil of the Goderich High schoe.l, in describing the freshmen : "Mr. Wigle, Essex. -A plogologicel theologue, with a condescending atnile,and a good-natur- ed cast of countenance Essex is full of his sisters, cousins and aunts. ' Cf ZAOIR ! Lois, Oren ow n Men- ai mireM trD b. Mire trivet* iUNI.END. In say moss w suit partes wasting leans at very low rets* 190'1 leaved about noon on Wednesday, and returning to Sarnia, took her coal fr.,w Clark's dock. The water was some ten inches lower than usual, which, together with the fact that the steamer had about the largest cargo which ever left Sarnia, was the cause of the mishap. She left again on Wednesday night." At the annual dinner of the medicos, in connection with Queen's College, Kingston, held last week, A. F. McKee• ale, son of George McKenzie of Win ham, and formerly of Goderich high school, made a splendid speech. The Mail correspondent telegraphed : -"Mr. McKenzie, who »presented 'reroute School of Medicine, surprised those present by the excellence of his address, and the manner in which it was deliver- ed. His address was the gem of the evening." Haaraie MAGAZN&-The December (Christmas) number of Harper's Maga- zine is exceedingly rioh in illustration& There are four extra plates besides a large number of smaller engravings. There is in thus number a great variety of papers, poems and interesting miscel- lany. _poems Windy and Bazar have attained • very high standard and seem to be getting better and better with each succeeding number. Every family should take one or more of these excellent pub- lications. LITILEY IND D.aATING SOCIETY. -A number of our moat intelligent young men met in the rooms above Tam SIGNAL office on Saturday, and arranged for a debate to -morrow (Saturday) evening in the rooms on the subject "Reeolved- "That womansuffrage is desireble." For the affirmative, Messrs. Feat and Dun- oan. Negative, Merits. Proudfoot and McPhillips. The public are cordially invited, Admission free. At the close o the debate, the society will perfect its organization. An exchange says : "The demand for lake fish has greatly increased during the past five years. The bulk of the fish Shipped east during the winter is caught the previous fall, and the fish taught now are frosetr and stored until called for. Since the introduction of refriger ating can it is no longer neceeeary for fisherman to salt their fish for shipment. Lake Superior white fish sell from *120 to $125 a ton. It is said that Indiana are very expert at fishing, and it is no unusual thing for two Indiana to catch 1,200 pounds a day." Tam "MAsooT. "-The Holman Open Co., in 'T'he Masoot," was greeted by a good sm ileacs on Friday evening, and gave the opera in fair style. A local critic, forgetful of the fact that "Mascot" is a burlesque, and only a burlesque. ob- jects to the introduction of so much punning. The above opinion is on a par with that of the dramatic critic of the Hamilton Times, who liked the acting of Rhea in the chareoter of "Camille," the dying, consumptive girl, exoept that the talented actress appeared to him to be suffering from "a severe coid and had a hacking cough." Osrrtrane.-We this week record with regret, the demise of Mn. Thomas Whitely, (eldest daughter of Mr. Elijah Martin), after a lingering illness, which she bore with Christian fortitude. She leaves a husband and two children to mourn her comparatively early death. She died on Tuesday, Nov. 20th, aged 35 years and 8 month& The funeral, which took place on Thursday afternoon, was very largely attended. We have the assurance of the Rinui- peg Ties" that "Regina is collapsed. Pile of Bones creek is frozen up and the solitary town well has become erratic. The other day, at $ meeting of the Town Commissioners, somebody said that if a 6re broke nut the town would he in grievous peril ; whereupon another Com- missioner said that 'it would be cheaper to let the cursed place burn up than to buy water to pot the Ire nut." ILLCRaAT1D Lactrlra.-Commander Cheyne baa been secured by the God. - rich Mechanics' Inetitot• to give two of his interesting lectures, aided by bus. - light views, in Gnd•rieh on the 1Sth and ldli of December. The lectures will be oe "Acetic Zzploration," and and tl.. Late War " We hope thaoi iosresfolk will avail themeedv.s of the =of 'mitring the wellkanwr , on these two very intereet- leR web jeer.. Tie Sarnia (Mares. says : - "After lace* Item on Tined*, night the steaea- ar IUettad Empire res aground at Point EdwuN while trying to rash the doek 1* Ibi purpose of taking on about silty tees of eel. By the asked efforts el Elks tow Quayle and Tornat, and tic• eteatsar. Conger and Risen, she was re The December pumber of the American Agriculturist contains about one hundred engravings, which is twenty-five per con.- more onmore than that in any other illustrated periodical in this or any other country. These illustrations are engraved express- ly for the paper by leading artists, cover- ing a wide variety of rural subjects as well as farm inventions nd contrivances. These engravings alone in any ain„k issue of the paper are worth for more to every farmer and housekeeper than the subscription price for five years. Not- withstanding the American Agriculturist is fully worth four dollars a year, the subscription price will continue at *1.50 during 1883. Subscriptions received at this office. Htoa Seao,L BOARD. -Tee Stratford Herald stye :-"4 special meeting of this Board was held on Monday evening. All the members present. There were twenty-five applicants for the position of head master, but the choice u.unimnusly fell nn Mr. Wm. McBride M.A., of Richmond Hill (north of Toronto) at a salary of $1,300 per annum. Mr. Mc- Bride is very highly spoken of, and the Board is to be congratulated on securing such an exoellent teacher. Mr. May- berry, the classical master had his salary increased from $900 to *1,050." Mr. McBride was at one time assistant teach- er in Goderich high shoot, and his friends here think him to he "the man for Galway." TEs RID LIGHT IN res 8117. -For the past three or four evenings a phenomenon has been noticed is the shape of • red light which illeminated the western sky as though a great cnnfagrstion was throwing its glare over the heavens. Meteorologists' say that this light is pro- bably the reflection from • stratum of decomposed rapors•in the upper stm.oe- pher.. Electric storms in the sun and in oar atm 'sphere have pr.deeed tide decomprition This opinion is based pM hu . eve n t • h tie. of 1y city. (3.seleript, is not wtthovt tett on ex 'intents rs,x>ried by Professor ljndall of A esAeet vapors decomposed *leerier motion oa :rim." '"I'd w. shill always nm••mber a stror►r sunlight. o his pw the viensameet* treatment we receire.i at that Medal of moa ry over wbieh this 1,h•er merwa lin the evee,u _ the tri was M, N IRs be mentioned P riven a tahea hued been rseeived (reqµ beeq.et at the t.,wn hmll, the Mayor, member al Owes in Canada sett tba' American ooneui, members .J the city ratted Sista slating that the lint tied eotrneil, and many other uneabl« being beim mentos for a eoeaseratioa and for I "milt Mpeeohee were isdelyd aa' 1 YOO1LLICUDDY BROS. Poatsm i g1A A YEAR DI ADVANCE Secretary, G. B. Robson ; R. Secre- tary, A. B. Henderson ; Guard, H. H. Rise.; Sentinel, S. Sloane ; Herald, J. W. Vanatter ; Deputy Herald, G. C. iobertson. Committee on By Law., Rev. J. D. Turnbull, W. Campbell, H. Dustup. . Committee on Management, S. Sloane, W. Campbell, J. W. Vanatter. The regular meeting nights will be the let and 3rd Mondays in each ninth. Rev. B. B. Keefer will return to town next Monday to open the new branch. There is every prospect that a strong council of the Royal Templers will be formed here. rorallsis .std Sett Player.. The Alleghenian' announced to appear at the Victoria Hall next Tuesday even ing Deo. 4th, have recently returned from a very successful tour of 11 years in Europe. The troupe comes to us with the highest praute from the European press aa well as an unequivocal endorse - meat from the American press both be- fore they left and since they returned. As vocalists they delight their audience wherever they appear, and as ball -play on they have no superiors. Our ex- changes speak in a positive endorsement, as will be seen b7 the following from the Montreal "Star' of Sept. 4th :- Tht entertainment given l y the Alle- ghanians hat evening in the Queen's Hall afforded great pleasure to the fash- ionable audience which had assembled therein to greet these charming vocalists and bell players. Their concerts are al- ways popular, and they offer a splendid programme, consisting of an interesting selection of vocal quartets, duets, sings and ballads. The principal feature of the entertainment is, howe*R, their ntarvellous performances oma magnificent peal of 120 Swiss bells. The music evoked from these is rich,sweet and pure. It is listened to with great fascination. ' - The bells are of all sizes, varying from • foot down, and are spread over a long table. The players handle these bells as if they were simply running their fingers over the key-koard of a piano, al- thottyh evory 'note had to be produced by picking up a bell, ringing it and put- ting it down again, to grab another with lightning rapidity. The artists executed some well-known airs, such as "Horne, Sweet Horne," with extraordinary fideli- ty and expression. In the moat rapid and intricate passages not a note is miss- ed : every semitone, Sat or sharp, or ac- cidental, u correctly taken. The vocal part of the program gave satisfaction, and the various members were well re- ceived. The performance, en the whole, was a genuine rare musical treat, and was enj. ye.l by the audience. .1 Delighted Merrier. «'ell 0. Marvin, of Ovid, Mich., thus describes, in the Western 'tljeli.,f, the fatuous run of the American wheeluten front Loudon to Goderich in July, last ;- Friday we rode from London t.. Go -le - rich over .ane of the finest roada in Canada, and for ec:ipsing any wheeling that we hate yet experienced._ The start was made at 8 a -at., part of tie, company not caring t., wade, walk ate¢, wobble through the best 20 miles et black clay -like soil• that had been ,dell softened by the two days' rain that had prevailed in that vicinity, took the early morning train as far as Cian.t:,6..ye, about 20 miles distant, and there .acted for the balance of the party. Thence wheeling through Centralia to Exeter where dinner was served. Aftesrdinner the run wait continued bo Henaaj, Kip - pen, Brucefield and Bayfield, `.race to Goderi.h ; the tarty coverin.E ti, miles between 8 a ni and 6 p. m., many halts being made to admire the beetltihd scen- ery, and a delightful spiny- in Lake Huron. Between Bayfield sod • Bruce - field the roads were magnie se►t and the run was made in 55 ntinuya., the dut- attce beim 12 utile& The,,00untry tra- versed is as a ruse very lase&very tied% hill climbing being necsesety. It wan between London and (loderich that the touring club, known ;.a, tug Canedisis Tree. Touring Club witeeensotiiaed,and, is, as far as our Knowledge extends, the first club ever organised on wheels. Aro riving at Godertch at 0:1 - p. fn., we form in line headed. by a delegation of the Goderich wheclmen that lied edvanc- od G, meet us. Incisure we rid•• around the park, presenting a,Sne aigho to the 5000 people who,lsad. assentblea: to wel- come the Chiesgua,apd. theta, friends. Of all plaoes, tluderich is.the.parediae of the 'cyclist ipth* 1;:8. nr (-tltnda. The roads ladingin ovary dtt.ttt .► are all macadamized, and aro ve.tl tine. The town iteeltastne to have. loot lai•l out ter this Manch .of. atnusieet.t. Directly in the 'entre u the spurt h..uee aur- rnende.t by a hemtif.1 perk, and nn,und thio la a, beautiful .bit..e nearly, if not ,leiter 200 feet wide. end as level as a. MOS The circle et•third of a mite so eisismnference Rea the ou:c: rave is 1i/sed by the pr tratpal h k f Are brigade waled out. ARIL laid toasts drank in honer s 1 the Questa A branch of the Royal 'hotplate of Te apeeanoe was formed hist week by Rev. Mr. Keefer, and will most next Meader for organisation. The follow. tag are the eMcem . Select Councillor, R... J. D. Turnbull . Vio.-0ounoillot, Jos.William ; Past 8,ket Cownetllor, Junes Mitchell : Chaplain, Rev. T. M Cam;•hell Trees . Hugh Dunlap : T and the President. The (2o 4erich band f ornished e t cellent n, usia, the glee dub delightful *envy, and after two and a half hours of merriment the party dist heeded. A cornet aisle homed iart of the mow- a1 'errio i at the Lssheville Presbyterian shun*Suedq al *teeing. Some bit the church en accnnht or it •