The Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 7v
Fun am) Fancy.
' ewer ter t =lessons of s
barbed-wire f aaf�e j key, 'it
Mills a than a lift to jaws` 'u , to the
After all, the w,achma..DI the actor
I. ,, e sometimes in common -they are
Loth pretty apt to succeed if they
h u die their lines well.
A Philadelphia lawyer, Wo proud to
all, w his friende to suppose that he
pr ttices in the divoro cuurts, a tvertises
'Mir6t marriage& a speciality.'
'Waiter, bring me eleven raw oysters.'
'\\'e don't give eleven, sir; we ,five six,
or twelve.' 'Nu, twelve would never do;
we should be 13 at table.'
The engaged young man preseuts his
fiancee with a ring on the principle that
tair exchange is no rubbery. Hitting a
jewel himself he gave hor one in re
Cowper, it is stated by his biographer,
did not begin to write poetry until he
was 50. Wu wish the young men who
daily send us poems about 'haze' and
'autumn days' and 'woodland ways
would kindly stop and do as (' .weer
Bronson -'Well, I always make it a
rule to tell my wife everything that !tap•
pens.' Swithkins-'Oh, my dear fel-
low, that's nothing. I telt toy wife lots
of things that never happen at ail.'
'You look tired, Smith,' said a friend
to a granger, who emerged out of a sav-
ings bank, wiping his face with an ex-
hausted expression. 'Shouldn't wonder.
I've been lifting a mortgage.'
Congratulations -`When I left New
Yank six years ago, that mournful fail-
ure had already been out four or five
seasons, and made dead sets for most of
the rich fellows in so iety. Looks as
though she'd take anything now.'
'Which one is that 1' 'The floppy speci-
men behind you. \Ve are to be married
in December.'
1f At a school examination a a clergyman
was descanting on the necessity of grow-
ing up loyal and useful citizens. In
order to give emphasis to his rental ks he
pointed to a large flag hanging un one
side of the school room and said:
'Bova, what is that tlag for ?' An
urchin, Niro understand the condition et
the romp letter than the speaker's rhe-
toric exclaimed : 'To hide the dirt, sir.'
'Mr. Hack,' said the managing editor,
'Mr. \\•irewore, the opposition candi-
date, is going to be at the conference to-
morrow ; write a sharp editorial and
give him tits for trying curry favor with
the churches.' `But Wirework has writ-
ten a letter, saying he can't be there,'
replied Mr. Hack. 'So 1' said the
managing editor. 'Well, then, write a
slashing article on his' daring to ignore
the best people in the village. 'Give it
tothirn good and strong.'r
Enquirer : You wish to set - Mr.
Snaggs and his next dour neighbor to
fighting. Easy enough. Some dark
night just take a load of allies and oyst-
er cans and dump them in Snaggs' back'
yard. He'll lay it to his neighbor and
sling 'em over the fence. The neighbor
will be madder than a candidate for
office beaten by one vote, and is ill sling
'em back. Then things will hunt ; law
suits, pulled (loses an.i,binody heads wtll
result, and you can sit b.tck cud see the
•Rr."saw ••Beal:'
e of our anoma-
another But now co
lies, one which greatly puzzles European
cuntinentaltf, and which is not always
grasped even by our American kins-
folk. This is the nature of the Esquire.
A class .f peopleare habitually plain 'Mr.'
in ordinary talk who would be offended
if their letters were so addressed. I ata
not speaking.of those who claim a higher
adjective 3escription : -I mean those
who are spoken of as `Mr. A. B.,but
who, in any formal description, from the
address of a]�tter upward, must be de-
scribed as 'WB., Esq.' In itself Es-
quire. like 'Knight, is a title, if not of
office, of something very like office ; said
it would not have been wonderful if it
had been usual to call men 'Knight A.'
and 'Esltuire Il.' But 'Knight A.'
seems never to have been in use ; and
'Esquire,' or rather "Squire B.' can
hardly be said to have been in polite
use. Men like Hampden, 'who would
have ranked as noble anywhere out of
the British kingdoms, were simply, 'Mr.
Hampden' and the like.
was be sure, 'Mrss then more of a
distinct title than it is now. I have seen
somewhere in the early records of a New
England colony an 'order, in which,
among other paths and penalties decreed
against n curtain man, it is forbidden to
speak of him any lunger as 'Mr.' Pos-
orsibly, though used to be spoken of as
'Mr.,' he did not hold the technical rank
of 'Esltuire.' For Esq giro is a technical
rank, as much as Earl of Knight ; and
one odd toting is that when the word, in
a contracted shape, is put before a name,
- it means eromethiug different from that
technical rank. Many people put 'Esq.'
after their names, not by mere assump-
tion or conventionality, but of perfect
right, to Allton) no living soul would ever
thmk of tacking nn • 'Sgnire' before
their nettles. ' 'Squire A.' marks a posi-
tion which, if not str'cay otticial, cer-
tainly comes very near to it --a position
which is not held by all who aro describ-
ed as esquires even by strict formal
eight.-- [Longinan's *Magazine.
Fashion's Fancies.
Plaidair. very fashionable.
Velvet is much used 14 trimming.
Figured sash ribbons are plentiful.
Blouse bodies ate becoming only to
slight figures.
Rubies Gas now set with the diamonds
worn by brides.
Astrachau and lambs' woul trim wavy
of the cloth cloaks.
The white gnat de Duede is aelegated
to brides this season.
Costumes of velvet tailor made,
will be worn on the strut is winter.
Felt cordur�o}y bonnets' are a pretty
novelty for u1Jrning and travelling wear.
Plaited cattier* hair bonnets will 'w
worn with cloth and cheviot costumes.
Waistcoats or plast'• •. ads, plain or
plaited, appear on alined all new cor-
Fur the blown coats the Melton and
West of England clothes are very prpu-
Embroidery cut out and applied on
woollen and silken stuffs will be much
Scotch cheviots and Irish friezes will
be the favorite materials for winter
Large balls and spot* are the newest
designs for Oriental and Spanish laces.
Velvet sputa are introduced into Span-
ish laces intended fur dresaes and bun -
Cheviots come in stripes, checks and
largo blocks, in all the combinations of
Long close -fitting cloaks, trimmed
with five -inch bands of fur, are beinsr
made by the tailors for the coming win-
Bands of velvet worn around the
throat are ornamental with a diamond
crescent, a rocket, or some bit of jewel-
lery in front.
The Gallic cock in metals of all colors
-gilt, steel, bronze, or silver -and also
un feathers, is a versy fashionable orna-
Moscow -green, Russian -gray, Czar -
brown and Cossack -blue, which is almost
gray, are the preferred colors for Musco-
vite velvet.
Russian-Pschutt and elephant -gray,
Czar -brown, royal French -blue, Moscow -
green and violet -purple are very fash-
ionable colors.
- One of the handsomest silk fabrics of
this season is black satin de Lyon bro-
caded with tine cut jet beads, woven into
the fabric.
The pattern applique -velvet dresses
will be worn this winter.
Shoulders are not worn as high in the
Parisian drosses as they were last year.
Pointed velvet girdles appear on many
dressy suits.
Walking jackets in fleece -lined jersey
webbing, and trimmed with Astrachan
plush, frog buttons and brison braids.
An elegant fringe is formed of green
gages and blue plums arranged alter-
Gana de Suede orunglazed kid gloves,
are worn for both day and evening
dress ; they'e'me in dark, medium and
li.�ht shades.
tamest mate.
I Many a beautiful rose has been nipped
in the bud by an 'undiscovered worm,and
many a young life has teen sacrified to
the destructive power of worms in the
human. system. 11 you would W tfev
other tender home plants, 'your child-
ren,' yr thein Freeman's \Noun Pow-
ders, ti. are safe and pleasant, and are
warranted effectual 2
rime alvr t►.
If you are suffering with low and de-
pressed spirits, hoes t f appetite, general
debility. disordered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of p bil-
ious nature, by all means procure s bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be sur-
prised to are the rapid improvement that
will follow ; you will M inspired with new
life; strength and activity will return ;
pain and misery will erase, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric lusters. Sold at fifty cents a
bottle by J. Wilson. (e1
Ah I.NMITIOATLI FBAs -n. -The Can -
mist Presbyterian says :-The individual
who, under the name of ex -Monk Wid-
dows. 'lectured in Canada a few S ears ago
has at last met with a merciless exposure.
It is not now Roman Catholics who de-
nounce hint. A zealous Protestant, to
whom the cause with reconunemlatious,
has found the sensational lecturer to be
an unmitigated fraud. It is huutiiiatipg
to think that Christian people are so
ready to 'men their churches and their
homes to designing tramps of the Wel-
d'ows type. What is more wonderful
still is that nsany will be inclined to wel-
come the next adventurer that comes
alone, pruvide.f he is an adept its tite
popular arts of humbug.'
Remember that a spoonful sulphur
thrown into the tire in the stove is a
common sense cure fir a chimney a -tire.
Fire cannot burn without the air we
breathe ; we cannot breathe sulphuric
acid gas, and neither can fire live in
"Why should aman whose biota is warin
Sit ke his a;landsire cut in alabaster tt
Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin.
Whew "CIRRAt./I11aRvitwtg willmake
g row the outer. For sale by J. Wil -
Iwo 2m
The t;.deheet a heist will tart he re-
placed shim seetwte
Il'�Nlsilt a1ud a ''1 had been for eight n„•nths unable
to work, and felt astt.,u,.4 I would us
New York, Nev. 12. -'John Scott,'' lief die as lire, through Dyspepsia awl
said Judge Power to a surly prisoner at Ludigestuu. I s -id ed at ill.. time .f
the lot k,tile Police Court, Friday,
'your wife says you beat her and do not
support her. What have you to say 1
'!f she says that, I've got nothing to
y,' he answered. 'Then 1 will put you
ere you tan', ill use her for three
W,' said ..e Judge. 'You can
make it six r' 'Its if you want to.'
Very well ; :.x w,,ullhs will suit uie,'
said His H1aor. Scott turned away
angrily and plungtal down stairs to the
prison, alien the Judge call
e4out :
Hese, bring that plan back I fat not
pronounced seutenoe yet.' The prisoner
a tie back with a enol "poio his face,
and slid in an insulting tune, 'M tybe
you want to give me a year this titue ?'
Teat snits too very well,' said the judge;
'you will have to furnish $700 bail or go
to the Island for twe:ve months,'
Wind to read.
Are you deficient in taste ? • Read the
best English pets. such as Thompson,
Gray, Goldsmith, Pope, Cowper, Cole-
ridge, Scott and Woodsworth.
Are you deficient in imagination f
Read Milton, Akenside, Burke and
Are you deficient in powers of reason-
ing ? Read Chitlingworth, Bacon and
Are you deficient its judgemeut and
g..•d sense in the common affairs of life ?
React Franklin. I and all wasting diseases of the human
Are you deficient in sensibility 1 system. Phosphatine is not a Medeeine.
Read Goethe and MacKenzie. I but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Itlineral Poisons, Opiates,
Nit -cones, and no Stimulants, but siliq ;
ly the Phosphatic and. Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single Mottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. T,oWLEN &
Co., solo agents for the Dei"int"n,
55 Front Street o East T oronto,
getting a bottle o1 McGteger's Speedy
Cure 130 Its.; used 3 i. titles, autl 11 ,w
weigh l6b tbs. and never was l,ettur its
in cry life. 1t wits McGregor.. speedy '
Cure hat brought ate around.- So asps
W'ilti l:; FeI1, Hamilton. Got., U. Rhy-
naa' d store and get a free tried bottle
or the , . -.ti it size for fifty eents and eye
doll ir. a
Pp feet, Positive and Pleauauent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all ca s s of Kid- ,
ney Disease is obtained &Eger a few d.lees.
See that your Druggist gn'es you Del
Van Buren's Kidney Cure 5eld by J.
Wilson G,derich mut
An Oasis in the desert is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a Mottle
of 1)r. Vats Buren's Kidney Cure it 1,,
the unfortunate sufferer from Kele.
Disease. It is a perfect, positive
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson'
Gederielt 2in
Te the Medical rrolesssoa. aad all whets -
It stay risers.
Phusphatine, or Nerve toxo, it Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientitie
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neurahia
Are you deficient in political know-
ledge' Read Montesquieu, the Federa-
lirt, \Vebster and Calhoun.
Are you deficient its patriotism ?
Read Demosthenes and the Life of
Are you deficient in conscience 1 Read
some of President Edward's works.
Are you deficient in anything 1 Read
the Bible.
For Tonna Rea to Remember.
That clothes don't make the man.
Thrt if they may once get in debt they
may never get out of it.
That parting the hair in the middle
brings on softening of the brain.
That to deal honorably with all men John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Me -
they began with their washer -woman.
As the treats et winter yantah uuurr
the caloric influence of the sun's :aye,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflam
mation of the Kidneys, leave the body
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
renis Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson,
Gregor's Speet'.y cure for Dyspepsia and
That they need something mote, sub- Indigestion is cheap at tifty times the
stantial than cigars, kid gloves and a! price asked for it. , I am a commercial
cane to start housekeeping with. man, and travel continually, and would
That they can't reckon on their fath-
er's fortune to hring them through life.
Fortunes are slippery things -better
have something besides to fall back on.
That a fellow who deliberately pro-
poses matrimony to a•girl when he can't
support himself, is either a first-class
fraud or a fool -unless he marries for I
money and becomes her hired man.
Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, writes :--
During the last eight years I have used
almost every medicine recommended for
Bitiousnese, but found nothing equal to
Carson's Bitters. If you suffer try it'
Price 50 cents. -ate".wlet 111111111s=
A REWARD -Of one dozeu "TEASER -
AY" t� any one sending the beat four line
rhyme on "TEABERRY," the remarkable
little gem fur the Teeth and Batl .1: Ask
your drug, estior addrezr.I
Thousands bear witness to the posi-
tive curative powers of the GREAT GEF -
MAN INvmaoRATOR, the' only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise front self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending
in consumption, iva.' tiil ; and a ptam(-
ture grave Sold by all uruggiats, or
will be sent free un receipt of 81.00 per
box, er six poxes for $5. .'.ddress F. J.
CHENEY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for circular
and testimonials of genuine curve (lee.
Rhynaa, Gaderich. lin
Now that there is a reliable remedy f, r
kidney troubles, half the terrors attached
to these complaints have been removed.
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buren's Kidney Cut() award all
praise for having thus removed a hitherto
considered fatal disease from our path
It was never known to fail. Sold by J
Wilson. 2m
Some time during Thursday night
burglars forced an entrance into the store
of Wm. Stewart, of Woodville, and after
bursting open the safe and stealing there- -
fronr a gold watch, a chain, and some
ether jewelry, valued at about $200,
castled off *600 worth of dry goods. The
police are under the imptewion that the
theives proceeded direct to Toronto with
their booty.
A Metals' to all Maaklsd.
1, these times when our newspapers
are doxoded with patent medicine adver-
tisements, it is gratifying to know what
to procure that will certainly cure you
If you are bilious, blood nut of order,
liver inactive, oar ; enerel debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you r, quickly as Electric Bitten.
bloating They are a to all mankind, and
coin be hal for only fifty cents a bottle
of James Wdaon. 12:1
Private W. T. Evans, of the 13th
Batt., was arraigned at Hamilton police
court yesterday for neglecting. to attend
penult. on November 5th, lith and 8th.
He gave as an excuse for his absence a
wish to attend church on Thanksgiving
Day The magistrate warned the de•
fondant that he was liable to s fine, and
then, nn the interrwsion •1 ,he • cse,,
dismissed him
A deplllaton from the Dominion
'afflict -ft' Association waited np.,n the
Fin once Ministeryesterday, and request-
ed a reduction of the duty on wheat to
7 c per bushel. \\ bile adinitting that,
as matters stood at present, the millers
were not in a fair p'sition, Sir Leonard
Tilley said he would give no assurance
on the subject, remarking, however, that
the government could by order in cotin-
cin entirely ah„tieh the duty on wheat.
but it could only r:dnce it I -y consent of
A Little Behind Ilnad.
Some people are always a little behind
Mand in all undertakings; delays are dan-
gerous, and none more so than in ne-
glecting what seems a trifling cold. Pru-
dent people break u-) the ill effects by
timely use of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam
thus preventing serious lung troubles- 2
no more think of leaving home witllauta
battle of McGregor's Speedy Cure in my
valise than I would of leaving my team
at home and going on foot." Frea trial
bottles at G. Rhynaa drug store. Regu-
lar size 50 cts. and 81. :a
Rarper's Magazine
Harper'.. 3fagatine begins its sixty-eight
volume with the Ikcember Number. It is the
most popular illustrated periodical in Ameri-
ca and England, always fully abreast of the
times in its treatment of subjects of current
social and industrial Interest, and always ad-
vancing its standard of literary, artistic, and
mechanical excellence. \mun dant tractions
for 134 are: a new Aerial novel by 1\'1tI.IAM
13LAelf, illus' rated ray ABBEY -a new novel by
E. P. Ron, ittnatrate.1 pi.,• -s ABBEY,-
i:Insot ani
DIELMAN : descriptive illustratedrapers b11r
henttua iI. 11o1:ouroN, FRANK C). MILLET. (.
H. F.tltw'HAl. And others; important histori-
cal and hfographics 1 papers ; short stories by
W. D. IloweLLe(,Cnan,.Ea ItEAne &c.
' Per Tear s
Si 00
HAi1PER'$ \VEEKLY , 4 00
1 HAltl'ER'S t4AZAR -.. ....... _. 1161
One Year 1321Cnnrbersl..... .....
New Llreflsr Fanellon. Weakened ray
ease. Debility and Dissipation.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the hack or side+, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the (treat German
Remedy will restore the i"at functions
and ,eenre health and happiness. 81.00
per box, six poxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt o1 price,
postage paid, by F. I. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent for United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials' sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gods -
rich. 3m :
Thousands are being cured c; Catarrh
every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that
he doctors hall given up and said could
not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold
by George Rhynaa, ole agent for Gale
t ieh. 3m
}laving the ., t..,.,.t confidence in its super
leritf over all ,ahem and after thousands of
lids d thr m.'.' ,,.mptfr'aaed and e.vrre.
OEMs we could Ands e feel lastitIott In offPt-
IeCtemoot Ont Th•.oaamf Qsllar rnr any
ergo sr . ante tlts•es4 mammal
Is ion in il.
F'ustutr 1•'rr to ill .•ub+rrihcrt;a (
rt Stoles or C'auada.
Th.• volumes of the , fnyr:in: b •sin with :he
Numbers for June aId 1). . il.•rot ea, roar.
When no ante is syt'e'flcd, it, will be ....ler-
stood that too• suhweriher wishcsto begin
the current Number.
'rile Iasi Eight volumes of /for,,, .,
in neat cloth birldln,c, wiil to
mail, postpaid, postpaid tin receipt of S3 Oil y1 •r
Cloth Cases, for binding. SO cents I•a,•:.
mail. postpaid.
Index to Harpers .lfrrpnc;,, •,-tlphnhooil:ah
Analytical, mid Classified. (.,r Volumes ! tueak
inclusive, from June. lei.). to June. LW. one
vol., tiro, ('loth, $l UJ,
Remittances should be trade by Poet -Office
Mone • Order or Itraft to avoid chance of loss.
arc not to ropy thin adrrrt ine-
mrat without the rrprras order of HARPER &
IIterrit :Rs.
iiAitPER & BiROTIIERS. New York.
1 ' ."'1£38, DIZZINESS,
.r.'!T RiiEt'A±, l'HE STOMACH,
1;:. ARTBURN, DRt Vf 88
And every •pact.• or dreamt arising scorn
T. MILBURN & CP., Pr'°' i$„ ,q
tee to
TheWeeklyGl obe
•J amaeoesaoseemeeeeeeeememeemeaomesaaaaaaseeo
Has the most extensive and influential circulation in British
America, is noted for its extensive Cable and Trlegraphic News,
and is the great authority upon Commercial and Financia/
Matters throughout the Dominion.
One Year, .. $7.00 Half Year, ... $3.50
Quarter Year, $1.75.
In order to increase our already large list of yearly subscribers to
Tug WEEKLY GLOBE, we make the (following liberal and magnifi-
cent offer to every reader of this adverti.entent who wishes to take
advantage of it at once.
For $3.60 we will send to any address in Canada or the U. S..
from now to end of December, 1RS4. and in addition, A HANDSOME
The Hi,/1 Ir Jf eorivenrtnl rte : I: Ir moat a of^.aras.t
teavia i er, rots qesetiy referrer n,' kir ; it it dart -,rax` and :
;aod tine -keeper.
The above price includes postage upon Watch to any
anada or the United States. This "tier only holds ! .;.:.,
January zoth, 1884. We will start shipping watches ':x t "Ler
15th. Remittances should be sent at once, so as to citable us to
procure necessary supply and fill cyders with as little delay ac
possible. le. Address,
w: �rws�.► The Great Dollar P ' per. -r an
BIN tea• •.•. r ~-L a �r,,
•"tot, lite is sirtirpil; oy.
L i Maud dere beloro )ext dl
something nugi,ty and sub
Rine leave behind to eooquer
S{oi�f1,G i time. SW a week in your own
town. 5.5 outfit free. Nu risk, Everything
new. Capital not required. NVe will furnish
vuu ev-rything. Many are making' l -nuns.
Ladies .lake as much as men, and boys and
girls uuurr creat pay.. Reader. if you wast
business of w•hich''yuu can make great pep all
the time, write for particulars lo-lt. IIALLETT
it .('o.. Poi:land Mali
Chrystal & Black.
New Ii3OILERS Laud D1ALTIPANS m:ti: :xc
1, red;on shortest notice.
All kinds of Repairing executed under the
personal supervision of the Proprietors •,1iu
(�i•f7rf rrr! !Ain;
' P. (1. Box 103
111(1 lISI1 ASS. CO' V. ToHOSTC--Ettablishe
PII(FENI\atablisINShal. t ('Ol7$'Y
. of LONDON England).England)...
HARTFORD INS. ('O'\'. of iiaRm-olu,, Conn
--Established 1810.
Risks taken in the alms t. first -clam Offices at
the lowest rats by-HOlL(E HOItTON.
The undersigned 1. also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan On first-class security, ons
7 to 8 per ('erft,. - Charges moderate.
Goder'rh Sept. 10, 1880.
an• ueuully' robbed
f theirvlrtims,lives
prlonged. hapiness
and health restored
1. the use uftI - seat
widen positively- and perulaneut y cures Imo
'wiener' ,rau.ed 11.3 cscl'Grp of any kind,/
Sentinel VIrnkwers. and all disensew that fol- .
low' .l : a i•elitn••Irg of SW- S Lute, as loss 1i en -
crop. 1•,ss of memory, ltnis -rant lass ode,
pain 11 the bark, ditune:sa of vision,',re•ma-
tur.•,.l lnt;r, and fleshy' other d1A,,t' ,s that
Iwr. In.::cit' csto..-unipti'41and ti lotus -
10 a '
he.n1 for civ uta1•' wit htrst Intuit t,. frre by
.(ail The Ib1 ItatM a•t't►It is. sold ut FI per
box, 1.r six 1 ,,i for by all drnµgict: , or
twc-1 l t amt fr sly mail .,•.rely ,. rat, ,t. on
reeeite of price. 1., r, ldr,ssier,
F. .1. i'!i-I.>'EY. Intiggis'. -
'µ`•-r•n"til 8t., Tolc,'u, Ohio
Gt:n. Pit '
Are P'. ar rat •, trke. o nntnin their own
Purgati,c. • safe, s;.re, ate1 edeefwal
destroyer '.1 worms in Ctdldr_n or Adults.
-11.1.• Gtr alw'ATSon the look
•err 1. cit ti ct•s tri b.r„ase
n c•arain;:--.end it. time he
•,ltt..' those wl.n do
no. -os( their oppurtun
. •rt • '. Ve offer a k`rea•.
,' murk.- . w .• want men, WO-
;rrl ,,.•rk for its in their
,lir.•-. .•.r. .r.. ..undo he work pro-.
n .1.. , 1 - e ,- Tire bootie's will
5, 1 ; e rr:anry Mages. Ex-
np.;•n-ni`.,,:fr.. No ole sets. en-'
; 1;1- ;o rept. 11:10:,•. 1.•ni413_ You can
u1 '.
'one to 11,c work.'rronly
1 1 information and
- rt . 1 t . e. Address tT1N
( ... . , 11 ?. 11 pus.
$6D0.00 3Warde
We W.& 1...7 1 i , 1!..11'.• r. V. t"'d ter any ease of
1t(Liver tlonur.1
,t ou
k k Headache,
1ttI nlI1.rK.lI1u1r.,. pw.'t..;l\t1d1r!atleIYr1 t(a1"o ltovt1e1st leI- 1.
when t t„krc•.'tlnnsarestrictly (emptied with.
FOR. 1884_ They payciy Vegetable, o and never toll to
give sat woe! Seigel'l'unled. Largo Ruxce
- contaln.nit 30 Pills. 2i rents. For sale by all
With tie. advent of later Tor: \Vt:s'i':,9 an-
vxxn•'(.t..a Nn WEEKLY I.IRKRAt- n.11 !Hilmarin new and improved forte. with new type.
print...! from stereotype plates, on a new wets
feeding press of the latest design. %V bile its
several popular "Departments" will 1P• eon -
tinned, afore vigor will he oh,,-rt•aMc through-
out. Only tftl per annum. Ilot nrrr of 1,,..
frre to sem auhsrribrra.
"POI: ICAIT. 0ALIE ItY,"---Our prrntinto
fpr loth len hni?tfdsamcly-printed Boo:; of Pot• -
traits, ss it Btu ueinnod cover. containing the
follow Der chmmmlithographs, in Ave color..
viz : Iler Majesty Queen Victors; His 1• -5
lency the Governor -Gent ral iIlargnis 1f 1..
down,' : Itt-Hon, W. E. Gladstone: Ilan. 1
want Blake ; SW John A. Ma1•donald ; 11,":.
011yer Jiowat ; Hun. .Ver. Alncken•
Chester A. Arthur. I'r,-lident 111 1.. . An
elegant andattra-lis- eornanmenthor the twir-
warfor table. ,.-size of nisch portrait. 8 x 11 inches.i
A biographical sketch of each t-rsotlsi(e--
wrtfte' by an eminent Canadian-- is also elven.
Prtee, only lee. extra. or SLIM In all.
LT If preferred, subx•rilwr. Inlay have a
chntrno, 'Hst AND HKA1.T11" or "1'11Aa K'M
Rsxsrtta"- two wall -known farmer premiums
-in board cover, on payment of 13e. ,Manion -
al. or DI.lx In all. Only ons premium. al.
Tin I)An v AIt nRTt- tIL containing' the
enmplete midnight dna .etches, is mailed for
Myer annnm, or $1.25 for three months.
Total circulation each week o1 I)Att.Y AND
WEEKLY A n'KRTlatk. over ropk,
tor Agents wanted everywhere. Pifty
s.1 ishle prises to the most snoc,stul club -
getters. trend pet rani for psnieulars. Re-
l-laterell lettersrnrnc at our risk. Addrl.e-
The Signal's Clubbing Otter.
The Ric'AI. and TRK 5%'i-,TKIt' AD, me
roma will he mailed to any address from now
to January 1st, 111811. nn receipt of only$2.15.
Ifettharof Tun An'KRtt.ta'a popuar pre•
minmt 1s required. the adttlonsl amount for
sane' mast he enclosed. as abr.,e, with full
particular*** to which Is wanted. Address -
MctitLLN'I DDT Ramps..
MITA,, nice, 0 -deriel, Oat
ederteh, 1)t•t. $ 1Mfl. 1511•
Drnggiats. Beware of counterfeits and imita-
tion•. The genuine manufactured only 11
JoiIN (', \} }.,a'I k ('(e„ "The 1'111 Makers,'
81 and 81 Ring -t, Ea: 1, Tcruntu, Ont. Free
triol taackagr• A1•nt by Mei prepaid on receipt
of.a 3 eget Pt snip.
ler rile tit itIt•RO\'a DUI 11.1 STORE.
Health is Wealth!
MENT, a E i irante ed specific for Hysteria, Itix
sinews. 1'onynistona. F its. Nervous Neuralgia
Heasln•he. Nervuua Procuration caused by the
now of nleohol or t,haren. \VakefnInc,s. Men
tel Repression, Softening of the Brain, result.
ing in 1mann y and loading to miwcry, decay
and dcnth. Premature Old Age. Hormone...
Loss of Power in either ties, involuntary Issas.
and Npennatorrlo'n, roamed by oyerexertlon
of the brain. self-abuse or over -Indulgence.
One box will core recent cam•a. F:och Mix con
tains one month's treatthent. One dollars hot
or six hove. for Aye dollars ; sent by mail pre
paid on recelp of prier. We guarantee six
boxes to , are any case. With each order re-
ceived by .is for Pis boxes. neeompanied with
ave dollars, we will send the purchaser our
written guarantee to refttn.i the motley If the
treatment does not effect a con'. Guarantees
Iwnrri only by 11INRs WII,&A%, pole author-
ised agent for(ilwlcrich, (int. JOHN /' WEPT
R Co.. sole proprietor'. Toronto Ont.
,Wantet. trig Ps:.. VoltVolttt'ork CO ton Loy sa
or reitlnireit JMIME Lag IR r M
Queliee. 17111
.t week . rade at home by the In
lnatrioe.'. Rest business now be
fore tbo wildly. 5'apita not need
ed, \Y.• A•111 ,art you. Men. wo
men, Mos and girls wanted very
w re to.Mork for iia. Now Is the time. You
ran work in metre time. or elver yunr whole
time to the hnainrsa. No ether business will
pay foil 1051.1} so wrll. No one ran fall to
Brake enormo.M pay. by engat(ing at one*
4aWl, ( 111'
ari4 terns fres. Mnnry ntad�
esatlf, sad honorably A l ire,. Tst'
CCCC0.. ♦w;nrta. Itatae.