HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 61'HE HURON SIt:1AL, FRIDAY NOV. 3, 188'. he Poet s 1Lol ner. Mew it pert Get Even Wall as Fenger. John Lang, the ed•tur of the New B. and Sebsotsaa■ter. York gazette, having (ince alluded to McDonald Clark the poet, as "that fel- You've el- lOY \"e yulaaad Na' ultra and puzzleduu• long, low with zigzag brains,' the insulted Yon'.e asked me to cy Vier and spell• ee[ rushed into the sanctum of the You celled uu• a dunce It t answered t. rue.. b', minerals', then cuuducto•d by Col. Or a dolt If I tailed to tell Stone, blazing with fury. Just w lieu W say lir aid w hell to a.ta 'Do }'ell tla'tl. Colonel,' said hs, 'What Johnny Lang says of me ? He calls use al relfellow with zigaag brains." 'Well, and s" you are,' grid the Cul one1. '1 think it is a very happy desciip- 'Olt : That's all very well fur you tion of you.' t say,' retorted McDonald. '1 11 take a joke fnen yu, but Johnny Lane shall not destroy my well-e..rned reputation. Zigzag; brains, forsooth :Zigzag brains -- think of it, Colonel ' I mutt have a chance to reply to him in your paper.' 'How touch space do you want ?' in- quired the Colonel. 'I think I could nee him up in a column and a half,' said McDonald. 'A column and a half,' said the Cul, 'Stuff : Yeu shall have no such space. 111 give you just four lines, and if that will answer, tree away ; but net a line Or what alae seems may wake, Or the boturitt.dC Of K4,111401064 Bay, Or the liforget-viliatirritsmaind lake. So 1 think its about my turn. 1 do, To ask ayucat uLir socfyLu. '1'be bchuuintast, r grim he upr•ied his eyes, But said not a wurd fur sheer surprise. Can you tell what 'plica -dubs" lueans t 1 can. • C'an you say all utrby heart The "oncry tworry ickery ann." 1. r tell "elle)." and '•centm.Vna' apart 1 Can you fling a top, I wu,tld like to know. Till it hums like a bumble -beet a'an you make a kite yourself that will go 'Must as high as the eye can see. 'fill it sails and sutra like a h.twk ..0 the wing. • And the little birds tome earl light on its string The achuulmastcr looked. uh: Very ,l :nitre. But his mouth was twitching. I'nl almost sum. era•. fn nun an you tell whethe c -t of the oriole The 1..1. thus driven into a nat•lew swings. Or the color its eggs may be 110 you know the tits' when t:'n squirrel briigs Its young trout their nest in :le' tree ! l'an you.tt•ll Lite wbeu the chest nus. are ri•adv to drop. Ur where the best hatzci aut. grew t t an you climb a htgh.trea• w the 1. ry tip•top. And gaze without 1rrtubl;t.l(, below t • ('un you *win, and din e. can yoacjsuip and run, Ur do anything e,ae we buy, call tun : The toaster's s oi;•• troubled as Ire r• Ton are r.ght. fur !ad. I'm the .I.nw.." he sighed. • •IWIde 1w'al:e• corner, est down and instantly wrote elf the the felluwitg neat epigram : •'1 can tell Johnny Lang in the way of a lathe' in reply to ilia rude and unmannerly sciay. That in my humble Menne It is better by hal. To have brains that are. zigzag than no tinting at all. 'There, C,lonet, said he, 'let Johnny, Lang put sett in his pipe and smoke it.' Mara Presby* ry. 1'he Ptwabytety of Hur,i met is Clin- ton, on thu 13th inst., Rev. C. Fletcher presiding. After the reading of the minutes, the Statistical Financial returns from coo gregatiols were exautyiied. Although. in the judgutedt of the Presbytery, some of the cengregatiols had not contributed to the schemes of the church in proper- tion ropertion to their ability, the returns wers,•`11 the whole, satisfactory. Rev. Dr. Cochrane, Convener 01 the Assembly's Hume Mission Cummittee, addressed the Presbytery respecting the Supplemental Scheme adopted by the General Assembly, at its last tuesting. Its object is to secure to each minister 11n the church the uiiniaiun stipend of 8750 and manse. Small stipends cave, here- tofore, been to some extent s.pplement- ed from the Hume Missie11 Fund, but it is now proposed to create a special feud for this pulite*. --Tie previsions of the scheme were fully explained, and in ac A Cure IDs fats, tures. Err. curdauce with the Dr s suggestions, the 1 The finest healing compound under the sun is McGregur t@ Parke's Carbclic Cer- ate. 'There is no sore but will succumb to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invaltabla dressing for scalds, fes- tering., etc. Price 25 cents at G. Rhy nas' drug atone. h 4. Thr .tie of* Wonsan. Two friends have had a dispute as to a matter of propriety; oneaaks us to ids 1 tureen them, and this is the dee subject : _ f ••He says that a lady would regard it Lennox Dlaisnwred. 1 as an insult if site was asked in company i by a •genticutau what her age was.,. I say We hide been all a eae.:.solprised bow that it is no insult. Will you please tell the electors of Lennox persuaded them- I IIs w'iw Is correct 1' bclves to elect A. H, R'u es thtir repre- bentatiee in the Legialeture. That Ber- prtse Las been itoert-astel, upoe reading the evidence taken in -the case of Roe v. Snider, and published in the Eee•'••.(e to her, but rather a gross piece of imeer- The defendant was a clergyman, who, uncles. Besides, Why should you dish ♦ Rua ea a Drag mere Never was such a rash made for any IhttE Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Cousutuptiuu, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hos tensss. Severe Coughs ur any affection of the Trust or Lungs, can gut a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regu- ar situ $1. (5): A Leel Oiler The Chicag••, Burlington oft Quincy Railroad Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the Continent," describing the wonderful growth of the six Greet States. The l ..•k in beautifully printed, and numerous en graving* of high merit adorn its pages Any 0110 seeding their name and address with two three -cent postage stamps Will receive a copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General P.tseuger Agent, Chicago Illinois. 5t Undoubtedly a lady might be asked about her age in a way which would make the question an insult. But, in general, such a question is not an insult Presbytery appointed a lie -al coulntittee to co-operate with the Hone Mission Committee. Rev. N. Patterson tendered his resig- nation of the united congregations of Bethany and Bayfield. The resigns tion was accepted, and Rev: R. Y. Then: - son was instructed to preach in both places on the 25th iust., and to declare the charge vacant. A call to Rev. Mr. Camer.,n, of Kip - pen, from the congregation of Summers - town, in the presbytery of Glengary, was sustained. Mr. Cameron stated that he had not yet come to any decision with reference to the call, and iu accordance with his request, time was ;ranted in or- der that he might more fully consider the matter. It was agreed to hold a Sabbath School Convention in connection with the next regular tweeting, which will be held at Brucefield on the second Tues- day 4.1 January, 1384. --[New Era. in the interests o.f re sloectat,tltty, dt'c•en- h. k ow the exact number of her years . cy and morality, did what he could to induce the Teeple to reject Roe, Tery candidate, whom he had understood to have called the Saviour a bastard and a thief, and to have addressed to Virgel Mary even inere apprubrieus terms. Roe heard of Suideds actions, and he: cause the latter would not apologise for his alleged slander he eras prosecuted, the trial comutencine at the Naparee Assizes nn Thursday, continuing on Fri- day, and ending; in the elonsuitmy 'of plaiutilf. • There were but three witlitaeea for the prisectttion, one who hail Mr. Snider's recital of Roes lantuaui, the M.I-'P. ltituself, who deRled eillphatical- usedthe es °salons im- ly that he ever pr puted to hint, and tine who Clrrete.eated what occurred as regards foes c'.iner- sati,,n'wtt:'t Snider when he dent:N.1,4d the apot.the apology. The defence she. t hoof oholly .unreliable ia the teatime. ',tell.. lean whose .tongue can be so Ale:, and these ,Inge,sitrea it t. pee as i , ittjur r' . ,n,,eettt. Nine witnesses h,• :les the (lef.ndent swore that+:they bad, heard !tee tuake the terrt''Le tefereneeede toe tvieur and to the \ ,-r in'e ci•rree;'t1•`tt. nil to deny the Bibleand they miracles f Christ. Ti.is olxsphrtuits the r.111 tee taint : they are •an thly r n .it ,r: l such as trust make the-p.sott a 11 1,• regard their teeet:..r •. i' t ere -it tion. That tae have no doubt, ba•catt_e tl: • bu:, el clic evidence ggiven is on the side •of the de: Fence, aid' again t.that1.f I:',t' .we have the testimony fIfr..t:. Henry, ex -May - hr anti ex etliter -as' pt ,l r i' • t NI, .4.1"f ,n1. wL to l n cru is e its persisted is retteee. e-tene ' eiieete New we L t 1 t 1 :.' 't1 l 1 tttt-t ti e. , c aP} it -ree. , . I lap :••,._, 11,1 tetn•.1 :.y I.. ,• tr.a'..v • :1..41 I.,. 4.1411 1 \Who concern is that ef yours ? You can see for yourself jest what she is, and you know whether she has the charms of youth or lacks them. A woman, young man, i3 as old as she looks, and no older. • Th;if is why it is so impertinent to ques- tion her ori the subject. Your heart and your int,inatinn oug}tt to make the quer, tion unnecessary. For the purposes of the CCnsue it is necessary to ask women their ages, which must also be given to satisfy certain other requirements of the law. But otherwise it is both iutperti- . neat and unnecessary to ask them the date „f their birth. A charmir•g woman is always young.—[New York Sun. TwestyFour Nears. -Teere were -other changes pl,.pesu71 Ly \1r. -nlforol Fleming besides the sharps ill the standard of time, Which is a hour t • le,. .'1 1 ti 1. AInoue the propositi ons 11111, nv t1 at „tttlemam and discussed by :act eee di Lints Inas ono to t' !,,,Iiia the division- of tl e days into two r:lIld (tarts of twelve hours each, and enipley a c,ntieueus count ruunine from one to twenty -feu[' hours in each ,ley. t'fcsi- dent Barnard of Columbia tt. ll,';e, tekes the view that tine division at preseet ill use is not a natural' one. Ile says it it 1°,hided presumali ' upon It Cmtseiu of a't •neiutis to 1eeiu the Clay at the ui:ridiau 1• tsac of the sun. or the habit of the pee!'le to tix the moment of ap- parent noon by observing the conici- `denco of the shadow of a vertical stiles with aline drawn north and south. The knits'. Fluid Lightning Needs no advertising when encu intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and 'tuure than re- presented for Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache, etc. It removes any pain instantly quick as tlash. Try it and you will say it is well named Fluid Lightning. Get a 25 cent bottle at G. Mynas' drug store. b Why suffer from nervous prustratiens when you can buy a guaranteed cure at \\ ilsous drug store. 1 Extensive Prem ses and pierldiw Stock. Bt' t'AI3INI'1' - !MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Harniiton Street, Gcderich. A good assort meat of Kitchen. Bed -room, Inn!ng Boom andflenrlor Furniture, such Mita hies. Chairs hair. cane and worst seated1. cupboards, Bedsteads, Matire..es. Wash -s trew eouug.•s. Sofa, What -Nuts, Lucking (ilexes*. N. 11,—A complete aaw.'un'nI ..f l'ult10 and Shrouds always on hands also Hearses for hire at reasonable rate . Picture F'r*nttna a sort -Lally.— A cell ea.e.t(d. ! 1751 Cured Free. Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint etc., should pall at Geo. Rhyme' drug store and secure a free trial bottle of McGregor's Speedy Cure at °nee which will convince you of the merits of the medicine, It cures permanently where all ether medicines have failed. As a 61.4 purifier it has no equal. Remem- ber, It costs nothing to try it. Regular size, tifty cents and one duller. a Pimples and Blotches Call at Geo. Ithynas' drug store and get a package of Mctrregor & Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It iscotnptsed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail. Try it. b PITT- TIIE POOR DYNPEYTIC.—Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the magic effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN ep HEALTII. Grass'. Fluid Lighting Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc, Rub- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but One minute's application ,removes all pain and will prove the great value of Kraut's. Fluid Lightning. 25 cents per bottle at George Rhynae druc store. 1i '-alt Rictus lured. Are yeti troubled wit:[ Salt Rheum, Rcn,h Skin. Pimples er Canker Sores ; if se, ge at encs to Geo. Rheua& Drug Stere and stet a paeka_e ',f Vc{:regor & Parke's Carh elle Cerate Price 25 cents., It was never known to fail. b )sept, is I,eiievin.. Ctie: the tent meeials ei-the pamphlet me Dr.' Van Buren's Kidney Cute, then huy a hotae and relieve -yourself or ail those distress- ing pains. Your Drngzest can tell you all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderich 2m natural diviaien of the day is into a held 's • portion and a dark portion. Tli.tre are a very appreciable disadvantagesattend- e -: file present division into twent; f iur • These are goad Facts. The 'best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certaiu, cure known. They act surely and gttit.kly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refunden. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. Wilson. [41 Tho] use ef Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, &c., nil other nauseous, sniping Cathartics s unnecessary, as a pleasant substitute s feu11d in Dr. ('arsons Litters. which ct as a Cathartic without- gr'ipinir er aurin; artesea. Ml dreeeists Nell it. 110 c,•nts a b ttic. -1 ;etics. The first of these is the ewe c sity t f usim.; always is speech the . went 1or.: ;oo,tii. c afternoon in order to itelentify the .pertiou of the day to Which t e hear tncntiunel refers : „r, in writing;;to place after the umnbcr (if the !1 •ur the.explautatery suffix a.m.. or p.m. F47thu hours of the day were c•nitiiete115 i lv tiembered front begiunine t.. l,i 1 . there would never be any tuicert:iin.y 1n; which part •,•f the clay was meant. Cot on the other hand, it is plain that to take this change would inve!eo a enact 1 Ise of money and material. \What wield become of all the clocks ? f tier' the present system they only strike tdelve,' ander the proposed system they hive to lrike twenty-four. The figures on the limits Would also have to be changed, and the tone'thousands of watches in. uae would have to he taken to chess+. It old let odd to see people m:t' tn:; a ntntal ceLkulation eves tittle the; ht lr l he clock strike le number atrc:tter—Thiol twelve. But a still more startling 1 1 ,e- -itien in re4ard to time is one t.` the day tete ten bourn, the lure ,t" It ..,: hundred minute -I, the' lunette int., i 1 Iv 11undt'oJ seconds, and so adjust th' t .h lit i r trio of the standard second that one 1 with; 1 .:ddrea theusatnd seconds would he • ..nirslent to our twenty-four hours. -- • ,lte Telegram. r 1 all i i. , 1 11' 't. + the ' esti . 1,114-- Ret.i. • . ' t sworks, ret le fsi.i, It .golf spe- cific f, 1 all .i .. , 1 1•', laihneys and !'fool.' In, ,.':an'I'�u'.i';tiE and t.trengtleenin, I.. tIt.tI ,i.ls 2 one t f eel. lest , :1,/4115 w.,ul 1 say to Vila public -that he hits tri,.t1 11.t11's Ca tarrh Core. sad d id all that is daimede for it Pries 73 cents per lento. b (len. iihsna.. !L d•t v:• r; f ,r r'}ttne• !rich '*ti -' nu, two& -A naw ettrecti11S > IM sAltanaOPP eke two N.., ,' 14 r. t•arls►lt it reT whish Ira' C, ",1 ±•1 :,:ply mil (CUt0us is all I cm say of ,'tt•,•ct of Dr. Van ilnren's Kidney in my case. An elderly lady l It•s this frena Anti penlsh, N. S., who 1 -,itl'ereil from pains in the ba.el; for 1‘‘Cilly years. Stihl by .1. Wilson Godo - richt. 2nt • t Llf-'Metes Prevent. Mr. M E. Allison, fletehit.won. Kan., s.tv ed his life by a siteete Friel Bettie of Dr. Kitts's New Discovery, for Con- sulu!'tU`'t. which catered hint to 'procure a largo bottle. theteeenplat lycured hint. 0111.0 1)'ctors, cit -lee • r cli:nate end ev'erythine eLii.hail r`:. i. .\at!ima. t;r,nch'.t I I,nr a ae v t.. t' tt.•hs, end all Tie at 'alt.! Lune iltaeases, it is pIlirant.•'.1 to retie -feel: Betties at J, Wils.li s ir.l: Zt,,re. L,. i . • $1'. • (:1'. t. •steer lie i!1:IK 15 t pr eI :[rat ten r f ('1is a.•0. v a•eiine rind cerate called: Mctl'e_ ,• Patke's Cerbehc Cerate. It will curs any s.'re, cut, burn or bruise when all ether pre- parations fail. Carl at G. 1;hytlas drug store, and :tet a 1n r:1 ,a'. cents is all it C•••te. s WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOORAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY. WIL EEE ■Y EAAMININO THIS MAP, THAT THE Says Dryden "She knows her mat:, and when jet' rant and swear. Can draw you to her with a single hair.' But it must be beautiful hair to have such pourer ; and be autiful hair can bit ensured by the use of CINoALE,E HAIR RENEWER. Sold at 50cts. ny J. Wilson 2m .t *Well titiDlscot 'cry. Physicians are often startled b; t_ - markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. Kinq's New Discovery for Consumption and all Threat and Lung diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to (lie, is startline thele to realize their sense of duty., ani examine into the tnerits of this wonderful discovery, re- sulting in hundre-Is of Gus best Phpsi- ciens using it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. Wilsons Dr•utt Store. Regular size e1.0 . (-t) • Gni - Pl.,/11"LV'7; .11ILL i •.•t:l ..::- 1, 1- '., BD.Cil? iia 1,:L� pia nbinsan I 1SIl, Doors t:T /]Ilil(t1S 141 411::15 1'; It.t ,aNt» 0► l,ffinber, Lads, Shingles ane bulkier st.tateriat errtrt_,?,•'riptioa. S;'I011. fulth!TUfti J S?EC4IILT'f: T'.tr gtutelle.t 1'hlna ow licret41 1s Kron•, Fluid Lightning for \cnrlt,ia Heel,tehe. T,Nothache, etc. It dues not blister or (hese or rho s.in : rognirc hal one application to banish nl1 pain maeic- ally without using any greasy liniment or carrying your head in a'entitico for weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle (from Geo. Rhyme. 1 Urea* Dlscnvr That is daily bringing i,y to the homes thousands by elven; many of their deer ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr. King a new Discovery for Consump- tion, Coughs, Coble. Asthma, Bronchitis, day Fever, Loss of Voice, Tieklin l in I DI. Throat, Pain in !tide and Chest, or I ante disllase of the 'Throat. and Lungs,s, a rt,eitite rot(aranteeed. Trial Plot - lett tree *t . tV'ltig "(Argo lg xe ft1,.O 'tt' • 't 'et Orders promptly s`t,nde•l 10. -1, , : e•r,.11-:t tlg. 2�t:>>—. —._. _ - 1-•Y:•I_ WZLSO N' �I'l'st hiji1 j)1tjpStotts I V Warner's'afe ('are. Vn i It ortm's Kidney ('are. Ilan'. Catarrh 1 CM CHICAGO, Rock ISLAND & PACIFIC IVY, Being the Craat Central LM., affords to travelers, by reason Of Its unriva:od gao- Eraohical position, the shortest and hr+it routs between the East, Northeast ane Soo'heast, and tie Weat. Northwest end Southwest. 11 is literally and strictly true, that its connections are all of the principal lines of ro-td between the Atlantic and Lha Pacific. By Its main line and branches It reaches Chicago, Joliet, Peoria, Ottawa, •I S.M., Canese°, Mot;ne and Rock Island, In Illinois p Davenport, Muscatine, Washington. Keokuk. Knoxville, Oskaloosa. Fairfield, Des Moines. West Liberty, lows City, Attant-c, Avoca. Audubon, Harlan, Outhrte Center and Council Bluffs, In Iowa i Caliatln, Trenton, Cameron and Kansas City, In Missouri, and Leaven- worth and Atchleon ,n Kansas, and the hundreds of clues, viiiageb and town@ Intermediate. The - "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," As It Is familiarly called. offers t3 travelers all the advantages and comforts Incident to a smooth track, sate bridges. Union Depots at all connecting points, Fast Express Trans, composed of COMMODIOUS. WELL .VENTILATED, WELL HEATED. FINELY UPHOLSTERED and ELEGANT DAY COACHES I a line ct th• MOST MAGNIFICENT HOR•TOyt F ECLININC CHAIR CARS ever built 1 PULLMAN'S IaFest dazinrerf and handscmaat PALACE SLEEPING CARS, and LINING CARS that are actin owl ailed by press and people to be the FINEST RUN UPON ANY ROAD IN THE COUNTRY. anJ In which superior man's aro served to travelers at the low rate cf S:VENTY-Flvit CENTS EACH. THRE£ TRAINS each way between CHICAGO and the MISSOURI RIVER. TWO TRAINS each waybbt•sten CFICACO and MINNZAPOLIS and ST. PAUL., all 'ha ,a:nCur. AL BER`ir' LEA ROUTE. A 14ew and Direct Line, via Seneca end Kankakee, has recently been opened, between Newport News, Richmond, Cincinnati, Indianapolis and La Fayette, end Council Glufta. St. Pout, Minnoap;..is and Intermediate pointe. All Through PaseenSera carried on Fast Express Trains. For morn dl tailed informatiO4, sea Mapr::hd Foldcrs, which may be obtained, as wall as Tickets. at ail principal Ticket Offlcuu 111 the United States and Canada, or d R. R. CAQLE, E. ST. JOHN, V'. •o-P:a't A Cen'i Mar:g►.r, Cen'I T'k't [.. Pass's Ag't CHICACO. • • CARTER'S 1TTLE !VER PILLS. CURE TWIN -NAVY i, a.lmr'and sof f tin:Syronr o ail l;. t 71:7ZIG 1® CT ` r , a P LU G • ' b.: els.`t ,• I ✓ :-..., `:au., a, D•tate orowsurss, D tr x r.' t , 1'.:ninthe S de, rte. WhGetl• r t'`ic success 11,11been shown ft, cur.: SICK iT sdacbe.y..tcartriai.itUoLlarr .-t- ta.itab:e in CumtlptU°t) eerier•1 t`pr ,• I saner ingcomplaint,white tthey r..0itct '•t all d,--rt.ra oftbostuntsrh,atm(,^. ther Waal iya;.aetee new. ti. E,taIttlryon:year,d HEAD. .: Ar'(.e7stocld,b...t,tl Hirer' eta. r f r. m that distr•rt*E complaint: but in• • • ✓ arely their dMNdareaOt,0dbrre,atid11. - 'slid race try Urea fit Sod (less Litt: r al,:. its to matey trays that they ',moot be w: i : toe" Without them. Bat a•ur all sick brad CHE Isth.busefstmatyhet tba•ttereI.slime re snake oar great boast. Our lolls care 11 wi...'; I ah•es do ant. 1 earth's Little List Tills are eery •moll rad ' meeasy tetek•, Olerrtwe ptIleinekesdose. 1 Te.'y ate strirtly treatable and do not v. pc or vase, bat by th••tr gentle tenon i i, erge all who I ye 11,4 them. in v'a'sat(t3Crate: Eve for fl. Sul K 1 by Grs,;,,alts cwyw►s,e, er tent 14 Load. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Now York City. And -alt polies In IIto, No' raska illawatt,fic sag, Nye Mellen, Ai::;ts, (II,.. iSF r;itsT riholITEsr. tit sad • •, tine 1, 5-- .eels • 1� t,Llrne. T•..! 4-4 :>, si- . et.: • t*aa r', l T.txnr... �r.j ••..,,� e-., y s!1 t1 F l Ia r int• (a 1 •( SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. -swiss so. P o QQ No. Z. 'SWISS SOAP b • Na.. O SVi7183 SUA7-' No. 3. • ea me •smanuhcttirerl by 1)10 t',•11 r�� Mair lEewew t r. I Noonan; lop Compaq. ('rewfoss � tut ism, W& 11 rnrr's.'ettlne. ZU ICN, SW ID, Kilo, New ist•e„ r)' Q et of Slrawbr•r 1 w'1u+se a trnA• lerirl� thr'nol'. • Hal beide,. IJo. Maanfartered In I'awedlt e,.I, h) Fowler' - Flttra y pot ttilig Pearse el them ,.eti Try' VF'Ity t LIN IC., the new Pain Remedy- it /C11 S, 'trireme ri., n4 lent• .' • .7- rnr. i. �T V 1•ona,1, 4i Railroad • • • DIAMOND DYES,l� The Huron °� �0y �, BEST IN 11IE WORLD. 1 80AP. SOAP. SOAP. So is c, PXI*..PIA.O]C.AO111. nArrl t a..n, t' ,Ve:t er AP. oft ST ITUTIONAIART. A' • r teal. seta net 1-51 er curs a^r:hi . 4Ct'11116^*y wet rte vehnded Pel L tt.... esearese 11•• 1Or,n 1t..lenxamx, Ticked ARetlt, ()Mew} _j•l !kilt `7•.• A i FR�'r�RMr t•t l Stair()t, Canadian Paas. Ag t . Toron°. bn