HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 31
r JOHN A 110N91
etery of new a Ilan 4 a Was In4mserlea.
'There ! Yes, you do. You Spoke
good enough English there, stave that
you meant 'exactly' for 'rightly.' I
trent out without another
ANOTHCK Kot'\t) t P.
Tu'•, summers has e gamed away ; twice
has the snow tom's and gime ; the mud
of March is in the streets,and the fewer -
girls are beeiuuing to hawk bunches of
voilets and fa►neiee about, when ;we crane
once more uu John Arrustrout ;walking
out of the dour if the Vulcan Iron
Verks,-out re the oiliest doernot the
gate,of the general hands. doer
And what a transforination ! It is the
sante old Julio in the face, perhaps, yet
not altogether so, even there, He is
ctrau shaven, a!1 but a thick blonde
moustache, and his Nee has lust touch
Mean this : Your education new is mf the bronze of fernier days, while the
enough to answer for the feru:uam of ' fashionable cut t,f Itis hair gives it a dif-
a gang ; but suppose you were groin ited fcrent look. He is dressed plainly, yet
to he head of a shop, could yyou write a ut excellent taste, Tike any business man
prei•er business letter ? Coe hl you mike
the calculations for .an estimate en art
engine? Can you drew r
'Yrs, sir, yes,' interrupted John, raw atmosphere of Merch.
easterly. 'I kin drew. I've dtaw'rl 1 As he conies out, he pauses et the door
afore now.' a eminent to :sly something, in answer
'31r. Baldwin lee!eeJ Sat,:tis'txi. to Mr. Aoel timely, and the last words
'Well, you're a .neer compound. I we catch are :
must say, of knew•le•ee and ignorance, 'Be beet: ear:yen 31o0,1y,Armstron4.
shrewd sense and c!til.l-like iiineeeneu. for you know hew we ituul you.'
I've Ito more to sty. If you 'want to 'All right, sir,' ho responds, cheerful -
join the night class, it opens nest week, y ; and then away he strides d,wi the
and I shall be happy to help you. That, I street, humming :.'t air to himself, till ho
all. Goma melte ' turns the corner and coines alinyst on
And he turned away, leaving John in top of Mr. James Stryker, who, is walk -
it stale of puzzlement which lasted hint ne from the Excelsior Works, and who
all night, and from which he mid not givesI short b l yin t -
'Telly emerged next mei-nine when he
went, according to promise, to call on
Mrs. Morton at 143, Ashley street.
He armed there about ten 'o'clock in
a bashful nuns!. His hands and feet had
never seemed se large before, now his
clothes so ill made. Not that they were
dirty or shabby, for he had spent a good
deal of spare cash in smartening up, and
looked respectable enough, hut he lead
noticed the difference between toe cut of
Ids clothes and those of other men. As
he passed No. 81, he saw Jim Stryker,
in the carelessly•eleeant dress of it well-
to-do yomtt man, lounging on the steps,
spperently recovered front his drubbing
of a week before.
Jim looked so handsome, And rete at-
tired so faultlessly, that John's heart
sank within hon as he thought :
'I whipped hint, to be euro, but lee's
abcre me for all that.' ,ewers of mind, as well as body , the
It was in this humble frame of mind trained strength of a nt.ut who has read
that he timidlyrater at the basement I widely and wisely', who has devoured
door of No. 143, and in another moment knowledge wherever he could get it.. A
stood in a darkened room, hat in hand, man who knows his value -who can
selling and nailing awkwardly. before ;twiny; n sledge or"Clinch a rivet with the
some one he could hardly see after the I
glare, of the street.
But he heard a very gentle mace which
we!contod hint kindly, found himself
sitting on the tele," of a chair, nervously
:masteries/ questions about his Monte, and
at last made cut the figure of a very
handsome old laly, with snowy hair and
large brown eyes, whc was talking to hint but net vain. No vainer t!t:alt the min-
as if she had known him all hislife, while ple John of two years before, perhaps, in
Ella Morton, in a plain, neat dress', was his heart of hearts, more modest than
sitring by her mother, smiling at him. 1 before, knowine, a he does, how much
'Did you manage to arran;;o'tltat little 1 's left to the tvieest man to learn of the
matter about sending en your money !' ridden forces cf nature.
the odd lady was asking him. 'Ella told ,luhn Arutstrene, mechanic and gen-
me that you were 0 stranger here, and tleman, in in tuner as well as heart,strid-
wanttd Imo inform:.tion.' I int dawn the street towards the North
'Tee, ma'am-thankee, ma'am,' stain- river, on the most joyful errand leis life
leered John. 'A gentlemen showed me I leis yet known.
-a very kind gent t'.n, ma'am -'one Mr. As he nears the river; where a cold
Baldwin. P'r'eps you might know him, nor' -wester is chasing away the clouds
i ns'ate, Nein' 'otuainted like here.' and drying up the mud, with a promise
When he been' to speak the old lady's of frust. he hears the sharp boom of a
fees had become anticus for a ut inent, brims ecu out in the stream, Sorel stye to
but as tsar. ars he • , -vntinnod' the moue himself, with a smile :
she 1., aced reliever!, and -observed : 'There sha conies ! li1t, how glad I
`I'm so glad. Yes, I'kn ty Mr. Bald.- feel ! And tis -morrow - to -morrow is
win. He'a a very worthy, good ratan. Sundae., I wounder if he has charmed
You co idol not have a better friend. In much f'
fact, he's a friend to every one who Ile hurries .lows to the dock. jus: as
needs it. Poor Ella and I owe hint a a steamer, of the pattern of half -way be make folks laugh at y e mu char, boy,even cattle back, And sae 1 . chahied its t', rase to comfort, and tu•,sty caro t stortt and cut n ,crfc:: and uta:an•
great deal. Vfu have been hard put t>) ; tweet' ocean and river beat, that denotes\\ht.'s it from. EI1: ? Anytltine about !
a if a don't let on e're''ehamad. on
s_ u•ul, n. child f' w• stn Still laliea, thou ,h wJ tau our tanenns cora for 2� conte, 1s': for
i at times to live on the poor wastes Southern coaster, rounds into the yye're
a seamstress but thanks to . c o,c 'est tell me how folks does here and 1 !t 3 I arca Leine. Xe haat ne cueres w ores, 1{ram's Fluid Lightning.
t •robor 1' When •ire you
connote front the office, and his fine, erect
figure leeks as Stalwart as ever in the
big ulster Ire wears to fend off tate cold,
thau one 1 There are plenty of hat k's 'Hero's a clean one, father. You'll heal and lecke.' as dignified as a yueeri4;
The old luau laughs. nee.1 ice ,rets. Thats why I had you oil the ti .r, tutuutg Irresolutely to atnl
'Trunk 1 Catch an old sujer with a treasured at the tatter's. l was just the fru, her (see all aquiver with conflicting
trunk, John. No, no ; 1 travel light, Immo as you, two years alto, and I have emotions, till she suddenly broke out
buy, so I kin break cam,, at a itenient's I t.. watch myself Sten new to keep from sobbing agate, and hugged her mother
iutice. I've gut toy old knapsack, and oonuntttimK s.decisut.'
vehemently, with a stiffed cry of :
nethiree else. ' Don't want no hack. 'Mistakes 1 wean, father.' 'Forgive we, inetlter-forgive rue ! 1
The old boys used to march twenty Miles 'Well, John, I'll try. But ain't there didn't mean it, but -I cant -1 can't --
a day regular in July, and now I'm well notlrtu' elm 1 mustn't du !' help it.'
I don't want to hack.' 'Ye., father. You must never put And the old lady melted instantly at
Then he turns to the ship and calla : your knife in your weigh, nor pick your the cry of her child, as her ow•n thoughts
'Hello, Charley ! You sailor mar.. teeth with a fork.' -- fiew back to the day, a quarter of acwn-
Heave the that ere knapsack on the 'But I ve gut a holler tooth, and ifs tury before, ellen a like cufeseion had
rail.' - chunk of must gets stuck. John, how aur escape) her own heart, if not her lips,
And forthwith amus flring through I g••iu'ru git it out ?' all unL ttSCtous till then.
r. h•! , it
the air a venerable black 'knapsack, all 'You'll have to wait till dinner's over, '1 - oe t f
bulging out with its contents, with the a use t toothpick very 'tiered . It's Ah. who eau help Inc.uthat e, nuesan:
uuotber 1'18 on the back.
not allowed genera y c
Iliad the bureau drawer full of all you while Etta stood p.tttiug her tome *pertly
low, Mother -built like a truck sta.
Aumph ' I see. When it comes to,
dreaming about Greek statues, Ella'—
'I didu t, mother -indeed 1 dti'n't,
But you crust own he is a grand figure
of a man. I.x,ked at artistically Mime.'
'R'I • old lady pursed up her lips.
•I saw that he was a L strung man,
like mom blacksmitlta is face might
have l•s,ted deoent, on y ht. hair was
tut si . dely, and as for his hands'- ---
The remembrance caused $ grimace.
Ella turned away her head with an-
other pout, oberrving
'Well, you're preludtced. You wna't
see anything to him. 1 suppose you'd
i, like lite to accept the attentions of that
'I J ll till after dinner's gnus like the wind, notes know whemci Mr. Stryker, new that his uncle's death
over. You'll sae the toothpicks on the or whither ! The o:cul and the w•,ntail has left hum • milli.wwru 1'
table.' meet who never saw etch other hiders, The old Indy looked vexed.
The ,', ; in in looked gloomily at the and in the twinkling of an eye the world 'You are unjust. You knuw I have
ice' but a blanket and a gun, to wive fest-, is transformed to beth forever. 'fate often toll you that he Mia a young man
weight ; let 1 tell ye there ain't nu dig- 'I 11 never manage it,' he said., 'Yee hnrizen fades sway, earth and sky aro whom no lady could look inn without mis-
count'on it tdi hold sotnethirif mere all will see me dein' all thunt things, and trust. I would have you treat hint with
the tithe.' folks"' leuelt at we, and you'll feel
Ar.d he is about to-a�Tjust it, when Itis 'ahaute 1 ..f your old dad --you e:ut't help
sun says gravely : it, bey -I won't Llano ye. Reckon I'd
'Not new Seller. I's not necessary. better :;it back• to Painted Post, where
We d .n't use them in this city, and folks aunt s•, fine, if they be honest.
folks will stare at us. We'll ride ice the
hack, if you dont object, for we're two
Old Armstrong pat* it atfe.•tienately.
'That's the reg'lar cad thing. Hutt
we used to hate it once., and carry troth -
lust in a zone of glory encircling one
figure mne, and henceforth there is
uuthutt to be seen, telt, heard, but love.
The brown eyes of the mother tilled
with teats as ilte heard her daughter's
cmfessi.et, and she AM )(idled lows the
You're :email lip, John, but I'nl to old shining braids with her cele1 cares -int and au honest elowu.'
to feller. Yonb better leave •1,:s hoe touch, ;es she whispered : Ella made an snery to ,tion.
or three miles to drive to our bearding- hin.l.' 'There, there, child, never wind. I 'John Armstrong's ne clown, mother.
There was a muarnful rine in theodd didn't meat' it, darling. Ab, my deer. 1Valt till you see him, before you are se
civility, Mime Itis humble alwlo,gy to us
for what, deubtleas, happened when he
was un ler the influence of liquor. But
there is s medium, Ella. lieu are not
reduced to ch•tsine bet a can a den.►uchee
'Ail right. John -you knew beat, save man's voice as hu spoke. and John cattle how blind Tire been : How lone has this swift to judge. It's not like you to con- .
tate o!d wan 'But I've cost you a heap affectionately to his side, saying : been goingeni i \Vtty, Ella. Ire never deinn him wtheari.'
of money a'ready, and I thought we 'Father, I've just seen the dearest hefted you even say his name since hu •1 hate seen hint once, child. As a
might as well save hack hire, now I'tn wish "(any heart gratified. I've earned left us, nearly two years ago : 1 never humble visiter,to whom 1 might be kind'
well.' euou�lt w 1 y I had no objection ; but it seems that he
His son stakes nu answer, save a pres-
sure of the ane and a fend smile, as he
'Ah, is it you, Armstrong f I see your carries the knaptaek himself, and leads
his father to a earriage, when they art
driven off rapidly up town to a buardine
htuae very different frau: the tenement
in which John bed ledged two years be-
fore with old stove Barker, and whctu
the old man is soon installed in a large
room, with all the modern conveniences,
.euple got that steamer cuatract. Wish
you luck of it, bat dent see hew you
can make money at those figures.'
Artuttruu_ smiled slightly. Stryker is
in deep Hemming, will. a tell crape round
his hit, but leeks the reverse of mourn.
at which he stares, in his simple wonder
1 might tell yea how to do it,' re, lied
the young men, quietly ; 'but, as you and says, in a low tone :
told mu once, business is business. How-
ever, John I'll giro you a hint, Had yt ur in this grand place ''
uncle b:en alive, we might net have got John smiles slightly its he answers :
the !contract. (,.,01 d:+}': I m rather 'Not as much as you think. Besides,
in a burr}.' I get a very ceinfurtable salary now- -
And los bows sightly and e'rikes easy. the next to Mr. Hardy; and they talk
The sine' John Arutstrrn in ti tire, the of electing him president.'
same shrewd sense, the same honest ring R'hat,' exclattur his father. Y:eai-
\ofthe voice ;but, besides all this, camp• dent of our States : N"hyo, boy, taut't
thing that was not there before -the teeth' year.' • ranks !'
elniet consciousness of wakened intellect. I John Laughs.
'No, no. Presideet of the Vulcan
Company. He can do better work mit-
. ' n to • to buy back yc ur health. dreamed of it, child.
Nc w I'ye got seine other wishes to strati- Ell to"iced up wistfully.
fy, and I ask you to help me. Think of 'Why not, neither r
has reimliated that character. He leas
net been to see us for tau years. arid
the old army of the Potomac, father. 1 The idol lady hesitated slightly. now'—
How soften I've heard you tell of the way 'You'll not be utfeilded if I apalk 'Now he writes like a utan end a gen•
the enemy drove yr u, azain ao.1 asl tin, plainly, dear, will you !' tleman, that there may be no utiacon-
all through Virginia, till it seemed as if .. 'Offended, mother : With you :' structien of his motive ice vellum.' said
ill luck was never t, leave you! And `Nay, child, in these taatte:a even .Ella, ice 0 tout; of triumph, waving the
then yo& came to Gettyaburl at. last. mothers must expect to be misconduct. letter that hal caused all the trouble.
\\'ell, did you rut'? Did you ;tire in to e•l. When the tit'te comes -here Mn. 'Please read it over again, mother, and
theta i' - :Merton heaved a slight sigh --I ellen the
The old man's eye flashed. time montes for a mother to lose her only
'No, by George, bey : We "zit" it to chill'--;
'ern geed at last. They might lick us ; Ella caught her mother round • tl e went.
but. the old hogs was all there, rata)• for neck, crying vehemently : . 'Mow ere.. 1 read it in the 1 wilieht r'
it, till we whil)e 1 'eat at last. Girt, in i 'Lege me, mother ! You solo ll nut- . Ella jumped 'up instantly, raniant
N;� • Don't talk that way Who think;of wi• h toy. and ran to hu;; her mother,
John rut has arm throu!_h his father's our lysing me :'' i,tyiug :
and said with a radiant smile : Mrs. Morton put the cameo,, arms 'You dear old mother, I knew you'd
'Then don't let the fine folks whip yeti quietly, away, and went on : • give tit. I'll light the lame. 1 th, I'mn
now, father.' Forward march : There 'When the time comes, it is a lss, tea• 50 bsppv
goes the dinner bell. S'e:► t in the darhne—a less Ilea you will one day un- ern at oaerrtsrxn. )
derstai •d. We women Lave to sutler it,
sooner or later. \\'e lure all we love,nne A Fortunate F
CHAPTER X. after the other, till only one thing is left Mit Bt•rkomshaw, 2i Ponubruke 3t.,
-the hoe. beyond the grave. But its Toronto at one time was about to sub
. -
}{E A l;E\TLE\[.►\ l Y
say, if you' can, that it seta out written
by a gentleman.'
The old lady orale a pettish move -
side than in ; and I can tell you, father, wolf, Ell.1. I knety 11 would conte aon1O mit to a ser_•icsl t•,eratien for beet _Lime-
s let t!r,t same Hirai .•y.,uin•_, . ice aa- day, chit!-thon,lt toot this way. Ne, I •nus4 tf the k:.at joint, all ether traat-
titat since hes lie' me to help hitt keel± other engirt it oil the city. net uu:u•t • so
> 3 never, truly,1 never dreamed of this. • in .nt "ying : tai,ed when miff . rd's
fashionable, but very quiet aool retired- ' and tvhy ttot.nother 1' Ella repeated, Yellow- t hl was tried, and s teedll cured
at Nu. 143 Ashley street, in feet -a tci,tfully.
I y
the men straight. the stock's p,tad it do o
dead of 8 per ce:tt, quarterly.'
The old man husks puzzle, and awed.
best workman in the shop, who can cal- I a' rtau its all, rght,' he stye, re*tgn- young lady was teatime a letter itt the 'Y7t uti1 utaelf that ha n'as • it noble
humin the power of engine, the caal l 1' (rout ,slur, and sae has the brown eyes )
eddy, 'but i. will tale me some time to ! ° fe wolild e.Mi an si .nor Wonted.
a chip befuro she has left the ways, bethe get} used to living this way. DI lu't "f Ella 11150•kno nt hmrfor tlt foe ts!to was �I''s 1L,rt•,n shivered slightlJ''w I l'.tn anj uua bring us a c se of Kidney
strength t,.f a suspension bridge, the thardly Yes, yes, I knuw it -I .kn tt.
tory power for a deep sett telegraph it you ! changed, fur m )rt' 4hai1 John Armstrong• 1 cannot say 0 word against his character, . "r f ; cr Complaint that Electric Bitters
cable- an engineer, in short. Jolt 1 colors alightly. The thin, hollow face of the , irl of will out speedily c•lra •.' \\'u say they
At tint,es, bat when you're mica to K child, as I remember it. fie 'scene to
Yes, it ie the same man, John :1 rust seceatecn had bile, to delicate rutin lees s canot, as tclire1 n .d cases already
e haat- Pruu1 of his c,l\ reit it, father, it s pleasanter than the way
be a aiuli,le, honest, nob,•• -hearted roan,
strong ' we used to do things at Painted Post.
and peachlike bloom ;the brown eyes 'Ellett, h•tnur to his calling. Ilut then, 'permanently
Electric iBiUctwlwill
wee c.
but 1 coin see danc'1 a nth ht tl[.1 nn1 )offal fight at Ella, you know 17u was cul} a cont:uuu 1 e.
Not lira. we were dirty, aha! she was reeding and her simple Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
now that we were careless in little ; 1 naechamic, with a nasal t,laug to his
things, rude without meaning it, 'ansa figura, attired in a pretty,' but plain silk speech, it defiance of tit) commonest "r any urinary complaint quickly cared.
diol u great deaf that would have shock- dress, was perfect ice its grace. Ella lied rule' of r:numar tied sat w tecta um They purify the 1,h o,tl, regulate the 1,,w -
prospered with mother. The p •or, edge a'.1 t ice while he was talking thnu,'tt els, end act .directly on the diseased
ed ladies that • f,ean well brought up.' P l , • , ' parts. Every b ,tile •ulrantee i. For
' The old man rye► hien keenly, with a ehirt•utaking drudge hell found her I tries to be kind to him in his anneal• Y
t 1 •t mid tt is earning
just ns J 'las kind to those pout• sale at :Me. a beetle by J. Wilson. RI:
►e„ati'11 as e . c:tc 1r.
jealous feeling at his heart. nags,
'I s'puse, then,' he says, slowly, 'th,it mem han a emu pytenee in day au3^i1i141 t fulvwa ice tae I . ..lout of you: bele Ti:ey all tell the Saute story. W.
you want me to change my ways, tit scho d, white herself anti nrotlte, I et s t.gieseet. Ti •••• heart i; the shute The:norm, jeweler,` D. 117 i, sutf•red f.r
Jou'll be 'shcune,l of yen old dncl '' )nosed fr.t:it the base:nom t„ the nest 1711,1 in :ill cenditt ii 1:at'--
years from Despepsie :.,t Ito relief until
Judi starts violently.. :goer, null were a.tu:tlty ta! in; of ltiriles Here the old lady ):tune 1 and +Vent on
+ larger house ami ta:cin • 1.. ,trders int I 1 he used D.. 'Cais.m s tethac h l:ittes.
not father : What put s witlia Blight shudder . He says it was just the tneJicrne I mei-
such.`Certainly l �
such. an idea into your howl ! Ashunee May. �°''=.3 .7''xntti ,'�f3Jvanta. i 'To :n•+r+ y a mr•like that is . eat. mei. it ha;, erred me.
of !dolt ? �'o, by but he't, no ! \Then 'Hut I dun t knew ti you'll be able to + I cur father.was a eentlen, ii, Lila, and
I'm ushamcd, .•f you, I deserve tri in Stand it, urethan darting,' lytta h i-1 t t n I t ,,tri t•• Citing ,you up ate a Tidy. We •. • ttrwrn s r'Irw Ltstisiatwa,
kicked about the city fora cur.' jut saying, as they dtiets_t. 1 theme.. 1 were as ti ,11 as many leechantos, but WO (;,nus Toothache and Neuralgia quick as
The old man nude with glittering J'ot+ when the ring of tit pesfutan dls• 1 used Mir intellects. \\'e were not clola, flash, reeth:w .at.} pain instantly, the
eyes. t,trbed their colloquy and set her to) reed- 1 with t ur thoughts centred on h.taily cheapest awl glllmk Pat ftp)})ilClt lei( kiteKtl.
•I thought not, buy. Glad isn't -glad int the latter at. wl.u.t a ht ) i.N•ante 1W1.en ho died au soddenly, it i, Why suffer with T. othachc, \uarllgu
fait, D'you knots-, John, it would al found heret truew•: were hard part k') it. l.\ tItt 1 headache, Rhentuatisrn; Litmiwi o. "date
n',set kill me tv have you.'ehanted of nie Hcr ntotuer lying htc,. ice the r ,c nts- tate 1•it:erne+- •f cxtrein' pevorh, List flea, Sure Threat yr Aceta, Pains of any
in this fine house. But I don't want to hair, looked rather at i reed as t'.1. !Ill it w•.), tate c.inc:ttien we g•ttu you that
1 kind when -you cen.go C. taro. Rhynes
dock, k and he sees on the bridge a tall.
erect old man, with lone white hair and.
beard, looking anxiously et the .
t lir. , t. Ella shook he; Bead, but ta:u:e 1r, :t 11- See no rime actions, tel not fear to go f
try' Sul none. •
elver, and went nit readin the c:ler ' • ,
Baldwin, Fella begins to teach School here ming t" supper 1' + d: the', �t I m. • s'•clut1• \\ eil,supp se that you marry etl'Ittt.b: x i'Tt:IT[u�.-1,l:. �tt'ItidleL-
in September, as soon an vacation is over• h d k gi'\\ heti the bull rims father, and dee wiling ion head;ice, a sink.: -.la, it, t!llm del11 rmstrang, cahoot you seen} 1 E1:' 1 pia*d Ptlzte o,1 I1':Atcs Soil
I'm veru sled you've found Mr. Bald- its Gail -it's my ul,l dad, heaven { ' could net re )rias wreatbin, we lips, tit, t tit ttpya i, un rttttamt athe it tion, at tin i as -
y' Chas's the int place peep will notice l• 1 !, have local secretly these two ;eseare, i the ap{,cttte, perrteutlnIr the aUteaien and aa-
• t: in.' bless hint, ell richt a'tlut-all right : Oh, y t pa t in the nem Incnusetlu0uti.it teat m the w!tat "1'11311'e".
t'ill ha . e 7t .' Ynet udutire his fine I efmitatlon bt foal, and the tonnatlon of heal-
John listened with open ears to every 1 ;;lura, t!tory ! I c,•uld holler right out. Yee Inca, if you make mistakes.' world she suddenly dru s , ci filo letter,
1 ll i 1 thr Wo.xl: \eryr'u) rix+tiaTU,n and •nucral
3 l fame and h_311' hie ,,,:Ser to ,rotect you p
•„hat : du they cat and Gantt difi'riut de osey. arising from excl re., last"habits•.
acrd, arid then said, timidly : Wears any'— a what we does in 1'aintecl Poet ?' ex -
out crythe, fell 'qt cr k.n;•es ,-, • from insult. Doubtli`ses lit: torous . guud std alt that train of ev►M known s a rust life'
tile seemed �o ben ni'e man, matin, Ho is talking half -aimed in his excite- from „1 men, in tttet 'Lar, Iter utother, and hi:1 her fees in tee eet•1 wages. tilt 1 tldniu sail setnetning hold imrnrdtan•ly to the teflon of u,ts rc•
hot'[ don't rithtly know what he meant *tient aril lapsiue; intonld provincialiams, claims tato 1 3 latly'e lap, sobbing : , r insrkaMe preparation, all tate inions end frets'.
tUN):lt ..11 i,a.:1 �' fer.'17tam.' totes of city bel b0000ti ,area
s,,,nethin' lie said to ni' last night. but pnllm np ut a m•,meut and flushes boy, I'll never be able to change ! 'Coo '1)h mother, mother --woo 1i . coo , i y rrthen' i Sal
i'"r's ,s you might tell me ma'am. '`cuss alt htly then laug. Visist111• soetvtteutl'ut, meteor, vitaiteeri. The sneerer ty et this renioly
t alt 1 u,l hda, s f 1 over all etf t e It uwtm • to U, metering the
lose if I make tom free ; but en:nehow I h 1 11 h k t 'old' 'N 1 1 n leu •lis , { + d ' 1 t l f thefanail off the atonal •li, o iia the
erin t rt ,
feel as if i were talkin' to my mother, ha the erect. tripoli that preyares the tttgtu•tal
� for huitdin4np bone, mna,•lr sand nonce.
tna'atn - leastwise --'.hat is --I never lead {
no .nether, ma'am, net to sty"to rement-
Iter her, but'—
'I understand you perfectly,' she re-
lied. very softly, as he ate .unered in
u agitation. 'Fuer hal,- pour boy
Yee,ves; think Of nie as if 1 were n moth-
er, 31r. Armstrong• I owe you --we
1w,th ewe you -s., much, that if we
cans often yo. tar hard let, let us both du
it. What did he eny 1'
then John told her. as well as etc
could, what i1r. Baldwin lead said, con-
cluding inn bewildered way ft moment, Soil at
'I put it to you, ma am, plaese tell mo
elan.. 1 ain t gut nn feelin's to hurt. last cries. rout :
Di it make you feel bad to hear rue '•Toho :'
o what you do ? Ike No word more, mid tithe r an I s t'7 aro
you t different t w Ta y .
Winne In encu other's arms as the old ratan fal-
vut think I could Tarn to he ;note as
Mr. Baldwin and you and the ed 1icated teriftrekLenly To think I didn't ye :
laughs to himself : old a dug to Tarn new tricks. 1 ? s „-•.
ink it is I thought ht los . a •r •'7 . o . .
'How the heart will come ac o . e. oro,' says John, t't''"•'41see us again ❑r,ee ou s al a ,J Ap;.$t3 0
hits' I emit I'rrik myself of these est and drink just the sante, but there The old lady started sli hely, a7 111 hit ttl,f 1 1, ata. citit.l. 1We;I. what
r -t a'u ors they •• • • e ,11r1 eg c.
It won't do, J ,tut t nt aro other thin_ tl y d n't d t It's net little s,,.tstm . f p ' cr sed ler lc It �, t ;sill t is a hi..t else t twee} of n
do, Cat I wonder it dad will know hard to learn, father. 1 can tel! 1 la all t., to n rtotlter, aiwnys n eltoc!c to hearl lntl!1 tl,.,t he Saila, rwuaiu n siul: u• rich
nos ? . in less than a minute.' her child to whom she has !wen every- tot •i tea I ' s, c.phants .for his
The yucstieu wills • nt be settles!, for 'Well. says Cie cid wan, resit neral}, thin¢, tnentinn a amain teems t •,•
wltrch ;'re' „y perhaps. btu eneero•1 nt else -
the hoati and eters hues are cfait, the `toll me, my h 1Wlr,ct it it tine folks' sec kn.,ws full weir the intuln'11, • ! res"rc by the odd mune of 'shoddy.' 1
genel'iattk is lowered, and thew ate don't do 1' But she only snsoot u• t a have ;frothing to say n mast his charjectur
headed told elan comes down on the 'Well,' says John, thoughtfully, 'they I hut•!--paite•1' it softly, end said r t i as n man, Ella bot Still the s' -cel)' n n
dock, end hooka round hint in n puzzled dont reach across and help theinsetve., 'There, thyro. child. Doll nata c f tc t . 1, 11 sin. Tee are a 1 my of lin•
way. Ile is expecting steno nue. bat wait till the sore int brings round I eursislf.. Tou ro overworked. With 1 ! ?
Jeliny fi••'.iugs-../,; „,! '•;arra
telin gees uietly forward, hie t•'• •"t •1'., dishes.' night an 1 (ley cele r•1 to -modem ; it a 1 '. t'•1.. Said .iota i, ' but nu...'_..l . .
beat rapidly,
and falters out : ( 'That's easy, i' titres 1 it's .d h:::p• ' taueli I'm ,gtori ft's over. Y./l1 're l.r; • ,little l.eid celleuiert13
bather; don't Teeknow tate?' 1-C.,a-�,'.. John.' _ 1.+us Iihallte.t ether itat>a,ther suaiun
11 lady rhrag el lin a 7 ict•11 i s W \`I. ' I f 1, ! ! I' S
.�I,1,.1:1 141 1
t tent ' -
Then the old man turns, totems at hien 1 'They don't c x•l their tea 1t' a tau well, well ; tees better 'Perhaps. 13nt he 11 tt?, _from get ria of •, • _
ccs. 1trE:tiwasl•Pokingop11sh:nutstml•s, 1 Lf':1::: !.':l'In.\1t�t;1:5 .r I.'.�r.+.1t
'Why not Jelin ? 'Taiu't a sin.' 1 !lis rul,_arism�. that's c• t into. Ile was I _
y and holding c,ut the letter, her fee! very ,the mint awkward clolv.e 1 r saw in i3 ;'
'Ne-, bat--we'.i, it shows You ye rfu I.Et-a:•y ,o. „licit} From :,,u_bl)c.
rel, as she whispered': all sty life. The missilery cute: e. ole. enestermer art rtits (c '.
time to wait fm it to reek I 'suppose.' 'Rued it, mother --read it.' yet, and I never sow hi,o i,1'. once U. t •`•Il t)1.I' .tsF) \F'i'r"; .
'Reckfnt wohsin't .John, when we've - Mrs• Morton enietiv to,!: t.:i he:. F11•• t'.ss.l Ler lee.] edit : 1.ttle� ---
get to go to work wo 't ' Xlascs vol proceeded to peens. the let- • pale �!' //I ' 1 ' J f 1 1 (/ l / ''•
'Well, nnrwAy they don't do 1t. .Abd ter,which produced in her no such allow ' I' i ' • ' I 11'1'(I 11! L' /I t.
folks ? I v y • s o i
they never drink so notch theyhave to 1 1 'That was tiro y,•ftl s , , ., 1.tothur,' she
, ?mom
Oh, John, John, Jehn, heaven lite p o.f enn,tiou as on iter ciavghtei: Citi 1 1 ail! ; nod with th tt s!t f ;rear and pot
Tho ell lady Sacred slightly, ftnd 1 l • •n bless e" I puff anti blew to get back their breath, there was a certain 's'ft� eve in 'tarinnjs! d�ttitu uythe winolo.v, 1 • _ int hr
looked at Ella, who, on her part, had --heaven ) I 'That's ease, John. Anythtn else 1 and is little broil; to .her mita steed;
eyes full of there, and cried out : I The same ^•'untrilial Recent with �hf h 1 9 ) 1 y Her m Cher, In ton 7 •
'No, no -be as yon are ! 13e rued, `John A I 'Yes father. They alma s L,to.c t.ut •^'Arlt as ebe otaid : r 1, •, t 11
. bete, and natural. \Who cares for fine work in New or
speech when the heart's all right 1 Ta it eld man by a ler,cr earerience of other 1 'A. what 1'
not true, mother 4 The tine gentleman ! Kays. of apatkiny! than his Son hal ,onir 1 I1 snce 1 ,nna tkinwipettheher mouth tide
animpki h
insulted nie. a pra,r girl, and he took np had, it certain proud. solf•res c R
sty camas like a knight of old time.; Be I caught from his war traiuingof * wailers -1 the crumbs (hat may fall and spoil one's
just as you are, for yours is a nolle, I tine nee Yet old John Arestrene ism') I clothes'
amble heart.' father to 1.e ashamed of, an 1 Inc eon's i 'Never used tone,' geld the o1,1 utan,
Jelin dashed up and choked, but kept 1 face is fell tf tendrr joy and exaltation I dryly.
his eyes fixed on the old lady, and said I as he mayor, holding the old man away aodinrwo oIe did T, tether. t t without for
look at him •
h .r,{ ' 1 woolens bare 1 secret11 times gp
, her
rmstrtn•, had lust am or .
�i 1 k but atftm ted in rho+ f •r n napkin the ftret.thing•' I 'It is a gond letter. Ella -ye; 15 :; •t'1 I it wits tin a trona that nr 1 esu sea
softly :
'Don't mini her, maim. She's got a
heart ltl-a a dove. Tell use the thing
straight, niarm. Don't bo afeerd.'
Ther the old hely fixed her rnntherthy
eyes of hire, and said gently :
'I d.nt't like to speak on a alibied
like this. Mr. Armstrong. it ie ex-
ren.ely delicate ground. 11.11 if you
insist, then f would say to you only hit :
Take the advice Mr. Baldwin gatystyeti.
1I. was once a common lahtror in the
dock. and y ,u have• far loss to learn than
atm him to te' a t
'\Why, dad•- yon dear o1•! dal -how , the world. It's cleanly, en! the great
of tine living is to keep clean .+I•
yon,re cant -
known ya myeelf, lint f..r the hair And The old countryman mhrug,.•! his
Mord. Ts the cough all tgone-- n/1 (goon?' I srhTolders.
he adds, with a searching, milieus look. i 'Well, re.ken i can Tarn to use em.
'Every hit,' is the cheerful answer. I h., to wipe y,tur fin,rers on, alter Irlowie'
'Severna top me 1 forget i had over iengs er tense, 1 n p nee r'
down in Florida, John. Eh, ins Brand Tar. sl'p
place in winter. 1 gained fifty revel, ,� tan Nonfat. Y vu tired never the
in the lint winter, and went net a• 1 it for yntl nine, told, *hove all, never
h theboast I' m \Why, i
* ,nRs *Rot Mut of leers in the offset i' ask•
fe in• with
r blew ur nose with twtr Angers.'
feel like I could wrestleh TM w �' y
a l,a John. Eh. hay--s'h 1 \1 ell, wool, tits I Md the cid man, inttieeMI . '\What's a
John Armstrong watched her humeri- 1 bents alt. M .1ohn *cast*nt sepasit• bow) to Td if he's get s a,t r
y, an 1r t 'Ste .a I we -a
when she had finished he aims tendent, anal tam in tuttt Arias st7N . t .a ken h*edke'shtef, father.'
o'e�f, looking very pile, saying, in a eh•,k• 'T am filthiest hank.& ,father, r m lint i} he halo t zit netts ,fat like
ed VOW lb ie *dew voice. 'bot seeing you
tThei-- thaakae. Flat'. mathar a 1 beck wife end wall is the best of idle 1 nee l
Msllt, t'!ll 4e R. arida` OMcsil.l e. at'hera's your frank, or %sew yon more
lrttoot, Ile has net lee,t Itis :•>,. l lie it, t,traftgltne faith,• her fel•lin;s that tthe i '
Farm uisn
theugi he has Seined un I iii. , l: tt said .
i 7t , a,•.•
still the do'71•: attains - - 'Yen seem to here w:itclted till.* yutu1 p1 rn
nt• n1':.111'scareerprettlyclosel\•,L^Is, !Vt•r rt1.
The girl r••e m, and flu; trail :ia>;tly.
es.sbo retorted : i hftd b 'hdn; elstr t.• r1•t, sou km.►w: oeii front the OW1
'Could any one lint a gentki t h .'i niton int wt ': was over, and t'ta expos'
written that tetter, mother nwnt was int any attic as a tu►cht:•. i; '
•flow do yon know he wrote it, E Ca 1 histo pati 1 q•m "i sinet•wlt in fay tiifllt L. '
Lb[r. Baldwin stay bah donehit for hint ! c:teat, and tht•y' worked hk'e Tr)jane.' j
'1 have wither,' wet the •tutet reply. I rarest to Period" is
t • .. stn• union
•w . . h ewer at
4.1r ^^t.iitot
is Mtn t tA•tsA,
He taken a great interred in int.' +-- -»-
• Atnl how hese a foetid, it rill out r
, r 1, tiwiu of O;n Tt e • �
t tpot
• less ,••n of h: r dress, and responds'. shat,.- ' 1 c na. ! r C s Chad- , )1t
Elia f tldi:d sway rite letter 1n tate I•r n Al
IrensIwhosuggesteo to 111111, iflig 'rant -i
ly : e ) to e night school. I know it eta. ell
I lsa'•x he 'seek it. 1'.►11wim lith ! tout Armstrong, tis try and g`t Matt to
''t•� needed to melte him a gentlemen.' I alt. `b. tri arrrel• tern as utter
Ho", a tr■' 1, plain, hard man el 'Wel...*
Mos. Morten lifter! her hands n Ute, ante ire tt++nt the first s. ►.v t48.1 + iss•r ' • t o
Monis not a Arlin .•f t )ctry ice hi.
s. 1
L1R. RYCaSc:',
'Indeed ' Then 1 am to nnderatas..1 I
.• R• e. r..s t'.tt, E. +.t-, r ibt-
-that's 111 T knew J lin wrote it.'otrutt�
th•tt }Ilio felt in lute with tl►is leant fou'TINT •a,„{,►y .
? r •a•• i
'Jrt'.a ! And ynn've only Seen hint1 ' EMS `flashed that !y. till' .1 41r11,hths►fa+, sea
1 •nor..' nor, t►M fir " roar
/wise in all year life' Well, 1 nowt air, 1 11 didn't any any inch thi:1';, mtdior, bArtw,r,.,. :.
Zile. 1never espB!'edtoheir *1sngLtet"Welk Wheal did tea telin. ti►e•t"�Ttif [!HiA/AIS�.r
of mine. talk tike that. %%hen 1 w,e a
�l, 1�waito't tt1) y' rtr father asked ane,
6Mtriier1 wasted * thr.ni'ht nn env man.
has called him try hie Christian
,tants. to an mother
'I dont know, mother.'
'You don't know ?' :3'7'IiATSOnt),
'![o truly. ft ems,' w it':eet ley bit .a' f�
ing it )toady f was not in lore with 11;, bast Satarday of KYCT
bin, nt hie' i felt erntrf.l r 1
Ind 'he ..hl teav t,,are1 ?,r+ iridin'01•l•1I:f1 ,not• r 1•11• .• 11.