The Huron Signal, 1883-11-23, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY, NOV. =3, 16b3. HONOLIJLU. A Pleasant Visit to the Sand- wich Islands. Tate rads. eel ea paelle---tlea•slehkeu—. Th. liawallap Islands..-tleaatlfal news. e ► nee Oily --luau ansselw•ne •aewr••-A Sallee flatten..Gep• r.sy•The v.lcagt....ef for Auckland. The traveler knocking about, seeing new and strange sigbtsevery day,will find none more interestingor touching than thou connected with te departdre of an Australian ateatner, leaving 'Filmes) once a month on its voyage of over seven thousand mama Hundreds have come to the wharf to bid their outward -bound friends, in many cases, a last farewell, and as the steamer is slowly backed away from her mooring many sorrowful, sobbing "good byes- are exchanged, and good wishes expressed, amidst s sea of waving handkerchiefs and sad faces Our vessel is turned in the right direction, the signal gun is firea, and away we steam on a four weeks voyage. As we pus out of the bay we have a good op- portunity of observing s beautiful and rare combination of city, island, moun- tain and plain. THE. "GOLDEN proper is a strait about five miles in length and neatly a toile wide, and strongly fprtified along the whole length of the passage. On the left are Goat and Angel islands, both military re- serves ; in the rear is the city of Oak- land and other suburbs, with a range rf mountains in the background. To the south we have a grand view of the bay. a sheet of water large enough to float the navies of the whole world ; and in whatever direction we look we seem to be shut in by mountains. As the faint outline of Columbia's shores disappeared from sight, there came up before us the unhappy realization of where we were and how we felt. We hail never been mere than thirtp.or forty rui!ea (rein A "caw's tail." In fact our experience en the water had only covered a trip from Goderich to an opp..situ port, and from Milwaukee to Chicago, both of which were attended with the inevitable me/ (le Deere. Soon we might have been seen attentively GAZING INTO THE SEA in a staring, expectant attitude, or bend- ing affectionately over the ship's railing bestowing the burthen of our troubles on the not very placid bosom of the wat- ery waste,while all around us were -others giving vent to their pent up feelings by piteous lamentations and sighs too sacred to be paraded beater) the public. \Ve have read somewhere that sickness is the mother of modesty, serving to keep us in mind cf our mortality, and while we drive on heedlessly in the full career of pomp, and jollity she kindly' pulls us up by the ear to bring us to a proper sense of our duty. We can fully bear out the assertion that It puts us in mind of our mortality, for we were tempted At sun- dry times as far as practicable to do as the geed ratan in the sy^ipture did, who laid flown r' nwe ♦ J1•eteen TREE and cried, "It is enough,let me not lire: but there was no junitier tree handy, and we found tett our prayers at that particular time were tett answered, se it lege ; tdthe west a plain dotted with was all an empty deiusive mockefy and sugar plantations, to the east Diamond priately styled the 'Pinhead Kis jdem,' fur the entire area of THa MULTI' tet would furl: a square who'll side would be but seventy -live miles in length, Thew islands are of volesaie origin, the highest mountain peak rising nearly three miles above the level of the ocean, and they all posses the characteristics of the tropical groups --charming scenery and perfection of climate. Honolulu, or Oahu island, is the capital of the king- dom, the residence of his majesty, and the commercial tnetrop.,lis of the Haw- aiian group. It is se situated that the trade between China and America, and Australia and America passes thruuJh her harbor, giving the city an advantage that many places of greater pretensions cannot lu,abt. Tate population is nearly twenty thousand, 'lekut env fourth for- eigners. The public buildings and prin- cipal business places are built of coral stone or brick, and in size and appear- ance will compare fev..rably with those of any city of its size on the continent. The streets are well P.tVED-WITH . ,/t %I. .AN:, nate:: Ltt-A, are well kept •nd swu,.t:1, and away ti ort the business centre are shady an 1 int It• fug. Trues, ei c,.uutleat v.rie'ies th, we hal never seen before, the beauties of whose felialo, flowers and fruit was a constant source of attraction, and the .TIWlin MisidONAkY, or toiled Chinaman, evinced by their fathers but a few yeses ago. Nor could our iasgin tion lead us to believe that these silnp inoffensive people, now jost- ling one another in that all•impt tent worldly purau ts t, w . -getting, are pr•- bly the chi ren of those who ici- ted in the murder of the great airmen- vigatnr and discoverer, Capttlin Cook, quickly have they taken up civiliza- tion.ut under the wretched afllictieu of a ki of leprosy, and the evils intr.- duced civilization, they are rapidly dying off, and if they decrease with the same rapidity as has marked the last twenty yearn, fifty years from now the Sandwich Islanders will be a potpie of the part. The poor unfortunates .tFFECTo;D WITH LEPROSY are separated from their more favored fullew-beings, secluded in a distant part of one of the islands, and kept at the public expense. They are said to be tolerably contented, live well, and their spiritual wants are ministered to by s devout priest who cut himself away frein the outer -world and voluntarily entered into a never-ending quarantine, sacri• ficed all but life to contribute to the I goad of a few hundred pestilent exiles. So doubt he believes in the dnatrine 'A man's true wealth hereafter, is the good he does in this world to his fellow -men.' neat gardens with their ahruhbt ry and THE PRODCI're OF THE it LANee pretty flower beds filling the air with I are principally sugar cane, roe, tobacc° sweet perfume, trade our ratuu!e through and the trof tall fruits. The yield of the outskirts of the city most enjoyable. The cocoanut palm, the bread fruit, the 'native apple and the kukui o'r candlenut tree, are indigenous to the country ; the cncalyptus of Australia, pine, bamboo, mango, fig, date, spice, banare, palm and many others have been introduced from foreien lauds,and grow here luxuriously. Ile flora of nearly every country in the world is met with In this little conserva- tory, and a very noticable feature is the countless varieties of brilliantly colored creepers, almost hiding from sight same of the native cottages. After a walk through the grounds surrounding the king s new palace, and a visit to the par- liament buildings, we determined to try T11E ASCENT OF THE 'DUTCH IWL,' an extinct volcano at the rear of the lawn. It is about six or eight hundred feet in l.eiglit, which occasioned considerable putting and blowing to reach the summit, and coupling with that the fact that we were nut just at that particular epoch of our humble existence in the best physi- cal state of body, not yet having regained . ur land equilibrium, rcr rezutcred from the effects of our sea -sickness, and with a scorching sun beating down on us, climbing, mountains was not the most pleasing undertaking. But what with hands and knees, creeping and walking}, sugar is large, in some localities as [such as 8,000 pounds per acre. Ria terns out annually about 2,000 Ilia, to the acre, and tobacco is extensively cultivat- ed by the natives, but not exported ow- ing to a lack of knowledge in the proper mode of curing. Tropical fruits flour- ish, such as pine -apples, guava, banana, orange, mango, tamarind, citron, &c., but our more northern fruits, such as applea,cherries and pears,are out of their latitude. On the island 0f Hawaii, the largest in the group, is the active vol- cano of Kilaueau (keel -a. . The crater is nine miles in circumference and cov- ers an area ..f six square miles, and..i:: the centre is a continual SEETHING CALDRON col ar . LTEN LAVA We were not permitted to view this lit- tle ventilator owing to limited tie -mama the stories we have heard about it'suuaek so much of sulphur, brimstone, and their associations that we concluded the farther from it the bettor. Philoso- phers have tried to prove that the plea- sure and happiness we enjoy are in us and tact in the objects offered for our amusements. Well, our thoughts on the question are only superficial, but we know when THE TIME CAME TO RE EMBARK and the encouraging voice of cur coni- Honolulu and its beautiful surroundings panion—a 'brew' 'lcotchman, who had afforded ua no :.n oto pleaure. Wger spent many a day climbing the rugee9 the attractions of the island hadd grown heights of his native highlands, and who beautifully less in a very short space of like the mouhtain heat, seemed quite at time, or whether the dark forebxlines home on a mountain side—we managed of another seasickness settled over us to reach the summit, and were then and snuffed out all feelings of pleasure and happiness, we are not prepared to FULLY REPAID FOR OUR T011, ay ; but we are rather inclined to agree This position commands the whole with the saying, "this world is what es panorama below. Weariness is forgot-. make it," except in a case of seasickness, ten ; language fails ; we are spell -bound. when it makes of ua what it wishes. A clear atmosphere, a sky cloudless and Having secured a collection of pictures 'deeply, darkly, beautifully, blue,' at and other souvenirs of our short visit, our feet the sintoth calm ocean stretch- we embarked and shaped our course for Mg upward till it meets the horizon on Auckland, a distance oF, nearly 4,000 an apparent level with the point on miles, whence we may be heard from which which wo stand, the city like a again. D. E. McC. myriad of pigeon -houses nestling almost out of sight among the rich tropical fol. What Does 1t Mea. ended in a disaptsittmcnt to us. There are many of our fellow beinl;s in this world who thick th.t to be good WO must be gang, quiet mei melancholy. anti onr thoughts to be a boles .ire must be Moulded in the forte . f a coffin. If that be the acme of _ .•..hues and sound thinking, we attained that degree and maintaihed it from the Gulden (:ate to the Sandwich Islands, our troubles be- ing trooped up by every passing breeze, rendering the state of our stomach such that it drew a veil over the gaiety of our hearts, and made it dangerous for any- one to suggest the. aiming of seine of the little sea -ditties sou were wont to warble sweetly to ours.11•ra before our Head, en extinct volcano, grand in its rugged outlines, and to the north, num- berless little valleys leadin' up to the poli'—a precipice among the remarkable wenlers of the w .rl'tl, six miles behind Horeluln—all these in one view seemed alin ,t the realization of come "f the fame fel vis:ccs of fairyland, and made up a picture not easily forgotten. Leav• I fug the 'Punch Buwl' we visited the; (Alice o1 THE NATIVE NEWSPAPER, i the 'Ko Hawaii 1'aeaiun,' in quest of a sample copy cr two as a curiosity. The I editor, a fair specimen of Kanaka 'Intel- ' liicuee, nits pleased to meet a native .•f experience at sea ;tate us such a disgust stn :h a frigid clime as we hailed from, at everything severing , 1 malt water. and expressed astenishmei.t in very bad ' Such songs as 'flocked in the ('vette of Li''=1tsh ellen we tried to undeceive Incthe Deep, '•hat 51i 1.1,51C ltu i'..1 1\'aves.1 \\ in his unmittaken ided that we Cana - Saying •?, 'A life on the t►cr:tu's wave,' (liana are fart and parcel of the Esqui- j aCe., we have atyoru . a min,int. un the mama. This mistake seem. quite uni- nwrning of the eighth day after to:acro term' in these warm countries, the Frisco, we sighted thepc.,�,Ie asaociating Canadians and nay 1hi,g Canadian with interminable winter, HAWAIIAN OR RAND'WICI- ISLANp+, II p••ri,etual snow and ice; therneeneters and nutitin•e was more pleasing as w'. c,•utiivally registering zero, and ane•:er drew near the Honolulu harbor than ilee tattling season of fort and woolens and anticipation of speidrt11 n day in this aeis cntptien of fatty matter to keep the little paradise. tin passing around poor inhabitarita alive. 1\'e never 1.c. ' `Diamond 11iad,• n gorgeously pictu f• re Ilad these facts brouelit an 1.e-cit.ly reslue view opens before sea Willett eau- before us. An endless winter ! a habi- not he easily ffrgotteu by the stranger. !intent of rich furs lovely in its siutpli- The city, almost I,uriu,i in tre1ical erg•: city' a taxied subsistence it train oil. tation, the shit,piiti. thr• nett white cot drie-,i seal ami fish ! But we skid tut i Cages dotting the shvr'•, a leas- back- wish the "desert were our deadline ground of serrated mountains their [opt place.' No. we "boldly proclaimed that enveloped in clouds; Rha s.I oprs Lreken by ener:n''us gulches tilled with [ergs rend tho rich• st summer f .1ia,_e, croups of cocoanut halms fringing the white coral shores, ;eel the curling breakers playieg around the bay, press: el the test de- lightful picture urea_,a a •le. .tttia.tive as this scene was, oar ,.ti.•:e1 1. env call- ed to th•• E,Aol ai,lit ;•11ero t.t,,l by the people on t::' wharf a eti'..1 crowd from nearly every it tri ,:, utter the situ . kelani. tvahi i 11 ,canakaukauia a Laken Rum as Rowse Testimony. —a Sahel jar¢"n of t'.,.o. se. kanake ! Kms \I akahiki hon.' In dress the rata- Lire* Gx NTy, Jan. 9.—\Veare net in Dat' French, Dut 1 f' talo se and tics wu•nsn are not quite up to the 'tan- '. deal. 1 The goddess As non to we cannot withheld our testimou as to njg an the variety of gau'ly dreas, fir n1 a rr pe•'fnl d,,i•Inee n^d .ht.A aatth Nerviline y native ' e •..a o n. t. ' •t. sect •gym loan,' cath l a tr- hap;�u t t _t ! hap ;•y. We append AN EXTENT FISOM THE 'IAEAINA,' givi, g enlace of the medical langu•i_e of the testi Wee. \\'e refrain franc translating, ' st•llabifyitt (r accentuating, knowing that we are out of reach of our read- ies :---"Pala hoots ,henuhe oke Haakai H.s•lewa eke 11fela Kiekie rota Kelite What is meant by `Secretions in a medical sense ? 'The secretions' are the 'sewers of certain glands and organs of the tstly to hold. and distribute the healthful fluids of the system, su.h as bile from the livor, etc. Burdock Blood Bitters regulates all the organs of the secretions to make pure blue'. .' BATTLE CHEEK, Mich., . ,ian. 31, 1$; t►, G ENTLExeN-Having been afflicted for a number of nears with Ithlieestinll and general debility, by the advice of my doctor I used Hop Bitters, and must say they att�u•ded rete almost instant relief.. I inn glad to be able to testify in their lit half. Tile... G. KNus.. Mae rk)•slrtaas Outdone, Mrs. Helen Pharviz, No. 331 Dayton St., Chicago, III., is now in her sixty- eighth year, and states that she has suf. fered with Consumption for ab tut ten years, was treated by nine p'nyaiciens,all of them pronuuncinl her ease hopeless. She had given up all hope of ever recav- erinz. Seven bottles of Dr. Kin's New Discovery for Consumption completely cured her. Doubting ones, please drop her a postal and satisfy yourselves. Call at J. Wilson's drug store and get a free trial bottle. (1) Have You Thought About 11? Patin is one of the sure things of life, and it becomes then a most important ttuestiun to have at hand the quickest t remedy. Pulse ' anti most efticienn A M1)t e o Nerviline cermet fail t cure etM1mpa, toothache, neuralgia, headache, and all pain, Internal or external. aterviline is the meat perfect combination ever 'aer- ial to the public for the rolit'f of pain. It will net cost von ntu'•h to try it, for vee can lacy et \Vilsen's for 10 coats n trial i•ettle, which will convince you of its inlaid pain relieving power. t t, 1 the habit ef',title/ patent medicines but lish lenguages,making a nice medley. id of f 1 kt tat '''' !the ere -at \•,lane of , ervl Ire ae a remedy spotless white to crimnon, with a profits- • • . 11 "11'i'•` .a Iolittr of cont..a,a.te o , , for pain. We have pleasure in recoro- ion of get- flower wreaths, ',ouquets and And net o. t....t.• and Ai.. The , tri le ntendin¢ it as a norerfath I )""....mare not r......d 1 y laces, teL ' a painter. But we aro net a knrlht of 1 Etta!: Nt, Ret•, N. .1. ALLEN, BINJAYAY the easel, and we even _ se far as to wlmlelete tic. No, a loose sack-likecali• 1 current .d ate. .foul the organa , f lea • .rel remedy.— ht ribande made • hese subject for fen 1i .rt at noerf Jetsam Hru+nN remedy.— bright Rt+ doubt if " Hogarth or an An• elm could eo wrapper fitting their exquisitely form DIt.L1nN, And many '•[hors do the subject the jestioe it merits. I ell persons as neatly as a bed -tick would. Thousands of similar testimonials may h t with h i 1 t ' `"' seen at one store. Go to J. ''item's ru store an ,rev n oto o - a Iarte wide straw • wr A t o t l j 1 1 1 t t day. Ner- THE NATfl L4 are a fairly intelligent people, speaking ! rnr. KAN.AKA Ynt'NG tAD1E4 elm;o!P bottles Lime bottles 25 cents, =aglish and engaging in various trades at will"'"." - low -subjects, battle*. and pursuits side by side with their fel. I are as such admired and 1st d'4 by their low -subjects, the foreigners, prineipally beaux 'mare the American belles who , No household should be Jonsidered English and Americans, and termed , moot obsequiously obey the tyl•}ttnical ..00p'ete without a bottle of Dr. Van '$owerie.s' by the flell''a. The total' dieners of fashion. And to see A troop (luren's Kidney ('are is in the closet. ppooppunlati•m •4 th'• islcods is ie the neigh- ' of these fair ones'') riding tare-bncketl !It is the t,•'ly r. n''ly that will p5.s!ITely, liorhasl of fifty theu,an•', all nit it e., astitde their tektites . r mules, helter pa' r.o rot •nttt And promptly mire a'1 forms With the raceptiot, of shoe. • • r thonrlt't'l s:,P!ter. regiear n f t t ,tnh ,y through tl e . et ki.lney .'i.ease• Sold by J \%neon ale get -eines! by Kie.t KA'akaua, a streets. was A sight a•'tuewhat metered i 2ta well cal Kanaka, who does n. th- from abe ortinary eeinver,thnal nbser' ; All N. -reties Dahitity cured lay the use tag but .craw his $150.000 a year. And is vane*. of rialto" etiquette. 1n appear• , „f 't),. l',, C. West's derv• lied Brain wtteale•! with the "ma pnrnp "1141 ear'- , twee the natites are pleasant and g••t'd• 1 Tlewtnient. 1:,"• adre' "in"' •sl..where mossy' s• rht• et or •.f Rama or Shaw ret natured, rend not at all indieatin¢'I that I Bela et %'ilsrm's •Ind .••re. 4ht Pere . H's biug.lem +. "PTwO 1..partiality for heeled sailor, colored reband, and ! riline, the sure p tit twain (aur.. Ten cent A raluarr la craps. A species of worn[ is eating all leaven from the chestnut and hickory nut trees t: many sections, and the crop will be a failure. Worms that attliet uhildreu or adults will prove•a failure it Dr. law's Pleasant \Vortu Syrup is use•l. It is a safe and sure cure for all worms that lurk in the human system, tape worm in- cluded. 2 Warm Ravi*, W. T., Oct. 21. 1881. Dr. J. C. Ayer A Co.—Geutlemen,— Mv wife suffered for over twenty years with rheumatism in her hips and legs. On reading your almanac she positively believed that your Sarsaparilla would cure her. She has taken four bottle, and is now as well as ever she was in her life. I feel it soy duty to seutl you my sincere thanks. C. F,NOBLORN. MOTIIEas DON'T Kt ow. —How many children are punished for being uncouth, wilfull and indifferent to instructions or rewards, simply oecause they are nut of health ! An intelligent lady said of a child of this kind : 'Mothers should know that it they would wive the little noes moderate doses of Hop Bitten for two or three weeks, the children would be all the parent could desire.' . e.Iee.w Reward For any Testimonials recommending McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Headache, etc., that are nut genuine ; none of which are from persons in the States or thousands of miles away, but front persons in and around Hamilton, Ont. t\'e give trial bottles free of cost, so that you cannot be deceived by pnrchaeing a worthless ar- ticle, but know its value before buying. Trial bottles and testimonials given free at G. Rhynes' drug store. a Bweklea's Aralea rialve. Tire greatest medical wonder of the world. Warranted to ' speedily cure Burns, Bruises,Cuts,U leers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all Skin Eruptions, guatlutteetl to cure in every instance, or looney refunded: 21ic. per box. For sale by 1. Wilson. ly. in the history of medicines no prepa ration has received such universal coni ntendatiou for the alleviation it affords, and the permanent cure it effects in kid- ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kianey Cure. Its action in theae distressing complaints is simply wonderful. Sold by J. Wilson. tun McGregor** Speedy tare. Front the many remarkable suras wrought by using McGregor's Speed Cure for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Conete pation and Affection of the Livor, and from immense sale of it without any ad- vertising, we have concluded to place it extensively on the market, so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure. Go to G. Rhynes' drug store and get a trial bottle free, or theeregular size at 50 cents and $1. a Loss and Galli. CHAPTER I. "I was -taken sick a tear ago With bilious fever." "My doctor pronounced me cured, but I got sick again, with terrible pains in my hack and sides, and I got so bad that • Could not mote ! I shrunk ! From 228 lbs to 120 ! I had been doctoring for my liver, but it did me no geed. 1 did not expect to live more than three months. I began to use Hop Bit- ters. Directly my appetite returned,my pains left rete, my entire system seemed renewed as if by tragic, rind after mind set eral bottles I am not only as sound as a sovereign, but weigh more than I did before. To Hop Bitters I owe my life." R. FITZPATRICK. Dublin, June 6,°81. - How To GET SICK.— Expose yourself day and night ; eat too much without ex ercise ; work too hard without rest ; doc- tor all the time ; take all the vile u•,st- rums advertised, and then you will want to know how to get well, which is an- swered in 'three words—Take Hop Bit- ers! Rao HUGR'.DU1LOP, Fashionable Tailor, IC et Err REMT, Hai the Finest AWsorttnent of Good4 for Fall Wear to Choose Troia IF otu- IF 1'OU WANT A Nobby Suit ata Reasonable Price, CALL �N IIITG-II D U FLOP_ BOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Established;Shee Store in Town, In Endless variety, t, suit the most fastidious and th roost economic buyer MY WINTER STOCK Ie now complete, and I take pleasure in informing my customer* that at no pre- viot s Hae have I had such a AYER'S Sarsaparilla cures Rheumatism, Neuralela, Rheumatic Gent, General Debility, Catarrh, and all disorders caised by a thin and Impoverished, or corrupted, condition of the blood; expelling the blood-gLisons from the system, enriching and renewing the blood, and restoring its vital- izing Lower. )During a long period cf unparalleled useful- ntw, Avea's SanaaeArelbt.-A has proven its perfect adaptation to the euro of all diseases originatingIn alio GIn poorbl n,d mod A weakened .INt sl 1 [Alit •. Itis A highly concentrated extract of Sarsar partite and other blood -purifying root., cotnbleed with Iodide of Potassium and Iron, and is the safest, most reliable, and most economical blood -purifier and blood -food that can be used. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cored, ":At'urum'. SAFAA I•ARIi.LA has cured me of the inflammatory Hlienmctism, with which i It,,, suffered for MAuv yenrs. W. H. aexetz," Durham, la., Nlnrch 2, Ior2, " Eight years RIM 1 l,Ad nu attack of Rhewma- 1Ipm so p.•s- re flint 1 could not conte trent the bed, er dress, t I1 hent help. 1 triol several remedies a itho.tt moth If any relief, mall 1 took Atr.R's 11.1 R. APA RI I.I.A, by the use of two bottles of r Mete i was completely cure,. I have not bees troubled with the Rheumatism sine., Have sold large quaetitles of your NARAAPARii1A,and H tell retains its wonderful popularity. Tbe many notable cures It ban eEeeted in this vicinity con- vince me that It is the best blood medicine ever offered to the publir. E. F. HARRIS." Hover Si.. Dockland, Mass., May 13, 1552. " Lest March 1 was so weak frs.m awwer'a1 de- bility that 1 could not walk without bvlp Fo)- Mwln4 U,r ndsfec of a friend, 1 e.mmerldbd {situs Ai -i R A Yt RSA PA 811.1. A, and before 1 had.SAd three M.ttlewt felt as well as 1 ever did In my life. i hate i•een at work now for two months, and think i,oar MARaii'AaILLA the grcate.t blood mediclne In the world. JAwFN 111 D." 520 treat ad tit., New Ta -k, July 15,1412 Avner) RAR�PAa,r1.A turae nerefnla and alt Scrof,lows Complaints, Erysipelas, Re - tenni, Ringworm, Blotches, Sore, dolls, Tnwr.n,aid Rraptt.nsofthe skin. it clean the bl...d all hnpurltl.s, aid. digestion, Klms. Tates the Soiree of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and.treamheas the whet. syseea. PAAAAaED OE Dr. J. O. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Mm. sold by all Areemeta. prise 51, ata boltl... eti Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unt it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can bo got elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be madetry, in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, sad of the very beat material obtainable, _ Do VAT NZNG- CIGARS. CIGARS. A IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Lesding Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a' Beecialty.) GEORGE RHYNAs, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE OOTS&SHOES Rovnzisig Weddup Beg t, announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determine to give the Public the.benedt. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR !LOTTO, ,,t Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. `Remember tho place, next dour to J. Wilson's Drug Store.. ada1"Custom work will receive our special attention. jaa•-None but the beat of material used and tit -at -class workmen irdi-Repairing neatly clone on the shortest notice Goderich, March 9 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U F 2 N' F' R O Z1 ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO T1iE FOLLOWING CLOTHING, MEA FINE ASSORT. HATS, FALL tw'ALL PATTERNS. tirA LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND THF, LATEST DESIGNS.1111 / 'IN ENDLESS VARIETY,FURNISHING GOODS TIIE LATEST STYLES. ANI) EVERY SIZ=f1 MA NI) Apt l T (19(41 KT GUAIRANTEED 011 NO sALE.'aICLOTHS NEW G-OOiJS, NEW PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. TALK ABOUT FRUIT. CHAS. A. NAIRN HAS THE FINEST Dit.AND OF CANNED PEACHES IN TIIE MARKET, AND HIS CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN ARE DELICIOUS. A TRIAL WILL CONrtT'INCE7_ e COURT HOUSE SQUARE, GODLRICH, OItT•RIQ Art Desiglls iu Wall Papers. Now 1. the time. ,f you wish one or two nice rooms at home. to we Butler's roost paper Ile has over 20,000 Rolls of the latest Desig�as Beate 'fel colors, and at priers lees than eery mach Inter) eoods Glp and sea thea thq are the hest •sloe 1. tow., sad aestFhesstd. The Latest Spng Bazaar Pates and Fashioosit w 41h: IR 1111 Joy FRO)b • Mem 'The gend•s you en mean enough a gang to he ht proper the calf engine Yes, eagerly afore n Mr. 'Wel 111 oat w shrewd I've 1111 ' join th. and Is all. (1 And a state all nig) telly e went, ld rs, He. a bashf never s clothes dirty o deal of looked noticed his clot he paw in the . to-do y impure! of a we Jim tired s sank w 'I wl abcre It wi that h door oI stood neldin some u glare u But welcon sitting answer at last lundso large b as if sb Ella Id sitting •Did matter the, :d ase the went:. `fes roered —a re italdw ma'am Whn lac:: h. but n• she 'Inc' win, You e fact, neaps great', it at of a Baia I in Set I'm v Jut inert, '114 Mit ;I gen i'•t2a rue if feel 1 ma an nu .n ber h •1 hdiel. is Yee,' er, 1 both CADS it. 111 cosh clndi plait bo i (alai Two Mr. folk. I" look Ler , brio ape Nett mu stj just not J his soft hes et17 '1 eye litre re filo TM do be ly, .rl