HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 8TILE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY. NOV. 16, 1883. A TERRIBLE GJ 1JE.. Hastings, Out , Nov. I2. -A heavy ! THE HOLMAN wind etorhu alwW d over here t eight, doing great damage. The spire of the ( OWt 1U Catid Church was blown- eowm. Fawid Bros'. saw mill wan un0 p ERA - iA,ofed. Fallout, and sheds were deatey- ed. Two inches of snow fell. St. Catharine's, Nov. 12. -The ichr CSCOM PAN Y Mary, owned by Coulon Bros., Thorold, WILL PER'JRM IN missal the pier in trying to enter the. VIC'T }RIA HALL, GODERICH harbor at Conneaut, last ni tht, and went o C ashore. Tho schooner Edward t . elty, FRIDAY NOV.3rd 1883 owned brr Frei tat. John, ..f the city, missed h } trying Great Damage to iSh i:!ir1 on the Lakes \arretlr Escape of the wteamer. Gu: bee and Maatteba t:udrrlrh erboeeer'I isobars lilnrardlur :.east,. Vibe storm )Hill Wets lar. IsT IIS t e pier on t 'i to enter Pert . . t i Oil Sunday evening a storm arose, and Colborne harbor this morning, and went 'aged all through the uuht. Snow set ashore, but was finally ppulleff by tugs in, hiding the harbor lights from the and brought into harbod o r in a leaking sight of the sailors on the lakes. All condition. day blondest the wind prevailed, the Colchester, Ont.,Nov. 13.-Thesouth- waves rolled over the piers from tune to time, and many anxious wishes were ex- pressed by our townsfolk for friends on the water. Particular 'anxiety was felt for the propellor Quebec, which loft this port un Sunday for Kincardine. News • came that she was on a reef at South - west gale of Sunday evening still sun - Plans can be seen and seats procured at 8het - pard'e Book Store. The Full Strength of the Company will be re presented. POPULAR PRICES: RESERVED SEATS, 35c. & be MASCO E tinues with increased force. A large steamer and consort, bound down, are at anchorage abreast of here ; the latter having parted her tow line was unable to proceed, and both are riding; out the ale. Yesterday evening the tugs Bob minden, and its she had many passengers Ylackett and Swan, with lifeboat and and is big cargo aboard this report crest- crew on board, made an unsuccessful at - e.1 much excitement. It was also learn- tempt to reach the Colchester lightship ed that the steamer Manitoba was ashore et Southampton, and the fact of these two Beatty steuners being iu coiup:.thy iu such a condition was regarded as sin- gular. Some of the 'reports regarding these vessels appear t hetes been ex - 23c 1884_ that foundered at her anchorage Sunday II • eumbed to the force of the wind and ZLLUBTRATPID_ waves, and not a vestige of her is to be seen, while all hopes for the captain's safety are abandoned, unless he suc- aggerated. The following is the latest ceeded in h►uuching his boat and reach - news froth them. ing some of the islands. Southampton, Ont., Nov, 14. --The Petoskey, Mich., Nov. 12.-Yester- eteaemer Quebec; which was aground, day afternoon a violent gale was bl..wtng le:csse(l herself this m.r[iitie, and is a tremendous sea into the bay. About now waiting for the weather to moderate, noon O. M. Chase, auperintendelt of when she will then proceed on her way State Fisheries, accompanied by C. to Lake Superior. There is no Stupor- Brownell, his assistant, and G. M. tint Outlive in the condition of the Arnlstrone, toreinan of the Petoskey 1ttenter Manitoba. She is still lying mise waiting ft r a tug to release her. About 3 a. in. en Sunday last the sclhr. L C. Butts, of thr. :Menominee Trans. Co., Milwaukee, laden with 1,100 tons of coal, from Erie to Milwaukee, drifted from her moorings on the other side of the lake and found anchorage about four miles from Code,.ieh 'harbor. She has reuhsined in that, pu.itiea up the time of writing, exposed t.. the fierceness of the gals and heavy sea. The crew con- sists of Mae, all told, and vs. Tuesday evening the state and two sitilors put off front the craft in a yawl to telegraph yet cane ash for a tu,;,as the schooner had become un- C.:eb iygau, 3lic:u., Nov. 13. -The manageable. From them it was learned "sch.8ater McVea, grain -laden for Mid - that the vessel's canvas had been torn to land, Ont„ towed in this morning, with night. To day she has entirely suc- arper's Magazine hatchery, went over to Harbor Springs to give sumo direetiensabout1 • They chartered a Mackinaw tills boat, manned by Moses Detwiler, two sone and nephew, all experienced and brave HARPER:S'PERIODICALS. fish s ,awes Harper's Magazine begins its sixty-eight volume with the December Number. It laths Most popular illustrated periodical in Ameri- cs and bngland, always fully abreast of the times In its treatment of subjects of current social and industrial interest, and always ad- vancing as standard of literary, artistic, and tuechauical excellence. Among Its attractions for 1884 are : s new aerial novel by WILLIAM BLAce. illustrated by ABaKY • a new tweet by E. 1'. Rote, illustrated papers by OIBsON and DIELMAN • descriptive illustrated pipet' by L' (1OR a R. BOUGHTON, FRANK 1).MILLET, C. H. FARNItem, and others; important histori- cal and biographical papers; short stories by W. D. HowsLLS,C11ARLKe iteatie, k.e. seamen.- At 3.30 p m the party left the! !'er year t harbor on the other side, in spiteGf ear- nest rementrances, and attempted the perilous Damage. When half way across the lost capsized. All attempts to rescue them proved of no avail. About 0 o'clock Detwiler's boat, with the sides crushed in, was driven on the beach at Bay View, but n••. . i the bodies have shreds, and that her steering gear had been damaged to such an extent as to render it entirely useless. After tele- graphing for A tug, .the 'nate sent up a rock(t t3 let the captain know that he and the two sten had arrived in the har- - bor shfely. On Thursd-ty morning the tug Mucking Bird, of Port Huron, arriv- ed, but tho weather was so stormy and the sea se heavy that it was nut deemed prudent ti take the disabled vesSal in tow. In the maantitne the .schooner sprung a leak, and the crew left on her gaffs and canvas gone and her hull bidly iced up. There is a big fleet of weather-bound craft ashore here. During a heavy wind on Sunday the schooner Athtahula capsized elf Milwau- kee anti went to the bottom. Crew navel. The schooner Vision, of Kings- ton, with barley, went ashore near (ywe.u. Crew saved. The steam barge .lehn Johnston, with ore from Escanaba to Cleveland, is ashore at Cleveland in a bad c edition. Crew saved. beard have been kept busy at the pumps. Chicago, NOV. 13. -The collector at On Thursday afternoons gang of six Stugatuck reports the tug, Protection Gyderich men were engaged to work the which had been reported lost, was off pumps of the disabled schoon.••• to Port that port with a signal of distress hoist - whither it is the intent, .:i of the a 1. Efforts are being made to rescue Mocking Bird to tow her. Th.•nce she the crew. The fate of the scows which llEirer'sYouligPeo1e will be taken in tow by one of the Cont- were in tow of the Protection is un - Huron, i, ..ty's to;s to Milwaukee. known. The schooner Todman, Capt. Baxter, Grand Rapids, Nov. 13. --The crew of AN ILLUSTRATED WEE{LT--I6 PAGES. nulled to Boy. •tnd COI. of From ale tarn: tees learn ut Age. Vol. V. commences November 6, 1883 1884. Harper's TraveUlslt 6e11141. ORANII TRUNK Weekly •••S€ies. M.a'd...M1x11 ILLtYBTRAT h D. Harper's Weskit, stands ut the bead of American illustrated weekly Journals. By Its unpartisan position In politics, its admirable illustration iwuaretuly chosen metals, short stories. stewlh,A ae oontribteled by the toremost artists sare tioof the day, it carries interstate. entertainment to thou- sands of American bowies. It will always be the sial of the publishers iu make Harper a Weekly the must popular and attractive family new tinthe wedd.end. in the pursuaaosof this gm, to • ounstaet improvement in all those which have gaited for it the could pithy. mud support of Rs large ariny 01 era. HARPER'S MAGAZINE.... .. .......=1 0) HARPER'S WEEKLY -- 1 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 1'00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 al HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQ. LIBRARY, One Year 152 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Free to all tuSscribers is Me Unit- e 1 States or Canada. eye. read- HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year I HARPER'S WEEKLY 5100 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 400 HARPER'S BAZAR 100 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 50 HARPER'S FRANKLIN S. LIBRARY, One Year 151 Numbers/ 10 00 CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Postage Fre. to all suhter.berm in the Unit- ed States or Canada Paul up Capital, - 116,000,0011 Rest, - - *1,400,000. Ouder',h.l.v.b.t5atn 12.40 pm .tiepin 7, •e1 Suatorth At.S. 1.30 4.16 0. Stratford,A1..7.10 ' 1.10 a 11.10 Pass.wey's lltid. AUxd. tgord.l.v1Lel;'m .wpm.. 6.46ani..&OOpen orth.Ar.I1.911 442 8.40 &Si erichAr. 1.51.1 .so 9.4E 7.15A .15 STAG 'AMISS.es Lkaow stage i4Uy aarr. 19-1;e411131/111 .. dap 1114 liloo 100a:u.um soleal ' 4Wooleesiay oad Magentas Ar. 0.00am.,1)e.e. to Banking BANK fly MONTREAL ;;000pq0� SURP! US, - - - . .I1.Mg6gt,. Goderich Branch. D. GLASS - - - - - _Ilunuyer. COLBORNE BROTHERS Allows Interest ea deposits. Drabs, tette. 1 of credit aad circular Belem Issued. payab in all mislaid the world. I The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December f each year. 'When no time to specified. 0 will be under- stood nderstood that the subscriber wishes to begin with the current Number. The last Eight volumes of Harper's Maga- zine. in neat cloth binding will be sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of 53 00 per volume. Cloth Caeca, for binding. 50 cents each -by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper:. Magazine, Alphabetical Anal.rienl: and Classified. for Volumes l tore, incluyive, from June, 18a0. to June, 1880. one vol., $vo, Cloth, 51 00. Itemittances should be made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft to avoid chance of 1oas Nctespapers are not to copy this advertise meal without the erpress order of HAitot:ii 8: BROTR Address, HARPER & BROTHERS. New York. 1884_ left the river a few hours befnre the storm. The gale caught up with her and blase her along at a terrific rate, but she was headed for Goderich, a::d on Sunday night made harbor. So ter- - rific was her speed that she was driven to the -far end of the harbor 011 the island, where she now lies with her bow. n land. t .tt-711 Sunday evening the wind travelled at the rate of 115 wires an hour here. At Presque Isle it is said to have been 120 iniles an hour ; remarkable, if true. The schooner Ontario, owned by Mur- ray & Williams, Goderich, lumber laden, went ashore five miles south of liincar- the tug Protection, captain and nine men, hate been rescue -1 by the life-sav- ing crew. The schooner Potomac, lumber -laden. is ashore near Frankford, 31i_1i. A total loss. The crew saved. Sandusky. Mich., Nov. 13. - It is snowing 8 and blowing harder than ever. The schooner Clara Parker is reported ashore nino miles south of Grand.Haven. Torcnto, Nov. 14, 1 a.m. -The storm last night was central over the gulf has - _ move'' to the eatward of Newfoundiand. TERMS_ and that which was west of the lakes is now over the Prot ince of Outorio. There it s Uri Mel 91 \1. 1.3:971.1'. t41 so. dine. The c.e.v are safe. has' been a beaus fall of snow in the f 'e r 1. •:.r. ru.I ,te rrep,ld, G tlntari am. h The columos of the weekly begin with the tire N umber for January ut each year. W hen nu time is mentioned. it will be understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Nomber next after the receipt of order. '1'hc last Four Annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail. pot, paid. or by express. free of ex- pense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume). for 57 00 per volume. Cloth Caere for oath volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 51 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post -Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers/are not to copy this advertise- ment trahout the express order of Matu'KR & lntoTn&elle. Address, HARPER & BROTHERS. New Vert. vV E OFFER THE FOLLOWING WE DECIDED BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE IN THE TOWN OF OODERICH. 1. A Corner Lot !No. 201 on West street, close to the Square, $300.es. 2. Lot 106, near the Park, very pleasant sit- uation. with view of Lake, comprising sub- stantially- built 2 story brick house, with stable, fruit trees, &o.. •I..se.es. 3. Three and a half lots 'nearly an acre), on East street, with brick Foundry, now under rent at 5100.00 s year, 101.e...es. 4. Lot on bank of River, near the station, S7..e.. VD JiaIMO These properties are really worth much more money. but must be sold to close out the Estate, and are therefore offered at the above y;lces. .Apply to *EAGER .� LEWIS, Barri ter', Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 91th. 1383, 191041 President - Jtu.Y, W. M ]fe)iJSTRA General Manager, - W. (�. . bit JV Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - • - - MANAGE=. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towns and Cities in Canada Ore: -t Britain and the United States, bough and sold. Advanoesto Fanners on Notes. with oneo more endorsers. without mortgage. 1733 MORTGAGE SALE. Cuder Power of Sale contained in a'Mor[t- gage made by LOUISA and HENRY DOAK, to the Vendors, the undersigned will offer for Sale by PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THE PREMISES, ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1883 At 11 o'olook a.m., the following VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Being in the Township of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, and being composed of the West half of the \West half of Loot Number Fire, in the Third Concession of the Eastern Division of the said 'Township, containing I' FIFTY ACRES, MORE OR LESS, }IANI'atl ei YOUNG PCOYLG is the best 'week ly for children in America. --Southwestern CJFriatinn .ldrorale. AU that the artist's skill can n cornplish in the war of illustration has bets dose. and the best talent of the country has contributed to ft, teat. -New Ent/1an.l Journal of Eduen tion. Boston In it. special tis! t there is nothing that es b' ,o-nparet with it. -- Hartford Eresin Pur'. the schooner, Evening Stat, of (1,,(10-'' northern portions f 1 'm rich, Capt. Johnston, went ashore at other parts uF Canada there have been Southampton. The Gladstone to aloe, anew flurries. Stops signals coutinue 1 ashore near the same place. up thrcugaotrt Canada The fishermen along the coast will LAresr. lose heavily by losees in nets, boats, etc. w 'Kiiicardin'.•, Nov. 1.2.-A terrific *11,• • struck this town yesterday :thous 4 p.m. 3litchell Bros'. store front was blown 'in and A. Y. Evans' planing mill smoke j t stack nt flown. A brick house be- c longing to T.J. Stewart was partly blown down and the furniture inside ruined. Stables and outbuildings generally were unroofed and fences demolished. Lum- ber piles were carried in all directions. The gale increased during the night un- til old settlers prcnottnced It tho most terrific ever known. The south pier suffered severely, a portion being swept away, and one crib was seen to;tnove several feet by the force of the waves. The pile work erected lost year is almost Al we go to press, at s late hour on Thursday night, .a blinding snowstorm las sot in. The wind is blowinv at a errible rate, and anxiety is felt for all raft known to be out of shelter. - .ing:e N uuiher., lel it' l ante each. Celteillw n copy sent on receipt ,( Three The Volumes of Harper's Funny Peo .e for 1181. Mee and Hurt, handsomely bound in Illu- minated ('loth. will be newt by snail. portage prepaid. en receipt of 0.3 00 each. l loth Caere for rash c(dune., suitable for girding. will be sent by mail. postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents each. Remittance, should he uuu'e by Poor -Office Money Order or Draft, :o avoid chance of lov, 11ai•rrapapersarrnot tocopy this a 1nvtisr- wentarrlhou: the csp...ssorder of Ha twee .'c R011101M The tate AlexanderAadenea. • - In the account, which appeared in re- cent issues of sense of our local papers, of the death of Alexander Anderson, who was once a resident in this vicinity-. at Ridgetown on the Canada Southetu railway, there are :several .-rrors, and therefore his friends desire that the public should have an accurate report of the accident which caused his IL\RPF;It d ItItOTH :l -, New York. Bast Family Nagger in Canada. KiNG OF WEEKLIES. \\EEKLY FIEF PRESS 3) acres cleared ; balance timbered with beech and maple. Frain house, Frani: Bata & La) Stable. This Property- is Watered by a good Spring Creek. and has on it an orchard of 50 fruit trees; situate on good road, only nine miles from Goderich. TERMS EASY, and will be mode known on day of Sale. For further particulars apply to W. Y. IIRUNTON & SON, Auctioneers, London, Oat Nov. 9th. 1083. 1910-2t SHERIFFS SALE or. LANDS. Cot•NTv GY !/croN. • Hy virtue of pp 4V, it of Tu ten•: ;Fieri Faclru, Ensued out of Iter majesty's county Court of the County of Huron, and to IIIP directed and delivered against the ',reels ;End Tenements of 'Wile LiA%1 UlU'Y and ARTHUR (yANTELON, at the suit of EDW .\RD TINDALL. i have ecized and taken E88011(ioe all the right, title and interest and equity of ,•edemptlon of WILLIAM GI; \'. one of the above nant- e -i dcfen tants in and to that portion or tract oqf land lying and_totingin the Township of Morris. County of Huron and I,'rovince of On- OD tario, being composed of that North half of farm lot, number tweet-. -one, In the fourth concession of the said Township of Morris. O and containing .me hnndrad &ere, of land. more or lees, which Imola and tenements 1 2 shall offer for sale, at stye office, in the Court House in the fawn of Goderich, on FRIDAY, Q the TWENTY-FIRST day of DECEMBER. 1883, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. LL - ROBERT GIBBONS Foutitill Niirseos. 325 �iCRB_ THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. 'HAVE THEIR Fall & Winter St NOW i, MPLETE. BLACK & COLORED CASH MERES DRESS GOODS PLAIN AND BROCADED, IN ALL THE NEW 811113 3 A LARGE !TUCK OF SALESMEN WANTED,Black & Colored Silks Steady Employment at Fixed Salaries to all 1 willing to work. OR.e and WOlOEI min have Pleasant Work the. Year Round. Thu Best thatw,the i have t \'e ever Sh Good Agents are earning from $10 to $75 per month and expenses. ErTcrma and outfit free. Address: 19134m STO$EUI WELLUIGTO3. Toronto, Ont. DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER Very Low Prices •ND BLACK 6t COLORLII Beadle UMeflkor,>� VELVETEENS }boon band now the LitIREET 91r110111 of First - Class Furniture in the County, and as T now per: base for cash, wilt nut be undersold y say one. I otter Tapestry Carpet Lteingcs. front $5.51 upteards. Whatnots. good, from 5280 u!,. Bew- Back Chairs, from 374e. np. and every- thing verything else in the samel proportion. AT THE OLD STAND Between the Post Office & Bane of )Montreal. - f3.O]D RICF3_ Oct. 18th. 1831. 1012 EES. HEES. 50 del/antes •f Pure ,Nal:an :,n,1 Hybrid o Her. for Salt. at tie CRAirSPo D APIAr"tY ENGLISH, Near Dungannon. The }lees are in First -Claes Patent Hirea and is Prime Condition. Prete per SHOOe Reserded ■l. e. . $ a Price per tie.Me Marled RI..'. • Al Address : 13•393O , HARRIS, Dunsannonl P.O. Oct. 1it)1, 11181. 911.11 Plain and Brocaded. and at Prices that Defy Competition A LARGE STOCK JAIES SAUNDERS & 80N, >- Sheriff's (Mice, Goderich. -'apt. 13th. DiK3.. . 1968 -td Sheriff, Huron. cp ruined. The surf knt'cked down the death. Your correspondent obtained - LARGE $ PAPER AS H FI E LD . tilling the tracks with sand, and block- brother of the deceased. For some tune ing the Landon trains so that they are previous to his death, Alexander Andets railway fenc.) and ran across the yard, the following from ''hos. Anderson, a , CUT AND PASTTEED 88 W MACHINERY. (tiSt ].v'l1ll u:hable to start. H. T. Hurdon loses eon was in the employ of a neighbor, sixty tons of coal by being washed into residing about two and a half miles din- Contains all the New.. the harbor. tant from his home, and was, therefore, ep'cial Market Department. Barfield. Ont., 12.Nhfrequently unablespend his week -day tl to d k -da Altri••ultlira! Department. ov. -Tho ecoon- tuenCapital Story Always Running. er Nettie. is. of Southampton, Captain evenings with his family. The even- Ingenious Punic Column. Funny lfumorisn-i . Spencer. went ashore last night a anile below hese. Crew saved. Toronto, Nov. 12. Lost night's hues- ing of the accident beide cold, wet and dark, they did not expect him home, and on that account were not uneasy ricane, so far as ascertained, has not concerning him. Leaving h:s employ- It is Jest the Thing for the Family• done much damage in the city beyond er's house with the Intention of again - bowing down fences and signr, breaking returning that evening-, he called on a o youit (0. hoary the paper will he forward- ed window glasslir slant wires and up- friend with whom he had some business root nl a few trees. Two schooners were to trat, bat while he was there h ns.^e driven from their mooring's, and are now changed his mind and determined to 11" lying aground at the island. Burns & home. To do so he took • road which house was blown down crosses the C. b. R. a few rods eau of and the ice elesatur involved in wreck. the Ridgetown station house, finding his Graham's it.. U,sa estimated at $2,500. way obstructed by • ter on the track, Belleville, Ont., Nov. 12.-A minis- being near sighted, he began to grope lure cyclone swept over this city about ills way around it, and in doing so fell ft o'clock .last night, doing a large into a cattle guard striking heed sensible by the fall, he was drown amount ..f ;damage. A lsrge ppr.�rtion a against one of the rails. 0 0 rt�n block bs in - the root/ f the Rbc od, there being mime water in the Front street. was blown off, and several cattle guard at the time The railway other roofs more ••r leas damaged.Child officials at Ridgetown by allowing this Heys were blown down, windows woke*, all ear to remain at the crossing, a position fand 'down d II ed 1 h thunder and / guilty negligence And fences trees 'own own In a where they had no right to leave it, are parts of the city. The gale was meow of is disoha their pant by iR taulg, t um er a ear dot and are lac tsspo4Ma t fel downpour of had Whee the gale ! Mjyj�g.iiont ehie btnuge t Mr lugs struck the Metropolitan Hall, In whick sae b ill• untimely end. -(Com the N.lvetten Army meeting was base held the rattling of venter? anased by t tdnted, and a r woke ,natio fol the 4. .taira..1'•wn *hieb a great many peoples tumbled .n thele haste Fortunately 11 tiso wood omitted :arm, hies linnet n. eiasr•vwrMy her 1 MHO Osie o t' lea , I 14th 4.10. lat is w fe of Ui Nr tKnight of a etbt alb.nne ION n .TINP•daf tl,,. 0«h am..s .'.well yeah 811,000 IN PREMIUMS The most libwral In.lm en,rnte ever offered in ('ansda to patio t, jo•tting yip clubs for the Wexner rasa Plano,. fiend for Premium 1.Ist. 'rtttlrII Alit TRg►M Abs YAlMElg'11 AWPC ITS eget se Iw J . lips. ler $i.71. Address FREE PRESS OFFICE, Loudon. (ln. Nov. 1K drill 4018' .w-,ar•oaaran I. 1871 TME HAMILTON PROVIDENT awn LOAN SOCIETY. • 1PiTAI. 51.IN.0000 - NV) toFFICS. HAMILT(iN, t'NT hisabins esergwera inn oonsu it their twat on �abefore enna fermis dvaat tains else- Met ientaW .r1 interest loan taMw• and furthwr par►kulars, apply to MAMU Ei. PIsi.Lt)OK. tgent, O.d r owl. 1 isodere-h. Mal 1116. Res 11141' DUNGANNON. The subscriber wishes to calf the attention of the nubile to the fact that bis (mist Mill is now completed, and furnlebel with the latest and most approved machinery for the mann- fa.-tare of the Best Quality of Family Flour As he his also secured a first-class miller. all these evArvalliag Oriels to hiss tea depeed nn their being returned to their entire eatiefac. tion. A TRi A 1. SOLTCiTED. THOMAS DISHER. Oct. 15. 1063. 191.I - it SCOTCH, ani CANADIAN �1 i.Il,.1er alld Maitile CIoIhs r1 IN PLAIN, SCOTCH CHECKS AND di BROCADES. 0 w 0 r Agents for Mc('lary's Famous ROYAL. BASE BURNERS AND OTUKR- Coal & Wood Cooking Stoves Steve fitting attended to by experienced work- men on shortest notice. `second-hand Stores Taken in Exchange. 'The Cheapest Houte Under t he Sun.' West street, next to Poet Ot1►ce. Ooderleb. Sept. 10, 11041. WINTER MILLINERY. Mantles, Mantle Cloths, Ulsters, Dress Goods, Hats, and Winter Goods Generally, for Ladies. Colborne CALL AND SEE- Brothers MRS. GIRVIN. LINENS, TABLINGS, HOLLANDS, CRETONNES, SHIRTING.. r • ♦.- i "+•. FLANNELS, • BLANKETS,;' WINCE' , ' &e., kc. Clothing Maae E9 Order A Ful( Line of Groceries. (30DERICH_