HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 7till It it 1. ,N FI:ID..Y1 NOV. 16, 1d33
Fun and F3ncv.
'I should re -!nark,` sold t
when goods went up. 1�
13amp.un Drosght dawn tbo ti(M/e, put
nobody called fur as encore.
Why is a defeated candidate like the
earth 1 Because he is flattened at the
The ran who 'tills the public eye' nowt
ceeipletely u the one who shakes his door
mats stn the sidewalk.
4 clock having struck the hoer of one,
s header -hearted wutuau exclaimed 'Oh,
what a cruel elven.' ' Why so,' uked a
fried. 'Bectu.. It struck its littleule.'
'Will there be a hop to-nirett 1' asked
a new guest at a Forest hotel of a fellow
boarder. 'Nn,' was the reply, but
there'll be a skip if I awn get my trunk
.4 livery nue wtu was haviug a new
house built, objected when the carpenter
',reposed to put in a toy window. He
aid he preferred a white one to catch
the house.
Iyid you never notice how formal a
man becomes after he has held a situation
for a year or so 7 Still, it is but natural
that a follow should get stiff after being
in one l'ositiou a long while.
A lecturer was explaining to a little
girl hew a lobster cast his shell when he
bad outgrown it. Said he : 'What do
you do when you have outgrown your
dresses 1 You cast them aside do you
not T 'Oh, no, we let out the tucks,'
replied the little one with promptuess.
Fragment of a dialogue heard between
two languid swells on Boylston street :
'Fetish told me you wore engaged.'
'Yaps :' 'Jolly girl 1' 'Awful !"8 o glad,'
'Paas !' 'Married soon 1' 'No : it's efl'
now: 'Bless me ! don't say so.' 'Yeas,
Heard the family ate beans. Couldn't
,stand that !' 'Too bad !' 'Yeas !'
'Eloorbs of Wisdom.
The end of learning is to know God.
and out of knowledge to lova Hint and
irritate Him.
We need not die to go to God,
See hbw the dally prayer is given !
T1s not across. gulf we cry.
Oar rather who dost dwell in heaven !"
Sometimes "the heaviest wheat of all"
may apt ing up from seeds dropped in an
inel(1ental way. What a motive to the
maintenance of a personal holiness ! Tho
incidental is the shadow of tho intention-
al. Influence is the exhalation of char-
To do God's will -that's all
That need concern us : not to carp or ask
The meaning of It ; but to ply our task
Whatever may befall -
Accepting good or ill as lie shall send.
And wait until the end.
There is no life which in the past has
testified to the. power and beauty of the
g,•epel, but what lives to -day and shall
continue in our future, unfolding life.
There has been no shrinking from duty
or sluggishness, but what has left its im-
press on us ; and on the other hand, no
gift, no act of self-denial, which does not
still work in us as a beniticent power:
It is the part of an indiscreet and
troublesome ambition to care to much
about fame -about what the world says
of to ; to be always looking int, the
faceteof other's for approval ; to be al-
ways anxious for the effect of what we
)oto find say ; to he always shouting to
hear the echo of our awn voices. If you
look about you, you will see men who
are wearing life away in feverish anxiety
for fame ; and the last we shall ever
hear of them will be the funeral bell that
tolls thein t,•their early grave. .
Trot 'Dog tares*ea. •
Ttaveiing,dresses this Reason are car-
ried to great perfection, they being siin-
ple yet eleeaut in etyle,beautifully made,
and fitting and arranged and draped with
regard to comfort end convenience as
well as looks. If of pattern materials,
the colors should be eubdued and nut too
numerous. Them aro many stiles and
tine checks salted for the purpose among
the attractive English woolens, the most
desirable being of one or twe distinct
colors, enlivened 1 y narrow hair stripes
orbrighter color. The
small threat's of
following costume is a very pretty model,
giving a good idea of the haut genre in
travelling dresses :-The skirt is laid in
panels and kiltings alternating, or kilt-
ings alone, around the entire short skirt.
A full apron overdress is draped high on
hips, with gold end silver buckles of
largd size holding the draping.. The
jacket is doublebreasted or opens over a
waistcoat of some contrasting niaterial or
color, if not of white corded silk after
the English mode. A second mrdlel for
a less dressy costume, but quite as ele-
gant, is anarrowly kilted skirt, with long
French polonaise above trimmed with
fine braiding terming arabesques, the
braiding nearly covering the chest and
diminishing narrowly toward the waist.
The sleeves are braided to the elbow,
and the polonaise is closed down the
...front either by smell passementerie but-
, tons or by l'randebonrgs with silk curds
- e' crossing the center.
**Simply inn -acetone is all I can say of
the effect of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney
Cure in my cele. An elderly lady
writes this from Antigonish, N. S., who
Lad suffered from pains in the hack for
Iseetity years. Sold by J. Wilenn Code-
rioh. 2m
Fashion's Fancies. Tey •M oe•.wd is
ia,y b""of •ribbon friar chil.lreu s 'Did any one drop a fifty -twit piece
here Su U. straw I. i•,quirwl a tuatt un a
street car; last evening.
Fleeee-liuod st.okingsire et be worn LIkeebaiu-ligbteniug several wen felt
eateusively. 111 flair pockets, sod replied in chorus:
Ceuntlet gloves ate taking the pleses'uf ' 'Yes, I did.'
uwusyuutaire , Theu the loan walked out o'iShalesshadow' u anew colour. It �forut so that he cuuld gets off and ikon, if
a limp, yellowish green. O1*t1Meary. anti .,id
Velvet vents, cuffs and collar wake 'Then why .1.•u't you gut down and
pretty additions to a cloth dress.I Took for it b tt••re some r.ue picks it up 7
hat'� what 1 do every time I demw
Drowse of large blue and crituwn ur„uea;'
plaid are worn over crlmu silk skirts. Attl�>+y�a.lieskipped off thu car, the teen
White jet taonnots with duchess. late who said they had dropped a fifty cent
strings+ aro pretty kr evening wear. puce keit well ',erected behind their
The prince/Ise will be the fashionable I oitng�,apers,
cut fur evening dresses this semen. ite__
Cairsfwru' hat of select ernnbinirg The Tivertun Watchmen says : Very
two abasias aro rely 1r:1'. tj,1 to and fsah• I bad news from Clematis was in circuht-
tenable, tiou here un Monday last. From what
Trees of wine' colour east palm pink'' s can herr, it appears that Mrs R. 1Y.
is a popular iie'e u•atlen for evening menthe, with her ch:(d, aged about 10
g months, were on a visit to a friend'sa,nd
wear. while staying there the child was given e
• Dagger -shaped silver pins motile most tone with which to feed the dog, it being
fashionable for fastening the Oslo 'inen at the time in the hall, while the family
culler. were in the adjoining rte -un. 'rho little
Dotted tulle veils of black, crean, ewe thing tteldled out of the rood, belie in
dove odor reach only to the bridge of h+ttd, and ghostly after a lend scream
the nose. warned the residents and a general. rush
Shuns tight -fitting jae: ens, trimmed was made fur the hall or passage, where
the dog was found furiously biting and
with narrow fur band., roc worn by
young married ladies. mangling the child awl it was wit'r diffi-
culty that the brute wwasremoved. The
uaSne nine equestrienne by two large duces child's wounds were carefully dressed
and every caro bestowed upon it that
with their bills meeting.
anxious parents could devise, but death
A pretty evening bonnet is made en- took place on Sunday last, being about a
tire)y of gold beads, with large enes week after the accident occurred.
dazzling from the end.
Quilted satin 'petticoats bordered with
fur are both warm and fashionable. The
faverite color is crimson.
The newest imported seal skin sacgces
ars lined throughout with fur, thus mak-
ing them doubly warn.
A pretty dark brown dress seenrecent-
ly had panels of cream and dark "roan
striped silk sot in the front.
Basques ere made high and short on
the hips and poiqted in front, The back
is generally long and box'plaited.
Lace flounces a' out two inches deep
are put upon the edge of small children's
winter cloaks, that come to the edge of
the dress.
Chinese slippers, with very pointed
and turned up toes, are to be worn by
ladies for morning and evening. Bronze
is the favorite tint.
Jenny coats, from the short jacket to
the long palotot, aro to bo worn more
than any other one kind. Many of the
richest are trimmed with fur.
Black -lace scarfs are twisted about the
neck in a very fantastic fashion, one end
beiug thrown over the left shoulder,
where it is held by a gold pin.
Bangs are not as fashionable as for-
merly. Fluffy curls on the forehead are
more worn. The Grecian knot is gradu-
ally ascending and the bang• retroced-
Bonnet pins, two pronged, like old
time forks, are ornamented with arrow
heads of hnllianta or small butter -flies
and birds enameled in natural colours.
Black dolnatts of satin brocade and
lace have, sometimes, the entire back
from the neck to the waist, covered with
long, at•tailkolt heads, that jingle at
every nuivument,
The new designs of handketvhiefa are
called the 'Autumn Leaf' and have pal-
est-green,yellow and cream leave. stamp-
ed all over the surface in a mixed pattern.
The monogram is embroidered in white
un a vivid red leaf.
A Pretty evening dress, seen at a re
cent t.0.1ding, was trade of pale:blue
and pink sutah silk. The skirt wets laid
in wide box plaits over a pliese of blue
and one of peas silk. The box -plats
were alternately pink and blue and the
bodice was or the blue, a'it_i a vest, cuffs
end sash of the pink The effect was
exceedingly geed.
During the early season it is anticip .1 -
ed that fancy feathers will have a big
run, and ostrich tips for the trove wilt
be preferred to the lung plumes. Loc,'
wings, soanow o
popular r abroad, will be
g.1 1
seen, dyed in colours to suit the toilets.
Strings of rihMms are premised, t e y
long and two to three inches wide. It is
told, but only in a whisper as yet, that
velvet ribbon it. iiIt satin face, of a differ-
ent shade of ;+the same colour as the
velvet, will he the preferred sort for
these serines. This whisper is reported
for what is it w,•rth. Ottoman ribbon
will be used, and, if the French fashions
are , followed, the bonnet -strings will
prove a feature of the Monnet.
A farmer sold a load of wheat at
Mitchell fur $1.08 per bushel. The
sum; it shown was very choice but,when
the bags came to be emptied, it turned
out to be no bettor than chicken feed.
He was glad to get 75 cents per bushel
and escape the J. P.
'1'e give an idea of the egg trade of the
county of Huron, D. D. Wilson, the egg
man of Yeaforth, paid out during the sea-
son 8300,000, nearly all of which found
its way into the [rockets of the worsen of
Huron cuunty.
The Bishop of Rochester has written a
leiter expressing hearty approval of
Moody and Sankey=s wtsewu, and urging
clergymen of the Established Church to
help ie
One of our best citizens would say to
the public that he has tried Hall's Ca-
tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed
for it. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by Geo. Rhynas, s ole ,rent for Gude-
rich 3m :
Tose eareae.t Tuan .a Record
Is Kram's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia
Headache, Toothache, etc. It does not
blister or discolor the skin ; require but
one application to banish all pain magic-
ally without using any greasy liniment
or carrying your hood in a poultice for
weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo.
Rhynas, druggist. h
The late provincial exhibi:ien cost
Guelph's exchequer $8053.
It is talked among senators and mem-
hers that parliament will meet atrtut
tan. 16.
All Nervous Debility cured by the use
of Dr. K. C. West's Nerve and Brain
Ttesatnient. fee advertisement elsewhere
Sold at Wilson's drug sutra. (3b)
Mn. P. Th,mnnn, of Brussels, ►u re-
covered .nfftciently from her late illness
le enable her to go to Toronto, for
which place she left last Tuesday to re-
ceive medical aid.
Seeing is believins. Read the testi
menials m the pamphlet me I)r. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a betide
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing rains. Tner Devout (an tell you
an sheet it. Sold by J Wilson (loderic`
The eve( Adis, Ball. Cheter (1i1, &o,.
an l othlF panbous, /riving Cathartics
is unnecessary, as a pieseant substitute
Is [mind in Dr. Carson's Bitten. which
act m. a Cathartio without griping or
.nosing mesas 411 drieeist• sell it.
,'arta a h..ltle
Milk a ]leans of C.ataglon. .
Our readers will be aware that more
than one o.utbretk of scarlet fever er ty-
phoid hue been eventually traced to unilk
supply. In one case a dairyman had his
own family down with scarlet fever-, and
succeeded in conveying the taint of the
contagion to the milk veselr which he
despatched for the sups ly of distant cus-
tomers. At another time an insidious
outbreak of typhoid fever was eventually
traced to the supply of milk from a
country dairy more than a hundred
miles away. It was ascertained that it
was the customs of the dairy thatthe milk
cans for cenvoyenco of milkby rail shoul I
be washed in a uei;hbortng brook ; that
brook was tainted with sewage, and 1.y
this means typhole germs found their
way into the milk despatched to distant
milk -sellers. -[Country Gentleman.
The Prot thrust Exuttttlea.
The loss 'astatine(' through the pro-
vincial exhibition heing held in Guelph
was a little over eight thousand dollars.
This will likely lead (fuelph to conclude
that the provincial exhibition is 'an ex•
pensive levity wed that N is wet desir-
able to take a second turn at it. Ottawa's
experience was of a similar kind. 1tw•
don her evidentaly had enotyth of it. and
Toronto deetines to haw ft at any prtee.
The Legislature should take the money
which it annually grants to the provincial
exhibition and distribute it Meson, the
various district eahibittaas it the shape
of provincial prises, The pfoviecial ex•
hibitinn has b^d itsday.-Cremate Tele-
C1waAL*.R. -. A name well known in
onnectinn with the Hair Reeower whish
..tures grey hair to its netting vela by
low week, see. *told It N mete per
bottle ht• Veme• W,'vort lett
Exetted Thomsen ti
All over the land are goim„ Into eeetacy
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumption. Their unlocked fur recovery
by the timely use of this great life Sav-
ing remedy, causes them to stn nearly
wild in Ita praise. it is guaranteed to
positively cure severe c'aghs, colds, as-
thma, hay fever, hn,ncluti•, hoarseness,
loss of ruiee, ur arta effection of the
throat mud lungs. Trial bottles free at
.len•ut V. -litotes drug Stere. Large size
$1.(0. (2:)
$1000 ",- IIT
Having the ntmont e." E.l• r.• in 1:13 enpir
tority over all other, and site. t 1 , is,.nd. of
testi of .the most eomtJicatad and severest
cases we could find. we fel ! iust itled In offer-
ing to forfeit One Titou'acd I •ullars for any
casa of coug;ta, onlr1e, sure throat, influenza
hoars n's9 bronchitis. con
tics in it,
early • e. whooping cough. and
all diseases
of the throat and lungs, except aithma, for
which we only claim relief. t .. • can't cure
with West's Cough >;: rnp. •.t . In .. 11 accord
ing to dircetiuus. N:uuhte ' •t•!cs, 25 and :A
cents; large he';l`. ow. .iter, Genuine
wrapper-. only- !(I oe all druggists.
or se:tt hes oxen #04".1 :.••.ript e� price. JOHN
C. WE -4,i - I i and /3 King street East,
Toronto, Ont. ';old *1 J.t.S. •WiL.'.(IN'e Drug
Store, Goicrieh, 1915.
�a o�ER
That Diphtheria Y me of the Hoa danger.
o+tsdtsaaaso104 scant, •wsereaway thous.
ands M ubli 4,en, iv • A..t wale* b.• ..nr ••ars
deny. and fast d maga en MOO, cases ars
pywertosaa on,* to to 5- tela A IMO'
• nc that 14 .t••.i.• fes sees.! tdtrs urs' M
this dun .rod, wrsdamesp
he halletee 1.11i,•.y aid Ira clay tr*4,-.. t►i
et-ery ra-ss " e l.r I.•i-R."rr ..Md. A nista'
ftarrat arm se ata., s.1 . • reap , ►.'e►.1 el ti.
begin'tng Chas ant, N nus ,�aastw••d aa,ew ,.
do It t• wiry this .) emeses'. gesso 1•sdInlee
haad•a..l do net salt .11 k I. r.., bra
1arMkIne Is oder,-1 1M wt`"•
A$M's MPHTNa•t+.t asst
L . WA a.w thmaigner
will mmrr.•r its t.n no▪ t M
thew. ROOM pat !tae.
ttw.a *ekes cot ter toe a r celeste a/ fiwn,Aa
sad pves�+}flout we rages. Oat moose
Me We kte.l a ask ra.•dlaai to �n
and trtat w a fecal. rMt�:�jl,1„�rn
and trial trrtls. sews mos As..
Address ker. H. cat rot ( Mil .rich
(heavies .lam t�apt
Egg Salt at 617.1 Rin'... nurse mere. pet a=
yet, r twat
"I had been for eight months unable
to work, and Galt as though 1 would as
lief die as live, through Dyspepsia au'i
Indigestion. 1 woo/teed at 116r tome •.1
guttwg a bottle of NieGleg••r e Speedy
(,urs 130 tor; used 3 bottles, and a tw
weigh 165 sibs. and never sae better in
in gay life. It was MoUreg..r's Speedy
Cure that brought nue around." So says
Fell, Hamilton. Go to 0. Khy-
naas' t,; store and get a free trial bottle
or t'.. . •,tt;lar size for fifty cents and one
dull.ri. a
Pe feet, Positive and Pleatnanent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained after a few doses.
Soo (hat your Druggist go es you DO
Van Buren's Kidney Cure Scald by J.
Wilson 0, dericb. �p
An Oasis its the desert is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a beck.
of Ur. Van Buren's Kidney ('ate i, to
the unfortunate sufferer frr•ttt Kidney
Diocese. it is a perfect, positive :tl f
permanent cure. So,l,l hy J. 11'.is •N
(lederu•h You
T. Ike Iledleal Prol•..t.a. and all n hurt
11 may c.aren.
Phosphatine, or Nerve l!ouu, a Phos-
phate Element based upon ee;e:.';11 -
Facts, Formulated by Professur Auet::l,
M. D. of Beaton, Mast., cures Peltcen-
ary Consumption, Sick Hotel:w:ite, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo. 'and NetrraL;IL,
and all wasting diseases o f the hum..!
system. Phosph:ttiue is not a [edecire;
but a Nutriment, because it coot ti... i:u
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, (ii.ietes,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but <_iutp;
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. , $1 00 per bottle. 1,•owDse &
Co., sone agents for the Dominion,
155 Front Street Etat Toronto.
As the trigs of winter vautsu urtier
the caloric intlnence of the sun's fay,,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone'
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Intlaiti
mission of the Kidneys, leave the ht..y
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
ren'a Kidney (''Ir:. :;old by J. V'':,at,
by ma this season. I hope my old
patrons will hang on to their
Fruit until sec them,
New Customers Wanted
Good Sound Fruit
And will pay the highest market !,
Te,IS & t anir5
Ali all soros of
--AT -
C+1,10. OLD
The Grocer, Cuart Hose Square,
Sopt. 13, 1337. 19)8
T{PA \sIEul1 AIrticcr
FOR. 1884.
With the advent or 1881 Time. %VIo TERN AD-
VERTISER %ND %%'xzsty Lint:RAM, will appear
in new and improved form, with new type.
printed from stereotype plates, nn a new web -
feeding press of the latest design. While Its
several popular "De artntents' will be con-
tinued,more vigor will Mo
• h.ervahle througgh-
c.tit. nly *1 per annum. Hnhtn, a o/ lt.4d
free to neer e.rhwri)n I.A.
"PORTRAIT GALLERY." Orr preminnt
for 1884 is a handssmrly-printed Book of Por-
traits, with Illuminated cover. containing the
ftllowingchrtmo-ilthogranh.. in five colors.
iz : Her Majesty Queen Victoria; 111a Excel-
lency the Governor-General (Marquis ,if Lnnn-
doe nel • Rt -Hon. W. E. Gladstone ; Hnn. Ed -
nerd •Rlakc.Mir John A. Macdonald: lion.
O1iv. r Mowat ; Hon. Alex. Maekenxie ; and
Chester A. Arthur. President of U. S. An
elegant and attractive ornament for the par-
IoriaMe. Mize of each portrait. R x ll Ineheo.)
A biographical sketch of each personage
written by an eminent Canadian - iaalsogivon.
Price, only see. extra. or $1.10 in all.
4I If preferred. e'th.erlbers may hare a
choicer., "Howe AXn Hril.TII' or "4.15.41411.141
Iti.ctrs."-owe well-known former premiums
-i1 beard sever. on payment of Oar. addltioa-
�. M.11 to all. Delp ole premiums al -
Tea Data D' CNTISse. oeateleieg the
a*)sppits*e1tal� 1r►t deesjpearte`bsp. N S IoM �
email n+,la�ttiZei tie azar AXIS
Ras itv Airwomen". ever shale orgies
waled rverterlIesys fifty
tt. S. ppm! seeess fel elM
�esr«s1 bre j -
!1�1tt QI1i Ore.
The Ar seM Toe weeemen Arvin
1 'V
ti -adz
•46 tube fir,
v�t� • .�et►a.e -__. Q_._._ . sssammmmmsso r Y I�
•-. i'.e".14 �r rr e, a 84
/24' aQ A .,nt+ Wanted e!
r ;
: on
t. .
e A
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Has t%e most cx:eosiue and influential circulation in British
A-nnica. is n 1.' I ! o: its extensive Cable and T.iegraphic News,
•d is th, foe t: au'hority upon Commercial and Financial
M !:'• et 11. „u raout the Dominion
..,,-se Year, ... $7.00 I Half Year, ... $3.50
Q•t,rte• Year $175.
....Ir,t-ern-------- ----- -- ----.
cr to incrtu.c our already large list of yearly subscribers to
, . 7:1-V Gt.o::t, we make the following liberal and nwgnifi•
:o cv.ry reader of this advertisement who wishes to take
of a it once. '
F. r Ltli 50 w y will send to any address in Canada or the U. S.,
'tufa r:.w to end of ikren:tsr, ititiy and in adtlition, A HANDSOl1E
:i'.,:,h it a/ rouzvnt.-:/ :e ii is neat or at!eIrante; a it a
'-'u-:.,uirr, ton intealrr requires no key: it it dust/1.00; a,rl a
t r our<!u^rr•
The ahnve Trice includes lostage upon Watch to any a'.Ires', in
an1'a or the United States. This offer only holds tl until
tact ?Dth. 155;. We will start shipping watches eu genu er
Remittances should be sent at once, so as to enable us to
:n a recess:try supply and till order, with as little delay as
Adorers, -
G1'..013E PRINTING CO, (Limited),
✓, �_ �•- The Creat Dollar Ptiper.
• a
• - ant,.
not life is -ger tone oy,
ant • dor- bd,•rc you di
wrtie:hing c.:.Sty and sub
lime leave behind to conquer
time. 8.10 a week in your own
town., :u outfit tree. No risk. Everything
new. Capital not required. We w tit tarnish
you eVerythintc. Many r.rc makit;; torture.
Ladies make as much as men, and boys and
girls u. .kr great pay. header, it you want
usiness at which you can make great pay all
the time. write for particulars to TI. 1f ti.t.r.TT
rt' Co..- Portland Main
Chrystsil & Black.
New i8QILEltS fend fro tLTLtPANS mam:fae
tare':on shortest notice.
A11 :Inds of Repairing exe:ntt - 1 under the
personal snoervibion of the 1,1 %who
Pracrica! Workmen.
1'. 0. Box 103 1787
_ lt-1NCE 0:11:1.1.
BIRITiSil ASS. CO' V, TuttcNic-Aatablislic
PiRENIR INS. CO'Y, of Lea1.ON England/w.
Established 1782.
HARTFOItI) INS. CO'Y, of 11Am-roma Conn
-Established 1810.
Risks taken in the above AM-classOfficesat
the lowest rates by BUR A('g iHORTON.
The rmaereigned is also Appralacr for the
Money to Loan on first -.lase security, om
7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate.
Ooder'^h Sept. 10. 1890.
are annually robbed
of their t ',limit, lives
and health rragtod
by till` iu the groat
which positively and permanent y cures Im-
potency (caused by excesses of any kind 1
8clittual w1"enkucss, and all diseue,s that fol-
low as a sequence of Self -Abuse, as loss of en-
ergy. Imps of memory, unlvereal lassitude,
pain in the back, dimness of vision. prema-
ture old age, and many other diseaees that
! a•t h, ln.an ity or consumption and a prema-
f tire grave.
Send for clreulare with testimonials free by
mail. The 13II flR.AT•R is sold at 81 per
box, or nix hotel for $5. by an druggists, or
will be sent free no mail, securely scaled, on
receipt of price, by addressing..
F. J. CIHENEI', Druggist,
Geo. Hit INAS; 137 Summit Pt.. Toledo, Ohio
Sole Agent for Coderieh
out for el,,ec.,+ to lntreaee
teeth r ride e. ,u d i. lite, be
4 ptronIeaie.atrnl.on
,me..., ,.., 1, .. : It r . a -he do
tope'." 0 t:.. it )1.;'ort Ulf
,'.lulu •n 1-' ,'rte s V:, 5,r m grca
1.'', .' to make m.o.,. N , u-, a. wo-
• ' '•.M and gill, ter o .... !.. ,t- 51. !herr
t!ities. A1•y',,, r•. en,. ,:.• t.•,rlc pro-
-,tit 11 - lh:•t t•,•:. 1, mit+n will
,.t• tlutn her, r,o•. ,,,,! : • Ic... , r. Ex•
outfit furtli.hwi tr.. No nbr• v..; 0 en-
!nils iO make 1 11 idly . l .•n can
y, •.. • , cur whole !!r..•• te. +l c nr rk. or uuly
y-• ,• -Imre t,,e't-':.. F 11:; : ,!ellnalln,, and
('! t 0 544, 10, cis. ,• :., :• , . Address STIN
.woo .r• 1'er. 1 'ort.., , ..:viie, .
$6'00.00 Reward.
lye toil! : sy ILn above reward for sty ease of
Lon r Complaint,1 Dyspepsia, 1p
eta, Slek Headache
lt:,ligrs:l,e, Constipation or ('nstit-en,sn we
enrol • cn .• withWest's r 1'rftctablc i.iver Pills,
When t!:c direetiunsare strictly complied with.
They :Ire purely Vegetable, and never fail to
gidee sat iaar•t Ion. Sugar Coated. Large Itoxea
unfair, i.g 80 Pills. 85 cern.. For sale hy all
Urn:mists. Ilr•ware of counterfeits and imita-
tions. The genuine manufactured only b'
('. WEST N CO., "The 1911 Makers,
11 and Inv King Ht. East, Toronto, um. Free
trial package sent by nasi prepaid on receipt
of a 3 , cnt stamp.
Toe Male at WIt/4411NYI DRi'ii *TORE.
health is Wealth!
Ars pleat• nt to take. (ental:, their own
Purgative. Is a safe, sure, en 1 effretool
doterwtrr r'f ~too in CLBdr^n or Adult&
Maar. a guarantee.! specific for Hysteria, Die
einem,, Convulsions. Fits. Nen-o11/1 Neuralgia
Ilea.la•he, Nervous Prostration canard b the
use of aloobol or Inhered. Wakefulness, by
Depression, Softening of the Brains result
ing In fnaahlty and leading to misery. decay
...id dealt,. 'ren sal ure Oki Age. Barrenness,
1.044 of Power In either sex. involuntary Losses
• and asp.-rmatorrlttpa, cared hy over-exertion
of the brats, self-abuse or over-indulwrnee.
Orr 1.,.. scut aura recent Caere. mach box oon-
tsorstns owe month's treatment. One dollar a hos,
.,r •Iv boxes few live dollars,. sent hy mail pre,
paid on nwlp' ref pelf*. We rrwwraetce six
x.•. to rurr any case. With each order re-
orlrerl by w for sic hoxea• arrnmpMMd with
era getters, we will send sae p.reaaaer our
wristei geseaatee to refund the nosey if thn
mi,.. dere UM 001.r•t a ewer. Gt.*Rnteea
b s+1 J*Rtklt wt►tlas►r, ants ens hos -
.tfMOedench, /tat. JOHN1' W 1187
, cafe pewprlrinrs. T.* to Oal.
t work . tale at home Fv the In
Imre+ r.. He i heetwees now he
•,r. 11 .. •.rhtt. Capita not nand
,•d, 5Ce a ars .tart yeti Mrn. Ir.
MM. bays and girls wanted very
w1•'. ,• we**, es. Newlsthe time
oats w --
e whelp
lira. M
E111ts4 Nit Pa. l.trlt at .'kw• T.^Js+ t1 ensptuyttt•a tel7rs Prswqr'
N *nal .Ie /suss r+�'o. 11•,a tN nnrah', 11 ARM*, i
t. _&,. M'-• s».J I last . Males