HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 6•••••••••••••••r • -•••• THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY NOY. 16, 1102. HouseholO Hints. Do not tack your bedroom corpete down, but take up and.thelte often. Scatter fresh -cut gta instoed of tea - leaves on the carpet before b When threeditio a needle, hold it over something white, it will help the sight. Put ehort ouills it the corners of pil- lows and feather beds ; it gives good cir culation. Scrub their* with all old broom and strong lye, little at a time, then mop with waren water. One teaspoonful of chloride of liine in three quarts of water will take stains from white gooda. To extingundi a fire in the chimney, put some powdered brimatone in the fire and shut the stove all up. '1'0 clean willow furniture, use salt and water ; apply with • brush and wipe very dry. Hiccoug ein inmiediately be reliev- ed by administering a lump of sugar wet eith vinegar. The yolk of an egg mixed with a little molasses inake.s • rich brown glaze for the tops of rusks and buns. The beat way to sweep your est car- pet is to sprinkle it first with dainpeoed cornmeal. It lays the dust And bright. in the colors. Hard boiled eggs pressed with chicken or veal add to the relish and the appear- ance also of these dishes when cut in slices. Pains must be taken not to press the eggs out of shape. This is said to be a very good remedy for hoars3ness :- Beat the white of au egg to a stiff froth, add two tablespoon- fuls of sugar, the juice of •ooe leinua and and a glass of warm water. SCRAP BASKET. -Using for A some vase that is larger at the centre than at the top and bottom ; cut a paper pattern that Khali be at least two feet high and of gcol proportion. Cut from stout pasteboard five elections like pit - tern ; cover them on one side with grey cretonne and no the other with turkey red, overhaudiug the edges neatly. Sew the five sections together overhand, and you have a handsome Japattese vase for scraps. Cotton aatine and blue ailesia may be used in place of cretonne and turkey red. Watinx-Baoou HoLD11111.-With sine twine, crotchet or tie a band of macrame lace eight inches long and two inches wide ; line it with a strip of blue *Mine ribbon. Take a white wood plaque th d measure that measures eight inches across. Fasten the band across the cen- tre of the plaque make small holes iluite near the edge and sew through), put a handsome satin bow at each end of the band ; also A ribbon and bow to sospend it by. A Pis Ct.:moor. -Whicli ts very hand- some and delicate is of blue satin with a bunch of sweet peas painted on it ; around the edge of the cushion is a pleat- ing of heavy blue satin ribbon. It, is plated in double box pleats very close to- gether, then araund the cushion white lace is laid with the plain ed o3 tucked down between the pleoting an l the cush- ion. - Veal. Nee% What. A little volume with the above expre t - sit Li title his reeently been published in the interest of sista deportment ; but the bonk don't exhaust the subplot by • good demi, and the following 'don'ts,relative to street manners. jutted down as they come to mind, will prove interesting to gentIonson : Don't keep to the right when walking upon the sidew•lk. Should you du so, ten ehancoo to one you will &tweet no notice Joon those you meet. Keep to the left if you would create a sensation. Don't hide your umbrella uhder your coat as though you were afraid pettple would think you had •tolea it. Make • Greek croas 4.( yourself by carrying it under your` arm at right angles with your body. Besides, thia is the safest wiry to carry au umbrella. If any eyes are punched out by it you may be sure they won t be yours. Don't carry your cane as though it were a third leg. Let at drag after you in a manner which shall trip uilybody that oomes too near. How can you know that the man behind yi u not a pickpocket, with designs ou •)our watch and wallet? Don't sit in the horse -cars with your baclosquare against the side of the car. Dispose yourself at an oblique angle, oc- cupying Ihe space of two or thief', seats. What's the use of being a hog unless you let folks know it. Don't forget to puff vigorously a.. your cigar a you pass along the crowded side- walk. It is only a mean man who would wish to keep all the smoke to himself. ilallantry to the fair sex should Maki - you especially generous in your fuond benefaction when -women are near you. Don't apologize if you chance to step on a gentleman's foot. It might 'mike him feel awkward. But turn the 'nat- ter off jocularly by reminding him that you must step somewhere, or advising him to keep his feet in his pe cket. He cannot but admire your presence of mind and ready wit. Don't take any especial pins tii pint out the way to the stranger who asks to be directed. Just as like as not he won't remember aright. Tall kim to fellow his nose and he will find it, or push by without see:ning to notice him at all. Don't walk at oo-i tnon.tonous pace all the time. TS you are in cotnpany walk slowlo, or three abreast. This w:11 prove a trial oi patience to people behind you ; hot patience is a virtue and should he exercised. When you are alone go at railway spinet, elbowing your way vigorously through the crowd. Everybody itdmires activity and ener- gy. Don't, when two or three Lf you get together for a little chat, consider that you are blocking the sidewalk. The sidewalk was made for man, not man for the sidewalk, and you should enjoy it to the full. D )n't forget to stare at the women- folks. Your eyes were given you to , are with, and if the women don't like it let them remain in -doors. Don't pass by • lady without turning round to peer in her face. If you didn't ' do this she inight think you were not a jackass, and it would be cruel to create a false impression. Don't talk in a low tone of voice as you pass alonv, unleaa 'you have some- thing really worth hearing. If your eenversetion is of your achievements in guzzling beer or mashing the girls -AS no doubt it is -the more people who hear you the greater the number of those who will look upon you as a supe- rior being. Don't miss the opportunity of exhib- iting your fine clothes and refined' man- ners in frvnt of the liquor saloons, the- atres and other places where your prom- inence will be ethic' re.i Don't care for anybedy but yourself. Remember that Providencel helps those who help themselves. Footriso InLAND.—Beat yolks of Ciree eggs until very light.; sweeten and flavor to taste; stir into a quoit of bml- ing milk, cool till it thickens ; when cool, pour into a glass dish; whip the whites of the eggs to a .tiff froth, sweet- en, and set over a dish of boiling water to cook. fake a tablespoon and drop the whites on top of the cream, far enough apart so that the "little white islands" will not touch each other. 'dr Jobs Macdonald oa Sir John DIacdonald, says George Ja- cob Holyoake, in his reminiscences of Canada, which we have so frequently quoted, one day made some reinarks which threw more light on European cosoeptions of Canada than any other I heard. He said artists were the defamers of Canada. They all paint the snows, sledges and ice, and the people in furs. The superb hued fruit,the magical eines, the o.Iden harvests, the forests,the flow- ` era, the splendid rivers and tropical ma- sons the land has, we never ses painted. These appeared to me as sagaciousoebeer- rant and original observations, the unfa- miller facts f the Canadian continent being presented in a fee/ words. The Dominion, he said, was vast beyond European concepton -ripens tomatoes in the open air -which 'cannot be done in England -grows tobacco), and supplies wines with a froet-crisped &VW* which fiat, southern lands never knew. sew Life foe Fashions Weakesed tay Nth ester. Debility and Diselpasha. The Great German Invigorator is the only specific for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitude, forgetfalness, pain in the back or sides, no matter how shattered the system may be from ex- cesses of any kind, the Great Gerinan Remedy will restore the lost functions and secure health and happtness. $1.00 per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent on receipt of price, postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo, Ohio, sole trent for United States. Cir- culars and testimonials sent free Sold by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Gods - rich. 3m John R. Vert, Hamilton, says : "Me- Gregor's Speeey Cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the price asked for it. 1 am a commercial man, and travel continuelly, and would no more think of leavieg home without • bottle t,f McGregor's Speedy Cure in my valise than I would of latrine my team at home and going on foot" Free trial bottles at 0. Rhymes drug store. Regu- lar size rk cts, and $1. • tOuldnunes in London have arranged a marriage between the eldest daughter tit the Prince of Wales, now sixteen years of age, and the Duke of Portland. • Iliewal Dearove That ia daily bringing iny to the hennas of thousands by saving marry of their atm ones trove an early grave. Truly is Dr. King'. new Desseerery Inc Consump- tion, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Rermehitis, Hey Fever, Loss of 'Voiee. Tickling in the Threat, Pain in hide and Cheat, et , any disease of the Thrtat •nd Lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot- tles free Ai .1 %Viten.) • Drug Oho.. Mosso Illeate. Many a beautiful rose has been nipped in the bud by an undiscovered wornoand many • young life has osen sacrifiad to the destructive power of looms in the human system. If you would save those other Louder house plants, 'your Kite them Freeman's Worm Pow- ders, they are sefe and pleasant, and are warranted effectual. 2 A wawa& tee all Mankind. lu these times when our newspapers are tlooded with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know what' to procure that will certainly cure you If you are bilieos, blood out id .irder, liver inactive, or teneral debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and con be had for only fifty cents a bottle of James Wilson. (2:1 ash Rhea= tared. Are you troubled grim Salt Rheum, Rough Skin, Pimples or Canker Sores ; if so, go at once to Geo., Rhyne*. Drug Store and gut a paekag f 51eGregor Parkes Carbolic Cerate. Price 25 cents. It was never known to fail. As feraagemeas Advice to Ibraagraten. Brockville, Nov. 7. -At tho orange celebration here last night, Mr. White, M. P., advised the orange body in per- severe in their efforts to obtain incorpora- tion from the dominion parliament. An act of the Ontario legislation would only extend to this province, and the breth- ren of Quebec would still be under the ban. Without a petition from the grand orange lodge he could not re -intro- duce the orange bill, and he hoped the rank and file would insist on the grand officers doing their duty. Now that there is& reliable remedy Inc kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removed. For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure award all praise Inc having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path It was never:known to fail. Sold by J Wilson. 2ni Thouaands are being cured of Cstarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said multi notise cured. 75 cents • bottle. Sold by George Rhyne., sole agent Inc Gode trek 3m A Rzween-Of one doseu -Tetsuo no" to any one sending the hest four rhyme on "Tasomeav, the remarkable little gem for the Tooth and Bath. Ask your druggest or addrese. Thousands hear witnein to the pose - titre ecrateve powers of the OSSAT OWL- NAN brerionit•Mill, the only remedy thst has pen..d itself a sp.es for general debility, seminal wee nem, inspotencv, ere , and alt ddessee thsearise from seelf- shoes or overtated brain, finally ending in consumption, ineenity and a Teleme- ters grave Sold by all druggists, or will he wont free on receipt of $1.00 per hoz, or six hoves for $11. Address F. J. Concert, Toledo, Ohio, ails agent for the United Steles Send for eirellar snit icor tin -vitals of ..nine mores Cleo "r1 It • 0 eterieh See awe Noillees. MarnotneT MACIARINR.—Price 11 a year ; 11 for six months ; 10cents per num- ber. For sale at all bookstores. Several engravings of the Canadian North-West Territories, the Rocky Slousitains and the Pacific Coast, give • special interest to this number. The tragicand heroic story of Stanley'smarch across Africa grows in pathos as it ap- proaches its close. An interesting article by Mrs. Lauder, of Memories of the Haunta and Homes of Luther, is very appropriate to the Luther anniversary. So also is the review of Kottlin's new Life of the great Reformer. The Rev. Alex. Burns, LLD., of Hamilton, has a very out -spoken article on Missions, that will attract much attention and probably provoke some discuasion. Bishop Car- man gives a second article on the Hu- miliation of Christ. The Rev. T. C. Antliff gives • graphic account of the re- markable career id tbe Rev. Woo O'Bryan, the founder of the BibleChris- tian Church, and the Rev. W. S. Black- stock reviews et length Dr. Ryerson'. ' Story of My Life.'' The Editor dis- cusses at length the subject -so fruitful in evils for a thousand years -of Sacer- dotal Celibacy. Why suffer from nervous prostrations when you can buy a guaranteed cure at 1Vilsons drug store. (1) A Sea ea es Drag maws Neter was such a rush :made for any Drug Store as 11 now At J. Wilson's fur a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Ns/woo cry for Consumption. Coughs and Odd,. itin, Huiteelidell, Severe Coughs or au' All persons affected with Asthma, Broi cht affection of the Trust or Lange, can get a Trial Retitle of this great rentedy Inc by calling at above Drug Store. Regu- ar ritzy $1. ' (51: A lewd eireir The Chicago, Berliugton ft Quincy •Railnead Company has just issued an illustrated treatise, "The ileart of the Continent," describing the wonderful Frowth of the AIX Great States. The book is beautifully printed, and numerous en gravir.gs of high merit adorn ire pages Any one sending their moue aud address with two three -omit postage stamps Will. receive • copy by return mail, by applying to Perceval Lowell, General Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. bt i Irsam's Fluid Lialitalag Is the only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rub- bing • few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines Inc weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and willrove the great relue of Kram's Fluid Lightning. 23 cents per bottle at George hypes' drug storm b Victoria University claims the honor of graduating last year the fing ,.1•dy M.D. in the Dominion of Canada. This year two more ladies have enrolled as students, one the daughter of president Nebo'. "Why should amen whose blood ui warm within Sit ke.his grandsire cut in alabaster 211 Or let his hair grow rusty, scant and thin. When "Ctotottese asonewire will make grow the faster. For sale by J. Wil- son 2m - Mrs. J. McPhee, Appin, writes :- During the last eight years I have used almost every tutrlicine recommended for Biliousness, but found nothing equal to Carson's Bitters. . If you suffer try it Price 5) cents. Never Give cp. If you are suffering with low and de- pressed spirits, loss ef appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak consti- tution, headache, or any disease of a bil- ious nature, by all means procure a bot- tle of Electric Bitters. You will he sur- prised to see the rapid improvement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return ; pain and misery will cease, and henoe- forth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Biters. Sold at fifty cents a le,ttle by J. Wilaon. [0] r STURGEON --Cr- C, 1LT IL MOM NIEUMATISM botooica. Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Joints, Cramp in Muscles, Sprains. BE3T HORSE LINIMENT. tar Pe/1:4,f sq- Ene4. J. W. BRATLEY, 11011TRFIL, P.Q. WILSO N'Et Prcscri0 Drug Ste. Wane Sate Oita %Sang Care. Caro see Hale Ikeseirld, wfnot Iodise MIN% Warnety.14 grevir ib IUlatevery. readies Setteet eleawberry. garalstenste IL the sow Pals a.-54i-- DIAMONP DYES, • Care rier, Cuts, Sores. Ste. The finest healing compound under the sun is McGregor ,it Parkes Carbe lic err- ata. There is 00 sore but will succuinli to its wonderful healing properties. It is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes- terings, etc. Price 25 cents it 0. Rhy nes. drug stine. h tared Free. Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint etc., should call at Geo. Rhynaa' drug store and secure a free trial bottle of McGregor's'Speedy Cure at once which will convince you of the merits of the medicine, It cures permanently where •11 other medicines have failed. As a blood purifier it has no toles'. Iteniem- ber, it costs nothing to try it. Regular size, fifty cents and one duller. Pimples and Sloillebee Call at Geo. Rhymes' drug store and get a package) of McGregor et Parke's Carbolic Cerate. It locos':posed of Vase- line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It cures when all others fail. 'Try it. PrrY rem POOR Dreezreoc.-Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen than riches and dyspepsia. Try the Mate effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNN TAI CP RALTH. These are Gelid Farts. The best blood purifier and system re- gulator ever placed within the reach of suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit- ers. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness Jaundice, Constipation, Weak Kidneys, or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires an appetizer, topic or mild stimulant, will always find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money refundea. Sold at fifty aents a bottle by J. Wilson. [4] Says Drydeo "She knows her man, and when you rant and ;wear. Can draw you to her with a sinvle hair.'' But it must be beautiful hair to have ouch power ; and beautiful hair can be ensured by the use of CINGALRnit HAIR RISNRWER. Sold at 50 eta. ny Wilson 2m The Greatest lle•Ilait (eseporia.1 is a preparation of carbolic acid, vaseline and cerate called McGregor dt Parke's Carbolic Ceinte. It will cure any sore, cut, bum or bruise when all -Obey pre- parations fail. Call at G. Rhynes drug store, and get a package. 25 cents is all it costs. Startling Illsesvery. Physician's are often startled b: .e - markable discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption end all Thrnat and Tas4 (111143Swe hidedy curing patients that they lave eiven up to die. is startling them to reulize their sense of duty, and examine into the merits of thi• wonderful discovery, re- sulting it) hundreds of our best Phpsi- clans whine it in their practice. Trial bottles free at J. \Wilson s Druv Store. Regular elm $1.0 '. (4) ie0oll Bras, Co,, Toronto. Manufactures and Wholesale Dealers in LARDINE, CYLINDER, BOLT CUTTING, WOOL OILS. --)OUR CRIARRATRIi(— Extensive Premises and Sprendid New Stock, (*MCI. Et A.7114.1r "L.A.RDINM." hand Ls unexcelled by any other oil on the market. In rpcoltIon of Its superior merit, ave received All the Highest Prizes wherever we exhibited it since 1171. among other swamis& large number of Gold, Silver Bruise Medals, besides numerous Diplomas. It is warranted not to gum or claw; wears equal to 1'4'4°1011 and being lees thou one-half the price is -the cheapest oil on the market. aFTRY IT. For Sale by R. W. MoKenzie, ISIS. Oodorlo . SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SWISS 80.A.P No.1. g EIWIE313 No. 2. SWISS! 130.A.7P X No. 3. 2 same seesansitreo retabysir tirrat ZURICN. SWITZERLAND, wider' trade exte_pda lateiry throcIfb- "jA,.."rttir».."7..°=7. Manallsothred la Canada eoly by The Huron SoapCo'y 0.03D1filltIOSC. BEST IN 8 8 8 SOAP. E WORLD. SOAP, S OAP. SOAP 100. PM . &0A0, nAgorleh Sept II IOW 11111 IL CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKEt Harallto4 Street, Occierich. A good assiortment of IC 1teben, Red- as, Dining Room andlinrlor luthiture, such &sin Wes. Chairs Abair. calm and wood seat I. Cupboards, Bed -steads, Ilialtressee. Wash-staads Lounges, solaa, What Nuts. Looking Clean. N. H. -A complete asset least of conies wad Shrouds al e ays on handle/so Hearses fur biro at reasonable rate . Picture PriunIng • sporlalty.—A •nll eolicittd 151 MAN WHO IS UNACQUADITID WITH THC egoonwpolv OF THIS COUNTRY, WIC' SEE SY 11:XAMININO THIS NAP, THAT THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND dr. PACIFIC FrY, B eing ths crony Owiteal Lino, affords to treemees, by reseal Pi us klorPtli led Bee' graphical position, eh• shortest and bast mime between the Eael. Northeast any Southeast, and the Welt, Noe thereat •mil 110tithrest. It Is literally and *math true, teat its cionneetions ore all of the windupsi lines of road between tho Atlantic and Mei Paelfla, By Its main Iln• and. branches it readhos Onicago. Joliet, PeCiels, Ottawa, Ica Salle, Otenswits. Moths and Rook Island, In Illinois Deverssert, WIthhiniten, Keektitt. Kasesellte, Ositalooes, Palefleld, Ose Illeases, Wen Linerm. Iowa City, Atlantic, Avoca. Audubon, Harlan. Clestich &atm and Council 111111alle, In Iowa Oaltatin, Treaton. Cameron and lianoas Qty. In 1111theouel, and Leaseen- worth and Atehleon In Kansas, and the hundred* Of Nth*, rhiasso aped Mom* Umormediate. The "CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE," • As It is faMillarly salad. Whom to travelers all the advantages end eseisieeres incident to a enecooth treas. sate beldame 11•0081 OWN* at 6" "*""11111(100010N Past Uprise Trains., composed ef 00111111/001101111, WELL VIDFFILATIM4 WILL MAESTRO, FINIXT UPHOLSTER= eel ELAICANT OAT OCAONSS a law of the NOSY NIACINFICIIIIT MOUTON 111110LIINNO CHAIR CAR$ ever buitt PULLISAllre latest deedined and handsomest PALACE OLOPINIC CARS, and DIWISIEl OA= that are aoknowlediged by prime and people se ise the =MST RUN UPON ANY =AP HS THE COUNTRY, and m wows tiesserser 1,1116141 are served to teamsters at the low rate et SEVIIIITE4WS CENTS =CH. THREE TRAt1111 .111011 Wale between 01110A00 and the WHISOURI RIVER. TWO TIMMS wadi way between CNN/AOC add 1111111111APOLIS and ST. PAUL, vla the taMOull ALBERT LEA • ROUTE. A thew and Oltoot Litee. via Sesame and Kankakes, has recently been opened, between Neweort News, 1116114100,111, Ottteittfiliet, Indianapolis and La Payette. wws council' mugs, ga. pad. Illiesneseenas and istherasedlate peones. All Tannish Pesessiess fiftfTsed Fast Ilitreee Trains. Foe more detailed inserweetion, see maps and Folders. which Ina, be obtained, as wee as Tketebs, stela gehisaisalTisket Onteee in the United litotes and Canada, or op R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, Ylese-Prert & Coal Weetegsr, Oerel T•It't & Pase'r eget CHICAGO. • SMOKE CURE Sick Ilmolsch" and relieve ail tile tot; hie. mei- t rot to • Whom' state of the system, such as Dis- 1 armee, theme. DvoisIe00, DWrms after eating, Pain In the Side, Le. While heir most rescrri- shis success has bees shown la curieg SICK Headialts,yet Carter's Little Liver P/11. are eqnsfly reliable h cosettemicwo Caring and preventing this annoying Semplalat, while they Wm correct olldisorders of the stomach, allinnhete the liver se& regulate the bowels. Ives If they only caret HEAD Ache they would be al most prieelres to those *he ender from this distracting complaint; bat forts. safely their goodness domi mot mid bere,and those who once try them del lad these I ittle pills ride- able In se may ways that they will not be walla, to do without thme. Rut atter all sick bead ACHE Ts the bane of so many lives that hew e love we make oar great boast. Our pi/ls mun it whih others do sot Carter's Little Limo PM. ere Ivry man Mg very essy to take. 05. 9, two pills make • led Tbey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or rirri.ruag;6thiaeverytwvial Tem." eetramXi; fl:dr Suti PRINCIPAI.+1.1NE panes. bat by tlielf gentle wawa k. all Moe CARTER MED1IewelyNEortC45,0". TWIN -NAVY THE BkG 11r. PLUG • Sad 'thole la lima, Sebrealrallateen.ltee- Rs, New Memos, Anima. Ida red Tessa The SHORTVIT, qUIkT 04 OUT line to P(. idoerik,• lebtaxt.ToNita. Ural mom )14:411. Gal* • • "NUS.. C)ix i CJ Clii• Route hat no soperiiiiikarA ii. Iffna-spoils sod •ti 5.1 tonsor r "If' at Se lut ,- • Usti* 4111 410. Chi *wow • Oneaded to sair best ',sipped he toe weed d i Same or !risme KANSAS CI -r elleiseah • la *hi illikibratrd VAL. y Meat CI obe t. Stemila • si '‘N• .. an 1 1 ..- " 111 110.1 i oil • e • \le iti,* 4 l!gri:e • ' .. Ski sem .• • mi rfdp a.. i • I „ PO' • _A. elgerlithe' lid • lelie..ss. agi • . . tr SIN! JOON Omadlas.Paaa. At. T.r.no,.461 n ItA R Jonwirrox. Tioltet Aet (it'd welt I!