HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 5`f)ocutsioa►lly It bseveaes ueovssary for corrNFI'pdentsr iu c. nir O .,R �thet murta s, to act uu the de Mak' io that, being again able to breath tree'. , wecon- sider it our imperative duty t. take up the cudgel and administer a poignant thotit{h fatherly reproof to n certain pe - dente: scribbler whose spurious twaddle appr:tred in Tits Slux*t. of the 2114 list , over the nun de plume of "Sarah." It would be alibel ea the fair sex to agsume the writer to be a female so that we will deal with him in his true character. He seems in hit t+stidious delicacy or idiotic pedantry to have taken umbrage because we took 'on iu . previous issue to commit rtain ennmten place facts to rhyme. a urp•.we .raking a rectified exhibition of all the misstate- ments contained or implied in hie scur- rilous effusion, and kegiu thus :--f i) The rhyme wet not an "abortive at- tempt" -the first of "Sarah's" barren statements which would only elicit the sneers of every sensible reader. (2) It possessed none of the essentials of "dei. gerel poetry" -an assertion which is an evidence of the fact that the would-be critic must have looked at it throngh the glass of a vitiated mind (3) Any "ordi- nary mortal" could easily divine what in- daced it, but cranks, quacks, and dudes would And it somewhat difficult. (4) It by no means "tarnished the poetic fame of Amberly" hat,rue reran, proves that a shadeof the gifted Ashfield bard still lin- gin behind. (5) It was not a "wretched effusion." "Sarah," forsooth, the eru- dite, profound and Ion ical critic • 0 must take the trouble to instruct your readers as if they were not as capable as he to judge it upoi its merits, and, moreover, if l t was what the conceited quibbler termed it, the editor, in his wisdom, would have consigned it to the waste basket, (6, It had other redeeming fea- tures besides brevity, which every intelli- gent reader will admit, but which hum- drum& would fail to perceive or appreci- ate. (7; There is not sufficient force in this locality to punish offenders against the liquor law, and, owing to the laxity of the officials, it became necessary for some lover of law and order to resort to some judicious measure in order that the goad name of the locality might be pre- served, sod we are happy to state that, to a cot sitterable extent. the desired ob- ject has been attained. t8) '1'hc writer is not a •'traducer." He always confines himae;f to facts, and never has be stand• ered at•y one in public print or otherwise; and, in opposition to "Sarah," when he speaks he invariably says something, ;9) And, lastly, he has not forfeited the respect of every or any right-thinking woman. He loves the approbation of the good, the true, and the noble of either lets and ei deavurs to conduct himself in seek a manner that he way deserve u, but be contemptuously scorns the "ap- proving Smiles" of simpletons, and, con- equeatly, can calmly brook the most uo propitipus regard of "Sarah" and kin- dred ape!{ita Wo do not attempt to deny that his "conjectureaare vain" -vain as the shallow mind from whence they emanated. His pen, no doubt, like Bsa- lam a ass, refused to obey its owner, but like that beast, though noted for its stu- pidity, it was snore 'prudent than its no I'H1 HU LWN S114N AAA, FRIDAY, NOV. 1 c , 1 HO! FOR CHRISTMAS! J. C. DETLOR & C'OS • Black' and Colored For the Very Choicest Selection of Fancy Goods, 8c gigs PRESEN GO TO THE HURON BOOK DEPOT - Cur -pVELVETEENS M S land. Imported Ijireot from Eng S MX E � � A R 11:20 $ea noir Imported Mantles & Mauna Ohs (11FT BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH ALBUMS, I SHELL GOODS, BIBLES, DESKS, WIRE GOODb, PHOTO ALBUMS LADIES' COMPANIONS I VASES, , TOILET SETS TOYS IN ENDLESS VARIETY - -".]l) .1'1' U.1. I'K11'F:�i.— - XMAS CARDS 1 XMAS CARDS 1 THE CHOICEST SELECTION EVER OFFERED IN THE COUNTY. �I will i e happy to see all my old friends, and all their friends between this and Christmas. One Beautiful Organ Will be Sold at Cost Price. G=C_ Goderich, Nov. 15th, 1883. 1917-8t W Pa T.0 _ =)==-1OR CO_ l;odericb, Oct. Sl. 1863. THE PEOPLE'S STORE rntt. 61\:IRfON STREET .k Ir THE RQt"ARE, OOUEItICII. Suits Made to Order. Fit Guaranteed. 1.� .cu.1ts for $1.2_ZO_ 1_C Z -u -L is for 1.2 wits for 1G See T&'m, ! e//te _V,.;n i1/a in to Buy or .1 ')t Rt AD f -M ADS' OVERCOATS, S'5 TO $' 12. W_ H_'R1DLEY_ JAR. A. McINTOSH'S 01.1) STAND. Codertcb, Oct. 4. Hiss. W. BRETHOUR & CO The Chicago House,. • RRANT'wr'O��_ i The beading Millinery Establishment of the Co - �ity. G-0I�ERICii, �l? Trade.h'VELVETS,o t forte FI.A(•ES e� r SRIBBONS, S , WE HAVE MICH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK PLUMES, T"e L1rgert and Best Assorted Stoek i-. '!ie Cr•• :''v to Choose From, .tt e continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Express. The Good. may be returned M23$ Wilkinson's, r5y - Chicago !louse. if not satisfactory and money refunded, Coderteb. Nor. 4h. 1st.'?. 1910 rties desiring to make Personal Inspection, and purchasing to the amount of S;0.00, we pay Return Fare. All Orders for Samples or Goods receive prompt and careful attention. ._.,..•a..�...... ' We Sell Retail at Wholesale Prices_ RE 11CL GST H ;ID OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN, III 1_1 O N O 13 L :-P ti AL BROCADED VELVETS TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BROCADED SATINS. COLORED VELVETS. BLACK et COLD CASHMERES COLORED SILKS. VELA, ETEENS. EW YATT]�N IIATS AND BONNETS. 1. NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS SILKS VELVETS L WOOL FOULE CLOTHS.I BLACK GROS GRAIN. LYONS VELVETS. HANDSOME CITECKS, OTTOMAN CORDS. . MERCHANT TAILOR, _J, $ Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderich --iANI) µ-ILL FCIt\ISH OH MAK F: gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. A. Full. Line of Cashmere Hose, Gloves and Underwear. N aE.t�4 F'r'EtIE]CF. CITIFTIIs4 A 'PECTILTY, rEUFEC'T FIT 4CARA\TFED. •tf►Et+ f•tao>/�'rLY ►1tTEtpEY TO. NOTE THE ADORERS OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST PILE. f t la discover h Flannels d Blanketst PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON -STREET, GODERICH. • master, ,.r When t �n Cottons an a .Lvmi . prices. I ---- defects, it ithsta "refused to reproduce the lines," notwithstanding its master's ef- forts to force it. Having vanquished 1 ur assailant a o cal truthfully aftirtn nrantf ofd. Ovt. 1th. 1863. that no spleen or raot,-ur rankles In sur breast against eve precut hotelkeeper personally, but wo may frankly admit • that we are at variance nits the occupa- t:,.n of liquor dealers in generale Atul this . may hive, in a n+eyeuu, actuated us in i snnoutioing the illegality of her Act. �,�p ire, t.try �cpti, n the tett- }•rrt3ry eliFe , as he is seett.oL It'wtipird eyes at tattered cleaves, tirptira at. thus bar t .•p.ti.fy insatiable appetite, anti heated utterinit words ,goer ilte'de cnerete fashion ,!T kt. miott; au,l., theft :,:ting tall jioisoliallit draught. with ypattarin,• a ility, and Farting hhly with his itat mite ob- p d dtrp the. tlieil•'a .' hir shoc- `lat t .) it nig*ihi� Yet'n front the th.) t Iib sytn fordlry iw'aisls s d ueatr.'y- cr. the nn who takes adva ge of leis frail nna fallen nature, atilt places a stumbling -block before him, 't'.tch ob• .e,,.atil•lyl,tyu le y, ani ma'.es high fall fur- tltlerMi rihet`frnm the piqh of recti- tude. The man who ac,tuire* wealth at the expense of many a broken heart. many a shattered intellect, and mauy a ruined soul, this man, we any, can, not and will not g.tin the sy m a - y or re- apect of any sane man or 5i_ 416ra: ntz wets au, though "Sarah" an ', kindred spirits will both patronizb them. "But wo aro lice% tio.rnmeet, ' they say, Y ry true. Yet fluted overate them. The filo* rijm et- (hit or Tory-wh neaten, whether co archicsl -.s in this by the peiitce of hots tits 't ,o, rat has enssisarees µfl rtbh no the spoils n cajole by the Wmtuf�mpl ars etdtnuslntheir at - that ii ▪ ll tut tbasaaitepti$the tand lungs: none not ex- so trifled with by the mafdrity of sufferers. The H. W. BRETHOUR <5• CO., Brantford. ---1�_.L11JiJ---1(_) )J. 1911- - ' '!" '/land Vale, , , ,,�>,A^Yq y , Welland Vale, Burrells, - ' Burrells, • <%n To .n e • kNta fir/ ids .t ' 3HAVL, . HAIR('VT. SHAMPOO, t11; !,1-r 4e - T11,0'1+00103 KAyT 11, ! . 191f ly AYER'S herry Pectoral. w'heth- or Ca - or nettl- ed user lona es tree of ordinary cough or cold, resulting perhaps from a trifling or unconscious exposure, is often but the beginning of a fatal sickness. AYER'S CHERRY PieCTOEAL has well proven tb efficacy In a forty s fight with throat and long diseases, wed t,: be nit n to Ibl Calm without delay. ' A 7eesfbls Cured. become '-'r`in Ltt'7 1 tnuk k4evetM Co which arrested my lungs. I had a terrible m and parted Melt after night without sleep. The doctors gavo ins up. 1 tried Ai Eri a CHsRW r racroRAt., w -Web relieved my longs, induced sleep and afforded me the redminnow] for the reecvery of ray strength. B y tax ecetimews ase cd the PEcroaAI. a perms - swot ears was erected. I am now CS years old, Nle alts Deem, and am satisfied your CHraaY llcatrraas.s swilme. HORAcKFAIRRROTuxw." eteskiegbam, V't., duty tri, 4,1•41171 ell -J tluD V. IS. 1883. MINK. t ball) t# bush. '.' O A $1 Ott Wheat, lt4priwi(1 Y mI4m•. •1 CD p 1 06 Heel, -.'harry ..... ..ww.• -e YD to a 5t1 bu,h ... . . . a s8 ar d 7sl iia bey V bur . ........ 010 Potatot: new .. .... 0 10 7 50 HRistl, Iauwehedt.... t+ seat............,...... 8'«t . t# fort •• ... .. n Wood........................ _ S NO on N Ii ides ................ . . 1C .. e 6 00 MheseetI..................... . 46 080 tg 01S Ft 9 „n W 10 of 010• 11 111 " 1 7e ' • 400 Errs•e COCOA.-fRATRVVL AAD Co><VuaT tri,- Ryatttump Itaawter of the Date rat Muss Tiros i tiorts of dlasetlw a ett3f icltfw►lR�` e.. went) Ot welt-. r Des Croup. - A Itotbotos Tribute. "'While to the eountry last winter my Utile boy, three years old, vi ea taken 111 with croup tt e seme.t u if he would die trn oatnngulstiOn. One of tie prnilr suggested the use of A vMee O ?SQ1'ORAt., a bottle of which was al- waysrept to the Inose. This we. tried In smart �lheowsadyes,wtdeb eldeitot in less than hali1 MO tt wY nesthin eu liy. 41001a� thus RROY PrcmIAL had tear WHI11'a'a1' Cam 7,w wonder at our graUtuaet RRrsweryeas, m A arDICIT." VS Rest WOSt., Newt Yost, May 1e, MO. • i leave reed AtuR'e Cwtmae Ptt,-rnRAt M my (amity fpr wird tear's. and do NA hesitate to pree..anee It �Ost etestual reedy ter roughs SAW e• •ids we llrltt ever tried. A..1. Masa." Lase cryspt, IR1m■ d ref 12, 110. I at�►t years new trneebttls eed alter umg si-aitas wire se srtwsos, f was ■s ewe* jedieiens eeeeldZ 5t1 eti0111 he 1 j' • wltw bine "e■e a�se�e� 1..�e.rialtei awte.•_ peppier O,esAfa->Rttee Vol" with• Ns was et ea ett■ast Is et Arca'. Ct1>paw lA ane tbee 1l L 1111 .eatttr+l eft rrL�'ww. twttatsl■ tY Or. J. 0. Apr l Co., Lowell, Alb Sold W sit Dewfr weber . - a4 :Alio; 11x,., vv�eeeea�r�a.. t si 1t uo..lbrtltaeM' Foam T ARCHITIC T &a e/ At�l�tis. . It .draws , i i seA 4.5400'1 work . £Yt�s C1■■eY Ppm AL. tiesaw+ w ALlor ." )Rus., Ape 4 ili In Mise rat Avall • J de that bat Odd Ohre esa tram L HLODOIr• t IOW •• JI . T RECEIVED A !ARCM ASSORTiiFNT of o = and the and the • Simpson Axe. -1;CA Simpon Axe. Ci 7 a R. H.SMiTH &CO.la •r'�• .as• ..1 r to J. 1 I.::: T. t; ULL LI/TE Or CROSS -CUT SAWS --.': :CI.E.1) BY , .. -- t-1 C *t. Fro h Flower Bulbs for Winter Culture befoul Os INC l"ODCO - HYACINTHB, TULIPS, CROCUSES, SNOW DROPS# AND NAR- CISSUS, ALL .COLORS. Also, i�ilradnthe Glasses and Fancy F(ower Pots. YIPLE - LEAF LANCE, ' j lie,. Quarters forr:Steel Barb Pence Wire I ' L'ATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. 1 ;COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. RSELF. IW....M.CKENZIE'S C E. i' 3 i4 DWAtRE ST1O aE, F. V ORLiii\, Che�orist and Druggist, c COURT L�, �tH.OT'M"`JSE S(�tTARI;, - GODERICH, O�iTA1cIi►. e MEDICAL HALL, - -• GODERICH.. FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS G-Rf.AH Al , MILLINER, f ODERICI-I. MY PALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied. 1A Inspection is Respectfully Invited. JOHN A. NAFTEL, Cheap Hardware Emporium. c Maple Leaf, Champion and Tuttle Tooth. TONE MAN CROSS- CUT SAWS Wahrnock's Celebrated Solid, -Eye Axes tattle Chains and (.'ow Ties. Bent White Lett and Mixed Paints in the Market, PRICES AS LOW AM THE LOWESTN1 Specially Low to the (7A4H 1N HANi) Customer. N. B --Produce taken in exchange p'TRY ME. caE AN1► THKN IDIGRICT IT F. VI- Ar rte boonsossi selamearsawd A FIRST CLASS PIANO OR ORGAN 4