HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-16, Page 1- IlliTY•YIFTIi 1'6A11. i 'WAX NUMBER 1917. f GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1883. I \IcOILLICUDDY RHOS. Pcstteww 91.5 A YEAR IN ADVANCE w 1 irsratemsats T1sts W •.• •• arpee's Weekly. *re s Monthly. tre Ct L'- O. Brophy. ouiu:t--Jas, Stewart. rc,•sr e -G. H. Old. ottuc-J.'1'. Garrets. Mite r -Mrs kink it.. le••'a Young People. S4•4 -Mrs.-Hyslop. me, ed -Mise Morrie. mi. Goods -n. Shep;earl, Msaoot-lick m is littera Co. t N u-Cimerou.dolt cC Camerae irk • • Debtors -Cameron. lief' F •' interne. tri r w C.•ed(tora- Cameros, holt .0 ('alute- rot. Dentistry. % 1 N ICHOLSON, L. D S, SURGEON 1 , Dane. °Moe au.t residence. Wont 'sr three doors bslow Rank of Mont,eai. Goderich 1752 She people's 1Column. VUUND-?t BUFFALO ROBE, BE- V TW LEN the Maitland bridge and the town of Goderieh. The nd o w1ner can have it by neonros s[. JJ ySTES% ART, Sng alt feed.. aW17•r- i) EMO V E D - MISS MOItRIS, 1L dressmaker. has removed to the rooms abate Sheppard's bookstore, where she will b^ pleased to see ho: patrons In the future. Entt sena on North street. VOCAL MUSIC -MR. FOOT, HAV- ING been ur.ted by many parties to or- gaa'se a class In vocal mase ovetue culture and staglag-at-sight) will be happy to receive the mases of those wishing to reoelve instruct - ti In. Please send in your naives early. 1918-21 WOOD W ANTED -TEN 3ERS WILL be received by the undersigned up to the 1st of December next for 140 cords of green wood beech and mauls, free from limbs and back logs, to be delivered before. the 1st of ]Larch, 1881 at the Goderich public schools. Tenders may be made for lots of 10 cords and over. WM. MITVHELL, risky. of School Board. TOTICE-SEALED TENDERS Will be received by the undersigned untii Sat• urda , the Fleet day of Deoember, next, for one hundred and tifty cords of green hard wood. free from knots and back loge, four feet 1cx•g. to be delivered at the Owl In Uodericht Parties may tender for 25 cords. or upwards. cepted. sureties will be required tor lowest or any tender not necessarily of the cositeact. PETER ADAM - SON, County Clerk. 1813 41 Goderich,Nov. 1st, 1893 NOTICE. - IS HEREBY' GIVEN that 1 will not be responsible for any tabu contracted atter this date be my son. Jacob Pannebaker. as be bas thrown off pa- rental restraint. and is now doing for himself. HENRY t'ANNOBAKE{i. lot 7, ...on 192. W. 1 D. 3.41 OTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS hereby given that all parties indebted to tie undersigned by note or book scoonst are rty.ested 10 mule the same at once and there- by sore an AtiRAIIAM Sd MITtH..n. I thean188 - Legal. Auctioneering Father Ie.ts, of Windsor, has aceepted the curacy of St. Peter's church, O.de- rich. • A. Goodall, of Hamilton, has been spending a few days with old friends in logit. 'Miss Sarah Mulloy,. of Clinton, was the guest of Miss Nellie Barry, this wak. Major Cooke anti his brother•iu-law, John Deacon, have returned From t shout- ing excursion down in Bothwell. The executive of the County of Huron S. S. Association will meet at Clinton _ SE&GER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Ooderich. C. NEA0i14, Ja J. A. Moscone.!r N. Lawta. 191r7- RC. HAYES, SOLICITOR &c., OMee corner of the sonars and West sires, Oulerlsit over I(ut•era bookstore. mosey to lend at lowest rates of interest. (`I ARROW & PROUDFO(Yl', BA R MISTERS, Attorneys. P o1ieitoi, etc (.e.terich. J. 1'. Garro*, 1VV CAMERON, liOLT & CAMERON, Barresters eoliettors in Chancery. kc. 3alerieh and inybani. M. C. l'ar.wroa, Q 0.; 1'. Holt. M. O. Cameron, Owlerich. W. k Macara. W iugbam. 17:.1. NOTICE IS HEREBY I;IVEN '1'11AT application will be made to the Legisla- tive assembly of the I'rovinee of Ontario, at its next session. ?man act of Parliament. to aethorlse the Supreme Court of Judicature for Ontario, to admit John Robertson Miller, of the Town of Ooderich, in the County of Hu- ron, law student, to practice, therein as a So- licitor upon his passing the usual examina- tions prescribed by tho rides of the Law So- ciety. J. T. OARROW. Solicitor. Stcayeb Animals. Owed at Dotteriel,. e Nov., I4tb, 1881 r 131741 STATE OF CHARLES STUART. 14 DECEASED. Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebt- ed to the late Charles Stuart,in his lifetitne,of the Township of Wawanoeh. in the county of Huronyeoman, that unless alt dcbta due to the said Charlos Stuart, In his lifetime are paid to the undersigned on or,before the 1st day of January. A.D.1881. the same w ill be Pieced in Court for collection. Dated. November 1314. A.U. ISM CAMERON HOLT & CAMERON, Ooderich. Solicitors f,r Joseph WfMon and Hugh Mt:- Croons. xecutoreofthe will ofCharles Sttwrt, 1917-21 JOAN KNOX, GENERAL ACC - TION ERR and Land Valtwtur, Goderich, Out. Having had considerable experience in the auetemeering trade. he is in a position to discharge with thor ,ugh sutisfect tun ail rout- mhelons entrusted to him. order's left at Martin s Hotel, or sent by mail to my address. Goderich P. 0,. carefully attended to. JOHN I NOX.1:uunty Auctioneer. 18117-tt NOTICE TO THE CREDITORS OF CHARLES STUART. DECEASED. Notice is hereby given by the eteenters of the will of CharlesStuart. late of the town- ship of Wawanoeh, in the County of Huron. hsoman, deceased. to all creditors and others aving claims against the estate of the de- ceased to send in the same duly verified to the undersigned Solicitors for the said execu- tors. on or before the int day of January A.U. 1884, atter which Rate the executors will em- ceed to distribute the tweets of the deceased Charles Stuart among the parties entitled thereto. having regard onl • to the claims of which they shall then havo notice. and that they will not tie liable, for any assets so ais- trihuted to any person of whose claim they shill not then have received notice. Dated at Ooaerictt, the lith day of Novem- ber, A.D.1883. CAMERON, HOLT S CAMERON. Ooderich. Solicitors for Joseph Wilson and Hugh Mc - C rest ie, execatorsof the w.il e>kcWilcock/tutor, de axed. nt9 STR-YED STEERS- CAME ON the premises., .171.OROROS RROPH\', lot 2'1' r-1. coe.7. !lest Wawamosb, on or shout .he tiist of September. The fraller la request- e d to prove property, W them away. G. BROP Y. 1917-11. for Sale or to Let. TAMES PRENTICE,AUCTIONEER, e and Appraiser. eaoeessor to J. C. Carrie, the People's Auctioneer. (mice: With Alex. McD. Allan. Leave orders at this office or rat ShepnsrtlL Hook Store In my absence. Jett+. TAMES BAILEY, LICENSED ACG on Wednesday lent to draft a program. e) TIOIKER for the County tet Heron. har- ing enteral the list. is new prepared to attend to •all orders for Auctioneering. Orders lett at Hailey '• hotel, Goderich, or sent b)null, promptly attended to. ls`be- . BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR Ii\V . the County of Huron. Sales attended In say part of the County. Address orders to Goderich P. O. 1885. PR NTIC'E. Auctioneer. 1913. Loans anb insurance. 1500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO 'PCAMERON HOLT t CAMERON, Code lett. ONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATE Zvi fonds -on freehold security. Apply to Geo. Swanson. Goderich. 14176.8m. PU RSU ANT TO AN uRDER.OF THE Chancery Division of the high Court of Justice made in a cause Green rs. Green, the creditors of Andrew H. Green, late bf the township of Colborne, to the oowat of Huron. who died in or about the month of June. 15x79, are on or before the 16th day of November. 18x7. to send by post prepaid to Meesrs. Gar - row & Proudfoot, of the town of Oodertch, in said county. the solicitors of the Plaintiff!" herein, their ehrstian and surnames. address- ee and diseription. the hull particulars of their The howling Not ember winds tell that the claims. a statement of their accounts. and the dog days are pant and the time for wearing nature of the securities (if any held by them : Meters Is at band. F. t A. Prtdham can sup - or in default thereof, they gni be perceaptori- ply the real tbag ata bargain. benefit of theid order. Th has set ' early after all. and out- glt 00,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tae on good Farm or first-class Town Property .1 8per cont. Auply to R. RADCLIFFE. 1741 X ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE eel- amount of Private Funds for investment at lowest rates on Snit -class Mortgages. Apply to (JARROW t PROUDFOOT. e20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND twV on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest. Mortgages purchased. n., Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain ptonev in one tiny if title is satisfactory-DAVISO t JOHN STON. Barristers. ece.. Goderich. 17x1 D IRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, Life and Accident Insurance, Agent. Weiresenting tlrst-clae'Cempanies. Also agent for the CANADA LICE STOCK INSURANCE CO. Mouety to lend on Mortgage, either in Town of Fara* Property, in any way to sult the borroty er. Omw--lue-stain! L -an -'s block Goderich MEAGER & LEW1S, OFPOS1TE MAn- ►7 TIN'S HoTkt. Goderich. hairs private FUNDS TO LEND. In any stuns to suit parties wanting loans, at very low rates. 13177 - NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A stub's amuse ye. :►:cin not to. An' faith he'll prrnt it." Miss Kate Morris, dressmaker, has re- nierea 10 the rooms above Sheppard'• bookstore. Entrance on North street, Mrs. Stokes and Mita Bluett have re- turned from a visit to Turonta Mrs. Stekea came home much improved in health. Stanley Hays, of Garrnw & Proud - foot's law office; successfully passed his first intermediate examination without an oral last week. Miss A. Howland, who has fur the past few months been -he guest of the Misses Rutson, left for her home, De- truit, last Thursday. On Sunday evening after vespers at St. Peter', Rev. Fr. McRae gave a•atrik- ing and practical sermon based on Apo- calypse . iii chapter snJ 9th terse. TOWN TOPICS. Aak for the "Sulfd Comfort" it -Oliveto." Uoderieh cigar. By A LASOL JIAJORITT.-No matter how Tho Misses Clara and Lizzie Proctor, of Holinesville, paid it visit to friends in town last week :*and during their stay were the .guests of their cousin, Mit M. Sneed, Waterloo street, RSYANDED.-White. the old slimmest:- delivered an excellent lecture en " God .-r, ch$reed with stabbing llrohmnn the Save the Queen," whish ought to have hotel -keeper, with intent, was 1.. auht before Judge Doyle on Wednesday, and renu►ntled until Saturday ror sentence. Kxox Coraco S. S, -The attendance st Knox church S. S. on Sunday after- turousl encored. The conduct of some Belt Standard Time, will on and after y mem Iasi was : Bible clava f,7, infant young persons in the ren of the church the Dilly. inst. be kept as railway time. was very reprehensible. On the whale. The change forward will be 175 minutes. the gathering was the tn:nt suex+sfttl of That change I will make on Saturday the kind ever held in Goderich, night. A late audience was present at Old I THUS. HOOD, St. Andrew's Chnrch, Toronto, lot CAretalGer of clock. Thursday eveninz to hid ftrewell tuner. ' Tysons desir..us of regulating their time John Jamieson. who will leave. lehortly ,uteescan do so by calling at the telegraph for Northern Formosa, China, to enter ! uteee, where the true observatory time is received each day at 11:u3 a.m. All trains arriving and departin4 wilt. be run on standard time "n and after Wm. McCaig, the well known dairy -f WFBAT O'CLOCK? man, has rcturued to the land of his early adoption, and hes come to the con- clusion that while Dakota is the place for' T be Stew Standard TImu. .1 Jump Ahead en the Ulnlor eat 'inlay %I241 Next. a young and ambitiors man, Ontario is just the spot to suit Wm. McCaig. Mr. and Mn. William Rhynes, are The new standard limo has cotne in for preparing to leave Goderich for Tennes• a good deal of discussion around town see. Mr. Rhynes has been employed in lately. It is proposed to adopt it here Smeath's plan•ni (setery, as book keep- siteultaneensly with the railway and tele- er, and practical machinist, fur a great graph ()dices. nuinber of years. and we wish him and (►n and after Sundt.!• next, the loth. Mrs. Rhvnaa every prep erlty in their inst., the standard time, which is 17 sojourn Lown snulh. win. 34 sec. faster than the time at pro- Haev1t-T H,.ML -The North Rt. sent shown 00 the town clock, will be Methodist Church was the scene ofa stn- adopted all over this part of the con i- cesaful festival on Thursday evening last. neer. Ali trains frost 'Montreal to The day of thanksgiving was observed by Goat,' ich, will arrive and depart by that a service in the morning, ween an amine time. All despatches illy telegraph will priate sermon was preached, and a sup- be registered by the h' Iidnrd time. per was held in the evening. The The sun will seem to be left out in the spread in the basement was one of the cold a far as filing the hour is concern - best we ever saw e, 1 a similar eocasion. ed, but Old Soel will have his ray inch - Methodist women are gem: auks, and rectly. He will be behind the times,how- the ducks, genas, sucking pigs, halm, ever. Our present tiiue is about 7 min - tongue, beef and other meats were pie- utes ahead of the sun, and the new pare.! in excellent style. The attend- time will be fully 241 minutes ahead. ante was very large, and kept the large Travel he never so quickly and steadily, carps of wuarrs guiu► for a a.uple of Old Sod can't alter the record. hours. After the repast, en adjetaru- of curse, the town time, ns register - went wall nude to the twin portion of ed by the Court H.ense cluck, will be the building. when the church was altered to suit the trains, the wails and found to be beautifully decorated with 111- t.-legraph. Our council has ignored evergreens, ornamented with trophies t tl:e new time, and the new time ought to the field and garden. The words, "liar. ignore the council. The mayor should vett Hone," skillfully worked ie e:er• direct the keeper of the clock to move greens, greeted the eye immediately on the hands to standard time on Satur- upon entering. Duiinw the evening day night. speeches were made by Rev. Messrs. The church goer., and the pastors Turnbull, Mordeu and Dr. Ure. Rev. especially, sheuld stake a note of the T. M. Campbell, pastor of the church, fact that Sunday's time is 17} minutes ahead of that of the previous thy. Late. comers to church will never have a het- fu'ly salt -tied the mete ideal heart. Tie ter ley far au excuse. Choir, under the readership of Mr. S. Slime the above wise 'written, we have P. Halts. gave several appropriate at- received the following note .- lections during the evening, and a solo To THE resew. by Miss Campbell, of Seaforth, was rap The new time, known as the Second class 62, intermediate classes 170, teach- ers anti officers 35, visitors 1 : total 335. Deputy Registrar Fraser returned on Tuesday from a three weeks trip through Ontario and Illinois. Mr. Fraser had a good time of it, and thinks Chicago a live place. Mrs. Fraser also enjoyed the trip. Rev. 13. B. Keefer is in town, en •ioavori to itutit.ute a a,uucil of th P:uyal n : e[ Temperance. This organization blends temperance and in surance work, Ano is sail to bo growls rapidly. e L S r A :nock parliament is spoken of fo • Goderich. Ii the prumoters do not hur ry up, the Dowiuiva and Local Legiala {{wbtie;ans fare, it to beyond dispute that in tures will meet before it, Let the Gode tarnishing first-class liquors, \l . L. Horton rich assembly be called together at a beads the pull. early day. FUR SALE OR TOLET.-A FRAME cottages on Angltsa street, Galeri ch ontaininQ 9 rooms and hall, woodshed. pump and • good n, stocked with choice fruit. Will Ds sold at a bargain. Apply to MRS. 11YSLOP, on the premises, before December let. FUR SALE -LOT NUMBER 425 IN the town of Goderlctf. For particulars apply to CAMERON. HOLT .4 CAMERON. Barristers. Oodaricb. S MALI. FARM OR MARKET GAR - lee UE. for sale. The above property 1s within one mile of the market square, being part of lot 3. concession 1, Ooderich township, containing 31 acres of good garden ground. It has on it a good frame house and barn with othereonvoniences. (toed orchard of grafted fruit. Apply Hamilton streeto It. t. 1918-3m. 1xl 918-3m to n Per. Mackid, formerly of Goderich, is in town, on a visit from the far North- west. He came across Dixie Watson, J. 1 excluded from the rat w a winter s in i I creditor holding any security is to pro- :tide work will soon be epspended, but 3e.!- ! H. Benson, Nie Colas Flood Davin, C lows will continue to turn out splendid photo- I Currie and other celebrities to the sours doer the same before me: at my chambers in the Court Hoose at the said town of (lode- 1 graphs in every weather. Remember the of hie perigrinations, rich, on the 24th day of November. 1310.. at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, being the time ap- pointed for n.(l.ndicntion on the claim& Dated at chambers this 30th day of October, 1883. .. M.ALCOMSION. Master of the Supreme Conrt of 1913-21- Jcid Natwre at Goderich. VALU? BLE FARM FOR $ALE- the Hayfield ld awn . township No. 4 in y Lot p and o? Rodost•Ich, 86 acres. 40 to la to rest cleaned • free from •temps balance well timbered, has frontage on hayfield river and on the Clinton road, and adjoins the incorporated village of Isayfeld. For terms -further particulars and conditions of sale apply to LEiTH. KING - STONE & AMMO!' R, Solicitors. 18 King street West Toronto. Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper. Bayfield. FARM FOR SALE -BEING THE easterly 130 acres of biook lettered 'fa,"in the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- .borne. ol- • , 'ed or 90 acres are eieared. The ggrrowingAltlomber consists of map's. beech and elm. A frame house, a large Mame barn and stable are on the premises. Feaoea era. Only four nukes from Goderich by a to JOH.. vet road. For particulars apply BRBC(,KENRiDGF.. Goderich, or to SYAO0R 4k eftIRTON. Solicitors. Goderich. 1596 ToUSE TO RENT -A COMFORT. ♦RLR frame Douse on Sowtll street s SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS same 3aLLow II, u the market. Look at the clock. .1. C. Detlor returned front : thre Pray. look at the 'lock. weeks' visit tr. Manitoba on Tuesday on Sunday, before yen start for church (new timer and during the week look at Itobson'sf He said that the weather up in that r oabinet photograph, which are always up to I gion was delightful during his stay, h the ravages of the front were terrih atnongst the wheat. Brandon, he thinks. i College, and acquitted himself in a high - The school board will meet on Mon- stitution in April, '133':. Since that is the solid city of Manitoba. ly creditable marmot, leaving that in• day next, to take into further consider- date he has been engaged in mission •tion the resignation of W. R. Miller, work in connection with tit: Presbytery principal of the public school. We un- of 111i -tie. He leaves fur his distant one field of label:- this week. --[Canada Pree- ce. hyterian. the mission field there. Rev. Prof. Mc- Leren, who presided, /paned the pro- ceedings. and was followed by the Rev. Dr. Reid, who referred to the fact that se the missione in China were atnung the Set your ticker 17l minutes ahead un• most successful undertaken by any of ea:jean),' dRay.night. then rninationt. ay. Mr. Jemtes.,n nQ` made fn earnest appeal for the prayers DI Lnnon. and contributions of the audience in s, behalf of his labours in Chin Ia the Dnring the severe wind stone en Sun - course of an eloquent address Bar:. Prin- cipal Caren passed a high eulogy upon Mr. Jantiesen, in whom he had the fullest confidence and from wheel he confidently lecke 1 for great results, re- lating an interesting anecdote of the • enemy and determination which leas e marked Mr. .famies.nt's past labours in the missi•m field. Rev. Mr. Par.tuna u I and Rev. Mr, McLoe1 delivered appro- pritte addresses, after which the meeting was c'need with the doxology Mr. ei Jat aniitson is a waive of Scotland He pursued his theoloical ■tndtes at Knox FOI'R FACT.; roe TUE PserLE-11) That G. N. Davis. has the largest stock of stoves in the county of Huron. 121 Also the lament as. sortrent of stove.. 13) And Mr. W. 8 Web- ster is one of the beet workmen to set them up. NI And will sell cheaper than the cheap- est. 1917-ny John .Armstrong might Cave been a :rood mechanic In his liner, but if iame Fortune had made him a shoemaker instead of n biack- derstand that n number of applicatt COUNTY or Iit;RON o By virtue of It Writ of sa,ith he would hare found a difficulty to I have already been made to fill his pin TO wtT : i Fieri Facies, issued out compete in repairing overshoes, with H. H. of Her Majesty's County Court of the County Nines. of Kingston at, who makes it ape:iality Bob Wilkinson took to the woods on of Middlesex, and to me directed and deliver- of repairing rubber goods. Hunt up 3 our old Thanksgiving day, and returned before , dabs.= ed agsi t the Lands and Tenements of .1OHN hon, and save the price of n new pair. I\ h it t RIC with a number of squirrels. Be rr overe dark ' MIR at the fou o FUOGLE. I have seised and taken in Execs- Frank Trnunch, jr., is home for the one of our most enthusiastic_ sportsman, tion all the right title, interest, atul tiquity of i seas"n. nod when he can draw a ]ct tion of tlto above named defendant, is s fervent by the subscriber. It oosYtas eight Mina In addition to kitchen. fin9etrsy sec ass- Is tot awe of ice. cellrfr or a e9 e wee. er. a. its. T nese of land ars adjoining the MMM, wM whisk are a number of . WPM H sLode- 1900 ' ' 9Sei. Apply ly GI iib Wt Tfe>9 k roderuption P vol- d floss a he to the returned am and •n has ret NO inWiIF.. SV RR{Lizzie JOHN MAINWAiRINg M c remise . vizi-Two acres I w rade and nhag. fol- lowing gra his 1g of 1st being apart or lot twelve, to the Small London. Eat d concession of the Township of Prof. Tye, phrenologist of Detroit, is The a in town. we are Miss,Campbell returned to Seafnrth on quantity Tuesday last. ' kindler and will s un ar cone . Usborne, in t County of Huron, known as the Imperial Mille Property, of Woodham, and situate within eighteen rods and s. ven inches of the South East angle of said farm ge on the Tlotownlline. between e ttwo acres ownshipnof U sborne and rho Township of Rlanshard, in the County of Perth, of sixteen rods, and extending back the full width of sixteen rode a dietanee of twenty rods. which IAnds and Tenements i shall tight. for Sale, atm omce, in the Court (louse. to the Town of Goderich on SATU11- DAY THE TWENTY-NINTH Goderich, OF DF.- CR'd'tLR, 188. at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. R BALE OR TO RENT. -THAT brick residence ores► de enemy oecup_4ed by e. 8. M the head of ewgats street. iren gra tietot,er• tfs. a to the owner. J. October. L 1'ewgate lareet. Oed.rieb. ROBERT GIBBONS. 'quoit!. Worms. Sheriff's Office, 0otlericb. i 190►td September 19th, 1159 $50,00► O LOAN AT 6 PER TUX TOSIONTO OLXzlA1. TRUSTS COT ss aMs"M+iticy• money Mtree ep'wt..y- TZRMS TO MCTT BORROWERS, on sest.etssa farm security. Apply to CAMEROX, tIOI. t ('A1R110N• se h. Amon far Ow Toronto Osy, Thebical. generally gets the animal for 1h1 weather is now upon us, end intiebteul to Mr. Henle for a of his patent kiudlers. Each is werrnted to burn 10 minutes, set firs to any kind of weed, If you want to light year tire without effort in the morning get "Healey s kin'd- len _ __ THY. Swiss BsLL Rule.*., -Will. L. Roland Papet, of Ridley's, intends go- ing to Strat?erd. J. C. Harrison has arrived home frees the Mainates region. - Mit Minnie Hennings has gone to 1 Smith's bell ringers, and Commodore visit friends near Clinton). ' Foote and his sister. the well-known John McCallum left for Sarnia last iwarh, will appear in Victoria Hall no week on the tug Trudeau. Wednesday evening nest. The Comnto• dere and his sister will dance find sing. Joseph, Murray who WAS accidentally and muand merriment will be the shot, is rapidly recovering. gso rel order of the evening. For par - Miss. Anne Jessup has been very low Oc• ulars see posters. B. WHITELY, M D., C.M., PHY- 1 tJe SICIAN Surgeon. Accoucheur, etc.. M. C.P.S..Ostario. Mike The marc. 2 doers Last of Wilson's Drug Stott. rap stairs. 1903t SIC - Cif. A MOi'ROKON kr.. Oredwatu 1f Tor- onto or onto 4 adversity. i.loer.Oat* of the Rnral Cot. lege of Pliyeistas.a. Loudon. England. kr.. to.. nd residenoe O,s to Salim` Hotel. Hamiltce tton street, DH MCLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR - ON. Coroner Ite. Offte. and residence Drew [utast seemed door west of Victoria tints... 17111. alita•CAVAILoCt=iroto. fied.rM0. Oat. a. ti IOW H• G. KAOKID, M. D., PHI'Sr!M etas. owl . Grade sit t 1 y lJi hitt!. RHANNOIe & HAMILTON, o y j`. miaow. ter pit i Mi nes t i C ll:wrt,. veg MONET TO Lill». si awrewsit ef P,'teMe hese day night one of the chimneys was blown off Dr. Hutchinson's house. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of Lucknow, paid a visit to this village on Thanksgiving day. Mr. Agar has commenced building a stable null workshop ou his lot in the village. Large numbers of sheep and cattle passed through this village tbu fall. They all drew geed prices. Mr. Tyndall has opened out a butcher stall in tho shut recently eseugiel by W. J. Wilson. A great cl.nventence to the villagers has been supplied. Every dwelling house in the village is oecupie:l, and more are wante.i. Who of our we'rlthy citizens will confer a lemn on the village by s:ipplyine tit, much felt want. The cot:tractors hare itlninst finished heir work on the hill. The villagers had arranged to turn out in furca on Mopday Inst to do the gravelling, but owing to t the rough weather the "bee' was post-' posed. A choir, undo: Cie leadership of Mr. Whitt, of Clinton, has aeon .organized in connection with the Church of England, and meets for practice each alternate Wednesday evening. An •organ has also been introduced into the service. (• 1 After partaking of A very large ,fathering of t)rengemen I m21y responded. . and their friends assembled In the Meth- the repast prceided by Mrs. McDnoghll ; edist church on Sabbath afternoon to two or three hours were spent in amwe- listen to a sernv•0 to the brotherhood 11 inents, which were tpett•ily enjoyed by Rey. I). Morrison, of Wingha:n. So all present. After prayer by D r Mc- h anion that aerostat I Dougall, the meeting clos.•.l. The ful- In •! \\ e the undetwened, iu behalf of the fmtn an attack ou the lungs. S. 8. Tata. -On W.doesday evening Mn. Lewis Elliott has recovered cot- i next, T. McGillicuddy will, by request, siderably from her late illness give an address in Knox church lemurs Geo. Robinson, of the plaimsg mill. I room, on the recent Provineial Sunday left for California on Thursday. [Scheel Convention, held at Cnbou K rs Pinkerton of Hamilsno is the month. Sunday school teach ren took 1 scholars of Bethany Sabbath `tehool,take S. Malc•Knsoe, Master in Chancery, i work arwinvtted to attend. air taken 0, gl, 32, and gate a very stirring has returned from his viae to Woad. at 7.30' A outlection will be taken a eloquent discourse, in course of which ahhiblultamheap. nWe ask you kindly witb at the close of the address, to be forward• he sketched very briefly pt: t of the lives ! accept our present, not en account of ita ea Olnee.--Asia elan of Ramitton 5 1., giiirfsa. oetierlek. Nov . IM. awls 1411. Every available house in the village u taken up. Gould it not pay for some of our monied Wren to erect a few tenement hones ? Wood it scarce and dear in this village at ('.resent. Large quantities of it are being shipped to Goderich from this neighborhood. Mrs. Richard Wilson has left the from, and corse to reside in the village. Mr. John McLean stoves into Mrs. Wit - son's healse, and Mr. O'Brien takes poe- session of Mr, McLean's, Thanksgiving day was duly observed here. Tho sporting part of the popu- lation took to the bush gun in hand, de- termined to kill something. Robert Lawrie, got sono p:u'tr•idge, Alla 'Master Ernie Martin, a block squirrel ; that was all the game captured so far as we heard off. There was service in the Methodist church in the evening. Porter's 8411. On the evening before Mr. Arch. Mc- Dougall's dep trture for Manitoba, where he t os as it missionary, the pupils of Bethany Sabbath School evok the op- portunity of presenting him with a hand- some Bible and cep, accompanied by an address to which Mr McDougall feel - large was the congregation lowing is the ad.heas . m were unable to get theb'tilling The guest of her (laughter. Mrs. Neftel. of scholars, and others interested in Si S l speaker t k As his text M rk 4 tenses 1 Ch 1 and A little daegbter of Mrs. Cottle, who had a seven attain of diphtheria, 14 re- covering. The tloseri nest tog Trndeau and the dredge Cheng ne loft on Wednesday last for Senile. Juno McKay, who has been spend- ing do eMtoer at Wiarttm, returned to (iedadidt lest week. Join W. nazis has sold his property M isrels. and returned to Goderieb. Ile Womb to amain here The Ao limb epees owslosy will ep- war M Victoria leap, ea Friday. Nov. ilkr " The Mwwel. " Bea edvt. Dr. !Irmsesa, eerdMt aeries, will M N Mse-Wfatl se Metal, Oloodwill, w lsterday. Rereiaber 441•, for email. Labntt ed to the Provincial 8. 8. Association fired. Those of our readers who take an in- terest in the peerage, may he pleased to learn HI Excellency the Governor- General a fall title, which is thus give,' in the CradS Oasstte : -"His Iaedles• ey the Mort Ronorahle Hoary Marla Keith Petty Fitsmaurioe. Kargsia el Lansdowne, in the County of lesswset, Rayl of Wyeome, of Chipping Wpe&M, in the Osimety of Buo&a. lrimeounee Oda oar! Csl9Maae in the OnNty of Wats, be in tbe Onsunymid Lod Wrens*Her.* .1 ,C 1Riy PWy p sI f:gnt 1erd of istwry NMI ill of i iLwwt Oka Megrim and Duos alt Ferry, Lisew sad Denkni ne, M On Peers,e of reeked of Kin[ William 11I, and the great ('ieT- man reformer, Martin Luther. A col - hellos wee taken up, the pruct'els of which are to he devoted to the Protes- tant Orphan's Mon*, at Loudon. The same gentleman preached to a gond audi- ence is the .vening on'the parable of the Prodigal Son. Arrangements had been anode for a lecture to be given on Monday evening on Martin Luther, but tho rev. fan iewan b.gs.d to be excusal from giving it at present, as ipotesi services wort being held in his churoh at Wing - hews, at d he did not with to he absent from them. At promised to come and deliver it some time before Christmas, wises ne doubt hit will be greeted by a IMIe sedi.nee. Hak numhera of TIE Rto3tst. with the story. Riven to ne v anhseribee. v Clue. hut as a memento of our friend- ship for you. and one h•'■t wishes fon your prosperity and future happiness. We sineerely Mope God wilt ,stake you a blessing in the Minion thuseoto yen have devoted yourself. sad mon pm we think .d the eepsrstiea cridI elft,, but hope goer en Dort% iw tie itA•tet - will be a instal wee, amti IBM 8N inn be spared to flown sod room *eeR work in the Sabbath toMol as Nile Met. Sist)d int Malt a►1 th. >tetR9msy $ bltath Seh.•o1. jour W. Mrpotata. Deotolxa McPi:an.. A little boy mord Thos. Miller diad n: Winairg en Saturdayloot in lama agony. He bad swallowea head was days bkftse.