The Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 8,a 8 ♦TIlE I1 I; RON SIGNAL, FHIAY, NuV . 9, 18.P. I .LO$. Hallowe'en pass3d off quietly here. Celb011ies N. Baer has erected a tine frame barn, 361'42 feet, with atom f,ntulation. The North side heating by jai=ta, parliu piste and rafters. A cattle buyer from Wo „ l.tock visited this township re;eutly, itiol secured a tine lot of steers.. This township is safe for R. es. Shoat. Charles Rutherford hag acwkted a position as clerk in Dr, Tennant s drug store, Lucknow. Smeltzer, who a 'as retorted drowned on Lake Superior during the past summer, arrived back a few days ago ui real flesh and blond. . R. D. Cameron - has purchased a•.tore in this place, and will open out in a few months with a fresh stock On' Monday last G. M. hilly, from Sunteehill,' was duly installed as princi- pal of our Scheel, in place of Mr, Cather - on, wolf hr.i retinal from theprufession. Colborne Mist M. Kernignau has gam to spend the winter with friends in Guelph. Miss Addi 3 Fisher 1iaa gone to spatula Cerin at Alin i College, St, Thomas. Geo. Stewart has beo.t overseeing D. Cantelon's apple packers for the past two weeks': 3. 11. M,M,rc his ro-engaged at No. 6, and will thus soon enter on his 9th year in the one school. Wet. Long hu rented hia form to Wm. McLean, drover, who intends turning the whole place into pasture. John Snyder has returned from a visit' to his uncle in Nebraska, and is much pleased with that part of the world. Beamillor. las. Lunt; has :lid ties. lomat) just about finished. It adds considerably to the , appearance of the village. We hope (.there may follow his example. John Stewart is building an addition to his hot house. Tfie old ono wail too - small to supply his customers. The neer ehoshl hapt,rro t.. 1.t• .9ie, we will di ly apprise yea of the tact. Mr. Agee, of Wawisnueh, has purchased 1l. J. Craw• ford's property un Ashfield street, and intends erecting a faetoey thereon for the manufacture of dog -churns. \Vis wish the gentleman every seems in his enter. prise. Mr. A. is a young esu of indom- itable push, and there is scarcely a doubt but he will b? aueeessfaL It is said by competent outkoritiee on the subject that he has the simplest mid best acting churn made. - Fire In lerassela. A serious tire broke out at 7:40, on Tuesday, in the harness shop of H. Den- nis, in a wooden block un the east 'Weer Main street, known as Leadbeater block, including seven building,. Loss and in• surance are ziveu as correctly as possible. Mrs. Long, furnitpre stock, $2,000; in- sured fur $1,500. Struthers & Powell, dry -goods, $8,000 ; insured for 84,500. Miss Robertson, dressmaker, $100 ; iso insurance. H Dennis, harness -maker, $1,000, insured for $400. R. C. Struth- ers, two stores, $5,000 ; insured for $2,- 000. Dr. Holmes, two builuinyss, $81)1; insured for $403. W Ainley, furnitare stock, 8200; no insurance. A. Veil, spring beds, $800;, no insurance. W. Blashill, butcher, $203 ; insurance $100. Joseph Laird, barber, $100 ; no iusur• encu J. Leckie, loss on building, $300; insured fir 81,500. W. Nightingale & Cu., dry -goods, damaged with smoke and water, 81,000 ; fully insured. Ph,euix block, owned by Dr. Holmes and T. Fletcher, duma;c $300, covered by in- surance. Prcaestatlue to ter. John Jasniaeoa. Tito followinz address, accompanied by a beautifully bound photograph al- bum, was presented to Rev. John Jamie- son preview. to his departure fur China, by members of the congregationsof Mag- netawan, Spence, &c, among whom he has been labouring with exemplary fidelity, as a missionary for some two years : To Itev. John Jamieson : DEAR FRIEND. -- We, the people amo.tg whom you have laboured as mis- sionary for some time past, have heard . f your intended departure front among us with surprise and regret. We are aware that the nature of tier country which is somewhat rue • :. as well as its late settlement, makes the work of the mis- structure has about 4,000 feet of glass. siorary toilsome and discouraging. The Sidney Potter, formerly of this vicin- steady devotion you have manifested in Ay; lately of Chicago, is spending a few your work.haa won for you our respect - weeks in visiting his old friends hare.. and gratitude. 1Ve feel at present what He hofs travelled considerably through , is often the experience of erring human - the States since ho left us, upwards of I ity, that we only learn the !value of the four years ale, and brings a good report blessings we' enjoy as they depart from of the neighboring nation. u.. While believing you to have a sin- care interest in the welfare of your own church and appreciating the advantage that church reaped from your labors, we hive seen with pleasure your willinenesa t3 aid all whom you could reach.. Ws are sorry to see you leave your present field of labor, but believe that you hare The following persons were refunded not decided to do so without prayerful $1 each dot; tax, having no dogs :—A. consideration. Trusting thst it is the Hamilton, J. Hardy, S. Plummer, Wm. Master•. will that you should -labor for S. Lawrence. The. clerk was paid 84, the salvation of China's millions, we pray reeve $3 assessor $3. fur melt _ting ju- that the Divine blessing may be with tors. Moved .by .1. Beacom, seconded you, and that you may be able to say by J.Cux, that'the nomination f ,r reeve, with Paul : "For me to live is Christ." •'••;,uty reeve and three councillors for Our hopes for your happiness are increas- Golerich township be in Knox's hall, ed by. the fact that the young lady who Holtnesville, on the last Monday in Do- is to bo your companion and helper in cember, present year, at ,20 of the cluck, the work takes a deep interest in the noon --Carried. T. Harrison, having spread of the Gospel. We hope that refused to accept the position of town- our interest in Foreign Missions will be ship engineer, Capt. 3. McDonald was increased by the knowledge that you are appointed engineer fur ditches, &c., for laboring. there, and when difliculties this township. Moved los, J. Cox, se- meet you, you will not in vain expect conded by J. • lleaeoin, that the inun:ci- that the prayers of those you are now p21 elections fur this township for the leaving aro preaouted to God for your year 1884,- be held in the following success. Again assuring you of our places. viz : Ne. 1, S. 'D., Orange hall, esteem. and love, we commend you to 4th con.; No. 2, 5. D., house of J. Pat- God, and to the word of His grace. t, ri ; No. 3, S.D., louse of T. Harrison ; , Signed on behalf of the Mission Stations No. 4, 5. D., house .1 W. Herbison, sr.: of Magnetawan, Spence, etc., 8. G. No. 5, S. D., house of II. Efford ; No. i Best, Robert Crimp, Thos. Leonard, G. 6, 5, 11., house of W. Crooks ; also that l Todd, John McCartney, Robert Kepley, the Lillian's: persons doe tMrputy return- I Thos. Wilson, Geo. McKnight, Samuel ing officers, viz : N... 1, S. .larlinwtoti. r S. Wilson. N. 4. W. Ilcrbison, sr., N. 5,1 H. E' No 2, N. sturdy, No:. '.. T. Har:ison,-I October 2nd, 1883. ford, Nt,. 6, W. Crooks—Carried: The' — • 1011( a:in; accounts . were paid, viz : - I THE WORLD OVER. i ,u ai11.S ' Hutchinson, t n rt muni. Ggorich Towashly. Hula:seille, Nov. 5, 1883. Council met to -day pursuant to ad- journment. Members all present— minutes of last meeting read and passed. ciial election pnp:•rrs, :7.15: J. 11'atiacc, rep tiring culvert, 1st con., S2; Inuit) a.; Drt•sdale, gravel, 834.64; J, Connolly, gavel, 810.22: 1:. McCulloch, gravel for 1t. R., 816: J. Elliott, Seth cull., gravel, 812: Jt; McClennan, gravel, 819.52; W. Russ, gravel, X010.207 L. Manning, grav- e S2 1 1;. L. r ., andl,thc n.,s 0.13;T. Mair, lot ti4, M. C., gravel front J. Whitehead, $15.1111: J. Calbeck, gravel, $24.80; H. Sturdy..poning ditch 11. 11., 81.50; 11 Baker, gravel, $10.10. 'Ilia ceuneil ad- iourned to meet again first Monday in Decenihcr. .fame, I'.trrm, clerk. :map:mon. Politics aro k .tine a rub up now. L. E. Munro Inas friends visiting him et present. Lev. Mr. McNabb, of Lucknow, r.ocu- pied tile pulpit of the Presbyterian church last Sunday. Quarterly services were hold in the Methodist church last Sabbath. Rev. L. 0. Rice occupied the Metho- diet pulpit last Sabbath evening. Services will ba hell in the churches hero ell Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Rouent Pentland was visiting friends in Berrie last week, Mr. It H. Bliss, ,1the town .of Dur- ham, county of Grey, has moved into Mrs. 'tenth's house. Mrs. IIurritt, alto has been a reeideut of this alit'. for the past retell years, has r.in .vee to tiodericIt. The new changed mail trail* steep with :'iteral and wide•proal d 'approval in the, -esti e. of country. Under the new whinge re will nest receive our mail until eli•et tt'n ..'cfrtek et night, which mean. at .r 11,11,1 next morning for the greet. r •irt of the c.Hnrounity. Under the In rat arrangement we receive our made writ in the eyes ing, and can keep /Ms with the i♦otaitlts w, rid.; but under the her.. re••nlati• n..• 1,111 be a day he - kiwi the teat o1 the w,.rI'l. it would be well if the aul!Writ ;es eoald see their wayclear to make arsine more suitable or rangett•.ru': A no r industry his ''rung tip in oar very mites. We own t nmitiady affirm tigt ee will In, • t al chimney" to 'web with .h. wt If theta I 13y the breaking of a circular saw at the Britiah Canadian Lumber Co.'s mill, Midland, on Friday, Wm. Lowery, head sawyer, was killed. Boit. ne A STEM' CAR.—Annie Lutz, the wife of a laborer, gave birth to twins in a street can in St, Louis on Sunday evening. A large number of cars were delayed, and the Ipolice had to guard the car containing the patient. Six weeks ago a woman died upon Wolfe Lland, opposite Kingston. Fear- ing that her grave might be robbed the husband erected a tent over it, and laevo he has slept since the burial, and pur- pcsteto continue his vigils for some time to come. SCALDED WITH Bo1LtNo Tarry.—Dilly Martin, a colored girl, of Hamilton, was on Monday sent to the Mercer for twelve r months for throwing boilipg tatty over her employer, Hiram Simon. The troub• Ile arose out of a demand made by D.dIv for wages. She claimed that Simon s struck her first. Simons story was cor- rod) orated by his wife. COUNTY NEWS. tolled frees mar aesaybt•Ratd... Wood is cuu*intl duwit in petro in IT was 111 years ewe loot Mruday mise this haute of lulwtssar sae fought. i RedeeNR Markets. Brussels, B Oetsatecn. Nov, t, 1•q. J. R. Grant, of Brussels, has returned sat, t en. t• beets..... . a 111121 f! from Manitoba. tffhts.tf pro tf ►tea....... l to • 1 eb ' ft'teior. M. Black hu been re-en=acted in B.S. N o. I, Morrie, at a salary of Moe ' W jtb'!t. Scott sod Jue Fitzpatrick left Br Is last week for Denver, C.Iu alt». Gurrie is pager for a skating rink, and the drill shed is to be used for that pa. -- pose this winter. R. Curtis, who has resided in Morris for the put 19 years, is tenoning to Al- pena, Michigan. T. A. Reid, teacher ut S.S. Wu 3, Morris, has been re-engaged for 111.4, at an advance of salary. Scutchingg has comotetsoed at the Brus- sels Six until. All the flax will be hous- ed instead of stacked this year. Mr. Campbell, of Goderich township, was selected fmtn thirty &pekeants t•. teach S.S. No. 7. Morris, for the unto• ing year, at a salary of *400. A Duff, of ,Hulmesville, los hsou t -u gaged fur S. 8. No. 4, Odium**, at a eatery of $400. Mr. Duff is a compe- tent utan for the -position, and will give good satisfaction. Mrs. P. Thomson, of Brussels, tan re- covered sufficiently from her late illness tot enable her to to Toronto, for which place she left last Tuesday to re- ceive medical aid. N. Robson, of Clinton, won the O. R A. badge and the silver cop at the twelfth annual match of the Huron Rifle Association, which came oft at Clinton on Tuesday of last week, The proceeds of Jas. Daniels' sa_ie, in Usborne, amounted to the neat sum of $2,500, cows sold u high as $118, and horses from $185 to $223. Mr. D. laves for the laud of his birth, England. Goole Carrie. —John Sample, of Grey, sold three 2 year old steers to Mr.' Shep- herd, .of Tuckersmith, at $60 a head They weighed 3,870 lbs. These are the kind of cattle that pay. It is the editor of the Gorrie Enter- prise who has this fall informed his read- ers that "The melancholy days have come. Thu saddest of the year. - Sandy Gibson, the popular reeve of Wroxeter, will now be able to sing his favorite "When the Kye comes bane" to tha accompaniment of anew Heintz - man piano which ire has recently pur- chased. Mr. Jas. Herbert has leased his farm, lot 5, con. G, Csboroe, comeitui g 50 acres, to his neighbor, Me, S. Slimier ; and intends removing to Biddulph,where he has leased 150 Mara for a term os years. Thos. Nixon, 2d coo., Morris, has rented his farm to Mr. S. Thorrington, of Btuerale, for a term of Bre years. Mr. Nixon's sale of farm stuck agd im- plements, which tu:,k place on the 29th October, was largely attended, and ex- cepting horses, the former sold well. Mr. Nixon, we understand. intends re- moving to California ' SAW MILL P-RCHASED.—Mr. Calder late proprietor of the old Brace sawmill, which is situated on tie siding of the G. T. north of Blyth, has purchased the prui.erty to Blyth; known as Muuntoss- tles mill, and will commence work in' a short time. Mr. Lirit.gatosle has lensed Mr.'Calderi mill building and will pet his machinery into place. Heavy SHIPMENT or CaTrLt—The Clinton Net. Ere says . —Mooney, Craig & Hearn made a very large shipment of cattle from this place, on Wsdaeeday to the Windsor Dis.illery. The ship- ment embraced overly three hundred head, and filled twelve cars, which were forwarded by special trsin to their desti- nation. They were lalusd at 816,000. A PAINFUL Acv 1OENT.—thee -day re- cently E. Watson, cattle buyer .1 ,Clin- tou, was standing on the atati' ti plat- form, and with a stick was toying with the drag that holds tae seiuwl4i .e, han- dle in place, when t'.o.'1r.'_ we, 1.seeued Von t1 , ratchet. an I tine handle dew up. ;flaking hits a terrible i:ow in the face, Several of los teeth were br.•ken, and his free cettsiderab'y bruised ; it was a wonder he was not snore seriously hurt. Last Monday no,el,er ••ld resident, in the person of Ruhere „McAllister, sr., passed away, at the age ••f 61 years. lie has been confined t.. bed more or less ter over a year and has been a gees;! sufferer. The deceased has been a reaident Grey for over 20 year* and was well known and universally respected. A wife, seven sons and Lire daughters are left to mourn his loss. At the funeral on Wednesday, which was largely at- tended, his sons dieted to pelf bearers, as the ret feast of their father.—[Brussels I Post. John Angus, 11 Brussels, who a few years ago went to the ;North-west, has lost three members of his family under ery trying circumstances. It seems the oldest daughter, Hannah, 13 years of ge, was sliding on a pond, on Saturday, October 20th when the ice gave way and he was thrown into the water. Bart. Dyman, 18 years of age, rushed to her rescue but on account of her weight to- gether with the ire was unable to help her nut or get rout himself. In their dilemma they called for help, and Thor. Angus, aged 10 years, ran with a nope to render assistance and in some way be too Rot in and all three were drowned at once. They were buried the following Monday. Mr. Angus and family wil have the heartfelt sympathy of all their old friends m this Ir.eality. Sir Charles Tupper hee cabled to Ottawa stating thaf it is desired that the exhibit made by the Dominion at the Fishi.ries Exhibition should be retained permanently in London. The project Gtr the establishment of a museum de- voted to colonial products is considered likely to be revived. The T.mmto Copperhead organ int in: - Mee that there ere name seats in the Local Legislature that oma be taken by its party if they will only stretch out their hands and take thele. But hasn't this hand -stretching been a tell. over - don. f Mr- Roe stretched out his hands sot.ewhat in Lennox, and as a result Sir Joie wet unnoted. --[Loads. Adv.rtis• sr. Dublin, Nor. 6.—Daring the pregrsss of a fair tmday at Rethkesk, a tows seventeen miles from Limerick, a faction fight oectirtvd, in which arty persons were wouedcd. The puha, attempted to iaterfe'e, bet were stoned by ties mob and driven athe ground. Roottivicg reiwforesmsnts the police returned and sucoseded in arresting 311 e1 the riueleted- ell, bet while atnr5 Ing their prisoners to the statin a rush was reade by the mob. who mooed twelve of their mum - rt d.s The others were imprkttr. sd vi ..•stm Barley. rbeash.. ............. • M o 50 Potatoes Y bash sew •.... oo le o 66s .......,...... ••i• e UWtei Me......-.. ...... • It r 140 1O11 dm. l moss oeso ... .. • 10 w 0 M Samos P cwt:.........4. • M d 1 011 Travelling C.In. QQ! yy O1tAND TRUNK N} c Y4n h ArA * ii0 . t` a Lieas 111.2 8tratf or d.ALrli ptNMIu 1.30pm . SM.Ianai .2.pd. INpm OGedeSoeforichAr. x.50 230 Il +' 11! STAGE LINES, know Stage tinily) arr. 10.1Sami2ypput .. chip tneardlne 1 Ooum1aat .. miller " (Wedaeedny and $aturdar) Ar. &Min -MAN. 0 11 12 — — Dram 3► cwt .. 0 70 0 I:' Banking ttfoMt.. ..}8888. - r 8888.. ........... floe... ala • BANK K OY MONTREAL. •laeee+sias..eg ..... ........ 1• 1 >n D Ise/11.l. ITAL At the residence of Mr. Walter Hick Huron rwsd. a Oet, 38th, the wife of Mr. ltd. shortage. herneswuaker, of Chicago, of a son. In Brwoeis w the deb Oct.. the wile e' IL Dennis, of • datt=irter. DIED. ' In 0.,derieh, on MondiT. November 5th. l8R1, Ada. daughter or Mrs. William Hyslop aged U years and 8 months. In Cie Township of Colborne. on Nov. !ltd. IDA Dorothy Howell, orad 93 years ash 8 I n►unths. la Msitland vine. oa Tsesday, November sift, Bobo. Henderson, aged 09 yoats sad to taout bs. N(ORTGAt;E SALE. t'lluder Power of Sale contained is is Mert- atte made by LOUIS A and II LtN II Y DOAK. to the renders. the undersigned will offer for 9s2e by, PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THE PREMidts, ox WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1833 Al 11 o'clock a.m.. the following VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY Being in the TownshlpD of Asbteld, In the County of Heron, and beingoem ed of the West half of the hest haof Lots Number Five, in the Third concession of the Eastern Division of the said T.wnsblp, containing FIFTY ACRES, MORE OR LESS, 3) acres cleared ; bslanee tlmbere3 with beech and maple. From- Hussar, Frwwts Bart d Loj .Wable, This Property is watered by a good ('reek. and has oa it u orchard of 51) fruuti trees; situate on good road, only nine miles from Goderich. TERMS EASY. and will be mode known on day of Sale. for ftwther•particulars. ap ply to W. Y. B R UNTON & SON, Nov. fib 1883 Auctioneers. jp 6eedom Ont . But Fajily Nensgaper in Canada. KING OF WEEKLIES. WHO FREE PRESS LARGE $ PAPER —8 P8c 2C13.- - CJT NO PATTED BY NEW MACHINERY. CenWas all the News. Special Market Department. Capital St Agricultural Department. id oey Always Running. Ingenious Paste Column. Fanny Humorisms. It h Jut the T for the Fahy. gTead $1.08. and the paper will he forward- ed to you to January 1st, 1805 811,000 IN PREMIUMS The most liberal inducements ever offered in Canada to parties getting up clubs for the Wstutty Feta Pecs!. Send for Premium List. w[ttiiay FREE PRIM* AND ritllas'd ADVOCATE seat to 1st Jaaattrr, ISM, for 51.73. Address : FREE PRESS OFFICE, Nor. Is:. ISO. 1213 - London, Onr. HEP.IFF':; SALE t)F L-lel✓;', ('o r:Tro►'1i-'tui, ll;•vlrtnenraIVrit•,f To w' tT; Fieri Fxiaa, Tuned out of Der Mars•>'. Comity Court of the fount} of Huron. a' l to iso• directed and delivered two the Lt•ot• ;and Tenon encs of W11.- LIAMORE)," at.. \It -II I It CANTF:hOX, at the suit of EWA' ARIt 'i'INU.\LL. I have seized and taken in Fsrcati"n n11 the rlght, ;emir; and inter,•,,(• and .quit;. of redemption of t\-ILLl. Al GREY. one of the above nam- e 1 l.fen tants in and to that p{ortion or tract of land Ding and Ming In the Township of Morris. County of Iluron and Province of On- tario• hang rnmposed of tic North half of farnt lot number twcn S.enc. In the fourth concession of the said Township of Morris. and containing one hundrei. acres of land. more or less. which lands and tenements 4 shoal otter for sale. at my office, In the Court House in the 'town of Goderich ou FREI)A Y, the T% NTV-FIRST day of DECEMBER. 1883, at the hour of twelve of the clock, noon. ROBERT GIBBONS, Sheriff's OMce, Goderich,) SherlR, iiuros. sept. 131A, 1883. i 1908 -td ASHFIELD I Grist Mill DUNGANNON. The aubecriber wishes to call the attention of the public to the fact that his Grist 31111 Is now completed, and furnished with the latest and most approved machinery for the manu- facture of. the Best Quality of Family Flour As he has also secured a Ant -class miler, all those entrusting Grime to him can depend on their being returned to their entire aaltsfac- tis. A TRIAL SOLICITED. THOMAS DISHER. Oct. 18, 1883. 19134t O.1 PLE . ii'ue+tree. - - Goderich Branch. D. GLASS - - - - Manager, Allows Interest as deposits. Drafts, lett.. of credit and circular notes Issued, ppaayyab la All ports of the world. 1784, CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Capitol, • 1G,000,00u. Bret, - - $1,400,00o. • President - MGM. WM JleMASTER General Manager. - H'. /t. n..OV Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - Monaco t., Interco allowed oa deposit*. Drafts on o the princip•d Towns and Chita In Canada Great Britain and this United States, bough and sold. Advantesti. Firmer' on Notes, with onto more ender a r+... ithotit mortgage. 1753 Folithill Nurseries. 325 .A.1._171.33:18. THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED Stesdy Employment at Flied Salaries to MI willlag to work. SIL81 sad WOM Y8 can have Pleasant Work the Year Road Goal Agents ars earning l to $75 per Month trTerms and outfit free. Address: STONEUI WELLINGTON, 1913.4m Toronto. Oat DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER AND Loadiii lludortaKer, Has on hand now the IL ttteaOT STOCK of First - Class Furniture in the County, and as I now purchase for cash, will not be undersold by any one. I .tier Tapestr7 Osrpet Iounsea froth $5,50 upwards. Whatnots, good, from 5380 up. Sew Back Chairs, from 373c. rap, and every- thing else in the same proportion, AT THE OLD STAND Between the Poet Owes & Bank of Montreal, C ODRIRIO .. Oct. 18th. 1881. • , 1911 f BEES. BEES. te'(sloshes et Pore Italian and Ul"brld Dees for Hale, at the ORA1•7138'ORD APIbRY Near Dungannon. The Bees aro In First-r•lass Patent Hirc:, and fn Pr:me Condition. Tiler ocr alatle R.arile.l Ilse. • sea 55. Price per tamable Boomed like. • ails.... Address: CDJZO . I3ARRI8, Dungannon, P.O. 0 ,t. 11tn. 11153. 011-4t WE :OFFER THE FOLLOWING' DECIDED BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE iN THE TOWS OF GODEItICH. 1. A Corner l,ot ,No. 201 on West street, close to the Square$.155.55. 2. Lot 106. near the Park, very pleasantllt- nation, with clew of Lake, comprising sub- stantially built r 'tory brick hoose, with stable, fruit trees, &c.. $1.050.55. 3. Three and a half lots (nearly an acre), on East street, with brick Foundry, now under rent a 1 00.00 a r • Ca 15.5..5. a. .4. t on bank $7.5. of Hover, near the station, Tilts, properties are really worth much more money. but must be sold to close out the Estate, andaretherefore offered at the above pi lees. Apply to SEAGER & LEWIS, Barri tern, Goderich. Goderich, Sept. 21th. 1883. 191041 i N.tr)RPOfATED A.D. 1871. THE HAMILTON PROVIDENT ANI) LOAN SOCIETY. CAPITAL •1,n00,000.00. •HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, UNT, Intending eorrosrera will consult their best In tereats b • examining the advantageous terse offered by this Spof,V. before going else- where. For rates of lnte est, lata tables and farther particulars, apply to SAMUEL POLLOCK, Agent, Ooderich, M17th. BEL lone w left May TAES SMAILL, ARCHITECT &c. *1 Moe, Crabb's Block, Kintstoe st., Mode Melt. Pleas and specifications drawn merest ly Carpenter's' plasterer'siand mason's work measured and valued. Quip betnee in lathe eldest baud aug ter a Th w (Jh. ee bstween the sa, daughter of The the of Wales, tsewsittam years of age, and the Dake of Portlaltd. Q-OID RIC1. icago House, The Bishop of Roe►esMr has written a letter impression hearty approval of Moody end est s ostosis. andurging of the atab tliehed Ch.wb b htrpgra glob ulna. We hare made arrangements to deb Taa lsemat with oily mere M the Mee siren Wow : — liA.1 ltoid DIINy wwGd • . MN weekly Glob 11111e NMI 11111$ /Armlet t GOLBORNE BROTHERS • HAVE TEZh( . Fall & Winter .Stock II ` NOW l.'ftfd'PLITE. BLACK & COLORED CASHMERES i'lNOY DRESS GOODS PLAIN AND BROCAHED, IN ILL THE NEW SII1DE8 A LARGE STOCK OF B1ac & Colorgd Sits The Beet that they have ever Shown, and at Very Low Prices BLACK & COLORED VELVETEENS Plain and Brocaded, and at Prices that Defy Competition A LARGE STOCK 1 ENGLISH, SCOTCH, SCOTCH, and CANADIAN frwe==Zs_ UIsfer acid ManI-lc CJolhs IN PLAIN, SCOTCH CHECKS AND BROCAI MB. , LINENS, TABLI N GS, HOLLANDS, CRETONNES, SHIRTINGS, • FLANNELS. BLANKETS, WINCEYS, dire., &c. t► C1othuii Made g Order A Full Line of Groceries. The Leading Millinery Establishment of the County. PLUMES, I BIRDS, VELVETS, PLUMES, C 0 I borne r. RIBBONS, I LACE• The Largest and Best Aesorted sleek M the County to Choose From, at «, Wilkinson's, Brothers Oederish. Nos. nth. Ilal . iki410 :ios ,=os t • Maoist Stalin. itlK •