HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 7I'!!� 1111:..N sviN , NOV. 9, lfsb
Fun anti Fancy.
A nue-sided view --The prate.
The sham -nook- A bouUst on the
Egotism is the I dear of must every -
Though the East River bridge is with-
out • rite' it has twu piers.
A missionary says he only saw one
poem illustrated in Fiji, and that was
'Nothing to Wear.'
During the recuut sham -battle iu New
Jersey • uus?lber of the psrticipaets were
seriously injured, and it is reported that
they have all applied for peust..us.
Oue thousand dollars in Sold weighs
four pounds. That is way so many
newspaper men are rimed aholdered.
1Yhea weenie's been o'erfows with grit!,
The streams of sadness quickly rise.
And instantly she dads relief
By dropping crystals (ruin her eyes.
But man has not a woman.
When overborne by sorrow'sthzi r,
lie simply Cov.ra up W floe
And blows in trluaepet tunes his now.
Whoever doubts that the newspapers
have a mission should enter a car and
see how useful they are to MAUI when a
fat woman with a big basket is looking
around for • seat.
There is growing cons iction that twu
pictures of the same fellow in • young
lady's album mutat something m..ru than
friendship for the old man.
A dandy, strutting about a tavern,
took up a pair of green spectacles which
lay on the table, put thein on his nose,
and, turning to the looking -glass, said,
'Landlord, how do these beoome me'1
Don't you think they improve my
looks T' 1 think they de,' replied the
landlord, 'they hide a part of your twee.'
`Don't like the bed T said the hotel
clerk, astonished at the presumption of
the oomplaininq guests: 'why, some of
the best people, some of the hightone-
dest folks have slept in it !"Yes, that's
just the trouble,' responded the guest 1
'I found last night that there were alto-
gether too tinny big bugs in it for the
comfort of common people like me.'
'Bow is it you are so punctual at the
office every morning, Smith? You must
hive an exeellent alarm at your house.'
'Yes, indeed, and a cheap one. You
see, every evening, before going to bed,
I 1 ugh the cradle under the ' Black for-
est' clock, with the weights directly un-
der the baby's head. Punctually at 3
o'clock in the morning there is an un-
eerlhly yell, and I know what it has
just struck,'
L-XTAILLL rTED Eoosoi v. -The old
gentleman went into the parlor the other
night at the watching hour of 11.75, and
found the room unlighted and his daugh-
ter and & dear friend occupying a tete-a-
tete in the corner by the window.
'Evangeline,' the old man said, sternly,
'this is ecat.daloss,' 'Yes, paps,' she
answered sweetly, 'it is candlelees, be-
cause times are so hard, and lights tent
se much, that Ferdinand and I said we
would try and get along with the star-
light.' And paps turned about in
apeeehless amazement, and tried to walk
tot of the room through a panel in the
wan paper '
'fortis of 1*listiom.
The generous heart should
hlessuru which gives ulnen p:tin.
One ungrateful man does an injury to
all who stand in need of aid.
He who knows his power, doubles it ;
he who is diet, ustful of it aestrovs it.
Du all the good you can, to all the
people you can, in every place you can,
and as long es you can.
I have seldom known anyone w'lo de-
serted truth in trifles that could be trust-
ed in matters of importance.
Always speak the truth. slake few
promisee. Lice up to your engage
m tnts. Keep your own secrets if you
have any.
If there is any person to whom you
feel a dislike that is the person of whom
you ought never to speak,
and cowardly in any man to speak to the
woman under his own roof in a manner
that would forever disgrace him if heard
under any other. And yet how many -do
it, Lelfishly forgetting the tears and bit-
terness they have caused, and selfishly
expecting, if they remember it at all,
Belt en their return the domestic sky
will be without a cloud. Mere the pity
when it is ! Then, indeed, is there
Barger in the nir; for then too often
come deceit, and hypocrisy, and indiffer-
Weems -AN EASY PLACE. - Rev.
Henry \Vail Beecher sotno time since re -
A Reselule .
'At midnight las' night,' said the old
man in a .t4runn voice, as he looked up
and down the aisles ; 'at midnight lea'
night de sperrit of BrudderelimaxGosh-
port, a local member of dis club, passed
(rout y'erth to de unknown. Only a week
ago he .at in dis hall ; to -night he am
dressed fur de grave. Whet ackshun will
de club take 9'
'I s'poee, sab,' said the Rev. Penstock,
as he rose up, 'dao it sin in order to pre-
sent a reselushun to de.ffec, dist he was
a man '.f de highest integrity, liber./'.
hearted, high-minded, an' dat his loss
am a sad blow to du hull city.'
'Yes, Inch a rrsolushu'• am in order.
Brudder Penstock, tan you remember
you ober took Brudder t3oshptort by de
hand and gin him a word of praise fur
his hard work au' huueet ways ?'
'I-I--dt.au remember dat I ever did,
'Aon der a I,ussou in dis ball who kin
remember dist be ever put hisself out to
livor Brudder Gushport 1'
Not a man answered.
'Kin any of you remember dat you
took any partickler iuteres' in how he
gut along.
Not a voice was heard it reply.
'To be a little plainer.' continued the
president, 'am d.r one single pusson in
dis hall who ever felt five cents' worth of
anxiety for Brudder Gosport's wordly or
spiritual welfare 1
The hall was so quiet that the sound
of Elder Toots rnbbing his back on the
sharp edge of a window -casting cavo
everybody a start.
'Nut a Iuan in du bull club -not a man
in dis hull city, so far as we knoll, ober
put hisself out to do a fovor for or speak
a word in praise of our lamented brudder
an' yet we have ile cheek to talk of a r'eeo-
lushun settin' forth his many virtues an'
our heart -felt sorrow. No, sir! We doesn't
pass un sick bigness heab ! I should be
ashamed to look his widder in the face,
if we did. It am de way of de world to
let men alone jist when a leetlu help
would giye •em • broad and easy road.
We h'er of dis man or dat man bavin'
won de gratitude of de people, but 'we
dean' War Of it until he am dead.
When a man has gone from y'artk de
papers an' de public suddenly diskiver
how honest he was; what a big heart he
had ; how much good he wuz alms dein',
an' what n lost to de world his death will
prow. Dv time to praise a man is when
he ase liviu' beside us. Praise hurt, to -
body but many a good man 1,as grown
weary fur deof appteciash
Hoak am seventy-two of us in dis hall to-
night, sit' we have to own up gat not
one of n■ ever went outer our way to
prove to our brudder dat his 'genal
ways, Ole star'- lealin', and his upright
life war any nit. 'preciated by us Ban.' if
he had Liu a hoes -thief ! An' to 'pate a
resoluahuli eon's' be to brand uurselres
hypocrites. let mo man dare offer one.'
-[Detn.it Free Press.
shall We norm Zarb Other There.
Training Ib. My.
' 1 lad ben fairht mouths utnablo
t„ work, and felt s though I w•uutd .s
V gentlemen walkout/ a ith his sun sad- lost din as lite, tbnmgit Dyspepsia aln 1
denly stopped. 'Look,' he said, 'there's- Indigestion. 1 weighed at the time 'f
a bit of iron -a piece of an old horse-
shoe ; put it iu your pocket.' -'It is net
worth stooping fur,' answored the lad.
The father picked up the iron and put it
in his pocket. iVhe.i they came to a
villige he enit•.ed the blacksmith's shop
and sold it for three -farthings, with
which sum of money he bought some
cherries. Then the father and sou set
off again an their ramble. The sun was
hot, and neither a house, tree nor faun•
tale tit water ws in ei_1':-, The son cum-
p'ained of being tiiod, and Lai some
d faculty in following h's father. Per-
e king that hia boy was tired, the 'a her
let fall • cherry se if by accident, a: d
quickly the little follow picked it up and
ate it. Soou the father dropped another
and the boy piked it up as eagerly as
before ; and thus they continued till the
fruit was all gone. When the last nue
was eaten, the (ether stopped, and turn-
ing to the boy said, 'Look, my sun ! If
you had chosen to stoop ouoe to pick up
a piece of horseshoe, you would not hare
been obliged to stoop or often to pick up
the cherries.'
L A. Stanford, an American sharper,
has been arrested at Montreal fur nume-
rous forgeries. He had wormed himself
into the confidence of Hugh A. Allan, of
the steamship firm, and had forged that
gentleman's name to the lues representing
upwards of $6,000.
Foaled Th.asaaels
All over the land are going into ecstasy
over Dr. King's New Discovery for Con-
sumption. Their unlocked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Sar-
ing remedy, musette them to go nearly
wild in Its praise. It is guaranteed to
positively cure severe coughs. culds, at-
•hina, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness,
loss of voice, or any affection of the
throat and lungs. Trial battles free at
.lame. Wilson's drug store. Large size
$1.On. (2:)
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will produce a case of Liver,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec-
tric Bitters will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will cost yon nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will be well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly curod. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed or money refunded
Price only fifty cents por bottle. For
sale by J. W ilaon. [5
Gras's Fluid L[kktaleg
Needs no advertising when once intro-
duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds
of others by doing all and more than re-
p oseuted for Neuralgia, Toothache,
Headache, etc. It removes any pain
instantly quick as flesh. Try it and you
will say it is well named Fluid I ightninst.
Cet a 25 cent bottle itt_fi. IRhynai drug 1
store. b
$sekle$'alAratee Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of ' the
world. Warranted ti speedily cure
Burns, Bruieoe,Cuts,T ;cera, Salt Rheum,.
Fever Sore*, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains.
',Torres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, gtt:o:tweel to care in
ivory instance, or iiemey refunded. -23e.
per box. For sale Ls 7, Wilson. ly.
• Matthew Arnold, the Apostle of Cul-
ture, arrived in New York to -day from
England. He leetnrea /:)ere on political
and socal topica. after which he delivers
antgaze tint nlx'n Amaranthine fields t literary lactate in Boston
And then. too, 'we shall know each ! 11e'6repesaimed, mare.
other there.' amid the minister, and then Freon the many remarkable sorsa
added, 'there'll be no strangers in the
New Jerutel:un ; we'll all he friends ' trreefht by using Mcfiregor's Speedy
Omen -
'Beautiful !' raidDOaco. Sham, as he Cure for -Dyspepsia, Inrh_rstion, men -
trotted down the aisle. prawn and Attecti•na of the Liver, and
A lute) 3 sermon " s.tud 'hiss Sim
Pfrom immense sale ..f it without any ad-
kine, *a she put her bony hand into th, certising, we have cunrluded to place it
minister's. She was oto bya exttnesyely on the market, se that those
Ply who suffer may have a p: rfua cure. Go
mechanic who carpo up and addres.,ed
the preacher : to G. Rhynes' drug atop+ anal gut a trial
`Mr. . T sin glad wo shall recta_
nize each other op there.'
'Yes,' raid the minister, ' it is one
of the greatest consolation of our re' - -
The minister of a fashionable church
once preached a beautiful sermon on this
subject. Ho d:.w the picture of a very
beautiful h. AA 11 'e would walk in
sunlit groves, I.y the music ot waterfalls
'Well, 1 re right glad we shall know
each other. It will be a great change
though ; for 1 hate attended your church
for over four years, and none of the
members of this society have recognized
me yet. ll,•t-we shall all know each
c'fiyed a letter from a youno man, who other there.'
recommended himself very highly at 1:
inq hottest, and closed with the request, In the history of medicines no preps
• `Get me an easy situation, that honesty
weld be rewarded.' To which Mr.
Beecher replied : 'Don't be an [editor,
' if you would be "'easy.' Do not try the
law. Avoid sch• el -keeping. Keep out
of the pulpit. Let alone all ships,
stores, shops, and merchandise. Ab-
hor politics. Keep away from lawyers.
Dent practice medicine. Be not a
farmer nor a mechanic ; neither a soldier
nor a sailor. Don't study. Don't
• think. Don't work. None of them are
.. easy. Oh, my honest friend, you aro in
a tory hard world ! I know of but one
real 'easy' plana in it. That is the
Now that there is a reliable remedy for
kidney trouhles, half the tcrrorsattached
to these enmplainta Tuve been removed.
ration has received such universal com-
mendatiou for the alleviation is affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney disease., an Dr. Van Buren's Kianey
Cure. its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2m
Nn hnuseheld should be considered
complete with° it a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Ki. ney Cure is in the closet.
It is the unit rem lily that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson
A aeartItail llN rer.rr.
Physician's are often startled b; re-
markable di.roteriea The fact th * Dr.
For this let all be thankful, and to Dr. King's New Dieeneery for Cnnsemptioa
Van borers', Kidney Cure award ail aid all Throat and Long (Isaiases is daily
praise for hating thus removed a hitherto ming patients that they hare rir.n up
considered fah.' disease from our path to die. is startling thein to reales their
it was neverknewn to fail. Reid by J seas. of duty. stag .zaeline Mtn the
Wi!ann. 2m 'nerds .t( this wonderful diseovery re -
suiting in hundreds in
i our beet PTri it
Thr difference between a cat and a cions using it m t.lteir PrsebeSi Trial $2,000 ipo
comma ,s that %Me has aha claws at the bwAtie• fere, at 3 Willem s flint Strew
end of the paws, while the other has the lletelar slew $1 0 "4) Basins the stm.wn eonflde.nee in its saps
plus. at the end of the clause.
bottle fro.:, or the ream tr size at 50 cents
and el. 4 a
A acribb ler took a p•,.'in entitled
'Tears,' to the newspal er office and the
hard-hearted editor 1)toI a hien all up by
telling hien he di ln't want any marine
getting* bottle of MuGieger's Speedy
Cure 130 N.; used 3 bottles, and n tw
weigh 1651tie. and never ya■ Letter in
in euy life. It aas Mc($Irrgi., . speedy
WWure at brought me around." So says
illi we Fel:, Hamilton. Go to G. Khy-
•as dile; store and get • free trial bottle
Or the t .ulwr sire for fifty cote' and one
bullar. a
Pe feet, P.ritive and I'le.uiauenti are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Bueen's
Kidney Cure. Relief a all eases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained af:era few doses.
See that your Druggist gra ea you
Van Buren's Kidney Cure !geld by .
Wilson Goderich. 2rn
An Oasis in the desert is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab titan a bottle
of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is to
the unfortunate sufferer trout Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson
Gederich. 2m
Te the lreellesl Preter.tea, ant all wittier
It say maces.
Phosphatine, or Nerve 1'ooa, a Phos-
phate Element based upon
Facts, Formulated by Professor Audit.,
M. D. of Boston, Mau., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable er Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but tiwp�
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. AU Druggists
sell it. $1.00 per bottle. LoMDEN &
Co., sole agents for the Der.tini,n,
55 Front Street East Toronto.
As the testa ot winter vanish u::oer
the caloric influence of the sun's :aye,
so does Bright's Disease, Dropsy. .tone
is the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflate:
oration of the Kidneys, leave the hotly
upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu
rens Kidney enrr. geld ht• .T. \l'iLon,
Pia/ - Agents
Has the moat extensive and influential circulation /n British
▪ America. is n ref for its extensive Cable and Telegraphic News,
• and is the great authority upon Commercial and Financial
• Natters throughout the Dominion.
• - • One Year, ... $7.00 1 Half Year, . , . $3.50
a • - it Quarter Year, . ... $1.78.
I" 1.4 . -Tn
IS• •'-
w N hi taster M.er to increase our already large list of yearly subscribers to
• Ens WEEKLY GLO, we make the following liberal and magnifi•
w • , f cent o:fc, to every reader of this advertisement whit wishes to take
• ,•. tl ■tivaantaee of it at once.
For $8 50 we will send to any address in Canada or the U. S.,
1• • • fl from now to end of Ik'cea,ht r, i8R4, and in addition, A UANDSOME
%he N ale" is o%toutvnicin size; 11 is neat in at/rarafece; r: e, a
1w s1. '.-s•:.'in.ler, 'onugnerel/y requires sea key ; it is dusl-/roof, an / a
sol hint-eafar.
pail The above price includes postage upon Watch to any address in
anti la or the United States. This offer only holds K' t ,1 until
y •i January loth, 1884. We well start shipping watch( s on (•,sober
1 5th. Remittances should be sent at once, so as to enable us to
procure necessary supply and fill orders with as little delay as
t !" 4. ...mail de Address,
1 644 • T;3r^, GLOBE PRINTING CO, (Limited),
• .••••.Ir TORONTO
:.r.-�soiroare:..r.: --
e no
os-•- The Creat Dollar P'per.
it % 1
not, hit is sweep! Dori
s and dotes b••fore you di
.:ontrthinz mighty and sub
lune loam l,ehlndto conuer
tlme. $ee a week In your
town 83 outfit free. No risk. Everything
new, capital not required. We will furnish
you everythintr. Many are making fortune.
Ladies make as much' ea men, and boys and
girls uc.k,• great pay. header. it you want
business at which you can make great pay all
the time. write for particulars to 11. 11•1.1.xrr
't Co.. Portland Main
Ohrystal & Black.
ltItITIStil AI98, ('0'Y, TOiiOKTO-Ertabllshe
PIIQ NI?G.INS. CO'Y, of LONDON England) -
Established 1782.
IARTFORD CO'Y, of IIAaTronn, Conn
--Established 1810.
Rieke taken in the above AntclassOflfces at
the lowest rates by HORACItt HOIITON.
The undersigned is also Appraiser for the
Money to Loan on first•elasa security, om
7 to 8 per Cent, -Chargee moderate.
Ooder'' 1. Sept. 10. 1880.
by ma this season. 1 hope my old
patrons will hang on to their
Frntt until we them,
-ASD --
New G ft
-IWAN r -
tare.l.eesllortest notice. •
i.>•O,)tl .)alit/ I''":'di
And will•:•ay theb;gaest .n'r,.•: °
pride. •
Teas SGSCS'."3
.ant all .ora •.:
A Sof.- SI TIat rf•esent.
u c i atm
Mr. M. E.. Allison, H t h n Kan.
saved his life by a steeple Trial Bottle of
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Con-
sumption, which caused ;aim to procure
a largo brittle. thntcompletely cured him,
when Doctors, cba:nge of climate and
ererything else had failed. Asthma,
llrenchatia, L1,wrsene*s, Severe Coughs,
and all Threat and Lung diseasew, it is
euaranteetl to cure. Trial Betties at J.
Wilaen's dray •torr. Large size el. (1):
Justice Osler was so diagusted with
the foulness of Stratford court house that
he remarked that if the sittings lasted
another day the sheriff would be oblig-
ed to find another renes) for holding a
emcee Reward
For any Teatitnoninls recommending
McGregor's Speedy Cure for Dvapepsia,
Indigestion, ('•.itiveneaa, lieadeche,etc.,
that are not eentnne ; none 1)1 which are
(rim persons in the States or thousands
of miles away, but from petering in and
around Hamilton, Ont. We give trial
bottles tree of cost, ro that you cannot
b. deceived by purchasing a worthless ar-
ticle, but know its relive before buying.
Trial bottles and twstimcnials given free
at 0. Rhyme' drwy •tuft.. •
fixity over W a hers, and atter $ homemade of
teats of the nowt erwt/tl alta and cowered
iohn R Vert, Hsmiiton, says . "M• Rrew-s mad LOON tag. veer we MOM And. w. l.rl jrrtlA.d In nA►r-
(tr.ww's ttp.etiy Cate for Dyspepsia and Curve T,a,th.ehe and NIw"atta 'cline/1.1_6a tis m forfeu tan. Thwwged Ito1Ws for u7
1esr of Mueslis Mtda, sire tlro•L, 1*Ao.nae
ludiyrspon ia*Rap at fifty Inc.. tine gash, teller,.• any pain instant y, bnnara.naesae.r,, hi -ow -Atria. consumnption In Its
price asked for i1. i am a commercial cheapest anti quickest application known. a f tl aretlenrt lyse Iwawes thc«'pt s�ih Lrita, M
man, and travel continually, and would
Why ruffs with Toothache, Newratiia, which we only realm relief.t weease=swr�
no more think of lwri:.s home withosta Aeada.hw, Rh.ntratam, iwrmtittRn, Plela• with WeNY !'nigh 9Jrep. whwa oakq seoM�
las to 4Ina.ttoe. 4mpi. bottles, Zi and M
seats: Isere bnthl.s eye dp4 as, °eagle*
wrappersw M kronly In Ma*Met
or serw�Mlte
nt s .1 e( on rwn701tN
LSST se It and ow 1Np
n Ota/, woo st J t a
bottle of MnGtegot. Rpeady Cur. in my
rause than 1 wenn' of leaving my team
at hem• and mine on hat." Few trial
huttle..t G. Mynas dent store. R.gn•
lar dew 84) eta and $1 a
tics, Sora' Thnat tin Amite Pains of any
kind when you can go to Gan Rhyme'
dreg atone and ret a perfect and instan-
taneous mire for 26 eents Ask for
Kraut's Fluid Lightning. h
1T �-
,1: ut;Ritpairinie etecit it
weer%Wien,of Bic 1 .
P. '1, Biel 103
The Gro: er. (';Aurt Bunce cq . ►re,
Sept. 13, 1883 1118
The Wcslcrll Akerliser
WOR 1884.
S oL o f r4L L OEQ/ t N,
With the advent of 1881 Tor. WFsrrt(ie At-
r!RTISFII ANT) WEiKLY LIRrR4l. will appear
in new and Improved form. with new tope.
printed from stereotype plates. on a ui•w wet/ -
feeding press of the latest design. %V bile its
several popular "Departments wi'l be con-
tinued, more rigor will Is. observable through-
out. Only $1 per annum. R°'nn •• of 15(1
fret to nir suhrrihere.
sof /-
gra es
are annunity robbed
of their victims. lives
prolonger. happiness
nnrl )rales restored
by the tote eotthegreat
which positively- and permar.crt •, cures him
pnlewey !caused by *xenon, me nuc kind,I
feavlaal N'eekwewa, sod nil due et. s hitt fol-
low as a scquet:ee of rel'- \ I n,e , : - !: c of en-
eruy. t *s of mrmnry,•titi•.it tide,
palls in ilia M. k. Mince*. . • • •
• l.rema-
tiri• •'I.t age. amid nanny oto . that
Ica ' io insanity ort et.. un 11 .. .' ; remn•
n` • :-sure,
4,1 foretre'tlan with tea: e. •
mi 1 The ISVicoII ones i.
or Aft leer, a for t 1» 1 e 21t, or
t tie: c.•t•l free to, :and •••. :.•tt, on
:paint PA, •t i .a..','rt • • ,
i•'..1. f' !EN}'\. it
1:. sail:.!.. , • . Ohio
side .t. et._7(e
[tie by
;1 per
dr ar. r'ne - 11 elook
■ .■t i.,.it 71 for .'hyrt,s .0 mri•ebe { ! iaathc:rryrnt,a illi it"
- mi n.prott• " 1 : urtnn
I: 1• IMI eriI. N'o n great
eli tete e to two,. loiters, t. tt't 1.- eon. went
:nee. is,y, u, :iris tai a.ri .n their
•t .lora ta •r to t. ono tat. ,ark pro-
,fn;tn t .tnru, . '1 t yea will
unit• t. 1 It r ��ee. Ex.
fie `s a:!it lnro:r!:(',l Inc. .:.t: whnen-
da,tw hills eh:make initial f nle.'t' . 'Yon can
get of,. v,•',r,:I.,lrgkm. loo rat • • . or only
year •+oar n,•nri••h:,., Full ,u-• :On and
u!1 :Ler ,.I, et.,v.r3 >Ch1 i,+ V. . COS ETIN
suv .r t'. Portland. )far c
obuO.00 Bier;...rd.
U'c ,•_ itt pe} ow alias rear ettl 8'•: an.y creat• of
Liver t'onatdalttt, 10cy$'paic, i 1 rudache,
ludig,•sthm, CivatilaUon e t e ,,
uannot'(ure with Wert's Vet:-,,.; L Liver Pills.
when the dWeil ions arc tit rittIt , 1.n. I lied with.
They arc purely Vegetable, mai t , •r
r fa
il to o
give sdIsi.ut1u . Auger ('e t, r 1 , , Boxes,
oennaling 30 Palls. 23 cents. 1.f rale by all
Dru=lst. Beware of cnuntcttt , rad imita-
tions. The genuine manure, N . • only hl'
JOHN C. Witt sz.. CO.. "Tit. I Makers,'
81 and RI King tit. Fact, Tomb'. taut. Free
'ta cent aL�-�- O -n receiptlet Mlea/ WILD/WM DI IR ATARI..
;- Health i8 Wealth!
"PORTRAIT GALLERY." 'lir oreminm
for 11181 Is • handasmel -printed Hook of Por-
traits, with illuminated cover. cunta'ning the
following chrom„-Ilthogrwnhs, in Are colon,
tis : Her Mgfeaty Queen Victoria; HlsExeel-
lency the Ooreraor-General I Marquis of Lane-
downelRt-Hon. W. E. Oladaton,; Hon. Ed-
ward Blake; Sir John A. Macdonald ; Hue.
Oliver Mowat ; Hon. Ales. Mackin -irk,: and
Chewter A. Arthur, President of U. S. An
elegant and attractire ornament to, the par.
tor °aide. (MOP of earh portrait. a c 11 taches.)
A hloweaphleal skate" of each p.•rw,nage
written by an emtient Canadian is also`( ven.
Price only Ise ettra. or RLN in all.
Sr if preferred. saharrtheew may have a
ehsieeof "Rows AND Ho*Lam- or "Coot'*
Ryles, -two well-known former premiums
In board corer. on payment or No. iddleion
al. or •I.1a to all. Oa/p one pnwtwa nl
Tran Latil AP'-urtape. rentalslny the
complete raldal4ht Aeepa,abss• N wailed Inc
IPS per annus. or $1.18 for titre• wroath.
_Total en -culottes earth week of Para v Ain
R r, w i s A nrcaA..O., area M, w'
iwir Mewls wasted everywhere rMy
vale.bla prises to the mow s peons hrl slab
setter", %rod penia sawn' 1.0, pan 1, arra. Re-
gistered lateral r01111141 at owe Dot. Addicts
armareraatui tAO.
Login.• (her.
The Signal's Clubbing Oft.
The RIOwal. and I Ra N'Serieti A ',rem
Taaw will he mailed to arty seldom. from sew
to Jo/than tit lar, oe rer•.ipt of only KID
HOMO, d Tot An..assewa's q,Owlar per
Wawa Is required. the wilinowal aswoopt for
same cyst ti..nekrM. a* &Any., wNNla hall
partlrulars as to which Is emitted Addis
•eros{ t Mit s t timi
111nn,a1, re .diets" Out
Ged.rleb. net r Ira 1511 (l
W ORM a'OW LIE . .
Are ph.saeat t , t kr. f, nt.: .; -'• n
Purtatire. is a s: te, more. an 1 .f.',.rrwat
destroyer -f warms In Cl 11,1r -•i or Adults.
Ion. E. C. War's Neav AND li1IAIN TROUT
owe?, • guaranteed specific tut 111 Meets, LIS
(mem. ('nnralminns. /'its, NeRems Neuralgia
Headache, Nervous Prostration . eased br the
ra,e of almhol or centimes. wake nWasiak Den-
tal Iwprcalon, Softening of the 14ala. result
Mg In Insanity and leading to mossy, d.eay
and death, Premature Old A8*, Barrenness.
Immo( l'nw.r In either sea. lel olu,lary !Amami
and sperrnatorrh'ra. eausied by rater-evertion
of i he brain- self -afire or ov. r•Irdulsmrnee.
one has -.t ill sure recent cases. i s. h bot eon-
t•ln. one month', treatment. One dollar a bor.
or sic Moves Inc Ave dollar's ; .e'wr by mail pre
`,.fid nn romp of price. We sesrastea dt
boars to carr any orae. With . a. h order rei-
••eked hp us for six bete*. to 'p,ppaled with
A,r dnliarw, wr will amid the t'*rbaner am
w ri,•rn anarantrr to rrfnnd t` r m.Mry If the
• (roe tmrnt Maw not earl a inc,'. tn..atawtesa
tseaed only by J AIMS WIPalwA •144
toed agent Inc Oodetteh, Dat. Jli}I C CIris
k (10., tale proprietors. Turnout OM.
N'ant.d. Has 1'ar. IAII%
i1G N T Wort Constant emlthsy Aro
a'f1,Nt•il Me el red nuns n.er 11'e Nes
Deal Vusbin 1,..
A week . mete 5 binder at bon, ,. Py the in
sirl.rrsr. Nest herr. now h.
r, ,,,,s tb. L,Mtc. repot, nM neat
' tt*$' cell ata,• . SIrn wo
town. boys aad fit)! ...1,404 •.ry
1 where to work her ns.. Nnw loth, time. You
ran work In spare nim., nr Ike year whole
elmo to the Mrin.to. No Mbar bnslaww sell)
pay you nearly on well. Nn ore can fail to
utak.' ••normo,. plc. by enrwelnr s.1 nn0,
('astl, .n,tAt and leriu. fr.,. 111 nn.f adoI oast. ...•§T , aid honorably 1 delrr.. Tat: a
, Co. As.; a.:a. !1 alit.