HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 5se e. d, as ag Is. es - he re - Ig, rht Ind was ns. tlFiti• 00- ted ir, hen isk• god Ind 10 re ted the • self i•n. he .r,, the nec teir onr of o ur t is n ee et - And the rcd- )ny arts It ;iw• oro ebbe its • tel '7, to. or- is - b. tb o • fir• •1 as a ial, the tib .x• rail sb• Ye ant HIM ate as he 1 :IF H I 11 'S OV. PIHLD ROOTS West waft* m I Agftetall�ssat se- ..l .let/. . W. BRETHOUR & OO.COS Probably its no crop du wa6�# the .f- 1 D f. ct of the past cool damp sassdItt so per c• Obis se among field routs, and thus. l i bo k.ew wvo alto ordinary tn,p should E T E E N I . , will see tient lbs ores siva; below I V E L e at u s rule the crop u below an aver- p� ate, List rrw. advised growers to a mors rtheFall. W Imported Direct Iflrom England. P Blank and Colored to less spans( of seed, mud we aro glad t.. observe that in every instance where as examined crops, no fault .uuld be found in this respect. Owiini to tee ex- cess of wet weather nut only do r find roots below the average size but the .,Lality u out equal to former 1 ,.irs. In- . t end ••f the usual ci iap juicy substance r e find them more sinulry, and the so - 4•.s of fibre rootlets, especially in ptan- gtdds,sesa s to run through time toot, gtv- Ing a wood tlavor W the root. The most ianpt t sok we bare to note is .won, however. is as instance of tl a benefits of seder drainage. Kr. Jt.aeph Mohs, of Colborne township inepared his rout land by first of all tf orougbly under draining and sub soil- ing, which we feel sure accounts for the magnificent crop Its has this yearend the flet that all are smooth, Large and of tine f, rm. His soil is a sandy loam which ho uranured in the bell with twenty loads of tteli rotted stable manure to the acre, at d last spring he agkiu manured broad- c'o at a light covering of about fire loads to the atm. His turnips were sowed June 1st, and cervine andmaugolds May lath. In _.wing he made sure of having aced enough in the soil by doubling the pi anew Some growers disoouragetheidea if transplanting to fill blanks in the drills, I,I t Mr. Mortis is a firm believer in this toadies with serried msagolds,although he also 000siden a liberal sowing the "carat impoateat, whish as a rule obviates may necessity for transplanting. We still fad home grower who thin out car- rots too much. If the soil has boon well subsoiled and aanured they need but little thinning as a rule. We found no signs of disease or inset enemies to the *taiga roots ; but especially in low ground a t cod many instances of the potato rot. Slirvin purple top appears to be the best t•l.tiety of turnip and the long rod the (.conte marigold. The comparative smallness of this sea- m n's crop has not discouraged fanner* by any mesas. On the contrary we find them mote inclined to extend their large n of crops materially, finding the benefits for stock fending yearly beaming more noticeable, besides producing a larger quantity o( better barnyard manure. Mr. Morris drilled for his rootm,msking eight drills to the rod. Hoary Corwin, of Ood.rieh township, manured his , mangolds in the drilla to spring, eleven loads to the acre on a clay loam, sight drilla to the rod, sewed mid- dle of May. Samuel Bissett, of Colborne, Weight drilla to the rod for maogulds,ontlltrong clay loam, which was manured in�ring, wed e has three thirty loads to the acre. May 10th. like Mr. M glows route on the same years. Gurdon Young, of ColborneUgss his turnips on $ gravelly loam, w' und- arce of natural drainage. He ,TM nine drills to the rod, manured br*8esst in spring, twenty loads to the acre. Seed sewed middle of Jun.. Robert Medd, of West Wawanosh, has ono of the largest fields of turnips in the Riding. The soil as a friable clay loam, mhnured in spring brotidcast, twenty leads to the acre, and salted about 250 Its salt to the -Ifni, eight drilla to the n d, seed Bowesbout June 10th. Patrick Carroll, of Colborne, has his carrots in a clay loam which was sum- mer followed last year and manured with forty loads to the acre broadcast ; • he gives eight drills to this rod ; .owed May 2d. His late rose potatoes are on the same quality soil, manund in spring thirty to als to the acre, eight drills to the rod. Frequent evidences of rot were aen,although tbe vol has $ good natural drainage. C. L. McIntosh, cf Godrich township, has bis carrot on a black loam, deep and well underdrained, mound in WI about twelve loads to the acre, nine drilla to the rod. Sowed the and of May. His late rose potatoes, seven drills to the rod, on a similar soil, are of fine size, but a thin drop. No evidence of rot. Humphrey Snell, of Hullett, has early ruse potatoes, eight drills to the rod on a friable clay loam, tbanured broadcast in the fall, twenty losds to the acre. They .ars very large but nct so dry cooked as the others examined. The following is the prise list as we award them :-- Toluene.—Joseph Moms, lstrigs, 3680 bushels to the acre ; Gordon Young, 2nd prize, 1264 bushels to the acre ; Robert Medd, 3rd prise, 10771 bushels to th. acre. Manootoe.—Jostsph Morris, 1st prize, 4448 bushels to the acre ; Samuel Bis - mitt, 2nd mom; 2208 bushels to the acre; 11. orwin, 3M prise, 19141 bushels to the acre. eaawo'ew. —Joseph Morris. 1st prise, 17171 bushels to the acre ; Y. Carroll, 2nd miss, 14891 bosh.!. to the acre ; C. L. ldolctosh, 3rd pries, 1168 bushels to the acre. PorAros..—H. Snell 1st prise, 3621 bosh.la to the .ere ; P. Carroll, 2n rises, 277i bushels to th. acre ; 0. L McIntosh 3rd prise 931 bushels to the acre. e We award McNaii s sp.ciel prise for the bast acre of turnip., quarts acre eseb of mangolds and carrots, to Mr. Joseph Morns. Wit. Fortin, Judges. Atm MoD. AtLA:t, Itovessb.r, 3rd, 1883. Anne, is Slash Ening glish pugilistyouth.** art of "Up wit Jnr ands. WE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. See Tlioir Imported Mantlos � �I�t18 C otos We aolltiuuSystem of our Systeof Selling SAM:4ess and 00041.,4 It\- M -III 4)rEXprla�The e (10x11 way be retnraed T. C. ==-1012 dz CO_ f not satisfactory and loo;;• y refunded. S Pries dc'sirim • to snake Personal Inspection, and purchasing t, t't. anlount Of 330.00 we pity Return Fare. All Orders for Sampled or 0004 o receive prompt and careful attention. We Self_ 1etai1 at Wholesale Prices_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. ( NEW PATTERN DRESS GOODS ALL WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. I HANDSOME CHECKS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK & CASHWERES A COL'D SILKS BLACK OROS GRAIN. OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED SATINS. COLORED SILKS. MANTLES AND DOLMANS. rE'L VETS LYONS VELVETS. BROCADED VELVETS. COLORED VELVETS. VELVETEENS. Full. Line of Cashmere Hose, Cloves and Underwear. OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED FAST PILE. Cottons, Flannels and Blankets at H. Tv. BRETIIO U!-1 Rranttord, Oct. nth, IBES i hill Prices. CO., Brantford. GO TO KNIGHT'S FOR A SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.O. JAYBS SAUNDERS & SON, trines c'000a.-0asvart-L Also Oo7/Awr' ate..-- "Ry a tbo eeiph knowledge ed the water tusI1 taws erl eb govern the opsIsli-ae dkwwtbee sad intuition. sad by • a ., apptleatlor the sae properties � well - Dries -tett florae, Mr. apps bas provided our Iwuakfmatt tables with a delicately flavoured veryte whiso asst env. us tasty teary sector. MILL1t le by the lad1ole� use eT act articles of diet that • roasdtutlea may �ra,1&any bum up aatil strong �tto refit every teadeney to Mamas. Huadr'eds s/ due mslndHa are deader sterid M to utsek wherever there M a We 1. We stay manses essay ♦ ZZeal shaft by eeptww oar&Mves well ibtttlkd 'rltb ppusrree sad a 'wartime* * frame.'—!`eons ries (Ms$f k•e• WINO, with boll Mee or toll IBM oat la Penh �� aa� I►.1. R t)e.. � Agents tor McClary's Famous 1 0 cn r ROYAL BASE BURNERS -AND OTHER -- Coal & Wood Cooking Stov es Store fitting attended to by experienced work- men on shortest notice. Second-hand Sheves Taken in Exchange. "The Cheapest Home Under the 'Sun.' West street, next to Post OdIce. Goderich. Sept. ie. iau. IIALLIL'I Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER was the first preparation perfectly adapted to caro diseases of the scalp, and the ars[ successful re- storer of faded or gray hair to Its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has bad many Imitators, but none have so fully met .11 the re- quirements neeiltul for the proper treatment or the hair and scalp. 1IALL'a HAIR RExawen baa steadily grown In favor, and spread its tame and Usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its un- paralleled success can be attributed to but one cause: the nein. j t/ascal of its promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of order from remote countries. where- they henthey had never made an effort for its Introduction. The as. for a short time of HALL'. HAMS RENEWER wonderfully Improves the persue! sppearanee. It cleanses the scalp from all 1m- pgritie, mires all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, sad enables them to push for- ward • new and vigorous growth. The sheets of tido article are not tramsleat, Ube Wes el olew bout ptepal$Usea, bat remain a leas time, with* makes Its w a matter el economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE r01 Tan WHISKERS win ebamge the beard to • natural brown, 4u black, as desired. It pradeses a permsawat soles that win •u wash away. Cons'keg of a stogie prsp•r$WS, It N applied wIHont trouble. PREPARED ET R. P. HALL is CO., Nimbus, N.H. OW by all Dealero Is x.dtynee. PHYSICIANS' PRFCRIPTI()NS AND FAMILY RECIPES CO W z W a,l JUST RECEIVED A LARGE .A350ttTMENT OF 'UOn3 3'I,LLVD QAIV aS1Il 11 (GENUINE THORLEY) Fresh Flower Bulbs for Winter Culture INC iUDING HYACINTHS, TULIPS, CROCUSES, SNOW DROPS AND N AR- CISSUS, ALL COLORS. Also, Hyacinthe Glasses and Fancy Flower Pots. F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, MEDICAL BALI.. - - - CODERICH. 1833 ----FALL & WINTER ----1884 rola ALL 'MAI woaxs or .ssuAles.. usururW. sad MeadIDIe.td.ru. dee hoot misisor, wawa thlimoLt rszrtile sal Wm.. prtaer i. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Isla by NO Driesliet; St. slit MI” I, GRAND OPENING DISPLAY OF oderlub. Octel. 1 x. _A__ B. CORNET CABINET MAKER U \I DEATAKER MILLINERY AT MRS. GIRVI'S, • 1X1?E MISS JANE STEWART) SPECIAL VALUES IN DESS GOODS AND MANTLES. mer `gory. Horton's [trick Block, Hamilton Street. CkODERICI'1, ONT_ A. b. U. baa at • tarots, exp use. purchased a F'IR*'s''T ('L.1.'.S' 11E.1RSI: •.d is t•re...red la attend and cond&ot funeral, 0 .1 ,'v»,rt Rot Ise. in town or country. :.r,;,.t.. k of COFFINS AND CASKETS KEPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Roth in 1) c rtT I Woo 1 u•t 1 lila. k ..-r. •;, .,: •I„r I'r ., . MLA. CA SOLICITEID, Godcri.' July 191h, ISM. tions. FRENCH AND AMERICAN STYLES MISS GRAB Ate, MILLII`•TER, Cron Racier. MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK IS FULLY ASSORTED, and all the Leading Styles are Carefully Studied. An Inspection is Respectfully Invited. JOH_A.NAFTEL Cheap Hardware 'Emporium. i CROSS C -LUT S thz W S A- B CORNET -4L_ �E2rLf©, NE=G-I _► \CI. -re are you con.ln4 from s. its shut arm full of R_ PROUT_LPOOT'S, Maple Leaf, Champion and Tuttle Tooth. GrONE MAN CROSS CUT SAWS1UJ Warnock's Celebrated Solid -Eye A:es Cattle Chitin 'and Cow Ties. Best White Lead and Mixed Paints in the Market. q'PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Specially pow to the CASH ix HAND Customer. N. B.—Produce taken in exchange. TRY ME. THE PEOPLE'S STORE, COR. KINOMTON STREET AND THE SQUARE, OODERICH. Tl.c Cheapest and Most !tellable Store in IoM u. \\ b , .uu can get GOOD TF..1 FROM' Me. TO 80e. PER POUND. HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT LE BEAT, Elf '2 lin And Ob, to:. ' I:...•i ooh' could r -e the - Bargains • in Faotories and Flannels. ai everytbng one trams ;ut:Ailint •i ib.ettr.tdt., krtl.rn1 cry ret ti chweelse. P E M OV JD PHILO N0 BI EJ, AL MIR, ANT TAILOR, H Removed to Hamilton -St.. Near the Square, Qoderich --)AND WILL FURNISH OR MAKE t'19— Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. • Suits Made to Order. Pit Qilaranteeda $1.4 Suit for X1.2_50_ 1_5 Suits far �.4t i.e Suitt for IG See Than, Whether You Want to Buy or Not READY-MADE OVERCOATS, fib TO 112. H_ R I D LE x .wise!±. OM. COW JAR. A. IMe1NTOMPS OLD STAND. 4e YEARS FILIMBILbt•E. crrvtsei A ar.PIA;.TT. r[RFtsT PIT P.ta.i TFED. ORDERS rsemarTLT ATTIMINLIII Tilt. lb Orli TtrL AalYRI7ui PHILO NOBLE, HAII¢ILTON-STREET, GODERICH. 1883---AXES---1883. Welland Vale. a ottspi4LVc11and hale, Burrell's, • – —, Burrell's, and the Siinfison Axe. Y9XE`'` V SZmj5son Axe. FULL LINE OF CROSS -'CUT SAWS and the �.IANCF'.>AC TURkD Ilv \ r ;�• R. H.SMITH Sf, CO. the r....rto J. FLINT. .Let MAPLE LEAF LANCE. e r:. Quarters for:Steel Barb Fence Wire CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS (►F HARDWARE. -;7COME AND SEE FOR VUUR'ELF. .r. 11.14 R. W.MKENZ1E'S CT3EA1" HARDWARE STORE, COURT HOUSE SQUARE, - GODERICH, ONTARIO. Godrrlch, Oct. 1, 1M3. T _ a �a, C a 1d ^C� Eta C1 c ..r F a i eire E"'"'d 14 8