HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 4neeeetreeleiemeneseneaseteeetr
THE HURON iitlI)AY NOV. 9, 188$.
THE HURON IGNAL ruE PB(iVItiC14.L TRE4 tTRER. ULTRA eREl'II)AM. �.�.1�1�,� DUCKE(ON, A. M. ROSS. _.••.
At the lime el wilting we are unable \'hen ttu
Om pruelaations were posted The Nem Plovino*a sivwwta'si.
t•� .tate definitely whether Hon. A. M. up iu Thursday u( last week, announce A Victim Found for West Huron.
Ross. the new Treasurer of lhttariu, will ing that s day had been wt for the Howl ••Nelr.mr U.wr- He Is ...retied le Ilte
be opposed in \Vest Huron or not. If natio** of a candtdete to represent N'wt Unrest a...wingless Howse els Acre..
P Tkr TKIe, I■ I.afla+t at ,.uiilL'+ Bi:l ).t•
the adadee of the leatluig Conservatives Hunn1 in the Legislature, als."[ «very Ni. mita
sleredtta.ofL ■dew le t'ewtrst ore .t o cr I sasiusw.l) Enew awe
4y Ike werua.
of the riding be taken we have every voice who reused in favor u( the Hon. A. emit ■seer.••\• Leta seas Ywlhwrdr
En.agh Ie IN.
to believe the new minister M. Rees, the new Provincial enessurur.
elected by suolamgti.,n en tiatur- All admitted that he bad proved himself
day nest. There are malty reaa.ms why to be an able legislator and a faithful
Liberals and Conservatises should join representative, and the more responsible
hands on this occasion, and do a ¢race• men of the Conservative party express-
ful act to the man who has caused honor ed the hope that he would be uneppo..el
to be the portion of the constituency fur the position But, as in all other
Which ho represents, anJ amongst them come ttttt else, w iu Goderich, there are
are the following : - one er two iueddlewute fellows whose
(1.) Cul. Ross is the first Huron coun- only opportunity for obtaining notoriety
ty man, who has over hell a Cabinet is when things are put uta ferment.
position. One of these happens to occupy the pus**-
(_'. • He is not an extretne partizan, tion of president of the Lib. Cuss. areoeia-
but has always exorcised his independ- tion, til he at once raised his vuioe for
race when acting as the people's repre- a ccntest in West Hums under any
seutative. circumstauces. It die not matter to the
(S.) In three previous contents he do- president that there was no possibility
msinstrated that ho possessed the crmfi- of capturing the riding, that in his ..Wu
dence of the large meyerity of the elec- heart he believed Hou. A. M. Ross to
ton of the Riding be tbemoat competent nun for the pose
,4.) Many of the leading Censerna- tion, and that au honor, had been con -
tires have expressed themselves in favor ferred upon the cmnty when West Hu -
of his election by acclamation. son's representive was taken lute the
(5.) His ability is undoubted. ministry. No, no ' These natters
(6.) His integrity is indisputable. were of shall amount if only an thee -
(7.) Nothing will be gained to the tem contest Donk& be gotten up, w that
Cosaervative party on this occasion trio' the bills allies the factious meetings
tedious opposition. could have the name of the president in
44.! Even if the Mowat Administra- heavy black letters at the font of them.
tion were defeated, it would be many a Now, we have no wool to any against
long year before a Tory representative the president of the Lib. -Con. Associa-
from llurou would sit in the Cabinet of tion personally. He is, es far as we have
Ontario. brawl, s kind henbane and father ; in our WEST HURON'S MAJORITY.
We think the above are good and suit- private relations with him we have never It was at the general election in 1879
&tut reasons why Hon. A. M. Rows found him otherwise than eourte„ua ; in that Col. Roes, of West Huron, had so
should n .t he opposed on the present business matters he is as good as the large a majority over his opponent- Th.
occasion. Personally wo don't can a avenge ; in his potation of town clerk figure was over four hundred. At the
brass farthing whether our opponents during the last genorgl election he was not se fortu-
nate, as he only secured. A majority of
put up a candidate to b., knocked dawn a very satidactory public set -vent ; and 167, Goine back with the increased iw•
or not. But in the interest of economy we have had no muse to crruplai'l of him portence and prestige of a minister .1
we would ask the Tory wfopullers to in any particular, sere that at election the 'Crown will strengthen hent. We
bear in mind that the election expenses time he allows his partizan tu.•huga to neve no idea that he can bo defeated.
The Mail's theory is that a cendi.late
should be put up un every occasien,eren
if there are only two C•.neervati.ves nn
the constituency, in which case' it would
have the one nominate the other. This
is faction, pure and simple. Wbere u
the wisdom in exposing your workflow
unless them is some chance regimens ;
but there ,is really nothing exhilaratiug
Hon. A. M Roes has s Sterne hold of that body, and that [hero are many of in butting your head against a'stons
wall. -(Toronto Telegra
his associates wh• are sully as quallfim.
e l Ot.a contemporary is cermet in the
to judge upon political exigencies as he. last portion of the above parwgraph, but
1s published *eery Friday►�,l[c
OILLICUDer Bros., at their Ofnce,Xuitb tt
utf the Square)
And is despatched to all parts of the surround
UR country by the earliest mails and trains.
By general admission It has a tagger vireos
too than any other newspaper in this part of
the country, d 1' one of the raciest, newsiest
and mos reliable journals in Uatarlo will
possessing. as it does. the tore-guingesseutlals
and being in addition to the above, a first -cies,
family and fireside paper -!t is therefore a
most dcsin.Wt. advert la ng loud! to.
Tari"".111.30 in advance. portage pre -paid
by publisher,: $1.7& if paid before six months
L elf not no paid. This rule will be strictly
Itar¢e or ADVERTISING. -Eight cents pe
Lee for Ant insertion; three cents per line for
each subsequent insertion. Yearly, half-yeartp
land quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
JOU PRINTING.-- Ne have also aflrst-e
jobbing department in connection, and posses.
pig the most complete out -At and best facilities
fir turning out work in Goderich. are prepared
to do business in that line at prices that cannot
be beaten, and of a quality that cannot be
nrpaseed.-Terms Cosh
FRIDAY, NOV., firs, 1883.
We expect to hear the wire -pullers of
the Conservative ass tc $tion 'ray now
thin they would not have brouvbt out
opposition to Hon. A. M. Ross, had it
not been for the fact that Tut SIGNAL
supported bis candidature.
TIIE Hamburg Lottery cireulars are
still goading Canada. We hope our
Postmsater General will fee to it that
this German swindle is not permitted to
go on unchecked it the Dominion.
Canadian lotteries are bad enough ;
foreign lotteries are worse.
Tile Mail is already ranting about the
Bull Pup and the Slugger in West
Huron. There wss a little excuse for
the Mail editor dueler( the dog days, but
in the cool November itt is astonishing to
seeno sed a case of the rabies. The
froth is worse than the bite, however.
THE editor of the Goderich Star
should carefully pw.nder upon the ft•llow•
ing, from the London elders -herr: "None
of the Tory organs have so far boldly
stated that they do not believe ill -health
to be the cause of Mr. Young s reriena-
tion from the Ontario Cabinet, but
several of the meaner•apiriteu ones bare
insinuated it,,"
THE faction organs are telling the
electors not to look at Col. Ross's excel-
lent character, but to oppose 'Mowat s upon the affections of the electors of
"corrupt- Government A than with Huron, and a contest under' existing
Col. Ross's excellent characterwould not circumstances will prove that fact, by a
be a member of le ourrupt Government. large majority.
The new Treasurer is assured of the cor- -
dial support of many of the mon honor TAILORS OF 'TOOLEY STREET.
able Conservatives, and we can afford to Our town contemporary flew into a
lot the b aiuuists bellow themselves Hotter Lot week, and attempted to find
hoarse. The louder they shout now, the fault with the Local Government for
quieter they will be after the 17th.. bringing on the election of the' Protin-
cial Treasurer at so [lady a day. Our
Tut London F, a Press sets the Gide contemporary had no ground for corn -
rich Stnr an example of good taste in the plaint. The full notice required by iso
following reference 'to Hon. .hetes was°en, and if all things done by the
Young's flint -sets: - "Hen. Mr: James Tories, were kept within the regain
Younrt, Minister of Agriculture, in the menta of the law the Liberals of Huron
Ontario Government, has been obliged would never raise voice. But, really,
to relinquish • his pusttiun owing to ill- when we come to, think the matter over,
health, acting under the direction of his it seems terribly strange that the On.
medical advisers. All parties will re- tario Government -did not consult the
gret that his official career has been rut (ioderieh Tories on the subject of open -
short on the account stated: air. ing the constituency. Would it not have
Young is far from being an old man, and been wtprteous to .sic the provident and
we may express tete hope that an ahaten•
secretary of rho Lib.•Con. Association
from (reign. maysoon restore him to send wore to Toronto as to the time
to his wonted health." when the writ should be issued,) The
president and secretary of our local
Lib. -Con. Association are such impor-
tant person* (in their minds) that simply
because they aro not graphed the confi-
dence of the Government to which- they
are opposed, they consider a great wrong
has been done to the commonwealth,
\Veli, the Tory convention at Smith's
Hill hatched out a tatndithrte after all.
After offering the nominatt.nnto111 .•
W. J� hnaten and other heed men,
out avail, the conventiesi, at the in-
stance of the \1'ingham ddleptote'', Anal-
ly gave it to Mr. Ed. Meredith, of Lon-
don, and we understand that personage
has accepted it.
Mr. Meredith is a L,nduti lawyer, of
passable parts, but as a politician isprwc-
tically unknown. let February last, pre-
suming epi..n the fact that he baro the
sarno **Arne as the leader of the (opposi-
tion, he contested North 3liddlesex and
WAS beaten by Mr. \Vater", el.PP.
Let the friends of Hen. A. \I. Ross,
Reform and Conservative, clt.se up their
ranks and join heartily to bury this
presumptuous outsider under an over.
whelming majority.
The bringing in a a stranger, barren
of political record, shows that no local
Conservative believed Rees should be
Stand to your guns, men of West
Huron, and let your action on the 17th
tell that you endorse your old, tried and
trustworthy fellow.resic'ent, Hou. A. M.
Russ, as the candidate for West Huron.
in West Huron, which have to be borne run away with bei sound judgment. On
by the country, wilt amount to nearly an °minium such as the present -when
111700, and it would be well for them to an election is tmesitent-the president
think twice before bringing on a contest of the -Lib. -Con. Amexxater!' in Goderich
and incurring so gnat an expense, mere- always labors under the delusion that he
ly for the purpose of causing A factious owns the Conservativeparty ;-h. forgets
opposition- that he is only an individual member of
We don't bear so much about the
"thanksgiving turkey" on this side of
the line. The Lieutenant -Governor's
proclamation dues not neem to arouse
public interest in the day, although we
are just as full of gratitude to the Great
" There are some men whothink they are
great politicians; who are very common-
place mortals, after ill is said and done.
Washington Irving gives an illustration
of this class in .his quaint Keirk, r4,), -kers
History of New York The erudite his-
torian is dealing with the time when
Peter Stuyvesant, the Dutch governor
of New York, was annoyed by the know-
nothing element of his people, who were
anxious to expose their want of know-
ledge on political matters on all occa-
sions The sturdy old Governor under.
took to teach the blatherskites a lesson,
and succeeded in doing so after a style
peculiarly his own. For the benefit of addition to that fact, lacked education
our local demagogues wo reproduce the sufficient to fit him for a member of
with regard to the question el majorities
a little explanation is in order. In 1873
what was considered to be a fair test of
the relative strength of the political par-
ties was had, when Col. Russ rind Mr.
John Davison, a well-known local law-
yer, contested the riding. Both sten
were new candidates, both were cultured
and educated gentlemen, and every effort
was put forth by the political friends of
each to secure his election. Col. Rosa
was elected on that occasion by 89
of a majority. In 1870 he was om
posed by Mr. Pat Kelly, of Blyth,
who was an untried nun, and who in
parliament. Iu addition to the forego -
He accordingly watched his opportu- ing, Mr. Kelly, because of being a Cath-
nity, and one evening, when the en-
olic, did nut receive the hearty support
lightened mob was gathered together,
listening to a patriotic speech tram an of many of the Orange Tories of the Rid -
inspired cobbler, the intrepid Peter, like ing, and consequently fell to the rear to
his great namesake of all the Russian, the extent of 404. Mr. Kelly had al -
all at once appeared among them, with a
c,untanance sufficient to petrify a **till- ways been a consistent worker on the
stone. The whole meeting was thrown Tory side, but those whom he had fought
into consternation -the orattr seemed fur at previous elections basely deserted
to have received a paralytic stroke in the him because of his creed. Hence the
very middle hf n sublime sentence, and;
stood aghast with open mouth and
figures against him in 1879. At the Lot
trembling knees, whilst the words hos- I election, Mr. Johnston, ex -county mas-
lroe ! tyranny ! liberty ! right ! taxes ! ter of the Orange order in Huron, uppoa-
1Vhen it war Meseta mi rrilay evening
that Hon. A. 31. Ross wee t., return en
the 9:3'J p.m. teen from Torouto,trbither
he had gone to be "worn in as Pr,!tncial
Treasurer, a 'lumber .•f his friends decid•
ed to tweet hint at the tete way statist and
welcome him honor. 'rhe melee was
very brief, yet mien the at•rieal ut the
train the plat 1.11111 war er rsdedby young
slid old, anxious to see the return •if the
new Cabins: \linister. A uu ober ..i
Ilt4lt school students, whit take a keen
interest iu matters ps.litical, and with
who:** Mr. Rot.. is a f.as•urite,Lt'ro t melee
t•, light up tin darkness of the tlight,ani
el,,ine. of defeating len. Hie t.esj• rily
in ler bream v Iest. ism -1112. Jut to: pre I-
II.;, a i it mini+ty,• to In 4iv. lit u I,. %Alia
It 1 streug•h. -[World. ' ,
Outten NeeeErti: -In tailgut elr. i'
Bugs into the Ministry, Mr, bti.,N-at es*
at the acute time "hese* 1 bit a;t ireeta•
that o.t one in rtev wap vain).:* of 511*-
olsr,;ing the duttw of the •,rti.:e, and
omen red an ho,.. Lai this section .,f the
Province, which it hat nut hitherto eu-
joyed. It is al Nuys a vet twin a•ivaatage
tor any motion of wuetry to Lave a rye
presentative in, the Ministry, and we
bait* no doubt that the people of
thiel section will phew their ap,areciatlu:l
thureuf. There is not e'ien an opponent
who will question his Mishima titnt-es fel.
the positron.
t e►fortb - -$xp+roiror : -air. Rom was
'men its as Presence -II 'fee to tre^ an 1
(' eniaiesoa+er . t .\grtcultu:•r ut1 elute -
day, 11'hile we sitcereiy revile( the
headed by the tuwu band, int neve be• c:oue w I**ch ha led to the retirement • f
fore the carriage containing the hon.nor. )'lase[[, we cuogratulrte \Ir. ltu►e
gentleman and hie friends to the 1tef,srro I menit his Iuitgthe au.l the G„veltttrent
umet'et:me g the services of ., c,inpe-
rowms apmentineut will to receive,1
tent , Treasu-er. The annuuueoment .,f
The crew,) was quickly increased -by ,r 1. ,. oss,
the uther friends, and Mayor Horton
taking the chair, the mettle•? was
caller to order. Thu chair:u ui paid a
high tribute to Hon. Mr. Rena as a citi-
zen and a Ioliticau, his remarks meeting
with enthusiastic approval.
Cul. Ross made a pithy reply. Hebei],
he said, accepted the office at a censiler,
shin persona! sacritice,but he felt that he
could not well refuse to serve his censtt-
tuetscy, Lis party and Ilia Province in the
Inure arduous work of a department.
He had endeavored to faithfully serve
them as a private member, and he would
also try to do his duty towards all, inde-
pendent of party culur,in his new sphere.
It was the ,practice in England, and it
prer•lled to • large extent in Canada,
not to u p.ee.a new minister who went
back to its eunetituents f,r re-electi,to.•
He hoped that such teen:J be the mese
nn 1,'eat Hun.n n..w. He sad won direr
contests ,o sncrern.ro, .a J he thou, bt it
was plank that he bad the c ,nfidence of
the electees of the riding He ha•l itit
spent erre rent dismally to pert i..01 entre-
teen, assd he del trot intend to do s• iq
[Ata Ht b..lwd theme ,.f his .up,..rteew
shouting: I
would d , anything, s touId a c •iite.t lir were attacked and st .aced by a. ineb
t•re*.l. Nfinch would any say briny( which t:iey fought desperately. The
dta:red.t ea the party He ha.i no new p,.lt'e timidly dispersed the is rb.
t•, announce b,r t:.e Go.erturaesit ; **ran hu.drd a parcel to a do.',.
their pennon now was the p.e:tion tip/ policeman last evening and requested the
had always taken, and teat was b, timely officer to deliver it to another constable.
uphold the territ..riale an•I Ir,ialative The parcel was placed in the dock yard,
tights; of the Province. He was not , where it subsequently exploded.
going 1,, move hs fanny from 4%ederich. The di.s,trders arising from the h.st,l.
as was reported. He had been in the ity between the Nationalists andOran_
mime since childho.d,and if the electors then continues A Nstonalist wet
permitted him,he was willing to live and stabbed today, and rows and the bestin;
die here. Should a contest be insisted of perilous are numerous on all side,.
on by the conservative party he believed Revolvers and other dangerous weapons
his friends wool l stand shoulder to are used. Great anxiety is felt by t'te
shoulder as ecf•,re. Such a contest authorities and respectable le.
would be fiercer than any before (ought, Dublin, Nov. 3. -The Lord Mayor re-
but he trusted that his supporters would turned from L•,ndonderry last evenin;,
send him back a ith a larger majority and was received with great enthusiast.
than ever. The hon. gentleman was
warmly applauded at times during the .1 t•eadwet•r's advcalar,.
delivery of his sensible, manly, and time-
ly address.
Mr. I). 3lcGillicuddy, at the call of
the meeting, made a brief speech. He
said an honor bad been conferred upon
Goderich and the county of Huron by
the Mowat Administration when it recog-
nized the ability of Col. Roes by offering
him the Provincial Treasurer's portfolio.
It noted be a gracious act on the part of
with pride and pleasure }.y the people
of this county,it-respuc:,ve of party pre -
dile cticns, and will be equelly acceptabl:
1. its fellow members of the Legisla-
ture That he will acquit himself ray
c:•elitahly in the large: sphere as he
has dune in the smaller wo have no
J rel t, ani we have every cuafieence in
predicting that ho will aero« the Pee
since As faithfully and as efficiently as he
has, for set many years, served the cnua-
ty et Huron in a somewhat burglar ct-
t/e: lac at L.adeaderrr, ea %kirk Stamm01
Take Part.
Londonderry, Nov. 5.-Seivetal hu t•
dred women working in a factory lion
struck yesterday, because the prupriet .r
refused to ddi.chargo a man who mo::e l
that the corporation rescind its resole -
ti •ci grantee: per:ei'sion to rhe U.-1
Meyer to deliver a lecture in the ci•v
hale The women parade.) the street,
outing: e• o Stve Ireland." The
Pott Hope, Nev. 5. -On Friday night
last the express from Toronto left Mill-
brook for Peterbero at 8 o'clock, and
when the train reached Fraservilleit was
found that the conductor was missin;,
On arriving at Peterbero an engine
sent back with two men, and
About a quarter of a mile sotyd of
Fraterville they stet the. conductor wal`
the Conservatives of West Huron if tliey ing on the track. He explained the ere
would accept the appointment of ('ol. curence in this way : He had gone
Reseto a Cabinet posits n as an"honor through the sneering car and collected
conferred upon the tiding. Mr. Rens, the t:ckets from the passengers in it, and,
although he leaned toward the Liberal having gone through the baggage cur.
piety, was a faithful representative of was about to pass into the coach when
all his constituents. In this respect he met a nun on the platform. He see
he resembled the Irishsman who [laid ed the stranger for his ticket, and g..t.
he hoped that,when he died, hie friends the reply that he had no ticket, awl
would lay him between his two wives,fur further that h
u had nu money. Tae
he had I::',ed them beth, but added, I euuductor said that he must either givea
Give my head a slight cant towardsBid- i ticket or the faro in money, and turned
dy, for she was my first love. • The to go into the car. As he did so the
speaker concluded by stating that it was i man pushed hint and he fell of the train.
the wish of the Liberals of Huron tbat ; He remembered trying to save himself
Mr. Russ should be elected by acclama- ! from falling, but the fall stunned hien.
tion, but if a factious con•,•st was brought; When he recovered conaciousne.s he
on by tee hot-headed port gen of the Tory � started- to walk the track and had pre
party, it was the duty efvthe Liberal audlceeded about a mile when met by the
fair-minded Conservative friends of Hon engine.
A. M. Ross to face the music vigorously,
and successfully re-elect hila by an in- The tet pti...f Am.ssrles' Evidence.
death . destruction . and x deluge of creased majority. He then moved the
affix their signatures ire large R ed Cul, Ross, and the vote that had not following resolution :- KINi troy, Nov .3. -At the Frontena:
g 11 rg post, other patriotic phrases, came" roaring come forth for Mr. Kelly, rolled up, w ' •y Assize. yesterday the rand u
Provider as are our friends in the States.That the meetin$g fol. endorses the gg jury in thee
1 er which declares: The sudden 'spring- from his throat, before he had power to]tl. Ross i** acceptingprearntment said .-"Iu regard to our
However, had we it fixed day f, the close his lips. The shrewd Peter took no
that the majority coags*[ the Con- action of Hun. A.L,rds�ii s reference to tl�ieaei evidence ..f
f ing of rhe election on the public is an- pthe position of Provincial Treasurer o f P
annual thankagiving, we ovoid have a i notice of theskulkingthrongaround him, 'creative candidate was again lower- Ontario, and the indieidwl member ago"rtes, wo heartily concur in your
genet -al celebrntien of it. Move• other indication of the weaknou of the but advancing to the brawling bully ed, and made to stand at 167 thereof ,)
moreviews that a gr&9t anornal
able holidays do not get the attention n[nweat Administration." History re- ruffian, and drawing out a huge silver That tont* is about rho normal support Fiucand daturelin the eerenteaotf lyi s'"gitlar that nu agnostic's tsevidencs
peat* itself in this instance, only that in- watch, which might have served in times
given Seed ones. If it wet* known, 'for , Reform Ii1N aril in \fest Huron, contest. should be accepted in civil cases and et-
'tead n, the threw tailors ofTouley street, of yore an a town -clock, and which is
J ! and The motion was seconded by Mr. C. luded in criminal cases. The grant
instance, fhrt•tho sewed Thursday of who rc resented themselves as, "we the still retained a by his descendants as a cannot be lowered. In the event of a Seeger in a brief but practical address expressing their opinion on the
r RJury in ex ,ressin
November was the regular day of thanks- o le Pb England," two family curiosity, requested the orator to contest on the present o casiun, we are and carried midstgreat applause. ' subject wish t.. intimate pup our L,nl-
iyin hooue•cumim s and familygather-
Goderich P R gentlemen of mend it, and set it going. Tho orator PI ship Y
giving, d R assured the majority of Februaryhat The meeting closed with cheers for Hon, F their entire disapproval oftestimon
► Goderich who were not told in advance humbly confessed it was utterly out of J Y Y
Ings w••u.d be arranged for months be- hispower, as he was unacquainted with will be supplemented by over 100. Let A. M. Ross, the Mowat Administrxtirn, 11 ugnoetics being received in any courts
that then was going to be an election in land the ••f ire.' Ii Lordshipwas veer
fore, stud the day would become some- the nature of its construction. "Nay, our Tory contemporaries paste our figures
Queen. This impromptu gash- he could not n r jury Y soir
;West Huron, "tato over their signatures*ring has shown that the Liberals a -e gee with the 'u in tWe
thins( ilk(• a nat
1 holiday, nnkit_q but," said Peter, 'try your ingenuity, in their hats, and examine them . care- enthusiastic and full of confidence. view they took of agnostics' evidence. It
with Queen's Diuthday, Dominion Day, thee! an eleetoo has been .prong upon roan : you see all the springs and wheels, full on the eveningof the 17th. One ..f the striking features e•f the as.simply la
='the public." "The public" --forsooth ! and how easily the clumsiest hand rasa Y Rwas e matter of opinion, now -
Christmas and New Ceara Y sembl Nae the number of intelligentever, and members of the
And supposing the election has been step it, and pall it to pieces : and why -------- - Y tc.uk'a different view from the ,Leglelatun
should it not be equally easy to ro u•
Moody 1■ Lesson. young men who were present and joined
i brought on at the earliest q Y Y gic
Tho Tury organs, from the Pail to the l possible mo- late as to stop it 1" The oratordeclared in tine hearty reception to the new Min -
Lome -et, Eng., Nov. 4. --\[coli sue-
y great minion at I'I-
e and serosa en K to apocrtmen s
cul Trees Iger. Ti the hoao,table ' were men skilled in the art, whose busi- each rttended by fmm 4,000 to 6,000 Listowel J4onnrr :-No and has given rise to alarming rumors.
gentlaul an lies Ifs +•i h at>sieted jos law had Men named by the Ministry. nese it was to attend to those matters ; •Persons. The iron hall built for rho lac- meet could have been made. possesses
appwiat- The Marquis of Lorne and the onlay,
weeks plat is a is:: w;.it�t is rrKrettel It was ne.s cry that the new incumbent but for his part, he "hold only mar the *axion proved a complete success, afford- Hamilton Tri o,nt :- I'o O1"o arrivwl •t Litters ori Monday,
tiall h teat :eeinati i.,s, n-. motet !should be installed in office with the
workmanship, and put the whole in con- lug seating room to 5,800. All around He P"s"ee"rs a and were recorded a flattering reoeptiun.
Y le ,. �.. �' on the sides of the hall appropriate ,nate texts sound financial [raisin¢, and rarely In reply to •n address from Cee
what on .•: p •,:. ic. 1:1ey ;elder ; 'n ,ti ` letter possibly delay, and • this has bun fusion; - "Why, harkee, master of PP i mikes mistakes
a done. Had Hun. A. M. it ,ss accept.. mine, cried Peter, turning suddenly were displayed. Sankey wog with his portion, the Marque referred t o in
it is al. • t • M ,....0....,.:: t t. a w;rtl 1 t.v , P neon him, with a countenance that ape customary effect. Moody's powerful ad- Strt►tford Ifcurt,n : -\[r. Fl.0 i, reg)
eremite prosperity of Canada and th •
moulder .,f C,n'erv.::.: ,:ei , -the the p"ttforo.•tnd the writ for the election ;Host tnitiel the dreasw showed he had not lest his hold qualified for the position by training, awakening interest of En�lana int th •
pe .archer of shoes intoes nen a and chili[ affairs of the Dominion.
Tory press -hate dcmtanw u t!,ruselves ~Neel Herat been defame', them g,. t. a posrf PCt I•Mtone -"dost thou pretend °1� the people. A hundred pemna rase' Y Thr Premier ,
try wire !tell . e tit •ir h sees in hely her ' to meddle with the mosemt•r.ta of goy tv be prayed for. A heavy storm in the Aar maple •capital selectin. Trtr. Poop* ors Fest• A colony s'
by sneering at an oopj►roent who to un- ernrnent-to regulate nod c.,rrect, and afternoon and evening s.mewhat dimin- Lindsay Pod Theselecti„ Anent Pwpuenha, flying the 3errrr t Aa
able to dseen 1 himself a ring t . jemmied r,r a, ot'ie sp-Gn(nt( "( the media, patch, and cobble • cemplicerod machine uhed the attendance, but unfailing in- R n ,11 gee and claiming authority over c.rn( oouo
*neral satisfaction. Cl Roes" a an
debility. The ghoul who rob grsrryards w.,ul .: , -, . • (luny .,see ag•iwat rhe lbs ptinctp,lea o(wl►ich ere clove thymin- tere.t was manifeste,l. A number of able speaker, and has made provincial territory, recently threatened to fire mine
is not m .re :n�tnseinte i thus a r ift} in new Minister i, ,l,dingothc. without �oiug l iwehension, and iia simp+lwt opersfioru Ftn,minent nl.rspmen r Ccu ed "*sets en
finances • apecalty. a schooner for not paying duties levee I
who sneers at the sickness .d a stricken (sack at once to his a.ndttuonts fur re to "**bete for thy undent•nding, when the platform. M," dy, alluding to ha Toronto ti'irrfd ind* by the cdony. The captain of the vessel
Independent :--Th• hewed the British Nay end was thea
election. Ilse I.c►1 tail..rs of Teo obey thee can't not correct w trifling .rn.r In
mission in Ireland, sold hN thew two,
selection orf (..1. Rem of Neat Huron as allowed to de
felk.w g.rnty The f aeries t, Item from • c.Tlrmrn p.isce of mechanism, the whole
week there had been the .mat pnvinetty. Mr. Youetr's successor i' unobjectnmahle Dart. CES jtiiz''
e patter 1 ub:ubed in Galt, where Mr. street week' not have been satisfied with m ste of which u open to thyinsure-
his life At the doss of the evening espt eectr is
r.' view, aR i` is
y ry pe est exc fmm • p got of ..{ man namoxl John careen, sed Bir,'
anything the M.,wat Get -eminent ecoid mwettn • man sh.,stad that 3Lotx1 • an.l .ecttttna i.m moat not i.e ptermittrd hoe,•! k+.p.rr in rho township of Tecum
Young rr,,drs, sCi., 5 5 one psrtteulsn • f t. n!- Resler et the t• the leather ¢ y ;sloth near Alliston who was summoned a,
its ilinws : do, tine would boldly ann. neer, In any ' and stone, ishith are emblems of shy last mission in Seglrnd hod irrwts • (ti- to int.risn with public barium's.
sv est that "the public" hal "offer*.) .head ; cobble thy ahem. and "tontine thy- bun,. Muesdy wnswer«1 by gllinq for
London .4 Westia r • - ; s witnessinthe Cardwell election trial,
P[tt-"oat_ - Reference tai ing been r wMch Har►en
volunteers jMr. A M. Ro,•.
made in the lif.d, of Moeda to the nut. Under those circumstances we endorse I reit to tbv yo•eatIus, f., unteers to cense out b.ld y G:I the
member for West Huron hes [[cess ,� Ids''' dead lust as lis had entered the
Say Y health •• the action .1 the (loventment in not call• ; h"a fitted thee.' Lord's side, whereupon aMnt 3 000 men printed to the o ffios vacated 1, ,I r. i Gturt House gates, rhe ansa of death
James Yoter, we ung hasegiven t the hisfriends r n ing them to its aid when the day f.t, i Our readers veil see at a glance the raw" en mase, Tise incelent caused
firming. Mr. Row M. ►.wen in the ors apnplety. probably induced by es •
thee. -
mach excitement. Let• � ele ment. ('arrnll was in a veryfrail
Gait and Minitel( s nor nnrasinrss for i Imo* the well was 10 be named. i knees ..f the heading to this aeric).-
Waters for .evwral yeas. H. is w g.a d enndition before the attack and succumb
debater, and Ihon.n hl I
several weeks pant, and his .,art to Kew --- I ,,'.• nstor wItr.1 rryif•oae - Let o..t tM R y able t.. take care ed to it in.f•ntarieottal '
York last week was to emetic In. Haim ; his an sen secret that there vu an 11is pmlaile met - within a year Albert '4 Himself on the fine of the House."Ire
1 ;shoemaker gra b«yoitd hu lsN. I'nu.reity, Belleville, will be Inco rr- I Thu Cirdwell contested election time
mond, a very eminent alectnhat ox the jateresting Lundy qu•trrel at the Censer- i __ ntwcl with ,'ietoeia, viol lhs'reafter d.• G.iv.rnmwnt t.tnem� f .et i)ntario AM bmngllt not the het that bar -moms
nervous system, on 11ie subject. We are ppo.awl in \V..t 'welt* npwn nn elwceion day, end thr'�
satire meeting; on Tironolwy night of last rises will not fie granted by the former. Bran n the e'.rtio•n will take place n., treating on !oshill of the Tory candidate
glad to learn that 11►. Tonne has already Twenty Ave of those who rpperlel to
Improved under the trwa•ment ..f Dr. week. ill the Lirds in [the Alwnest did ft Pit
year. elsws le,,,,..,,
c .l ly e,�aittl w II Ire anlinlptortant riding h i • sp><• T • C.rnwnauvw ..( tie t,:11;e11,1:31,,t71111,4
Judgmentwasgivennnmemeespl, and will ,),nide., I,e t rttt-randtl ere was : oHowiek voters' list riga In • f=+ .(ft*riser.trwf,.re the judge, were ref.te.,l feeder ,d vict•ri• t'niventity, (lelwan g to einem* him. ss ttHas tfthatdecliflnnn•il,sHnmoill.•he1h. 'I+ne• N beth ..r no
s; f, l ores. Kane Alh,nru is
ill with srbeuhut
illness of Hon James Y.oual, et•Pruvin- should be delayed ? The Provincial was a poor eobblcr, and had never meed- easefully opened hisfever. rho attack, though sU�tbl,issuffi
Treasurer had .l d his- Sled with a watch in his lite. That th ington to -day. Four meetings were held, o�lat.a• et Ike Pres,.• *gent to confine him to 1 a t
It le