HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-09, Page 3Rdl/eelal tkasllsntlrs Cam be leave •11 hie wrougs to the thyro. sad carp h4 heart l his wheel- I Ca be do •n hours work in a winute,and Ilse Cam 4e a sixpence to ea equal,snd brow - an Woodcut dunce 1 Cam be k things In apple-pie order, and do h&U-d-dose* at oboe! Cap baptises addll the lige of knowleJRe with And b. quick that he k own h how muoh to know *ad knows how to not know too much! Dost he know how to spur up his virtues- and put • cheek -rein on his pride 1 Can he carry a gentleman's tusuney within a rhinoceros hide 1 ('an he know all, and do all, and bre all with cheerfulness, courage. and rim/ If to. we perhaps eau be auklag au editor ' outeu of Ltw !" lT 1I.L C AKLLTUY. Plata Talk 101 Idea. Remember, ynumg friend, Most the world is o'der than you are by several yuan : that for th'.a..inds of years it has been full (.1 5I .trter aid letter young men thus. yourself ; th t when they died the gloam went whirling on, and that mot One nun in n hundred utilli..ns went tb the funeral or even heard of the death. Be as smart Rs you can, of curs.. Kees as much as you stn ; she 1 the light ..f your %edam abreaJ iu the well I, Lot don't try t , (i.tsde ur astonish anybody with it. And duu t imwine 1 thine is simply because you happo:t''o think it is. Dent be tauo Gerry for yuur father because he kuuws m • Lauds lass than goat do. Hu arca to think he was as mach' smarter than Lib father as you think ye.' are smarter th •n yours. The world less great need 1.1 young men, but on greater need than the young men have for the world. Your clothes tit better than'yuur father's tit hint ; they coat more money ; theye m we stylish. He used to be as straighi and nimb'e as you are. He, too, perhaps, thought h s • father old-fashioned. Tour moustache is nester, the cut of your hair is bettee, and you are prettier, not, fir prettier than "pa." But young Ulan, the old gentleman gets the biggest .Clary, au.l homely, scrambling sienaturo on the business end -of a check will drain m .re money out of the bank in five minutes than you could get out with a ream of paper and a 'upper plate sleek ure III 111 months. Yonng meat are useful, am1 they are ornamental, and we all love thein, and we could not engineer a picnic succeed -Il- ly without them. But they are len nov- elty. They have been here before. Every generation has had a toll supply of them, an 1 will hick) to ret-) end oaf time ; and each crap will think them- selves quite ahead of the last, and will live to be called old fogies by their mons. Go ahead. Hare y.,ur day. Your eons will, by and by, pity you for your old, .add ways. Don't be afraid your merit will not be discovered People all over the world are hunter.; for you, and if you are worth finding, tnev will find you. A diamond is nut WI easily found as a quartz pebble, but people search for it all the in ors intently.—rPierenaloeical }touseholts Hint s. Yank PAa'+rtrs.—Boil until tender in called water ; cut into slices, dredge with flour and fry brown. Sash curtains are usually tiled in ,lee. on slender reds of brass --a rod ing used at both the tap and butteren b the curtain, They oars slide on rings or the rods can pass through the hemi. Em- broidery or other oruausut.t' is usual- ly paced on the street side, the curtain being faced on the inside with the same material. PAaIN1r BTsw.—Three slices of salt pork, boil one hour and a half ; rcrepe ux p•rsnapi, cut in quarters, leuethwise; a.1.1 to the pork and let twit nue half hour, than add a few potatoes and let all hail toretber until the potatoes are soft. WHILST MerriN:1.—One quart of flour, two tablespoonfuls of sugar, fire eggs, a teaspoonful of soda dissolved in hot wat- er, two teaspoonfuls of cream of tartar, milk enough to matte • thick batter. CINNAMON Rn.LY.--Take a piece of pie crust, roll it out and cut in narrow strips ; sp riuele cinnamon over it and roll up tight : put in a tin which has b_eu well oiled wit% butter ; bake until b own. CoCANUT J exima(. —O.te pouu 1 of co.eotwut grated,three fourths of a pound of suiar,-three eggs. a large iron sp•ton- ful of flour ; drop on buttered pans. GOLD AND SILVER CAM' —011e teacup wh to sugar, one -.half teacup of butter, wh.tes of four eggs, two-thirds teecup of sweet milk, two teacup.. of neer; two teaspoons of baking pewder ; flavor. Gold cake : same as abate), urine the yolks of the fur eggs, and adding o:le whole egg. GRAHAM COOKlS-.—TN. cups of sugar, nue cop of sour cream, one-half teaspoon ful of soda, mix quickly, roll and bake. Caro'ica'e Farrr'sa-i.—Cut scold b til- ed chicken in small pieces, put in a dish and season with salt and pepper. Make a batter .1 three eggs, one pint of milk and flour ; stir in the chicken and fry in hot lard. Ecei Sauce.—Roll One tablespoonful of butter in dour and stir it into one cup of meat broth ; add two beaten eggs ; boil one Minute. Pound the yolks of four hard -bailed eggs and season ; pour user the liquid. " How To MASE SCANDEL —Take a grain of fa!seb•wd,a handful of run„ab )ut, the same quantity of uirnble tongue, • sprig of the herb backbite, a teaspoonful of don't -you tell it, six drops of malice and a few drachms of eery ; aid a little discontent and jealously, strain through (if l bottle ofutale tolruce,oin and hang it up en a skein of street yarn ; shake it occasion- ; ally for a few days and it will be fit for use. Let a few drops be taken before walking out awl the desire l result will Journal. follow. THE QUEEN ANNE CRAZE. —A carpet A Remarkable gild Woman. caught our eye ; one of those Oriental carpets of 'rimy colours and no particular 'Aunt' Hannah M. Jackson, colored, tied at No. 314 \Vest Fifty-fourth street Wednesday night at the age of 111 years and 6 months. The most remarkable trent in the life of this good and respect- ed old colored lade was her death. She was not a lady servant nor cook to George \Vairhingtiln, nor even had the pleasure of hen ling that warrior a cold cup of coffee and a e arelyzed doughnut at the wayside inn. i She 115, did not re- me:nember serine General Lafayette, nor did she set. '..,round hot coffee to the gal, nt firemen battling with the flames sof the great fire of 1837. She had not read every chapter in the bible. She did not perform a hard day's work every 24 hours up t) the day of her death, and didn't want to walk ten miles daily le - fore break`tst even if she could. But she did live an upright life, and died st the home of the four surviving children of her family of ten.—{Philadelphia Ex. pattern, much affected in those days of Dutch incitation and Queen Anne revival. I It is a craze, by the way, this, "revival' i in art and furniture, and will go the I way of all crazes, The other day a friend irefurnished his house from top to bottom to please his clierming hut slightly cap- riotous wife. No sooner comfortably (or uncomfortably) settled, than they dis- covered the shape of the rooms and the general style of the house to be out (1 harmony with the furniture. This was unendurable. There was only one thing to be dune. Having bought the furni- ture for the house, they must now build a house for the furniture. Lares and Pen- ates sere warehoused, the house pulled down, and my friend and his charming wife have gone travelling abroad for a year, while a famous architect of advanc- ed views builds them a house en a pure Dutch model to suit their upholatry. t slawny Girt. Under the present ostler of things, should the novelist go into the highways and resorts of the world to study reality he would find many a daughter of the gods, divinely tall, andthe most divinely fair, who, when her lips aro opened, will dispel the charm of her presence and bring to mind the old fairy tale of the damsel from whose lips dropped toads and snakes at every word ; who acknow- ledged no law of etiquette but her own whim ; whose standard of regard to others is her own con:e...ence ; whose greatest virtue is indiffere ace and wh rte best charm absence. It is true that at summer resorts there are charming and lovely girls, but their iefned presence is' completely overshadowed by the pushing noisy vulgarity of the roystering girl of the period, the girl whose family is often ixcellent, whose advantages socially and educationally have been all that position and wealth could command, and yet w he „remains VI the end vulgar, selfish and M,trusive. A Timely cerreett.a. There was a good deal of bribery in Lennox, clod there was a good deal in West Middlesex. It was as bad in one s„, case as in the other.—]Hamilton Spec• tat or. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAV, NOV. 9. Ni3. INN*. Tim O tknluos t *fel gently sl ire up the bang question and Ia rigs the loang- ists after the following style: 'Oska- loosa has • number of very pretty girls, of line form and i,teUeetual ippon-awe. They have ;tool foreherds, hut confound them, they follow that hideous fashion of hiding that evidence of cumeauese and character by asy of 'bangs' that would make an Iumuu uuiid of the Flat- head tribe rend her garments with envy. You know that the Flathead Indian thinks the forehead a mistake, and mush it out of all decent shape by prussinz the heads of their intuit between cruel boards. This gives the head thus stash- ed an idiotiu and inelegant expression. Bangs operate in about the Lona a way -- especially those that come down like a hairy sheath, euvering the eye brows and givene a sweet sort of idiotic expression, and yet fairly sutgestint that the girl utas shaken down her frust bair pre- paratory to making a boating; Maohiue of bcr fair heal. If we shall have any- thing to do with celestial gate -keeping, in the final sorting up of folks, girls with those bad bangs will surely go to the 'de - monition bow -wows,' while it will be an awful tight squeeze for those who wear those nasty little wiggly fluffy things. It may he inferred from this that we do not like this practice of 'banging,' and the inference is quite oorrect- Aaelbee Witness. A. Chard, of Sterling, testifies to the flicacy of Hagyard•s Yellow Oil, which e used for a badly injured knee joint, It is the groat household remedy for in• flammation, pain,sareness, lameness,etc., and is used both internally and external- ly with infallible success. 2 New ter the VIDA Day.. And all their attendant evils. Tho hot weather brings with it many discom- forts. Sudden attacks of illness should at this seay.n be provided against. Pol- son's . erriline, the great pain cure, is a never failing remedy for all internal or external pliers. Cramps, diarrhoea, dy- sentery, and spume are cured as if by magic. Always sure for neuralgia, rheu- matism, etc. A 10 cent sample bottle will prove its efficacy. Buy a 10 or 25 cent bottle at Wilson's drug store. Use Poison's Nerviline. Excuse os, but it was nothing of the hind. in Lennox it was proven under oath that Mr. Roe gave out two and titre dollar notes indiscnminately. while others wore equally active in disbursing money in the interest of Stir John. In West Middlesex it was not proven that one dollar .]ranted kande on account of a tote, to real thing proved being that a ratan to bay two votes, but Mr. Rale eomnilpe refined to entertain the proposal --(Louden Advertiser. Rite M.N.—The following is from a resent sermon delivered by I)r. Beecher: "A man that has become so rich that he don't want to intimate with, is in a bad way. He thinks himself too cultur- ed, but the proper way to spell that hind of culture is c -o -n -c -e -i -t. Some then get too good to associate with their fel- lows. They are s) god, so confounded- ly good — (laughter) — that they don't want to meet inert that are not so good. Fur then[ nulh.dy prays aa they o.uuht, noltdy preaches as ,they ought. They thank Good that they are nut as other teen are, and all the other men thank Clod that it is so too. (Laughter.) There is • tendency in riches t) pamper a man's pride, fur with prosperity Domes power and a tendency of self will ; et this the] scripture says : 'Seest thou a Ivan wise in his own couoett, there is more hope (they didn't pay compliments in those days)—morn hope of a food than of him.' What a hopeless set there are about Brooklyn, and some of them are hen." Mad 1/:alaage. There is nothing mitre productive of disease in a neighborhood than bad drain- age. Open the culverts and ai aiceways and purify the locality. The obstructions in the human system may be remedied in a similar manuer by Burdock Blood Bitters, which opens all the outlets of disease through the Bowels, Liver and Kidneys. • 2 The grand jury of the court of assize, Hainilton, have signed a long petition to the Governor General asking; for a couuuuntation of the sentence of death passed upon McCabe for murdering her infant. A citizens' petition is being circulated. krans's Fluid Llai■Ing Isthe only instantaneous relief for Neu- ralgia, Headache, Toothache, etc. Rul_- bing a few drops briskly is all that is needed. No taking nauseous medicines for weeks, but one minute's application removes all pain and will prove the great I value of Kratn'a Fluid Lightning. 25 , cents per bottle at George Rhynes' drug'. store. 1) a Wreag .rtalea, Alauy a duller is pard fur poremier:pu'e • for some disease that never troubled the HUGH DUNLOP patient, and when the sale didleult was Poems which • few od Freerase's \unu l• Able lI'ailor den are would remove Those Pow ashion{/L den ars plessor, sato ■u3 sure, contain iy_ their own cathartic, and are adapted for children or adults Y a titesataa t. all ■aaktad. la these times whoa our newspapers are dooded with patent medicine adver- tisements, it is gratifying to know .hat to procure that will certainly cure you If you are bilious, blood out of order, liver inactive, or ;'mesal debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you se quickly as Electric Bitters. They are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only tifty centa a bottle of James Wilson. [2:] w: sT s'r'REE'I', Has the Finest ki;stirtment of Goody for Fall Wear to Chose From IF YOU WANT y 8 Nobby Suit at a Reasonable Price, cel.L UN HUGE. AID" 1..I.1TLOP_ f30DERI08 BOOTS AND SHOES PL A4 NING MILL Buchanan,Lawson (Robinson In End I ess variety, cl.tN UYACTUKRtta or ESTABLISHED 1853. At the nldeet Established:Shoe Store in Town, Sash, Doors & Blinds DKALCKa IN ALL KINDS Or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every description. SCHOOL FURIIITURE A SPECIALTY. []All Orders promptly attended to- Oolerlch, Aug. 2, 1883. 190-'-4 ALLAN LINE OP ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPF LIVE RPooL-LONDONDERRY-GLAD :OR Every Saturday From Quebec. SUORTF_•iT SEt PASSAar. SPEED, NM FORT AND SAFETY. Summer .lrrangem •ent. ttessen IRai. Peruvian Sarntat ian .. . Parisian Snrdtuian • l'trctusiaa Nor, •• I'Oi,y noeian l u Ycrucia " 1r Sarmatian " .1 Pastengcrs moire to leave Uodcrich rat noon on Thursdays, to connect with stran.er at Quebec. Prepaid eertifleato ieeuedtit grcntic reduce 1 rates to persona wishing to bring their friends oat from the Old Country. For 'tickets rind all Information, apply to H. ARMSTRONG, Ticket Agent Ooderich. Ooderich, May lath. 1353. Oetr. a 13 •• 20 To Ht'-►vEN Ix• A Ptn.LYAN CAE. — 'Aud his (Eleazeris) sword clave to has hand,' was the Rev. Mr. Talmage's text at the Brooklyn tabernacle on Sunday last. He contrasted the Hebrew gener- al's energy in fighting the Philistines with easy-going ways of those modern christians who want a'roae-water and kid glove' campaign. 'They want to ride to heaven in a Pullman sleeping car,' •' said he, 'with their feet on plush cushions. They want the bed moa de up early so that they can sleep all the way, and have the black porter, Death, only wake them up in time to roll them into the Golden City. They want soft sermons, in morocco covers, laid down before them on velvet cushions. But that is not the way to salvation. We must expel from the church those who eat the commun• ion bread on Sunday and eat the widows' houses all the week. Not a baptism of cologne and rose water, hut one of fire, is needed.' as among irewore. Cu qems bu a ata $ mite of Kidney or lTiwer'u;le•priRt hist Electric Bitten wit Ret .ppwwiiil ► eM. 1 We soy they .saber, • tboseseds ttf eases alresdy pitememen kr mised Ilei who are daily re. coletweadlisil)] >*itters, will prove. Bri ►t'sDisssesi Dhbet._, W.ak Beek, nr as t quickly cured. Theyyp si blood, regulate the bow- els, sad Ws directly .a the diseased parte Aker, hettie For **lc •t aft ores& W J. WOO. [1J: s AllPaot11611b the use o1 Dr. g►r11's II"M% bolo Treatment. Ste hhNlbiMut elsewhere Sold at Wilmett i s' *4+ (I' Sew lire Pre Va chem Weakened by ease. Debility and Na_/MI •. The Great German Invigorator is the owly .,-U1.• for impotency, nervous de- bility, universal lassitudes br.lJtrsss. pain is *stack or sides, ala matter how shattered the system may be from ea - ceases of any kind, the Great Ge Remedy willGenoa restore the lost fesetions and mauls health and hippus sa $1.00 per pars, M2 boxes fes $6.00. Soli by all drtsggistm, Beat on receipt of piss, postage paid, by F J. Cheney, Toledo. Ohio, cola meat tor United States. Cir- culars and testi.anuisle Nat free. Sold by Geo. Rnyttes, sole agent for f)ede. rich. Ent : Ayer's Cherry Pectoral wonderfully increases to power and flexibility of the voice, enabling public speakers to speak' clearly and without fatigue. If people ; f who are troubled with colds would take! Rev. Father Wilds Ayer's Cherry Pectoral before going to( EXPERIENCE. clulrch or places of entertainment, they I would avoid coughing, greatly to the • The Rev. Z. F. Wads. well-known clt7 comfort of both hearers and speakers. anlsslonary In New York, and brother of the late eminent Judge Wilds, of the Maesaeter. The guests of the Albion Hotel, N ia,t- .etre Supremo cart, writes as follows : I N E W GO o D ice, N E 7C7 P R 1 C E S _ bra Falb, Ont., were thrown into a state ";d E. sub SL Nem Fork Mq le, Dw2• of great excitement et dinner, on Tues. Weenie. J. C. AYER A Co., Gentlemen ing humor affecting more eeprelally my limbo, which Itched PO Intolerably at t iQQbt, and burned!. intensely, that 1 mold scarcely Fear any clothing over them. i was also a sufferer from a severe catarrh anti catarrhal congh ; my i ESTIMONI Z. _ loo:linge:t xl, Utmt -The crowfoot hitters I (ask cured toe of Kick Headache. alter twenty years of autf.•rang without Mir.g able to find trlief. Mies..1. llot-uNciILAO, Claria!rn g, rh.'.--Tie ('r a frot Bit, era Tel teetty cn.wd me of rtahr: runt, without tieing any teller We M . J,e4.1u 1.oLUHeLD. If you wish t* net the warns .t pearsteeae N ask Year drusglat r IS. THE 1' .-ILL KEEP IT 1 May 17.th. Pei 1891-:n to suit the most fastidious and th most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK Is now complete, and I take pleasure in informing my custo.ne:s that vious time have I lied such a at uo pre - Large & Varied Stock As at present. I haveraised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unt i it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be gut elsewhere. CUSTOM WORK of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, said will be made ay in the must approved styles by first-class workmen, red of the very best material obtainable. _ T CD WNING CIGARS. CIGARS. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT 1N TOWN A full line of all the Leading Patent Medicines always kept on hand (Physicians Prescriptions a' Specialty.) RCE R1IZTNAs, BLAKE'S BLOCK, THE SQUARE" OOTS&SH OES =owreirs.g £t Wedc1-Ln.ep Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the ebove Store in the store 1a'el), occupied by Horace 'Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summar Goods at close tiguree, we are determine to give the Public thebener:. QUICK SALES & SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR 1OTTGI .XiTPleasv' call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. 'a -Remember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store otEr-Custom work will receive our special attention. efe-None but the best of material used and first-class workmen employed. oferRepuairing neatly done on the shortest notice D Goderich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D Ms 21 T F' R O Zai T _,e.c4-. .2N ABRAHAM SM1?'1-1 CALLS ATTENTION TO TIIF. Ft I.OZVING : CLOTHING, £3'A LARGE ASSOf:TMF.NT, AND THF. LATEST DESIGNS:MS CEJ .\ FINE ABSOII ULESS VAR' ETY,r LTRNISHING GOODS HATS £TALL THE LATEST STYLES. AND EVERY SIZE11 £Ti.I. PATTERNS. kf SNI) ASF T60UAIRANTEEI) Oit NO FALE.'klCLOTHS day last, by an old man named Wm. Mc -1 Intosh choking himself while eating hu dinner. A physician arrived about ten minutes after the occurrence, but found life extinct. He succeeded, however, in I removing a large piece of beef which was , the cause of his death. last winter 1 was trouble.] with • most nnmm- fortable Itch A RawatD—Of one douse "Tsases- IiR" is any one seeding the best four he Arm on "Ttastaav, the remarkable little sem for the Teeth and Bath Ask your Aresgat or address The sum of $5,000, in one dollar and two dollar notes, has been stolen from the Government at Ottawa. Payment of the notes has been stopped. The number of the one dollar bills are from 505,000 to 506.000, and of the twos from 145,000 to 146,000 and from 135,009 to 166. Thr entekeet Thing ea Regard Is Krant's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia► Headache, Toothache, etc. It does r.ot blister or discolor the skin ; require but one application to banish all pain magic- ally without using any greasy liniment or carrying your head in a poultice for weeks. Try • 25 cent Rattle front (leo. Rhyne'. druvgut• h appetite was poor, and my system • good deal run down. KnowIng the value of AIKII'a SAnAAP.t- RILLA, by observation of many other cases, and from personal use In former veare, 1 beg:tn taking it for the above-named disorders. My appetite improved almost front the 55ret dose. After • short time the fever and itching were allayed, and all signs of irritation of the skin disappe `n My catarrh and Dough were also cared y mean, and my general health greatly Improved, until ft Is now excellent. 1 feel a hundred per Bent stronger, and 1 attribute these results to the Inietk' confldenc *s theMt the 1 recommend with all blood meds Inn ever devised. I tonic It to small atom-. three times aday, and need, in all, less then tet. tedu lee. 1 place these fleets at your service, Moping their publication may do gond. Yours respectfully. Z. P. WILDS." The above Instance is but one of the many eon- stantly coming to oar notice, whfrh prove tbe per - fret adaptability of As r-a's SAa art.LA So the euro of all diseases arising from Ispareor Ism pererlshed blood, and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla el«•nails, fortehm, and strengthens the blond. stimulates the action of the Memessk and bowels, aed thereey enables the system M 1355* ..d o. Irene the an ebef sit •.+_Jeleue Ddswsee, hay; Eye, Ear and Throat. free. the sank R..sees,M !Monk ciewes MbUite, cad all elands raealting tum poor se corrupted blood and a tow elate of tk. system DR. RYERSON an. aa..vk lersa. *sea"' Ont., Dr- J. C. Ayer li Co., Lowell, Mess. 1t. C. P. L. CAL II:. Lecturer on the rice e1, six reredos for fell. cad Medseal Col- bold by all Druggists; p Mercer Rya A sl.aa oorArlds, an Hospital. may ! CHEAP FCR CASH. TALK ABOUT FRUIT. AS. A. NAI1IN HAS THE FINEST BRAND OF CANNED PEACHES IN THE MARKET, AND HIS CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN ARE DF.Li('IOC". A TRIAL WZLL CONVINCE_ COU IIT HOUSE SQUARE. GOIotRICII. ONTARIO 1 n nnnl ern n i 1 li nonny New 1. the time. tf yea w W Wisner tws Na rases et beats. to see Pette['' room paves ItW hes ever 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs AYER S ( CATHARTIC Reaattfal eshte. sad at prices los* than r..ry mneh Infer • r good*. (a; l sad se 3 these tree are the trot relse to town. and n wet be sold. THE WINDSOR HOTEL. PILLS ' e'ra 'rroRD. -Seat Purgative Medlolne— P 1it►riii azae pale sCoe+ lMn lndl`.rco. Nesode, cadThP S }' int p up.tt RtH %ilii rdwrs. Sold 01 Lid of Dry 11 . ....>..t. -...►..r. r.tl..t.. A e r SUTLER'S. 7aa• sub trial lie