The Huron Signal, 1883-11-02, Page 7rill; HU1tOX SIGN I., l�'I�It��►1, NUV. 2, is.).
Fun ant) FInc . Householb` itnts.
The averag.irl with a big bet loaded
with dowers and feathers seems al haul
till you t4Ik:tis her,
"Hello, boy ! H.your pap.' taAy-
thing inure about the arthquake 1' "Nu
air, out iu thu:Iscbia. "
• snknuwe persl.n attempted to
break into the editor's house 'recently,
but discovered his mistake and escaped
before the editor could rob him, 'sl• s
VTi•ru Doodle -"lee, Miss Frust, 1
always wear gloves at night ; they make
ono's hand so nice and oft," Allss Furst
-"Ah ! and do ou sleep with -your hat
on 1±MSW' rte:
"I don't ek. t., have my hub; an 1 chow
tobacco," remarked a young married
lady, "but I put up with it, for the tin-
foil is jest too handy fur anythin in dU_
ing up lay front crimps."
New Jersey woman lately wrote to
the publisher to stop her paper as she
noticed it war "entered at the peat oftioe
as second -clan matter," whereas, alio
labored under the impression that she
paid for a first-class paper. ;r`' marl
Sonia admiring poet said of his Trost
girl, "Upon her face a thousand dimples
smile for me." Which only adds more
emphasis to the adage "L.uve is blind.''
How like the mischief a girl would leek
with • thousand dimples nn her face
The poet must have meant freckles.
The scarcity of gentlemen ata neigh-
boring summer resort was so apparent
that a Boston lady •telegra hed to her
husband : "George. bring down a lot of
beaus for the hop this evening." Thanks
to the telegraph manipulator, George ar-
rived with a "pot of beans."
- !Ming item says that the 'peelings
of green cuembers will kill cockroaches.'
No (Juestion about it. Green cucumber
peelings will kill anything. if you can
only get 'anything' to eat them. But
they would hare to be sugar-coated be-
fore they could be smuggled into a
cockroach that was in his right mind.
"There are five persons in the car and
only four fares in the box !" said the car
driver as he opened the door. Ail the
passengers looked up and at each other,
and a man who sat reading a paper slow-
ly turned tri his wife and quened : "Why
dear, didn't you pay your own fare alien
we got on) You are becoming %cry ab-
sent-minded !"
There is a man up in Vermont whose
brains, according to one of the medical
journals, have dried up, so that they
rattle around like beans in s bladder
every time he shakes his head. ' This is
a splendid effect, Hundreds of men are
going, about unable to show that they
have any brains. If they had something
to rattle they would be -well fixed
One rainy day the minister, of Bine
was out visiting his parishioners, and,
• going fal•ng a rery muddy road, he met
one who was measuring the breath of the
road in a rather zig-zag manner. The
minister remarked, 'It's iso go(d walking
to -day, Jeanne' 'Weed, minister.' re-
plied Deems, 'it's no muckle better tumb-
lin,' for I have tried oitith.'=1111=311
Do not despise the American hen.
She is industrious. She lays every year
9,000,000,000 eggs. She earns the right
to cackle. Some of these eggs may be
bad. It is not the hen's fault. She
does the best she can. Out of the 9,000,-
000 deeds that men do, more or less
of them are bad. A hen's egg is good
when fresh. Men's dude are nut apt to
to be .o.
A western exchange tells us that a San
Francisco girl who is worth 82,000,000 is
hunting in vain for a man with eyes like
sapphires, an•i says she will never.nevet,
never merry any other snit of man.
Well, Miss, you'll probably die an old
maid. Young men with eyeo like sapph-
ires are mighty scarce. But if you want-
ed a young man with a nose like a ruov,
you probably wouldn't have to walk
further than hall a square far one,
'How tr.uch do you think L weigh ?
asked a young swell who was visiting a
bluff old dairyman. 'Well," replied the
milk handier, 'I couldn't exactly say ;
but from the experience Eve had with
Calves I should say that when you're
weaned you might weigh almost as much
as a box of cheese.' The youth bellow-
ed for his mit and was led home by the
hired man.
'What a peculiar shade is that : What
could you call it 1' broke in the young
lady, opportunely turning to n passing
coetume of dark red, which emitted spas-
modic gleabis of indefinite white as its
wearer moved m t ed n n. replied
'That the
elder Indy, critically, 'was meant, I
should say, to represent crushed
raspberry upt,n which the cream had
A tall, stylish-lookinz women, leading
a grey -hound, passed the balcony of a
Saratoga hr tel, on which two gentlemen
were standing. 'What a beautiful crea-
ture,' said one of them, in a voiles that
proved loud enough for the ladr-Vi lad-Vibear,
Turning very red in the face she glanced
angrily at the speaker and said : 'You
ha%e no right to insult mc. sir.' Excuse
me, madam,' he replied, 'but you flatter
yet/ee.elf. I sots alluding to the dog.'
A Sseestlag Misnomer.
Physician's are often startled to r•
markable discnteries. The fact that Dr.
King'. New Discovery for Consumption
and all Threat and hung diseases is daily
curing patients that they have given up
• to die, is startling them to realize their
sense of duty, ane) examine into the
merits of this wonderful discovery. re-
wkieg in hundreds of our but Phpsi-
t-ta.slosing it in their f»aetiee. Trial
beetles free et J. Wilson a Drew genre.
Illeguler mise 0 a. 4)
Rrass1 need Lligar•Isg,
Cures Toothache and Neuralgia .`nick as
f{aah, relieves any pain instantly, the
cheapest and quickest appiieatle % k noes.
Why speer with Tontheehe, Nenralgia.
Headache, Rheumatism, Ltimbagn, Scia-
ttea, Sere Threat or Auto Pains of any
kind when you oan go to (leo. Rhyne.'
dru,t store and get a perfect and inatan-
taneons cure for 22 cents Ask for
Krn,q's Fluid Lightning. ler
An ()admin the -ileum is no brighter
light to the wandering Arab than a bottle
of loe. Van ituirpn'. Kidney Cure is to
1 the uw/ort.nate 'offerer friar Kidn y
Dimerw it is a perfect, positive and
flrmanent rune Sol! by .1.1 Wilson
ederich. 2m
i Oatmeal cookies Combine many good
qualities, a+d will be relished by 3hild-
run. Make them just like an ordinary
sugar cooky, using two-thirds oatmeal
and utte-thi
d wheat dour.
An ext ly simple way of ornament-
ing the sg a of flannel which you put
over baby in his carriage is to crochet a
ruw of open work and a small scallop on
the edea and run a bright ribbon thruugh
the (yen spaces.
�ra+btrrnes wake a delicious filling
for a relypoly pudding. 'Stew them, us-
ing as little waiter as pwsible, w that
the juice will;bv thick and jelly-like;
sweeten and let the sauce pail for a min-
ute or two, but not longer, after the
sugar is put in.
Cream fritters, as an entree with roast
beef and ve{dtables, are uu .10 just the
same as if they were to be beaten with
syrup. The cream is a gravy made of
butter and fl..ur, with toiling water
Poured over. A little sugar should) be
adued, and a few drops of vanilla. 21-1""
T the family is gory small, and large
mares of bread are likely to become stele
before they can be eaten, it is • good
plan to make two little loaves Girona tin.
They will keep their sbaplall right, and
will not run together or tet er�ny
more than rolls or biscuits dc.
A nice dish fur breakfast is made by
cutting pork tenderloins in thin slices;
stew them in water till they are nearly
done; then put a little butter in a •euce-
pan, and fry them till light brown ; serve
them on buttered toset, with mashed po-
tatoes and raw tomatoes sliced thin.l
Apple custard pie should be baked
with an under crust only. The filling is
delicious if made of one pint of sweet
milk, one pint of smooth apple sauce,
well sweetened, three eggs; driver with
lemon or with a little cinnamon. This
will make two small -sized pies or one
lark° ono.=
A pretty bag to hold Dards is made by
taking two squares of pasteboard of the
same size and covering them with satin ;
on the upper part of the outside one put
on a lid of velvet or plush; finish the
edge with a cord and hang by narrow
ribbons. The back need not be covered
with satin ; silesta of the same color can
be used. The betahould be lined.
A little time and trouble used in re-
moving the seeds from grape sauce will
pay a largo interest. After the grapes
have cooked sufficiently so that the seeds
separate readily from the sauce through
a colander, then with a spoon remove
the seeds as far as posible, put the skins
back with the juice to cook until they
are soft, and skim off any seed. that rise
to the top.
Cranberry pudding is made by pouring
boiling water on a pint of dried bread
crumbs; melt a teaspoonful of batter and
stir in. When the bread is softened add
two eggs, and beat thoroughly with the
bread. Then put in a pint of the stewed
fruit and sweeten to your taste. Bake
in a but even for half an hour. Fresh
fruit may be used in plaoe of the cran-
bemes. Slices of peaches put in layers
make s delicious variation. !sell Well
Handsome coversofor sofa pillows•'and
cushions are knit of silk pieces. The
real foundation for the stripes -for it is
made in stripes -is knit of common cot-
ton yarn, and is knit with medium.
sized needles; knit three rows, theft, draw
through each loop on the next row a bit
of the silk. The silk must be cut iu nar-
mw strips of equal length and width.
The yarn most be drawn firmly down to
(told the silk in place. Old and even
so,ilead ribbons may be used in this way.
A table scarf of olive felt was made
handsome and tasteful by having on one
end a corner of plush. The piece of
elitah was shaped like a triangle.
Vhere it joined the felt there were some
fancy stitches with bright -colored silks.
The other end of the scarf had straight
band of plush put "n with fancy stitches
also, and instead of being an inch or two
from the edge of the scarf, there was a
space left of at least ten inches below the
plush. Both ends were finished with a
row of fringe.
A mixture which is excellent for re-
moving grease spies and stains fr,nl car-
pets and clothing is made of two ounces
of amuaonia, two ounces of white Castile
soap, o ,e Dune, of glycerine, one •ounce
of other; cut the soap tine, dissolve in
one pint of water over the tiro; add two
quarts of water. This should bo mixed
with water in the proportion of a teacup-
ful to one ordinary -sized pail of water.
Mix thorou••hl
y, and wash soiled gar-
ments in it. For removing spots use a
spurge or clean fl.mnel cloth, and with a
dry cloth tub as dry as possible. Wool-
len goods niay be made to look bright
and fresh by being sponged with this.
`How shall I punish my children 1' is
the despairing exclamation of a mother
who writes for advice. The most satis-
factory theory of punishment with which
the writer is eo, esinted is that of Her-
bert Spencer. It is simply that so far as
possible the punishment should be an
outcome of s natural result of the wrong
act It is not by any means always easy
to follow out this theory and put it in
practice, but it is less difficult than one
would suppose, after all. If a child will
play with matches, let hint burn himself.
That is the idea; and after a few experi-
ments of a like nature he will be more
likely to listen to the admonitions of his
mether, and to take her word ft it that
evil results always (anew evil acts.
Ilollestimes Speedy corr.
From the many remarkable cures
wrought by using McGregor.' Speedy
(jure for Dyspepsia, indigestion, Consti-
p•ttnn and Affection of the Liver, and
from immense sale of it without any ad-
vertising, we have aencluded to place it
extensively as the market, so that those
who suffer seer have a perfnet curs. Go
So 0. /threw of nag Mare and got .trial
bottle free, er Th. regular site at 50 cents
and SI. •
4 Lefts Aarhus Penwell.
Mr. M. E. Albion, Hutohina'n, Kae
saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle of
1)r. King's `'w Then,very, for Con -
&emptied, which awned hist to pressers,
a large bottle, thateerapletaby eared him,
when Doctors, change of climate and
everything had failed. Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness. Revowe Coha,
and all Throat and Luwg atomises, it is
,uarante.d to ours. Trial Bottles at J.
Wilson's drug ,tore. Large site 11 (1)
Joh. 1.e and the Taster.
An Euglishnuse she was travelling Ian
the Mississippi rivet told tough stories
about Louden ti+ievee. With a silent
but expressive 'Humph !' a Ciueinuati
man named Case heard those narratives,
and then remarked that the Western
thieves beat the I.oudou operators all
'How su r inn•lired the Englishwau
with surprise.
'Pray, my dear sir, have you lived
much in the West 1'
'Not agreat deal.'
'Wel1,1 said Case, 'Dry brother once
lived out West ; but he had to leave,
ahbough hie burliness was one of the best
in the country.'
'What business was he in 1'
•The lumber business -he had
'And they stole the lumber 1'
'Yes, and saw -hogs too.'
,Saw -lays t'
`Yea, whole dozens of black walnut
logs wore carried away in a single night.'
'Is it posri ble 7'
True, upon any honor, sir. He tried
every way to prevent it ; but it was of
no use. Just to give you an idea how
they steal out there,' continued Case,
giving a sly wink at the listening cone
pany-Woll, one day my brother bought
a fine ing four -fent -three at the butt, and
not a knot in it. He was dotenuiued to
keep that log anyhow, and hired two
Sootchwen to watch it all night. Well,
they took a small demijohn of whiskey
with them, snaked the leg ue the hill,
built • fire, and then sat down on the lug
to iolsy cards, just to keep awake, you
ser. Teas a monstrous big log --bark
two inches thick. Well as I was saying
they played cards and drank whisky all
night, and when it began to grow light
they went to sleep astraddle the log.
About a minute after daylight Brother
George went over to the mill to see how
they were getting un ; and the log was
gone !'
'What were the Scutonmen doing 1'
'Sitting on the bark ! The thieves
had driven an iron wedge into the butt
end which pointed down the hill, and
hitched a yoke of oxen on and drew it
right out of the shell,leaving the Scotch -
men there astride of it fast asleep.
Sit VI -
tuned Th•.sanee
All over the land are going into ecstacy
over Dr. King's New Discovery fur Con-
sumption. Their malfoked for recovery
by the timely use of this great life Sav-
ing remedy, dimmed' therm to go nearly
wild in its praise. It is guaranteed to
positively cure severe coughs. colds, as -
thine, hay fever, bronchitis, hoarseness,
loss of voice, or any affection of the
throat and lungs. Trial bottles free at
James Wilson's drug store. Large size
$l.00. (2:)
A Rey MCN 1• Rlat,
A Detroit physician who had business
on Woolbridge street yesterday, had his
attention called to s hoy about twelve
years of age, who had picked up a crack-
ed watermelon from a commission house,
and was eating it in the alley.
'Boy, that melon isn't ripe,' warned
the doctor.
`I didn't say it was,' was the blunt re-
'And it's sour.'
'Well, I kin sweeten her, I guess.'
'You look out for the cholera mot -
bus :'
I've had 'er, and the •small -pox too.'
`See here,boy,' said the doctor, think-
ing to make a Last appeal, `if you eat
that melon you'll be dead inside of
twenty-four hours.'
'And you look it here !' replied the
boy, as he cut off another slice with is
piece of iron loop, 'you may chin and
talk and Ware .a11 you want to, but I'm
no kid ! I know what yer want, but yer
can't have it. You can take- this melon
home for fifteen cents in cash, but ger
can't scare mu into letting it go for noth•
tog ! You'd better buy your melons in
the regular way, and aave yer chin for
next year's campaign.' -[Detroit Free
An unhappy marriage is like an elec-
tric machine -it makes ono dance, edit
you can't let go. Reward
For any Testimonials recommending
McGregor* Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, (1"stiveness, fleadache,etc.,
that are not genuine ; none of which are
from persons in the States or thousands
of miles away, but from persons in and
around Hamilton, Ont. \1'e' give trial
bottles froe of cost, so that you cannot
be deceived by purchasing a worthless ar-
ticle, but know its value before buying.
Trial bottles and testimonials given free
at G. Rhynas' drug store. a
A alight Mistake.
Tho Bismarck Tram's, is responsible
for the following ;-Aa the ticket agent
at Mandan stood at his post yesterday
afternoon a most beautiful lady came up
and asked for a ti'iket to Bismarck. He
stamped and laid it down, and the lady
fumbled in her purse for change. All at
once she exclaimed lin a petulant voice:
"Darling can't you be patient 7 What
does my pet want, The agent turned
. o res that his eyes fairly blazed, and
stammered out : "Madam, I-1 -I-I
assure you that there is no hurry at all
Take your (ahem) -take your time mad-
am." With a look that froze the blood
in his veins and made him feel as if icicles
were hanging all over his body, she re-
plied : "Sir -r -r ! 1 was speaking to my
little girl,' and peeping through the tick-
et windrow he saw a wee bit of a cherub
tugging at the lady's dress. When she
had gone he sank down in • chair as pale
as • corpse and told oonductor Richards
that if his family were better provided
for he didn't think he'd ears to lire an
hour longer.
►_ _
llertgf the utmost co.Admeee 1n Os onion.
MOW Prat all others, and after t housaw 1. of
ONO M the mars complicated and severest
MOM w. could Aad. we tool JustiM.t In toffee
tat to forfeit One Thousand Dollars het• an►
Mae of ocaight, road•, wore (;brow*, InAnenxa
ksarm.ess. 11111knchitio. enatmrwptInn In Ito
early dapsa, wtsaoptwg rnegh. and as Aiewa•eo
d the throat sad lunge, einep 1 aathi,i, for
which we one Mahn relief. that e
. can't (etre
with Wateo Omagh Syrup when taken seuord
lag to direction•. Sample battles. is and !O
emits , Isere %nett.w ono d tar. Reno:no
wrawp•rw only In Moe. Mold all An
or sent by *roma on rnnwlpt pries. If
WHAT di t0O.. M wet At King street East,
Tinton°, Ont. Reid at J AP W ELPON'P Drug
Opera Galeria, 1011.
They tell a good story of Landlord Ito-
h.•rts, who kept the best hotel at Bar
H tr:..r, mallei thirty years ago. Ilo woke
yp o .e night by beano( seise uue travel-
ing about the house, and liehtine a Call -
die, found one of his guests in full shirt
dress. wanderlug through the roma
"What do, you wait r' said Roberta "I
want to find the hen pen," anal the roan.'
"%VhAt iv tit ander d., y..0 want of the
hen pe, , this time et night 1' asked
Reber- "Well," said the luau, "you
see I last my pillow somewhere, and I
wanted to get lute the hen pen and get •
feather and make another."
A visitor to a baby show down in
Maine thus suras up his conclusions :
'Fur 'pure unadulterated fuelishness
about a baby, • father can out-fuidish'
all the rest of the family-yes,and I will
throw in the grandmother on the moth-
er's side, too.
• tee Pledgeat rr.Irsae•., sad alt ultimo
- It may cowers.
Phos ,luitine, or Nerve Form, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientitis
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Mau., cures Pul
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the !mitten
system. Phosphatine is nut a Me•..levine,
bis'. a Nutriment, boc.auee it eontaies leo
Vegetable "r Mineral Poisons, Opiate.,
Narcotics, ant no Stimulants, but situpo',
ly the Phosph itic and (.artric Elentuuts
found in our d food. A single bottle
is sufticiunt to convince. All Drugtiets
sell it. 81.00 per bottle. LOWDRN aC
Co., sole agents for the Dor.,iuron,
55 Front Street Hest Toronto.
As the testa ot winter yanuh under
the caloric influence of the sun's rays,
so does Bright's Diseaso, Dropsy, stone
intim Kidneys and Bladder, loot Infiatn;
mation of the Kidney., leare the Leder
upon the adrniuistrttion of Dr. Van iiu
ren's Kidney Cara. Sold by J. Wilson,
by me this season. I hope my old
patrons will hang on to their
Fruit until see them,
New Customers Wanted
Goodt'Solo.' Fruit
And w111 pay t •ighest tbar'kc t
e To . s Sc Sugars
Stet all' atf
▪ C R D() F. RIES
---.1T --
oP1) o
125...:40s QLD,
The (irooc•r. Court Hoose Square,
Sept. 13. 1583. 1e08
That tliphtheri• Y ear of the inset danger
pee dlee.i.ce Is mutually sweeps away thons-
sod. of chIklten, is • fact which no ane can
dotty and slat dor-Ines in many caws are
ppyywerlr» euparal 11 Woos, saw true A meek -
Awe that 1. s curtain and wire run• for
thio Aa�nntgtrrweaanrt .-..niawione Morose should
be hailed • •,hi..) and wsrml- welcomed ivy
every it os a to int• intim. of need. A row
iitatratMn r sears easily checked at the
beginning !,esus steer i• Tari en; red headway.
Ito Idt ie w,,h al* A4cer. Keep medicine ee
Iratld^an.l An nos .it 11110 1. ton lasso. Poch
��lo�o(liclwe Y offend the public la DUM-
aWelare •thserga01tht7 4fmviness.I that i
Will answer Its purpose. 1.-tt,,• wont have
bran e.mnn(sancta,taken out for the Dinlo(sancta,Yd prwia ,tins are take. that noon. w111 Imi-
tate k. We kindly set medical mon to eiore
last mouldy • trial. Teallsienlwl., r•en an
a1 trial bottle.. sent nn applying for.
Address Rev.H. IVIRRI.11W. 7nrlrh f`, O.
Oar sok. as alga. ItArA•a• Woe *fere.
414• ierieh. a.I
July M tOtl ION 1 7
Agents Wanted W sirsa•. s,
oNlr E --s .00 DOLLAR.
_ '•}.
:i t
Has t`e moat ertteti.ttfwd inrfut-teal circulation in British !i .
America, is n to i J �r int tltenaiue Cable and T. legrpr hic News, .,
•a Si and is the nae «;1'h•,ity upon Commercial and Financial 12
.j 'Manse, the. a jhout t"c dominion.
•.. sl 'One Year, ... S7.00 j Half Year, ... $3.50
Quarter Year, $I.75.
...v►,rvwty: t -:xis-... -
!• c•' 3.
1a order to .noes►` case already larg�e list of early subscribers to . 0 1
V • e . Talc W:o t.Y GLOst, we make the renewing yearly
and magnifi L t 1
p cent v .e....; ev.ry loader of this advertisement who wishes to talc } •
t, lL tI atvsnt:;C of it at once i1
For 103 i0 we will send to any. addict, in Canada or the U. S., •
• Irons naive, ea.! of Po -c '•. I, . 'Sa. and in addainn, A 8Atl1DSOME _
6 . :' Num OTI S-MCLL' 3:-: K-7111DIh4 WATCH. ,7
7h• '1 a/rh it of r1•n:•;rr'(1r
1 .1 a ; It swat in a/ftarawu re. i r t :
0 L. il • •car -t vroder, raatuqurnliy requiris tai fry ; it is dsut-/rwj, ass l a
i, opt ,orf Leat-kerfkr.
• The above price includes postage upon Watch to any address in
• 4. ane)a or the United Stales. This offer -only holds g until
January Both, ASSY. We wall start shipping watches on (•.tober
% tjth. Rew?n
ittces shd be oa'sent at o nee, so as to er.ab, us to ■
•t4; procure necessary supply and fill orders with as little delay as !!
,. i possible Address, T,
1 , GL7%::: PBtlao-T'i'olQa 00, (Limited), k
. Ilig
•.. 5•....., ora -air ,MOW-
.5 -�r�
- r The Creat Dotter Piper.etat sat
fl a sill - t
reefc_.AI'W'CON ICra- r"ivIPIPSW.hs
not. 1 t • :- -weep, .. tors
ant dare before you dl
something mighty and s,.b•
Ione leave behind to condense
time. $1C a week in yourowa
t.wn. $3 outfit tree. No risk. Everything
new. l'apital not required. We win furnish
you everything. Massy are making fortune.
Ladies snake as much as men. and boys and
girls tnhko great par. header, if you want
business at which you tun make great pay all
the time •..rite for part itulors to fI. Hauarrr
4 Co.. time,
Ohrystal & Black.
New 1)t'11.SRSJand SALIV1 A\A h.
wLlt:a posatrely and roma:eat) rules IN•
• N' '..NCE CARD.).
bRrr l ABS. CO'], Tosoirro-Rstabtk.ks
R,tablisbed 17!S.
HARTFORD INS. ('O'Y, of HaRTrortn, Cosa
-Established Isle.
Risks taken in the above first-classo01ces at
the lowest rates by HORA('F HORTON.
The undersigned is also Appraiser fro the
Money to Loan on fires -clam security. •om
7 to Hyper Cent. -Charges moderate.
Goder' :1. Sent. 10. 11*0.
sthof rrest
longd. victims.
-Tkonsand,s or frees vcs
tarrd.on shortest notice. ' pMracy easiestbl execrate ot any Mosta
_ __I Weakness; and all diseases Ibat tot -
I ' !ow as a sequence of Felf-Abuse, as lots of en -
.1;1 kin i, a1 Re;Wrin;i executed unC t 'tae. Cryfy. --k''• (d meaory, ill 1%ers.I [eltnde•
T. pain In the back, (Unites& of vis:ussa, rrenta-
pet-wino! s f ur. item lei as* * prsg•rbita is i, l •a 1 tun, •ol•1 age, and •nlauy of Lt r d i.(easel * t h a t
1 p n to Icaaaltp uer co.asmrt:cr avid r(ma-
. :air. ►-ate.
1. for circulars with testimoulalt free by
•a.1 1. The 1111{'Wf.*AT.R 1a sold at t1 -per
' tis% orsiz boxes for $,A, by alt drugg',ts. or
, /' .
h • .- N1)1*rip' se•faprict tree, lere myadmallsrlcg. securely ot aloe, on
�: j
F. J. CiiF.NEV. Drug.i, .
"f 11'e Summit Rt.. Tut. P.•, :rhto
A a
isen. Ittn'io t,
I Sole .trent for Goderich
see- e• • n'•ople*rt rapines c t1.plook
, .,t for clean e.
ra to
tict.,1.-;r earniagaand It, time be
' aS7• wealthy : ehoei; who do'
r 1 .i f mnrote their. nppa'rtun
. .- ,einem In p.;.%t•11;. \' c oft a grea
•rose :e ::11.• •• mower. N twand 1n( n, we-
• and g.rls to work for u• 1r lives
1 ."nettles. Au' u, t can go the sal:u k pro.
'•(01 the first •taw1. The btu;l. 05s will
,'.it than ten tines,,rd;t.ary t: saes. Ex-
• ••• 0tfa furnp tot �tI ink. No font t• •.n ttn-
1.110 :o make u,rlrt•y rapid!). 3 , n can
•••.•wolr , ,ur whole :into to tl.e nut k, , r ualy
i. :oar s;set mre moments. Full Infer nat;on and
8)1 re.a nr.:esiary sent free. Address SUN
eaN .C, Com. i'orlland.1IaIae
t1 : ,a;11 j*, the above -reward for any (ase of
% saes..
tear + r
1 ata
M ! . Sick nese
.•• 1.•et, r.. t' ueti t
! • u Pa for, or we
• tt
t - with lveet'aVcget•LltLem.
i,r t.re111(11arest1ittlyconipiledw$4.
1 ,..-y me erely lar getable and never fah to
g a t -At:. ',Ilea. sugar coated. Large llozei
c •a ,n ng ;)u Pills. 23 rent,. For Bale by all
' Utu; Itewarc of counterfeits and Imlta
tun,. The genuine man.eacturn! only b'
.t•KIN 1'R•E�T t: Co.. -me1'111 Jlakers.•
35 a:nl et,a Iain;; et. East. Toronto, Ont. Free
• r 1.1 kage sent by mai prepaid on recces
(. (a 3 cent stamp.
he Sale as WJYOX'A DUI G %T•REC.
r$'; fii31;1S
Are pl•aMaat to tale. C'cotain their owe
Partadro. Is • sate, nim, and *Mecum/
destroyer '4 minas is CW3dsssor adult..
year, w g.wr•anteed .peetllc for Hlslcria, i is
sinews, ('nvulrions. lits, Nervous Nn,rnient
lloat..-us, Nervous Prostration caoat d h the
Use or alcohol or tobacco, Wake (killers, Men.
tai Ih•pres.ion. Softening of the !train. result
,; ..1 ;n•anity and leading 10 mtr,ry, decay
.4 .l••aih. Premature Old Age, liarrennem.
- •+• ••! Power ineither wex, Ins raluntary-Leases
el 41 . rmstorrhoww. caused by oyer -exertion
•4 1'he • hos cure cure( recent cow*. Farb Mor arcor.
twiw• month's treatment One stellar /a box.
n1 -it bon •,. for fire dollars ; sent hr /Hall pee
drocc1 .~r..'1.cur, anyeof e,w.aWIth felh�.*ru 'vitee re
re ( let as for aft hove*, aceompatled wltk
.c .oral.'-. we w111 seri- the p.irrl.aeer our
.e 4'ie g•arante, to refund the money If the
'mem/40 erre• not 'Meet a twee. Ouarastese
Issued only by JAM PI W ILRAg ,ale ant
axe 1 agent for Onfirrlrh. I.nt jolt \ 1. 3t'
t pal.. ode proprietors. T, to that.
S793 week . aide at home bthein,trlon.. Iteot hnalnr, naw befire the rillie. (•ape, oat. t
r,1. %Pc will start yen. Mon, sap
,. risen. bol s n'.: Oita wa,i' o d eery
1,- .rue k for n • Noes la the time Yon
, on k In spare time, or rive S nor whole
tiara t • th • Amino's. No olher hnsineaa will
.'o one ran fall to
tows Sou nearly
•.i well \
NAMttL �!j�g Pay. L! h maor rnnrntnns Pn3. h)- rntnngtng at ane'.
AG N11 wet! disease' es, R a »r f•nutlt ani rernta frfv )Ione mad9
or Capital r•t•elni Jmote sea 4"i, a fast. sadly wn-1 AAdrws.11nen .4
teal. Qneh. e.Co.. Atoroeta. Maine.