HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-11-02, Page 6THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY N UV. 2, 1882.
the Poet's tomer.
A Tragedy la raw Participles.
t11kowlag bow easily the i.ugl:ah
may ar be simplified by eliminating teals Iris
Bally Baiter, she was a teacher au f un;bt,
And law friend, Charlie Church e as • preach-
er who pr•aght.
Thom -it Itis friends all called !Alio a .craecher
who scesugh••
Iiia heart, wile , be saw her, kept sinking sad
And his eyes. meeting hen, kept winking and
While she, In turn, fell to thinking and tbuuk.
Ile hastened to woo her, and sweetly he
Fur his lore grew until to a mountain It
And what he was longing to do, then he d,,oed.
In secret he wanted to speak and he spoke,
'l'o seek with his lipi what his heart lung had
tin bas managed to let the truth leak. and it
Ile asked her to ride to church, and they rode ;
They su sweetly did glide that they both
thodgitt they glade,
And they came to the place 1„ be tied. and
were toed.
And homeward. ho said, let us Brit e and they
drove: •
And sole/00 as they wished to attire th:y fir.
rot c,
For whatever h.• couldn't contrive she cot}
The kis Le wits dying to steal then he stole;
At the feet where he wanted to knee: there he
And he said. "1 feel better than ct er I foie."
W they to each other kept clinging and clung.
While Time on Lia swift circuit was winging
and warm
And this v. as the thing he Was twinging and
'The man aril: wanted to CA,‘ it and had
caught -
That she wanted trutn others to scratch and
had ecraught.
And ('harley's warm love began freezing and
While he took to teasing and cruelly Lose
'rite girl lie had wished to be squeezing and
"•1Vretch 1" he cried, when she threatened to
leave hint and left,
"How would you deceive me as you have de•
tett r'
And she answered : "I promised to clevt<and
I've cleft !"
--IC. A. S., in the Continent.
Letter Writing.
Unless one accustoms himaelt habi-
tually to the use of the pen it is some-
times a olitticuit matter to bring uuees
self to the actual task of writing a letter.
Not but that there is something to say,
but the putting the thought into langu-
age, and this language upon paper is tot
the e•ssy thing which at first sight it may
appear to bee And all too frequently ab-
sent frieitda are neglected front the sheer
laziness of the person you ought to send
thein a letter.
Yet who that has ever waited 1 ,u:; and
anxiously for tidings from son. • loved
one, and fretted and worried because
lhry did not write, but can aperociate
the value of a letter even if it be the
merest scrawl so far as penmanship is
concerned. The welcome news is in it,
and the mind set at rest fur its vague
con jecturings.'
In these days of cheap postage and
ready mails, it is generally not from lack
of opportunity of knowing that distant
ones are left in iyuurance of even matt-
cera of detail as regards thelives and well
being of those dear to-theni. Aral id fru
way except by frequent and minute de-
scriptions by means of letter -writing can
the bends of sympathy be well -cemented
between absent ones and those left be-
hind. Interests and feelings always
prove to seek the present, and tangible
rather then the distant aid vada., will
su absorb one's time anti attention, that
very dear ones Cir away will receive but
small share of even the thought they
would were their daily lines made clear
one to the other by means of frequent
letter -writing.
There is a 1„•.ver iu letters for iu-
tluencing other minds, which overrate
aril most think only too lightly Of.
Words which from the mintier in which
they may be spoken can fell lightly on
the eet r of the listener,assume now mean-
ings irhen clearly penned in black and
white. The mother's advice reaching
her absent buy in a letter, carries with it
an urgency which her spoken words may
not always cony • . The brother, sister,
the friend show themselves doubly in
their pen strokes.
Yet evil as well as gaol can leave its
impression upon the paper, and if the
good seem intensified by the written
word, so too, will the evil obtain added
force by being penned. Once sent, the
letter cannot - be rec tlieff, and after
epistles can hardly seem, to efface the
effect of written words which had best
never have been written. Greater care
should he taken for this reason iu the
selection of language in letters than in
speech, and there is a world-wide differ-
ence between a good letterand a bad one.
Neither blot or erasure should he toler-
r.ted, except in the most intimate corres-
pondence, and a misspelled word is an
unpardonable sin. There is no excuse,
(n these days of general education and
universal dictionaries, for not knowing
how to spell.
Handwriting should be as regular and
legible as possible, entirely free from
11 .nrishes. But good and clear penman -
Alsip comes by much practice. There is
00 royal road to it ; nor yet is there
any royal road to the aomp..siton of a
clever letter.
One of the lettere of inquiry which an
before me asks : "How shall I write an
enter'',ning letter1” You might as well
ask, ' how shall I be an entertaining talk-
er / The god talker, or the good let-
ter writer, is, liko the poet, burn, not
made. There are but few rules for wen -
position which may be given and follow-
ed . Never try to write a long !AVM -
never allow yourself, indeed, to write
one unless you have so much to arty that
you cannot help it. A long-winded let-
ter is onlyless unendurable than a prosy,
long -wined talker, became you can
skip the letter, and the talker won't let
you skip him. Say what yt q have to
my as briefly as M i, convenient with= i
ung it cl(s ifs, tlNsroid alike'long t►oI p 1
snd %weigh atenee. May whet you hotel
to sa , and he content to stop when k
is if you have nut the good for-
te to be witty, or brilliant, or original
in your way of looking at things, still
your letter may be clever, and if not,you
at leant can be prompt, briet and ever -
teems. All letters, of whatever nature,
save to the people who are so closely al-
lied to es that we can think aloud to
thorn, should be written with a certain
amount of consideration. It is one thing
to make a careless speech and quite an-
other to put the cute thoutcht into the
duel permanence of pen and ink.
Thea let the missives Sy —letters of joy
and hope and sorrowful tidings may paaa
but that they might never be the bearers
of evil thought, rather let them be utes-
selters of right on good deeds intent,—
Within the Sounds of Streisand and Pnese.
If American women would enjoy their
homes and allow their guests to enjoy
them how much more delightful life
would be. The constant effort to have
and do just what their friends awl neigh-
bors do makes life a perpetual struggle
and worry, and destr.ys individuality.
How much better to make the parlor
furniture last a year or two longer even
if Mrs. S. or Mrs. T. have bought a new
set, rather than to buy the new and wor-
ry because so much itiNney was used in
that ,unnecessary purchase that a lion
Bred troublesome, petty economies must
be I, i-ue. How much better to have
less elegant furniture and drew better ;
a paid and conaequen• 1 - u oze efficient
servant ; a leas stylish dreesmaker and
(pure b.o.,ks ; more things that add
to the interest of home life. In the mat-
ter of entertainment there is the saute
straining after style. Instead of • quiet
enjoyment of a visit suited to each one's
taste, the guest in made conaciuua that
the entire family is thr' wn out of usual
mode of life and many times more money
spent than the means of the family war-
rant as Ione as the visitor remains. v by
should the hosteas feel compelled to en-
tertain her guest every moment of the
time, while she could save herself so
much trouble anti anxiety about the
thousand and nue thine' that need the
personal attention of the mistress, by an
absence of an hour, or perhaps a little
more. If we would only (earn to live
within the hounds of strength and
pocket -book, and meet the bounds of
the pocket -book, if stretched at all, be
stretched, for comfort, not style, life
wuuld be worth more to us than it can
ever be if lived as lived by a multitude
f Alnericon women.—[Christinn Union.
(low to Crease a Wheel.
The °ere 31alera Mueuzine endorses
the statement that few people are aware
they do wagons and carriages more in-
jury by greasing too plentifully than in
any other way. A well -made wheel will
endure constant wear front ten to twen-
ty-five years, if care is taken ti use the
right kind and proper amount of grease ;
but if this matter is not attended to, it
will be use,.1 up in tire or six years. Lard
should never be used on a waggon, for it
will penetrate the hub, and work its way
out around the tenons of the spokes, and
spoil the wheel. Tallow is the best lub-
ricator fur wooden axle -trees, and castor
oil for iron hubs, but many of the pat-
ent axle greases are also excellent, and
have the merit of being cheaper and
more convenient t•, handle. Just grease
enough should be applied to the spindle
of a wa,ton.to give It a slight coating
This is better than more, for the surplus
put on will work out at the ends, acid
be forced by the shoulder bands and nut -
washer into the (tub around the outside
of the boxes. To oil an iron axle tree
first wipe the spindle clean, wet with
spirits of turpentine, and then apply a
few drojs of castor oil'near the shoulder
and end. One teaspoonful is sufficient
for the whole.
There is hardly an adult person living
but is smetimes; troubled with kidney
difficulty, whielt is the most prolific and
dangerous cause of all disease. There is
no sort of need to have any form of
urinary trouble if Hop Bitters is token
uccanionally. ,
They Would not Deets.
'Those goods are rather dear, ain't
they !' remarked Miss Araminta at the
dry -goods store to the new clerk.
I think not, ma'am. They're marked
down almost to cost.'
'But they don't look as though they
would wash.'
`Eh ?' replied the open-mouthed clerk.
`They don't look as though they would,
'Lord, no 1' replied the clerk, "you'd
have to wash them.'
And then the young man wondered alt
day what made the young lady tlIunce
out of the store so quickly.
Mrs. I. McPhee, Appin, writes :—
During the last eight years I have used
almost every medicine recommended fur
Biliousness, but found nothing equal to
Carson's Bitters. If you suffer try it
Price 30 cents.
He had just returned from his wedding
trip, and was going down town in a
horse -car with his bride, who, in all the
pride of her new garments and her new
husband, was din nosed to look down on
humanity generally, and on a poor old
man in particular, who sat opposite.
'Who is that dreadful -looking creature,
Horatio r she said. '1'm sure I don't
know,' replied the a ,plc of her eye, with
a slight stammer and blush, •son.e tramp
i suppose, who has begged his ;staaaga.'
Just then the aged person alluded to
awoke from his reverie, and adjusting his
spectacles, quavered : 'Why, blase age
if that isn't my grandson, � Horatio ' and
that mint be hie wtfe ! Don't color op
's, boy; she's a right pretty girl,and you
have no cause to be ashamed of her.
1711..o was an audible sc ads in tkat vehi-
cle, whish the happy pair did not step
tohear the last o f.
A great assays er Evll.
Even fanner will admit that one of
the meet destructive evils to good cropa
is that of worms err parasites that prey
upon vegetable life; other species t1
worms nsfeet the hum# system and are
prddtietiye of much esflir'ng and ill
health.- Freeman's Wee. Powders will
effet'tentl'f1y fhl the system of this trouble,
10 take end contain that?
r 4
Lestisrg Swim
Abraham and Joshua had been invited
to a splendid dinner.
It wag impossible for Jushua nut to
snake capital out of such an opportunity;
accordingly he managed toi slip a silver
spam into his boot,
Abraham was green with envy at
Joshua's success, for he had out even
manipulated a saltapoun.
But an idea struck hitu.
'My frents,' he cried, 'I vill show you,
some Bricks.'
Taking up a spoon, he said :
'You zee deer spoon 1 '7611, it este
gone.' he cried, passing it up bis sleeve.
'You will find it in Jo.huffs sod.'
It was found.
hienply miraculous is all I can say of
the effect of Dr. Van Burin's Kidney
Cure its my came. An elderly lady
writes this from Autigonish, N. 8., who
had suffered from pains in the back for
twenty years. Sold by J. Willson Gode-
rich. 2in
A steady and faithful perseverance in
the pursuit of au object. is certain to
being with it a good reward, even though
the object sought may not itself be a1 -
ways attained. The decipline which
patient and persistent efforts bring to
the mind, will enable one, in future, to
accomplish even more than he cau at
present anticipate. Therefore, if you
undertake to do a thine, resolve to do it.
Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are
the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's
Kidney Cure. Relief in all cases of Kid-
ney Disease is obtained after few doses.
See that your Druggist gives you DI
Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Sold bp J.
Wilson Goderich Stn
brass's Fluid Llghtalag
Needs no advertising when once intro-
duced. Every bottle sold setts hundreds
of others by doing all and more than re-
presented for Neuralgia, Toothache,
Headache, etc. It removes any pain
instantly quick as flash. Try it and you
will say it is well named Fluid Lightning.
(.et a 25 cent bottle at G. Rhynae' drug
store. b
Rueltlea'4 tralea Salve.
The greatest medical wonder „f the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruises,Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Cancers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, Tette*', Chapped Hands, and all
Skin Eruptions, guaranteed to cure in
every instance, or money refunded, 45c.
per box. For sale by J. Wilson. ly.
Matthew Arnuld, the Apostle of Cul-
ture, arrived in New York to -day from
England. He lectures there on political
and socal topics. after which he delivers
a literary lecture in Boston.
"I had been for eight months unable
to work, and felt as though I would as
lief die as live, through Dyspepsia and
Indigestion. I weighed at the time of
gutting a bottle of MeGregor's Speedy
Cure 130 lin. i used 3 bottles, and n:lw
weigh 165 lbs. and never was better in
in my life. It was McGregor'a Speedy
Cure that brought me around." So says
William Fell, Hamilton. GotoG. Rhy-
nes' drug store and get a free trial bottle
or the regular size for fifty cents and one
dollar. a
A REWARD -Of one duzeu "TEARER -
/0i" to any one sending the best four line
rhyme.on "TEABaRIY," the remarkable
little gen for the Teeth and (lath. Ask
your druggest or address.
In the history of medicines no prepa
ration has received such universal cum-
ntendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid -
!ley diseases, as Dr Van Buren's Kianey
Cure. Its action in these distressing
complaints is siu.ply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson.2m
No household should be considered
complete without a bottle of Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure is ie the closet.
It is the only remedy that will positively,
permanently and promptly cure all forms
of kidney diseases. Sold by J. Wilson
ThaQatekesl Thing oa Itrrord
Is Kratn's Fluid Lightning for Neuralgia
Headache, Toothache, etc. It .toes net
blister or discolor the skin ; re luire but
one application to bents!' all pain niacic-
ally without using any greasy liniment
or carrying your head in a poultice for
weeks. Try a 25 cent bottle from Geo-
Rhynas, druggist. h
Well Stewarded.
A lib.. rat reward will be paid to any
party woo will produce a case of Liver,
Kidney or Stemsch complaint that Elec-
tric hitters will not speedily cure. Bring
them along, it will cost yon nothing for
the medicine if it fails to cure, and you
will he well rewarded for your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Ililious-
nese, Jaundice, Constipation, and gene-
ral debility are quickly cured. Satiefac
tion guaranteed er money retund--od
Price only fifty cents por --bottle. -
sale by J. Wilson. f5
.few Wrefee Fuertleas Wrnkened by Dls
ease, Debility and Dsuiprtier.
The Great German Invigorator is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulness,
pain in the back or aides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German
Remedy will restore the host fonetione l
and secure health and happiness. $1.00
per box, six poxes for $5.00. Sold by
!ll druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postale paid, by F 1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole agent sur United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for (lode-
rich. 3m
Seeing is believing. Reed the testi
monials in the pamphlet nn Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney Cure, then buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those diMtges-
ing pains. Year Druggest can tellu
all about it. Sold by J Wilson Godeiie)
eevee Glee Pp.
If you are suffering with low and de-
preaaed spirits, loser f appetite, general
debility, disordered blood weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a bit -
imus nature, by all means procure a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be ear-
prised to see the rapid improvement that •
will follow ; you will he inspired with new
life; strength sad eetivity will ascii"
pain and misery w111 was., end ban's -
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Electric Bitten Sold at fifty cents •
bottle hy .f. Wilson [61
Thousands bear witness to the posi-
tive ut;rative puwen t,f the U*LT GEa-
aAN Iwv1QOLToa, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, iwpotency,
etc., and all d' that arise front self-
abuse or overta brain, finally ending
in consumption, insanit7 and • venni-
tura grave. told by all druggiata, or
will be mast free on receipt of $1.00 per
box, or six boxes for $6. Address F, J.
CtigxgY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for circular
and testimonials of genuine curets Geo.
Rh) n t., G udorich. 3m
The use of Pills, Salts,Castor Oil, &c.,
and other nauseous, griping Cathartic's
is unnecessary, as • pleasant substitute
'is found in I)r. Carson's Bitters, which
act as a Cathartic without griping or
causing nausea. All druggists sell it.
50 cents • bottle.
It is reported that the Queen is anxious
to have the Marquis of Lorne made Vice-
roy of India, but the consent if the
Cabinet is doubtfu..
Kula dor a Drug alert
Never was such a rush matte for any
Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a
Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov-
ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds.
Alt persons affected with Aathtua, Bron-
chitis, Hosseneas, Severe Coughs or any
affection of the Treat or Lungs, can get
a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free,
by calling at above Drug Store. Regu-
ar :size $1. (61:
Lord ltosamore, Grand Master of the
Orangemen of Monaghan, says that
henceforth the self-restraint of the
Orangemen cannot be reckoned upon.
If the Government allows disloyal meet-
ings to continue in t'Ister the result will
be bl sdshed—perhaps civil war.
A Cried Offer
The Chicag.y Burlington & Quincy
Railroad Company has just issued an
illustrated treatise, "The Heart of the
Continent," describing the wonderful
growth of the six Great States. The book
is beautifully printed, and numerous en
graving' of high merit adorn its pages
Any one sending their name and address
with two three -cent postage stamps
Will receive a copy by return mail, by
applying to 1'erceyal Lowell, General
Passenger Agent, Chicago Illinois. 5t
A Cure !k rats, seen. Els.
The finest healing compound under the
sun is McGregor & Parke's Carbclic Cer-
ate. There is no sore but will succumb
to its wonderful healing properties. It
is an invaluable dressing for scalds, fes-
terings, etc. Price 23 cents at G. Rhy
nus' drug stoic. b
Cared Free.
Any reader troubled with Dyspepsia,
Costiveness, Headache, Liver Complaint
etc., should call at Gen. Rhyme' drug
store and secure a free trial bottle of
McGregor's Speedy Cure at once which
will convince you of the merits of the
medicine, It cures permanently where
all other medicines have failed. As a
blood purifier it has no equal. Remem-
ber: It costa nothing to try it. Regular
size, fifty cents and one dollar. a
Pimple. and Sletebte
Call at Geo. Rhynae' drug store and
get a i,ackage of McGregor & Parke's
Carbolic Cerate. It iscompcsed of Vase-
line, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and has
never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches
Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It cures
when all others fail. Try it. 1,
PITY els POOR DVsPErru•.—Poverty
with perfect health is rather to be chosen
than riches and dyspepsia. Try the
mastic effect of a dollar bottle of FOUNTAIN
Thew are Solid Facts.
The beet blood purifier and system re-
gulator ever placed within the reach of
suffering humanity, truly is Electric Bit -
ere. Inactivity of the Liver, Biliousness
Jaundice, Constipation. Weak Kidneys,
or any disease of the urinary organs, or
whoever resolves an. appetizer, tunic or
mild stimulant, will always find Electric
Bitters the hest and only certain dire
known. They act surely and quickly,
every bottle _taranteed to give entire
satisfaction or money tefundec.. Sold at
fifty- cents a bottle 1,v J. Wilson. [4]
McColl Bros. Co., Toronto,
Manufactures and \Vholt•sale Dealers in
--)0 UR u:atESSATRD(—
to I:
brand is unexcelled by any other oil on the
market. In recognition of its superior merit,
we bare received
All the Highest Prizes !
wherever we exhibited It since 15711. among
other awards a large number of
Gold, Silver & Bronse ?edal&l
besides numerous Diplomas. it is warranted
not to gum or clog ; wearsual to ('astor t *l
and tieing lens than one-half the price is the
cheapest oil on the market. ITTItY iT.
For Rale by
R. W. McKenzie,
1 see. Uedeele .
p No. 1.
No. 2.
No. 3.
tilllgionlY if4t*F rcZnhe ey.niT(tat
shoes etttesMDIVA tambit`
Out Fraeee, (ieelnahy,
Austria. neer and Italy.
Menelhetuve4 1a Mast.•% oily hy
The Huron 8oc ' Co'y
Ell -CD DIriIw10 -
(aMlerl�h -7•pi
is Ishii Rasa
Extensive Premises and Sp i :'fllu Nov Steck
c,EO. B Etir
Hamilton Etieet, Gtodezich.
A good aeortwuut of Kitchen, fled -room, Dining Itouw audill'arlor Furniture. such as 1'a
blew, Chain ,hair, Fame and wood seatedi, Cupboards, lied -meads, SIattresstr. Wash -stands
Lounges, Sofas, 'ft hat -Nuts, looking (Anew e.
N. IL -A complete sssurttnent of Callus and Shrouds always en Lei d' alto Heaters for ttre
at reasonable rate .
Picture Framing a specialty. --A call .otic t, d 1731
,yam. .✓Z�; •.V071131/6.
+ -_o__` �� •---���:•
i i —. • _ .:T I' .�H[(i, N .. �I '�! rel i
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Vies-Pres't a Csn'I Manager, Gen'I T•k't • Pass'r Ag't
W Eb R
Sick Marlsehl and relieve all the troablca inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dia -
▪ mese, Nausea, Drowsiness, Dtetrees after eating.
Pain in the Side, ac. While their most renu.r
able success has barn shown In caring
Hradaebe,yet Carter'. Li Ole Liver Pills are ovally
valuable In Cou.tipaLon, coring and preventing
Doe annoying complaint, while they also correct
all disorder of the stomach, stimulate the liner
and regulate the bowels, Sven If they only cured
Aehe they would tealmost pricel.sa to those who
stiffer from this dtstres.Iog complaint; but imtn-
sately their goodness does not end here, and thole
who once try theta will and these little pills tela-
shie In ee many ways That they Wilmot be willing
to do without them. But after all siek bead
Is the bane of ee many fives that here is where we
make our great bout. Oar pills Cure It whlla
others do not. - -
C'arter's Little Liver Pills are eery small rod
very easy to take One or two pills makes dose.
They are strictly vegetable ane do not gripe or
purge. but by their grotto action please all wive
nee them. In vials at IS emits; ave for 1. Bold
by druggists everywhere, oe seat by mall.
Now York Olty.
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1V' v
ltlORTEST, c1UtcKLST sal
AFST t:ne to at. Joseph.
trhtson, Top, ks, Dont
son. lou; s e t;31.
And alt
pelma In Tnwa, a
11ehrseka,itieson,I lean- illi
w a, i(ew Nexteo, Arfr„nam
tans and Texas.
Ir eneeedrd to
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too,• w re •. -rt
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smiler ler cure eweet.el. veer Meet, stn
Ste r'efeeeee.I 1`e,r a St .•,•
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.1. Phyrraoti,
Osasdias Pass. Ag t,
(1m, R J N ,' Toroso,(Ont;
Tleket Assoc fiodarch