The Huron Signal, 1883-11-02, Page 1'.cif 1'.
1 5i $1.sLA Yj�.'1. R 1$ ADVANC0'r
Mew Ad Ise
vert .sets• Tab week.
Notice -Peter Adamson.
Money to Lend --E. Wieeleot•k.
•1a60r'ttrfeit- Jahn C. Wies it ['n.
To the Fr lecture -Ilan. A. M. lttr..
Town of Ooderkb- W'ta, t' pts
Goderich High PehooI-11. 1„Sttsuit.
King of \Veokll -Cont .a sirPre.
High Comet et e ss
For Sale or to Let.. I TO THE ELECTORS
Lot Nu. 5, to the Hayfield con. township
of Uoderieh. e3 acres, 10 to 50 awes cleared and
free trues stamps -balance well timbered. ha*
hostage ea Benfield river and on the Clinton
read adjoins the incorporated village of
��Iltttr�t!igie�td. �eon�PofrsaeuapptytoeeLY.1T1L. KING-
tlTON a ARMOUR. Solicitors- 18 King
Dentistry. 1, streetM eet w.Toronto. Or to John Morgan
Hotel keeper. Bayfield, 188e-tf
Mntlet. ON6.r and rosidenee. West
Street three doors below lean;; ul Manama!,
Godorioh 1132
She People's tolumn.
7 And employ meet withktptgI�k
h w.ges by ape
1,1?lag to Mrs. M. O. t•AMIROI. matt -
be received the 'Ind cartel Sat -
u may. rho First day ones= ase:t, rd
one nndred and OBI of art bard
w •free Mem knots ss k 1ephlie&r fees
Lmne to ba delivered at the Gael Ie God/ rich.
kart!es may tender for ti eorde. er onwards.
The lowest or any tender um t mee arlly ac-
cepted. Sun -tic. will bra required for the r-
tormanre of the c.mtrttet, PETER ADAM -
SON, County Clerk.
Utderich, Nov. bit, 1&*1 I1fte M
The next Entrance b:xerninatien will r
in the Central School, on Tbset
day. the 30th and gel of Deot aber. BM be-
ginning at iMO o'clock a.m.. each day.
Caodldates must notify the Tows 1ss�s��
sr the Head Master, not lett r thee the et
Ftr any further inlormation"'YegaMot the
F.xemIraUon or the School. apply to
1i. 1. STItANO B.A..
easterly 130 acres of block lettered 'V.” In
the 7th Concession of the Towoebip of (.oI-
burae. About 85 or 210 acres are cleared. The
growing timber consists of maple. beech
and elm. A frame house, a large frame barn
and Mable are on the premises. Fences good.
Onlyfearmi from Goderich by a good gu-
p»rtloslate apply to JOHN
BRECX NBIDUE, Ooderioh, nr to SEAGER
L MORTON,Solicitors. Uodericb. 1896
* frame house on South street is
for riot kg ��hea subscriber. It contains night
roses. Oa&
nNftlo . to kitchen, pantry and bed -
YY /.sassed or *vary coneenieuce
in thel,raM et geed senor, bard and soh wat-
er. tryl)yasii ae, Tw.Rbe of an acre of
bed Ibboom arra whish are
a haft taws- Terme real
ri.+► ApWy to OEO. MellAHON.
1 bwwtitte betels residence occupied b
Mr. hies, and formerly occupied by Mr. S.
Mals.-oun,o*. at the head of Newgate street.
Ponweslon Eisen in October. Por particulars
apply to the owner. J. BRI CKENRIDGE,
N e wgate at raw Grade -iib. 1893.
✓ TIONEEY aad Land Valuator. Goderich,
6 . Haring bad considerable experience In
Heed met". the ancttome trade- he is in a position to
flsatiarge wlth�omu satiafactton all com-
tmnfbs��wnt estrssted to him. Order's lett at
or sent by mall to my address.
G<derlcb, Nur. let. 1863. 1915 -ft gh
UNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN trod P earrtuuye•tended to. JOHN
OF OODEIIICIi. KNOX. CoanIT iuctloueer. 1887-t1
Notice Is hereby given that 'h Court wt:l be
held. pursuant to The t'oterw Lieg .Hct." by 1-AMES PRENTICE, AUCTIONEER,
lila Honor. the Judge .1, the Count w a threof sed Anstrai,er. etirc,-sser to J. C. Currie,
the County of Huron, stthe Teen the Nop e-.Auctina.'er. Office: With Alex.
rich. on the 17th day of November. le1*, at le MeD. Alias. leave orders at this otlloe or at
()'dock a.m., to bear and determent the sev- Shep�eard's Uook More in any absence- JAS.
eral complaints of errors and omnssios. In the PRENTICE. Auctioneer. 1913 -
Voters' List of the Municipality of the Tows
of Goderlch for ins:.TT AMES B'.ILEI , LICENSED A ITC -
All persons having butanes sat tLe court eJ TIONEV:Ii for the County of Huron. hay -
are regnlred to attend at the said time and ing ene.-re•1 the list. is now prepared to attend
per. to al; orders t.r Anitloaecrini. Orders left
Dated the 31st October. 1883. et }tailor's Hotel. Oodition, or sent by mail,
WM CAMPBELL promptly attended to. 1889-
191'-11 clerk of said Municipality. W BALL, ALTOTIONEER FOR
NOTICE. -- IS HEREBY GIVEN H. the County of Huron. Sales attended
1.n that I will not be reeponamie for any V stay part of the County. Address order, to
'isles contracted atter this date by Is7 son. Uoderich P.O. 1885.
Jseeb l'annobaker. as be has throws- rcer-
rentle ro.2r- it. at.., .. -few 4nta.r ler 1.
HENRY PANNEB i.KER, lot t use a L
Caborne. - - 111214t.
egg .
l3 Teacher is wanted by the Trustee,et 8.8. God trick.
!'o. 1. Colborne, for the senior department of C. tevAittn. Ju
their school. Applications, stating amount of
salary required, and enclosing qu&t&eatloea.
Carlow P. 0.. not later than Wednesdar.7th
November, 1883. 1914-2t
&c., can addreesed to W. ERG USON.
hereby given that all parties ladebted to
the ndersWned b rte or bock account are
rev n, .ted tq settle the sane at once and there -
as e
here -
ave an enforced � Mn. I mean Mimi -
• Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, Rc.
9odertch and Windham. M. C. Cameron,
C,; P. Holt, M. G. Cameron, Ooderich- W. E
Macara, t; taga*aL 1731,
L . N. Lewes. 1907-
• Office corner of the squpre and West
sir •t, Uodericb, over Butter's bookstore.
m• ney to lend at lowest rates of interest.
u.J.T RISTER.4, Attorneys, citora, etc
Goderich. J. T. Darrow, W. Proudtoot. 175
inform the people of (luderieh that I have
purchased the dairy business of SAstt•u. Ma
CAtn. and am now prepared to -deliver milk
morning and ecentng, to any pert of the town.
Customers airing me their patronage one rely
upon being satisfactorily served. GEORGE
F.I,i.IUTT. 1214-3t
e SICIAN, Surgeon. Aoseueboor, ere., M.
C.P.S., Ontario. O®ce-The Square, 2 doors
Fast of W Ikea's Drug Store. up stairs. 13901
. IAN. SURGEON. &c., Graduate of Tor-
onto University. Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Physicians. London. England. &c, ac„
M. C. P. Ontario. Of tee and residence
Opposite Bailey's Hotel. Hamilton street. God-
erich 1716-41an
COCNTy Or HCCoN • By vire of a Writ of
To wrT: i Fieri FMCI*O, issued out
of Her Majesty's County Court of the County
of Middlesex, and to me directed and deliver-
ed against the Lands and Tenements of JOHN
MAiNWARRINO, at the putt of RICHARD
FUOGLE, 1 have seised and taken In Execu-
tion all the right title, Interest, and equity of
reden, n of the above named defendant.
JOHN MAINWARRING, in and to the fol-
lowing lands and premises, vis :-Two acres
of land being a part of lot twelve, in the South
Fast boundary concession of the Township of
( .borne, in the County of Huron, known as
DR McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- the Imperial Mills Property, of Woodham,
ORO COMO as 011os sad r�idsaoe a and situate within of hteen rods and seven
Street. ore eseaaddoor west or 1751. I1In said two acreeu having t agle of yreionahe
Bra.. 0e thefrm
Town line, between the township of Ueborme
HG. MAOKID, M. D. PHYSI and the Township of Rlansbard, In the County
. clan. Surgeon sad AoeenCSer. Graduate of Perth, of sixteen rods, and extending back
of Toronto University. 06111011010110116217
Calmer the full width of sixteen rods a distance of
-on a Carebron's Hast. Luaus,. if sot in twenty rods, which Lands and Tenements I
OMce. eagnire at the Beak- 17424. shall offer for Sale, at my of6 in the ('cors
C1tMBNR, 1883, at the hour of Twelve of the
clock, soon.
Sherif, Huron.
&NoeM Dr. Mammals near
KIM Goderlob. 0. C. tlatalalrow. J. C. Hawn -
Tor 1711.
Loans one Jnaurance.
SEALER & LIMB, Orvoarrs MA's -
Tin' a Harm, Oedsrich, bare private
In any sums W snit parties wantlag leans, at
very low rates. IOW
A large amoost of Private lands to lend on
Real Estate. Also =for the Hamlltos
Peorldeatend Loas 9eoMt
Lest std. of Hamlhen St. Gedericb.
Y Nov.. 1st, MEL 1015-4t-
• 60,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO
-*h. INC
heaea f, sbstd ssosrtty. AiMtl/b %
Gee'. Swages, Oedertsh. b�s
244.7 on ge.tTons or tRRTL't 8 perAside toRADCFF 1751
oarmiat d Private der Inraotmeat
e GA lowest
t PROUD . Amy
Q20,, PRrare and IVATE FsWll,6 TO LEND
IP ctem*harged,
lr*a'ii*atna ..
fif rrO`fUN.�li
R, Lite
Lie Apst.
sa Mtr�tpgtac - . '1i . es
Sheriff's Office, Goderich. r
September 12th. 1863. i 1000 -td
(:Dantery Division of the High Court of
Justice made in a cause Green es. Green the
creditors of Andrew H. Green, late of the
township of Colborne, 1n the county of Huron.
who died In er about the month of June, 1872,
are en or before the 16th day of November,
leek to seed by poet prepaid to Messrs. Oar -
row & Prosdfoot, of the town of Goderich.
In said county, the solicitors of the Plaintiffs
herein. their Christian and surnames. address-
es and diserlptfon, the full particulars of their
claims, a statement of their amounts. and the
nature of the securities (if any) held by them ;
or 1a default thereof. they will be peremptori-
ly eseloded from the benefit of the said order.
Every creditor bolding any security le to pro-
duce the true before me, at my chambers In
the Covert Hones. at the salmi town of (lode -
rich, on the Wit day of November. 1881, at 10
Nrleek In the forenoon. being the time ap-
polatod for adjudication on the claims.
Dated at chambers this 30th day of October.
MaMrr of the Supreme Court of
1915-11- at Ooderloli.
H .i
Gaeri-entre --
H suing accepted the ,x,sition of Pro-
* iocial Treasurer in Mr, Mowat'. Ad-
.ninistratien, my seat for the West Rid-
ing of Huron thereby becomes vacant,
and 1 must seek again at your hands a
renewal of tett confidence which you
have so tteneruusly extended to oto on
former occasions. The general policy of
the Guvorutnent having been so recently
placed before you, discussed, and by your
vutea,approved, I need not on this occa-
sion make any special reference to many
cf the Provincial questions then brought
before you. But 1 think it is due to yob
to make the assurance that upon- those
most important and vital questions, the
territorial and legialetit•e right♦ of the
Province the Government are determined
that in the future as in the pant those
rights will bo firmly defended and main-
In accepting the position tendered ate
I do so with a deep aen.e of the respon-
sibilities assumed, and of the honor con-
ferred upon me. I accept it at consider-
able personal sacrifice, but I feel that
having taken upon myself the trusts you
have committed to ore as your represen-
tative, I e.tonot in justice to you refasc
to give to the Aduriuisiratiuu of Mr.
Mowat my best services in the snore Ma -
portant position I have been called up-ln
to fill ; and I can assure you treat while
the opportunities to advance your inter-
ests may be greater its the more re-
sponsible position of a Minister of the
Clown, the desire to faithfully serve
you in the future will be no less sincere
than in the past.
Trusting that the course 1 have taken
Rill meet with your approval. .
i am, Gentlemen,
Your obedt. servant,
"A te'st's amang ye. takin notes.
A1th he'll prent it."
Ask for the "Solid Comfort" or "Olivette;
Goderich cigar.
For neat, spruce and nobby gentlemen's
suite of good material. you cannot do better,
than call upon 1'. & A. Pridham, the tallow,.
Crabb's block, east side of the Square. Prices
to suit everybody.
There are changes In Governments, and na-
tions are eternally on the twire, but it you
want the best liquors In Ooderich, you will
find them at W. L L. Horton's, Albion block.
His brands don't change.
If you aro wise in your generation. look well
to your understandings. Solomon, the wisest
man, tells us there Ise time for all things. So.
now is your time to get good boots; nines can
make them. Call and see him.
The pranks of the boys on Hallowe'en caus-
ed anger in some quarters and merriment in
others, but everybody ie satisfied who trlee
Bellows, the photographer. Every size and
style of picture taken upon short notice. See
Col. Rose hes been offered and accepted a
seat in the Ontario Cabinet, but Robeon, the
photographer, is willing to Five every elector
and his wile area family a place in Ide popular
cabinets. Call and sec (Le first Alec photo-
grapher of Ooderlch.
ALWAYS AtlE4D.-launders & Son have all
the finest base burners--McClary's Royal,"
Ournq'. "Countess," and Bucks "Radiant
Rome.They sell cheaper than any other
dealer in town. Those wanting a coal or wood
cooking or beating stove should give them a
ran. , rhe cheepeat house under the sun,'
u. c. Robertson,tE-ast street. is giving great
bargains In furniture. Bedsteads 1.75. up;
lounges, $4.80, up ; ottoman frames, $9.00, up ;
a large stock of looking glimmer,. 15c., up. .t
large stock of all kinds of picture frames. Pic-
ture framing at bottom prices. All kinds of
wreath frames made 10 order. All kinds of
repairing done. Carpets takes up. cleaned
and ralaimi.
Miss Lorinda Hincks is ill,
A warm rain fell on Monday last.
are prepared to loss stoney at • per Dent., pay-
able We yswrty. os
ea *rsaclass Arm security
Aptly to
Al sS*s M s
the Ttrto O'Rases Co'y.
ales •
16:1:73116.41. Mom a c4
teem Imre
nedl.r{d (let 4 IM.1 teller
A Ref /iron mass will be said to -tiny at
9.30 a. m, to commemorate All Soul', day
at St. Peter's,
Mrs, Clifton, has been visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson,
Huron road.
Mrs. R 1Vils"o, Maple street, is visit-
ing et Teeswater, the guest of James
Stf•uthers, dru,2ist.
Mise McEwen. of Clinton, a fanner
teacher in town, has been spending a
few days with bliss Shartnen.
Judge Torras has appointed Saturday,
November 17th, for hearing appeals
against the voters' list of the town of
The tug Colin Monroe was burned to
the water's edge on Tuesday, near the
shore of C.,lpoy's bt . All hales were
saved. She is insured.
Geo. Pollock, at present attending the
model school at Goderich, has secured
the appointment of teacher for S.D. No.
1, Hay, at salary of 8330 per annum.
Prof. DePeudry•, teacher of music, has
removed to the house formerly occupied
by Mr. Stotts, on South street, where t
ht will be happy to meet his pupils in the
The Rev. Mr. Campbell, of Goderich,
and the Rev. Mr. Birks, of Hulmeavil!e,
have been attending the fourr.days'relis i-
nns services, and'essiating the Rev. Mr.
Baugh, of Bayfield.
road commissioner informs us that he has
thoroughly repaired this bridge, which
had one of the iron trestles broke by a
drove of cattle running over it.
It is rumored that the Beatty line of
steamers intend to metre Southampton
instead of Sarnia their southern terminus
next season. This undue will save a dis-
tance el 240 miles every round trip-
(Ex -
Word was received front the educa-
tional department on Wednesday that
Mus Rose Currie's certificate had been
raised to 3rd class, Miss Currie, who
wrote from Guderich High Schuul in
July, is now in Winnipeg.
Jack McCullough, the well-known
bicycler, sa temporarily a resident of
Clintor, Assisting his uncle to run the
big Grand Union hotel. He ran up to
Goderieh on his wheel on Friday accom-
panied by Jackson, another bicycler.
An order was made by Chief Justice
Wilson on Tuesday last, admitting John
McPliers„u to bail is $1;,00 and two
securities of 8'750 each. He was locked
uu at Goderich on a charge of criminally
assaulting Elizabeth Barton of Wawanosh
on Tuesday Oct. 23rd.
TIoN.-The next entrance examination
will be held in the Central School on
Thursday and Friday, 20th and 21st of
December. Candidates must notify the
inspector or head master not later than
the 16th of November.
Mr. Potts, painter, of Clinton, was in
town on Sunday looking for his son, a
boy of 12 years, who left home without
leave, and who, it is said, came to Gods -
rich with BOMB party wlto had shipped
horses to Manitoba. It is supposed the
boy went to Manitoba also,
A. Kirkbride has bought and is taking
away the two old buildings on the old
Huron hotel estate one of them beim,
the last building put up by the late Jas.
Gentles, and used as an auction mart by
the late G. M. Trueman, when Kineston
et. was in a prosperous condition.
Vennor says : -"We are likely to ex-
perience a decidedly cold and wintry
spell on Saturday, Sunday and Monday,
3rd, 4th and 5th of Nevember, when the
temperature will fall considerably lower
than hitherto this season, and enoefalls
will he recorded at many points."
An exchange says that the cheapest
and simplest gymnasium in the world -
one that will exercise every bone and
muscle in the body -is a flat piece of
steel, notched on "ne side, fitted tightly
into a wooden frame, and, after being
greased ou boil. aides with a bacon rind,
rubbed into a stick of wood laid length-
wise on a saw home.
At the second meeting of the Hur.,tt
Photographer's Association held in Clin-
ton on the 25th of October, it was unani-
mously resolved to address a circular to
the leading photographers of Ontario -for
the purpose of learning their views in re-
gard to forming a photographic associa•
tion for the province of Ontario, and to
adopt a uniform scale of prices, ard for
the discussion of all matters in the inter-
est of the craft.
Tile tax oollector is on his rounds,
A. Hodge, of Lucknow, is in town.
Rev. J. A. B,til is visiting relatives in
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lang spent Sun-
day is town.
James Reid, plasterer, left for Buffalo
on Monday last.
R. H. Kirkpatrick paid a flying visit
to Goderich last week.
A. Wallace, jeweler, spent a few days
in Lucknow this week.
Miss Clara Stack, of Chicago, is visit-
ing her grandfather, T. Dark.
Miss Maria Sturday left f1r her .home
at Wingham on Tuesday last.
Mrs. Fred Platt, of London, w.ts the
guest of Mn. 8. Platt this week.
Will Smith, South street, has returned
front his trip to Chicago and 8t. Louis.
Miss Nellie Green h.. gone to visit
her sister, Mn. Gentles, at Kincardine.
Miss Mackenzie. of 8t. Dad's ward
school, spent Saturday and Sunday in
James Campbell ref Kincardine,
brother of our town clerk, was in town
last week.
T. McGillicuddy returned from his
saetern trip on Teesday,afler an absence
of ten days.
Will Yates leaves for Toronto on Wed•
mesday,where hegoesto Nee a position in
a large wholesale gt•ttssry establishment
W. wish him • neotweeffel career
On Monday Last, Sandy McCallum, the
'bus driver, was Anng off a horse recent-
ly purchased by his employer and the
animal trampled upon him, inuring him
painfully. He has since been improving.
and will soon be able to take his accus-
tomed *est on the 'hes. In the mean-
time, A. M. Polley has been personally
looking after the passenger traffic te and
from the station.
Ssaloua SHooTtto Arc -Inset. -- \\-e
regret very mach to learn of a serious
accident which occurred to Joseph Mur-
ray, Huron road, at noon on Saturday
Wt His father, W. Morray, and he
are Ant -elan marksmen, and were going
through the woods nn lanae Salkeld'*
fsrm, to hove a good day's sport. Mr.
Murray's gun accidentally caught among
some twip,while le bent to pain nneier,
and weal off so silently, that h. never
kll.v it until his tale called out, "Father
rm shot !" The father thea leash that
the whole eoutsets of the m log
into his son's body ahout the e�.diwt
I. Salkeld kindly conveyed the
man hats*, anti drove for Dr.
who spent ten hoer. probing for the
A harvest home will be celebrated by the
North street Methodist church uu Nov.
i 8th, thsukagiving day. A public religious
service will be held, cornmenoing at 11
o'clock a.m., and iu the (emirs g the
ladies of tete congregation will give a
■umptuou a supper in the lecture room
This will meet all the necessities of feast
ing sur aur town's pet ple on thwksgivin2
day. The church will be festooned with
evergreens and fruit aid flowers for the
Tux \-oLs-NTIgai.—The Clinton Neer
Ent says : Owing to the removal et Mr.
'-tfacwhirter from town, the volunteer
company is practically without a captain, I
although he has not sent in his resigna-
tion. Last week Col. Roes waited t.n
Lieut. James Scott, sod wished hint to
aocept the position, but Mr. Scott,
though not positively refusing to accept,
expressed a desire to remain where he is
We believe the members of the company
would peartily endorse the promotion of
Mr. Scott, and his acceptance of the po-
sition would give entire satisfactiou.
Mt*iloNAsy To Foayoss,-0n Tues-
day evening a large number of people
gathered in the schoi.l-room of Knox
church to hear a farewell address from
!Bev. John Jamieson, who is abut to
sail for Formosa as an assistant t., Itev.
Dr. McKay. Mr. Jamieson, apeut
many years of his life in Goderich, and
like his distinguished colleague, the
great Formosan missionary, was a mem-
ber of Knox church. The young mis-
sionary gave a simple account of his call
to the work, and at the close of the
meeting bade good bye to the largo num-
ber of friouds who were awaiting a pwrt-
ine handshake at the door. Our beet
wishes go with him in his now work,
OPEN MEETING.—An open meeting
under the auspices ttf the Young People's
Society of Christian Endeavor, in con-
nection with North -,t. Methodist churoh
was held in the lecture roost of the
church on Friday evening last and was
well attended. The chair was occupied
by Rev, T. M. Campbell, pastor of the
church,and the following programme was
successfully carried through : Reading,
Mr. Hogarth ; duett, the Misses Ellard ;
recitation, DIr. McKibbon ; quartette.
Misses Weston and Gordon, and Messrs.
Henderson and Medd ; reading, Miss
Trueman ; song, Miss \Veeton ; reading,
Mr. Farrow ; reading, Mr. Perrin ; song
A. B. Henderson, An addre.a sent by
the society to the family of the late Sam'l
J. Cox (whit was one of the vied -presi-
dents) and reply of the fancily were read
by \Vm. Armstrong. The exercise dos
ed with a hymn and the benediction.
Mzee M.tcPHEtrsov. - This excellent
woman is now on the Atlantic ocean, on
her *ay back to England, to pick up the
poor and abandoned children of that
country, and bring them to homes and
better opportunities in Canada. It ie a
noble work, at.d worthy of the devotion
of the earnest ant godly woman who
has given her life to it. It was our
pleasure when in Stratford recently to
pay a visit to the beautiful house now
occupied by Dtias Macpheraon's co-work-
ers, acid their wards. A few weeks 1
ago tho Home was removed_ from Galt
to Stratford, questions of health and geo-
graphical position making it necessary.
The Galt property was sold for the exact
sum required to purchase the fine man- .
sion and estate of Mr. McFerlano, whit
had .removed froin Stratford to Toronto,
and that place was bought. We had the
honor of taking tea with Miss Macpher-
son, and when seated beside her she told
es over the steaming cup something
about the work of her life. She is a
woman of faith, and of energetic work,
too. At a previous visit we had bean
shown over the commodious building.
The .dormitories, with their rows of
little cote, covered with counterpanes,
into which are worked texts of scrip-
ture, hooked snug and cosy. The
walls are adorned by pretty and appro-
priate mottoes,the work of trends across
the sea, The boys and -girls seemed to
have good care, and showed the English
love for singing by rendering some sim-
ple songs and hymns in a hearty manner
Mrs. Merry, sister of Miss Macpherson,
with her husband, is in eharge of the
Stratford Home. Visitors from Gude-
rich will at all times be made welcome
and shown over the premises. The
Home is kept up by voluntary offerings
and new or old clothing for boys or girls
will always be accepted by those who
have the desire to help in the good wort.
Miss Macpherson left on the Sardinian
on Saturday. A prinosea of the blood
royal was on the ship, but a no lees
queenly woman went when Annie Mac-
pherson took passage en another visit to
the workhouses and gutters of England
to lift up the fallen, look after the ne-
glected. and Mar the glad tidings of
God's love to the fatherless and stricken
children of the eld lased.
Club llama.
We hare made arrangements to club
Tits Stosai with eity papers at the rates
given below :-
Signal and Daily World .. - ...... $3.50
-- - Weekly Globe ....... 1.116
Adverts ra... !116
atee2M. neem.
t'haserry Menden.
Before the Hon. Mr. Justice Ferguson.
The chancery sittings opened at the
Court House, Uoderioh 00 Tuesday last,
and are still in progress. The following
' c*nes were called :
11 err v 1Veir,-Thin action is brought
by the plaintiff to have it declared that
be in entitled to a lien on the lands of
his infaitt children for the sum of $23700,
benne amount advanced by hits to pay off
a rtyage on the lend. There was a
decree fur plaintiff Mr. M. 0, Cam-
eron for plaintiff ; Mr. Oarorw for de-
VatiEgmond v Gray. --The plff. in this
set er ()will a car ins mill in Itlyth.and
the defendants have a salt manufactory
in Blyth. There is a small stream of
water running from the neighbourhood
of deft. salt works past plffs. mill,and the
plff. complains that the defte hdyo pollut-
ed the water of this :unreel by alluwiu_
refuse salt t.. gut into the stream, and
so renders the water unfit for use by the
plff. There aro about 30 witnesses sub-
pienmd -the case is not finished.
The New Provincial Treasurer.
:'rune the Toronto (Robe.
The office vacated by Mr. Young has
been offered to and accepted by Col.
Alexander M. Roes, M. PP. for West
Huron. The selection of Ool. Rowels
emphatically one upon which the Pro-
vince is to be culyratuleted. During
his eight yetu'' reprosontation of West
Huron Colonel Ross has taken the moat
active share pxnssilrlo in the debates of
the House. His p.revi.rus e.treer as a
banker and a county treasurer of twenty-
five years' standing has given him unu-
sual opportunities for becoming acquaint-
ed with business methods and with the
needs of thebusinesecommunity. During
his membership he has devotetl-hireself
diligently to aequiring an acquaintance
with the financial affairs of the Province,
and he has developed remarkable talent
as a strong, thoughtful, and aggressive
debater. In knowledge of municipal
affairs he is, though no Iawyer,'the equal
of almost any lawyer in the land, and
his long experience in the county
treasurership hes even hint unrivalled
opportunity for becoming acquainted
with municipal athirs generally. He
has also a sound, accurate, and practical
idea of the requirements of agricultur-
ists, and is the happy possessor of an in-
born and cultivate) taste for rural pur-
suits. In his hands, it is safe to con-
clude, the various Provincial agricultural
inetitutiuna will be well managed.
Colonel Ross is in tae prime of life, is
possessed of remarkable mental and
bodily vigor, is an indefatigable work-
er, and is personally one of the moat
highly respected of men. His lone and
honorable service in the volunteers has
brought him into coat..•s t with the risiug
manhood of the country, and it is safe to
say that none who have met hint can fail
to have been favorably impressed.
Colonel Rosa will be sworn in this
morning as Pro*-inoial Treasurer and
Commissioner of Agriculture.
gMttsg their sale bNls printed at
ALL 511 sat a free setts* tse5HN 1a
psIlse Ham ofmita
Auction gape of farm Moek and ample -
tweets, the property of Joseph Grilin.
let 111. Lake Range, Ashfield, hy kieh-
sed D.Latg, aactitmser. on the prem-
ises, at 1 n'elosk p m , en Tuesday. Nov,
nth, DIM
Nates resins tae &arbor.
The schooner Ontario was in with a,
load of lumber for 1Villisma (L• Murray.
The Beatty line steamer Ontario pass-
ed up on Friday last, apparently none
the worse for her mishap at Nine -mile
The schooner Wanderer took refuge in
the harbor on Tuesday Iasi
The schooner Sarah arrived on Monday
with a cargo of coal for the Notth Am-
erican Chemical Co.
The schooner Alzura is being looted
with salt by W. Campbell for Port Bur-
The schooner Sweepstakes is loading.
salt fur transit for the Intern*tional Malt
A stornt.hat prevailed during the week
On Tuesdev evening at 10 o'clock the
wind was blowing at the rate of 48 to 50
miles an hour, from the south-west. As
we write a inetvy gale is blowing from
the northwest. with hail showers.
magistrates' Court
Oct. 26.
\Villiani White, the old shoemaker,
charged with stabbing Brohman, the
hotel keeper, was committed hy mayor
Horton and P. Adamson, J. P., to stand
his trial at the first competent court of
O„t. 2t).
Henry Tichbourne, hotel keeper, was
charged by inspector Yateswithobstruct-
ing hien in the discharge of hie duty.
Fined $20 and costa.
Oct. 30
John Jordan, a vagrant imbecile, Just
discharged from jail, was again com-
mitted on complaint of constable Yule.
J5Mlee Fergwwn s BMus Jake.
At the trial e.f the snit between Van.
Unwind and Grey, Young •,
of Hlyth, on Wednesday, the
Issrshalled his witnesses, spine twelve ha
*ember, before the judge at the e(
of the case. The ponderous
jostle.) swept his eve neer the dim
ort witneaee., and as a smile
over his ruddy face, asked
•'i. there a man left in Blyth r
A laugh broke out from Beery geerter
of the room, in which the lesmma' facture
took a good she.
Tilers were about forty witnetsis lam'
vidtd by both sides