The Huron Signal, 1883-10-19, Page 44 TILE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 12, 1883. IGNAL label f h• If TIBACHERS' CO Ia pabltshsd every Friday Moistest. by Mc QIwccoov B dmtheir rOfeev, North Si • GODERICH. ONTARIO. Aad is despatched to all parts of the surround ug country by the earliest mails and trains. By general admission it has a larger circuits ion than any other newspaper in this p� of the country, d is due of the raciest, newsiest and most reliable journals in Ontario possessing, a it does, the fore -going essentials end being in addition to the above. a first -ciao. family and fireside paper -it is therefore a most desirable advertising medium. Tppsaru.-$1.O is advance postage prepaid $2.00 iflnot so paid. Thine paid f villsix be months enforced. yme RATES OF ADVERTISIN0.-Eight cents Ire for first insertion ; three cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Yearly, half -yearly and quarterly oontracts at reduced rates. Jos rainT1NC.... ti e have also&flrst-class jobbing department inconnectieo,and possess- ing the most complete outfit and best facilities Sreturning out work in Ooderich, are prepared to do business in that line at prieeethat cannot burp sed. and Caak 11 y that cannot be y u NVHNTION, T. Gregory, teat in taking thhe d z to theI THE NEW BISHOP. u the taw i - , � Rr. aelUias ateeleJ +• w wrier of readers prepared, aid thea a■caw.+e Lours »t the Ia or .. this paper. t wenn*/ to day both as I Mahe; urutweth's esu are in arrear, act honestly, and pa) I TM Maeatee+ et west Mares Ms ea is C. r, P. 1 etave-Aid They Tallied, and Tallied. p,.iutttteut of the committee, the vote be and Tatted. taken by ballot. Carried. Moved by J. R. Miller I. 1 .: S., sec- London, Oct. 17.--To•day the election • Gummiest, tot. 12. waded by R. E. Brown, that• Messrs. of a suoowsor to Bishop Helluntth teak The semi-annual uauetin4 of the West Mitchell surd \ic(lillicuddy h scruti- I pisos. `r. Sullivan, bishop f Aleouta, Huron Teacher's Association was held peers. Carried. in the high school this morning at 10.45 Moved by J. R. Miller I 1' S. see- both cisme! end lay. lion the Rtiirat a, m., the president in the chair. H. I. Strang led in prayer. The following committee were thea ap- pointee' : Business-ThGregory, W. R. Mil- ler, Geo. Baird, .r. Resolutions- . S. Lawrence, A. 11. Crassweller, Wm, Leigh. Tho business committee reported as follows : Order for the morning-"Deei.wls," G. M. Kiley ; "On Duty," J. C. Snaith. Order for afternoon -"Report of dele- gate to Provincial Asseciatiou,' Thontae Gregory ; "Monthly Examination," R. H. Morrish ; "Spelling Reform," H. I. • FRIDAY, OCT. 19ru, 1883. •w a bully hey With • "bull's -1Rottof Lease:. Tea Marquis of Larne and the Pric- cep Louise have left Canada for the old land, and the Marquis of Lansdowne is on his way to occupy the gubernatorial chair. The Toronto Oinsdatit voices our sentiment when it say. : Let us hope that when Lord Lansdowne leaves us he will be succeeded not by a Governor- General of Canada, but by a Canadian Governor-General. MILL'S -EYES A ND BANK ;VOTES. WE think A. H. Roe has gained for himself a name and a fame that will guarantee him a front place le the ranks of the electoral corruptiottistTi f Canada. John Shields, Frank Madill, '• Big Push" Wilkinson, " Gum Swamp " Anderson, and the other bribers, too numerous to mention, will now have • to hide their diminished heads, and acknowledge that A. H. Roe has out- stripped them all in the art of buying votes and titers. A. H. Roe is a staunch temperance man and does not deal in " frozen whiskey;" but le knows that the child can influence the mother, and the 'nether the father, and the ON Tuesday last the trial of the peti- tion against )1. C. Cameron, \West Hu- ron, came up for hearing before Justice Armour, who rated that the case be ad- journed, pro forint, to the 19th of Nov. at his chambers, (►agoo•le hall, Toronto, when, if no new petition appeared. or if no day was asked for the trial of the pe- tition, the case would be dismissed with- out costs, Mr. Davison appeared f Jr the petitioner, and stated that as an applica- tion had been made for adjournment by the petitioner, and as that adjournment had not been granted, the petitioner had consented to have the case disusisaed without costs.• Tea impudence of the fellow Murphy, who is managing the Guelph lottery, is inttufferable. He has just sent us for distribution a number of his circulars. We have before expressed our opinion of the Guelph Opera House Co. Trust. father the tote. With this knowledge It is a lottery, and a swindle. \We warn of human nature, he hied him to the our readers against Murphy and his schools of Lennox, in the villages, ham- 1 H snit his colleagues are lets and on concession linea, with hispock- eta heavily line 1 with saccharine ant' munition in the shape of "bull's-eyes. A cheery " gemd-day „ from A: H. Roe, accompanied by a palate-tieklidg "bull's- eye," usually gained for that worthy the esteem of the youngsters, and they in their'turn were not backward in sound- ing the praises of the " bull's -e) e " donor and his candidate -Sir John Mac, denald. Anterior to the Lennox elec. tiOn, when a good score was wanted by a marksman, it was customary to shoot at bull's-eyes ;-A. H. Roe reversed the old usage, and wishing to make a good record of votes fur his party, rhot with " bull's-eyes," and thus, taught the yuung ides how to shoot, as it were. But A. H. Roe was not content with aiuing the hearts of the young and the trusting. No, sirree ! In the language of the poet, or somebody ly else, he " want• ed to fly a higher kite." To' this end he betook him to a door to door canvass, so that he might have an opportunity afforded of grasping with a friendly grip the horny hands of the honest sons of tui( possessed of totes in Lennox. And he grasped a.:corJingly. And behold, after a t;andahako with A. H. Ree, marveThuus things were observed by •th.,ee whose handy had been grasped. Time and again did it happen that he who touched the palm of the agent of he Chieftain, tuund that something ail - leading men had given up the idea of hired to his i.wn hand upon !ho un trying to get another railway into Wing - clasping of the digits, and on such oe ham, but now they apptxtr to have taken capture an inspection revealed the fact up the matter again in right good earn - hat that sumelhieg was a bank note of est, rind our readers may not be surpris- ed if they succeed in getting a branch of the T. G. itt B. railway into Wingham next spring. At the above meeting, which was largely attended, Slesars. D. DLtOorilo n, II. \Willson and G. McKib- bon were appointed a committee to select a deputation to wait on the Presi- dent and Directors of the road at Toron- to at an early date, and find out if thore is any possibility of having the road ex- tended here." omitted by Mr. Johnson that all teachers be allowed to vote on the question, Lust. Thu merits and demerits of the rival sets of readers were then discussed by Messrs. A..1. Moore, H. I. Strang, P. Strang and W. R. Miller who were fol- lowed by the agents of the rival readers Mr. Waltusley and Mr. Moran. A vote was then taken as to which series of headers should be adopted in West Huron. The vote stood for Campbell's series, 14, for Gage's "series, 49. Moved by J. R Miller, LP.S., second- ed by T. Gregory, that the committeeto whom shall ot,referred the matter of text bt,t.ka sial( be instructed to re- commend from the authorized list such books as in their opinion are best suited to the wants of the district, said commit- tee to report at the next meeting. Car- ried. The financial account was then audited and adopted. All the members of the executive were then re-elected, but the president and secretary resigned,and the following were elected : H. Huston, president ; W. M. Leigh, secretary ; R. E. Brown, vitae - president, and R. Morrish, councillor, in place of P. Strang. Moved by S. P. Halle, seconded by J. R. Miller, that the following be the com- mittee to meet the East Huron committee pa text books : T. Gregory, P. Strand H. I. Strang, W. 11. Mille:, A. Duff and G. M. Kilty. Votes of thanks were then passel to the executive committee, and to the board of trustees for the use of the High School. Moved by J. It. Miller,eeconded by T. Strang ; "Chat with the Teachers, J. W. Bengough; "Teachers and Teaching," T. F. Yount[. J. C. Smith read a very interesting essay, "On Duty," in which he impress- ed un teachers their duty, (1) to their pupils, (2) to themselves, a,td their fellow teachers. After a few congratulatory remarks by the president, it was Moved by Th•s. Gregory, seconded by W. 1t. Miller,that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to Mr. Smith• for hie essay. Carried. Mr. Kitty not being present, It. E. Brown was called upon, and read his essay on "The Means and Ends of Edu- cation." He said that book learning did not constitute a good education unless connected with practical life. He did, not think our present system was practi- cal enough. P. Strang made a few remarks which were replied to by Mr. Brown, and then a vote of thanks to Mr. Brown was mov- ed by S. P. Halls,eeconded by P. Strang Carried. It was then moved by S. P. Halls, sec- onded by A. J. Moose, that the agents hnllott the 'Alter candidates wife ev. Dr. Lohley, ,Rev. r. Courtney, Rev.ev. Canon Carmichael, R. Rural Dean Cooper, Very Rev. Dealt B. dwin, Ret'. Henry H. Waters, Ker. C non Innes, Rev. J. Richardson. Rev. Archdeacon Myrrh, Rev. Mr. Boomer and Rev. Mr. Ruusfortl. The following is the tote. Clerical. Lae. Total. Sullivan ...... 69118 187Courtney Lobley lanes Marsh CarmichaelCooper Baldwin Waters •.. , ... Richardson Rainsford Boomer. 15 5 20 13 11 24 4 I 5 o 2 2 O 1 1 O 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 G 1 COUNTY NEWS. Culled trues ear LseallEtelmages. Auction e:w. *elution sale o1 a it'• iii ►9 1 rut, , cutter, a qu ultlty o f h ty, Laq�+a�.•. 1 stable outdate, hutw`•wla fornitiue, Sa., the property ,tf Rte. L. O. Kies, Nile, by H. Bill, auctioneer, ..a the pre -n• ism, at 12 ei clock, u.. is, o t Tut,i»y, Oct. 23rd, 1313. .motion silo •.f a (eras, st ic'k, ituple• meats and househ .1.1 f iruiture, the kir t• petty of Henry Tennaut, lot U, Bavtlela road, Oolerich toanshil,, by Ju'1n Kait, auctioneer, on the preWises, At 13 4.01.13'c, reams, i•11 NIonday, Oot. 33•t'l, 1833. Auction aisle sit fano sto3k and imals- ments, the property •.t Jut H twiin, itt 13, c et. 7. West Ws van 's:t. by Joha t Knox. unetio, •• i :'i, p •-i Wises. at 1 u'e 't:'t n -n , i. 1 I' t ,u1 t;', ):: 23CClt 1833. Auction a tie . f v slu ►bl., f :r.0 stuck and implements. the pprepsrty of H. llde- Gregur, lot 19, Like Ringo, Ashfield, by Richard DaL mag, a i.tioneer, en th, premises, at 1 [,'clock p.m., on Wednes- day, On. 24th, 1+38:1, Auction sale tf hu tae's•.{ 1 f.truitur 3. stick,Sc., by Joan Kitix. ttaionee-, at his auction inset, II t•nili•, t street, Otederich, at 1 tt'cl•wk p. al., iia Siturlay, Oct. 20th, 1933. Auction sale of farm stook aua. imple- ments, the property of Joseph Grua, lot 16. Lake R_ioge, Ashfield, by Rioh• and DeLntg, auctioneer, on the prem• ism, at 1 o'clock p. in., on Tueslty, Nov. 6th, 1883. Win Gauley, formerly of Clinton, will shortly take charge of Summerhill pub tic school. Duncan McLaughlin, of Grey, has sold one of his heavy draught cares to Mr. Smillie for $200. Robert Coleman has sold his farm in McKillop, being lot 7, con. 4, to John In Auburn, on the 13th Inst., the wife of Rich- ard Miller. teacher. of a son, On Tuesday. the 16th Oct., Cie t. ife of Mr. J. C. Harrison. ofa son. rg A R Rs tt:O. �r Oa October tth, at the residence of the bride's sister, by the Vela. Archdsaeon Elwood. Maloney, for $3,375. The faro[ contains Mr. Charier E. Shaw. youngest wen o: li6i3 acres. James Shaw, FAN.. of Moline, Ills., to Mist I ueorgina F. Watson, youagest daughter ot Chas. W Scott, of Birr,l a former the late James Watson. Esq., of Ooderich. teacher in this locality, has been enstag O' decoct tee bride's fahther t.by . the Revra9. ed for the Lucan Public School ata young. of Clittord, aaeisted by the Rev. J. salary of $525.00. ( S L•,cheatl. M.A., of Londesborough. and Mr. Linklater; at ono time a ?pupil td l tetidiitrich, /rtT I:n Y Thio npson, 4.A the Clinton High Schad, has been en- H.U.. of Remail. to Lizzie, eldest da ht- rr of Robert Scott. Esq., ot Londes- borough. scheme. e a no Gregory, that the expenses of the coin I gaged as teacher in the place of Mr.' trying to make money in another way mittee now appointed, as well as that Connolly, resigned. that[ by fairly and squarely earning it. 1'115 the Huai w ries of rs,aders bt alluwwl which usct in August, be paid by the Robert Durnien. of Wroxeter,is build - Two classes of people are getting tickets I no tn, with each rho test thing thie ager• I t The as Carried. tug a taw trill on the tut west of the neetu, with five minutes each for reply. The association than adiuurne,l to meet for this lottery -fuels and knaves. The Moved in »menduneut by V. 11 M,I- again at Exeter at the call of the Execu- school �ooleriand h'pectsort�s t have it in running oknaves are going to get the money. The ler, secondetd by Mr. Lane, that the ti bigger the knave the more money he agents :be allowed 25 minutes each to - will get. Mr. Murphy will•hav•s a full morrow morning with five minutes for y pocket after the " wheel goes wound. The original motion was carried. Session adjourned at 12.30. WHEN one of the school series agents AFTERNOON SESSION who attended the West Huron Teachers The association re -assembled at 2.15 Convention on Saturday last wanted to p.m. , depreciate the value of the rival reader, T. Gregory,the delegate to the Provin- he might have taken another method of cial Teachers' Association, made his re- port. He read extracts from the address - doing so instead of showing his ignor- es deliro vered at t.te association. ance of recognized English authors. For H. I. Strang moved, seconded by In - instance, amongst educated people -and, spoctor Miller, that a vote of thanks be presumably, our teachers are included in given to Mr. Gregory for his rep•trt,'and that the treasurer be instructed t, pay that class -it is nut safe for any gentle_ his expenses. Carried. ' man to enquire, "Who is Swinburne? Mr. Walmsley advocated the case of and Rosetti-who is Rosetti ?" Perhaps the Nelson -Campbell Royal Reader series the names were unfamiliar to the of readers, and was followed by Mr. Mo- quenat, but that is no disparagement to ran, who pointed out the merits of the Gage l atEach gentle - the name or fame of Algernon Sidney =had. fivetadian minutesheadefor reply. Swinburne and Dante Gabriel Rosetti Geo. Kilty then took upthe subject of The enquirer might as well have asked, Decimals, and showed his method of "[rho is John Milton ? and Goldsmith- teaching that branch of arithmetic. He who is Goldsmith?" received a vote of thanks.- Moved by H. I. Strang, seconded by S. P. Halls, that the executive be in - OCR friends over in Wingham are not structed to have the subject of Mr. Bry- going to let the railway question drop. ant's paper at the late Provincial Associ- The Adrttticr says :-"A very important ation discussed at the next meeting of the Institute. and that the secretary fur - meeting was held in the Council chem- nish each member of the Institute with her on Monday evening last. We were a copy of the minutes of the Provincial beginning ttget the impression that our ,Association. Carried. .1. W. Bengough then made a few humorous remarks, keeping the institute in a continual roar of laughter, after which the meeting adjonrned. FRIDAY ND;IIT. J. W. Bengough lectured in Victoria Hall under -the aus,oices of the- Associa- tion to an immense audience. A report appears in our local ouluu...s. saTeeDAY M0It ll 0;. s)oderich Oct 13. 1883. Association niet in the High Scheel. The Inspector led in prayer. .1. R. Miller I. P. S. made a few re- marks on the subject of bringing up Mr. Bryant's paper at the next meeting of the Institute, for discussion, as he was not present at the time, the motion to bring it up was passed. Messrs. W. R. Miller, A. J. Moore, and H I Strang also spoke on the quea- $2, $5, $10 -yea, at times the dentmi- nation ran to $20 -in value. Some there were who in (lie:r school -•lays had read of 'Midas, whose hand turned to gold chat with which it cause in contact, and had deemed tlw story a myth ; yet min Latinos, in the latter d'art of this nine- teenth century, was a greater feat per- formed by A. H. 1:••e, who by a simple touch of the hand, enol a gentle pressure of the fingers, caused banknotes to rest upon the horny papas, where previously naught but the perspiration of honest labor had reposed. Yet so it was ; for careful examinati.'ii was made into the matter, and it was found that A. 11. Roe ha•1 indulged in divers sleight-of- hand acts during the Dominion election contest- tr- liennes. And the ree ,rile ther•or are fully Set down in the chroni- cles ,•f the trial in that county, which ended in the unseating of Sir John Macdonald for bribery and corruption by agents, of whom A. H. Roe was chief. -d "TEL[:••'':':'E l:hrEi:SEIt. The Ouderlch.St.:NAL and Kincardine Re- porter aregsaeeairg Ise to whi'•h town has the hest harbor. Each 1r auatens for the ex- tension of the T.G. Sz It. lty. to 113 town on account tf superior harbor a,rnmnueletlon. If It con,•, to a rn.ttrorer,iT of aoirepre•cnta- tion. Tisa t•'teeit si. well no olouht carr., co. the ban.- (Walkerton fele•*_•.rye. In the first place there is , . quarrel b2tween the Rer,rfrr. of Kincardine and Tera SIG%AL, as to which is the hitter harbor-Gotlench or Kincardine. The Pri,orf t• deer 1 .t deny that (toJerich hull fitst place, ty a largo majority. And in tho-second place, Ter: Sf.%AL never has misrepresentei,end never will misrci,resent, under the present manat s- ment. \With these tritlint corrections the item front the [Walkerton r.4•x,..pe is very nearly correct. MOO •111•1•Mk Tal: Toronto lf"eir'ti is showing up another fraud- the Mato :d Marriage Aid Association, \\o :rust our r,•ads:4 will steer clear of this concern. The Wort/ do*erres the thinks of the com- munity far its unceasing warfare epos those vultures who are preying up.n the puree, of a e, "eiders¢ writhe' Last winter there was an unusual dis- play of dead fowl en the hats of the ladies. There will be a display of dead fowl this„wintor also, nut in addition to the dead fowl there will he dead kittens' heads, and other interesting things. Some African chiefs Who were presented with copper kettles by David Living- stone were at a lost t. knew what to do with them, and se they suspended them frim their necki and wore them as orna- menti hanging down their backs. Na turally they t.ttractedattention : but this was the object they had in view. Doubtless seine such motive animates the ladies when they put dead fowl on heir head -,ear. it will be a great sav- ing t•f material, however, if the surplus kittens are put to some good use, and they could hardly he applied to a more worthy purpose than in heightening the attractions id the fair sox. The aupply e! kittens is greatly in excess of the de- nnnd, so that no one need be out of the fashion. By and bye, no doubt, some means will be discove.d of utilizing se- cen,l-hand oyster cues, sof which there is always a large crop. • 1•'RANK CR.isw'ELLER, sec.v. risnl013. Messrs. E. Gaunt s( Sons, who were exhibitors at the Provincial, sold two rant lambs for 825 each; a'heading ram for $40, and their shear(:ng ram which PRIVATE SALE oeo°lIffulllffe. Among those who took in the wand- took the first prize was sold for $30. I MRS. FLETCHER w111 odor for sale her residence, West street, the following artiti her ers of the Blyth exposition were mine host of the Exchange and R. Bean. The Morrow steam thrasher, With Tall Donald and W. Morrow in good work- ing order, gave us a visit last week. The boys are still on.the single side. A NEST EGG. -A Garbraid farmer tells a good story about himself. He recent- ly laid his vest by, when helping at a threahing, and when he got through work, was surpised to find a newly laid egg in ono of his vest pockets. �aa�aaaoa. T. R. Walmsley, agent :for Campbells Royal -Readers, was the guest ot D. S. Munrow last week. The senior department itt our Public school was closed last Friday owing to the head master being at the convention in Guderich. B. J. Crawford has bad a new cellar wall built under his store. It .is com- modious and comfortable. There was a social in connection with the Methodist church one evening last week. There was a very good turnout and a pleasant time was spent. Mr.Bennett,who has occupied the pul- pit of the Presbyterian church here during the pant summer, preached his farewell sermon last Sunday. Last Tues- night at the farm of Kinnon McKinnon, day the members of the congregation met second concession, Kittle'ss. A young at Mr. Bennett's boarding house, Mr man named Angus McLe'-d accidentally slipped into the cylinder of a threshing tnachine, frightfully mangling his leg. Dr. Mackid was immediately sent for, and feund it necessary to amputate the limb. The patient is now doing well. On the evening of Thursday, llth inst., about fifty friends met at the resi- All these cheep„ are •uf the Leicester I �7Tf p 20th �]}� Oct.W. R. Porter, of Seafonfi, was in ; Saturdays, 20th 2 1 tit c Kiucardune on Wednesday of last week. ! 1 Parlor Set. upholstered in silk damask. He went to bed at the Royal leaving his r Bedroom Sets. room deer unfastened. In the morning 1 in ledetcad. he reported hating lost seine washe $81, which 1 roash Stands. Hrdrtoad. Snda. he was satisfied haul been taken out of First -Class Carpets. his me rocket:while he alep t. Border for Crumb Cloth, _ Pa i ItshCovers,blocktin,eilverplatdd handles Thee. Russell, of Csb'rne, recently sold a thoroughbred bull calf eight months old, to David Mitchell, of Hibbert, fir $200. Ho else weld a /HE months old hull calf to David McCallum,of Watford, for $250. Both these calves were bred from Mr. Russell's uwn herd. On Friday the citizens of Exeter were surprised to hear of the heath of John Back, Hour and feed merchant. He ate his supper as usual, and shortly after- wards eiipirod. Deceased was 59 years of age, has resided in Exeter for a long time, and was very highly eatsented. ARM BROKEN. -A son of 'Samuel Smith, of McKillop, about 15 years of age, fell from the wagon in the barn and broke his arm near the shoulder and dislocated the shoulder joint. The frac- ture is a particularly. Iced one, but under proper medical treatment he is recover ing. ,aw"r fo:saa'.!w .-:.' ' ~7 C+. A painful accident occurred -Monday breed. W. Stewart's, and presented Mr.B. with a purse of money, accompanied by a suitable address. Although taken com- pletely by surprise,he replied in suitable terms Mr. Bennett, during the short time he has been with us, has gained for himself many friends. We have no hesi- tation in predicting fur hull a very sac- •lence of Chas. Lovett, Summerhill, end cessful career. presented (1. M. Kitty. teacher. with u ten rolumos of standard literature and a beautiful wall pocket. Mr. Kitty has given up the echeeel at Summerhill, and accepted the position itt senior teacher f Belfast school. The contractor has commenced grading the hill in the western part of th 1 age. The Goody Templar- turned tut in force at the beginning of the week, and reshingled the Temperance hall. On Wednesday last .1: D. Roue til re- ceived an order filen Port Arthur for a steam fire engine and two hose reels and tion, and eventually 11 was moved by R. I Auburn mightproperly have been 1,500 feet ..f hose, the same to he deli- vered before the close of navigation, E. rown, seconded by Jas. Markman, called "The de,icrted village" on Friday The engine new in the shop will be ready that the resolution anent Mr. Bryant's last, the majority of the , inhabitants to leave by the 20th Inst. The town of paper he re -considered Lost. being in attendance at the Blyth show. Medford has else carried their b law for W. R. Miller then moved, and Mr. y- Miss Ptuebe purchase of the Brussels en Smith, at present attend- the ice. Gregory seconded, that the agents of the p g real readers be allowed ten minutes each ing Guderich DI•.del school, has been en - after the teachers had d ten i ed the goes• g"X°tl as assistant teacher in Manchester Burglars are .►6rttad in the tcet, uta. school for the ensuing year. Scan's banking office, Wingham, was lino. Carried. entered by burglars Thursday night, A discussion on the headers question There was quite a fall of eggs in the 11th instant. The entrance was effected then ensued in which Messrs. H. I. village on Tuesday. About five o'clock by breaking it pane of glass in one of the Strang, .1. It. Miller, P. Strang, W. It. on that evening a man employed by D, bank windows. 411 the burglars obtain - Miller, W. M. Leigh, R. H. Morrish, D. Wilson, Seaforth, in gathering eggs ed for the triable was 825 in silver, Jas. Mtrkman, Mr. McLean, W. Lane, tied his team in front of the post office which was in the quit. They, how - R. E. Brown, anti Ja,. Morgan took while ho proceeded to pack eggs at, Mr. over, carried eft conte books which are part. C•ldwell's afore. The horses becoming valuable to Dir. Scott as records itt the After which the following resolution restless, fintlly broke the tea lino which „ttiee. and amendments were made : Moved held them and started off, the driver PAI%CI. Al' IItENT.--A little daughter W. 11. Stiller seconded by P. Strang that trying in vain to stop them. They turn- 3 at the close of this discussion the vice of ed around and started off at full speed of Imbert Mcliichael, of Hallett, i»et the meeting be taken to the merits of toward the bridge. On nearing it, one with a most painfulaccident one day last the different readers and a committee of of the hones seemed to hs desirous of week. Sho was playing in a buggy which had been left standing near the sex appointed to consult with a similar house, when she telluut, fracturing the large butte of the left artn near the elheew. is hr has also recurs(• firatclw Willlsr, s0 The limb las been properly set, and the thn.P i•ntr uattng (irlsts to him caw depend os their being returned to their. enure sett tion. Pictures. Curtains. Fancy Work. Fluting iron. }tall Stove. Pipes. &c. Parlor Stand. And numerous other articles. Also School Room Furniture crossingit, the ether to continue in a committee from East Huron, said com- I straight mail down the base line. The mittec et 12 to have power to decide, and j result was thee they took a course be - in case of not [wing able to come to a j tween these two and ran over the bank decision, they have the power of calling ' into the river at the south enol of the' If joint meetin of the two essostationa caved itt sin men a - - Di } t b Mr .Mark - The trial of Mrs. Coats for the potsein• ing of her husband was concluded at Sherbrooke Thursday, and a verdict of "trod guilty" returned by the jury after an hour's deliberation. Joseph Myers, "f West Winchester, died Oct. 12., from cancer in the lip, in- duced by using an old clay pipe. This is the fourth rtctit 1 within twelve ntenths in the same place and from the Mune malady. At the Hamilton Assizes )'''eterday Maria McCwhtt was arraigned on the v1141.0 14 wilfully murdering her infant child, by drowning it in *cistern, and plea led guilt)'. A painful silence crewed, and the Judge asked prisoner if she i,leaded guilty deliberately. She replied in the Affirmative. Her plea being re- corded. she was c,ndnct.sl from the mart teen. ago; seconded by Mr. McLean, that the asi'ocietion decide immediately as to which aeries of readers shall be intrttluc- el ' West Ileron bridge, scattering the egg+ in all directi- ons. A good deal of difficulty was ex- periencedin getting the team free from what remained of the wagon, one of them being almost drowned. The load con- sisted of seven h ties of eggs, each box reserving the right of uaaire of latter until Xmas Holidays. Godericlt, Oct. 1801. 1883. 1911rt FoutIiill Narscrias. 325 ACRLB_ THE LARGEST IN THE DOMINION. SALESMEN WANTED Steady Employment at Fixed Salaries to all willing to woe Meet sed woURtt can have Pleasant Work the Year Bound. Good Agents are earning from $10 to $75 per month and expenses. O Termsandoutfit free. Address: ST9NEUS WELLINGTON, Toronto. Ont 1913-1 to DANIEL GORDON CABINETMAKER sera Loathii lluderlater, 41411113‘ae on hand now the LSR&EsIT41411113‘of First - Class Furniture in the County, end a..1 now put-haae for cash, will not be undersold by any one. 1 otter Tape+try Carpet Lounge.. ftddt $5.30 upwarls. tt hatnole, good, from $2.30 up. Bow }lack ('hairs. from 374e. up. and every- thing else in the same proportion, AT THE OLD STAND Between the I'ost °Mice & Bank of Montreal, GOi 1 !CB_ Oct. lath. 18&3. 1913- ASHFIELD Grist Mill DUNGANNON. The subscriber wishes to call the attention of the public to the fact that his Grist Mill 1s now completed. and furnished with the latest and most approved machinery for the manu- facture of the Quality Best ualit of Family Flour patient is getting along as well. as could be expected, but as the fracture is an near the elbow it is feared her ani will remain stiff. A Mrt..IN,•Hot.v 0,-i l aist e. -- On Monday morning last Joseph Brown, of to Harpurhey, receival a telegraph ctnvey- Move;l in amendment to the amend- containing about two hundred .dozen of ing to him the melancholy intelligence men[ by H. 1. Strang seconded by ale, then : the ;;rester part were dostroyel that his son .lamas had 'ed in Fano'. entailing a great lois- to Mr. \Wilson, who Dakota, the pret•ioessday. The deems - Gregory, that while strongly of opinion that it would be better that not m ,re paid 24e per dozen for them. The wagon eeo was a strong, robust young man of than one series of readers should be • was badly damaged, both axle. being picot 24 years of age. He went to 'authorized, yet the (itt t,rernent having I broken. The wonder is that the horses Dakota with John (thaw about Are decided otherwise this association would i were not instantly killed, as the hank is months 115/11 and was empMyed with hist ro aloecttully urge that Ow 3rd series, I very tough and steep here, and is ab,ul is the pLut"ring baseness. 11 ' was • known as the 11 teal Canadian Readers, 'fifty feet lung. vary steady, indaitnoua "itt. And was should ,► s.' be authorised, ami in tau _ - loin well. About ten days previous to t me..entime would recommend the trustees ! ,t min named John Cienm itld was his death he wsa l.rwtrated with an at - ' ito defer intrvwluctng say now candor' killed by the mdniq t express going until the question of its autheriaetion is wait near Carleton Place Monday night. finally settled, lit is thought he had been drinking and The iesoluti'm carried.t .'•cordal h t 1.11 *sleep ont the .tr ck The body was Mo4e1 by 11 1. y y tack of what is cel eel Red River Fever, and although he received every possible care and attention ray sa-t!e:a was n•- ah!e to bear un um let the eir,tle'eee of the disease. --(Eip [sitar A TRi AL S(iL1CiTED. THOMAS DISHER. 0,-1. I (, I Rltt. 19114% t35A AAA TO LOAN AT 0 PER i • WV CENT. TIIF. TOItONT(t GENERAL TRU (1O'Y are prepared to loss money at 8 per rest.. Isa3 shle h.lf yearly. on TERMS Tel $I'IT 11o11ROWgRM, on fires -'•lase farm security. Apply to t'AMICRON, 1101.T & CAMERON. Barristers. Giw1 Pre c h. .ag..nta for the Toronto General Trusts (.7• Messrs. ('Astitos. HOLT it. ('tiVEIRO"( have also • lar amount of private funds to Lean on first -chaps fare secerite •st I41.410 't.wk.r►els, Ore. 1. 1457 Stet•tf/ {