HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-19, Page 3THE HURON /slGriA1., FRIA\ . OCT. 19, 1883.
reassess amid l'eselislest Ir tete Mersatter -
we 'hetet*. Mb awful Crime -Ilse
Mardorer •r ere leek tawny calmly
Meets M. Yate.
L'Original, Out. 12. -This haste village
has been greatly agitated all this week
over the intended execution of Frederick
Mann, the murderer of the Cook family
at Little Rideau on Jan. 2nd, last. This
morning the egoitemua reached its
climax, and by tis -morrow people will
have resumed their normal state of mood.
The, scaffold was erected in this goal yard,
and the customary hour of eight a. ie.
was fixed for all that was cal of the
cruel but Tnuthfu1 A.swiu to ha swung
into eternity. List eveuiu4.I when your
correspondent left t.iw, M.me appear-
ed cuuiperetivuty missed ul, and quite ru•
signed to hta awful fate He eks:lared
that he would .uuut death without flinch-
ing, iu the sura Au.l cartsin hope of the
forgiveness of (i.o.l. He ate heartily int
his last day ea earth And slept soundly
last night. Sharitf Merrick who -u
it wu,engaged three Ouuu to Act as execu-
tioner, so that if one or tiro backed out,
he would have a thirl t.. ds the deed.
Tho Rev. Mr. Philips, who lies attended
to Mann's spiritual wants ever sauce
sentence was passel, was with him at the
last trying moment, and took part in the
melancholy procession to the scaffold,
which was headed by Sheritf Merrick.
Mann preserved a cattiness of.apirit, and
ascended the stops with a strength of pur-
pose and nerve that is rarely witnessed
by mortals in passing through such a try-
ing ordeal He stepped upon
Ire r Mew 0.04111 /60. %revs.
A youthful speaker, nervous at the In the skin of a fowl, where a feather
sews tw e(reakltltt.
prospect of a3dresain; a literary swwty
on its aucivorsary, was advised by a
clergyman to l.s,k upon the audience as
if it wens n, uufV cahha;u-head.. The
suggestion wrs not a bad one, provided
the youth had th .r .ughly prepared his
speech fur heads with brains. The young
man, though he did not know it, held in
that nervousness at Isaac one dour to a
place among orators. For there is scarce -
I) a speaker whose words wive iueu who
does not feel a similar tremor every time
he rises before a great audience.
"My throat and lips" said the late
Lord Derby, surnamed the "Rupert of
donate," from his dashing, fearless style.
'when 1 ant going to speak are as dry as
those of a MAO who is going to be hang-
Mr. Matthews, in his essay leu 'The
Orator's Trials,' has otdle. ted a number
d cases to Illustrate the ac
11 t fact that the
is to appear, there is to be seen a
Pit. anti iu the bottom[ of this rises a
tittle mound or pyramid. Around this
pyrannd certaiu hallo grooves esteuds
deeper at the bees and seeming to radiate
from one large groove at one side --all
growing shallow.... and finally disappear-
ing at the top. This whole pyramid is
covered with a skin composed of the
same smiles, or flattened cells, as
In the
which oov.F the whole body
ordinary process of growth the new for-
mations on the surface of the body throw
off, as effete matter, the older portions
of the akin ; but here they are retained,
and become so olusely united to each
other that they form sort of horny coat
more or less strong (according to As age),
oder the surface of the pyrarntd. As new
cells grow at the base they push up this
little horny protuberance till it breaks at
its thiuest point, wi ich is opposite the
very sensibility which gives the orator large groove. Then as Ile'. growthsetil
his power makes hint nervously anxious push it onward and flatten it, it assumes
before resin:; to address' an audience. the form of a feather, the ridge in the
Patrick Henry usually began with a main furrow or groove being the shaft,
hesitating timidity, which continued u:i- while the side grooves form the separate
til the excitement of speaking threw it brute id the vein. When all this web of
off. 11 in.Pinkney,a hau,hty, defiant and the feather is completed the pyramid
vehement orator, would turn pale when loses its grooves and becomes smooth.
abut to speak, mind his knees would All parts are of equal thickness, and so
tremble as if he were Belshazzar gazing hard as not to break easily, but remain
at the mysterious hand writing nu the tubular and form the quill, which is at -
wall. Even years of practice failed to tauhed to what remains of the pyramid.
repress this nervousness. The finger nails, and even single hairs
are developed and formed in the sante
way ; and every one who has injured a
nail and boat it knows by how long a
process -some three or four months-
the- missing finish to his digit is being
with firmness, carefully insptctel the
piotening of his legs, wore a cheerful
smile, said "good-bye to his attend tilts,
and dropped into the everlasting, after
an impressive prayer had been oil red•up
by the Anglican minister. The execu-
tioner did his work in a cool manner,ar.d
nine and is quarter initiates after he had
touched the fatal spring, the pulsations
of the murderers heart ceased. He d e i
apparently without a struggle, and is
credited with having said, "It's ugly a
trop, step and a leap from a sinful world
into .
This morning he joined heartily in the
devotional exercise°, siitgin, with great
zest a good tenor to that beautiful hymen.
"Abide with raw, first falls the eventide."
At 8.30 o'clock, the body was cut down,
and an inquest is now in progress. About
fifty persons witnessed the execution.
It is fortunate for the orator th• t years
do not do this. For without th sensi-
bility which begets it one of the orces of
oratory would be wanting.
Tristaut Burgess, ' the bald -eagle of
Rhode Island,' while speakinn on some
important question in the House of lte•
presentative', suddenly printed his fore-
finger towards his oppeuent and Made a
look pauee.
' That pause was terrible,' said a col-
league to Mr. Burgess, ou leaving the
House. ' To nu one su terrible aa to
tae.' replied the orator, ' for I couldn't
think of anything to say.'
' Nothing but strong excitement and a
great occasion,' wrote Lord Macaulay,
while he was lookel upon as nue of the
orator' of the House of Curnmous, 'over
cavo a certain reserve and tc.nrriase
limit, (bashfulness which I havin in
epeekin ; not sir s .0ile h•ite which in the
least confuses els or slakes pie hesitate
for a word, but which keeps me lean
putting any fervor lute my tone or ac Live peaceably with all men.
tine •'Eat slowly.
Dr. Storrs. the most fiuishel of pulpit After dinner sit awhile, after supper
orators, whose extemp'•raneous semens walk a mile.
are marvels of rhetoric, thought and epi- Eat when you are hungry, not when it
quence, it is said made a dead failure
when he first preached without notes.
Aftei tlouederiug for twenty'• tit e minutes
he came to a full stop.
'I sank back in the chair,' he said, de-
scribing his mortification, 'almost wish-
ing that I had been with Pharoah and
his hosts when the Red Sae went over
View Geoarawhiral Nausea and Their Der'.
The following is a list of some Ameri-
can geographical nacres, with their deri-
vatien,which will doubtless be interesting
It would be a g..ud plan for school child-
ren to cut it out and preserve for future
reference. -
America, named after Amerigo Vespucci
who, in 1497, landed upon the conti-
nent, south of the equator..
Arizona, sand hills.
Bummudas, naked after Juan Bermudez,
the Seanish discoverer.
' Canada, a collection of tuts.
Cayuga,a long lake.
.Chicago, a French form of an Indian
word sitnifyinil a skunk ; also, a wild
()cion, inion its strung and disagreeable
calor. •
Chili, land of snow.
1'01. rade, red' or colored.
Coli tibia, named after Christopher Col-
Det.. it, named irom the river or `strait'
on which it is built.
Ecuador, equator, to named from its
position under the line.
Eric. wild ca', the name of a tierce tribe
ettertninated by the Iroquois.
Testa, the French term of an Indian word
sagnifying`the drowsy' or the `sleepy
T. Make 1 metier Mimic
1. Learn to cloven► yourself, and to
be gentle and patient.
2. Guard your tempers, especially in
seasons of ill -health, irritation and
trouble, and soften them by prayers,
a sinof your own °hortoumugs and
3. Never speak or act in anger until
you have prayed over your words or acts,
and concluded that Christ would have
dons so iu yuur place.
4. Remember that, valuable as is the
gift of speech, silence is often vouch more
5. Do not expect too much from
others, but remember that all have an
evil nature, whose development we trust
expect, and which we shkeld forbear and
forgive, as we often deE,tru forbearance
and forgiveness ourselves.
6. Never retort a sharp or angry
word. It is the second wocd that makes
the quarrel.
7. Beware of the first disagreement.
8. Learn to speak in a gentle tone of
9. Learn to say kind and pleasant
things whenever an oppertrnity offers.
10. Study the character of each, anti
sympathize with all iu their troubles,
however small.
11. • Do not neglect little things, if
they can affect the comfort of others in
the smallest degree.
12. Avoid moods and pets, and fits of
13. Learn to deny yourself, and to
prefer others.
14. Beware of meddlers and tate-
15. Never charge a bad motive, if a
good one is conceivable.
16. Be gentle but firma with chil-
17. Du not allow your children to be
away from home at night without know-
ing where they are.
18. Do not allow then[ to go a here
they please on the Sabbath.
19. Do not furnish them with much
spending money.
20. Rementberthegrave,the judgment
seat, and the scenes of eternity, and so
order your home on earth that you shall
have a home in hoavon.-I Pres. Chroni•
tpkorlsms fer the Dyspeptic.
In the thins edition of his treatise on
indigestion, Dr. John B. Gill, of the
Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh,
gives the aphorisms for the dyspeptic, to
learn by heart :
Let each man take that which he
finds, by experience, to suit him --not
his neighbor; carefully distinguish be-
tween natural tastes and acquired bad
One man's meat is another man's
Earn your leaf before you eat it.
Always ri•sc frurn the table unsatiated.
Stimulation must be followed by de -
Is meal time.
Eat only such a quantity that you
shall be hungry when steal time comes
Let 'your food be proportionate to your
Be temperate in all things.
Nature le: ea regularity.
them.' Dr. Diet is the hest physician.
.My Lords,' said the Earl of Rochester, It is not l;oeel for a man to be alone.
as he began a speech in trio Houao of Idleness is the stomach's hangmen,
Lords, `I -I-1 rise this time -my lords,
I- I divide my discourse' into four bran-
ches. My horde, if ever 1 rise again in
this house, I give you loaf to cut mo off
root and branch, forever.'
The lessor taught by these incidents
is this ; The orator should master, hut
cot eradicate, his nervousness. Canning,
one of England s wittiest and most clas-
sical of orators, used to say he was sere
of speaking his best if he .ruse in a great
• fright. The more his heart beat, the
more certain he was that the heart of the
audience a-ould soon heat in responsive
sympathetic rhythin.-{Youth s Compan-
Al th• s 11dt, F•stahlisheel;Sh..0 Store in leers,
In Endless 4ariet3r,
!Sound Aililre ta Parbers.
t. sett the most faistidtjuus and th most economic buyer
U now comple.e, and 1 take pleasure iu informing my cuskumers that at iso prn-
viow'u.te have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price unti
it is a positive fact that ne such value in foot wear cat• be got elsewhere.
Iu yuur conversation ask as many
questions as passible that require au im-
mediate answer. Swallowing soap
doesn't injure a petaon seriously.
After you have thoroughly soaped
your cnstomer's face, seize hint by the
Huai and begin operations. This e,iables
hint to breathe through his ears.
Never fail to remind n- roan that his
head is full of dandruff. The tonsorial
artist who ueelects this plain duty
doesn't know any mere about his busi-
ness than a barber. •
Du net think of selling your "Egyp-
tian Lustr:tl" for less than a dollar a bot-
tle. affairs in Egypt aro somewhat utl-
eettlel, and, besides, glass"bottles ceet
mo" -'•-a little,
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be made up
in the most approved styles by tiret-class Workmen, end
of the very beat material obtainable.
If you have been eating onion° and
drinking gin be frank with ycur emits'.
Thousands are being cured c: Catarrh mer and tell hint so. • Otherwise he may
every year with Hall's Catarrh Curo, that think it it the •sewer, and bother sante
he doctors had given up and said could daily newspaper writing lettere about
not be cured. 75 cents a bottle. Sold it.
by George Rhyynae, sole ingent for Gude If you timid that your cu.tunrer is about
rich 3m to °wallow his `.\dam'■ apple" you
They all tell the same story. W. should at once shave in that direction.
Thompson, jeweler, Delhi, suffered for Iu this way you can cut a bolo in his
years from Dyspepsia, got no relief until throat, and it will apparently be his orris
lie used Dr. Carson's Stomach. Bates. fault.
He says it was just the medicine I need Never fail to call the attention of your
ed. It has cured me. customer to the celebrated tonic of your
One of our hest citizens would say to own manufacture. The fact that you
the ublic that he has tried Hell's Ca made it yourself will go a .lung way to -
}' ward effecting a sale -particularly
n and it is all that is ..]aimed
In the late electrons just re in Ohio ,.
A full line of a11• the Leading Patent Mc,lieines al ways kept on itantl
(Physicians Prescriptions a' SDecialty.)
1 t LA K 1':'S BLOCK, '1' H E SQUARE;
ow-z .izz aWTTedd-up
Beg t. announce td the Public that tits) hate opened Lusiuess in the above Store
in the btoie la'ely occupied by Horace Newton. Hai iug.purclastd a large and
well assorted stock of Spring and Sumpter (nods at close tlguree, we are determines
to give the Public the benefit.
in -O. -Please call and examine our i uuds before purchasing elsewhere,
33!'Reutember the place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store
7te''Custom work will receive our special attention.
„xarallone but the beat of material used and tirat-class we'kuten employed.
)711 -Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice
Goderich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U F
tart Cure, a
and Iowa this liquor question was pushed for It. Price , 3 cents per Sold ° f dile cutting hair and watching a 1Irish & CanadianTwBgqs
prominently to the trout The women bb• Geo. Rhynes, a ole anent for lode do fight on the etruut at the same time gislik l f litui a am •
trap ere.
1' d .rich. um you find that your shears come to an
tun up the cause a iTu i , u
made an active cautass in favour of it. Mr.. J. McPhiie, Appal, writes :--, abrupt stop, neglect the dog -tight for a
They seem to have made ea 1 deny During But D ' • the last eight )'ears I have used moment Otherwise you may cut off Tip -GT"
the result to the Republicans of ,, .., e. almost every medicine recommended for , s„niebody's ear.
nes,' -Sioux name of the Pahnja or t of four,
"Gray -now" tribe. luso them thmaup.port uE this Germans• Carson s Bitters. If y .n su8cr try tt teen dollar calfskin hoots, a brass watch
t o si••ui- peaceful and law- rads, chain and a coloured shirt, you are safe
they in assuming that 6c is a br:'tkcamau ..n a, y T. •
L. li d named 1 t} a t n's Tare, 1 Democrats, p th result has IN
ing the prohibition plank has been to Biliousness, but fuuntl nothing equal to' If your customer we
Ih i sea smoky enter alio sat.l t e The Germans area p eacef Puce u) ce
fy gosh p Otatn. abiding class ofthe cotuntu sty, but. e
Kentucky, at thll head .d a ricer. dearly love their beer. They went over kraus'', Field L1aklalw inassumi• train, and yen can proceed t o Ia lie
U 1 TZ10P
colour his moustache a stolen black.
l ra oY, ,y to • pinta ' to the emocra s, nut u
h.ibrndo;, "cultivable land," to die- beeu a Democratic victory. As is usual Cures Teothache and leurahaia quick as' When a man comes in whom you knew
tinguish it fnnn Groenland. 1 it one aide is fig ting flash, telieree any pain instantly, the to ne a stranger, always ask Lira if w
.n.__ _ cup stranger,
will env nn- of coarse:
in caeca in
w sic • .
simpl for what it believes to be right, I cheapest and quickest al ache t on kti l is',
• is TMENT
I t and 1 ricer. latter side to ensure victory. :honey tic-. Sore m•oa or _ geckoes, statesmen and o iters indulge
k I l you can to Gco Rhynes in thes, stat of a private
M!tItitioulln,. spirit islands. ..
Michigan, a weir for fish. and the other is fighting for its bread and i \V by smtfer w ith T t but his manus will .eluate that he
• Milwaukee, rieb land yr butter a thing was left undone by the i Headache, Rheuntatiam, Lumbago, pleased. As ►rue none but b..nkere,
usiseipmi, grey on Tl t acute Pains of and ed
CLOTHING, sera I..tITCa:.tsSOitT AND THE LATit4T UES(s:N`t-"
tTAL.t. T111'. LATEST y.Tv't.1:l.
AND FVM:1tY Sl%It a]
1listourt, muddy. f t '."- is -hero the int when o I
M t I R rel '1launtain-s.) named p p •ust'rest always has thendt uttaRe. , g
taneous curt for 2.
on res , ray
was freely spent., to cup.
o u dru Et ire and pct a perfect and tustall-
► u r e
by the French explorer, Jacques Cu• It is a question of life and death with it, '
tier, 15344,15, as it knows that if prohibition were c.tr-
Neefoundland, so named by its rliscever• rigid it would have to close its bare.
er, John Cabot, in 14'97. !irst applied
to all the territory diseov ;rod by
An ,Answer Ranted.
• i code. As: furl
Kram -s Fluid Lightning. b I
CINOtLE E. -.'s name well known in
onnection with the Hair Iteuower,which
estates grey hair to its natural c.,l'r by
but afterward restricted to the Island Can silt• Otto bring us a case of Kidney a few weeks uac. Sold at 50 cents per
to which it is now applied. or Liver Complaint tint Electric lltttere bottle by Janus Wilson. 2m
Now York, named after the Duke of will not speedily cure 1 We say they .-t juror, Dennis Murphy, in :t case
York, afterwards James IL.
Niagara, neck of water-connectingLake
Erie with Lake Ontario.
-Noxa Scotia, New Scotland.
Ohio, beautiful.
Ontario, from On mut,, "a tillage on a
m ,untain," the chief seat of the Onou-
11n gen, named by Carter, l )regnn or
()regain, i, r., River of the West.
Ottawa, traders.
Quebec, an Algonquin terra, meaning
"take caro '.of the nock." ,
Saskatchewan, swift current.
Toronto, an Ire.iuuis terns denoting oak
trees rising from the lake.
Vancouver Island, mono) after Van-
couver, who shite.' the island in
Winnipe_, turbid weter.
Dsee.M Reward
For any Testimonials recommending
McOrego-'a Speedy Cure for Dyspepsia,
indigestion, Costiveness, Headache,etc..
that are not genuine : twine of which are
from persons in the States ,r thousands door, Carleton still stands with open
of miles away. but fr'm persons in and arms and will be delighted to have him
around Hamilton, Ont. lVe rive trial all to herself. Up to the present, Carlton
htottlet free of cost, so that you cannot and Lennox were represented by half a
be deceived by purchasing a worthless ar- man each. but no doubt they argued that
Bale. but know its vain. before buying• it was better to be represented by half a
Tr al bottles and testimonial. green fres mut like Sir John Macdonald than by a
at G. Rhynaa' drug store. a whole matt of lees ability and brain a. it
Krum'. Fluid L'ertalea is a pity that tie was not born twins, ea
could each have had one of
Necda no advertising when once intro- then they
him. --{Toronto Telegram.
deceit. Every bottle sold sells hundreds
of others by doing all and more than re- "Why should Arnim whose blo..w rs warm
presented tor, Neuralgia►, Toothdche,
Headache, etc. h removes any pain
instantly quick as trash. Try it and you
will sayit is well named Fln1I Lightning.
Oet a cent battle at 0. Rhynes drug
cannot, as thousands of cases already
permanently cured and who are daily re
cornmendin Elect ric !utters. will prnre.
BeighCIDisease, Diabetes, Weak Back,
or any urinary complaint quickly cured.
They purify the bleed, regulate the terc-
els, and acts directly .on the diseaee.1
parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For
isle at 3Oc. a bottle by J. Wilson. [11:
Now that there is a reliable remedy for
kidney trrnil,lea, half the terrors att.:talted
to these complaints have Leen renewed.
For this let all he thankful, and to Dr.
Van Buron's Kidney ('ure award all
praise for having thus removal a hitherto
Considered fatal disease from our path
it was never known to fail. Sold l.y J
tVils.tn, 2111
Thousands. bear witness to the teel-
tive curative powers of the ,GREAT GEE -
MAV iNVIGOItATOR, the only remedy that •
has proved itself a •epecitic for gnleral
debility, sonata' weakness, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from sell-
abuse.a. overtaxed brain, finally ending
in cunsuunptien, insanity and a polite -
tried at White I'laius, N. Y. the other lure eritvts Sold by all ttrugcists, •.r
day, wanted the foreman to teas a penny will be sent free on toceipt of $1.00 per
with hint to decide as whether he should box, sir six boxes for $Z.. address F. .1.
jiiiii the It already -1 rtr-crmvirtitm or i;H$aal•,-'i`oetedn; Ohur, sole- agent fer
whether the 11 shouted juin him iu a the United States. Send for circular ,
verdict of acquittal. - I and 1eatimenials'if genuine curetOeo.
Rhyttae, 0 ,derich ant
McGregor's speedy cure. I A Rewato.--Of one d..reu "Tenets-,
Frani the many remarkable curs a -s" to any one sending the best four pine
wn,ught by using 'McGregor's Speedy rhyme on "TFAtirntiv," the remarkable
Cure for Dyspepsia, Itelizestion, C•meti- little`gem for the Tectal and Batt. Askl C
patioti and Affection of the .Liver, and your t►rmgaest or address. v
The unseating of Sir John Mlcdottald
in Lennox, on the ground of bribery by
agents will snake ne difference a11 far as
he is ccncerncl. Ile was elected for two
cnnstitneacies, and now that he has been
deprived of one, can fall Mack upon the
ntller. Lennox having shown hint the
tl'.k1'INE AS
with n
Sit ke his grandsire cut in elaliaater li
Or let his hair grew rusty, scant and thin.
Whets "(Imo at.wax arretwrtn willmake
g row the faster For sale 1.t. .1. tt il-
M, 2.n
ATTi:BNS. MASE 1 1' -IN 1111( 1) i•11.I . 1.1 1 IIA7
AND A 1'1'1' OVARANTI-.1-;Ir Olt NO SALE
INT ""W. 0-CD0DS, NSW PRI. p.
immense inense sale of it without any a.l-
vertising, was Have concluded t.. place it
extensively on the ivarket, s.• that those
who suffer may have a perfect cure. (1..
to 0. Rhyne* drier etoro and get it trial
bottle free, or ilio rutular size at ret) cents
and $1, a
!dome one hat talonn tho trouble to
ascertain how far a farmer must walk to
put in and tend forty acme of corn. Te
plough the ground with a sixteen-inck
three -horse plough ho travels 35$) miles ;
to harrow the ground thoroughly before
planting he will have to travel 104) miles;
to cultivate the same he travels fifty
miles ; to milti%ate i. three times he will
have to travel 150 mill s -making a total
of 1100 hundred miles besides the gather-
Two hundred and tifty pounds has i
been subscribed by Irishmen, at Cork,
towards the erect Ma of a National menu-
mont tr. the late Father Burke. the well- '
knows Dominican Priest. Parnell is
anion:; the subscribers.
11.\i TIII: 111tAN1) 1)1'
1'. Tin,. ',IAlti:E.r, .lN1' 1111'
On111:It1('H. ONTARIO
, ut'I:T Iltrl': s: -tit'.\R1'.
Imam'. Field Llartw'ag _-__-
L the only instantaneous relief for N.
ralgia, llcadeche,Taethache, etc. Poo
nine a few dn•pn briskly u all that n-piii.iq
needed. apo taking nauseous merlieities: lit 111.111 ili 411
for weeks, but one minutes applieatie r
Iremove. all papa and will ,novo the g. ! g
, value ••f gram's Fluid .ightnir.r.
cents per bottle at (:our•ze Rhyiras' draw r =MN _ ---- _. .. __
i atnTe• b •. owa Me- e time, ti )ult oh.,Meeor two re rrewne at home, to '.r.• Pet ; :'t roomrarer
n w coBeLi theee nurser when our has over
A wrwlwa to all tnetb led.
are ti..wied with patent
--000 Rolls of the Latest Designs
A Rua ea a Drag *lore
I Never we• such it rnsh made for any
Drug phare as Is naw at J. Wilson's for a
Trial Bottle of 1)r. King's New 1')iec'v-
cry for ('•msumption, C',.ughs and ('olds.
All pere ins affected with Astlims, Bron-
chitis, Heaseness, Severe CntiQhs or any
affection of the Toed or Lungs, can get
a Trial Bottle of this great remedy free,
by calling at above Dreg Stare. Begs-
( ar size $I (r''
tiscments, it is trstifymg t,i know what
to prisms that will certainly cure you I:emir, c,': •rq ani at pe.re,l • are the Raul i,Iur pry
tints, and rat . coml...
et.ldl•n11 and ..ea shires they
if you am bilious. blood out of order; hoer innoi iri,n or ; enewo dethatatetll SluiI!
` !IIthere ie nnthinlr in the ,world that will h l1 11 cure yon st..)uickly as Electric Bittcs. hC '' j7ii
1 1 _I1 1
They are a Messing to all mankind. and t
eon he had••for only :;fty cent. a hWttl. •j` urrIi1 II e j •
' •if James Wilson 12'