HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 8THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 5, 1883. y'� __...r .S 7 Sr' pIRECT IMPPRTATIONS'' THE EMPORIUM TO THE FRONT. t tt WONIEItFUL ARGAINS nRY -GOTS. Our Mr. J. C. D. has just returned from Europe, where he has been visiting the Markets, and PURCHASED EXTENSIVELY. We are now prepared toive our customers the benefit of our Cheap Purchases. g FULLY 15 to 20 PER CENT. CAN BE SAVED �3Y ETTYING- ]'ROM S. C- DFTI OR 8z .CO_ IAT.° �►� •mmense Display of Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Buttons, Dress and Mantle Trimmings, Mantle Ornaments, &c., &c. TWO LARG E CASES VELVETEENS: SEE OUR "LOU ISE BRAND." ONE CASE Or MANTLES, purchased from the Manufacturers. Don't omit seeing them. Z:7=7..4614..=.1,4 2N' COMF'ORT'ERS COVERS_ DRESS GOODS AT PRICES THAT 'WILL ASTONISH. THE r3ERED TAILORINC DEPARTMENT FULLY SUPPLIED With the Newest Patterns in Scotch, English and French' Tweeds and Coatings. arII . 31:110 L 40®_, GOA 3IP MUD= H New School Books! • t ReceiwEd School Book Emporium T ^ Lopriylt, and, Moat Complete Stock —OF— SCI-IDOL BOOKS : I 1, 1. high and Separate Schools and Colleges, at Imre's Book Store. DRIVES LOWEST IN THE COUNTY Se, Li ± . tloi JAMES IMRIE, • Goderich, Ont., _.__ 13_ CORNELL, CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER Corner .Store. Iforton's Brick Block. Hamilton street. GOD:3RIOi3, ONT. A. H. ('.has. at i large exposer, purchased a FIRST CL.RSS IIE.1 RSIs and is prepared to attend and conduct fueseal• oa the shortest notice. In town or oonatry. A large stork of COFFINS An CARNETS '1:PT CONSTANTLI 01111.11) Both in Iters -'ted Wood and Black ('loth. at very Reasonable Priors. WA OA L.L. BOLIOIT9171,- Nod.rloh. filth. two Itlst►3en t A_ B. OORN1E31,L_ FALL M1LLINERY OPEN1NG MRS. GIRVIN Will hold a Grand Mitlincry Opening un ,S:1 T URD.z11; OCT. 6th,, '83, To which the Ladies of Ooderich are cordially invited. Racing lately returned from the cities, she is in a position to diiptily all TH E LATEST STYLES PILI. MILLINERS', SIANTLES, tar STEIN, UNDERCLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, &c. .And the thousand and one other Novelties of the Season. DON'T FAIL TO CALL And see the Misplay. Remember the Date. MRS. GIRVIN, Court House Square, Goderieb. orlcrich, Oct. 1, ISR:L tt RMOV1_ PHILO NO13I4E MERCI3 ANT '.TAILOR, Has Removed to Hamilton -St., Near the Square, Goderich, --)AND WILL FURNISH OR MAKE UPI— . Gents' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices. N YEARS' EXPERIENCE. ('I TYING A sPEI'IAL1 V. PERFECT FIT 4FARAYTFED. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. NOTE THE ASDRFAa PHILO NOBLE, HAMILTON -STREET, GODERICH. TIIE WELL.(ND VALE 1 •tNI'FA('TUItING CO.'S HARVEST TOOLS ARE E(II;AL TO THE BEST IN THE MARKET John A. Waite/ Has Them in Every Class Hay Forks (boy's sizel, Ittc., men's size, from 30c. and upward. Barley and straw Forks Scythes (new patterns, and Snaiths. Cradles and Cradle Scythes. Harvest Mitts, etc. Machine Oil. from e. up to $1.0u a gal. It you want PERFECTLY PURE WHITELEA. JOHN A. NAFTEL has it, guaranteed so by the maker' under a forfeit of $250 for each ounce of adulteration found in it. If you want a paint. mixed and tinted. ready for immediate tNo JOHN A. NAFTF:L has It the beet in the market. UT'tAPRCHA PAINT, warranted to contain nothing but Pure White Lead and Oil combined with Gntlapercha ant Oxide of Zinc LfAII for sale at JOHN A. NAFTEL'S Cheap Hardware Emboriu* Ooderich, July 19Ma THE FALL OPENING --()F— The F - The Chicago House WILL HE HELI) ON SATURDAY, OCT. 6th, 1883. The Ladies are invited to caU and view the latent novelties. A. J. WILKINSON. MILLINERY OPENING FIBS (3-17LAHAM Hens to announce that her lidl111anq Opening for the Fall and Winter Season takes place On and .lftcr Saturday, Oth of October, 1883 Wks. (hut. will be exhibited the largest Astlbftmeat of French & A merican Pattern Hats & Bonnets With a Great Variety of all the Leading Novelties el Ibe tissues. CALL AND INSPECT HER STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. MISS QRAHAM. grRranatber the Stand. lest the Et. Elmo. Court Ilona Square. Oodotrieh, OMerteh. dept. V. LM. IM SEEDS! SEEDS. A T T H IC Mi13t IO A T. HALL JtiST RECEIVED A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OF FRESH GARDEN, FIELD, AND FLOWER SEEDS from tonere the west Reliable /iced Warehouses in the Dominion. FOR SALEBOTH IN BULK & IN PACKAGES F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist, M>IQDIO.&L HbLL ►(2FODMRIdfI_ �3ELZl0, NEIL I OR Where are you coming from with that arm NU of goods 1 Why. I have just ben to R_ PROD DPOOT'S, The Cheaper. and Most Reliable More la town. Why, you can get GOOD TE.1 FROM IOc. TO 80c. PER POUND. HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS OANNOT BB B=AT. 19111141a Aad Oh. my t If you only could ser the Be rgaine in Fe.otoriee and Flannels. . het, eventing; sae waste la kb il.e M cheaper sad be tet tiaa i can Net aayw here else