HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 71`Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1 u;
Fun and 3: sncv.
B.d rook -The Beadle.
Fatly English -Baby talk.
Brothers -in -law -Lawyers.
The mosquito mat quit, ..h !
A!w•ys m foot -The ankle.
Good gore -A blooded horse.
Back -caro -A heavy burden.
Nu cue ever heard ourn-stalk.
Current poetry- River songs.
Always going W sited-C•a•ries.
Not by a jug -full - The t.s oteler.
Woman's sphere -A ball of yarn.
A nun of wit's views -Tee sul.x.
Dead broke -A shattered mummy.
High art in grease -A Lust in lard.
A sour mash- Stepping en • lemon.
A moving tail -The dui j narrative.
Coffins should be made of dye -wood.
Working in butt•,;,_ T ii4g a goat
At • at .riastlll-The business.
The salesman's mission C..wmission.
Coming to a hood -The flying brick-
Bangs are aloud in the shooting gal-
Devoured by inches -The boluyna
A hard nut to crack -A restaurant
dough -nut.
An over -the -garden waul--The cat's
mew -sick.
A nue for bangs -To conceal mesquite
A high-toned affair -The dinner bell
of a mountain hotel.
Bathers who sit in the sun become
blistered. It is • rash act.
• The power behind the thrown -The
muscle of a ball -Loser's arm.
Young Fastboy says the first girl he
ever waltzed with Will all the whirled to
The girl with fine, plump arms is the
creature who does not mind the mosqui-
tos at all.
Kate Claxton will play this winter in
the "Sea of Ioe." There is no danger of
that catching Sre.
Fashionable ladies like to get a "new
wrinkle;" but they don't want to show
it on the forehead.
A N. w York farmer has named one of
his hogs Maud, because she comes into
his garden so often.
One reason why more people don't go
to the Yellowstone is because it takes too.
many yellow stones to get there.
Fogg doesa't understand why the
screen law shouldn't be enforced on coal -
dealers as well as upon saloon -keepers.,
Chinamen make good actors. They
never forget their cues. Fishermen du
not succeed on the stave. They steal one
another's lines.
The silence which reigns in • oornfield
well provided with scare -crows -is it not
a case of an effect without caws ?
A beer pump differs from others for
the reason that it has a sucker at bcth
Kentucky has a ghostly sort of Gover-
nor. Her gubernatorial chair is occupied
by that which is Knott.
Colorado has no "Sleepy Hollows,"
but has plenty of material for such •
place. Its motintains are full of Can -
Didn't kala It was Leaded.
Here is an interesting fact ter the
Tories to reflect upon. On Thursday of
last week their Ieaditfg journal, the
Toronto Mail, had a most abusive and
scurrilous attack on Hon. Mr. Mowat
for nor
adv ertisin for tenders for print-
ing. The organ declared that nten-
ders were asked for and that Mr. Mowat
was about to perpetrate a job of some
kind. On the day previous there war an
advertisement asking for tenders for this
work in the Mail's own columns! And
yet the Copperhead organ had the brazen
effrontery to declare that no tenders had
been asked for ! Do the respectable
Tories deem it necessary for their organ
to indulge in such barefaced, abominabo
lying ? Do honorable men, who are
strictly truthful themselves and who
teach their children to speak the truth,
think that it is all right for their organ
to lie in this way 7 We tell our Conser-
vatives that all the Mail's charges against
Mr. Mowat are as false as this one. -
[Stratford Beacon.
The editor of the Peck's San for seve-
ral reasons doesn't seen to think that
the expensive New York and brooklyn
bridge will ever amount to anything as a
thoroughfare. He says: -One day last
week the editor of the Bun walked out
on the Brooklyn bridge, from the New
York side, past where the fearful acci-
dent occurred recently, out where the
wind could get back to the earth. The
bridge is a fine piece of engineering, but
will never pay. Ot.ly strangers were on
the bridge, brought their from curicsity.
The people of Brooklyn still patronise
the ferries, as the bridge is a mile long,
and it is to. much of a walk, except oc-
tssionnlly for pleasure, nn • calm day.
When there is no wind at all at New
York almost a rale is blowing on the
bridge, and when there is a high wind it
must be positively dangerous on the
bridge. As a toy, the bridge is a great
success, though somewhat expensive.
rlespis and psebe.
Call at Geo. Rhynate drug store aid
get a package of McGregor k Park: s
Carbolic Cerate. It iseompcsed of Vise-
ietline, Carbolic Acid and Cerate, and baa
never failed to remove Pimples, Blotches
Ulcerated Sores, Rough Skin. It mires
when all others fail. Try it b
G• ive Kg.
if you are suffering with low and de-
pressed apirits, los of appetite, general
debility, disordered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a bil-
ious nature, by all means premiere a bot-
tle of Electric Bitters. You will be our
prised to see the rapid improvement tbat
will follow ; you will he inspirei with new
life; strength and activity will return
pain and misery will erase, and hence-
forth you will rejoice in the praise of
Elsotrie Bii.tem RaM at Mty emits s
[a l
bottle by J. Wilson
WWaseI WW Ss.
I11 Fur burs ur scalds nothing is more
• cathing than the white of aa egg, whieh
limy be poured over the wound. It is
sober aa • varnish for • burn than collo-
dion, ani being always at hand man be
applied twwedietely. It is alae more
eooliog than sweet oil and outwit which
was formerly supposed to be the surest
application to alley) smarting {min. It is
the csita.t with the air which gives tl e
dtsoondoet saperienoed from the
&outdoing of this kind and ant •
Wagexcludes the atm and prevents
aellbegmeted. is the thing to be at once
ounsidered nue of the best
of fur dysentery°11. Beaten up
sltgbtly,witk or witbugit sugar, and wal-
lowed st • gulp, it tends, by it. ei u,lli-
sat qualities, to lessen the tndawation of
the atonsaeh mad intestines, and by form-
ing a tI*QSlent sustin6 On these organs,
W meanie -,..tete to Irtunie her healthful
sway over a diseased body. Twu or at
most three eg{i per day would be all that
is required iu ordinary cases ; and since
egg i. i.ot .are:sly medicine but food as
well, the lighter the diet otherwi.e and
the quieter the patient is kept, the more
oert•in and rapid is the reoovery.
The Canoes of Blasting,
I read in The Suit toolay some inter-
esting observations on the philosophy of
blushing. Being possessed of a chronic
tendency to blush, I do not believe the
cure can be found in physiology. A
lady intheDuke of Sayoy's court offered
w a
Biarll her wealth to be cured of it.
Jubertus commends friction of the body.
refrigerating of the face, and- washing of
the feet." Physicians cannot subdue
this common grlevaice. It is a psycho-
logical phenomenon. "It is the result,"
says Macke nzie, "of • oowt oiouanets
which the moat delicate feelings produce
and the most extensive knowledgecannot
always remove." Pompey hardly ever
spoke in public without • blush ; Sylla
always reddened when angry. Seneca,
that divine stoic, in one of the epistles,
says it is a natural infirmity, and not all
the resolution in the world can master it.
Involuntary emotions are 'insuperable
and inevitable. Comedians will repre-
sent bashfulness by humble looks, soft
speech, and downcast oyes, yet cannot
blush ; "for it is a thing," says Macken-
zie, "neither to be commanded nor hind-
ered ; but it c .mes and goes of ti own
"For Gale."
A Detroiter who advertised a horse
for sale last week noted down the objec-
tion. of all who called to look at the ani -
nail, and some of them are hero given:
'Too large.'
'Too small.'
'Too old.'
'Not old enough.'
'Too lively.'
'Rather too sleepy.'
'Object to the white ]rind feet.'
'Would take her if she had more white
feet.' ,
Don't like her colour.'
'Colour is just right, but she is too
'Weighs too much.'
'Don't weigh enough.'
'Hs a bad eye.'
'Eyes all right, but ears too small.'
'Yes, handsome ears, bat the nose
spoils her.'
Ings all stocked up,'
'Legs all right, but feet bad.'
A large number of cotton operstivea
will be temporarily thrown out of work 111
next week at Montreal in r:rder to stop
over productions,
John R. Ven, Hamilton, says : "Mc-
Gregor's 3peet'y Cure for Dyspepsia and
Indigestion is cheap at fifty times the
price asked for it. I am a commercial
mart, and travel continually, and would
no more think of leaving home withouta
tattle of McGregor's Speedy Cure in my
valise than I would of leaving my team
at home and going on foot." Free trial
bottles at G. Rhynas drug store. Regu-
lar size 50cta.and $1. •
CnwoAnsiI. -A name well known in
onnection with the Hair Renewer which
stores grey hair to ita natural color by
• few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
A turret Dtseeve
That is daily bringing joy to the homes
of thousands by savi,eg many of their
dear ones from an early grave. Truly is
Dr. King'. new Discovery for Consump-
tion, Coughs, Colds. Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Loss of Voile, Tickling in
the Throat, Pain in Side and Chest, or
any disease of the Throat and Lungs, s
positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial Bot-
tle free at J. Wilson's Drug Store. Large
size $1.00. (6)
Seeing is believing. Read the testi
monials in the pamphlet on Dr. Van
Buren's Kidney ('ure, then buy a bottle
and relieve yourself of all those distress-
ing puns. Your Druggist can tell you
all about it. Sold by J Wilson Goderich
In the history of medicines no preps
ration has received such universal com-
mendatiou for the alleviation it affords,
and the permanent cure it effects in kid-
ney diseases, as Dr. Van Buren's Kianey
Curs. its action in these distressing
complaints is simply wonderful. Sold
by J. Wilson. 2m
■et ereaae•5 8ra+dy ter,.
From the many remarkable curse
wrought by using Mc(lregor's Speedy
Cure for Dyspepsia. indigestion, Consti-
pation en Affection e( the Liver, and
hem immense sale of it without any ad-
ve.rtistng, we have concluded to place it
extensively ..n the market so that thea*
who 'offer may have a perfect cure. Go
to G Rhynes drug store and get • trial
bottle free, or the regular use at 60 Dents
and $I. a
Kismet nese Liebman".
Ceras Toothache and Neeralgia quick as
flash, relieves say pain instantly, the
ebeapeet and quickest ••pppplieatine known.
Why sofer with Treotbache, Neuralgia,
Headache, Rheutstatiws, Lumbago, fSeia-
tim. Sore Throat or Aeet* Paine of any
kind when you than go to Gen. Rhyne:
drug dote sad get a perfect and inelan-
fasenes eon Inc 'M siesta Ask for
Krsm's Fluid ieghtnine b
"She knows her Iran, and when you rant
and swear.
draw you to her with a simple hair."
ut it seat Le toemita ul hair to have
s power ; and beautiful Hair can be
ensured by the use of Ctt(usuas Hats
Rltriawaa. Sold et 50 oto. oy J. Wiboa
1 Sffe.elae is all Itlsaklad.
Is these times when our newspapers
are flooded v, th patent medicine edver-
tiseweata, it is gratifying to know what
to pruouie that will certainly cure you
If you are bilious, blood out of order,
liver ivactive, or uneral debilitated,
there is nothing in the world that will
cure you so quickly as Electric Bitten.
They are • blessing to all mankind, aud
can be had Lr only fifty cents a bottle
of Jauus Wilsuu. [2:]
Thousands boar •..unOs to the post-
tive curative powers of the GREAT GER.
RAN INVIGORATOR, the only remedy that
has proved itaelf a specific fur general
debility, seminal we/dimes, impotency,
etc., and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending
in consumption, iueautly and a pteula-
ture grave. Sold by all druggists, or
will be sent free ou teoeipt of $1.00 per
box, or six bones for $b. Address F. J.
Cnawsv, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United States. Send for eircalar
and testimonials of genuine curer Geo.
Rhynes, Goderich. 3m
Agents for 11eClarys F•rnous
AND OTne!n
Coal & Wood Cooking Stoves
Stove fitting attended to by experienced work-'
men on shortest notice.
Second-hand :+loves Taken In Exchange.
"The Cheapest House Under the Sun."
West street, next to Post Office.
Goderich, Sept. 20, 1886.
by me this season. i hope my Old
patrons will hang on to their
Fruit until see t hem,
New Customers Wanted
Good Sound Fruit
Aad will pay the highest market
Teas & Sugars
And all sorts of
-AT -
Rock Bottom Pris.
The Groner. Coati Hous Sgvars,
NW. 111. Ian Its
Wen Stewarded.
A liberal reward will be paid to any
party who will preduue • wee of Liver,
Kidney ur Stouimch cuwpleint that Elec-
tric Bitten will nut speedily cure. Brine
thew along, it will oat you nothing f..r
the medicue if it fails to curs, and you
will be well rewarded f..r your trouble
besides. All Blood diseases, Bilious-
ness, Jaundice, C..ustipeti in, and gene-
ral debility ate quickly !pored. Satisfac-
tion .;sarenteed ur money refunded
i'rie.! •Maty ("fey cents per bottle. For
iglu by J. Wilson. Ib]
An Oasis in the desert is uu brighter
bight to the wa)derine Arab than • bottle
of Dr, Van Bureu'• Kidney. Cure
the unfortunate sufferer f7om Kidney
Disease. It is a perfect, positive and
permanent euro. Sold by J. Wilson
(iederich. 2m
As the frosts of winter vanish under
the caloric influenoe of the sun's rays,
so does Bright's Disesao, Dropsy, stone
in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflame
mation of the Kidneys, leave the body
open the administration of Dr. Van Bu
rear's Kidney Curs, Sold by J. Wilson,
Bsetlea's Arnica $dive.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure
Burns, Bruisos,Cuts,Ulc ers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Ca:toers, Piles, Chilblains,
Corns, Totter, Chapped Hardt., and all
Skin Eruptions, gnaiauteed to cure in
every instance, or nt, ns.y refunded. •2:x.
per box. For sale by 1. Wilson, ly.
Te the Mottling rr tesstoa, and all whom
It ratty coulees.
Pho.phatine, or Nerve IFooa, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin,
M- D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Ph(.sphatino is nit a Jadeciuc
bui a Nutriment, because it e.tntaius n
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, (? ,i+t"•l
Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but rilltp.
ly the Phosphatic and GArtric Elements
found in our daily food. A single Iva tpe
is sufii.ciont to convince. All Drngzists
sell it. 81.00 per bottle. Lawns..'.
Co., sole agents- for the Dn:oath ,
55 Front Street East, Toronto
New Life for Fanelli**, Weekcne.l ny D'•
e 'se, Debility and Dissipation.
The Great German Invigoratt.r is the
only specific for impotency, nervous de-
bility, universal lassitude, forgetfulnoas,
paint in the hack or sides, no matter how
shattered the system may be from ex-
cesses of any kind, the Great German,
Remedy will restore the !net functions
and secure health and happiness. $1:00
per box, six boxes for $5.00. Sold by
all druggists. Sent on receipt of price,
postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, Toledo,
Ohio, sole rgent Lor United States. Cir-
culars and testimonials sent free. Sold
by Geo. Rnynas, sole agent for Code-
ods.rich. ' 3m :
Travelling Guide.
Pas. !hp's. MIx'd... Mix'd
Ooderich.Le.3.45am..12.40 pm..3.0mpm ;.40 am
Seatorth, Ar.e.32 1.38 4.36 930
Stratford,Ar.7.20 2 10 6.30 11.40
Pas. Exp's Mlx'd. Mix d.
Stratford. L v 12.01 pm .. 7.30pm .. 5.13am .. 316pm
Seaforth.Ar.12.58 8.42 8.00 3.10
GoderichAr. 1:60 9.30 9.43 7.13
Lucknew Stage (daily) arr. 10.13am3pm .. dep
Kincardine 1 OOanllam ..
Bemniller " (Wednesday
and Saturday) Ar. 9.00•m..De.9,10.
'Valuable Discovery
for ones owu comfort and the pleasure
of others -a mort important point is a well
preserved heat of hair a hen the s aalp gets
dry and feverish awl the lair becomes faded
and tisk h ni'for n In j; ,g,",' to yon& 'Drwggia
Made by 8. TAPSCOTr, nt Brantford. aad
you will be more than vatiae,d.
W. J. C. Nafte1,
Druggist. ete., Agent r"r'Oodeticb.
Sept. 1 tib, 1838. I91*-3tcb
That Diphtheria 1s ear of the mist danger -
out; diselome
anger-ousdlrases and annually sweeps away thou*
endaof eltlldren, is a fart which no one can
deny, and that doctors in many riser are
pyweelesw against .t is just as tree A meet•
-Int. that 1. a trrtaln and sire rurr for
this damgream, and rmnaetinna diaper should
he batted with joy and warmly welcomed by
every family, for use in time of mrd. A con-
flagration to much more rattily checked at the
beginning than after It has gained headway.
1M It Is with this discs.,•. Keen modk l.e on
handilleutd do not watt till it Is ton,late. Such
• medicine Is offered the public in M1tR-
EDY. We are thoroughly rnnvtneed then It
will answer fns pnrpns.. I.etre,e patent have
bees taken nut for the Dominic"' of Canada,
aad prensetions are taken that noon., will Im1•
tate It. We'Lividly Mak reedieal trent to hive
this remedy trial. Toniinnnisls, cleenlare
sad trial betties sent on applying Mr
Address Rey. H. I)IgRI, A MU, 7.nrleh P.O.
nee MM al GBS *T140' awes Ohne.
G.d.rtN. e+el
Jply 30 tett 1901-4 2
Simply miraculous is all I can say of
the effect of Dr. Val Bureau's Kidney
Cure in wy ase. Au elderly lady
writes this from Ant igonish, N. M., who
had suffered (now pails w the tack for
twenty years. Soli by J. tt natio Gods.
rich. 2m
MK* •
Goderich Branch,
j)• t1LAY.S MUD Nttr.
Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, tette.
of credit and circular noose issued, pajab
ell • para of the world. 1784.
ID(OW•ok•I au A.u. 1871.
LOLL St:CI�'i'Y.
CAPITA I. ti. 'scan. W.
Intending ...era will consult thel- best in
tereata 1 saarnta.ag toe advantageous terms
odbred by the oc.rty before going els*
Fur rates of late t. lien tables and further
particular., apply o
Gudertch. May 17th, 1883. 1e.lfim
BRITISH 4.9& WY , Tornoxyo-K.tabllshe
PHOIN1X iNS. COY, of Lon DON I:n,,:andl-
latabashed 1781.
• ARTFUPi) INS. CO'Y. of ItAwTronit, Conn
RLks takes. in the above first &:lar „ices at
the lowest ratby lielt-ACT HORTUN.
The sad ed is also Appraiser for the
Tonow ro.
Money to Lona on first-class security. Ont
7 to 8 per Cent. -Charges moderate.
Ooder• :h Sept. 10. 1880.
Paid up Capital, - 96,000,000.
Rest, - - 91,400,000.
President - HU::. WM McildSTER
General Manager, If'. o.......�no..
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - IANAGE6.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on •
the principal 'Towns and Cities It, Canada
Great Britain and the Unitet States, bough
and sold.
Advaw•estu Formers on Nutt..:, waS oueo
more endorsers. without tuor:euee. 1733
Chrystal & Black.
New BO11.EItS;and SAL7)P.(NS uranute.,
tared on shortest notice..
All kinds of Itepairit4 Wteested under the
personal supervision of the l'roprietcrs .w ho
Practicgr W 9rkmen.
'2.4). Box 101 1:87
A -crit£ Oi7Afl ‘NTtEr
A('NEefICMEDLI it i..
7..07KreD RAIN&RI:Nt E r z•A J.t.
ler *Id and Teeing. 30.1. and remote
Positively cures Nervous) cos In all its stages
Weak Memoriy, toga q(y Brain Power. Serval
Prostration, fight Sweats, Spertnatorrhaa,
Leueorrhaa, Barren arse, Seminal Weakness
and General Loss of Power. It repairs
Nervous Waste, Rderenafes the Jaded Intel-
lect, strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and Re -
Atone Siurpy,r-(s�trastep Tone and rigor to the Er-
Aaysted Geseratire Organs. With each or-
der forywELvK package* accompanied with
eve dollar we will send our Written Guar-
antee to refold the money. 1f the treatment
doe% not elbCt • rurr. It is the Cheapest and
pest Medicine in the minket.
Sr Full particulars In o ur pamphl.:. o hlch
we desire to mall free to any address
Nnelk's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Drug-
gists at Mets. per box. nr 1.. '••n -es for iia, or
will be mailed free of I, .eta s i, rev.ti t of the
money, by addrwstr.gg
MACK'S 11AG%STN' 1t LI)('I\Eto.,
W -I nelae r nn • .. Canada
Sold in Godcrich, by J albs WILSON. and
alllrmorials rerywhere 118L1y
A N u
not, life la ne oy.
and dare before
you die
something mighty and sub-
lime leave behind to conquer
time. work iii your w
IQ.4. .► et t u o
a.% � 1111/ y n
to., nt51. outfit free. No risk. Everything
nen, capital nut reuulred. We will furnish
you ever)thin.t.. Malty are making fortune.
Ladies make as much as men, and boy s and
g irls wake gnat pay. Lesder, if you want
business at which )oar ten make great ray all
the time. write for part haiku* to 11. Ilar,i.Err
,t' Cu., Portland Main
lit�pi� 8 ate annually tubed
ate nuaa tIa tubbed
14 art their victims, lives
prolonged. happinese
, end health restored
by the use of t he greet
'which pe -i1' i-ly and nermanee: :.:res Im-
potent.) 4. -nosed hj . xcessert of a.... kind,)
ermine, Weakness, and all dit(•a:.,'. .',Int fol-
lor. ;0' a 4a.lueq. e of Self -Al tar% ns lore of en-
crgy. ..f armory. ur h, t •-AI Ise.,tudc,
pain in Cy hack, dinar: s bl cis'un, p••, -ma-
r: o: -i r "i 'fid many a `rr diseases that
lead to imsaupyur coI'uutt e'iu• sada lrcma-
t u rn grave.
Send for .•l enlare with tcut inionials Dee by
Ti. ttilr":Cn.' T•1 is sold et 51 per
Iwo. or six boxes fur 86. 1, all drugg'etr, or
will he sent free my mail, securely st ele,l, on
receipt of price, 1,v addresing.
F, J; ell KS f' i . 1 trurglet,
187 Sum.nii St„ Toledo, Ohio
Sole Agent for Goderich
people age al.. aye cn the loot[
out for than, es to horrid*
their earninis,and it. time he'
IS e,nne wcahhy: those wht. do
no improve their o,'portsn
Mee remain in pevert; . W'e otter a grea
chance to utake monty. Wo wont nicn, wo.
nsen. boys and girls to work for ur• in t,teir
own let alitiee. Anyone ern do the weak pro-
perly from the first start. The business will
pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Ex -
naive outfit furnished frt-e. No one vhoen-
dage. falls to make money rapidly. You can
gevuW your whole time to the work, or only
your spare moments. Fu:. Information sad
all that is nrercar) sent free. Address 8171
49N & Co. _Portland. Maine-
! e: .;••:+ :' •"' - t 1,1. .118110
renal' or vier, ^T..:• ', 1 "r' moneywtitl
b. rsfuede 1 suit, .5,.00.
" •
$500.00 Reward.
We .will pay the above reward for any ease of
Liver complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache.
Iud(gest len, ("mist' ation'or ('ostiveness can
cannot cure with Wei,t'Vei-ctable liver Pills,
when the directions are strictly compiled with.
They are purely t egetable, and never fall to
glue satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes
oontalntng 30 Pills, 25 conte. For sale by all
Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Itnita-
tlone. The genuine manufactured only b'
.IOHN C. WEST & CO., are 1'i11 Makers,'
81 and 83 King tat. Katt, To••onto, Ont. Free
Mal package sent by mei p paid on receipt
of a 3cent stamp.
Per Isis al W11NB'6 1.R1e9 evens.
Health is Wealth!
Ars pleusat to tike. ('octal., their own
Purgative. 18 a safe, pure, ant elleetaal
do troyer .1 vera in Child:7n or Adults
AGENTS `".nips ntee I ay t.le*t
Work 1'lnttent empbytees
nr ('apltwl rwr,nlred. JAvica Lee t ('a Moe
t real Quehan 1715
Dn. K ('. WEVT'n \iattva AND BRAIN TREAT
neer, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dia
sinew., Convulsions, Tits. NI rvou. Neu
H pular lie. nervous Precaution , auee t b3 Zee
use of alcohol or tnbao.m. W..kcfidnes, mea-
ts! Depression, Softening of the Brain, revolt
Ing in Insanity and I. e•ll-g to marry, decay
and death, Premature Old Age. Barrenness,
Doss of Power In nit her ser.. In. oluatary Longs
and Spermalurrh.rn, ea i.,r1 ,v aver-exertlali
of the brain, self -Omar or aver-ledulgea*+
()nc box 'sill cure ree.ni t•ac' Fecb bot ohne
tains one month', treatment. (Me dollar a bot,
or six boxes Inc eve dollars : --en* by mall pre
paid nn re.lp' of price W r gi,ar..r :ee alt
hoses. to sure any ease. Wtto ea. It ur . r ro-
•el%ed by its for sit toren., a --omparied with
five dollars, we will send the pnr•haaer our
e-rtprn guarantee to refend the money it the
treatment doe. not effect a rare. GLKan'eea
waned only ht JaMRrt W5W3 alto aatbor-
Iced •seat fnr Oode.ncb, Out. JOHN C N, i'R r
* (70., tele rrprtetaM, Toronto Ont.
A week 'lade M form, 8) the In
4.st4j.., Herz business now h,
hoe the etMie. ('epltal not newt
ed. a wttl Hart you. Men. we
men, bey. and girls weal rel every
where- to work few n•. Now is the time Yon
ran week In stare time.., r1,, your whale
time M the MMlnp.s. No other t,nsin, ,.. will
pay feu nearly on well '•'n one en., •sal 10
make enormous pal, by eneaelng at os ee.
coolly outfit and terms free. Money mod
fa. eYNy. and honorably Addrww. tar. 2
.'n A nwnatn Maine