HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 5l'Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 188V, EIS 510000000 LQ In the County of Huron by the Failure of ithe Wheat Crop. People' of Goderich and 720434,,ty can recover their portion of that lose is by baying their (lode from eN1/4 0 5 wHG Will 'Commence an Monday, Oct. 8th NEYD. Ie_. A Discount of 10r per dent. for sh ON THEIR ENTIRE STOCK OF STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOO S. They are Showing the Largest, Cheapest and Best Stock they have ever Carried, and al e Bound to Give the Greatest Bargains ever Offered in Goderich. NOW 18 THE TIME TO BUY YOUR FALL & WINTER COOD$. Now is the Time t'o Leave your order for a Fall Suit and Overcoat. - A Splendid Selection of Tweeds and Coatings to Choose From. And 'Teri yes Cent_ Off for Caste_ GROCERIES ---Special Value. Good Hyson Tea from 25c.er lb. up. 15 lbs Good Sugar for f41.00. The Public•are Invited to call and Inspect, our Stock. DO NOT BUY IINTIL YOU SEE THEIRSTOOK & PRiCES. You will save from 10 to 20 per cent. by buying from. REID & SNEYD, JORDAN'S BLOCK, GODERICH. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO 3:312,,p I+� ■ New Imports for the Fall Trade. WE HAVE MUCH PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THE COMPLETION OF OUR FALL STOCK. We continue our System of Sending Samples and Goods by Mail or Expres . The Goods may be returned if not satisfactory and money refunded. Parties desiring to make Personal Inspection, and purchasing to the amount of $30.00, we pay Return Fare. All Orders for Samples or Goode receive prompt and careful attention. We Sell Retail at Wholesale Prices_ OUR MILLINERY & MANTLE SHOW ROOMS ARE NOW OPEN. NEW PATTERN HATS AND BONNETS. NEW PATTERN MANTLES AND DOLMANS. DRESS GOODS SILK'S t' VELVETS ALL WOOL FOULE CLOTHS. BLACK GROS GRAIN. LYONS VELVETS. HANDSOME CHECKS. OTTOMAN CORDS. BROCADED VELVETS. TWILLED FOULE CLOTHS. BROCADED SATINS. COLORED VELVETS. • BLACK & COL'D CASHMERES COLORED SILKS. VELVETEENS. A Full Line of Cashmere Hoeb, GI -loves and Underwear. OUR VELVETEENS ARE GUARANTEED PAST PILE. Cottons, Flannels and Blankets at Mill Prices. H. • tiY. BRETHOUR 4- CO., Brantford. Brantford. Oct. leb, 111a a.>p. A NAurora Fo0.-0. W. Handy, of this place, is to the frost with a monitor egg, laid by a common barnyard fowl. The egg measures 6 by 7 f inches in cir- oumfrenos, and weighs half a pound. The happy owner doesn't think any oth- er egg raised in the section can beat it. • Dasesaaos. Th. Methodist chunk will be formally revolted os BurdaOot. 7th. Rev. 1'. Y. O..pbell, of (,deeieh, will preach session and evening, and Rev. T. Oce - feed, of Leeksow, is the aftera000, Oo Monday a temseeting will be held, to he widismodl weal well hwows platforms washaa add of Psi arra Ii�eiwIt ei ,bhibitiess will be held daisy 1113 ae follows :- - ffosth flurorIzeter()Mob()Mobile lab SIVE—d, Wt Ost. 9th and 1011. illiseansiatb—lketorti. 0.1. gab sad R1selsy•-Bttgisld, Osaober 18th aid Monis Ryas►—[Myth, Otltober Ilan sod 19th. Hrlett—Otlstos, Oetobep I77tb sod IOW THE PEOPLE'S STORE COR. KINGSTON STREET AND TILE SQUARE, GODERICH. Suits �tafde to Ordor. Fit Guaranteed. �.� Sa Lits for $1.2.50. S-tarite for 1141 la Suite for 1.6 See Them, Whether You Want to Buy or Not READY-MADE OVERCOATS, $5 TO 512. 9 TAMES SM RILL, ARCHITECT, Sc. V Moe. Crahb's Block, Kingston st., Godo rich. Plans and speeiftcatIOna drawn correct ly Carpcnters' plasterers and mason r work measured and valued. WE OFFER THE FOLLa►11'TNG DECIDED BARGAINS REAL ESTATE IN TIAs TORN OF GODERICH. 1. A ('.Ire^r Lot ].I. To on �C(.0 t.tr, t. close to the Square g:Stie.Im. 2.. Lot 106. near the Park. cry plou•unt nation, with Lew of La k... ,ranprich:{t ant- stautiallj built 2et..r• brick Scree, kith stable. fruit trees. R.`.. M1.44n>.eu. 3. Three and a !,:tet Inti tn. arty- ne-e. rel. 00 East street, with brit k 1'onndr;. eases• under rent at .103.03 n year, htl,Qee.ee. 4. lot. on [rink of nicer, rear the stat lou, 670..0 Chest properties are really wenn mtich more money. but Inuit 110.1• `d to close out the Estate. and are thercioreNiffered at the entre prices. Apply to SEALER & LEWIS, Barristers, Goderich. odertch, Sept. 2$th. 1610. • 1910-tf Qetlsrtel, Oat. 4. tri. JAR. A. IleINTOSHR OLD STAND. FALL OPENING. Miss Jessie Wilson WILL HOLD HILS Fall Opening on Saturday, Oot. Oth. The Ladies of Oodevich and viability ars respectfully limited. Grand Display. Come and See. SCROFUU 1883 ---AXES Welland Yale, 4 :, OADlq Burrell's,-' and the 5', SimpsonSimpsony 4x8. �. Xk... ---183. Wella,: d Vale, h'vrrcll's, ant/ the Simpson Axe. FULL LINE Otr CROSS -CUT 4AWS and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Kry.lpelaa, lemma, Blotches, Ringworm, Tumors, Car. bancles, Bolls, and Eruptions of the Skin. are the direct result of an Impure state o •the blood. To cure these diseases the blood m'nst be part. sed, ai 4 restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion. AYZR's SARSAPARILLA has for Otey forty years been recognized by eminent medical an. shorities as the most powerful blood purifier In ez1tenoe. It frees the system from all foul ba. mon, enriches and strengthens the blood, remotes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves lt. self a oomplete master of all scrofulous diseases. A Eocene Care of Scrofulous bores. "Some months ago I was troubled with scrota. loos sores (ulcers) on my legs. The limbs were badly swollen and fathomed, and the sores did. charged large quantitied of offensive matter. Lrery remedy I tried tailed until I used Aria's IAR RILLA, of which 1 have now taken three bottles, with the result that the Bores are keeled. and my general health ly Improved. I 1188 tory gretefal for the leer Asti t r e hue dote me. Yours res m ly, .0. A1I tYB.tArr." 148 Sullivan t., New Tori, Jane KIWI. earAll persons tater ested are invited to on Mrs.O'Brlaa a Wee epee the Eat. Z. P. Wilds of TS Erol beth Street, New Work City. who w111 take pleasure In Wtlfyfag b the wonderful .elamey at Ayres ieraspartl- 1*, set Daly In the care of flat. Indy, bet la kis ewn seand nay ethers w kis knowledge. The well-known 'Minas tae fleeter Lglretd, S. W. BALL, of RerSeater, N.ff..wrl*.S Jane 7, lel: " Hares suffered tr•verely for souse yillirS with Ifesenia and failed to and relief treat other rteshave made use. dames the past three -navtyks,, of/4T:4RARSAPAtILLA wlieh kr sleeted a (de nese. 1 eonelder It a ..ep1A1. pat ready or all blood diseases.. MANUFACTURED BY R. H. SM ITH &CO Successor to J. FLINT. .11.50 IAPLE LEAF LANCET Head Quarters for Steel Barb Fence Wire CATTLE CHAINS AND ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE. rii*COME AND SEi FOR YOURSELF. Ayer's Sarsaparilla sNm.lat.s mad rare/elm the melon of the G. gto re ..d essl-N.tivw smear, MOMS tad Ore.gtseae the vital fore.., end weeder eves lekw-.team. xanrdgf.. sire -.ate cleat, Caaerrk, General DeMilty. sad all diamine erU-.g from an imprwrl bad et sorrepted eo.LL Nos of the Hoed, cad a ws.ke.sd ~By. it k hreea p -+►1r tke ekwp.M blood warefM ea seemed of w meneetrMN otreeglk, sad peat power ever dYsms. 3 vssiviosusi ear Dr. J. 0. Ayer & LLwell, M.... ewe ts allprmmIsla Mt•• tl. ens beetle M 111, R. W. MCKENZI F; CHEAfi.13 }T a RDWg1310 $TORm, COURT HOUSE SQUARE, - (IODERICH, ONTARIO. Godericb,Oct. 4, 1883. HA VS ` C:=8 a � =las g : a t S " 5 2 ! li ON= a I H = 4 PIANO OR ORGAN 4 FIRST CLASS ."l ao gp kik