HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 4- .4 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIAY. OCT. t 833. THE HURON SIGNAL THE 14DVERTIBING BOON. A at int of advertising tiering come in upon us at the cast hour, we have been forced to crowd out much interesting load matter. however, we expect to 1,{ able to give our regular supply of hos newt in the Intim TRE P(1LITICLL PAD. «'e have caught an idea, and as we do not remember of anybody haviug givers expression to it before, we burn with a laudable ambition to father it, and send it out to an admiring public for adop- tion. It is the discovery of the political pad ! It is based upon scientific princi- ples, and was suggested by the extr or- dmary evidence adduced in favor of the theory of absorption -during the trial of a kidney pad (ase at Toronto last week. The wondrous powers of the pad we have invented are equal to those claimed tor thein by the kidney pad tnen. They profess to cure the physical body by the simple absorption of curatives put in a pad and placed upon the affected parts • wclaim that by parity of reasoning our pad ought to cure the ills which afflict the body politic, and that our invention is a factor destined, if it comes up to our expectations, to be more potent than fat contracts, colonization roads or big trunks full of liquor in winning over the electorate. Tho political pad is simply healthful political literature, true to the traditions of the party, and fragrant with loyajty to every plank is our newest platform, placed in a convenient forme and applied to the political patient as the kidney pad men apply their curative. Just where to place' tho pad was a difficulty which• met the inventor, but he thinks he has overcome it. ,Now that winter is upon us the needy elector would doubtless want to use it as a chest protector, but that would be too utili- tarian. It is the importance of the prin- ciple of absorption we wish to inculcate. We must apply the pard where the trou- ble manifests itself. For instance : Here is a fellow On the othe side of the fence who is always yelling down our speakers at political meetings. The in- ventor would ingratiate himself into his favor, and persude him to try the effects of a little pad un his lungs or throat. A neat pad composed of eulogistic articles of our candidate and a well directed deprecirttion of his opponent, would be made fur this political shouter, he would absorb their tone, and lo, the change ! His voice is no longer against our , Candi- date but he quondam favorite, the rival politician, gets his vocal execra- tions. Is the trouble with the political pa- tient's head -bas he read the Mail edi- torials and entrained his fevered brain with'such,choice epithets as"sluggers," " bull pups," ' r` poodles," etc 1 -let the pad be made from one of our own utild� yet powerful articles, and applied to the head at nights Presto ! The change is effected, the men is won, and a Mail editorial forever afterwards palls upon his reconstructed political tiste.. But what have we done-? The Tories have in the past stolen some of our most useful suggestions- The statute book is filled with acts which originated with a Liberal Opposition. And perhaps they will pirate our pad, and snake it out of their own vile literature. Imagine the soporific effects of a leading article from the Star' Picture the disastrous results accruing to some unsophisticat- ed Grit who was beguiled into wearing a pad made up of Free Press editorials ! But we will not pursue our theme We *i,l let the reader's fgncydwell upon the plan wo have outlined, and imagine the hundred and one uses of the political pad. e The tles dee. 1 Gaily the bicyclic mounted bis wheel. And vied wilt, the wind ontile iMitl steed of steel: Slinging: f happy am, catch uta who can. Recycle, bicycle. like nitwit* man! 1l. lfynur canoe the bicycler, jaded. I ween; He'd taken a header amt bait his machine. This was the song he snag. murmuring low : Bicycle, bicycle, why did you so One hundred cases of wine for Lord Lansdowne arrived at House, Ottawa, yesterday. first instUrrteet. Government This is the CHARLEaOIv & Cu., who were rejected by Sir Charles Tupper, and to whom Onderduuk was preferred m the C.P. R. contract, have teen awarded the periia- ment building contract at Ottawa by Sir fleeter. Somehow the whirligig of time always brings its revenge, and Cherie - bolo do Co. are abseil this trip. Gotleriah Township. John 0. Elliott has boo ht what is knowu as Dr. Cole's old farm, on the Huron road, for his sun ; the considers - null therefor being $6,000. Mr. Yule, of Alcoua, Mich., is visit- ing his brethet) I:uues Yule, o`the 6th. Their mother L. also returued frum Michigan to again uside ou the 6th - Lust week as a team of Jas. Beacom;s was being driven home from Clinton, they became frightened and ran away, damaging the wagon and injuring one of the horses. D. Junor returned home from the Pro- vincial on Saturday. His year old im- ported stallion took the first prize to his class. He was the heaviest horse of his age on the grounds, topping over lures' by 30 lbs. His value is $1,60i,. THa fight in Algoma is over, and Lyon the Government candidate has been elected over Plummer, his opponent. That the contest was bitterly fought none will deny, but it is satisfactory to know that victory has declared in favor of Ontario. Lyon was the Ontario Pro- vincial rights candidate, and although the Tory press will now cetotend that his election had no political significance, the facts are against them. Had Lyon been defeated our Conservative confreres would not be slow to point out the sig- nificance of Algoma's vote, and we fail to see why equal significance does not attach to his election. At any rate, the election of a staunch supporter of the Mowat administration from that district will go far to show that the conduct of the Ontario Government on the bound- ary award is approved of by the people meat interested in the matter. THE Wingham Titres speaks of a local firm as the "leading undertakers" of the place. Did it ever strike the Times that every undertaker is a 'goading" one -in a funeral procea;ii n. . WE observe- by circular that Mayor ]Horton has called a public meeting, to be held in the town hall on Monday evening next, for the purpose of disease- ing the question, as to the beat means of developing the manufacturing industries of the town. At iii t present time there is no questsnore important to Gode- rich this that of the development et her manufacturing interests, and wo hope to see n rousi:l.{ meeting in the newt' hall on Monday next. " t'uite.f we stand, divided we fall." Colbor'as. Dr. W. J. Yong, arrived Sept. 22iid, atter attendin the colleges of Edinburgh and Loudon. home On ` $18.10. Filed medical i Mr. Babb's statement of lou sustained by hint during rho recent heavy rains i was road, showing the amount to be N8. Mo+edby Butler, seconded by Col - hi borne, tt Mr. Rabb be paid the sunt of $35 iu fuof all claims Carried. Moved by Seaiter, seconded by Shen, that we adjourn to meet again on Monday, Oct. lat at 7 o'clock, for the purpose cf electing a collector in place of James Addison, resigned. Moved by Seeger. seconded by Jor- dan, that the Mayor and such mem'•ters of the council as may volunteer to g*, be a delegation to proceed to 'rennin, on railway matters. Carried. The council then adjourned. At the adjourned meeting of the e•tuoi- cil held on Monday evening, Oct. pal, John Deacon was appointed collector of taxes for Goderich,in twin oof Jaino. Al disun resigned. amount expended for relief in St David's ward durtllg September amounted toI While threshing at Henry Murphy's on the 16th, on Thursday last, W. Curry received a severe gash from a knife. It was an accident, the band ou the sheaf of grain receiving two strokes instead of one, the second catching Mr. Curry's hand. A six year old soon of J. Holum*, Ilu- mn road, inet with a painful accident un Sunday, September 23rd. He attempt- ed to climb on a buggy occupied by his grandmother, Mrs. S. Holmes, when his foot caught iu one of the wheels dislo- cating one ankle and breaking both the bones. He s getting along all right. The traction (.ngine of Henderson brothers, on the 6th con., can be seen guing from farm to farm. It looks like a thing of life as its apparently unwieldy bulk, it has a water tank attached,moves along without the aid of horses or other animals. It crested quite a sensation when it tirat put in an appearance and made almost Grand Trunk speed. The owners are to be congratulated on their enterprise and thorough attention to their business. THERE is "mesio in the spheres" over at Blyth. The spheres we alinde to aro journalistic and magisterial, and the music is out of harmony- in fact discords have crept in. Some weeks ago our pure - minded contemporary, the I:criefr, raised its voice against the social evil in that village, and declared in leaded primer that "the evil must go." A man in the village took the article to himself, as a personal matter, and proceeded to Ini- tiate suit for libel against the Reriew. The editor of that journal stood to his guns, and didn't scare worth a cent. When the case came up for preliminary investigation it was dismissed, and the Review went forth conquering, and to conquer. One of the magistrates -and he Isn't one of Mowat's J. P.'■ either - was rather overbearing on journalism in general, and the Reriew in particular, at and before the trial, and the editor of that journal is now making things sultry for that J. P. We understand the editor is moving to have Mr. Wilson (the offending J. P.) deposed from the tpagittracy, and if only a small percen- tage of what we hear against, the J. P. be true; his chances of "going" are good. Sitting down upon newspaper men by magistrates is net a profitable occupation, and Mr. Wilson will find it out before the Review gets through• with him. It is the old story of the man who •went out tigerehuntiug in the morning, and before the, day had passed the positions were reversed, and the tiger was hunting the coin. POLITICAL NOTES. Algoma didn't say "Mowat must Brasseat. Gorbraitt. P neies. N-heu shingling a gothic rood n the house of Mr. Geo. Patton last week, (leo. Morris slipped and fell, his pants' leg catching on the seffoldine, and hanging him head downwards. In this pentium; position was rescued by his fellow workmen James Cousins and Thos. Thurlow, For aseersl days he kept the house with the effects of a had cut un the leg, but is able to he about once more. +Daniop- PERSONAL - We regret to notice the departure of Miss McDonald from our, midst, on a visit to relatives at Alpena, Mich., for eight months. She will be much misaed in our social circles, her pleasing manner and musical attain- ments making hor it general favorite with a11. Fer the past three years she has tilled the emit o.f organist in the Presbyterian church, Leeburn, with credit. A number of friends met at her father's residence and enjoyed a social time on Monday evening last, in danc- ing, social chat and singing. The dos- ing piece " The Good Old Times," was sung by all with Seal. Then the herded thing of all, bidding good-bye followed, all wishing her a happy sojourn in l'ncle Sam's domains HYseaNEAL. — Last Wednesday our usually quiet village was thrown into a flutter of excitement by the marriage of Miss Lena Wynn, only daughter of Mr. John \Vynn, of Brussels, to Mr. Thos. McCulloch, of Wroxeter. The interest- ing ceremony was performed at the real- ' dence of the brides father, by the Rev. Mr. Clappison, in the presence of a few select friends. Miss McCulloch, of Moorefield, sister of the groom, was bride's maid, while the groom was supe ported by Mr. Terriff, of Guelph. The bride was very handsomely drained in canary silk, richly trimmed with plush and eidelweiss lace a shade lighter, and Aute of canary ribbon, and a jabot of ribbon and lace. A wreath of orange blossoms and bridal veil, gave the blush- ing brides real'y bewitching appearance. The bridunmaid honked charming in enema nun's cloth, trimmed with brocad- ed silk and guipure lace, with jabot of canary ribbon and eidelweiss lace. The brides travelling. suit was nary blue Cashmere trimmed with plush of the same shade,hat of navy plush on Duchess shape, and handsome plumes to match, and tortoise ornaments. The bridal trousseau was handsome and elaborate, amongst which were five silk dresses. The whole trousseau was supplied from the fashionable millinery and dry -goods establishment of A. R. Smith. The bride was made the recipient of a large number of beautiful and costly presents, amongst which were a ntagnificient set of gold jewelry, set with diamonds, from the groom, a piano from her father, din- ner service from her mother, black. or- mulu clock, silver water pitcher,. cut glass epergne, 2 silver cake baskets, cut glass fruit dish, silver set of knives and forks, Persian lamb mantle and cap. The happycouple left (amid a shower of rice and sippers) on the afternoon train for London, where they were tendered a grand reception in the evening at the residence of the bride's aunt, Mn. ening, Dufferin Avenue. They Intend spending their honey moon in London, Chatham -and Detroit, and will return in about four weeks. Wo extend our most hearty congratulations to the happy couple,and hope their future life maybe one of prosperity and sumahine.-[ti. There are 130 charges against Sir John Olaberley. Macdonald in the Lennox Dominion election case. INTERESTING local and editorial matter has been crowded oat this week, to ac- cotnniodate importunate advertisers. The West York' election case is to he appealed. The necessary deposit has been made by the petitioners, and the appeal filed with the Registrar of the Court of Appeal. Tho East Huron election trial has been again postponed for six months. It al- most leeks liko the six months hoist, and every student of parliamentary pro- cedure knows what that means. Es-juege Miller, of Manitoba, has heel) elected for Varennes, by some 400 of a majority, chiefly composed of C. P. It. railway navvies who swore they had votes, although not possessing the neces- sary qualification. Auburn,. W. R Mitchell has clotted his harness 1 shop here, and romu,ed to Myth.t• A ov,rte of months 0 . we referred i to the building in which court was held in Bostick as a miserable "raiushsckle." The local parer took us to task for speak- ing so disrespectfully of the edifies in question, an 1 said we were a tin a•ad than for doing sn. At the last tneatitter of the Howick township oonncil we ob- serve a c••nvnanicatiun was read iron the Juolge requesting better aetommnda- tion for the bolding of courts. That coat ..1 paint the hill received recently doesn't appear to have greatly improved the " raatahackle Painting a wreek of a bulletin: instead of irkuilduyt ie, is like putting „n a linen duster to keep M r Tabb's two year old filly emit first 1 erne in ire class at the Provincial last week, The owner was offered, but re- fined an offer of $475 for her. Next Sunday we shall have the tipper- tunity of attending three services here : to the morning at the Methodist church ; at 2.30 aim., at the Presbyterian, Rev. Mr. Mclean, od Biyih, officiating. and in the evening at the Church of England. Siatllil. Ktn1Alt. N ex CR 111101 ,11t --J.nlea It McDonald this year grew 8} bushels of *bite elephant p tatees off 472 square fret of groun.l, making an average of 7KJ bushels per squer. acre The. throws ja+a preterit and fast cradling anal hind ing ie the shade. Come now. Mr May not told when the therm •meter retist.rs weed. order is rip, or we will plat it go. bolo* ger alone sod make four '(`„w The Ashfield Presbyterian congrega- tion, of which there are many adher- ents in Amberley, are about to present a call to Mr. Ross, of Woodville, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna- tion of Rev. A. Grant. We cannot but speak in eulogistic terms of the above congregation for the manner in w ich they extricated themselves from their financ'eal entanglements. The debt amounted to over $1,400, one thousand of which was presented to their aged pastor as a retiring portion. They did not indulge in vulgar festivities inaptly denominated socials, which are associated with much turmoil and inordinate vanity. No, theyresorted to no such'desp icahle moans, ut each man according to his ability contributed until the necessary amount was collected. -{Exchange. A most pleasing and interesting event occurred which created a flutter in social circles on Wednesday 26th ult, an event which is associated with the future exist- ence of two of our youthful and respect- ed citizens. It is needless to dilate with diffusive language of the train of circum- stances whith prompted the action, or to dwell minutely on attending or succeed- ing events. Suffioe it las say theta hap- py couple wooed, won and wedded ; the contracting parties being W. W,.,odburn Ogden, late of Wellinvtor, and Mies Rues Ann Recknar of this vicinity. Aleut 3 o'clock the aspirant far i)ono- dict's estate, with his ble•ening censert, appeared before the alter of Hymen, bride attended by Miss Eu!hem ie Donald, and the ht-idegmein suppn od by John Reckner, brother of the bride. Rev. Mr. McFarlane officiated, and alter the amjugal knot wee tied the invited guests partook of a bemitited repast of the choireat edibles. A short dove was nest enjoyed. after which the elite t f the locality engaged in the light fantastic till the neo ams' hours in them. ruing. The bride was made the recipient of many handsome presents, which testified tothe esteem in which she woe held. We, in con jtenet ' with their inane friends, wish them much eonnehial bliss, and that throughout their life long engage they may he hleseed sith "mild dad heavens and favoring site ' (Cent OUR TOWN FATHERS. Friday, Supt. 28th. The regular meeting of the towr coun- cil was held this evening. Present -the Mayor in the chair, Messrs. Johnston, Defier, Murney, Colborne, Elliott, Scobie, Bingham, Butler, Mitchell, See- ger, Sloan, Cantalon and Jordan. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. THE STREET INSPECTOR'S REPORT wan read, showing an expenditure upon public works for the month of Septem- ber e em•ber to have been es follows: Labor upon public works, $187.t4.); team hire, $57; street watering, $17.50; lighting street lamps, 35.76. Ttal-$268.25. Also a statement of work done 'during the month upon sundry streets; and call- ing the atteution of the council to ashort street opposite Chrystal & Black's boiler shop, without • name, • and recommend- ing it be called Bath street. Filed. Moved by Jordan, seconded by Sloan, that said street without a name he call- ed Horton street. Carried. comweeNICATTONS. A communication was" read from Huron Soap Co. requesting permission to tap drain on Elgin street, for the pur- pose of obtaining water for their factory. Left with chairman of public works. From Mn. Mitchell, respecting new line fence between her property and the corporation town hail property. Re- ferred to public works committee, with power to act. From the Mayor of Wingham,respect- ing joint action of the town of Goderich and the town of Wingham for the ex- tension of the T. G. &. B. R. to Gode- rich tea Wingham. Left in the hands of the Mayor. From James Addison, resigning his position s. collector. comsat COMMITTEE REPORT, Your .cemetery committee beg leave to report that they have had before them the account of John McTeer for breaking roads in Cemetery last winter amount 115.00 also hie offer fcr the shanty in the cemetery and the stove in the shanty. And would recommend that the sure of five dollars be paid him and he be allow- ed to remove the shanty and the stove in full payment of his claim against th e corporation. All of whieh is respectful- ly submitted, $air. SLOANE, chairman. 1412 COMMITTER REPORT. Your fire committee beg leave to re- port that they have exainined the ac- count of Thomas McKenzie for assisting to clean fire hose, &c. Amount $15.00 and would recommend it, payment, but that in future only two dollar be allow- ed, instead of three dollars now charged for cleaning said hose, &c, after each fire or parade. AU of which is respctful- ly submitted JOHN Burmt,ohairmen. SPECIAL COMMITTEE'S REPORT. Your special committee beg leave to report to the council, that they have not lost sight of the interests of Goderich in manufacturing industries or the obtain- ing of furthei railway, connection. We are satisfied tho council would deal liber- ally with capitalists desirous of starting manufacturing establishments in our midst, and who would give employment to the mechanical and laboring classes, and should any such offers be made a the council would without aelay give tbieir- claims every consideration. The com- mittee have discussed the question of the extension of the C. P. R. to Goderich Dither ren Credit Valley ur T. G. & B. railway and recommend thata delegation he sent to Toronto t interview some of the railway men there as to the present iositien of the several railways, and the prospects of obtaining an extension to Goderich, before making any further action. Ilottees Ilea -roe, chairman. FIN sNt'E toMMITTEE s REP(RT. Y-•ur finance committee beg leave to report as fellows : 1st. That they have examiued the following accounts and re- commend their payment : Henry Climes, $1 25 ; Segmiller & ('o , $3.110; Renee SIGNAL., $5.00; Mrs. Mitchell, $8.34 ; Z. ;taham, $4.40: (loalerieh Near, $3.80 ; tllier, $515 ; Henry Cooke, $2.20. otal $33.74. 2nd. We would ale° re- commend that $800 be placed to the cre- dit of the High School board with the treasurer as per reouest of the secretary's bier letter of August 2nd V'e also re- einstnend that the collector's roll for the current year be at once placed in the hands of the collector for the e..11eetion of the taxes, and that the collector use lite utmost whine* in ha ring the p�dp tax oellected term ►11 ,:erseuu entitled to Fry the same All of which is respect• fully submitted. Jane C. i)rrt.ow, chairman On met ton the report was received and s.iopteri C°nnciller [ih.N reteeteet that the ULB URNE BRUTHERS HAVE THEIR Fall & Winter Stock THE WORLD OVER. Hailstones over an inch in diameter are reported to have fallen near Detroit. No decision has been awarded as yet as to the abandonment e1 the Kicking Horse Pau. The Montreal Herald thinks some of the policemen of that city are too free with their clubs. An address will be presented to Rev. Cygrian Pinkham, the retiring superin- tendent of education for Manitoba. The following are the prices of wood in Winnipeg, as given by the Sun : Dry oak, $8.50 per cord ; tatnarac, $7.50 ; poplar, $6.50. The members of the Manitoba bar inet recently and passed resolutions express- ing the want of new judges for the prove ince. Montreal Board of Trade fevers the assumption by the Government of the telegraph lines, and washes for the amendment of the Iusoivent .act. Montreal customs officials are enjoy- ing the latest New Teak joke- that car- rier pige..ns sruutgird from Canada last year hundreds of thousands of (tellers worth of diamonds. • A report cornea from Ottawa that Col. Williams has made a formal complaint against Major-General Luard, and that the matter is now before the Privy Coun- cil. NOW COMPLETE. BLACK & COLORED CASH MERES D. Erwin. of Clinton, has sold his two year old colt from " What's Wanted to Mr. Noble of (ohio, for 8380. Mr. Erwin purchssed the colt from John McElroy. of Morris, about a'year ago. A Montreal bailiff was pitched through the plate glass window of a restaurant by a sailor of the Canada for having uttered depreciatory sentiments regarding Prince George of Wales. FANOY DRESS GOODS PLAIN AND BROCADED, IN ALL THE NEW SHADES Catharine O'Hara, widow, aged 50,lof Belleville, while sitting on it chair yes• terday fell to the floor and died in a few minutes. Heart disease was the cause of death. She leaves a family of six child- ren. An 8 -year-old daughter of James' Mc- Kee of Chatham fell on Thursday, and swallowed a plum -atone which was in her mouth. The stone pasted into one of the poor child's lungs, and will probably cause her death. Wm, G. Fraser, express auent and clerk of the division court, Petrolia, tried to alight at the Metcalfe street crossing, St. Thomas, while the train was moving. He fell, broke his nose, and received other injuries which will diefiguro hint for life. John Moore, of Savannah, owner " a big stump tailed bulldog, met an Italian or'gangrinder with a monkey. 'Ho offer- ed to bet the musician 85 that the monkey could not whip the dog. 'Way - be so," he answered, 'I try him." A great crowd gathered as the Italian tossed the monkey at the brute. In a jiffy the monkey had its claws fastened like a vice on the stump of that dog's aail. With one yell the doe ran away. The monkey held on, until Rattler sprang over a fence, when he suddenly quit his hold and sat on the top rail and watched the dog'. flight with a chatter of satisfaction. The Italian shouldered his monkey, and, walking up to Moore said: "Your dog. not well to -day; maybe your dug gone off to hunt rabbit. Your dog no like my monkey -he not acquaint. Maybe gen I come again next year he come hack and fight some more.' Born at itethany, Sept. lath. the wife of Rev. D. Met 'ammue of a daughter. MARRIED. In OodeNah, on the 1th Instant, by the Ven, Archdeacon F:I wood, Mr. Charles Edward Shaw, to Mlles Georgina F. Watson, both of the town of Onelerieh. DIED. la Gudcrich township. on Snmlar,`e-ptember, 30th, 1853, Mrs. Nancy ('hiahohn. aged io years. in Goderich, on Thnr.day, October (th, 1S&T. Barbara. beloved wife of i). Il. Rose, aged !9 years. The funeral wtlI take place from the rvut- denceof her husband, Ilineks street, Oodo- rich, on Friday, Oct. Mh. at 3110 o'clock p.m. The Horns Live Stock Association The Seventh Annual Sale, under the ans- picea of the IfI-RON LIVESTOCK Anaou taitote, will be held at the TOWN OF CLINTON CO(:NTY OF III 1:07,.• On Wednesday, Oct. 24,1883 On which oecaaion a large nnmher of ,ery Superior Thoroughbred .111 imala will be oAbr- ed for ate by Pant IC A u, t ion. A LARGE STO('K OF Black & Colored Sils The Best that they have ever Shown, and at Very Low Prices BLACK & COLORED VELVETEENS Plain and Brocaded, and at Prices that Defy Competition 1 i� A LARGE STOCI —OF— EN GLIS1{, SCOTCH, and _CANADIAN from==S_ UIsler and Manilo Cloths IN PLAIN, SO t HEC KS AND BROCADES. LINENS, TABLI;NGS, HOLLANDS, CRETONNES, SHIRTINOS, FLANNELS, BLAN KETS, WINCEYS, ace., &c. C1othui Made Order The 11st eempr{ses over Twenty Young A Full Line of Groceries. Thomnchhred Derham Rule, besides set real excellent nnimals from three to live }}ran old. several , et) choice Therongbbr-,l Heifers and ('owe• tatported and (corm ian hired Den, y I,rauebt Stallions and Rending Mares. I.ericMtrr and ('otswold sheep. and Berk ahlre and Rntft.lk IMwa e.f Mth w:ea. Also ehofee Po -.,!try of tartans breeds. All the colt-omitto hr nferrd err hn e herds of the bent hreedrrs in the ('conorey thof Huron and ad)olningeonntfes, catalogues of sale and all other information can be bad on application to the (resident or tare•teuary. M. Y. McI.EAN, JAR RiGGINtI, Seaforth, !tertrir). ('hates. Pres:.1-e • irndertch 'let 4 11181 !n1 -w Colborne Brothers (40121E1R.IO1-1_