HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 3r" TITLE HURON .SIGNAL. FRIDAY OCT. 5, '.883• Cie P.nt ; tLorner. L. U Wert a sleds. Ia 11 Werth wk.le tbat we Jestle a brother, Fleadag Lie load ou the nowt road of life/ Ian worth whits that we'eer at trteh other, la btaekasss or heart ,hat we war to the knife? God pity us aL la our pitiful strife. God pity at all as we/oats oath other. God pardon us all fee the triumphs we feel. When • fellow goes down 'math hu load at the hostler. Pleroed to the bean ; words are keener than ste.•l, And mightier far for woe than for weal. Were It riot well in this brief life's/ours/By, On over the isthmus, down Into the tide, W • give them a Ash instead of • serpent, Ere folding the heeds to be and abide Forever. and aye. in the dust at ':Is side/ Look at the roses saluting each other ; Look at the herds all In peace on the plain. Man. and man only. retakes war on his brother; And laugh, to his heart at his perils and pain, Shamed b; the bears that go down on the plain. Is It worth while that we bottle to humble Soule poor fellow down into the dust 1 God pity us all. Time too soon will tumble All or us together, like leaves to a Burt, Rambled indeed, down into the dust. JOAQUIN Mit.t.KR, A ••N►set•r"Gots• Tbra.lt.s. Last week thein arrived in toe.' and put un at the It.•yal a man who register- ed as Bough, and hung out the shingle of " Drs. K. S K.,- of Detroi', and en- nounced his ability to cure anything which had bafled the skill of an ordin- ary medic.. 11111111051111 was light, how- ever, and he amused himself walking around the street. and insulting defence• teas ladies. On Fri_'sy eve uiug Mrs, W. 8. Andrerson, of Huron Terrace, wont to the donor to a.ee if her husoand was in sight, when the so-called doctor came up and grasped her by the shoulder and asked her to "go for a walk." Mre. Anderson called upstairs to her brother that it man was holding her, when the rascal made or. The brother followed him to the Royal, and by this time Mr. Anderson had made his appearance pre- pared to chastise the scoundrel. He got Bough in a corner of the roans and pro- ceeded to "doctpr " his face iia scientific manner, being more than a match for him, though considerably snisller. In a few minutes he had succeeded in dress- ing him down in a manner which will cause him to remember Kincardine for some time, and Bough made his exit from town by the 4.30 train the follow- ingmnorning. YVe are not, in general, supporters of such a mode of dealing with rascals, but this is an exceptional case, and was the only mode of punish- ment available, and we trust that the lively castigation given to Bough will be • warning toall who may feel inclined to insult a woman. Fewer cases of the kind would be heard of if all were treated similarly. Bough was formerly a sta- tionmaster nn the railway, we under- stand, but discharged some time since. This occurrence will be a warning to all our readers not to have anything to do with travelling doctors of whom they know nothing.—I Kincardine Standard. l'arey's al orderer. London, Sept. 25—At the trial of O'Donnell Mr. Bland, opening' for the crowd, said O'Donnell's assertion that he' acted in self-defence would be contra- dicted by Carey`s eldest son, who would seer that his f.. her had no pistol. Sul- liv. o, M. P., counsel for O'Donnell, complained that the s. l.citor had been refused access to the prisoner. The magistrate allowed the prisoner to retire and consult with the solicitor. James Parish and Thomas Jones, employes of the steamer Melrose and eye witnesses of the murder, repeated the t'hstimouy- they gate at Capetown. The bullet found upon the floor of the cabin and the pistol taken from O'Donnell were identified. Jones swore that O'Donnell said to Mrs. Carey after the shooting, ''shake hands, Mrs. Carey; I did not do it." Carey's son testified that after wit- nessingO'Donnell shoot he ran into the latter's birth andobtained his revolver, but had dot time to give it to him be- fore one of the officers took It. He heard O'Donnell tell him mother he was sent to do it. This statement created a sensation in the court. O'Donnells re- volver bore the name of a manufacturer in New Haven, Conn. The captain of the Melrose testified that he found in electric machine in the 1 ris.ner's lug- gage. It was thtown ov.nboat4}. Mn. Carey was called but was unable to tes- tify to -day owing to fatigue. Marvin, inspector of Por Eliabeth police, testi- fied that an extract from s paper was found in O'Donnell's box headed: "Ir- ish revolutionists in America." A sup- plement from a journal containing a por- trait of Carey .nd a certificate showing that O'Donnell was an American citizen were also found. Bland agreed that every facility should be given to the Prisoners solicitor during the triel. Ad- journed until Friday. Bouquets and other presents were sent to Millbank prison for O'Donnell. Age should always command respect, in the cafe of Dr. Fowler's Extract. of Wild Strawberry it certainly does. For 25 years that has been the standard re- medy with the people, fur Cholera Mor- bus, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Colic and all Rowel Complaints .�. DeweeMretHl. Sometimes it cats hundreds of dol- lars to oonr•inee a man : very often lees is rectal 'ed, bot in the elute of Poison's Nerviline, that sovereign remedy for pain, 10 Dents foot the bill, and supplies enough Nervilin. to convince every pur chaser that it is the best, most prompt and eertain pain remedy in the world. Nerviline is gond fer all kind of fain, pleasant to take, and sere to Bore cramps and all internal pains. it is also nioe to rob outside, for it has an Agreeable smell, •luite unlike en many other preparations. which are positively disagreeable t.. use Try it now Go to Wilson's drag store and bey • 10 cent tx 26 twat bottle. Poison • Nerviline Take no other In Dr (% arson's Mttotna:h Bitten sill found a Specific for Biliousness, rhapepsil And Indigo/41.m Yon eye tno!iah if ) on suffer no. t• ire 0 F••r SSW hy all druggists Sow M 1.gewve Ow rte's Web& W• wall Lake, t., begin with, a brine of the slowest walkingpie., say about three miles per hour. Tu asspruee this, put btu slougside of $ \oros, either led or in berries', whore walk is .bunt three 61111# hall tulles per hour ; and when the three -miler has wine up to this, thus put hors eluugsiJe of s four -miler, and so go on inoreasiug until he has reached the utinout Inuits of pace it is puesible wgist out of him. After this, in riding we drivieg keep him up steadily to this beet puce, sad in prunes of time it may be - cense almost ',mural and easy to him. The reeaon (tartan American contem- porary) it is test to begin with the attempt to wily increase his pace half • mile per hour is, if we tried st tint to d., it faster than tbu the horse would he c,netantly breaking into a trot to keep up with his companion, and in cuuw- t uence his walk could not be improved. The object is to keep him steadily to walk, and not permit him to break it. Trotting horses are improved in the sante mbthod ; they are kept as strictly to this pace as possible whenever exercised or used, and not allowed to gallop. if they break into a gallop any time on being urged G, do their utmost nen the trot, they are instantly checked and brought back t., the trot. But if a horse is naturally a slow welker, it will require considerable time and 110 little patience to much increase his speed at this gait. A reliable fest walker must be born so, and the best, quickest, and in fact cheap- est way to get at this is to breed hint. For this purpose select the fastest walk- ing stallion to be found, and breed hila to the fastest walking mare. obtainable. As a general rule there will drop feat walking colts. The fastest .f these when grown should be selected fur breed- ing, and so go on rearing and selecting till the breed is as well established for fast walking as thew of fast trotters or races now are. Sonne may think that special breeding to obtain fast walkers is not necessary, and any sort of a horse can be trained to it. Such doubters have only to care- fully e.tttpare the anatomy of a fast - walking horse alongside of thea of a slew walkes, to be oonvinced cf the necessity of breading for this special purpose, for the difference between the two in various nice points will be found considerable in bone, muscle, tendon, cord, and to sum up, in general structure. Place a a heavy farni or cart horse alongside of a fast trotter or racer, and see how very different they are in make-up ; and how impossible it would to to increase the pace of the former, either in a trot or • run, to that of the two latter. The thing is out of the question --all the teaching and training of the world could not do it. Now, like, as a general rule, begets like, and if you want fast walk - ken, in order to obtain them of a natu- ral, easy, reliable gait, they must be bred from fast•walking pa:euts —[Eng- . iali Live Stock Journal. Mints to Yelp the Memory. He a ho wishes to have a clear and dis- tinct remembrance should be temperate with respect to eating, drinkin_ and sleeping. The memory depends very much on the state of the brain, and therefore whatever is hurtful to the lat- ter must be prejudice] to the former. Tao much steep congests the brain, and too little depletes it; therefore either of these extremes must, of course, hurt the memory, and ought carefully to be avoid- ed. Many readers note in the the mar- gin of their books the mist important passages the strongest arguments, or the brightest sentiments. Thust��iey load their minds with eupertluous apention, repress the vehemence of cur ty by useless deliberation, and by frequent in- terruption, break the current of rev- elation or the chain of reason, and at last close the volume, and forget the.pas- sages and the thonght. The act of writ- ing, itself, in such a case, distracts the thoughts,,and what is rasa twice is commnly better remembered than what is transcribed. The mind is seldom fit for close atten- tion soon after meals; the effort draws the blood grid forces from their proper employment in digestion, and stomach derangement is apt to ensue, to the dis- turbance of the brain and the derange- ment of the health. B..th the mind and body should be easy and undisturbed when we engage in committing things to memory, and, therefore, quiet and retire- ment most tit for it.—[Ahrenological Journal. smell P,esao.aies. It is economy to provide small butter dishes for each individual at table. In this ace no butter is wasted by melting on the hot plate, or by mixing with the crumbs or other foot] upon the plate. Among people who do not put their knives in their mouths, the portions left upon these little plates are uninjured, and still serve as food. Every particle of good Nutter should be carefully .crap - ed and saved for shortening, or frying, or for greasing baking pans. /dub cornmeal over very greasy plates, and give it to the chickens. This is a help alike to the chickens and too the dish -washer. Sprinkle salt immediately over any spot where something has boiled over 00 the stove and the place may he more easily cleaned. This also counteracts the bad odor. ttsanala d a." MIS... science that is more positive in Its ,:elect, to cure Cholera Morbus, Colao,Dturhoss, Dysentery, Cholera Infantum, and all Bowel Complaints then Dr. Fowler's Ex- tract 4 Wild_Strewberry. 2 The young Lady upon whoa ' eerIy de- rmas the tullowi g sketch was written, was known W tansy of our reader' :— Cense To Riser. —On Sunday ouormiog last els. Stratferd's fauvist and meet be loved daeghters, Mis. Nora Dillon, was taken away by the cold pend of death. She has been sick for • little oyer a gear, and though she often rallied she at last succumbed to that noonday destroyer, consumption. Although on- ly 28 years of age, she was for many year's prominent member of 8t. Joseph's sburoh their, and whsle in health was ever ready, with her sweet vow., to aid in every charitable enterprise where she could be o1 a..istanoe. Her voice has long been missed from her accustomed place, but uow that her presence has also g. ne from amongst us, it seems as though the loss sustained was doubled. She was • favorite wherever she went, and her friends in and out of Stratford were legion. Her remains were follow- ed to the church by • large concourse of sorrowing friends and relatives, where high mass was celebrated. five priests officiating in the funeral obsequies. Mr. Droingole, of London, sang a plaintive lament, and Dr. Kiln.y gave a very ten- der tribute to the memory of the de- ceased. The cortege then proceeded to St. J•ueph's church cemetery, where the last .ad rites were performed. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in their bereavement. " Amiable, she wou all ; intelligent, she charmed all ; fervent, she loved all ; and dead, she saddened all."—[Stratford Herald. It is • fact that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry has more well earn- ed testimonials of praise for its virtues in curing Cholera, Colic, Cholera Infan- tum, Dysentery, eta , than all other remedies of that class combined. It will stand investigation. 2 Misery is a mild word to describe the mischief to body and mind caused by habitual constitution, The regular use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, in mild doses will restore the torpid viscera to healthy activity. Try them and be cured. True merit brings its own reward, in the case of Burdock Blood Bitters it is rapidly (.ringing its reward in its in- creasing sales. as a prominent druggist reo.ntl; skid, " it now sells nn its merits. It is the grand specific for diseases of Blood, Liver and Kidneys, 25,000 bottles have been sold, daring the last three months. 2 Maws. Churchill & (to.,—Your Foun- tain of Health has mmpletyly cured me of Dyspepsia. which has troubled me for nearly two years J CLoaa, 21 17 . 'tatford st Toronto. A Pelee from Ike Pres.. I take this opportunity to bear testi- mon? to the efficacy of your " Hop Bit- ters. ' Expecting to find them nauseous and bitter and o ompoeetl of bad whiskey, we were agr'eeablysurprised at their mild taste, just /Ike a cup of tea. A Mrs. Cresswell and a Mn. Connor, friends, have likewise tried, and pronounce them the best medicine they have ever taken for building up strength and toning up the system. I was troubled with cos- tivenes., headache and want of appetite. My ailmenta are now all gone. I have a yearly contract with a doctor to look after the health of myself and family, but I need him nut now. S. GILLILAND, —[People's Advocate, Pittsb'g, Pa, July 25, 1878. . Perfect, Positive and Pleamanent are the cures effected by Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Relief in all cameo of Kid- ney Disease is obtained aLer a few doses. See that your Druggist gives you Dr Van Buren's Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson Goderich 2m "Why should amen whose blusoo s warm within Sit ke his grandaire cut in alabaster la Or let his flair grow rusty, sant and thin. When "CIxoaLsasRENEW=a will make g.ruw the faster. For sale by J. Wil on 2m A It/WARD-1K one doseu "Tatsta- Rv" to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "TIABsaaY," the remarkable little'ggem for the Teeth and Batt.. Ask your druggest or'addre.s. Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that he doctors had given up and said could not be cured. 73 cents a bottle. Sold by George Rhynas, sole agent for Gods rich. 3m There is hardly an adult person living but is sometimes. troubled with kidney difficulty, which is the most prolific and dangerous cause ..f all disease. There is no sort of need to have any form of urinary trouble if Hop Bitters is taken occasionally. , Now that there is a rCiable ren euly for kidney troubles, half the terrors attached to those onmplainte have been:rwmoverl. For the let all he thankful, and to Dr Van Baron's Kidney Cure award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto ennaiderted fatal disease teem our pa it was nn, kis . n I. fail •1..1d 1.r n'11srw1 2n, One of our best citizens would may to the public that he has tried Hall's Ca- tarrh Cure, and it is all that is claimed for it. 'Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Geo. Rhynes, wile agent for (lode - rich. 3m : A Yat en a Drag stare Never was such a rneh made for any Drug Store as is now at J. Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All per -eons affected with Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hoasentss, Severe Coughs or any affection of the Trnat or Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this groat remedy free, by calling at above Drug Store. Regu- ar size $1. (5): straw's Fluid Lightning Needs no advertising when once intro- duced. Every bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and more than re- presented for Neuralgia, T..t.thache, Headache, etc. It removes any pain instantly quick as flash. Try it and you will say it is well named Fluid Lightning. Get a 23 cent bottle st G. Rhynas' drug store. h SOAP. SOAP. -SOAP. SOAP. SWISS SOAP o No. 1. Io. SWISS SOAP No. 2. SWISS SOAP 2 No. 3. g g ?Iwo is no remedy known to medical CIGAR 0.01:12:1131013 PL I4 NING MILL ESTABLISHED 1835. Buchanan, Lawson 3 Robinson MSNurscrcnarut or Sash, Doors & Blinds Di:ALWIS 1N ALL KINDS O/ Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's rnuterial of every description. sou FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. I rAI1 Orders promptly attended to. Goderich, Aug. 1, 186.1. 110111y ALLAN LINE Or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL-LONDONDERRY-OLASelo% Every Saturday From Quebec. aUOYTEST SSA PASSAGE. SPEED. COMFORT AND SAFETY. Summer .lrrangement. Season 1883. Circassian May 19 Polynesian. "1 Peruvian. June 2 Sarmatian 9 Parisian Sardinian. C •caasian Polynesian Peruvian Sarmatian ParWsu Sardinian .Aug. 4 ('ircaaetan 11 Polynesian Pe-uvlan Sarmatian Parisian Sardinian l'ircas.lan olynesian Peruvian l Sarmatian 1111 .t a Parisian 1 t Sardinian • Nev. •t " rhr' Passengers require to leave Goderich at noon on Thursdays, to connect with steamer at Quebec. Prepaid certificate trued at greatly reduced rates to persons wishing to bring their friends out from the Old Country. For 'tickets and all information, apply to H. ARMSTRONG. Ticket Agent Ooderich, Goderich, May l:th; 1883. " 21 JIl,7 " l •• 2 Rent. 1 " 13 MI, ...3, « 2 Polynesian Peruvlan Sarmatian .saw aim r' TESTIMONIALS_ Collingwood, Ont.--The:Crowfoot Bitters I took cured me of Sick Headache, after twenty years of suffering without being able to find relief. MRs. J. IfoLLnNo.ultsu, Clarksburg. Ont.—The Crow :ootBittere per fectly cured me of Saltrheum, without using any other medicine. MRs. JouIcr t Lot•OHEAD. If Tan wish to get Ike worth of Soar mese sok your druggist far It. THE Y" .'ILL Ii EEP IT ! May 17th• 1S8 1,291-6m • Some as m.nnfactnred hy the great mmF Steonnmy Mnep 1'nmte.nv, of V ^ ZURICH, SWITZERLAND,VVV V] whoretrade,,tendslurgclrthrongh - mrt England, reser,. Germany.• A1ut Ha. drrece and Italy oMasafertured in Canada only hy The Huron SoaPCoy rII QOD�RIO . • SOAP. 11OAP. SOAP. SOAP. uedevlM, Iltgps. 1l ngtt IMM 0 ACRES FREE! - IN TiIE— Devil's Lake, Turtle Mountain and Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United Stat,. Lam! 0,11,c GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL M.IP and FILL particular Hailed .'Mute any address b7 11. F. M('NALLY, General Travelling Agent. ST PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS A MIT( ft R. R !a . - :11 t• . Teroate. Or. S. SLOANE, Has on hand a ler; ,utility ..f WESTERN CORN For sowln broadcast. leo a lot of t 0 1111411nel Ct►ris. GIVE HIM A CALL Ooderleh. May 17th 11211. BINC#HANI'S GROVE 1s the h'et place ,n Unclench to hold a PIC — NIC B/NGHAM'S NURSERY 3 S. CIGARS. INMPORTED AND DOMESTIC THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN A full line of all the Leadiag Patent Medicines always kept on hand I, (Physicians Prescription a. Svedalty. ) GEORGE RHTNI .B, • BLAKE'S BLOCK. TEM SQUAB BOOTS&SHOES 1)o x rasaz sez W ecid.up Beg t. announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Store in the store lately occupied by Horace Newton. Having purchaaod a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES SMALL PROFITS WILL BE OUR MOTP6. AM -Please call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere, Remember tho place, next door to J. Wilson's Drug Store. JIllll'Cuatom work will receive our special attention. 011 -Nene but the best of material used and tint -class workmen employed. par -Re pairing neatly done on the shortest notice. Goderich, March 9. 1882. DOWNING & W ED D U P NEW ARRIVALS SPRING &SUMMER GOODS Scotch, Elllish isli & Cauadiau Tweeds HIGH D TT NL 0P_ j TO 1IE FARMERSOFTIIECOUNTYOFIIURON. (IFNTLEMFN,—By request of a large number of the yeomen of the County we have decided to manufacture Ft. EBPIN'C - bND MOWING - MA.CIIINE8, in connection with our Plow bueineas fur the year 1883, which for material and workmanship will be second to none. Do not give your orders fur reapers or mow- ers until you see those manufactured by us. We will attend all the spring fairs in County, which will give the farmers a good opportunity to inspect our machines. We will warrant our machines to du as gond work as any other made. We will al- so hive a number of good LAND 'tZ0LLERS, for the Spr'ng trade COO$INc+ STOVES always on hand, and will ''e sold cheap for c soh, or be exchanged for wood. Cash paid for old iron. SEEGMILLER & CO. Goderich Foundry MjM, ing therove will •apply an7 quantity h of cole, flowers. at reasonable rates. Rongnete, create', an ret her Floral Omit rived.. mad. to order E. BINC3H AM. ltnden••h 1n1.w'- .tRt• 2 INT m-1=-6 1� T AGAIN ABRAHAM SMITH CALLS ATTENTION TO THE FOLLOWING : CLOTHING, WA LARGE ASSORTMENT. AND THF. LATEST DE$IONS.1114 ZiA FINE ASSOiitT` FNLLEt18 VARIETY.FURNISIiING GOODS H ATS, BALL THE LA•TFST STYLES. AND EVERY SIZL%* "'ALL PATTERNS. MA\D A.'PIT OTA)RAN''EED OR NO PAI.E.Y;ICLOTHS NEW Ca-O03:DS, NEW PRICES. CHEAP FOR CASH. TAI.dK ABOT.TT =7.7"71' CHAS... A. NAIRN IIAS TItI' FINEST BRAND (11' CANNED PEACHES IN THE MARKT•;T, AND HIS CANNED TOMATOES AND CORN ARE DELICIOUS, A TRIAL WII.I� CONVINCE_ COURT ROUSE SQUARE. GODERICI(. ONTARIO Sarnia Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Company. MANUFACTURERS OF Reapers, Mowers, Binders & Threshers. See the Dominion Separator before you purchase. The Easiest Running, Simplest and most durable machine in the market. IALV E t:NT 'V W tN i; II Address at Once 0-I13O12,C3B1 d R083, General Agest, Godertob Art DcsIus iu Wdll Papers a Now Is the time. 11 Ton wish one or two a es IsMIS at theme, to at . Put lrr's room payer HP)Yenr 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beaslnfalcolors. and at prices lees than very much inferior grinds. 1 aid t..i ern the best value la town and most be sold The 1i-1Pis1 IlaZ1iaq,1ilit I , � At L�'z's •