HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-10-05, Page 1•• ..114 .4O1.144• Its'r4 Lee: la • . ‘-e 401 `0, • , - tts. 4.- -"- II VOA: :aft ,O01.1.111‘.. wri p. ' • ,1• bre 7.J 3 '. • • ..•••••••••••••• *son.. ...NM. •••••••••••••••••••110 - !f• . • impatiol , • AS, eolrea. • •• THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR. (VHOLE_NUMBEII itI DEVOTE 13, couN ;/ , ii f 33 . ' . „.. 0 GENERAL INTELLIGENCE GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1883. MoOILLICVDDY MMOS. penlostilte $1.3 .A Yr:1R IN AD% ANCK :few Ids ertisemeals Thlo Week. Ases-It. W. McKenzie. einem Lost --Jas. Lockert. Woman Want:A-Mrs. Chiltau. Fail Openhig -Miss J..!.i%ie Wilson. Tic People's Siete- W. IL Ridioy. Over 0103,000.00 Loa -Reid & Suey.l. I all Millinery ()petting -Mrs. Girvin. Cnuk Wean il -3.1tIsh Zzeliangpa Motet. ' JOHN LI KNOX, LICENSED AUC- I. _ lieric • book store. Money to Loan -Cameron. Holt *Cameron. • " TIONEElt for the Comity uf Huron. YoungLadies Jourhal forOetober and Fansii- II uton Live Stock .1issoi latimi M. 1 . Mo. 1 Sales attended In all_parts of the County. or. I Iv Herald for September for rale at linnet. Lean. ' dans left at Martin's Hotel or at this office will I book store. - Subseirltierw names received. New Lropori &anis ter . he Fall Teal • -11. w. i be eromPtly attendee' to. Ism7.t f. I Prompt delivery guaranteed. • I U • W. BALL, AUCTIONEElt FOR 1 James Saunder& Sun want splums. crab 1 apples and pears. and pay the Mellott prices. Dostleoir 14 Co. Liantford. . . , 1 I. the County of Huron. Sales attended I Pick and handle carefully. a• they bring a Dentistry. Gedistich YO. In any part of the County. Addeo," orders to . • 14160. higher price when properly. handled. You can preserve 256 the. of fruit, tometoes, • Re. with a package of t be Ameriton fruit pre- serving powder and liquid, with or without If NICHOLSON, L.D.S,. SURGEON 'Loans arto 3nsurance. ....r. For sale at Imrie's Book Store. Lt. DentiIL) st. O'tout 1'0144e:ice. West The tall shone i-oinut once a year, but alle1 times doses b.!! ,.e Mink of Olontreal. the exhibition of tWographs at Geo. B. tioderIch 1752 LIE MIER & LEWIS, OPPOSTIM Maw- Robson continues MI tbe year around. His LI T IN'ei !Rena., Goileeleb have private facilities for neat work eel* never fuller than rusiis TO LEND, now. litany sums to suit parties wanting Wens, at -_ verylow rates. 1907- Q.100,O 000 TO LOAN. APPLY T CAMERON HOLT et CAMERON, Oode • kb. 1760. Auctioneering N E \V S ABO UT 11014E• The quoits* review of Kw: ehurch Mee La Faye, of Tawas, who with her II ts. 8. was held in the church on Sunday 1 children has been spendinz a few weeks J A MES BAILET, LICENSED ACC- : .k eel's aiming ye. Lakin' notes. • afternoon last. Tho exercises were ! with friends, returned un Thursday. An' filth he'll preut it." witnessed II a good number of visitors. 1 Wm. McLennen, the champion Scotch ll../ TIonirlrft forth o County of Huron. hay. I ing entered the hit, is uuw prepared to attend -- FINAL Nome. - After Wednesday 1 dancer and piper of Scotland, has to an orders fur Attatiotteerlag. Orden tett TOWTnl'IC:. next, all subscriptions due over one year I been engaged by the Lubkriow Cale - 1 et Baileys Hotel. ooderich. or mut by mail, . promptly attended to. 1886- will be placed in the hands of eur solici- 1 denial' Society to slit) instructions in New York Bazaar pitmen',. att new ififleast tors, and collected at the rate of $2 per Highland dencing. Chimes have been formed for ladies, gentlemen, and for children. She People's Column. • (-100K WANTED -A GOOD COOK, No/ eats find e permanent situallots and a MIMhie home at the ••ItHMSH EX - E HOTEL- Wegoshigh. Apply at 0110O. WA ifN.ne..,, TRD -A 4.,%y211AGi.iN reT/e DO rences qoiree Apply to MRS. CiliLTON, onsulate, corner of Colborne and t'hurch atat'eta. 1911- bZHEEP LOST -STRAYED FROM L.'t the premises of the subscriber. JAS. LOC- ki rt. lot 11. Maitauil Concesoion, Colborne. about the tot of Jame,four old ewes. 1 ewe iamb and 3 ram iambs. all of which had the rep ef eight ear clipped. A suitable reward e .1) te- paw to any enc delivering them to r. w 100D7%. Dongennon. 11111-11 r 0 THRESHERS -FOR SALE, A IONEY TO LEND. PRIVATE f und -oti freehold security. Apply to Oeo. Strusson.Ooderich. 1a764u. lirt50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND VP on good Fenn or nreteciaaa Town Property kper cent. Apple to R. It ADCLIFFM. 1701 annum The United Empire called on her up trip en Wednesday last, and took on neer 200 tons of freight at this harbor. She had a large number of cabin pas- senvers. peg,arrived in town on Saturday even - Eugene D. Carey, barrister, of Wield- ing, and is enjoying himself in his ()Id home. The air of the Northwest seems to agree with him. A. M. Polley on Tuesday last shipped a car load ot heavy horses to the Penti• NOTICE. -The balance of the household fur- sylvanie niark3ts. A. M. P. has evident- niture the property of Nire. Fletcher. win be 1 ly struck a good lend for horse Posh down sold by public ilinction at her residence 11 est street on Monday 131h Oct. commencing at , at the oil regions. 1 o'clock -3w. The boat recently built and owned by There Le.somedoubt even yet an to the exact ti ....RCS. -T. Finn and N. McIver was condition of the pens hi the Algoma election, bat there Is no doubt atoll that Folios's. the launched on Saturday. • Tho craft is photographer, turns out excellent Pietur°6- 'strongly made, and gives the appearance Call and eee latest samples of work. When you'retroubled and uneasy. and your mind is tried with care, When yonr joys are taken from you. and y our sorrow aro laid bare. When you want the cruicest liquor to sooth ONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE Be sure tog° to Horton's-1D there you'll get oU to your reet, .151 antenna of Private Funds for investment the best. U lowest rates on flest-clam Mortgages. Apply Mise M. Weston has returned from to umatow sr PROUDFO0T. te20,01110 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Datruit. Mrs. T. Leder returned froin Winni- . niP on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- tereet. Mortgoges purchased, no Commiasion 1"`8 ”"•• charged. Conveyancing Fees reasonable. Mies 3Lo-)• Telliei• left for Windsor on Thursday last. good steam threeher. cheap. Apply to N. R. -Borrower; can obtain money in one day JOHN Ms:CALLUM. at the foundry. If tine is satisfactory.- DAVISON le. JOHN Goderich. July 1%TON:Barristers. Mc.. Gloderich. 1751 9. 1913. LIOnot RADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, VOTICE T4 DEBT0R.S-NOTICE IS lEtt . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. ..4.9 hereby go en that al, prelim inileOtee t" , Ft...presenting drat -chum Costmenlos. Alsoagent Ilse undersigued he mite or hOCK. at.VOttlia I for the CANADA L VE STOCK IXIMRANCIL CO. to U. the same at once sad there- Money tolend on..dortgage, either in Townes yr save ea eallorool t moan bust- 1,-arin I'roperty.11, any way- to sun the borrow ams. AlidtAILSM Mt OfRoe--4up-.ttinn Kav's block Goderich .r Sale or to Let. 1 01;50.000 FO LOAN AT 6 PER. 1,PARII TO RENr-,-TH AT rnct THE TOP.ONTO 1 ENERAL TRUSTS CO7 1 farm nn the 3rdernetneins et €01borne., are prepared 1.• It an rn.•eey at(lpiapt, pas - 9 being portion of lots 8 and , and containing awe h‘if ' ••• 75 ••_*. ehoo•- ' - • •••fer ' • tante eag bolos, iiione too- "ors. and outbuildings. Plenty oe ter- we.ls ano . TERMS TO 3CIT 1:0 ROWERS," - running WatoT. Good fen. Me. Five acres of Oichard; title clear. Fur torticulars apply to ro nrst-class farm security. the preiprietor on the verniers. or address Apply to MATTHEW LEVY. Seltford 1'. 0. 1910.11( LE A ID Uri corn.: ' CAILLLON. HOLT & CAMERON. Beiristers. Goderich, I [-L"1;r si Palmerston and Ragan street, together with I Agents tor the Toronto Genet* Trusts CO. three -10th. of an ...Trof land. is tittered for : sale by the undersigned. cheap for cash.. 3&ees. CaNZRONBOLT & CAIILHGX nine There are en the premiers • soap stable,al agaa a game amount or private tends to loan bearimlyoung orchard. a good and. pump. on first -clam term security. • sr niwberry bent and a number of grape tines . 4an andrrn, bushes. The place is admirably . oderiebOct, . 1911-tf adapted for a retired farmer or market gar- Oetier. Apply to MRs. ASHLEY. on she errt liar.a, or by I ••••••.•IoUo.Ierich P.O. 1910-11 I; ARM FOR SALE-SOCTI1 HALF .1. of lot 15. concession 7. tioderich town - .tip. containing 74 acres. on the cut line. 2 miles from liolmcseille. 5 utiles from Chutes, 8: from Goderich. For further tuforntatioin apply to H. OVARY Presorts P. 0. Ont. 1966 • -VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE- , Lot No. 5. in the Hayfield con. township of Godench. t45 acres. SO to 50 scree cleared and free from stumps -balance well timbered. has frontage on Hayfield river and on the Clinton road. and adjoins the incorporated village of Ilayfield. For tarn/so-further pertienlars Cod conditions of sale apply to LEITH. KINO- sTONE& ARMOI 8, Solicitors. 1 King street West Toronto. Or to John Morgan Hotel keeper. Rayneld. 1800-tf "WARM FOR SALE -BEING THE easterly 130 acres of block lettered "3'," in the 7th Concession of the Township of Col- borne. About 85 or 90 acres are cleared. The growing timber consists of maple. beech and elm. A frame houtie.li large frame barn and stable are on the premises. Fences good. Daly four Miles from Uoderieh by • good gra- et road, For perticulars apply to JOHN BRECKSNIUDGIE, Goderich, or to SEAGER & MORTON. Solicitors. Goderich. ••• 18118 I.4 -10R SALE OR TO RENT. -THAT 1' beautiful brick resider ,* occupied by Mr. Rice. and formerly oecepied by Mr. 8. Malcomson, at the head of Newgate street. Possession given in October, For particulars apply to the owner. J. BRECKENRIDGE, Nrwirate street Oodrich. 1863. Legal. • - - - EAGER & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, 11 OrderIch. 1' !,EAOICR, JR. J. A. MORTON. E. N. Law's. 1007 - Ed. Palmer and family left fur De- troit thio week. The Mi.aes Sterling-, have left Gods rich fur London. , of a safe and rapid sailer. Thos. Strachan, reeve of tirey, was in town 011 Monday last, 'un township busi- ness. Mr. Strachan is one of the solid men t.f the East Riding and holds a high place with the local politicians. • Reid & Sneyd are to the front this week with a mammoth advertisement, they aro offering splendid inducements to buyers, and our readers should try how it works. Just read that biit advt. The Sarnia Observer says :-Mrs. Geo. Parents, of Gielerich. who was stranding a few weeks with Miss Johnston, at -0burtright, retarded home by. tbe On- tario, leaving here un Wediesday after- noon. Mr... Ben Thomas is • the guest of Mias Strachen, of Goderich. who had friends in London, been a guest of Mn. Capt. Symes and Miss Annie Hochman is visiting latterly of Mn. Capt. Robinson, return - friends ,jp Sarnia. . ed to her home by the Quebec, leavine Ms. WI son, of Toeswater, viaited .,-r here last fiaturday night. -[Sarnia Ob - friends in town last woek. server. . D. Ferguson is itgain in business, haw- The fall exhibition under time auspices of the West Huron Aericultnral Society ing opened a gtocery in Detroit. will be held on the fair grounds on Toes- Mre. mid Miss McMicking have gone day and Wedueaday next, Oct 9 and 10. on a rink to friends in the east • It promisee to be the best show yet held -Mies Seegmiller has returned from a in Goderich. visit to friends in the Vest -ern States. John Connolly, %econd teacher.of Clin- CoBecting rare copper coins is one of ton model school, and formerly of the poi ular pursuits of Goderieh youths. Hohnesville, has received the appoint - Albert Pridham, after a two years so- ment of mathematical master of Listowel journ in W innipeg, has returned to htgh school, duties to commence on the - 15th of October. town. Hugh Lavidaon left on Saturday last The funeral of the late Mrs. Chisholm, to continue his studies at Toronto' Uni. mother of Messrs. Hugh and Wm. Chis- versity. holm, and of Mrs. McDougall and 'Mrs. 5Irs. Webster, of Blyth, has spent the McEvoy, was celebrated by a requietn I. .1'. Beser..-An esteemed corres- past fortnight in town, nursing her sister high I113151 at St. Peter's on Tuesday a. pondent in Brantford sends us the fol - m. A large cumber of friends and ac- Mri. T. Whitely. lowing news regarding a former resident quiantances attended. of Gederich :-" L. J. Brace, long a re - W. Miller, sr., has accepted the posi- sident of Winwhaiii, mid olio was born nen of librarian of the Mechanics' Inqi- and rsarkil in Gide! ich, whose inasaacre by Indians was recently announced in the press, appears to be still alive and tieing well. Mrs. Brace ami eldest daughter, with three younger children, accompanied by their grandfather, liar- . Remember the gas-opennig in the vey Brace, aged 76 years, for many years North-st. Methodist church on Friday a resident ..f Gederich, and for 30 years evening. Selections of music will be a justice of tits peace for Huron, left given including anthems, duetts anti London on the llth of September, at 6 solos, also readings by Mrs. Detlor and p.m., for St. Paul, where they took the H. I. Strang, and an address by Rev. tirst through train on the new N. r,h Dr. Ure. Tho whole gas apparatus will Pacific railway to Sprague, W. T., which be opus for nutpection. . placed they reached in safety and re- Malt1NR AltnivALs. - Saturday iii4lit markable comfort on the Munday morn - the barge Straubenzie with a cargo of in. follewing, the 17th September -pot lumber for the Brantford G. T. R. car quite six days -and joined L. J. Brace works. Monday evening - The schr. and other members of thp family who China arrived from Sandusky with 450 hare been there for some time. They tons of sott coal for Peter McEwen. write in high terms of the railway cote - Wednesday morning -The schr. Ontario forts, and speak of the country through from Blind River with a cargo of lumber which they passed, namely, Dakota. for Williams & Murray. Montana, Idaho, and the greater part On Saturday afternoon what appeared of Wastington Territory, as grand in- to be s tag in distress was sighted by the deed, and some of the finest scenery in, Trudeau. The Government tug inane- the world. After a drive of 16 'miles diately ran out to her assistance, when from Sprague, they once more formed it was found to be a portion .if the lost an unbroken family, to thank God for -,- all His good and preserving care over etch member. Their locati in in the northern part of Washington Ter., is said to be the finest in the new State, and great hopes of future success inspires all the inhabitants." LPXTURZ ON (.11URcli Mt:etc.-Had Mr. Foot, the excellent organist of St. George's church, advertised that he would appear nn Tuesday evening last with his face blackened with burnt c.trk, post office will be prepared to issue and rattle the hones or ''heat the tain• money (wrderis on and lifter the first of 1:0,.,” with a little clog hominess f, for carte thitolef.r. ty, all enthusiastic ClOWil 1,1•1•111d have packed his audience mem. As ho had io• 1). E. Cioneron, of Lucknowryfr;tei,:rlt; with hm from the ld onnit handseine bicycle, of the lat.ist improve- ments An old settler informs the Gerrie Rit- ter/wise that fourteen years ago he dug flown through several feet of snow to zet at his oats which was still " shocked " in the field. As there are many fields of oats still ungartiered we throw out this bit of news as a sort of encouragement this late Besse:). A New Titottovoier SR.:. - At the Friday evening meeting if the towel council another street was formally nam- ed. F. Jordan and S. Sloane acted as spinners, and the eupIMaious title of "Horton" street was pinned Onto the latest -thoroughfare. The `•bapteesement o' the bairn" was duly proceeded with after the adjournment of the council, and, my mines, wasn't there music in the air and melody iu the atmosphere PATRICK O'DONNELL, Commet.- The original Fisk I -Adversity THE SLAYER oF ital., TUE 1.91,01:51Eit. Jublee Singers will visit Goderieli P.strick O'Donnell, who killed James and give a concert in the Nortn. street Carey, the notiirious interwar, un the Methodist church on Thursday evening ooth of. July lam., MI. ha was beisg wow. veyed to Port Elizabeth by the eteamer &taints, is a man of whom little can be ascertained. 'Ile was born is1835, iti tbe town of Mannaclat/y,eoutity Donegal in the north (4 Ireland, when several of his family uow reside. When four years of age, be came with his parents to Am- -Thursfley next. • erica, but returned. slioetly after to his A. Guthrie, .1 Madison, Ind., wlio ii..tive laud. He -has been to America with his wife spent the latter part of the 1 seseril times Seek nut netinwlization summer in Goderich.left fur has southern i•papers in the United -States un the 6th home last week. -Mr. Guthrie came to uf November, 1876, • and. has lived fur Goderich to escape the hay fever, and brief periods in Teronto,, Philadelphia, we are glad to state that he was fortunate Pe., Cleveland, 4 and 'Denver. Cul. in his choice of location, having had only 1 Ho invested in ailrer mines and Fenian • slight touch of his annual iaa'ady. Ue bonds, lost all Lis money, returned to made a nnmher of friends while here, ' Ireland last May, and frequented the and we hope that he wall return to (iode- company of Irish .tinericans iti London - rich with kis welcome Indians party derry. He carried a revolver and was when the season again arrives conselered a strum/Nationalist but oppos- ed to the Invincibles. Ile %tent re the Rev. A. D. McDonald, of Seaferth, Cape to work because he considered Am- erica played out. He is a powerfully built man, six feet in height, eyes gray, hair dark. the Ilth inet, (not Tuesday as tint mentioniel.) The company have sung before Queen Victoria, the Emperor of Germar.y, and several other crowned heads of Europe, and are . now making their last tour of Amerika, before leiving fur Europe again. Remember the date preached In Kuox church at both services on Sunday last, and his discourses fully sustained his reputation na a clear and instinctive preacher. His treatment Or a text is alwayi simple yet powerful, his thoughts are clearly conceived, and his language is ch,.ice and expressive. He lately returned from a six -weeks' trip through the Northwest, and we are glad to say has been much benefitted in health by his visit. He Also preached in the Union church, Goderich toWnship, in the afternoon. The North Huron teachers' associa- SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. tion will meet in Brussels on the 25th and 26th of October. COUNTY 4)r IIVItOX By virtCe of ft Writ of James' Payne, formerly uaggageman here, was itt town last week, having re- turned from the North-west. Charlie Edward, a 3f onebtry Times 'comp.,'" and formerly of this (dice, has been visiting relatives in town this week. Josh Thomas, watchmaker, late of Welsh's jewellery shop, has accepted a position in the Elgin watch factory, at Eight, Ill. Lieut. Geo. W. Railten, of No. 4 Company, 33rd "Huron" Infantry, Clin- ton, has been permitted to retire, retain- ing tont:. Mrs. Jas Wilkinson, mother of the Misses Wilkinson, left for Minneapolis on Wednesday by the noon train, to visit her son: The Ecr,roonist is the title of a neat dottble detny sheet just started in Shel- ourne, Ont., by W. L Smith. It de- serves success. We are glad to see the Bad Axe, Mich., Tribune Woman nut into a neat little daily. It looks pretty, and de- serves support. To wee: f Fiert Ferias, issued, out of Her Stajesey's County Court of the County of Middlesexand to Inc directed and deliver- ed againet the Lands and Tenements of JOHN MAINWARRING, at the suit of RICHARD FUDOLK, I have seized and taken in Execu- tion all the right. thie, interest, and equity of redemption of the above named defendant. JOHN NIAINWARRING, in and to the fol- lowing lands and premises, viz :-Two acre.' of land. being a Oart of lot twelve, in the South East boundary concession of the Township of Usborne, in the Comity of Huron, known as the Imperial Mills Property, of 1Voodham, and situate within eighteen rods and seven inches of the South Last angle of said farm lot. said two acres having a frontage on the Town line, between the township of Usborne and the Township of Dianshard, in the County of l'erth. of sixteen rode. and extending back the full width of sixteen rode a distance of twenty rods, which Imeds and Tenements I shall offer for Sale. at my- office, in the Court House, In the Town of Ootlerich. on SATUR- DAY, THE TWENTY-NINTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, 1383, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, noon. • ROBERT OIBBONS, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff 's Office, Galeria+, + September 19th, 1883. • 1900 -td ifl$11 C. H A YES, SOLICITOR &c. , ()Mee corner of Inc square end 'West stmt. °oder lob. over Butler's bookstore. money to lend at lowest rates of interest. CI ARROW & PROUDFOOT, 11A R MISTERS. Attorneys, Solicitors, etc ()Merida. J. T. °arrow, W. Prondfoot. 176 - - CIAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, ‘i Barristers, Solicitors in Chancery, ec. aoderieh and Wingham. M. C. Cameron, Q ('.; P. Holt. M. O. Cameron. Oodertch. W. E Maoism Winsham. 1751. ..-___--,-.- --........-...---. i B WHITELY, M.D., C.M., PRY- - SICIAN, Surgeon. Aceoucheur. etc.. M. C P.8.„ Ontario. DM* - The Square. It doors East of Wilaon's Drug Store. up stales. lent - ems...Kb markets. fl R. McDONA(IFf, M.D. PHYSIC- ‘ I. IAN. SUMMON. Irr.. Graduate of Tor- Goonitten. Or I. 1, 1/183. ease University. Lieertiere of the Itoysi Cot- wheat. Wain, been. ... . at no 81 ,1 Oa Iry of Physicians. London. England. Re., kr., Wh.aL leering,. boat. .... 1 (0 0 1 06 C. P. 3.? SO ., Ontario. ffire *net reoldence (aur , lit barrel............... 5 00 0 6 le Opposite Hisitere Hotel. Hamilton street, nod- 051.0 neigh ----------------0 90 II • SI erlett II* Pane V tomb ------------------0 013 0 0 is Barley. V lig------------040 • ll se I IR Mi LEAN. PH YSICI AN, SUIR- krt;" ...ma_ am • • • • • • • • • .• 3 r : g g 1/ 0100N. Coroner ke. Ofilee and nnitov. • lb.. ........•-........-.:. • Is • 011 Renee Street. seeond door west of iletrela" al gisoiggigigijo.,„; . e is • e IP Ot reel. . ..... 0 11 " 0 it Shorts, II1 eat -------------------090 0 I et II0. MACKID, M D, PHYSI er ews.••.....••••••••••••• • • 0 10 .. 0 all 11 1 . elan. Awrgeon awl A oroucher. Gradnieee 9 awl.... IN owe • • •••111,•• • . • • 1*) " 1 a of Toronto I' nlrersity. Ofneeetipeolte ('..mer %I " I -tve * (larneron's Rank. Imeknow. If net In Wise .. . ..... 5 sn " 6 02 ogler,. eneete. at this Hank. 174111y. atomise sollo........ . ......... 40 " 1 se .... . ..._ ... - 1 IRS SHANNON & HAMILTON, The existence -of a cruoifis outside a 1 .1, Perth -tans. 44nrgeons. ANN:etc)wrs, Re. Roman Catholic church in Lakeville, omen at IW. Shannon's reeldenee. near the• frol 00.1.olott 0 C RH Orono 3 r HAIIII, Conn., is being made the snifjeef .4 $ roe 1751 Municipal rooteei SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. COI*NTY or :fultON, I Hy virtue of a (VI it of TO WIT: Fleet Facies, Maned out of Iter Majesty's County Court of the County of Huron, and to me directed and delivered against the Lands and Tenements of WIL- LIAM GREY and ARTHUR CANTELON. at the omit of EDWARD TIMM! L. I have 'wised and taken in F.ceention all the right, title and interest, and equity of redemption of WILLI AMORE Y. one of the shove nam- ed deten tants 10 504 to that portion or tract of land Ding and being In (Inc Township a Morrle County of Ilneon and Province of On• tarn+, being onmporeed of the North half of farm lot number twenty-one, in the fourth concreeton of the said Townolup of Morris. and eentalnine one Imitated acres of land. more or left, within lends and tenement.' I shall offer for sale. at my office, In the Come Hottee, in the Town of (totierlell, on FRIDAY. the TWENTV Flit.T day 01 DECEMBER. IRA& at the hour of t wet V e of the clock, 1100111. ROBERT (111350N8, Sheriff, Huron. Sheriff's Other, Goderleb, Sept. 131h. IOU. 11106 -td tute. Hugh Hamilton temporarily tilled the uttice since Mr. White's resignation, owing to the illness of Mr. Miller. The new librarian entered upon his duties cn Monday. steam barge East Saginaw. 'The rem - George Acheson, who left ea weeks mutt consisted of the wheel house and ago for the North-west, returned from his Dakota knit in excellent health and r:rrtt. of Itthehaedabdirnif. toter fillet. tlhuegg:pptm stl ,,isnito spirits last week. The Seaforth cr.:I/eters beatour eleven side of the lake. by 3 runs and 5 wickets on Saturday, daEys. inDit(ymlen, woiftbSiaglisiibuirw,;!iesrpe, J.uDa(Ifeies Sept. 11.0th. The score arrived too late for insertion last week. nn expressman, and returned with his fami- 1 Miss Sophia Fisher, who has beeoa this week to his Michigan home. Mn, Doyle and children hare been the lengthened visit to the circular town, left guests of her relatives here for some for her home, Kincardine, by the steam - time past. Miss Angio Inpyle accout- er Ontario on Thursday. • partied her uncle and aunt, Anti will Geo. W. Thompson will spend the spend a number ef months with her rett• winter in Dakota, where he has land. tives in Saginaw and Lletroit. He left recently for that state. His family will remain here. J. '1'. Mitchell, of the 1110.11 irferieir, accompanied by his townsman Alderman Mallory, gave us a call on Monday, and report Blyth as prospering. Robt. McBrine arrived from Winni- peg on Thursday morning by the Mani- toba. He reports hawing done ft good emmon's business in Winnipeg. 1.11.111111111■1.11.1111.••••• A BARQE LOST. stir Coes 10 Pieces off Port Albert terrible Experience elf Ike Crew be Food for MIX nays- erases mean en Raft.. On Thursday a party•of she mem and a woman, the crew of the barge Wm. Treat, arrived in town, With a terrible story of hardships endured during the past week. Tito barge left Bay City for Detroit_ laden with lumber, and towed by the tug J. P. Clarke, of Detroit. On Theraday night, September 27th, fearful gale arose, and the tug de- serted her consort ea: hand Beach: The barge helplessly drifted across the lake to the Canadian side, but owing to the fog the shouts of the crew tem passinsi vessels were of no avail. The stern of the barge had b*cii stove ill 011 ThUtlatly night, and all the previsions ruined. The crew had nothtug to oat for six days, and when they escaped to land, as they did by rafts near Port Albert on Weelnesday, they were so ex- hausted by save/Alen and exposure as to bo almost helpless. Fortunately they landed near the lionise, of Alex, lieung, who treated the sufferers with the gieat• est hospitality and kindness. Owing ).o the stiff gale blowiug no tug front this port oould go to her %existence on Wedresday or Thursday, as she was in a dangerous position. She went down on Thursday, after the crew had deserted her, and the cargo of lumber is now strewn aloeg the shore. • The barge was commanded by the owner, Capt. McKAY. Tho lumber was owned by A. Backus, ir. & Sons, De- troit. No insurance on either vessel or cargo. COUNTY NEWS. l'•11ell from our 11...eallt‘chnsiae.. W. Mein+, loicknow, has shipped ever five hundred bushels of plums this sea- son. It is now settled that the Ford inch merely announced • lecture on Church A young man named Alex Campaign Music," and appealed to the better twee (son of the late gaoler) met with a pain - of the public, a rather small audience ful accident en Fuiday last,,while w.rk ing in the planing mill. A hule attend• was the result. Von. Archdeacon El wood occupied the chair, end introduced the lecturer in a few very complimeis- tary remarks. The lecture was deliver ed in an easy, conversational style, and was full of valuable suggestions and wholesome eriticisms. The speaker divided his ;address into three parts. (1) win si and ancient muses ing dry goods hotter, of 'Brantford, have 1 At the entrance of St Peter's R. C. 2) Stumbling blocks in the pith of MI important announcement on fifth church a pretty lamp has been placed. I, s, • (31 sr enure.. music. ...ow to Improve The miaow design and painting is front church mueie. Am( ne the t brew nags They are a reliable firm. P. J. Swim, of the Seaforth Soo, was the hand of H. Clews. The Limp luta %mu 4,4 were' tt, in town on Monday. We did not betray hie prosenee to the lacrosse club, or he might hive mro three "straights." Poe one of the piece ..f board uroke off a plank, and struck him vio- lently on the temple, musing a ren•ible wound A huge splifne• peretrated the flesh, and was with difficulty removed. He was terribly cnt shout the eye, and H. W. Itnithour & Cr, that enterpris- his escape from death was a narrow one. The 'it' ,f c T)r Rosehrnge, the well known remand, will visit Goderieh nn the 12th at. 1 I3th inst., and can be seen at the residence of J. It. Mailer, 1' S. I The crayon portrait of Mes.ltebortson, hy her niece ;Mies Nettie Seegmiller. is s creditable pi000 Of work. and has won many eneomittmo for the young artist Wm. Kent, a haniessmaker, of ltlyth hisa f illen heir to $1,000, beetileatliml to, him by the death of a relative in the eId count, v. Walton cheese factor s.,111, 180 boot Auzust cheese to Thes, Itansetyse ' M. PP , Stratford, at 10 cents per pound. The cheese was shipped from Brussels otatiou tin Friday MM. Morning an 1 afternoon trains the Linden, Huron and Bruise railway. now run through from Linden te Kincardine 4 shield like panes in white, with St. instemi of remaining et %Ingham, *8 111 the past. Trevellers will thus save the Peter's in iarge letters on three. The incongruous secular sirs ; long, winding annoying( detention et t he letter place. fourth which is opposite the front has • lovely crown thro' ,bitreh tunestum;.snapatchtiyoirof jeaclie„rgyusio:nd‘‘r,remgrolitregano List Tuesday non tong Mr Thee, 'which 1134" 1 that spaee will not permit even cot out- cross rotes. The smaller panel are of , line of Mr. p,00•s capital treatment of Martin, of ilorrie, had a narrow escape roloured steined glass, and has the I his sebieet. Those who were absent from death while working in Wiles & veered heart, and 1. H. fit. alternately i mimed an able and agreeable adaresta ..n 1 Sanderson's plaining mill Hews. run - The top is painted bits with gold titer., sacred music, and Heaven knows (we ' ning • rip when a 194not board and eurmotintel by a golder, globe which ',Teak reverently) that most of the ab- i soddenly flew from the nmehine striking holds a gilt crossThe designs are es- him in the groin Had the blow loon I, *enters need instruction in this same , ceedingly pretty and appropriate The I line, A oordial vote of (hanks Wan ton an inch higher he must surely have beets f iron frame it patentee a rich maroon demi to hp talented remit leethrer rlitemh,vrelitsi rntermse.