HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 81 1 fes 1. 701P.' sta 1 It it I THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT. 28, 1883, TERRIFIC EXPLOSION. Of War Rockets at WooIWlolh Arsenal. oereotuuy being performed, the happy (kelpie west on their bridal 'tour to Meat= Fairest, sad upon their return their nuptials were celebrated in grand style at her IMNter's Canoe. After a sumptuous repast of chuiaat delim- iter flleadly ■IsAles Ream. r'eA Meodeast 01011 was spread and minks. off, the for Five IIIUes•-The Nessher of need youthful guests were soon lost in the sed lyses said to Rear% tee. dizzy .ossa of :kg dance. And still the bslb are ringing frrlIe L radon, Sap t� 23. -The rocket pp. tories at the aal, at Woolwich, ek• pQlodod to day. Many buildings welts dogsled and the low of life is serious. The explosion was caused by a fire in the nntin building, which, tuclsdiag the labot:atury buildiug,was destroyed within half au hour. It contained aa immense uuaiber of war rockets filled with destructive missiles. The latter flew in all diroctions, many falling upon the other side of the Thames. The explosion caused fearful destruction in property throughout the town and the surroundieg district. The fire was extinguished at noon, when the r eckets ceased exploding. Old soldiers declare the explosions of rockets were as frightful as an actual siege. Two bodies of victims of the ex- plosion have been found. Some of the rockets were projected fire miles. One went through the wall of the areenal.aud another struck the artillery barracks. L•,ndun, Sept. 23. --Tho tollowing later details of the explosion at the Wool- wich arsenal are given : Rockets fell in Erild, Eladam, Charlton and I:ford. One plunged into a school for infants at Plumpsted, another entered a draper's shop in Woolwich, another wrecked a grocery. There was the wildest excite- ment at Woolwich. The principsi dam- age was confined to the rocket factory, which will ba '10,000. London Sept. 24. -The latest reports from the scene of the terrible explosion at the Royal Arsenal, at Woolwieh,show that calamity to have been more horrible than seemed possible from the meagre details which were received early this morn:rg. The number of dead and dying is now placed at 100, and may possibly exceed even that. Explosions still continue at frequent intervals, so that it will be seine time before the ex- ert of the disaster can be fully investi- gated. The .•rigin of the explosion was a bunch of rockets, in the rocket depart- ment. From here the fire spread to the buildings, which were packed to the roof with ammunition of the mint dead- ly kinds. The explosion which full„wed when the fire reached this part of the building cottldhave been beard for utiles, and resembled the sound of the terrific discharge of artillery. A number of the workmem were instantly killed and their bodies ' blown to atoms. Others were trampled to a shapeless mass by their fellow workmen, who were fleeing from the scene of the explosion. It is feared that a large number --how many cannot even be guessed -are under the debris. Every vehicle in thu neighborhood has been turned into an ambulance, and all are filled with the dead an l dying. The most intense excitement prevailsthrough- uat the entire community. Bliss Charlotte Rash, a tot'Yger resi- dent, is Liaising friends here. Rubt. Williams took in the exposition at Toronto last week. Be was the guest of John Ha dna., John street. A bra drain bar bees put in on the west side of the road for Maodonald's shop to the creek. Woolwich is a town of about 44,000 population, nine miles from London, on the Thames. The arsenal ib the largest in Great Britain,and cnnta:es workshops for making cannon, shells, lulls, etc. The town has extensive dockyards, a ,, military academy and large barracks. St. Belong. The°frosts have entirely spoiled the corn and sugar cane "f the • icinity.. John Gorden is erecting a handy one house on his farm refjoinin•g tate village. Thomas Lott has returned after a two aid a half months' sojourn in the United States. D. Jt. Gorden lea this ,reek for To- ronto, where 11 3 par;, ,sei attending the medical school. Miss Kyle. of airafr,th.a, has' been visiting a•'tutintm:c+ in ;his vi:inity the hest fortnight. Peter lir(, tan, F to 31 '.' v. e and Donald C!arke,of Padtii,.h, were visiting friends heti I a. -.t I) n i1 To 1,1 is erecting a i.trge straw shed beside his uumterwis buildings, (.. H. L ,'t be'ng c ,retractor. St. 11_3lens has at present its 114u31 mmittocr o f invalids, witic:t causes good denui-1 for the medical pr Jession. :1 large number late availed them- selves of the chance art visiting the I'co- inietial 1 1101.... 11 Gnulph, Olt account Of its b1'in; so near hatd. 1'h t fv^nrrs have finished their liar' - eat ail 1 see ling, ant r:'e busy getting up their putates to aee if th Ire is any !lope oof gavliv.z them, large quantities of them being nAten. the people still heats strong. Tho second is, that while the ashes of other heron and benefactors of humanity Tiara Tong been cold, men in great numbers can still be found to give up their i,ursnits, their gains and their enjoyinents, to lead laborious lives, to brave shame and ridi- cule for the sa':e of a peasant of Galileo who died more than eighteen hundred years ago. TELE'.I U .l )IONOPOI.Y. A monopoly is an exclusive privilege Rev. Mr. Smith and wife are visiting friends near Woodstock. Mr. John Young, theological student, will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath morning next, in the absence of Mr. Pritchard. The open meeting held by the mem- bers of Maitland Temple, I. O. G. T., in the Metthed st church, on Friday last, was a decided success. The attendance was large, and the programme interest- ing. The address delivered by Rev. Mr. Smith, Chaplain of the lodge, was prac- tical, full of interest, and likely to pro- mote the cause of temperance in the vil- The choir of the Methodist church furnished music at intervals during the evening. Readings were given oy Bron Young and Miller, and a solo by Bre. J. Smith. O0UNTY NB WIN. cease saser ser teat aatsahewees• John Fisher, of MoKiUo• , last went shot a bear 4hat weighed 418 Ito. when dressed. Tiroouug cshs escaped. Witless= bad a militaryconcert oe Tuesday. The captain with his whittle• en and ell the other fellows were there. Gerrie sneak thieves/hers a liking for 'toothsome things. Their latest " lift t was $30 worth of preserves grow the oiler of Mrs. Dunlop. Potatoeteie badly injured by " rut" in Howick, and what was thought to be a large trop, will be oo siderably under the average. Neil McNair, of the township of Grey, has just passed away at the ripe age of 86 years. He was a resident of the township for 30 year. The Brussels Pott says Jas. Swart, a poor but industrious man of that village, is one of two ]rein to whom has been left $1,000 and 320 acres of land. Mr. Clark, forinerly in the office of Mr, B. V. Elliott, Exeter, has passed his examination for solicitor, and has opened an office in Guelph. Mr. J. H. Wilcox, it former typo of Exeter Tinto office. has creditably pass- ed his examination in Buffalo, and is now known as Rev. Mr. Wilcox. The Hewick township funds have been swelled by tll25, collected from drunken navvies on the gravel train, who get on a " bust," at Gerrie, sud fell into the clutches of ,the law officers. A number of the aged citizens have been dropping off around Exeter lately. Within a few weeks Mr. G. Armstrong, Mr. John Crocker and Mr. Wakeland have been taken to their last resting place. They were among the first set- tlers in this community. Lieb7lTb' A big owl was shot here last week. Harvesting is not quite finished yet. as all the oats are not in. W. Stirling, we are pleased to hear, is recovering from a severe attack of ill- ness. Miss Rachel Gordon, of Ashfield, is visiting friends here. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Clutton ace the guests of friends in the Royal city this week. A tramp 00 Monday evening visited a farm house here, and was given a square meal, whi.ii he prefaced by a fervent grace, but after swallowing the food be be -fan to swear at a terrible rate,snd was ordered off the premises. He then he.ided for Shepperton. ' WEBSTER BROWN. Bystander Talk. We select the following from Goldwin Smith's quarterly :- THE WAR Or THE PROt'iNCEs. The govmnment of Ontario, however, d AMES S�MAAILgt�.,p�ARCH1H1Tat)T dt. t'ieh. Ptads(and asp a0mIoasitive ` t emettee' Porer's .sd wiser wows eases and valued.. WE OFFER THIS FOLLOWING DECIDED BARGAINS The funeral of thelate Jae Knox which toot place on Sunday afternoon, was one of the largest if not the longest that has ever taken place in Brunel.. There be- ing fully 2,000 people present. The funeral was conducted by the Orange- men, of which 225 members were in pro- cession being representatives from the following lodges :-Seaforth, Wingham, Leadbury, Walton. Illvth, Belgmve, Sunshine, Bluevale, Ethel, Listowel, and Brussels. The lodges were mar- shalled by B. Gerry, of Brussels. We regret to chronicle the death of Geo. A. Powell, dtnggist, formerly of Wroxeter, which took place at his resi- sidence on Thursday last, at 9:1G p.m. Between four and five years ago Mr. Powell came to Chatham and opened the dreg storebusiness he was engaged in un- til his death. He was generally very popular, and when a few months ago a long standing ailinent culminated in a serious attack of lung humorrhage and settled into chronic pnuemenia, he was extended the heartfelt sympathy of all who knew him. A tour of the North- IY REAL ESTATE IN Tag TOWN OF OODLRICII. 1. A Newer Let (lie. 911 es Wese West. aloes to the Sgeeie tAse.ee. t Lot IN neer the Pstrk eery pleassat 4t %.sacs, with cow of Lk., eosupr sire wf► martially bulk 2 story brick house, with tsteble fruit .sees, &e., it.ese.M. 3. 'Three and a half lots (nearly ♦■ =rel.= last street, with Wick Forn4ry, now seder real at NOLO a `i. Jar. aM.M. 4. Lot on bank et River, sear the stance, .rase. These prepaeues are may worth much mere loose but angst he sold to clues but lbs (estate, .mire therefore eared es the above priors. Appy to SEAOER .! LEW1B, has acted rightly in bringing the question west and a trip down the St. Lawrence to a practical issue, and it might have failed to restore failing nature,and he re- taken the step before without incurring turned to town just in time to die in the the charge of pprecipitation. Practically, midst of friends. Deceased was aged we feel sure that the award would have been accepted and that the necessary measures, whatever they might be, would have been readily taken to cure any technical Claw in it and to give it ef- fect, if party had not intervened. Que- bec rules at Ottawa, and Quebec regards with jealously any extension of Ontario. Justice Ontario must have, a d she must support her government in their legal proceedings till she obtains it. If the disputed territory was an acre o f bare rock it woull be treason to the confeder- ation to let th3 question be settled against the province by the domineer- ing jealousy of the 13leus. Th.tt. no member of the confederacy shall he al- lowed to outstrip the growth or rise above'the political control of Queb •c in a pretension w:iichjif put forward . cannot be too soon submted to a decisi re tet. Under the equivocal compact of con- federation Ontario pays for the indus- trial stagnation and for the political cor- ruption of her partner, and it wobl 1 Le hard if.ahe were to be dwarfed by her partner's jealousy besides. JICOOt•I3d IN CANADA. Sending out titled persons from En- giand to regulate the sentiments of the people of this country has long been an absurdity and is fast becoming an imper- tinence. Tali aILVATION ARHT. The salvation army, moreover, conning upon a sceptical age, seems by the gross- ness and familiarity' of its language on religious subjects to have furnished in- centives to profanity. Still two notable facts remain. The first is, that inspito o f agnostic science, secularism, and all other influences adverse to religion, the pulse of religious life in great massed of Alhb:r1y. �Lasb r Fra ':37''che'1, after havinv reco%cred freta a broken JIr broke it stain, and had to undergo another or- deal. Dorsad Ross who was dome time altkt- .•d with conge..ion of the lu..,re, is again convalearent. Peter Ihyne, blacks. with, (f Ktntaih of trade such aadoes not exist upon this and son (f .Jolla Bayne, of this vicinity, continent except in the case of the post is ret present sullcring from typhoid' office, which is in the hands of govern• fever. llo is attended by 1)r. ✓escort( men.. That the telegraph, a swifter of Kincardin t, w:.o entertains good pont, ought like the post to be in lac hopes of his recovery. hands of government is probably true; We congratulate Mr. las. Iltyt o upon it would be true at least if government coul& be trusted to abstain from job- bery. hut this is no r'eas'on why those who hare so far serred the public should be treated with injustice. The ecarest approach that we have to monopoly is unionism, which indeed is in no small The Cheapest, Moet Comfortabitll danger of doing by intimidation shat and Pleasant Route was done by iniquitous laws in barber To ALL MINTS IN nest ass. THEGREAT NORTH WEST his success at Lncknow fall show, he having obtained first prize, both for his two •,-:u o 11 mare colt, and his yearling •Lalli' n, Messrs Walker mid Wale.., (.are pur- chased a new Clinton threshing machine, end intend be„i(iniug operations reit went Mr. Gobble, miller, returned last Fri- day fro1., a s •:newhat e! 'ended trip to Entlaiel, the land of his nativity. Hs • .oke es tls..,,,th I:,e voyage agreed with him Ince 1'11104.1.1% awl speaks itr glowing _. J. j, ',swim's -it not hanquettedby terms of the improvements made in his the constituency, but the cnrstituency- tatberlau,l since the days of his boy' .itg STRPHEaa--is hanquetted by the hoodrepresentative.. j(ilnbe. The in,rriago dells has a rung and two youthful lovers hnce joined their fates it is said that smallpox. eel typhoid and fortunes, f•,r weal er for woe. On fever hire brain Mut among the navvies the 11111 io.a, (o r•:,• White, of Belfast, nn section twenty of the C. P. Railway, joiasd the rat,ks of the lwnedtets by tak- Georgian Bsy. t11R to himself a wife open ,among our A large number of cotton operatives fair daughters, to wit, Mita L>.eie Court • will be temp verily thrown out of work amend Menem *Iso=. ney, eldest daughter ,.f Mr. James rest week at Montm,/ in or ref to stop Jena ,th oak 1*- '. (lnum riney of this pletws The ania;,.. ,rr•nr ornsiee.4ti-' 33 years and leaves a widow and four children. The funeral on Sunday after- nocn was very largely attended. The Masons, of which Society he was a mem- ber, turned out in full uniform, to ren- der the last sad mark of respect. - [Chatham Banner. - Tlc . MacIthe, of Guelph, made 114 ehtries of live stock on Saturday at the Termite Exhibition. Tltis is the largest entry that has }'et been made in this class .Con luctor C. M. Sinipsen, of the Lon- don, Huron & Bruce road, and Mr. 1 Dinsley, of the Dinsley House, Wing ham. have gone too the North-west on a shooting trip. A South Carolina farmer "went long" en watermelons madc.nrnitted suicide He planted and raised more than the cenditioq 1/1 the market scented to war rant.and lost heavily. Gong into the offensive patch he el.•,ro.1 and stake d off a comfortal le place for a grave. pude his will nod took r,'lI)or.e. to,., Oederleh. Uoder$eb, Sept lith. ND. 19104) GO TO 7 KNIGHT'S FORA SHAVE, HAIRCUT, SHAMPOO, OR DYE. TWO DOORS EAST OF P.O. 5910.17 • New Sohool Books JAMES SAEJNDERS it SON, At Ohl School Bul Ellgoilom The Largest and Most Complete Stock SCHOOL BOOKS Used la the Common, \andel. High and Separate Schools and Osllsges, at Imrie's Book Store. PRICES LOWEST IN THE COUNTY Satisfaction. G -i amaxzteed. Q D JAMES IMRIE, Goderich, Ont., B_ CORNELL, O CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER C Corner _Store. Morton's Brick Block. Hamilton IStreet. G-ODERICH, ONT_ A. H. C. has, at ,t large expense. purchased a Agents for McClary's Famous ROYAL BASE .BURNERS -AND OTR- Ceal & Wood Cooking Stoves Auction Kale, Sept. :J --Mrs. 1'let, her', house.. I_ holo) fu -nit ore. at house. on West street, at 1 p. m. At this stile a New. York Webber Piano of remarkable parity of tone will be offers d for public competition. In Trini•c t';.u' 1 . li!rt:,'on 'Thursday. by the Itcv. W, I'nrkr. Mr. ('h ss: henry Ritchie of Toronto. to 5Ii.s 51. 111t11'. of Blytb II1l:is. in Ib -lin ,r', on t', - 1:11h inst.. Air, 11601. A. %Vein. aced 2.; year,. I: months and It days. In (coderi, h toren sitip. on Thursday, Septem bar 20'15. ['.3. Mar) .\her X,4101. aged 10 yrnrs. i tot/nibs and 17 da%s. t:oderlrh Markets. Gookrucu, Sept. 27. 1583. 3t'hedid.F,s.11.LB bulbs. _.• f1.e 31Da Wheat. l�Sprinillte bush......., 1 1 06 flour. 1. barre1l............. .... 500 Ch 550 (,:tag, 3 hush .... .. .... .. 0 30 (d J 34 Pe/14, p finsb. ...... ... 0 170 or 0 as Norley, 1! bosh..... ... 0 :AI et 055 Putntoes IE bush 1 '.. .. 0 /0 of 11 15 Ilat 3'tnn '.... .. .... .. _ 'A Ve 9'O limiter. 'r, ....... ... .. .. 0 l.i H° 0 15 I:{,.ga. to dos. tumultnat ked(....0 IS t" 0 19 beet,. .... ... 0 11 " 0 if Shorts. 1' cwt .............. ... 0 90 R 1 00 Horn. cwt .... .. (e 70 " 0 82 ('hop.:. r•vt..... ... 100 " 170 350 " 400 :, 50 " a 09 10 " 120 •theepskin,4_.. North West Traasportatioa Compaal (1.1111T81') 11 was ■usher Mrastse, is too the Rteamers of the North West Train*- pnrtation I'otnpann one of which w -ail. wrath Theyreverse the usual order of things erpernotting. Lease aerate sten - Te.s at Rotwell. There the representative iriAay t1tAt. nn arrir al of (,rani Trunk Train•. e's1.t.lia AT Nna:RHU the Pest. L•Wlusi lett. 1nr i'rtnee Arthnr's landing. iMlnth. and all points in ManCoba. MInaesota, Dakota and the North West. BPBIOIAL_ ?br stramcr ' M A N iT)HA" will leave node. &h. w eether p•rm .t ink, r %cry ten days nn Tnesdars and i'rk1a3s, alternate trips. for Ktneanitne. Southampton. fault lite. Maris 111ehi leotIn. Pre Nipegun. Silver Islet and Thunder Hay. For fnrther information as to rates, meaty to WM. LEE. Ooderich. or to JAMES 11- BEATTY, Stove fitting attended to by experienced work- men on shortest notice. Second-hand Stoves Taken in Exchange. . "The Cheapest Home Under the Sun." West trivet. nest to Pom (J1Eee. Ooder'c'a. Seat. 20.1988. It Apples .Pears. TIE HIGHEST PRIC& 5'ol: API'I.F:s AND 1'E:A1ta WILL BE PAID by nee this season. I hope my old patrons %vial hang on to their Fruit until i sec them, u -- Nei Customers Wanted -I WANT - Good Sound Fruit' And will pay the highest market Price. • Teas & Sugars And all sorts of GROCERIES -AT - Recti ll11oiii Piits, GEO. OLD, The Ornrer. Court house Square. 431-01:3183RIOH. --- tlep+. t, .sal. tf0lt �ZNC+HAM'8 R.W.M'KENZIE'S GROVEP it CHER HARD Y.gRE STORE. FIRST GLASS'S HE.tRSI end is prepared to attend anti conduct funeral on the shortest notice, in town or country. A large stock of COFFINS AND CAS ,E TS KEPT • CONSTANTLY ON HIND. Both in Decorated Wood and Black Cloth, at very Reasonable Prices. tJ'A CALL 80LIcITE7D_ r A_ B_ COR1\TM1. ,� I900 -3m Goderfch, July 19th, 1883. �- as 00off CC= try CON Wego j 1 kw, L 0 OH,SAY! NEIGHBOR Where did Ton get those A. N. WHiTING M'rO CO. HARVEST TOOLS -FOR- They are the Best Goode I Have Been. --1 GOT THEM AT --- the is the host place in linden. h to hold a PYC-rric B/NGHAM'S NURSERY adjoining the (l.avoce. will rnpplf 11,117 quantity of choice fiewers at reasonable rates. flosgmts, ('reuses and other floral Ornames s made 10 order. M. BING3°HAM. (tewSeri' 5' Jnh b IMO --int HAS --- The Finest Assortment and Best Value rt TRT. ('Ot: NTT p5 PER CENT. OFF Ful{ (ASH ftoderich, hely stn. 1111