HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 7l FHL HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. z8, 1.83 Fun ants Fancy. Wb.. A. shades of night fall nobody ON herr Is drop. What ftootob'pyrt is like ladle's eoa- veteatlss f Dears talkiug. An ()dord .tndsot deities dictation to be "allocation without inteutiun." Elope girls are like told muskets, and U.S a grist deal of powder, but don't go off. "What la true bravery r asks a pa- per. It is gals* to sleep while your wife sits up to watch fur burglars. A young bride, on being asked bow her hustaud termed out, replied t he termed opt very late in the morn , sad termed k very late at night. The old proverb, "Where there's • will theres a why," has bees revised to wit the situation. It now reads, "Whoa there's a bill we're away." Young clerpdean at a clerical wasting -"I merely throw out the idea" Old mini.Nr;-"Well, 1 think that is the beet thing you an du with it." A farmer's wife wonders why the men can't manage to do eocwthing useful, and wants to know if they mightn't as wall amuse themselves in smoking hams as in smoking cigars 1 A young man dread in the height of fashion, and with a poetic turn of mind, ye driving along • country road, and. upon gazing at a pond which skirted the highway, said -"Oh, how I would like to lave my heated heed in those c,u.wg waters !" An Irishman, overhearing the it zeta mat ion, remit ked -"Boded, you might lave it there and it wouldu't sink !" "I want 'er pound o' black tan," said Witherspoon t., Deacon Gilpin. "I thought your folks used green tea," sug- gested the deacon. "We did; but you see my wife's sister, out in Injauna, is dead, and she's wearin' monruin', and she thought it 'd be more apuropriate like to use blick tea for • while mow." 'lords of Ulisaom. To hare ideas is to gather flowers. To think is to weave them into •garland•. Knoceledge will always prwlominate over , ",ranee, as a luau g.,v••r't% the other :.:hme Pray r will utake a man cease from sin, or stn ..i'1 entice& in in to clime from prayer. While we retain the power of render- ing service and conferring fevers we seldom experienco iugratitutle. Training the land and the oye to do work well leads individuals to torm cor- rect habits in other reepecis. It always seemed a sot. of clever stu- pidity only to have one sort of talent - almost like a carrier-pigecn. There is that maketh himseli rich, yet hath nothing ; there 's that make.h hi n- se.f poor, yet hath great riches. Poetry is the only verity -the expres- sion of a sound mind speaking after the ideal, and not after the apparent. False friends are like our shadow- keep.ng close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leavirg us the instant we cross into the shade. Pythagoras used to say that "A wound from the tonsrue is worse than a wound from the sword ; for the latter aJects "r1} tine ieeiy, the fernier the spir:t- the soul." A wise oracle said : "Thou cauat not prevent the birds from flying above the. head, but thou can't preventtheir build- ing their nests in thy heir."-[iKar.in Luther. Truo reformation has never logien ac- complished by temporizing o- compro- mising, and that conservatism, which corer' n multitude of sirs, has always en a barrier to progress.. Manners must adorn I-•towledge end smooth its way through the worid. Like a great rough diamond, it mry do vete well in 'a closet by way of a curiesity,and also for its intrinsic value. Youth and age hare ta, little sym- pathy with each other. If the yawed would remember they may be old, aa'.' the old would remember that they were once young, the stolid would be happ:or. No way has been found for ira'.ing heroism easy, even for the scholar. Leber --iron lab, r -is for him. The world was created as an andien a -or him ; the atoms of which it is made Are oppo..ur'- tiee. The leu government we have the bet- ter -the fewer laws and the leas coufid- i'tg power The antidote to th r abu+e of fo -mal goverame:.t is :he irflneice of private character, the growth of the ' divideel. On the whole. it is goal, it is abso- lutely needful, for ono to :,e ht'm',led and prostrated, anti thrown amore the plots Iron time to time. L;feisa school • we are perverse sc' (Ores to .he last, end require the rod.--[' menu Carlyle. ever Care fp, If you are ■ufferiee wi,h low and de- pressed spirits, obs cf Anne i.e, general debility, disordered bloat wee'c cors i tution, headache, or any dieeree n: a 'o i- ious nature, by all means procure a no.- tle of Electric Bihtere. You ail' he a, • prised to see the rtn'd im i,•ove ne'..lort will follow ; you will be n..,• ert w' h .,err life; atrengih and aaivi .y wJt ret'r t ; pain and misery will oraae, rend heme- forth you will rejoice in the Pt '.e ..f Electric Bitters. Sold at fif. y tie its a bottle by LADY HRAtt'!t IPA-IAdies, you Can- not make fair skin, rosy chtel.s, wool sparkling eyes wi.h all the cns.ne.ice of licence, or beautifier* of the world w u s poor health, and nn,h;'t;, will - i,e you such rich hleal,¢ ,.xl heel .'i b .t and beauty as Hop leiter'. ti It s: '5 certain proof.. I. Lefts . Corps Toothache (eel Nearatp,is di.let as flash, re'ieves any Wald 'a'tirnilly, the cheapest a's 1 qt: i..est so, ne-time : roe. Why stet.- e; It :ion.' ..e .o, Nei.'*I,'r. Headache, rehteinte•ism, Laub es.Shia tie*, flora '• hi...at or Acute ''•:,,s u' Any find when you c .y go to (Lea } s: drug store void net a rib eat ant? it'„r.t- lanenus epee for 2:i e...a Aek for K trim's Flai I Lit,l.tt 'i,*. b i 9s» Trottel Mane tilvMk . The Chinese troops are by no cleans uupreklared for the difbeulties of a lung campaign in Ton gin. The Chinaman, whshaa spread al1 over the twuutriee adjacent to his own during the past few years, works joyfully from the iret thine in the morning to the last thing at night, never stopping except fur an hour or so to eat, and as careless of the bot sun as though it did not exist. He will h arry teak, saw wood, chop bamboo, all the heaviest work imaginable, and this in the presence *leech a temperature as to the natives of the countries them- selves is almost unbearable. This, nu doabt, is the reason that the Chinese coohe is fast edging oat all the other in- habita;tts of the lands that border Open the Gulf of Tvnquin. In order, how- ever, to labor in this fashion he does not clothe himself eery i aborstely. A sin- gle rag round hie waiit completes his toilet, unless occasionally he may wear • huge sun hat, which gives him the ap- pearance at a distance, .1 a walking aushr inn. 13ut fur all practiced pur- poses it may be said that the linen strip is hes whole and sole clothing. His brother of the army is not so very cli tfer- ently accoutred In the north of China, dun% the cold weather, he wean cer- tainly a great deal of clothing, and his oomlortable jacket and very serviceable bouts have been made the basis for many • foolish caricature. But in tropical countries, and in the great heat, the Chinese soldier wears a light and airy uniform, which o,nsistI solely of a cap, • thin linen jacket, and a gauzy pair of pant& He knows that with more cloth - mg he even, capable as he is of braving Om sun, would he at a serious disadvan- tage; and having this knowledge, he goes to war clad suitably for the climate h. has to encounter. The Frenchman who proposes to fight him, on the other hand, is attired very much in the same way as at home. A good, thick blue uniform, with solid red trousers, and, of course, a strong, thick shirt, with hard leather bra,ta, go to make up his costyyme. A Chinaman would faint in such/a �resa Is it at all surprising if the unacclimatis- ed Frenchmeio feel the heat 1 If any proof ..f the difficulties which the French are about to meet were,:however, want- ing, one has only to cart his eye across Io the u.•rthern end of Sumatra, where in a much cooler because hillier a ,ut.ti than that to which the French are about to operate, the Dutch have year after year found themselves absolutely unable to make any headway against the Act'', sale. Shut up in a really very small tract of land bounded by the sea, unable to obtain succor from any source, the Achion ,x•tople have managed without much difficulty to hold back all the forces which the experienced Dutchmen have been able to bring against then. Thousands of Dutch bones whiten on the soil of Achin, thousands of Dutch- men have been buried from the effecta of fever dud exposure to the sun, but yet the Achineee are as free as ever. The French would have probably done well had they studied this problem be- fore beginning war in Tonquin. -[Ex. .t alt-ewd Aatba•sader. On a ce.:ain occasion .n ambassador, whom the E npernr Charlemagne had sent to an erstern monarch, while sitting at the table of the latter, quite thought- leae'y moved adish that was near him. It happened that the king had its, a law that if a guest touched a dish le - fore he himself was seri ', he should be put to death. Therefore, must natural- ly, every eye wai turned towards the enemy, and some of the courtiers pro- clsimed his (offence and loudly demanded his immediate punishment. The king was in a dilemma. On the one heel, he dreaded to excite the dis- pleasure of so great a ruler as Charle- magne by putting hismeasen on the other he v unwilliee subjects should End him rt. nies ;-t the duty which he had imposed on himself. Of the two things, the lett' - rued to him the worst; so ho a uainted the ani- hasaader with the law of the law of the land, and told him he must die, "I sinned ignorantly," said the man, '%.t ignorance is no etcuse f its vio- lation. Your every,decree must be car - tied out to the letter, and I am the last one who would wish yo.i to relax from your rie,or in my behalf. I only implore your highuets to grant me a sinwle favor before I di..' "It is net my desire, but the law, that renders the death n sceseary," re - ,,lied the monarch, "and I prom se to grant what soever thou asketh. My word is fate." "I only ask," replied the Frank, lo ok- i•• ; around with a grim s toile, "that the eyes of all who saw me touch the dish be plr"ed my hand." Hearing this, the courtiers gazed at one another with fear and trembling,and even the king was dismayed ; but the promise had been given,and the si',guler request must be complied with. So he said : "it shall be done." on item however, not one was to le found among the courtiers, nor the servants,who was willing to acknowledge that he had witnessed the act ; and the king confessed that ho had not seen it. "If no one saw me commit the deed, there is no evidence to prove me guilty," (dee. :ed the embossed or, "and certainly there can be no meson why I should suf- fer death." "Thou sagest wisely," retutned the m •narch, who was so delighted a: the emir: +.4 odor's cunni•tg. that he not only pa, honed him, but bestowed upon him many p,'.esnts of great talus. if you are troubled with a dim trilered F :well Dr. Carts. 's i", term n il! a :Ord rn.Mrt relief. It is the best Family I' eije•-t.s, :sr Superior to rill,. i 1 let tip;_ 1.4 sell i.. • Ileev •s). stern. A member of • large IaesestttUe Arm rw..gtfy gave • portion of his early ea personas to tots wise. 1 was seventeen years old when I lett the country store I had tended for three yeses, aeon eaans to Bottum im search of a place. Aaxiuus, of course, to appear to the best advantage, I spout au unusual amount of time .nd solicitude upon my toilet, and a hvo it was completed, I sur- veyed urveyed my redaction in the guise with no little satisfaction, glanetag lastly and most approvingly upon • seal ring which embellished my tittle fing.r, and toy oane, a very fine alllair, which I perches - with direct reference to this oeasiuu. My first day's esperimuoe was not en- oouraging; 1 traversed street after street -up on one side and down the other - without success. I fancied, towards the Wt, the clerks knew my business the moment I entered the dour, and they winked ill-naturedly at my discomfiture as I passed out. But nature endowed me with a good degree of persistency, and the next day I started ■,rain. To- wards noon I entered a store where an elderly gentleman stood talking with a lady by the door. 1 waited till the visi- tor had left, and then stated my errand. "No, sir," was the answer, givem in a peculiarly Crisp aad decided manner. Possibly I looked the discouragement I began to feel ; for he added, int a kindlier tone, "Are you good at tak- ing a hint T' "I .l.,u't know," answered, I, while ouy face flushed painfully. "What I wished to sty is this," said he, smiling at my em barrassinent ; "if I were in want of a clerk, I would not segues a young man who came seeking employment with • ['ashy ring on his dreier and swinging a fancy ane. For a moment, mortified vanity struggled against common sense, but setae got the viclot,', ant I repliet - w,rh rather a shaky vuioe, I ant ;uutil- 1 .t: i very much uhli.ed O. you," wad theft beat a hsaty retreat. As soon as I got out of sight I slipped the ring into my pocket, and walking rapidly to the Worcester depot, I left the cane in charir of the baggage -master "until caked for. It is there now, for aught I know. At any rate, I never celled for it. That afternoon I obtained a situation with the tirin of which I am now a partner. P.ow much my unfortunate finery had injured my prospects the previous day I shall never know, but I never thj,nk of the old gentleman and his plain dealing without feeling, as I told him at the time, very much obliged to him. Li 11 . history of medici,,' no Avers W iest as received web universal erne mei .lx-.ost for the allov:at6,n it a.T•rda, mud tie perm went core it effects in bey diseases, as Dr. Van Buren'm Kinney Ours, its action in these distr,s+i''• anion.is is simply n-,holedel. Sold by J. Was, s. 2m Croatian.. - A waste well known i, on i sect lees with the ®air Renewer, w I t 'eh ret grey bale to its ne; anal cut- •r by a few weeks elM. IBM at 5:) rents per bottle by Jana Wan,. '-'m The "tatgeLad" ItagNpes. It is • popular mistake which auiens the origin of the bagpipe to Scotland. Jong before it rounded " the war note of L' 'hie' " it had been heard in various countries and cities of Europe, particu- larly in Rome, where it was held in great esteem ; en much No. indeed, as to have been thoui,ht worthy by Nero of a place on the coin of the Empire. He even we it further, for it is related of him by Seetonius that, when his lite and imp're were in danger, lie made a vow to the gods to the vCect that if they would only extricate him from his ditli- calties, he would condescend to play on the famous ba,tpipe Unfortunately the perfor.naace never canoe off, so we are st a het to speak of the Emperor's mer- its as a piper, but we :ear he would have had no chance with our Highland brig- ades in that department of music. aneely enough, the bagpipe, though sappoeed to be of home growth and r ami. -cure, has not alwas been looked upon• w th favor even in the north. It A 'act that the Magistrate of Aberdeen it 11. O " discharged the con' -nn piper , oing through the,town at nycht, or in the a Doling in vine coning, with his pyoe--i: being an uncivil' forme to be unit within sic a c• rhos burghe, and be- iesa o:.ea found fault with, as weill by muod.e ne'clitb,uits of the toun, as by a.; a:,l,ers. " Before the close of the present year the Canad'an Pacific will have built 925 miles of road, including the work on the main line and on the Ontario R Que',ec, between Perth and Toronto. a, Ne t sprit - the new steamers will be -put on Lake Superior,when the 'tone from Win- nipeg to Montreal will be at least ten hours shorter than by rail by wry of St. Paul and Chicago. The road from 'erth to Toronto will be' lishted by the end of this year. The Canada "acitio will then build an air lino from Smith's FaJL to Montreal. It is calculated tho.t the road from elontreal to the "acifih will be comp le. d by the end of 156, --sic years ahead of time. " Mr. John \Vanantaker has added one more to his many benefactions to the Young Men's Chr.stian Association. by giving the Philadelphia Ass,ciation$a0,- 000 to pay o its uniting debt. The entire amount of the debt -5'200,000 - was made up by other suh cr:bora." Mr. \Vanamaker is the Philadelphia mer chant who last year spent 1?- 1,090 in advei tis 'g, and made a profit of a mil- lion. Tbo Ilaukest ling ea tetrose 1• I .resu's Fluid Ligbuung for Neuralgia lioadaoba- Toothache, its. It does not Wieser or disoulor the skill ; require but one application to banish all patoie- ally without swag mil greasy ttultueut u r carrying your head in a puulttue fur week& Try • !K strut bottle from Gee. Rhyne., druggist b Sept Dryden "She ....w. her roan, and when you rant and swear. Oen draw you to her with • intele fair.' But it must be beasuful haw to have such power ; and beatttitul hair can be endeared by the see of t.'aoal.ans Hai Rats dew as Sold at 50 eta by J. Wilma am a Ml...M/ la all ■aaklad. la these times when our newspapers aria boded wick patent tuedtcune adver- tisements, it is gratifying it. know what to proeurw that will certainly cure you If you are tediums, blood out of order, liver inactive, or comical debilitated, there is nothing in the world that will cure you su quickly as Electric Bitters. The are a blessing to all mankind, and can be had for only fifty omenta a bottle of James Wdao . [2:] Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive cirative powers of the Oatar Gta- w a.e I•vieosaroa, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, seminal weakness, impotency, eta, and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and a Nemo - tura grave Sold by all druggists, or will be scut free un receipt of 51.00 per box, •.r six bootee for 55. Address F. J. CMCval • Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the teasel Stator. Send for cuceler and te.tiun.nials of genuine cure'. (fee, Rhyme, (:telerich. 3m welt Rewarded. A lib..ral reward will be peid to any pp.etrty wits. Will praluce a ase of Li vet. Kiluey or Stomach complaint that Ele•:- tric Bitters will not speedily cure. B.it:g them along, it will awtyiot nothing li- the modicum it it f tile w ours, am.1 -stir a ill Ste w.• l rate•-tr•,L. I , f tr your tL "','•• b ;.ides. A11 It'.. •1 Ji.,ra-.ea, Bi :u., • uses. Jsuuditw. U tvati1.ttiw, and ,+ - • cal debility ace quickly cured. Paths/se thiol gut... toed or in rosy rstwn•t.w ^rice only fifty omits pax bottle. e..• sale by J. Wil oar. r5] An Oasis in the desert is aro bright r light to the wandenug Arab thar. a b the of Dr. Van Buren's Kidney Cure is t.. the unfortunate sufferer from Ki.L. ' Disease. it is a perfect, positive an.: permanent cure. Sold by J. Wilson (Uederich. 2m Aa the trusts of winter vanish under the caloric influence of the aun'a :aye, so dines Bright's Disease, Dropsy, stone in the Kidneys and Bladder, and Inflate: elation of the Kidneys, leave the body upon the administration of Dr. Van Bu ren's,Kidney Cure. Sold by J. Wilson, 2m naekler's Araks Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. Warrepted to speedl'y crre Burns, Bruues,Cuta,Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever S.•tes, Ci.icers, Piles, C'lil.da ne Corns, Totter, Chappel dent'., ant' • Skin Eruptions, guaianteed to cu,o is every instance, .or money refunded. 25••. per box. For sale by f. \\'ilsuu. ly. Ts the grilled Prete,ss.M, mrd all wi.m 1t navy' corers. Phosph.+tine, or Nerve lona, a Phos- phate Element b:tsed upon Scientifis Facts. Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. oi.11oston; Mese, cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Hei'Ir -he Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neeraki. and all wasting diseases of t'10 home:; system. Phosphatine is not a Medoci.:e, bar a Nutrimou. because is contains ro Vegetable or \i:. eral Poisons, Opiates, Nircotios, and ro Stimulants, but siutp! ly the Phosp'iatic and Gartric Il11em •:t:s found in our daily food! A sin•+le bottle is suf8cio tt to convince. All Drug -elate sell it 51.00 per , bott'e. LowD/te & Co., sole agents for ;he Dor., > •oe., 55 Front Street East Toronto A Went DI rave Thatis daily bringing joy to the homes of .hous'tnds by saving many of ,'.sir .loar o'es from an early grave. 'i'ru'yis Dr. K'n 's new Discovery for Co 14111 111e. tion, Cough., Coh:s. l►.thma, Breech: n. Hay Fever, Loos of Voice Tic I; + + ..e 'I n,ai , fain in Side aid Cnw.. , (or a .y divc:tae of the Throat arid Lungs, m posit ire cure. Guaranteed. Trial Deo. Coca freentJ. Wi'soon'sDee ;fitoi'o. Largo size 51.m. (d) Swiss im belieiiteo. Rev: the tes,i moottet in the p:.i,,,, eTet on De. Van Bitted' Kidney Cn e, them buy a booth's and n•!'eve .f ate fleet* di. 'tot- ing mine. Tournet can tell Top ell shoat it. Sold byte il.tn Orxlericb 2m New 1 .r P.•t.et+a-s Wetl- 1 ..v eaar. Whitt."' and r'•.a: . •..at The Great German jplvigora,o. ;s the only specific for impotency, nor toes de- bility, universal lassitude, For e..'t 1 mu, peen in the back or side.' ro ma,,er how shattered the system motto 1,e : •nm e ceases of any I end, the Great tGer.niio Remedy will restore the 'net tctious and secure health and heppiness. *'.00 per box, six boxes for $3.00. Sold by all druggists. Sent nn receipt of price, postage paid, by F .1. Cheney, To'edo, Ohio, sole rgent for united State•. Cir- culars and testimonial sett free. Sold by Geo. Rnynaa, solem&i.e.,: for DoJa. rich. t, are/ 'dog Go 'Ile. r G f ' N11 TP.UNK x At_ Psea. E5 ././. MIx'd. ' 'd f'odeach.Lr.5.4.Sam..'2.t0pt.t .3.0ipm :.'.0t •n Seafort'i. Ar.SM 4.1i 9 Le Cheauord. t .-.o 2.10 C !l,10 V.:9T. Pana. 1t -p s Mi :'d. al;x d. Stratford. Lv 12.10 pm .. 7.1.tpm .. 5.15am ..3. •Sp•n Sea'mth. Ar.12..'V 5.12 &M ..40 OodetiehAr. 1.50 t.:0 9.15 • 7 3 :i• AOtt LiNE9. f.ncknow Slane 1• l'31 arc. 10.' ,am3pm .. deg Eines ••''ne 140talent .. 11en+nil'sr ' ,We • •e• •1- it ilSonrdavtA-9.C9sn'..De4. O. Valu,abse D:.s^every WHO CAN DOUBT THAT BOTH :or one's own comfort and the per -at• e e' o hers -.t twit /meta -taint po' t well n -nerved i.w.'d of hat - when the scall, frt, rad rover' -h at.A •he hair become. at ' prelim ' e • tit , fie to r o aalaetrM .oraum' !eof DOMIMIOI' Suuply msrwculous is all I eels say of the elect of Dr. Vats B•uen • Kidney Cure Its wy Daae. .t u whit rlyj ledy writes this fruni Antig,otisli, N. S., who had suffered from paiso 1, it 1,, ck for twenty y r& %I, 1.114.44 Sold by .1 t1'.oGod•, Berthing. - BAN 1K OF M0N1REAl. CAPITAL - - • aURPLUi. - - • t1.,eve,ewe. ts,two,otw. Goderich Bra bM h. D. GLASS . - Mfuousger, Allows Interest un deposits. Drafts, Mits. of credit wad amulet notes issued, ppab to all parts or the world. 1764. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Paid up Capital, - 56,000,000. Rest, • 51,400,000. - President - IIvY. WMf Ile Ai Osmeral Manager, - W. n..... Goderich Branch. A. M. ItOSS, - - - • irta,taoau. Intere.t allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the prtucipal Towns and l'itie. It, Canada (levet Itritain and the United Stater. bough and sold. Ad concealo Farmers u.. Note., w It eueo more eador.ers. without tuort„u... 17S3 HAIR RESTORER I/a to he M. TAPgCOTT. t.• L'tr.ton!, nee yes will tea more t.1111 PRICE, 50 CENTS. W.J. 0. I•Tar;,e1, Druggist. etc.. Agent -or Goer • pt. lltr nen GJJERiCH 30ILER VALVAS. Ch rgsta1 & Bis OL TO MILL MEN .oil SALT WELL 1iEN I1011:B1ta:u„ +.>.LT I'.\\p manurae ture•1 o.r.h..A cat not*, . 1797 .1 CURE 111 t:4n f '411 Afraiorg, 10/414, Brain power. Serb Prostration, Algid Sweats, SpermatorrAtee gni ()coeval Late of l'ower. It repaire strengthens the Enfeebled Brain, and lie- • S'qrprising Tone am( l'igor to the Er- • lt K•11 MAGNETIC NE'. Ca.. Sold in Goderich, bv *aura tt:la:.%. end all Druggists very -where I v OF:pWLEFIS EXTRACTNIWILD STRAmilllY ,CUR ES C 040LERA CHOLERA INFANTUM ANO ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS SOLD RY.1LL l7Fat EP'; i%COMI•oMaTgl, •.O. 1571 THE N'/ILTO, PROVIDENT AND CAPITAL si,eammi.e.• intending burrower, w mason ?heir beat, to Wrests by anatotalne Ms ad vae.agt ous terms oditairod by dais booloty. before going eke - Pattie Wars. • to Pus nate* ofglyereet, loan tables and f unher SAM EL POLLOCK, Agent, tluderich Oodericb, May 17th. INS. 1014en INSURANCE CARD. VMS PHCENIX INS. co -r, of Lon pox Fr glandl.e Netablished 17112. Ithaca taken in the above first -cleft( if .* es at the Lowest rates by Holt 1 l'IC 1101t1 ON. p'The andanagnell la ala... Appraleer We the Oodertxli Sept. M. len. 'W ORM POWYJ'Ell S. destroyer nt worms in Oltistrae or Aden.. ES not. life is *weepiest by, g and date before you die something mighty and sub- lime leave twhilid to conquer time. Old a week in your own :wind not u i•cd. w :II furnish vim c* coal/IOC. •er mak Mg fertune. Lactic. make Ale 1. an Imo. ar.t1 lbo3 6 and girl.' *nuke grcat Itcadtr, if *on want bueinoes at v. halt 3. u nn out Le gi ay all. the time. write for pearl U. t 11. 1.1.ETT it" Co.. Port lead Mein . 1111 Irk Mb of t bete va; raw .in•t health teetered GERMAN 111.".1.'60P.IT"Ri whlth posidieety and ; 71111•1111(011 .-• ha. ergy. Iowa lit mei:tort. 111 ode, pain in the Leek. ilipiptta ad * is in toe. 11111. old ture. earl man* id!, r that tead irranItj ouctuit 1: it to- ma- ture grave. will be sent f roe tor , OR Ivtheir earn II...side it t ter be chance to make name:v. We .0 tad 0.er. WC. own locallfee. An)141.• eon do the werk pro- perly fnim the first start. The business will pay more than ten %intern orclicsry wages. Ex- pensive outfit furnialteil fr. e. No one who en- dages fails to make nunic:. rap•dly. Tim can gevote your whelp time to the wur It. or unly your spare inoment it. Full informal 'on and all that is net:cowry sent free. Addles* STIN SON e CO. Portland. Maine. $500.00 nownaid. We wit: pay the above reward tor any MS. et Liver CoMplaint I/yam-gala. Wok Headed." ludigestier. Constipation etc cost' veneed we caneo curt with West's vegetable IA vet Pi% They are purely Vegetal:le, ant nett : tO Druggists. Denary of counted:tote ani imita- JOHN C'. Wb.ST & CO., "The Madera.' 81 And 03 Elul St. Meat, Tortm:o trial packue ana or mai p:epaid on receipt Woe Rale as WILI4ON'S MEG aTelnie Health is 'W'salthl flif- .4 41 rts- Reel 118P „Atioloi! or tobacco. Virce, del -54x- log in ',vanity ami Nations te ishiey.rew and tro. -.net erettoo. (aimed by tiee- 0,11c4. IV S72 I not, so