HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 5£Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. zS, 1388 ,DIRECT IMPORTATIOnTS eeoTj4ErM?ORIUM TO THE FRONT. SND RFUL BARD S IN • Our Mr. J. C. D. has just returned from Europe, where he has been vt :-iting the Markets, and PURCHASED EXTENSIVELY. We are now prepare„ to give our sycustomers the bencilt of our Cheap 'Purchases. FULLY 15 to 20 PER CENT. .CAST PE SAVED PY" P u PING-- FROM tT_ DFT=.:OR 0_ Eibiekrt Cr Al ATia MT It 22%., C C :Tk.a...1 El • See our -immense Display of Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, Ties, Silk Handkerchiefs, Dress Buttons, 11- Uress and Mantle Trimmings, Mantle Ornaments, &c•, &c. TWO LARGE CASES VELVETEENS. SEE OUR "L OU ISE BRANDU" ONE CASE OF MANTLES, purchased from the Manufacturers. Don't omit seeing them. SPECS -A-7-1 VA1.4 SN Q'7.7= -M'S, COMF'OR'TERS ct Ta,c`1.03I CO"77-=nS- DRESS GOODS AT PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH. - THE ORDERED TAILORING 3EPARTMENT FULLY SUPPLJ3 With the Newest Patterns in Scotch, English and French Tweeds and Coatings.. OF is 4IC 31:30 X-011:10 4i!& 1= CIO. C4- 400 3E:b 11031EIL X CnEelE WI .f PIM Fain. Agricultural Exhibition/. will be held 'during 1883 as follow.: - Eo.th Huron -Exeter, October 8th and tlt1, . West Hurt-C➢tdui-ici,,.Cc!. 9th andls oth. Tuchcrensith -• Jcaforth, Oct. loth and 10th. ' Stanley - ftaytiald, uet•.i•. r 15t11 and 15th. • Monis Crauel.--Bl.tr.., Ile 11th mud 12th, Ashfield-Luti iumta, Thui'.Lty, Oct. 4th. ---ovRiaa»>.- RHEUMATISM. Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lame Back, Lumbago, Contracted Jointa, Cramp in HusoIee, Sprains. • BEST HORSE LINIMENT. Ao Lar,(, R,If4, sir. Each J. f. BRATLBT, IOITREAL, P.Q. i Tilo ¶ESTER FAIR THE FALL OPENING RZ"iEOVFD Lon (711,,. (,ii1t 'rout/. Ont r:,'F eat Exhibition ! Ow,* 1st, Zug, 3rd, thh & 5th, 1 c.. St7,000.00 ,000.00 !fN PRIZES err.': To To,: tTnem'r F The Chica o Pii1 -.0 isTOPI., .Ouse \\•11.1. I;1: 111 -.Li ..N SATURDAY, OCT. 6th, 1883. Hyl^ Ladies aro incited t,. c:111 and view the latent no%eltics. argre1rE•:r':..t•Triad* of.,u'.n tF. *.t "se A• j • S1\7{IE4[_ii ooN1l•• nr• (*Mr, • • ;,, reti•r... I`.!• r cur r'k ,•••r's. I. h(tot% w '1 ,•h !Re e.' ,.,'n,'orII:. 1., so... mug on re yuin-'! wb:. 1. t. 1 •n't,i to. ' J 'I1N r. 1 urn, I . n,•on. , - ottr n for - :a 'runt t'y at - 11\• F.1 Y. Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rec. Z. P. Wilda, well-known city misalonary in New York, and brother of the late eminent .Judge Wilde. of the minima's'. setts Supreme Court, writes as followst " ii E. UM Sl. New York, May IR, 142. Mraan . J. C. 4 rn 4 Co.. Gentemen.: Last winter I was troubled with • most uncom- fortable itching humor affecting more. especially try linth., whleh Itched so intolerably nt night, ami horned so Intensely, that 1 could scateely beat any clothing over them. 1 was also n sufferer from a sewer catarrh and catarrhal cough ; my appetite was poo. and my system a ROM, deal run -down; 4b � *S.�1r.rA- Ibil i A, by observation of many other •aura and from personal Ilse la former ,can, l began taking • -for the above -awned iisnr.i,•rF. My appetite tnlprn''d almost from the first .lose. After a short time the fever egad itrhln¢were allayed, and all stgna of irritations the skin disappeared. Ily catarrh end cough were also cured by the sans means, and any general health greatly Improved, until It Is wow excellent. 1 feel a hundred per eent stronger, sod 1 attribute these nwtlta to tbs MN- of the BAR. Asu-LA, whfeh 1 re.•o:nmrn4 with all emetiaenen as the twat hlm.l medicine ever decals.,. 1 toot tt In small dose* three Unita a clay, a n.1 080.1,11 all, less than tn.., b,) t L•s, I plass ,hexa facts at your service, hoping their publication may do good. Tours rawest fully. 2. P. R-1 Luis." The *bore I.slaae. la hut one of the many eon - 'tautly 'tautly coming to oar notice, wbleh preys the per. feet adaptability s Arras SAR$APARTLLA to foie etre of all dYassra twitting from Inpnrsar iia• SOAP. SOAP. BOAP. SOAP. par.1181" *144, nod a weakened vltNitw. 2 The Huron Sov Coy OODERIC . SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. SOAP. nodprleb, Sept- 13. MS 11111 8WISS 80AP I rA 71e'. A. 8W1.SS SOAP1 .'RQ ate 10 No. 3_ • Saw saas ma:at' .' nf.:More l I,. •nro t g remota', Soon t •••••Irsny. er ZURICH. SWITZERLAND. ra ,• who.rinlAreVrn 1+.a•?.n1) tM ua'.• 11:1out !-nglww,i, F'tAIN e, 4.••rn• at" , AwstMa, Cmevea,,d IMIr. lianufmMal urla Cano,'a only Icy• O Ayer'* Sarsaparilla .Isaias, entiebes, end strengthens the blood, stimulates the widen of the enamels and bow, and ,keret• r enables the •ream to reelet mad orae *•oma the aft.-kad all Sere/Wows ZNsswsrs, Prier f•ea• M the She. t keaweline. (Wen►A. Oeaeral Jlraif/rr, and all dynx*ers resulting from pent sr eseraptsd bleed dist a low state of the system. amrrAarn ar Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Moos. Sell Icy all Inewogrt•, melee Si, ale bottles for 13. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS -lest Purgative M•dldns- rem Cotrtlpt UiIqs inw, H•wadaehe, tied l Sale oeseywa oro. Always wUMM. MILLINERY OPENINGRV:.TO MEB Al'rT T. j.Ii. Qi , Has Removed to Haluilton-St., Near the Square, Goder,ch. \CiLI. F'ti;X:-H uI: AV` NE: t't't- Guilts' Clothing in Fashionable Styles at Lowest Prices, AR+ r'xrElfl a(f1:. (t rramc -t •J•rt ItLT.. PE1:1l:CT eft. (;.lit -1:.i iD. onexu,i I'tt9/UPTLl' .1Titry\Utas TO. so... T•1! IUIIMF:ap: PHILO NOE_LL:. '3' IiLTU;:-ori':.' ,r,"i, +.}•)L)LItICEi. TiIF: \CF:LL-\:.1, \ -\L :. ,.. , F \, !; ':r;l; l' 1.• MISS Itegn to nnr.cunce that her Millinery t„trvn•Jn forth.• Fail nn,l Winter Season 10kt s p1ae0 On and dile'. Saturday, Gt h, of October 1883 When there will be exhibitor! Ito. Lary-/., Aeaortnluntuf French & .1;11crican Pattern Hats u' Bonnets Kiih a fir..at Variety of .til the Lea.•.in;; Nox tltiee of the Season. CALL AND INSI ECP HI'R NOCK IIEFORE'1'I 11C11.1FING ELSEWHERE. M IS S CS -R ARAM . IaTR th:• Srand, next the St. Elmo. Court Ilousr Square. Goderi -h. • (lode. i.•h.' t,t..;, I$4.... 11 ON COAL DEPOT WILSO i�T' S son wfllsrtit rItatrthe.vel fur the coming Neu -NL P(�11CItl lliuo 1Sioi' Il Lowest Ra tes G of ng It aend:n.( in tL,•r ordure now. and chits en - al ling 11..• dealer 1p •-c. um it 1, ben the rate of freight is low, and the price of mal is at the (4.0ap.at point. which it always is Is the mild- Ih!' r:t II,e summer. BL./ICKS.11I TfIS \\amting a supply for slimmer end 411 use should apply b. ter, the Middle of July. If pea a l'tle- Or. e» by mail rarnfl•lty attrnde.% to. til Ite or aptly to J1rIIN A. NAFTEL, Hardware Merrt,.i, . (loder*. b. Jane A. Isti. tsllt \.i Warner's safe ('ore, Van H.ren's f:{dney tore. Hall's Catarrh ('ore, 1'.ngalese Hair item. rr, ('rowfnot Indian 14411 "ra. 1Yarner'n Ner. ine. - \lei: EQ1•A1. Hay Forks lboy'e siz.•l. 2,h•.. men 1 -ytllea (new pattern), and ;l, Sinaitlfrom..:, o TO T444. 1. i 11.,. ',:.:; ;LT IIa.r 1 /ten �;r I; _j' c. •'ass '� tL:,•. C an ?tt•- n•1d 1.47%)411,1.!tri l: -y an.l :<4ra.: Fm kg' !'radkeMid ,'null ::;rythes, Iluret,t 111 c:e, 1larhino 'X41. up 4.,1.1,b0 i1.u4. 101,,, :•,,,,t . • PERFECT1,1", P1' i:•_l; \V 11 i 1 IAFJA 11 Jul` A. `;.U'•rya. La•. f•. gunrant, el t .ter 41, r, -,ker. nm': • ., f. ,. ,• • „(4 •-11 f •r re,•l, rrrirce rf attulturetiou found in it. If )ou wed L;111' ,1x,.1 en,I-t:t',•:1, r,.ul� t,, �nnnr:i 14,' •au .IIIIIN 11. NA F'TEI lair: i1, the brut in . 4 r ••iurt:,.r Q'UTTAPERCHA• 11 TNT, ,warranted to contain nothing but lure White 1.0-1,1 and (NI nor,.4.',:, • n dile (; )tel , : ., ,m•1 Ocid o!% •.\d for 4.1' JOfi N A. "NAFTEL' S Cheap flartilti m' Ernporrr.�m: taxlcrleh,,Jnly- 19, 13,1 • SEED! SEEDS. -4 T '-L• T- E M1,.DIaAL T --TALL .It=T 1'F.1 1 IV,' I1 .\ h.'.L'GF..AXI) \'A itI1:l, ST(!f'K OF FltESI-1 4x:11,1)EN,1:1E1.1), 41N 1) 1.011WEit SEEPS a Now Irieeo'rty, front on, of the mn:a ft4 .4.1 - r_,•, I t'. an horls.'s in •11.• Uonlin:on. Fowler's Extract M strawberry, Try Nk12t IL1\R, the new 4'., n Ttemedy trial hottlea. 10r. DIAMON1) DYES. TIM. l41o11 A.1LJ' TTO'['I[ i.' Iii i4KA. 1.2 PAcI'.(iES F'a JORDAN, Chemist Ant Drug'int, BEST IN '1 IIE i1+ORLI), MEDICAL BALL_ 1 10C_ PER; I'AC2CAC1•10. _ • THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Bargains in Prints I �Kk Tllkhl - A FiNS LIME. .1SHTOX 'S GENUINE KIST COLORS %T 0 ANL) 10 CIINTs PRR TARO. W_ H_ R • T1I PW WLE'11 STOUR. COR. Ri1WW$Tu? 5TRIOCT AND ,QUARK Gs%sr:ek, July 110. 111121 tNbrr.•am1NOQis4gufw,m with that arm fa'1of.guc-' t%ly 1he. e'•.t'wen to PR0_.11:F001r'al, TI a ('heepeat ale M0.., Retie... . , n. N by, you tan met t GOOD TE.I FRO.II 1Or. To (4Oc. PER PO (.1'D• HIS SUGARS AND FRUITS CANNOT BE BEAT. 1•snJrt. lad uh. n•. ' li y, i .!. .•1.11,1 tee it e Bargains in Factories and Flannel*. i1 bet, gv rftbag o e wants is hill lint 4. Vhf •'. -.'r *Ad be ter'kss 1 can let YI wb"r