HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1883-09-28, Page 44 ;TM HURON SIGNAL • re. f ► E, SEPT. Mu, 1883. to PIR4ONALITY IN JOURNALISM. Tats is the blackguard Manner in wkiek be of the Walkerton Trlceoope re - 1 fete whit confrere of the Paisley Adm. rite : James R. Aichesun,the ever to be piti- ed missing link who trundles that jour- nalistic waste cart the Paisley Adounte, made us the subject of his "yellow ob- servation' in last issue. CVs tul,,r retaliate on suchu ll, would race theitaiy tlib 1 e(kirt'' of a Chisggo Pulite! 1urt trial. If James R. Aicheson is u unfit for The iiewspaper buiiness as tote write'"' e qt that paragraph, the sootier be loves f. -"it the better. Velgar personal abnai in 'o o'fftridence' of mental ability. If it` were so, the foul-mouthed pruatitute and the drunken loafer would be the most successful, and attain greatest eminence. Tho newspaper profession should be above the reckless employment Lf bi1- lings„ etc. If you have hard facts to ad- v nie, place them in good English, and argue the case in a gentlemanly manner with your opponent. Be logical, be ar- gumentative, be severe, be sarcastic, if you will; but don't get down with the guttersnipes. The newspapers of Bruce are hough given to personally abasing rival editors. The sooner it is stopped the more will it redound to the credit of the press of that county. A fellow like the above writer climbed over the fence into the journalistic arena of Huron a couple of years ago. He developed ince a free lance, and blaekguarded all spinet whom he helot personal spleen, or whose cbakactur he was hired to as- sail. Of -no literary ability dr journalis- tic training, but gifted with a vocabu- lary of epithets, he soon i(ain.td aueput:.- tion as unenviable as that of a dog froth- ing with hydrophobia. Tho consequence was the trained journalists gave the "amateur' a wide berth, and in due course he dropped almost out of notice. He is not now recognized by the leading newspaper men of the county, and has been repeatedly snubbed, so far 'as per- sonal intercourse is concerned. An ar- ticle from his sheet is looked upon as of no iniportauee; and for all practical purposes he might as well have stayed un the other side of the journalistic fence. Let Bruce do likewise,and a higher tone will soon pervade' the journalism of that county. THE HURON SIGNAL, Tsai. Oudot-old inarttnet, General Lusa,' lute been "A►uttipg his -taut in it" tsgaia • This FiwA 1 efts down at ('e bourg, and tete Officer tnsultbd by him was Cul. Williams. It is reported that the General gave the lye: erect to the 1 Colonel. (liking the lie to Canadians isn't ahealt1i resreittiom even for 1]ritish generals to indulgi la. If Mr. Lewd keeps on his course, he may find that it is quite possible to 'lo it once too often. We kuuw full, privates in the 33rd Batt. who would net hesitate half a minute Wiper tweak4ug-„tial gallant general's nom. Itpre he togleg buy such indignity to them. It's about time the Canadian militia was su,,ervisod by Canadian com(''- waswises who- hose how. to set like✓, $tndelgIfe, instead of beteg commanded by son* en -down old aou5Ss}, tener- at, whose o qualiticatiottis Ap ar to be a peevish disposition, an erascible temper, and a churlish demeanor. PoLrrrcAL WOTss• Hon. A. 8. Hardy is making things lively fur the big trunk brigade up iu Algoma. An Ottawa te:egram says that Hou. J. H. Pope will shortly Iso appointed Min- ister of Hallways anti Canals, and that Mr. Peter White, M. P. will succeed him as Minister of Agriculture. A Yoram man recently came to grief in Toronto through eseietif: it drunk- en i*an out of the gutter. After standipg the bibulist up on wed, the rescuer noticed that he appeared to lean heavily toward the off side—that, iu fact, he was lop -sided. After searching the weary wanderer, the philanthrdpist discovered that he had 81.30 in silver in one of his pants' pockets, and imme- diately trauderred that amount to his own trowsers, so that a more perfect equilit'rium could be hold by the drunk- en tan. A Imitable sow the emigration, and immediabdy arrested the purlioner. After examination before the magistrate he was sent down for 40 days. Tile editor of the Hawick Enterprise went out the other day in seach of, knowledge, and dropped into a cnuntry- sthotlhouse; at a time when the senior classes were reciting. Hear his experi- ence :— " We were struck with the logical turn the inetructibns take here. every scholar evidently being, taught the reasonforeach result obtained, It was a real treat to watch the gleaming eyes of the scholars as they mastered the difficult problems shot at them by their veteran teacher, and we intend, this fall, to accept the invitations tateieled to us b; other teachers and thus renew 'to- ourselves this treat.'' Now, that's a very nice way for the En - f, rpr:ie man to :got arounil the !latter, but the real fact of the ease is, that he wants to put in a regular educational course during the coning winter. The interest ire would have us believe he ex- perienced in watching the " gleaming eyes; of the scholars. as they mastered the dit)i, ult problems shot at them by ,. . all very well, veteran teacher 1 their etc y l, but it's personal ' e 1ueati"nal iutproce- Ment the L itiy'1n'i.:.. toall ti after, and as lie is married, and cannot let out in the ovoniug, even tr. attend night school, he has hit upon t'iii plan of gettin + a free course when the senior classes are re- citing. 11'e expect to hear of Rini senior wrangler before the coarse ,is through. FRIAY, SEPT. .8. 1883. THE PACIFIC SLOPE. Ex -Judge Miller, the Mauitubs Gov- ernment candidate for Vareunes, is op- posed by Mr. Gillespie, a well-known and able local man. The chances are that the ex -judge will have a hard fight for the plaoe,despite the Govecurnent in- fluence. -- It is rumoured that Mr. (' iron, Minis- ter of Militia; is anxious to retire, pro- vided he can secure a Superior Court judgeship. Should he retire his place will probably be filled by Mr. Alderic Ouimet, M. 1'. fur -Laval, oho is a mili- Interesting Letter 8egardin; its Prospects. e Ba.h a aerate V'_.. ••6e11ru "r".." i then immtxlutte s*entity 1 How many issistestably-odth 1dds- I oasis , either in quality or accessibility. " There's no farming, say they. '' and can a city be anything without it." How maty cities in Cho Unitod Skates would be cities 1t they had to depend on the farming in Two Niece r iet,ire nh.t•.erhy ass l ot,hor' lice* are there that have count - Yard raft Statements. l square ink* vi the best (,benne laiigi rout:d them, and are nothing more jam" V' (h,.rdon, sow ut 1). Gun'•os, than slaepiog villages l We all know of who is nu seeking his fortune in the far instanoel that well suit both Cabot.west, wri s the following readable letter Merchandise generally it to us regarding a new house : — TEAT REASONABLE. ; Sa1rrLs .T., Sept. 8th 18tH. but rrnges (row 81.50 per week and To the Editor of r eigna1., upward•; wage. are 4uod for all classes Sts,—iHaving had wyeral letter. fro•u of weehanies that cut het eutpluytuent ; (creeds in Goderieh and Winaip eg caking carpeniers, for ivatrnce, get treat i?3.50 for info,rmationouncerningBritiahCuluu - to at per day. Those figure's' apply to bis, Washington Territory, Oregon and the whole o.oait. Some person war ta- thu city I stn now in, Seattle, I take the pluming about Oregon, what the eras- liberty to send you a few lines oil the p eta arethere I don't pretes►d to subject and hops you will publish them, know, but It t r . 111' they ere as go'rrl it you plan aparvthe roots in your paper, there ss hens '1'Ite Kuuer:tt charterer of fur the benefit of those desiring the the cuutry is ab .ot the saute rr 1\':o•!a- information; and if not for their benefit, iugt•,n Territory or Uritirh C Iwubi,t please do it for tutee. as it would take Tho last named place is eery quiet. i• .t more time than I can conveniently spare now. The only place of imparrtatiro :11 to write to them all. This will also tits country ill ViOturi-a, w'►ira by tee answer my purpose regarding the Winni- way, is coitaidered ors, as they all take THS SPINAL. pas PaETTliat't PLAt•i. uta Talc.. ,.• T. they loan and an;ioue ter a portfolio, ,,, '. t r - nr a••inion. 1 don't want so The opportundies furnished to agri- culturalists, at these local faire, to com- pare result" and modes of culture, should not he lost, as it furnishes one of the meet valuable aids to scientific farming.•— Gorrie Enterprise. ' We suppose the above is all right, but will the Enterprise let pts know what is an "agriculturalist 1" . Dr. Orton, M.P., the " fanners friend," once addressed the Howick farming community in Cor- rie, and referred to them as. " agricul`- tooraliste," but we didnt know that the doctor's orthography had taken rout in Gorrie. Still the longer ona lives the more one learns. A. H. Roo, ut Natens° has bowl sus- tained in his seat by the oourta The judges evidently believe that two dollars is not an extravagant figure to offer for a well-contlitioned, respectably -connected, goas-yot4lease Thomas eat, owned by a lineal descendant of Ham, possessed of a vote. Mr. Rhoder, the petitioner in the East Middlesez election case, having refused to answer it question put to him at his examination, finds himself in the position of being compelled to purge himself of his contempt by replying, or being com- mitted for contempt of Court. The question he refused to answer was, "Whom did life. Mackenzie bribe, and what acts of bribery were committed in the election 1", RETURNINGOFFICER Jim Stephens, ihe stole the constituency of Bothwell. from the electors anddpresented it to -Jay Jay Hawkins, was dined,wined and watched the other day. We will give no opinion on the dining and wining, but we verity believe Jim will stand ''watching." J. J. Hawking, by the grace of Jim Stevens member for Bothwell, ladled the taffy upon the guest of the evening on the oc- casion, and the guest of the evening let some of the iweet substance drip back upon J. J. before the evening was over. Such a gloating over rascality 'was never heard of in aneient or modern history. A CHAMPION light Weight boxer has leased the Young Men's Liberal roosts in Stratford, and is teaching the "young ideahow to shoot" out from the shoulder. We g,.rt this item from -the Herald, and were surprised to find it was not heat- ed, "Another Grit Outrage," "Mowat'; Lambs in Trainiti ," er "Preparing for the next Election." The 1/.v- Id lust a capital chance to hit the Mowat Govern- ment between wind and water. Wait fill the 11,11 -editor h(a-s` about the afftirl KINI'AItIrINF, does hoot appear to make tnuch.5headway with its proposed railway, Its newspapers started the . campaign with a loud flourish of trumpets, but the 'chane didn't work well. The fact of the matter is, I:incardine has uo harbor worth speaking of, aped th.t Syndicate will not be satisfied with anything short In( a harbor. When -it is decided io extend the road from Teeswater tv the lake, 1 ' TB r. Illyth r editor is rushing the +e.ts ,n. Ile' now r: juices in a new suit. 1t'e a li'.;I suit. Somebody over there is sueiu4 the editor to recover da:n:r;•'s f„r 1'llllty P:MiI t•o have been done to a rei.u;atiem Tho pl:tin:ia; might possibly employ . his time more profitably. We haven't heard what aur.;int of claimed, iclaimed, hut' sop , („ pose ;t r: ill an i high. \ were once sued for .l.ttit i, 'i allegetl to hat u been done to a re;outa.: n hy a journal which.. (:,ilerich can justly claim the only h "n this e.rast. e Ao its all'tlaiti true ie us, print her 1.rrghtening leaves and ripelictl fruits. Ind again the hilarious prize list of the local show tonna up before 113. Some of the editors of thesural weeklies are now erne' to point with pride te the number of columns of s riginal Matter they have spun out, and Farmer Jones will glory when he sees his name in print, as the winner of the prize for the (•ig pnnlpkin, the taet steer or the best collection of '1111215. e•• convey tae ideathatam unfavorably impressed with- the country. On the contrary, 1 tares re vsaT YotH, but would say to people homing front the East, intending to settle here. to make up their tnindato rough it, or they may be dissappointed, as a goad many have been before. -The greater part of the people coming here are mechanics, and if they cannot find employment in the towns, which by the way, have too many of that class now, they pack up and go back East again, and naturally enough give bad reports of the country. Notwithstanding these bad reports, there are are a great tuauy who over-estimate the country, its resources, climatal and chances of making a fortune, and are only waiting for an opportunity to rush to it. Distance lends enchantment t , tLe view, and certainly this place has plenty of distance, and when to this is adi.ed, • - THa HU,MINO Deacon TIo\O "bsually given in letters written to friends iutiha East by the furtunates who have made a stake here, and also in the news- papers, people aro naturally led to be- lieve that this is the earthly paradise all are seeking for. A good many of the statements are true, but still they con- vey a very erroneous idea, and I trust my motive will not be misjudged if 1 essay to correct a few ideas, in a measure. `I know that in almost every circumstance in life there are troubles and disa- greeable* we are prone to flee from. It is human nature, prompted by impulse to sacrifice what we have in hand and fly away to • THE ISIAOINLSY EDEN, • only'to find upon arrival that virtually we have jumped,out of the frying pan into the tire, and in many instances see only too glad to get back into the frying pan. I write this simply to warn those who seem so anxious to come to the golden West, not•to be hasty, but con- sider well what they do. As I said before, the articles in the papers convey a strong impreasion, for they only give one side of the picture, and the gilt edge of that side. The people of Seattle, for instance, compare the city with their native towns and cities back East, and say their is no place east of the Rockies cam hold a candle to this place for busi- ness ur rush. This is all very true, but they 'do not add, what is evident to every ♦ Passiaas Galaxy. People who delight in beautiful and good books will be astonished when they see, if they have not already seen, the announcements of the "Caxton Iilus- trated " and other editions of standard authors, issued this season. The typo- graphy, and all mechanical qualities of printing are simply superb, and the pri- ces a veritable marvel, to the old-time book -buyer. The' list includes the works, comm -to, of Dickena,15 volumes, reduced .0 price from $21:50 to 8P' net ; Thackeray's. from $16.50 to. $6.75 ; George Eliot's, from 112 to 83.75:: Washington Irving's Werke, from $20 to :4 ; Scott's Waverley Novels, from $30 to 87.50 ; Hawthorne. Works, from $21 tn.$6.50 ; J. Fenimore Cooper's, from 832 to $12.50 ; Bulwer's from $31.25 to $8.50; Wm. Black's, from $15 to 84 ; De Qtlincey's, from $18 to $6.50. The pub- lisher -sends toany one for examination before requiring any payment, on rea- sonable evidence of good faith, and will send a 100 -page catalogue of these and other works free upon application. John B. Alden, Publisher, 18 `osey St., New York. • .. $111.1411 Biblical Seward. The publishers of R,tlet!•te's 3lo.thlti offer twelve valuable rewards in their I [considerate mind, that this' state f .Monthly for October, among which is the things cannot last lung under present following :—Wo will give 820.00 in gold l circumstances, to the person telling us how many let- ters there are in the shortest chapter in THC TIDAL WATS the New Testament Scriptures by Octo- of business is too high, and rushing t• o her 10th, 1883. Should two or more fast, and, I believe, unless cettaiu c•, -:- correct answers he received, the reward I tingencies occur, it will seen reach 1 s will be divided. The money will be floes], and just as certain begin to ebb, forwarded to the winner ()etcher 15.. 1883. Persons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver, or postal note inn postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the COLBORNE BROTHERS HAVE THEIR Fall & hinter Stock • V NOW C'O LPLIyTL and is becoming a favorite summer re•' sort for the Auler:cans. It resembles Goderich fn a great many respects. The roads are excellent, level as a weird, streets wide and shaded, by maple trees. The gardens surpass anything I have seen east of the lt,ickies. Victoria has a fine harbor, and is establishing a Ianju trade with California, South America, and differeht ports of Asia. It it also the headquarters of the Pacific squad- ron, and there are generally several men-of-war itt the harbor. It is the great wholesale centre of British Coluta bia ; the scat of government ;, has several large factories ; and is just becoming a place of importance. There are some very rich as does the waters of Puget Sound. I sincerely hope I may prove a false, prophet; but I cannot see enough trade to support the number •if business houses now here. There will be abundance of November .%h lthln, in which the name support when the possibilities of the and address of the winner of the reward country are developed, but as it is now, and the'correct anewar will be publish- business and real estate are ahead of tl e ed, and in which several more valuable developments. Real estate in Seattle,as rewards will be offered. Address. Rut- it was in Vt itnipeg,is at high tide, and •1 ledge Publishing Company, Easton, it does not recede, it will rest for a time. Penna.' 1 The impulse that has so elevated this place, is the hope that the N. P. It. THI WORLD OVER. will make this its terminus. If so. sit will ho well ; for it will place a founda- John J. Jones, * wealthy ship builder tion beneath tho city that will hold it at of Amheretbn.•g, who has lately seemed ice present level. Aye, more—give it an mentally unbalanced, has disappeared. impulse upward. But if not, look nut The Colchester reof lightship has hecn for a tumble. There is no doubt in the repaired and will be placed in position as mind of any who see this country that soon as the weather moderatea, so it can there Will be be taken out. A LARGE CITY Geueral McDowell, late commander somewhere on Puget Sound, may be of the Pacific division, was thrown from more, and numberless little towns tri 1 his buggy at San Francisco, on Tuesday, spring up at various points, but these re - end seriously injured. (wire time. I believe this is a good Cot. Ffench, Termer fur R yewtsf mattAl- (to- tery, and more recently chief of the prepared to work hard at nnything he Northwest mounted police force, has can get until ho finds what ho wants,and been placed at the bled of the colonial stay with the country through thick and militia in Queensland, Australia. thin. But it is ov place for one who The injury to the tobacco chop by comes with the rush, with just enough I fro wit is estimated at 50,000 cases of seed none' qct him here, and Leave, with leaf. In New England, New York, the rush it he is fortunate enough to Y•nm iranta and Wlacmam not three- kayo money to take him away. Just at ` !ciliate nnleas 1 had a position secured for • BLACK & COLORED CASHMERES P'ZNQ? DRESS ;GOODS ('LAIN AND 11RAX'ADED, 3 ALL THE NEW SHADES GOLD ASt, SILVER MINE» I believe on the main land, and also coal mines ; but the hest paying coal u tat Vancouver Island. The cu:a is worth 82 put ton more in San Francisca than that -found in \Vaaltiugton Territory. Of farming there is very little, and l would say that this country is no plant for • 1•••••r man to come to with the ex Eeetaliou of Making a fottuue'.farming. Fenn products o1 ail kiuda bring good prices. situpa_v because the area of clear- ed land that can be cultivated 14 so comparatively small, that its yield can- not supply present demands ; but the railroad will soon be through and bring all THE NFA•E.4SA*Y TAXI( Peonreri from the more fevered and extensive farming section east of the Rocky Moun- tains cheaper than they can be raised here. I write this principally for those talking British Columbia, hoping that some nifty appreciate the tive that pr(iutpted its, writing( I will close. James W. Goa stex. A LARGE STOCK OF Black & Colored St1LS The Beat that they have ever Shown; and at Very Low Prices Mrs. Bradford, of (ape Cod, Mar.. , it is saiu, is in a trance. Dr. Pitcher was called in,whofound her apparently deefl. She is rigid, cold and colorless, but Dr. Pitcher discovered upon cow examina- tion that life was not extinct. It is said that twelve years ago Mrs. Bradford re- main al in a similar condition for twenty- t .two days. .uctioneering. BLACK '& COLORED VELVETEENS Plain ant1 Brocailed, anti at Prices that Defy Competition 611 -TAMES BAILEY , LICENSED A1C- Ti r:Etat for the loant of Huron. hal•- ing entered the list. i. now (1 epare t lo attend to all orders (or Auct ior:erin,r. Orders left st Halley's Hotel. (1 .I.•rl -h. or stent by mail, promptly attended to. 1R,k- TOHN KNOX, LICENSE') AUC- • TIONEER for Ile. County of Huron. sales attended in all part+of Orr. County. Or- ders len at Martin's Hetet er at this otMie will be promptly attended to. Ittt7-tf. L. R. BALL, AUCTIONEER FOR the County to Huron. Sales attended in any part of the ('ouhty. .t4dro,s order. to Goderich P. A. I i83. i A UCTION S:1 LE or llouselio1 Fllrllutllre. Thenrnlers14mA han n•.e.rrl io-.rat,1inns from '.1Iti . 1 i.ET,'iJI;It. to • -11 l y Ihtblie Auction, a: her re silenee. %Vcat street. at 1 I .m.. or Satibrday, Sept. 29, '83 the whole of her'honeehnl4 furniture. ...on iist Ing of 1 Piano. 1 Parlor $e!, I ('entre Table, 1 - Fancy Table. 11•,sten-lo„ I1:ning 'ruble,.I Lounge,'( Cupboards. I R'arn:at Itodrnottl Ret. I Oak Bedroom Set. 3 Chamber ~(•1s. I New He,IW,at. 2 Itrns'a is Carpet A. 1 Titl.•.11'1 Car- pet. 1 Three -1'1y Wool ('.spot. ('.enc Chairs, !teed+tend.. Hedging;. 11,itrat -s. hurt -tits, Wash `stands. itedr.,tt. Carpets. Stair ('au- ppets.('It-tain..'141 21 wBl i Nit es. Pipes. Ilr,tns, t•o..•kery. taint,.,19,1it es, and numerous nth. -r articles: Thr Hann offered for sale is a ?':71R00 New York Weber. The parlor set Dud walnut I>,•dr-tont wet were made by Illy C (•o., of To- n • uvea few month,. TERMS. A1: sum+ umber I'1.1re, cath ; em ?,(.(Y) and upwards CREDIT' WI LI. HF:.ILL 'WE11 on good security. BALL, Auctionrcr. (tiller:ch, Sept.:11,1't:tt. i;4(1.24 4 LICTION SA LE we edited. Tree la•ryer for the plaintiff e y resent 1 wouldn't a.triee a friend to f urth...f n rep will be harvested i 1 At Chieat•• Michael :Murray of (hwe- him. I would warn any who may he claim' i ,'10,0)t. \' were not worth $10,11x1 , tt that loot• -it It (heir.; :e1 t tis. t el th setitll uai,:a w°nowpssee:.a. \V.. were anxious to ',no,v ai h It pro were really worth, and in tenpins.. t•, the lawyer's letter, replied : —'” lin oft earth your slit. \\'e ,1,„t't thiti\ we're trot:. $10,012) at present, :end if you can prtove by 1,1 tha• we arepaosscase•i if that amount of wealth, we'll be miller i mat otlgntion to yea.•' The suit wax drop- ped, nml we have never boon able to ob- tain aur tlaanci.it standit,:( from that day' to this. .lay (bald is similarly ab"lictell. They sty that he d•. in 4 knw . within 025,01 4.040 .0 t:tn,(!!A) t'• ,1 of whir° he stand:. :inancitlly. The Blyth /b•••iri' man near j ,in tit • r.nn softer his snit is • ended.ALT:! 1• r.:1 .1.,:1', lefri.a has been rtekin; r. fat thin ( oato.1 his C. P. R.• 1; ountrt ,:• . alto be. bml annetkhwte do with tnanaxing the (Irani "'Trunk" — is>K Tee Toronto Exposition closed last week has been, beyund'all yneetion, the 'nest successful Canadian fair ever held• and the people of that city are cor- respnn(lingly proud of the distinction achieved by It. • T.:: .1 S. Tryi-mry Department has decided list hemlock bark is not dutia- bta umber the Tariff Act, which fixes the rate of duty for " ext rmet of hemlock and other bark used for tanning," bat is free under the provision in the tree list. The senate rnnlntttew which) ioves• ti.ettil the Indian question in Montana and Dakota will report unanimously ogainat the ratiticati.n of the agreement made hy the Sioux cntnntiesirm, by which the Si' pix r•se'vation is obtained forslannt eight tants an acre. The testi- 1 11T 51,..45* 4143t tin,4 agreement wile not h..norahly obtained. ' The Secretary* of Wtr an•1 the Nary have decide'( t'nit it le not practicable prod sr'another expedition to the relief of Greeley this year. go, owner of the schooner J. R. :Noyes, i calculating to cams and hnd as soon • as stepped into n coil of rope as a tar! was they step off the haat chetoe openings 1 taking the vessel front het rock on ' to stop and consider well what they do, $atur,lav and his brit was cut rl'rarely in f•,r although some have done se in the two by the leaving tow line, past, 1 assure you that now there are Fred Chapin. aged 16, of Flushing, Molts MIMIC' AST.{ are i Iban profitable npenines, and you are lan,t,•near Sandwich Point, Monday if' I very liable to find yourself a stranger in tern•. n. He was sitting on the rail aft a atango land, without money cr friends, 1 \V i114 t cabin is . ipfis 'e`ed tonger have'had1er it whi,:h is not pleasant, to say the toast. Qnttn ter+•.'n rept: torr haml•nrnr. ('ar t i ,As there are the e° who eons* here see- T444r.; 1 teepee tier lacus; 1 !ha inway I'iann. i fit, being snhject he sr. •a attacks. Ila int thro h raioh.,w-hued • taeles m rzct•nPn; nhtr r; 1';r,s it •t', to a tot f•ec r I wrn:si Is i hill backward" and disappeared at once. and send toe lightly colons 1 in,pressivau I ('arn-1 with Monter asci+• H.•od•n'n.• l•nr A asd ar .. 1 p 1 ..., s(,.I,. .. tth l rt•rer ; I 1 Mieh., vas dn,wnod off the etetmer(i OF FINE Household Fllrllhture, MRy hare i AIRT to sell byMatra, PubliciAnrfnn nt her residence, on \lees' t trtet. near t1e IAght Moose, (i,sler;. h. nn Thursday, October 4th, 1883 At 1 .irin-k p. ,n.. Ih' follow Tot! ralushle Nouvhol•l etax'n, tie.• 1 drawing hoar. aidnnt o, l n ry 1 at the Sh:'k- :4 it Abroa,i, there are alta. 'holo who, well flouring mills. Galt. some time dur- seine es;trttin•, what 1 can't imagine. lull the night of th° 20th inaL, r •sultans( Burin;( the short time tboy stay they in the. dra!In t r .loan P ([•Kenzie, a .sit ,srwsvtatvo *ststn•cu axnxcn well-known reairl('nt of Gilt. It is aim- oLR!M posed the dnc,'aaed got into the bran u' - lmpp.ot' for Cie l•-tr;,nso of loceenim' the bran. w iiich l.A 1 1.';o•n° j l ..mrd WO that it wonll ma ren thtwng'i (1a • ett, and the matte fell ',pea liar, a•n•sfli ; him to death. Hi. f• why was torn.! Dirty this nt•lrnin,f bnri•pi several foot hehtw the anrf•,ce. moxas:• 1 was 111 years of age, and !elves a wife, two tans, ani a tains in rt an" s t sin, trig, tom a lu i, VW, w,'. . R.•rtrl • by Mr. Popham. of Meld mai: Nater ('came and ('rayon., hy the hest Artists: Vine 0;1 !Wal- lows; 1 .(nperi or /'hand,•lier• (•otnprete Uinina Hwom "'t. (Ening Penn ('sri.et. acme as an t0-eeIne !town; 1 Handsome ttidetwaard Comply:.- Hw:ro oto vet.: 1 Ito) al Hese wiener with h lint Alt t f e . to . hl a leave di Hated, and publish irn ins1 (lace r . ea•ing f ala• Il )'en d ('. toklnv !core• and n large Mt just as far -nEteis farther—from the I of K(t.•ben 1-tcns;14:1 I liahen Stana1r, 1' he also, a is' only a partial list tri the aril- rl s. all of whirl are anp•'rlor to anything aeutllly offered in this war. 11 Is ;N.1'2114 (11 tho best opportunity for Intending purchasers whleb has pre* rated itself here. TRR118 08311. N. W. BALD , Aoction(ry 0eiacch. save• El. tat reseed act a tl facts, toward the other extreme, an.lden't give the countrycredit for what it la, Ina what it promises to be. " Noth- ing there," they say. but "ti ober and coal, " without stotq.ina to C'nsider that tare cities have been built sop on these very industries, wiser they did not eon- A LARGE STOCK -.—tel'— ENGLISH; SCOTCH, and CANADIAN Isicr iid MaiilIe Cloth 1N PLAiN, SCOTCH CHECKS AND BROCADES. LINEN~, TABLINGS, H(►LLANDS, _ CRETONNES, SHIRTING'S, FLANNELS, • BLANKETS, WINCEYS, tg6c., kc. Clothillg Made °, Order gialagreingiparrsem_ A Full Line of Groceries. Colborne Brothers 401-0 D Ert, I C 1-1